Evangeline Lilly diagnosed with bad coronavirus takes

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Evangeline Lilly diagnosed with bad coronavirus takes

If there’s a bright side to the current panic and precautions surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus—which, there’s really not—it’s how much intimate information we’re getting about the lives and immune systems of various celebrities. Does Tom Hanks reference his movies in his day-to-day life? What’s Idris Elba’s viral load like? And which of our favorite famouses are secretly kind of anti-science weirdos?

That last question got answered yet again today, with Evangeline Lilly weighing in on social media to suggest that she thinks all this self-quarantining stuff is kind of silly, and also maybe it’s a clandestine effort to place the entire country under “marshall law” during an election year. (Among the many things we’re learning about Evangeline Lilly today: She’s apparently a Tekken fan.)

Lilly made this wellness update/manifesto available on her Instagram today, starting with a pretty straightforward post about dropping her kids off at gymnastics class, hashtagged “business as usual.” When people suggested that this might not be the wisest course of action at the moment—what with the global pandemic and all—Lilly got a bit more strident in the comments, though; per Fox News, she first noted that both she and her father, who she’s currently living with, are immunocompromised. But also: “Some people value their lives over freedom, some people value freedom over their lives. We all make our choices.” (Or, to quote Patrick Henry: “Give me Gymboree, or give me death!”)

Lilly went on to say she consults with her “inner circle” regularly on these matters, a grouping that presumably doesn’t include either any health care workers, or her old co-star Daniel Dae Kim, who was diagnosed with coronavirus earlier today. “Where we are right now feels a lot too close to Marshall Law for my comfort already, all in the name of a respiratory flu. It’s unnerving…There’s something every election year,” she wrote, stoking the fires in which the Kate From Lost Revolutionary Army will one day be formed. Anyway, you’d think one of the stars of Ant Man And The Wasp would have more respect for miniature organisms capable of knocking much larger lifeforms straight onto their asses, but hey, here we are.


  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    But also: “Some people value their lives over freedom, some people value
    freedom over their lives. We all make our choices.” (Or, to quote
    Patrick Henry: “Give me Gymboree, or give me death!”)Yeah, no. Doesn’t really work that way with communicable diseases, since your choices affect (and potentially kill) other people.

    • lmh325-av says:

      Like her father who lives with her and has leukemia.

    • thundercatsarego-av says:

      If she doesn’t value her own life above her “freedom,” she sure as shit doesn’t value the lives of other people. Even her own father, apparently.Shoot, I’ve basically gone into quarantine myself even though I’m in a very low risk group, because I live with my father, who is not. I could never forgive myself if I exposed him to the virus.* Now, getting him to stay home has been a whole ‘nother matter. I am one step away from tying him to a chair for the remainder of this whole thing, purely for his own good. *And also because we should all be staying home and washing our hands and limiting social interactions because there’s a fricking pandemic on and we should be working to stop it, not make it worse.

  • yummsh-av says:

    Regardless, though, she is, as always, coming with you.

    • evanfowler-av says:

      Hehe. I got that. If memory serves, the way it works is, you tell her she can’t come, she pouts, you leave, she follows, gets somehow ahead of you, gets captured, then when you arrive, you have to sideline your initial plan in order to rescue her. Wash, rinse, and repeat for six seasons.

      • yummsh-av says:

        It’s well documented that I love that show, but upon a recent rewatch, yeah, that shit gets tiresome.

        • evanfowler-av says:

          Ditto. My favorite show ever. I like Kate, overall, but she’s a lot. Patsy Cline starts playing and you’re just like, ‘uh-oh, look out, boys. She’s fixin’ to run…’.

          • yummsh-av says:

            ‘I’m coming with you’ is hardly Kate-exclusive territory on that show, either. My gf and I made a drinking game out of it. After a while, I switched to water.

          • evanfowler-av says:

            Heh. True. The thing that really made me laugh the most on this last rewatch is just the sheer frequency of riflebutt-to-head attacks. I don’t know why I never really noticed it before, but it’s astounding how often it happens. Like, two or three times an episode. Once you start paying attention to it, you begin to suspect that everything that they are experiencing on the island is just the result of living in a state of perpetual concussion, everyone just wandering around in a fog of repetitive head injuries and making impassioned pleas about numbers to campfire smoke. It happens to Ben so much that I’m surprised that he can even speak after a while. I’m just like, ‘this dude has been hit in the head by everyone he’s ever met’. But whatever. I love it forever.

          • yummsh-av says:

            Oh for sure. Especially when you binge it and don’t have the week in between to pad it out. It’s like watching shit on a loop sometimes. Ben’s head in particular would be mush. However, it is kinda fun to figure in the fact that the island does in fact heal these people in record time. So there’s that.But yeah, I’ll always love it. My favorite show of all time. I embrace the camp alongside all the truly great highs of the show. It’s all part of the experience. It’s just as much fun to laugh at the silliness of Jack’s tattoos as it is to bask in the perfection of ‘The Constant’.

          • diabolik7-av says:

            Whereas in real life everything that they were experiencing on the island is just the result of living in a state of perpetual intoxication, everyone just wandering around in a fog of repetitive DUI arrests. 

        • kimothy-av says:

          I think it helps that we had no choice but to watch one episode a week back then and now we can binge and some things weren’t made for binging.

          • yummsh-av says:

            Maybe, yeah. It was a workout to binge Lost. There are over a hundred hour-long episodes! And man, you gotta keep track of a ton of stuff.Always worth it, though.

  • lmh325-av says:

    The most serious part of this is that she lives with her father who is currently battling Leukemia. She has a very real, very immediate reason that she should be minimizing his exposure to ANYTHING. She goes off on it being a bad flu. Sure, but your dad shouldn’t be exposed to bad flu right now either. That’s why cancer patients and those around them get flu shots.

    • pontiacssv-av says:

      Wow. My dad is 83 and lives in a retirement home. They are on full lock down. No visitors even allowed on the property. no communal gatherings, like dining, and meals are delivered to their rooms.   Only visits that are life or death circumstances are allowed.   

      • returning-the-screw-av says:

        You can still throw letters wrapped around rocks. Make sure nobody’s nearby though. 

      • douglasd-av says:

        My Mom is only 72 and in the same predicament.  I can’t even see her, which is okay by me in these troubled times.  She’s got all kinds of health problems, including multiple myeloma.  She wouldn’t last a week with this crud.

    • tinyjenkins-av says:

      It IS  a really bad flu. Most people who catch it are fine. In high death rate places like Italy, the average age of the person who died from it is 80 years old and 99% of them had a pre-existing illness.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      What I take away from this is she really wants to kill her father.

      • peterjj4-av says:

        It’s like my favorite episode of Torchwood (“They Keep Killing Suzie”), only even more incomprehensible, and very badly acted. 

  • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

    She’s always been a real asshole 

  • cariocalondoner-av says:

    Where we are right now feels a lot too close to Marshall Law for my comfort alreadyWell, I mean I guess there’s a discussion to be had about governments getting away with authoritarian type shit on its citizens under the cover of necessary measures, when everyone’s panicking in the time of emergency.However, now’s not the time, Evangeline! Get your bony ass out of our sights and back indoors!!(Also, um, Marshall law?)

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      It is never not the time. If Trump were smarter he’d use this to increase his own power and crush his enemies under his bootheel. A president has amazingly broad powers in a real emergency, which this is. His idiocy is working FOR us for once. Not as much as it is working against us, but take what you can get.

      • cariocalondoner-av says:

        Well, now’s not the best time. Can we get the dumb teens indoors first and not give them an excuse to say “why am i at the beach? cos, what the Lost chick said, bro”And more importantly, I guess I should have said Evangeline is clearly not the person to lead that discussion if she feels hashtagging “business as usual” is appropriate. Everything I read her say and do here makes me think:

        • dremiliolizardo-av says:

          Well, I disagree. It is never not the time to watch out for your civil liberties being compromised.Kids are gonna be dumb. It’s what they do. But you are right that celebrities are dumb too.There is nothing so permanent as a temporary crisis.

          • zardozmobile-av says:

            True, but you’ve got to pick your moment. It’s like repeatedly jumping in a falling elevator so that you’re mid-air when the crash happens.

        • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

          don’t worry, the teens don’t know what Lost is anymore.

        • zardozmobile-av says:

          Oh yeah, the teens on Spring Break. When I hear stories like that I wonder how human beings became the dominant species on the planet.

      • misterdavek-av says:

        At any rate, it has nothing to do with kids unwittingly bringing back the virus from gymnastics class, the actual matter at hand.

    • largegarlic-av says:

      Whenever I see some idiot talking about “Marshall Law,” I conclude that people are worried that Jason Segel is secretly plotting a coup to take over the government and install himself as dictator…which I wouldn’t entirely oppose. 

      • officermilkcarton-av says:

        If there’s one man that has the connections to replace the muppets in government with actual Muppets, it’s him.

      • rtozier2011-av says:

        He should have been president by the end of the series (as should Peyton from iZombie btw). 

      • hjhjhjhjhnmhmhmn-av says:

        Sarah Marshall was played by Kristen Bell. Jason Segel played a character named Peter Bretter. Looks like you and Lilly would get along great. 

      • yipesstripes123-av says:

        Jason: “THAT’S what I forgot to do!”

    • returning-the-screw-av says:

      Except until recently it was only voluntarily. But dumb people make it harder than it need be.

    • Cricket1955-av says:

      “Marshall” – how did I not even see that… this whole coronavirus thing has turned my brain into a turnip.

  • kencerveny-av says:

    “Where we are right now feels a lot too close to Marshall Law…”What, the Sammo Hung TV series from the late ‘90s?…..Oh, sorry, that was Martial Law…

  • Scaramouchetoo-av says:

    I wonder how the number of deaths from vaccine preventable illnesses compares with Covid-19 deaths.
    Me, I’m immunocompromised and when I see ordinary people panicking over every time someone breaths near them I unfairly think, ‘Welcome to my world!’

  • citricola-av says:

    Marshall Law says: “Definitely don’t get too close to me! And wash your hands!”

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    Totally unrelated –

  • ghostiet-av says:

    I’ve always liked Evangeline Lily and it’s sad, between her writing “Marshall Law” and this hot garbage of a take, to realize that she’s kinda dumb.
    Not really a shocker, since most people are kinda stupid, but always a shame to learn that.

    • brianjwright-av says:

      She is newly my least favourite of the Alberta women who ended up starring in sci-fi shit.Crossing fingers that Natasha Henstridge and Tricia Helfer are acting like grownups. (checks) They seem okay.

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      She was one of the worst actors in Lost! There, I said it so no one else had to. 

    • amorpha1-av says:

      It’s reasonable to debate the balance of civil liberties, closures, and public health. But for pete’s sake, why would you feel compelled to shout that to the world unsolicited? Get yourself a book club or Thanksgiving dinner for that!

    • amfo-av says:

      The Marshall Law thing is clearly a Freudian slip, either about the long-rumoured Eminem album, or Lilly wanting to star in a US remake of the belovedly obscure Aussie law drama Marshall Law starring the heart and soul of Blue Heelers Lisa McCune as the hard-partying Ros Marshall any questions?

    • eatthecheesenicholson2-av says:

      “…all in the name of a respiratory flu.” Yeah, exactly. What part of that sounds silly?

    • kimothy-av says:

      I feel the same. You would think a person who knows they are in the public eye would at least verify spellings of things like that. If she’s misspelling that, then she’s probably not the best speller (nothing wrong with that, both my mom and my dad are horrible spellers but smart people) and so she would know that she probably should verify she’s spelling it right.And I am so dissappointed in her take on the pandemic. Ugh.

    • secondcopy-av says:

      Yeah, I always loved her in LOST (and Ant-Man), but TIL that horrible misspelling is more of a turn-off for me than bad pandemic takes.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    I’m going to choose not to get furious about this and just congratulate Marshall from How I Met Your Mother on opening up his own law firm.  

  • tuscedero-av says:

    Her “inner circle” is the Goop board of directors and Ron Paul.

    • yipesstripes123-av says:

      She and Gwenyth Paltrow are a part of the Marvel Cinematic Psuedoscience and Misinformation Universe.

  • dustin78-av says:

    She sounds Lost.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    That reminds me, I should rewatch my favourite film, ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall Law’.

  • ronniebarzel-av says:

    Considering today’s other news, I think Kate needs to get back to the island and ask Jin how he’s doing.

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    Every time she opens her mouth she gives another reason to hate her.

  • G2V-av says:

    I guess her head is great for growing hair but not so good for basic critical thinking. 

  • suckadick59595-av says:

    This is so fucking sad to read. From any human, much less a celebrity. 

    • diabolik7-av says:

      It’s just so pitifully and deliberately ignorant. Is she trying to build a fanbase in the anti-vaxxer, anti-science, libertarian trogs? Fuck Evangeline Lilly, it’s her father I feel sorry for.

  • velvetal-av says:

    Marshall Law can’t be enacted without a Marshall Plan.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Please tell me someone patiently and politely directed her to the WHO website.
    Yeah, I think she’s ignorant, but I also think publicly shaming someone makes them defensive and reluctant to change their behavior, which helps no one.

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      in her comments though, she willfully and thoroughly discusses her views (as ill informed as they are) with people trying to talk sense to her. its not “kneejerk” defensiveness like someone on here who automatically goes to “your mom” jokes when people try to counterpoint.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        Then I guess I’m ignorant of how ignorant she is. :)Well, if everything was reasonably done to change her mind, maybe shaming is the only recourse left? I don’t know.

      • kantsmasher-av says:

        Is “Your Mom” Evangeline Lilly? Because you need to be at gymnastics, not on the internet! Then you need to go home, not wash your hands and cough directly into Grandpa’s mouth. Then we’ll get you measured for a super cute little suit for Mum’s Instagram and the funeral.

    • viktor-withak-av says:

      Agree with this general sentiment. Everyone’s shaming the teens that go to the beaches, but many of them are uninformed more than they are callous. A lot of people who don’t pay attention to the news haven’t heard about “flattening the curve” and don’t understand the full implications of failing to social-distance.That said, Evangeline does seem pretty dumb.

      • kimothy-av says:

        And for any of them in high school and most of them in college, some blame lays at the feet of their parents. Because mom and dad are bankrolling those trips. 

      • Cricket1955-av says:

        My Daddy would have skinned me, salted me, and pegged me down over an ant hill for that kind of dumb – way back in the pre-internet days. With the news of the world at our fingertips… yeah. If it’s available, and you don’t avail yourself of it, immediately upon being told it’s there to peruse, yeah, you’re dumb, and have volunteered to be shamed for it, since it was a choice.

        In her case, apparently an ongoing choice.

  • m1stert1ckles-av says:

    I smell a (re)casting call!

  • binder88-av says:

    Is it me, or does she not know what Marshall Law is? 

  • ionchef-av says:

    Ah, what I like to call Tommy Lee Jones syndrome.When a person you really enjoy watching on screen turns out to be a fucking idiot.

  • laylowmoe76-av says:

    Goddamit Evangeline. You’re part of the MCU. The House of Mouse doesn’t allow its people to have bad takes. Do you wanna be replaced as the Wasp by Sarah Wayne Callies??

    • kencerveny-av says:

      Well, not everything went completely back to normal after Thanos/Tony Stark snapped their fingers. Hope came back….different….Hell, put Scott’s wife in the Wasp suit. If you’re going to have Judy Greer in your movie, give her something to do other than cut-away shots of her smiling knowingly. A Rudd/Greer Ant-Man/Wasp…the mind boggles.

    • troy2010-av says:

      Hopen they replace her. Paul Rudd and the Avengers deserves better!

  • docnemenn-av says:

    She maybe has a hint of a shred of a shadow of a point about keeping a close eye on the slimy bag of fuckers currently in positions of power who are likely salivating over having an opportunity like this to get away with all kinds of sleazy shit while we’re understandably distracted.But as someone who’s currently tiptoeing around on eggshells to make sure his recently-recovering-from-breast-cancer-early-70s mother is kept as far away as possible from anything that lead to a mild case of the common cold, much less COVID-19 — go fuck yourself, Lilly.

  • diabolik7-av says:

    I don’t see what the problem is, passes 90 minutes fairly painlessly.

  • zardozmobile-av says:

    For Pete’s sake, the term is “martial law.” It is “law administered by military (martial) forces that is invoked by a government in an emergency when the civilian law enforcement agencies are unable to maintain public order and safety.”It is not the name of comic book character whose career path was foretold at his naming ceremony.Oh, she wrote that. Sorry, I skimmed.

  • thants-av says:

    I hope she feels good about this when she literally kills her own father.

    • kencerveny-av says:

      I’m pretty sure she’ll blame someone else. Probably the government for not clamping down.

      • rarely-sober-insomniac-av says:

        After consulting her “inner circle” first, of course.Which just sounds like something a stuffy ol’ nan nan would say in order to avoid the word “vagina.”“She’s just discovered her, ah, inner circle. But its okay, Dr. Oz says kids need to learn!”

  • returning-the-screw-av says:

    She’s wrong in so many ways. Shame. She seemed cool. Now I know she’s like some of the idiots I argue on Facebook with. Though that probably makes me dumb. 

  • froot-loop-av says:

    This girl seems to be going thru some shit. Weird cryptic Instagram messages, shaving her head (not crazy by itself per se, congrats if you’re lucky enough to “rock” that look).Maybe she should hold off on social media till she’s feeling a little more…stable?

  • escargo3-av says:

    I’ll be the last person to buy into the Panic culture that is currently in vogue, but she’s just being carelessly stupid. Anything for clicks, I guess.

  • franknstein-av says:

    Regurgitating the “every election year” thing is not a good sign. No disease has ever influenced the US election, so that point is competently meaningless.Also – this thing is happening around the world, and my local European self isolated ass doesn’t give a damn about your November, America.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • ralphm-av says:

    Yeah but what does she think about Forest Law?

  • sarahkaygee1123-av says:

    I remember reading something about her a while back that made me suspect she was a LOLbertarian dumdum so yeah, this all tracks.I’m hoping “Marshall Law” somehow involves Raylan Givens.

  • worfwworfington-av says:

    I hope Rudd unleashed some white male privilege and gets her ass replaced. You think she’s the most important part of AntMan3? Charlize Theron for Hope VanDyne.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    They can take out land, they can take out lives, but they’ll never take our Fre{coughing fit}…

  • wondercles-av says:

    I am completely here for the coming weeks of cloistered celebrities both major & minor, with no handlers about, telling us who they were all along.

  • troy2010-av says:

    Iignorance is not always bliss. Even if she doesn’t value her, her children or others health, maybe think about how this impacts EVERYONE financially? The ignorance of people like this is going to make this drag out so much longer than necessary. People, please think of others during this difficult time. I will never again watch a single movie or show she takes part in. Really enjoyed Avengers and Antman. However, I won’t be taking my family to see any future productions if she appears in them.

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