Fine, Veep‘s Jonah Ryan will take the Speaker Of The House spot

Fresh off his 27th COVID infection, the anti-vax, pro-marrying-your-own-sister HBO candidate is ready to take the job

Aux News Veep
Fine, Veep‘s Jonah Ryan will take the Speaker Of The House spot
Timothy Simons Photo: Michael Loccisano

For the past few days, American governance has functioned, essentially, a little like that bit with the luggage cart from the first Austin Powers movie. California Republican Kevin McCarthy, who obviously thought he was going to slide into the Speaker Of The House position without becoming, say, a national laughingstock, dutifully backs up his little legislative cart a bit…and then slams it right back into the same wall of hard-line right-wing Reps. who’ve been blocking his efforts all week. Then he does it again, with no apparent forward progress. Then a Democrat yells out a “Leeeeeeroy Jenkins!” reference, just to layer on an added bit of pop culture silliness. Then everyone adjourns for the day, safe in the knowledge of another day’s leadership done.

Clearly, it is a time for someone to step forward to break this deadlock. A hero, who defines the time in which they live. And if they’re fictional, and if they’ve gotten COVID 27 times so far thanks to an addiction to seeing Top Gun: Maverick in theaters, well… so much the better. Veep’s Jonah Ryan can be that man.

This is per David Mandel, former showrunner on the HBO political satire, who shared a letter today from the anti-vax, anti-daylight-savings-time, pro-marrying-your-own-sister fictitious former vice president of the United States, who has graciously offered to take on the role of Speaker Of The House, since the House itself can’t seem to make up its damn mind. Jonah, after all, appeals to a broad coalition of people, each worse than the last, and pledges to make any and all concessions necessary to get himself a bigger gavel (and an opportunity to give “private prison magnate and casino owner Sherman Tanz” anything he wants).

Jonah’s letter was also shared on social media by Timothy Simons, who for several years was the unfortunate host of the Jonah Ryan consciousness, as well as all of the attendant jokes about the human body in which he is continually forced to live. Meanwhile, Simons’ long-time co-star Julia Louis-Dreyfus drew her own Veep parallels to the current situation in the House yesterday, demanding that the show receive yet another Emmy for this latest political farce demonstrating the venal and idiotic nature of the American political system.


  • dinoironbody1-av says:

    Veep had my favorite final scene of any TV show.

  • charliemeadows69420-av says:

    Veep’s satire never really connected with me because they all seemed  too smart and honest to be US politicians.  

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:

      No one on Veep was honest. 

    • blpppt-av says:

      That’s why the show ended. The writers were having trouble coming up with things more absurd than the actual real life administration.

      • charliemeadows69420-av says:

        The Clinton, Trump, and Biden gangs all have VEEP style stories that came out.   They take a pretty dark turn when you consider all the victims of sexual crimes and assault those scumbags left in their wake.  

        • blpppt-av says:

          Lets be real though—and I am no fan of Bubba—the scandals the last administration and the general Big Top atmosphere around it are lightyears beyond Whitewater and Paula Jones/Monica.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Likely true about Trump but you are forgetting that Hillary Clinton let her faith advisor sexually harass women and refused to fire him. Instead she moved the victim to a new job. That’s real life VEEP. Also she lost to Trump, a clown. She also had Harvey Weinstein go on MSNBC to call Bernie Sanders sexist. Did you see her TV show with Chelsea? It’s insane how abusive Hillary is to her and Chelsea is a real life Catherine. VEEP could do five seasons about Hunter Biden. Also the Cornpop story is hilarious. Or how Biden had to bow out in disgrace the first time he ran for President because he plagiarized a British politician who got his ass kicked when he ran for prime minister. That sounds like something Mike would do to Selina. Don’t forget Biden calling a voter fat and challenging a voter to a pushup contest.

          • dinoironbody1-av says:

            I wonder how likely it is that Bernie would live up to your expectations as president.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            lol It’s so funny watching you lib idiots get so triggered by facts. Bernie sucks. He’s a warmonger coward. Despite that he would be better than anyone who has been President or ran for President in the last 50 years. 

          • murrychang-av says:

            “It’s so funny watching you lib idiots get so triggered by facts”You have a text doc with stock phrases to copy/paste, don’t you?“Bernie sucks. He’s a warmonger coward. Despite that he would be better than anyone who has been President or ran for President in the last 50 years.”Wow it’s not often you run across a McGovern supporter these days!

          • blpppt-av says:

            “Also she lost to Trump, a clown.”Its actually very understandable why that happened.1. Hillary didn’t put in the leg work for the “less important” areas.2. Donald really was an outsider and people wanted to see what an outsider could do3. Hillary does not have the most endearing personality.4. Hillary failed to handle Donald properly during his circus like debates.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            All of those are reasons why Hillary lost. She’s stupid and unlikable.Hillary also lost because she is evil and corrupt. She is friends with Jeffrey Epstein, a pedophile. She is friends with Harvey Weinstein a rapist. She is married to Bill Clinton, a rapist.

          • blpppt-av says:

            She’s unlikeable, but she’s definitely not stupid. She dropped the ball on her campaign strategy, yes, but one mistake doesn’t make you stupid.Trump was the epitome candidate of a significant amount of uninformed and uneducated people in this country, plus the people who just didn’t like Hillary, and/or were tired of establishment politicians.“Hillary also lost because she is evil and corrupt.”Okay, now we are getting into pure projection. If that was true, Trump wouldn’t have won. He has always been a hedonistic shady businessman. You sound like somebody who thinks he appeared out of nowhere in 2015 or The Apprentice.

          • daveassist-av says:

            Another projection was about Epstein.  Trump was also an Epstein buddy, yet these Right-wing Kremlin buddies never seem to worry about that.  It only comes up for non-right-wing pawns.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Hillary Clinton was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and is married to a rapist. Why do you defend that? Hillary Clinton is definitely stupid. She lost to Donald Trump. Only a stupid person would do that.

          • blpppt-av says:

            Dude, you DO realize that we have videos and photos of Trump with Epstein, right?Plus, he’s been accused of rape in a court of law.Its absolutely amazing to me the amount of projection involved when trying to defend Trump.If any of those reasons you listed were valid reasons for Hillary losing, Trump wouldn’t have won, either.He had the benefit of never failing in elected office before and charisma. But other than that, pretty much every bad thing Hillary did in the past, or was accused of, has actually been done by Trump, so saying “that is the reason she lost” makes zero sense.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Republicans don’t give a fuck about rape, pedophilia, or women. They are scum. Democrats do which is why Hillary being friends with pedophiles and rapists hurts her more than Trump. You should try thinking about things before you post all angry. Also why do you pretend to care about rape and pedophilia while supporting Democrats? Have the Democrats arrested Trump for rape?    Have they investigated Epstein and his client list?   I care about stopping rapists and pedophiles so I’m mad at the Democrats and their leadership.   You obviously don’t so you defend them.   Get a moral compass.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            “You should try thinking about things before you post all angry.”I get frustrated with people who obviously haven’t done much research on things.I agree that the “Trumper” out there doesn’t care about those things you listed as long as they get a “fist pumpin’ murrica candidate”. But you cannot remotely win a general election with ONLY those people.Trump also appealed to the independents and the Dems who were sick of the “same old career politicians” and didn’t like how Hillary came off personality wise.In short, he was very, very good at selling false hope, and a lot of people fell for it. Those Trumper extremists, The GOP overall, independents, and even some Dems.That’s how he won.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Yeah. So you admit I am right that Hillary is a stupid, unlikable, corrupt clown who voters hated for good reasons which makes her into a living VEEP character.   I hope she goes to prison for her friendship with Epstein and Weinstein and all the bribes she got from Goldman Sachs and other rich scumbags.  She can share a cell with Trump, Biden, Bill Clinton, and Obama.   All politicians are the same which is why VEEP worked. 

          • blpppt-av says:

            “o you admit I am right that Hillary is a stupid, unlikable, corrupt clown who voters hated for good reasons which makes her into a living VEEP character.”No, I specifically DIDN’T agree with you. If you aren’t even going to bother reading my replies, don’t bother responding.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            lol It’s so funny watching you pretend that Hillary Clinton, a friend of pedophiles and rapists, is a good person. It’s so funny watching you pretend Hillary is smart despite losing to one of the dumbest clowns on Earth.  Why do my 100% factual statements trigger you so badly?  Why do you defend a politician who loves Trump, Epstein, and Weinstein?    Why do you defend a woman who marries a rapist and attacks his victims?   Get a moral compass.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            “lol It’s so funny watching you pretend that Hillary Clinton, a friend of pedophiles and rapists, is a good person.”Compared to Trump? Hell yes she is.But other than that? Where did I say Hillary was a “good person”?Where are you digging these things up from?

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            lol  Get a moral compass fool.   I’m bored talking to a brainwashed idiot like you.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            “I’m bored talking to a brainwashed idiot like you.”You are making stuff up about what I’ve actually said here, because you have a narrative about me that you want to push.That makes you the idiot.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Whatever you need to tell yourself as you defend a politician who loves rapists and pedophiles.   Get a moral compass fool.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            I’m not defending anybody. This whole argument is about WHY Hillary lost in 2016.You claimed it was because she was stupid, corrupt, and hung out with rapists.She aint stupid. Even most of her intense detractors think she is smart, but pure evil. Donald actually is stupid. Plus, he was corrupt, and hung out with rapists, even being HIMSELF accused of rape.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            She’s very stupid.  She lost to Donald Trump.   I’ve heard her talk.  She’s a deeply stupid person with no morals.  That’s why she hangs out with pedophiles and rapists.    That’s why no one likes her.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            “She’s very stupid. She lost to Donald Trump.”No, she ran a poorly strategized campaign. Lots of intelligent people have done so and lost to less deserving people. That does not make her or them necessarily “stupid”.And morality (or lack thereof) has nothing to do with stupidity. We’ve had some near-genius level sociopaths and psychopaths.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Losing to Donald Trump is only possible if you are very very stupid and very very corrupt.   Hillary is that stupid and corrupt so she pulled it off.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            “Losing to Donald Trump is only possible if you are very very stupid and very very corrupt.”For like the fifth time now, no.Hillary lost because of a poorly planned campaign, her personality, and Trump’s star power/charisma.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            lol Which are all signs of her being stupid. Keep telling yourself whatever you need so you can justify your love of a corrupt politician who hangs out with rapists and pedophiles. lol I don’t get why it is so important for you to pretend she is smart when she is a politician who loves pedophiles and rapists

          • blpppt-av says:

            I. Don’t. Love. Hillary. Clinton.Stop saying that I do. I have never, ever said that.There, happy?

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            lol  Well you wrote 50 messages defending her.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            She’s better than Trump. That is literally all I did to “defend” her.That is a really low bar to clear. Its not even a compliment.

          • blpppt-av says:

            “VEEP could do five seasons about Hunter Biden.”The only thing comical about that so far is how a disgraced drunken former national hero like Rudy tried to get an insanely compromised piece of evidence introduced into the national debate.Also, the show ended long before that happened.I could go on for days listing the things Trump did like you pulled up for Biden—-but remember, Veep succeeded because it parodied and exaggerated things like Jonah Ryan failing upward through our government.Now, we actually have, in real life, people like Matt Gaetz, MTG, Boebert and Gym Jordan failing upwards. Characters who are arguably worse than the caricatures the people on Veep were constructed to be.Shows like that cannot work if they’re actually behind or lesser than what is actually happening.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            You are partisan if you think only the Republicans are a bunch of stupid, corrupt, lying clowns. The Democrats let multiple rapists on the Supreme Court because they put Diane Feinstein, an old lady with dementia, be in charge of the Senate Judiciary Committee.   Pretty fucking stupid if you ask me.    Did you see the response of the Democrats to George Floyd?   Giving the cops more money while kneeling wearing kente cloths?   That would be an episode of VEEP except it is too racist to be funny.  I agree with you the Republicans are corrupt and stupid.   They also managed to get rid of Roe vs Wade which was the primary goal of their voters.   What have the Democrats accomplished of that magnitude in the past 50 years?   

          • blpppt-av says:

            “You are partisan if you think only the Republicans are a bunch of stupid, corrupt, lying clowns.”Go back and read what I wrote. Point out where I said that. Or even came CLOSE to saying that.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            You are defending Hillary and Biden, corrupt clowns.   

          • blpppt-av says:

            In comparison to Trump?Hell yes I am.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Well then you are a fool because Hillary and Biden protect Epstein’s client list of child fucking rich people. You are a fool to defend Hillary and Biden who are obviously as corrupt and evil as Trump.  Here is a picture of them laughing at idiots like you who think there is any difference between Hillary and Trump.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            “Well then you are a fool because Hillary and Biden protect Epstein’s client list of child fucking rich people.”They do? So, why did nothing happen to those people during Trump’s reign? So far, Maxwell is the only top level person who has been prosecuted and convicted.All you are proving with that photo is that BOTH Trump AND Hillary were in Epstein’s inner circle, which means you’ve just proven yourself wrong—they both were there, so to say this cost Hillary votes but not Trump is silly. And proving me right that almost anything bad Hillary has even apparently or been accused of doing, Trump has done the same or worse.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Republicans don’t care about rape, pedophiles, or rapists.  Democrats do.  That’s why it doesn’t hurt Trump and it hurts Hillary.   If you gave a shit about women and children who were raped you’d understand that.   You don’t care about rape victims which is why you keep defending Hillary Clinton, a friend or rapist and pedophiles.  Stop acting like a Republican Trump supporter idiot.   Get a moral compass.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            “Republicans don’t care about rape, pedophiles, or rapists. Democrats do. That’s why it doesn’t hurt Trump and it hurts Hillary.”I already replied to this and told you why that does not work in a General Election. If you aren’t going to read and reply to the response, don’t use it again.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            lol  You are dumb if you think that doesn’t matter in the general election.  Lots of left wing people won’t vote for Hillary because she loves rapists so much.   You are either dense or dishonest.  It’s boring to listen to someone defend their favorite rapist pedophile politician.   

          • blpppt-av says:

            “ Lots of left wing people won’t vote for Hillary because she loves rapists so much”Donald Trump was ACTUALLY accused of RAPE in a court of law. So I guarantee they wouldn’t vote for him if that was the reason they didn’t vote for Hillary!Now, if you are going to be extra nuts and claim they would vote for another candidate, Hillary got the same amount of votes as the popular and charismatic incumbent Obama did in 2012!She lost because she did not get enough votes in areas that matter in our Electoral College system. Which has nothing to do with your crazy theory.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            lol Trump will never spend a day in jail because the elite Democrats like to rape women and children as much as Trump and scumbag voters like you don’t care enough to hold them accountable.   

          • blpppt-av says:

            “lol Trump will never spend a day in jail”Ahh, the first thing we actually agree on!I said this back in the day when we had that political site here before the breakup of Deadspin and others, around the time the Stormy Daniels payoff came out that Trump would never spend a day in jail for it. And as he kept doing terrible things over and over, it became more and more certain that for various reasons, I would bet my entire life savings that he’d never actually spend a day in prison.He hasn’t even been criminally INDICTED yet.I actually predicted based on the ineptness of our government to hold a sitting POTUS accountable for things that after Trump lost in 2020 he’d just squat in the WH Residence and dare the government to drag an ex-president out.Which he may have actually done if Jan 6th hadn’t happened, which forced his allies in Congress to (temporarily) turn against him.

          • blpppt-av says:

            “I agree with you the Republicans are corrupt and stupid. They also managed to get rid of Roe vs Wade which was the primary goal of their voters. What have the Democrats accomplished of that magnitude in the past 50 years?”Sigh. The ONLY REASON they were able to actually get rid of RvW was pure happenstance. Deaths, Retirements and resignations happened at the right time, that being having a GOP POTUS.It was mere chance. Now because of it, we have a conservative supermajority in SCOTUS, and they could get what they wanted.Had zero to do with anything other than chance. Which is also why it is so infuriating.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Wrong. Republicans got rid of Roe vs Wade because they believe in that project and they play to win. Democrats let it happen because they only care about getting paid.

          • blpppt-av says:

            No. It happened because we had a GOP POTUS at the right time for random events.That’s it. Has nothing to do with “effort” or “strategy”.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            You don’t know what the Heritage Foundation is, obviously.   Your understanding of why Roe vs. Wade is gone shows you know little about real world politics and how dedicated, smart, and hard working the Republicans who hate abortion are.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            It. Doesn’t. Matter.I’ve already explained to you multiple times why SCOTUS is now a ridiculous con supermajority. Once they got that, Heritage Foundation or no, they were going after RvW.And the ONLY reason we have a 6-3 lopsided court now is because Trump had three seats to fill in his SINGLE term. By pure happenstance, 1 of them was due to a Liberal justice death.5-4 Conservatives, RvW is still around.The only way you have any argument whatsoever here is if you think RBG was murdered.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            lol  You don’t know shit about politics.  You are just a dumb brainwashed idiot.   It’s so funny how you think it was random luck that a bunch of  super old judges died.   

          • blpppt-av says:

            “lol You don’t know shit about politics.”You literally have no idea what you are talking about, over and over again in this thread, and *I’m* the one that doesn’t know politics?Give me a break. What is absolutely hilarious here is that you think with a 6-3 supermajority that the cons weren’t going after RvW. They’ve wanted it gone for DECADES.The Heritage Foundation, unless you can prove they murdered RBG or forced McTurtle to hold off on Merrick Garland, had nothing to do with them getting that majority.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            It’s so dumb you think it was luck and not the Heritage Foundation that got Roe vs Wade overturned.

          • blpppt-av says:

            Fact: If RBG hadn’t died when Trump was in office and McConnell still majority speaker, RvW is still alive today.The Heritage Foundation, unless they murdered RBG, had zero to do with it.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            lol   What a lucky break Trump got when an 87 year old woman died.  Who could have seen that coming?  lol  

          • blpppt-av says:

            “lol What a lucky break Trump got when an 87 year old woman died. Who could have seen that coming? lol”Now, please tell me how the Heritage Foundation had anything to do with RBG dying.Since you can’t, the simple answer here is: If RBG lived until Jan 20th, 2021, Roe v Wade is still alive today with a 5-4 con majority instead of 6-3.LOL

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            I don’t think you know what the Heritage Foundation is or what they do or how it has influenced this country.    

          • blpppt-av says:

            There are many organizations that influence this country. Yes, the HF has a disturbing recent history of unduly influencing the SCOTUS, but the cons were always coming after RvW once they were certain of victory.So, unless you can prove that they had RBG wacked or had Mitch block Garland, they had zero to do with RvW going away. It was not going away if RBG hadn’t died with a GOP POTUS and Senate maj leader in power.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            lol  Mitch McConnell was able to steal that Supreme Court seat from the Democrats because organizations like the Heritage Foundation made sure he understood that is a priority.   Democrats let that happen because their rich donors don’t give a shit about abortion or protecting the rights of women.   It has nothing to do with luck bozo.   It has to do with scum like Obama, Hillary, and Biden only caring about getting rich off of government.  

          • blpppt-av says:

            Mitch McConnell has almost nothing to do with HF. He did it because he could, it gave him notoriety, and increased the GOP chances of securing a future supermajority in SCOTUS. All Mitch cares about is his kickbacks from corporate America. Look at his shady grifter of a wife, too.To be fair, the only thing preventing other maj leaders in a similar situation (lame duck POTUS, opposition Senate control) from doing something like this in the past was the sense of honor and decency, which unfortunately doesn’t seem to apply to its occupants anymore.

          • charliemeadows69420-av says:

            Feel free to find another example of someone doing what Mitch McConnell did.  It can only happen if one side doesn’t give a shit.  Democrats care so little about women they don’t even try to remove the two rapists on the Supreme Court.   

          • blpppt-av says:

            “Feel free to find another example of someone doing what Mitch McConnell did. It can only happen if one side doesn’t give a shit.”That was exactly my point. It could have been done at any time there was a lame duck 2nd term POTUS and an opposition party controlling the Senate, but it wasn’t because of an “undocumented rule” (which isn’t actually a rule). As we’ve seen with all the shit Trump has gotten away with because he “is a sitting President” (at the time), it has become incredibly clear that a great deal of our high government is based entirely on somebody not taking advantage of loopholes.

        • rockhard69-av says:

          Biden is a scumbag. Hasnt killed a single sand monkey yet

  • antsnmyeyes-av says:

    Wow.Me and my family have been in tears the past two days over this. Heartbroken the state our country is in, and no matter your party affiliation, it is indeed heartbreaking how the Democrats have forced the GOP to deny a majority Speaker consensus. Truly heartbreaking.And this guy is making jokes? At this time? About something so important and heartbreaking?!?Wow.

    • stephdeferie-av says:

      every time the dems nominate their guy, i get tears in my eyes, too…from laughing so damn hard!

    • arriffic-av says:

      “this is the Democrats’ fault” was a take I somehow never expected yet here we are, I guess.

    • jodyjm13-av says:

      Kudos on some excellent satire; it takes guts to walk right up to the line separating believable from over-the-top, and put just one foot barely over that line.

    • brianjwright-av says:

      You’re laughing. America is stepping on rake after rake and you’re laughing. 

    • killa-k-av says:

      What are you, stupid?

    • ajvia12-av says:

      I cant tell if this is the saddest real post or the happiest fake post I’ve seen yet today. A joke, or not? Or really? Or just…WTF is happening anymore

    • argiebargie-av says:

      Me and my family have been in tears the past two days over this. You and your family shouldn’t have voted for the Insurrectionist Party. 

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      You’ve been in… tears?… over this? Not the last 7 years?Sure thing buddy.

    • murrychang-av says:

      You didn’t laugh when Gaetz nominated Trump?I’m gonna laugh even harder if Trump actually wins, having that idiot in charge of the monkeyhouse would be fitting.

    • sirslud-av says:

      jebus people, it’s a joke(cue the “but some people really feel this way” defense for not recognizing deadpan humour, but I posit that “those” people are not crying in so much as getting angry spittle all over their monitors over at Breitbart or wherever, just like they are every day)

    • vulkar59-av says:

      “Democrats have forced the GOP to deny a majority Speaker consensus.” Ew. The Republicans deserve this and worse; they brought this chaos on themselves and the nation. The steadfastness of House Democrats stands in stake stark contrast to the loud and infantile Republicans. Let the Republican party eat itself.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    The writers of Veep couldn’t imagine a more disfunction situation.  So sure why not, speaker Jonah!

  • kojak3-av says:


  • blpppt-av says:

    I, too, would vote for Jon H. Ryan.

  • marenzio-av says:

    I’ll be that guy: I expected this to be funnier.

    • better-than-working-av says:

      Yeah I loved Veep, even the later seasons, but I think this is a good example of how the actors would elevate the (mostly decent, sometimes genius) material they had to work with.

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