Jeff Goldblum gives bride and groom the wedding gift of Jeff Goldblum

The bride was getting her wedding pictures taken when she noticed a very familiar face.

Aux Features Goldblum
Jeff Goldblum gives bride and groom the wedding gift of Jeff Goldblum
Left: The couple’s friend and ketubah witness Anya Gelernt-Dunkle. Right: Jeff Goldblum Photo: Justin McCallum Photography/Courtesy of Sabrina and Brian Cartan

Bride/digital strategist Sabrina Cartan (formerly McMillin) and her groom, software engineer Brian Cartan, were taking pre-ceremony wedding pictures at a carousel in Brooklyn yesterday when Sabrina spied a familiar face. Jeff Goldblum is in New York shooting season five of Search Party, and was quickly recognized by the bride. “Our photographer [Justin McCallum Photography] and videographer were with us and we got on the carousel,” Sabrina told The A.V. Club. “And just as the carousel was about to start, I look over, I see a man standing there and I said, is that Jeff Goldblum?” She impulsively yelled out his name, which the Brooklynite says is uncharacteristic, and “without thinking. Like, I never do that. I’m a consummate professional. I don’t even bother celebrities on the street ever.” But she was on a carousel with her groom and in a truly incredible dress, and we can totally understand how the bride got swept up in this particular moment. It’s Jeff Goldblum on your wedding day, for god’s sake.

A friend of the couple’s explained to Goldblum that the person who yelled out his name was the one in the wedding dress, and they were getting their pictures taken. Goldblum then not only posed with the couple, but serenaded them. “He was just so sweet,” Sabrina enthused. “And he started singing to me, ‘Sunrise, Sunset’ from Fiddler On The Roof. My husband was wearing his kippah, so he just did a kind of nod to our Jewish wedding. And I love that song; it makes me very emotional. It’s one of my favorite movie moments, actually. It was just incredible.” the bride said. “There’s no way he could have known that.” Or could he? At this point, we just bow down to the magical majesty that is Jeff Goldblum. Fortunately, the couple’s videographer captured that stirring moment, which will undoubtedly be pulled out at anniversary parties for years to come.

Sabrina Cartan says that the couple went back to the venue and told the wedding party about their famous encounter, but no one believed them until “The rabbi actually confirmed it during the ceremony.” We are just going to call that one of the best possible omens we’ve ever heard happen at a wedding. Today, the newlyweds are relaxing “at home, reading cards, drinking champagne, and watching Jurassic Park in honor of our special guest.” Excellent choice. Mazel tov!


  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    They say that if a Goldblum shows up at your wedding, it’s meant to last.

    • meinstroopwafel-av says:

      It’s a safe bet than any future marriages will be 100% Goldblum-free and much harder to top, so you’re best trying to make the one you’ve got last.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Bill Murray though….

    • fcz2-av says:

      I have a vision of Sabrina and Brian 20 years from now, having an argument about something trivial as all married couples do.  Brian is tired and frustrated.  Sabrina is trying to show a happy face while getting the kids ready for school.  Just when all seems hopeless, an commercial comes on in the background and it is almost as if Jeff is speaking right to them.  The look in his eyes says “remember that day on the carousel” and all is right in the world.  Jeff Goldblum saves another couple from divorce.

  • steinjodie-av says:

    very sweet

  • doctor-boo3-av says:

    “She impulsively yelled out his name, which the Brooklynite says is uncharacteristic, and “without thinking. Like, I never do that. I’m a consummate professional. I don’t even bother celebrities on the street ever.””Yeah, yeah, but your bride was so preoccupied with whether or not she could she didn’t stop to think if she *should*. (She should.)

    • Robdarudedude-av says:

      “She impulsively yelled out his name, which the Brooklynite says is uncharacteristic, and “without thinking. Like, I never do that.”Life finds a way…

    • gildie-av says:

      Shouting at someone on the street hardly seems uncharacteristic for a Brooklynite. Unless Brooklyn has somehow changed from the hardscrabble neighborhoods I knew in the 50s.

  • castigere-av says:

    The biggest thing your wedding is that it’s your wedding. I don’t even believe in marriage. But fuck a famous person who makes that event about them. The story here is a fan would rather take a selfie with a star than embrace a supposedly eternal bond.

    • ledzeppo-av says:

      You must be fun at the weddings you don’t believe in. 

    • junwello-av says:

      Counterpoint: for COVID and/or financial reasons, a lot of couples are having small wedding ceremonies in public places. Some degree of chaos and interaction with strangers is inevitable. If the stranger happens to be a charming celebrity who serenades the couple with a song that’s meaningful to them, it’s delightful serendipity, not pernicious mission drift.

      • gildie-av says:

        Countercounterpoint: I’m not sure which story I’d like to be able to tell more– that Jeff Goldblum crashed my wedding and hung around and sang to me, or that Jeff Goldblum tried to crash my wedding and I had to firmly demand that he leave.

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        Upvoted for “pernicious mission drift” alone.

    • fireupabove-av says:

      You’ve got eternity to celebrate your eternal bond, you have like 5 minutes of your life with Jeff Goldblum tops, come on Dougie Downer.

      • usedtobemebutnowiamsomeoneelse-av says:

        come on Dougie DownerMy aging eyes first saw that as “Dougie Howser” for some reason. My first reaction was “we’re talking about JG, not NPH”.

    • capeo-av says:

      That may be the stupidest comment I’ve read here, and that’s a record. Someone’s having some pics done BEFORE (since you seem incapable of reading) their wedding and happens to see a celebrity they like walking by, which in NY is common, and yells out to them. That breaks all the rules of NY. Same as LA, or Newport or Block Island, you let celebrities go on their way. She broke that unwritten rule and Goldblum ended up being gracious and nice to a fan and everyone had a good time, before he continued on his way, and the bride and groom when on to their marriage ceremony. Not sure how you got a famous person made the event about them or how someone was making their marriage less important than a fucking selfie.

    • nilus-av says:

      Actually as someone who does believe in marriage and has done a wedding I will tell you that realistically a wedding is about 20% a couples together, 10% each of persons in the couples own preferences and 60% dictates of family, friends and age old traditions that have to be done or one of the Grandmas will throw a fit. Your marriage is yours. Make it what you want. Your wedding not so much. Anyways every wedding is improved by Jeff Goldblum so stop being such a downer.  

    • rkpatrick-av says:

      Whose wedding is it again?

    • forkish-av says:

      But fuck a famous person

      If it’s my wedding day and Jeff Goldblum is down for that, who am I to say no?
      (I didn’t read that correctly, did I?)

    • re-hs-av says:

      Ppretty sure you should have stressed that first sentence differently in your head…as in “ the thing about your wedding is that it’s YOUR wedding”. As in hers, not yours. What’s important is what makes her happy. Bride shaming is passe.

    • pinkiefisticuffs-av says:

      But fuck a famous person who makes that event about them.Goldblum did not make this about him.  If you want to see an example of an asshole celebrity making the wedding about himself, look up the assorted clips of Donald Trump in action.  

    • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-av says:

      Man, he freaking BLESSED them with song, because he was BLESSED to be there. I guarantee you he has the skills to have been able to not have heard his name being yelled. She totally did the right thing; it was meant to be.

    • yllehs-av says:

      You’re supposed to embrace a supposedly eternal bond while your wedding photographer is doing your photo shoot? Okey dokey.They called out to the famous person, and he was nice to them.  Fiddler is one of my all-time favorite musicals, so perfect musical choice, Jeff Goldblum.

  • tmage-av says:

    It’s Jeff Goldblum on your wedding day
    An oddly specific Alanis Morissette lyric

    • nilus-av says:

      The ironic part of that song is most of things she sings about aren’t actually Jeff Goldblum 

      • triohead-av says:

        It’s like meeting the man of my dreams
        While becoming somebody else’s wife.

      • longtimelurkerfirsttimetroller-av says:

        Not related to Jeff Goldblum really, but your comment made me think maybe I can share this, which is my attempt to fix that song so I can sing along to it when it comes on the radio…(I got a little carried away with the choruses)Isn’t it REALLY ironic? (To be sung to the tune of “Ironic” by Alanis Morisette)Hey, I, IYeah, ah, ahYeah, IA young man, turned twenty eightHe won the lottery, and was broke the next dayIt’s a black guy in the KKKIt’s a death row sentence in a pro-life stateAnd isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?It’s like rain on a sunny dayIt’s a free ride where you lose all your moneyIt’s the good advice, from your worst enemyAnd who would’ve thought? It figuresMr. Play It Safe was afraid to flyHe packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbyeHe waited his whole damn life to take that flightAnd when he landed that plane, he savedthe passengers livesAnd isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?It’s like raiiiaaaiiin on a sunny dayIt’s a free ride where you lose all your moneyIt’s the good advice, from your worst enemyAnd who would’ve thought? It figuresWell, life has a funny wayOf sneaking up on youWhen you think everything’s okayAnd you’re using a word rightAnd life has a funny wayOf finding you outWhen you’re using the words all wrongand it’s not really ironyA traffic jam on the “express”-wayA no smoooooooking sign on your cigarette caseit’s like ten thousand spoons when you don’t have any foodIt’s meeting the man of my dreamsAnd then finding he’s terribly rudeAnd isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?A little too ironic, and yeah I really do thinkIt’s like rain on a sunny dayIt’s a free ride where you lose all your moneyIt’s the ironic song, with no ironyAnd who would’ve thought? It figuresAnd yeah, well, life has a funny wayOf sneaking up on youAnd life has a funny, funny wayOf ironing you outirony-ing you out

    • triohead-av says:

      It’s Jeff Goldblum as The Fly in your chardonnay.

      • luasdublin-av says:

        Hey unlike Alanis , Neil Hannon from the Divine Comedy actually did manage to work Jeff Goldblum into a song.(if you dont want to listen to the whole thing its about 4:50).Actually I wonder if a/ Jeff Goldblum has ever heard this song?b/ if he did, would a tiny part of him think “..ah know..I ah..should totally cover this , yes”.

      • gihnat-av says:

        OMG I just laughed so hard

  • erikveland-av says:
  • bassclefstef-av says:

    Jeff Goldbulm is a national treasure 

    • paulfields77-av says:

      And apparently walks the streets dressed as Jeff Goldblum. Which is nice.

      • luasdublin-av says:

        Although you need to be careful as sometimes it turns out to just be a David Duchovny disguised as a Jeff Goldblum.

    • richardalinnii-av says:

      Just waiting for the other shoe to drop that he has dungeon full of underage kids that he molests. I sincerely hope not because it seems like he a is a genuinely nice and funny guy, but you know how these things go.

    • gildie-av says:

      Just keep him away from fellow national treasure Bill Murray, as they’ll attack each other territorially on sight. 

  • paulfields77-av says:

    To be honest, walking round that particular part of Brooklyn, it’s hard not to be in somebody’s wedding photos.

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    This is charming and, if it were possible, I’d only change one thing about it…Today, the newlyweds are relaxing “at home, reading cards, drinking champagne, and watching The Fly in honor of our special guest.” Excellent choice. Mazel tov!

  • isaacasihole-av says:

    Life finds a way.

  • mrdalliard123-av says:

    That is awesome. Though the fact he sang “Sunrise, Sunset” immediately brought the scene in the MST3K episode of Manos to mind, when Servo goes into a monologue: “So… so I told Gary that I was going on this vacation, so he goes “Well, then, I’m going hunting with Jeff next weekend.” Well, that’s when we were at knives, and then Lou sang ‘Fernando’ and then Gary – oh, he sings so good… , Oh, you should meet Jeff sometime. Do you like Barry Manilow songs? I know the farmers need rain, but when it’s damp like this my hair just explodes. Just ex-PAH-LO-des. Ooh, ooh, feeling kinda gassy. McNuggets you know. They make me so gassy, all that grease and all. It really helps if you drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. Did you know that? Sometimes I drink five. Sometimes I drink nine just to make up for the other three I didn’t drink. Coffee and diet drinks don’t count either. You know this is pretty country isn’t it. You know, it’s really kind of a blessing in disguise that I didn’t get accepted to college, huh? You know, I’m gonna have to revise my twenty-year plan but… Oh, did I tell you about my twenty-year plan? Okay, well, okay, listen here. In year one, this is the year when I’m gonna take off those extra seven pounds. You know, that’s equal to seven pounds of butter. Heh-heh. So it’s like I’m wearin’ seven pounds of butter. Ha! Heh, huh, now, oh, oh, where was I? Oh, oh, yeah, so my aunt and uncle here, they celebrated their twentieth anniversary, and my uncle here wanted to sing, uh, ‘Sunrise, Sunset.’ He wanted ME to sing it, and I haven’t sung that since Cindy’s wedding and, well, she never thanked me for that. Well, I’m still… Uh, well, she’s probably really busy and all with…”

  • peterjj4-av says:

    He’s dressed like his character in Nashville. Too bad he didn’t pull up on the bike.

  • south-of-heaven-av says:

    “He was just so sweet,” Sabrina enthused. “And he started singing to me, ‘Sunrise, Sunset’ from Fiddler On The Roof.Of fucking course he did.

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