Felicity Jones takes Eddie Redmayne for a ride in The Aeronauts trailer

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Felicity Jones takes Eddie Redmayne for a ride in The Aeronauts trailer

If Brad Pitt blasting off into space is too out there for you, the forthcoming The Aeronauts stays a little closer to home. Directed by Tom Harper (Peaky Blinders), the film is based on the work of James Glaisher, a British meteorologist, astronomer, and pioneering balloonist, or aeronaut. Those passions combine in the film, which sees Glaisher (Eddie Redmayne) try to break an altitude record for a hot-air balloon expedition. He gets a lift from Amelia Wren (Felicity Jones, who co-starred with Redmayne in The Theory Of Everything), a rich widow who, wouldn’t you know it, flouts convention like many a Felicity Jones character.

Like a lot of biographical films, The Aeronauts apparently takes some liberties—the real Glaisher made most of his expeditions with Henry Coxwell, not a fictional widow. But Amazon reportedly wanted to recapture Redmayne and Jones’ Theory Of Everything magic. We’ll see how that pays off when The Aeronauts wafts into theaters on December 6.


  • kris1066-av says:

    It just seems so OVERdramatic.

  • chriska-av says:

    i like when they’re screaming at the cast of Garden State.

  • fuckbootlickers-av says:

    A lot of trouble to go through to recapture the mediocrity of The Theory of Everything.

  • MookieBlaylock-av says:

    I’m old and fucking cranky (for obvious reasons), but the appeal of Eddie Redmayne is entirely lost on me.  Lost I say.  

  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    I kind of want them to fail. I don’t know if we need more movies where protagonists are laughed out of the room for their ‘wacky’ ideas, but they end up proving them wrong. I want people to walk out of the movie thinking, “Yeah, those old white guys dismissing Redmayne as a kook were pretty spot on. It’s his fault he died.”

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      The Little Engine That Couldn’t

    • mr-smith1466-av says:

      There was a movie with Colin Firth recently that was seemingly one of those “inspiration stories of a dreamer” about a guy with little experience deciding to sail around the world. Despite the trailer selling it as though he’d succeed, he instead immediately fails horribly and spends the rest of the movie faking reports of his success while slowly going insane.
      It wasn’t a great movie, but it made the valuable and seldom made case that sometimes your dreams really are stupid and shouldn’t be attempted.

  • dontdowhatdonnydontdoes-av says:

    I thought this would be about uploading youtube videos that have Bane rapping and Anakin moping in a song about The Friend Zone. 

  • martyspookerblogmygod-av says:


  • cinecraf-av says:

    And thanks to pioneers like this man, the world is populated by all manners of balloons ferrying millions to and from work building calculating machines and steam powered computers!

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Redmayne and Jones’ Theory Of Everything magic. And the makers of MiB: International wanted to recapture that Thor: Ragnarok magic with Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, and we saw how THAT worked out.

  • zorrocat310-av says:

    ………and Felicity Jones as Cantinflas

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      I thought she plays a sandbag that Redmayne falls in love with, leaving Redmayne to choose: marry her or drop her off the basket and gain altitude?

  • skpjmspm-av says:

    The review is vacuous but the trailer clearly sells the movie as an unsung feminist hero tract. I’m not altogether certain the discovery the atmosphere has a structure is general knowledge at this point.

  • greatgodglycon-av says:

    Once you’ve seen Redmayne in Jupiter Ascending he’s ruined for anything else. Up there with Jeremy Irons in the D&D movie.

  • bagman818-av says:

    Based solely on the picture and the title I thought this was some sort of steam punk fantasy, which it would be nice if someone made a decent movie in that genre (spits out taste of Mortal Engines). I can’t say I have any interest in old timey meteorology, particularly one staring Eddie fucking Redmayne.

  • hankwilhemscreamjr-av says:

    This reminds me of the worst episode of Monty Python “The Golden Age of Ballooning”

  • sirslud-av says:

    “You had me at helium!”

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