Emilio Estevez is leaving the Mighty Ducks show, apparently over vaccine mandates

Gordon Bombay is departing the Disney Plus show after he "declined to provide assurances that he would comply with the policy"

Aux News The Mighty Ducks
Emilio Estevez is leaving the Mighty Ducks show, apparently over vaccine mandates
Emilio Estevez Photo: Disney+

Franchise star Emilio Estevez won’t be returning for the second season of Disney Plus’ nostalgia-enriched Mighty Ducks series Game Changers, Deadline reports. The veteran actor has parted ways with the studio, reportedly over his unwillingness to provide proof of vaccination in response to the studio’s mandatory requirements that all performers on Zone A productions do so.

(Zone A is, basically, the bits of a movie or TV production where the cameras are; consequently, it typically covers those people on set who can’t wear masks, usually because they’re busy acting.)

This is all a little nebulous, since neither Disney, nor Estevez’s people, have deigned to give a comment on the development. Deadline quotes sources close to the Estevez people who say the decision was as much about creative differences on the streaming series as it was stances on vaccine requirements, though, while the actor is only stated to have “declined to provide assurances that he would comply with the policy.”

That became an issue as the show’s second season got closer, since knowing whether Estevez could be on set to reprise the role of Gordon Bombay would, y’know, presumably impact some of the creative decisions in the series’ second year. And so Disney announced today that it was letting its option on Estevez expire, ensuring that Lauren Graham and her various child-ducks would have to flap on without him.

Game Changers was relatively well received when it debuted on Disney+ in March 2021, telling a story that—true to the films—put more emphasis on good sportsmanship and fun times than on scoring victories. Estevez drew praise for his return to the franchise as an older, even sadder and cranky version of the Bombay character.

Game Changers second season, now Estevez-less, is expected to start filming some time early next year.


  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Gordon Bombay died on his way to his home planet.

  • waylon-mercy-av says:


  • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

    Whole generations of people grew up not having to worry about stuff like Polio because of mandated vaccines just pissing in the wind now and taking future generations with them.Fuck it, let the world burn. Let’s just throw in the towel. At this point, if you see the world and still want to have kids, you’re just being negligent to their future. 

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      But but but won’t someone think of the children

      • dirtside-av says:

        Wait, do we have to think of the children who don’t even exist yet? My head hurts.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          And the children who exist in alternate parallel universes.

        • rogue-like-av says:

          I tend to do that once, maybe twice a day, and then clean up with toilet paper and flush them down. They’re in a better place.

        • phantasmicrabbit-av says:

          You clearly haven’t met some of these people because yes, absolutely. I’ve literally heard some of my religious conservative friends rant about how someone deciding not to have kids because they just want to live their life without worrying about being a parent is “selfish and disgusting”.To highlight.  This wasn’t even them freaking out about abortion.  This was them freaking out about just… literally not BECOMING pregnant.

        • mshep-av says:

          I mean, assuming you care about the future of the human race, that future will be made up largely–if not entirely–of children who have yet to be born. 

          • dirtside-av says:

            Sure, but it’s a pretty long leap to say that every person who is capable of producing children is therefore morally obligated to mass-produce as many as possible!

          • mshep-av says:

            Sorry, I thought we were talking about eradicating vaccine-preventable disease here. I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout birthin’ babies.

          • dirtside-av says:

            Well, you see, when a man and a woman love each other very much, they… hey, wait a minute.

      • suckadick59595-av says:

        Think of the children!We did, that’s why polio and measles aren’t fucking devastating anymore

        • rogue-like-av says:

          “…that’s why polio and measles aren’t fucking devastating anymore”Unless you’re in CA or MN, where measles have spiked over the last decade thanks to anti-vaxxers. These assholes can go fuck themselves. I had chicken pox before I was six months old and couldn’t have the full vax, and there was an outbreak among my servers at my restaurant nearly 10 years ago. I flat out said that no one is coming back to work until I see a legit doctors notice. All four ended up taking 2 months off, and amazingly I didn’t get infected. This whole “I’m doing my own research” bullshit is exactly that. Do you wear your seatbelt? Maybe you should do your research into that, idiot.

        • xnef-av says:

          Well, polio isn’t. Fucking nitwits have been working really hard to undo medical science and society’s work against measles for a few decades now and were making some real headway before COVID hit.

          • suckadick59595-av says:

            sigh. I know, right? I can’t believe we were seeing outbreaks of fucking MEASLES. In the 2010s.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          All I DO is think of the children! That’s why I have to wear this tacky ankle jewelry and tell everyone every time I move!

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        I thought Wu-Tang was doing that.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      I just want my medical freedom, my guns, and child-trafficking-free pizza! Is that too much to ask of America?!?

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      Writing’s on the wall. The fascist movements of the early 20th century didn’t have algorithms and citizens willingly toting around GPS chips to help them.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      If only there were a Sheen brother who didn’t care what sorts of chemicals were injected into his body.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Why would you want to let the world burn because a few people didn’t want to get a fucking COVID vaccine? Get a fucking grip.

    • ray6166-av says:

      As a person of age, who constantly sees others Doing the wrong thing (whether that’s polluting or Being being anti-VAX or voting against their best interest), I’m thinking “what’s the use of trying”Being being anti-VAX or voting against their best interest), I’m thinking “what’s the use of trying“Who really cares? Other than Jane Fonda or Greta …

    • signofthenine-av says:

      Let’s just throw in the towel. At this point, if you see the world and still want to have kids, you’re just being negligent to their future.This is the exact opening to the movie Idiocracy. Where the educated people put off having kids, and all the redneck trash procreated like rabbits…

    • nilus-av says:

      A few podcasts have actually covered this and it turns out that anti-vax idiots were around for Polio and Small Pox as well.  Eventually they get drowned out and get the shot but being an idiot about them is not a 21st century invention

    • MediumDave-av says:

      And Florida’s governor wants to “reconsider” all those childhood vaccine mandates for school.

    • mortbrewster-av says:

      My Dad had expressed some vaccine skepticism the other day, and I steered the conversation toward the polio vaccine, which he got when he was a kid. And he talked about how excited he was about the polio vaccine because he had been so afraid of polio, etc. And I asked him why this was different. He didn’t really have an answer (or didn’t want to say “Fox News”), but I doubt I changed his mind. Dude was a doctor for decades and can still be swayed by nonsense (he used to save such foolishness for his investment decisions and choices of wives).Of course, it was all academic anyway since he got the COVID vaccine right when it was made available at his retirement home reasoning that it was a small price to pay to get the facility one step closer to communal meals and more open visitation.

      • kazuhiramiller-av says:

        he got the COVID vaccine right when it was made available at his retirement home reasoning that it was a small price to pay to get the facility one step closer to communal meals and more open visitation.

        I am gobsmacked by the idea that somebody using such logic to be first in line with the vaccine would then go to to be “just asking questions” with his vaccine skepticism. Even more so considering he can remember being excited to get the polio vaccine.

      • pearlnyx-av says:

        I just moved to another part of NY state and had to get a new doctor. I moved to a very rural area and saw my new doctor a couple of days ago. Red flag 1 was the “Prayer Box” in the waiting room. #2 was she blamed Cuomo for still having to wear masks. She said Covid wasn’t a problem anymore. Thankfully, vaccines weren’t mentioned. Problem is, she’s the only doctor taking new patients within 2 hours and she was an hour drive.

        • yllehs-av says:

          Does this doctor not realize that Cuomo isn’t the governor any more?  I would drive 2 hours to avoid that level of stupidity.

    • lhosc-av says:

      No way. I want to see No Way Home, the Disney FF reboot

  • duffmansays-av says:

    Quack. Quack. Quack. Quack quack quack. Quack quack.

  • abraslamlincoln-av says:

    It makes sense. He’s been talking about Quack science since the first movie. 

  • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

    I hope Disney is backing a dump truck full of cash up to Joshua Jackson’s house right now.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Say it ain’t so, Emilio.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    The one good thing about the pandemic.  Being able to identify who’s a terrible person with one easy step.  Vaccined or not.

    • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

      Anti-vax stances, Blue Lives Matter stickers.It’s becoming really easy to just point and say, “yup that’s a bad person.”

    • mifrochi-av says:

      In fairness, this is an article about Emilio Estevez. He’s been establishing his brand for decades .

      • killg0retr0ut-av says:

        He’ll always have his brother to point at and say, “Look, at least I’m not Charlie Sheen!”

      • wastrel7-av says:

        Has he? As someone who doesn’t follow the celebrity gossip stuff much (and certainly wasnt’ at all, decades ago), this came as a surprise to me. From seeing ‘Bobby’, I kind of assumed Estevez was one of that sort of Hollywood people – the passionate but over-simplistic semi-intelligentsia un-reflective liberal do-gooder sort. Finding out he’s actually an anti-intellectual right-winger is a bit of a surprise. Or is he a woo-woo sort?

      • barkmywords-av says:

        Estevez could’ve been dead for decades for as much of I’ve seen or heard from him.

    • mcmf-av says:

      Your comment says more about the type of person you are, than people who are vaccinated or choose not to.

    • oldmanschultz-av says:

      Eh. Doesn’t make you a terrible person. Not even necessarily a bad person. Misguided, badly informed, emotionally unstable, traumatized… those are just a couple of reasons why people can fall in with that shit. It’s like being in a cult, there’s lots of manipulation and conditioning involved. At a certain point you’re just in too deep.Of course that doesn’t mean you’re NOT a terrible person either. Many are. But it’s definitely not a given.

      • nekojin-av says:

        I find it slightly ironic that everyone on both sides has just decided ‘hate and insult everyone who disagrees with me’ is the best way to go on with things.
        Why be empathetic when that takes effort? Easier to just assume everyone who supports cops is a racist, and anyone wearing a mask is a genderless kid rapist. Nice clear lines, no confusion, no fuss.

      • lurker113-av says:

        Misguided, badly informed, emotionally unstable, traumatized… those
        are just a couple of reasons why people can fall in with that shit.
        These might be reasons explaining how they ended up being terrible people, but it doesn’t change the fact that they’re terrible people.

    • pontiacssv-av says:

      Pretty much. Had a coworker fired last week for not getting vaccinated and refusing to upload status (vax or neg. tests). He just had COVID for the 2nd time. Also, a guy I interacted with over at our customer site, was escorted out of the customer’s building this week or last. Someone had been anonymously putting up anti-vax all over for a while now. They finally caught him and I was shocked. I have known this guy for 16 years and would have never figured he was like that and was anti-vax. He is in his late 60’s so him getting canned is not really hurting him as he is retirement age, but still was a shock. Now I am waiting to see how many people are going to get canned from work when they stop accepting negative COVID tests.  I know one guy that may be gone.  He is a good guy and it will be a real hit if he leaves, but he is holding out hope that there is some lawsuit that will protect him.  Unfortunately we are Virginia, a right to work state, so the company can can him if they feel like it, I am pretty sure.  

      • weeks151-av says:

        The bright side for tones of people getting canned for being unwilling to get vaccinated is that tones of jobs are opening up for those who don’t mind getting one more vaccine. Like the 1800 or so state employee jobs that just opened up in Washington State, for example.

    • avataravatar-av says:

      Huge mistake if they don’t write his character off in the show as having died of covid.

    • lurker113-av says:

      MAGA hats are great for that too. They’re like an “I’m an asshole” forehead tattoo but even easier to spot from a distance.

  • recognitions-av says:

    So much for there being a “good” Sheen brother.

  • darthpumpkin-av says:

    All the more reason to scrap this endeavor and give us a continuation of the real Mighty Ducks:

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      From the great era of “Sure, I guess that can be a cartoon” television.

      • mr-smith1466-av says:

        Those crappy toys wouldn’t have sold themselves.

      • thefilthywhore-av says:

        “Uhhh, what if the Mighty Ducks were… mighty ducks?”“Brilliant!”

      • suckadick59595-av says:

        The 90s man. The 80s were goofy but like, the toylines were great. Centurions? Sectaurs? Shite toons amazing toys. 90s was……. Wut And shitty toys Street sharks!!!🤷

      • wastrel7-av says:

        It sounds odd now, sure, but we were still watching repeats of the the Great Duck Era – Duck Tales, Count Duckula, live-action Howard the Duck, and the ever-present Daffy and Donald just to start off with. By the mid-90s, ducks were still just seen as a can’t-lose formula for children’s programming. When in doubt, have your main characters be ducks. It’s only as the years have gone on – and the Mighty Ducks failed to spur a fresh Ducknaissance – that in hindsight we can recognise that the duck-mania of the late 80s was not the natural way of the world, but only a strange and temporary aberration…[ironically, something similar could perhaps also be said of Emilio Estevez…]

    • BlahBlahBlahXXX-av says:

      Ducks Rock!

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Those are actually the only Mighty Ducks I have even the slightest direct experience of. I was kind of confused when I found out there’d been some sort of live-action version in which the ducks are just… children? And Emilio Estevez? Weirdest spinoff idea ever!

  • falcopawnch-av says:

    What do you call the doctors Emilio Estevez has been consulting?

    quack, quack, Quack, Quack, QUACK, QUACK, QUACK, QUACK

  • gildie-av says:

    It sets a very bad precedent to start revoking lifetime passes but I don’t see any way I can let Emilio keep his for “Repo Man.”

  • griffan-av says:

    And his press release saying he is covid+ will be released in 3…. 2…. 1…. 

  • penguin23-av says:

    Guys, I screwed up and got the vaccine. How do I get the Gates microchip out of my arm before they turn on the mind control?

    • the-allusionist-av says:

      Well, if I’ve learned one thing from The Walking Dead, first we frantically amputate the arm, and eventually we’ll have to shoot you in the head when you succumb to the dreaded 5G.

    • kjordan3742-av says:

      Smoke a bunch of cigarettes to gum up the chip.

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      Ask Hypnotoad.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      Guys, I screwed up and got the vaccine. How do I get the Gates microchip out of my arm before they turn on the mind control?Sorry but I couldn’t not take that shot at an open goal.

    • randoguyontheinterweb-av says:

      Firstly it does not stay in your arm – it migrates to your brain.  Secondly do you have a 3 inch hole saw drill bit?  A 4 inch will work but you will need more masking tape for step six.

      • officermilkcarton-av says:

        Once it’s in your head, it’s easier to just block it from broadcasting by making a Faraday cage out of tinfoil, which can also serve as a high-fashioned hat.

    • salviati-av says:

      If you’re concerned about protecting yourself agains the tracking chips, the 5g mind control, and the Chinese bioengeered hoax flu, the secret treatment THEY don’t want you to know about is that antipsychotics will shield you from all of those! That’s what I heard from my roommates cousins Facebook friends Chiropractor, so you know it’s got to be true.

    • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

      Can’t really remove it, but you can block the E-M radiation with these

    • kitschkat-av says:

      Just don’t install any of the firmware updates and let the thing become unusably obsolete in a year or two.

  • curmudgahideen-av says:

    “Screw you, Disney, you two-bit punks! I’m Emilio Estevez, I’ve got lots going on in 2021.”

    “Has Joe Rogan called back? Damn it.”

  • themanbehindthecurtain-av says:

    The first season filmed in Vancouver and there is no vaccine mandate on Vancouver sets, lots of testing but no vaccine mandate.So unless the second season is moving, there is something else going on.

    • duffmansays-av says:

      Disney has a vaccine mandate for actors who can’t wear masks while filming. 

      • themanbehindthecurtain-av says:

        I know they do in the US but I’ve worked Zone A on ABC and Disney+ shows and there is no vaccine mandate in Vancouver. Maybe he needs one to enter Canada, but many actors who aren’t vaccinated are still coming to up to work such as Candace Cameron Bure.

  • FourFingerWu-av says:

    Wasn’t that Otto?

  • kidz4satan-av says:

    I’ve had it up to here with his Bombay attitude!

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      Did they give him the surname Bombay because of the Bombay Duck (which is actually a fish and now my head hurts).

      • dave426-av says:

        I always thought it was because of gin— Gordon[’s] and Bombay are both gins (and his whole arc in the first movie started with a DUI).

  • gumbercules1-av says:

    I’m glad that this is becoming an easy litmus test for the actors who really shouldn’t be getting any future work. 

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Can’t believe nobody’s posted this yet:

  • mwfuller-av says:

    He and Ice Cube are going to start rapping together over some sick beats, they are.  Just you wait.

  • hankholder1988-av says:

    he was just asking questions bro

  • drips-av says:

    Meh, just replace him with Charlie in a blond wig. Now just let me google to see what he’s been up to in the last 20+ years..oh..OHHH noooMaybe they can use Disney’s de-aging technology and bring in my man, Martin.

  • the-allusionist-av says:

    Bitch, bye.

  • Mastiff--av says:

    Replace him with Joshua Jackson. 

  • thejewosh-av says:

    And I really thought he was the good Estevez.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Can’t wait to see new character Arnold Tanqueray take the stage.

    • diabolik7-av says:

      And his wife, Sapphire.

    • wastrel7-av says:

      “Write what you know”. Or, you know, whatever’s in front of you at the time…[tangent: Alfred Bester’s seminal SF classic, “The Stars My Destination” was written on holiday in England, and one of the few things he had in his hotel room was an A-Z of England. This worked out fine for his US readers, but for UK readers it’s really weird to have all the characters named after unglamorous, just-big-enough-to-be-locally-famous English towns. Like Dagenham. And Yeovil…]

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    It’s cuckhold fuck time

  • josht45-av says:

    As a former President and national treasure, Martin Sheen deserves better than the children given him.

    • drbong83-av says:

      At least Charlie is vaccinated 

    • npr-pledge-drive1-av says:

      Martin Sheen’s kinda a piece of shit too i mean he still thinks OJ is innocent and is willing to point the finger at his kid “My friend Juice is innocent But that kid of his…”

      • mortbrewster-av says:

        I thought for a second you were telling me Martin Sheen blamed one of his own kids for Nicole Brown’s murder, which was an angle I hadn’t thought of before and was interested to hear more details about.It would be an amazing twist ending to that story if it turned out Emilio Estevez or Charlie Sheen was the real killer.

  • suckadick59595-av says:

    This bums me out. Game changers wasn’t amazing but it was fun and light. I like Estevez in general and he was a treat and had excellent chemistry with Graham. Without Bombay what’s the point? I did like the kids fine. But … Meh. People so fucking stupid  

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Yea the kids are ok, but watching the show without Gordon doesn’t sound appealing to me. He’s our link to the old movies. The only suitable replacement should be Joshua Jackson, otherwise this is like watching Cobra Kai without Daniel or Johnny.

  • pocrow-av says:

    This was his first project since 2018, which was his first work since 2012.

    IMDB says Young Guns 3 is in “pre-production,” but I have to imagine COVID and “Rust” are going to slow that one way down.

    I sure hope you invested your money from the Mighty Ducks movies well, Emilio.

    • grogthepissed-av says:

      Young Guns 3 is not an idea I ever expected to see even as a joke. 

    • diabolik7-av says:

      Young Guns 3 has been in various states of pre-production for the last thirty years…. Should it actually get made with the original cast and uses that title you can definitely sue under the Trades Description Act of 1968.

    • amessagetorudy-av says:

      I sure hope you invested your money from the Mighty Ducks movies well, Emilio.He’s been hearing good things about ivermectin.

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      Maybe he can do a sequel to Bobby that’s all about RFK jr.

    • cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest-av says:

      He must get $1.25 every time Mission Impossible airs on basic cable.

    • noinspiration-av says:

      Also, lack of youngnessThey should just call it “Guns”

      • pocrow-av says:

        IMDB has it listed as “Guns 3,” which I cannot imagine a 21st century audience would even recognize as a sequel to something from the Clinton era.

      • mortbrewster-av says:

        They’re going to get Betty White to add some youth the cast.

    • fever-dog-av says:

      Young Guns 3: Get Off My Lawn with Your Horseless Carriage

    • skipskatte-av says:

      Well let’s see, Billy the Kid died in 1881, so, assuming time is a thing, Young Guns 3 would take place in 1911. Of the few characters who survived Young Guns 2, Pat Garrett died in 1908 and Alan Ruck’s character wasn’t a real guy. The two guys he was based on both (probably) died before 1900. So . . . who the fuck is going to be in this movie? 

  • mortimercommafamousthe-av says:

    First Aaron Rodgers and now Emilio? My list of people with no discernible personality but seem generally ok grows shorter.

  • skipskatte-av says:

    Goddamn it. I like Emilio Estevez. I don’t want him to be a fucking anti-vaxx dipshit. 

  • waystarroyco-av says:

    They caught him on a date with that Iceland chick

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Damn it, Emilio, you were supposed to be the good Estevez/Sheen brother.

  • griefo-av says:

    This is not polio, this is not smallpox. Everyone I know, myself included has had this virus. It lasts a week, if that. You will feel crappy for a few days or not.A common cold is so much worse.This is an mRNA “vaccine”. There is no such thing. It’s completely experimental and it’s never been used on humans before. There is so much more to this than anyone cares to realize.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Oh well. I’m sure Estevez can be replaced. It can’t be that hard to find a middle-aged cranky person.

  • planehugger1-av says:

    Joss Ackland, who played Bombay’s mentor in the original movie, is still alive.

  • ledzeppo-av says:

    Well this sucks, he was a big reason why I tuned in to the show in the first place. I guess I’ll have to just pretend that the original movie and D2 are the only ones that exist, much like I had been doing prior to the premiere of the show. 

  • mavar-av says:

    Damn it, Two Bit.

    Mickey Mouse would not be proud of you.

  • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

    And Charlie surprisingly pads his lead.

  • ray6166-av says:

    More Lauren Graham!!!

  • kencerveny-av says:

    I guess this doesn’t bode well for the Freejack sequel we’ve all been clamoring for the past 30 years. There were so many unanswered questions….

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    That’s quite alot they have to write around, since Bombay is key to so much of the storylines. Why you gotta be like that, Emilio?

  • lmh325-av says:

    Whatever anyone’s stance is on vaccines, it seems pretty clear that this is where the industry is going. Where is he planning to work?

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Well, in 16 years, he’s had 8 projects: a dubbing voice-over; two voice-overs in animated shorts; an episode of his brother’s sitcom; three films that he wrote and directed himself; and this Mighty Ducks series. So, I’m guessing this won’t have a major effect on his future career…

  • libfortuna-av says:

    He was legitimately terrible on the show. It’s like he somehow forgot how to act in recent years. It was bizarre. 

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    I had an anti-vax family member tell me that if COVID was like the Plague and killed masses more people, she would take the vaccine. I agree. If the virus killed almost all it infected, we wouldn’t have had this latest seismic political and culture war topping the others to destroy this country. But because the virus can be mild and moderate, many people don’t believe it’s dangerous and our self-selected sorting into hated tribes continues.

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Al Qaeda really should have invested more in bioweapons, shouldn’t they?Murder 2,000 people? We must abandon all our most cherished rights and freedoms and dedicate our economy to a two-decade-long war!800,000 people die of a disease for which there’s now a free, virtually side-effect-free and reliable preventative measure? Meh, I don’t know, maybe let’s just not bother, I mean, apparently the needle can kind of sting a bit? What’s that? We should avoid coughing on people? I don’t know, that sort of lifestyle change just seems like a step too far…

  • purdy44-av says:

    How long until he gets interviewed by Rogan

  • maltose-av says:

    Maybe they’ll kill off Gordon with some kind of easily transmissible airborne virus.

  • gallagwar1215-av says:


  • MediumDave-av says:

    In other words, his agent told him that this was a great way to generate buzz around his name.

  • Darigaaz-av says:

    Lmao, fade back into obscurity and stay mad.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Does he have Mighty Tiger Blood like his brother?

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
  • kheiran-av says:

    What is wrong with their whole family, ffs when you think Martin, Charlie and Fat Charlie can’t go any lower they just have to dig deeper.

  • merlyn11a-av says:

    Well, one can be addicted to drugs or alcohol like his father and brother or addicted to psychological fantasies like he is. There are a lot of people in America who are offspring of psychonauts who have explored the ways of being crazy and as a result are psycho themselves. 

  • typingbob-av says:

    Jesus, Otto! You were the star of Repo Man!!! How can you not know everything about science???

  • Tristain7-av says:

    Emilio: “I’m not getting vaccinated! You can’t do the show without me!”Disney: “Season 2 coming soon with a surprise guest appearance by ‘new coach’ in a recurring role”I’ll never tire of watching people who can’t afford to shoot themselves in the foot very carefully aim for their toes.

  • killa-k-av says:

    Zone A is, basically, the bits of a movie or TV production where the cameras areOn my show it was wherever the cast was.

  • azubc-av says:

    We dont’ know if he’s vaccinated or not…just that he doesn’t like the the mandate. 

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