Florence Pugh will chat Dune: Part Two, but not that other movie

Florence Pugh doesn't want to "go into the nitty-gritty details of Don’t Worry Darling" anymore

Aux News Florence Pugh
Florence Pugh will chat Dune: Part Two, but not that other movie
L-R: Nick Kroll, Florence Pugh, Chris Pine and Olivia Wilde at the Don’t Worry Darling premiere in Venice Photo: Kate Green

For those of you who became deadly sick of all the Don’t Worry Darling discussion last year, you’re in good company. While the movie’s highly publicized press tour may go down in infamy, star Florence Pugh has no interest in rehashing that chapter of her life. Discussing the heightened interest in her personal life that comes with her career taking off, Pugh diplomatically declined to discuss the DWD drama in an interview with Vanity Fair.

“Ideally I don’t really want to be going down the Don’t Worry Darling conversation because this whole release for The Wonder has been so positive and I’ve been really excited to talk about that,” Pugh explained. “I don’t really feel the need to go into the nitty-gritty details of Don’t Worry Darling. So if it’s okay, I’ll probably just let that one sit.”

Score one for enforcing reasonable and healthy boundaries. Amusingly, Pugh doesn’t actually talk at all about The Wonder in this particular interview, but her eagerness to discuss any other film she’s been a part of is perhaps revealing as to what a fiasco the whole Don’t Worry Darling business actually was. Or maybe she’s just trying to start the new year with a clean slate.

Either way, she’s more talkative on other topics, like Marvel (“Their schedule is so precise”) and being a role model (“Just be honest and open—then no one has to call you out for anything”). She also gave some insight onto the set of Dune: Part Two, particularly her relationship with her younger co-stars.

“It’s actually an interesting point because for the majority of my career I’ve worked with lots of older actors that I’ve had to pinch myself for working with. I’ve learnt a lot just by watching,” Pugh shares. “To do Dune with those specific actors at the front, like Timmy [Chalamet] and Zendaya and Austin [Butler]—they are remarkable people, number one, and unbelievable actors, number two. They’re stars in their own ways, not in the cliché way of using the word. They’re just—they’re sparkly people.”

The actor continues, “I’m now lucky enough to call them all my friends, which is super exciting. For me to be able to work with the ‘young Hollywood’ of the moment, and them being beautiful people, and then have them on my phone when I want to text them—to see that that’s the direction in which our industry is going is such a wonderful feeling.” May the year bring her more wonderful feelings and less of whatever feelings Don’t Worry Darling evokes.


  • turdontherun-av says:

    “Younger co-stars”Florence Pugh: Age 27Timothee Chalamet: Age 27Zendaya: Age 26Austin Butler: Age 31Good lord, AVC

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      If I tried to look at it from the author’s point of view, I’d say there was an attempt at saying, “She is now working with younger actors.”

      But I can’t look at it from that point of view for long, because my neck gets tired from jamming my head in my ass.

    • spr0kets-av says:

      Not,…..”younger (…than her)“But rather….”younger (….than she’s accustomed to working with)”Or,…..”younger (…..than the other co-stars on this particular set)“Granted, phrasing is an issue here how she put it, but I don’t think she was suggesting that they are younger than Pugh (with the exception of Zendaya)

    • capeo-av says:

      It’s particularly funny/galling writing seeing as Pugh is specifically talking about working with actors her own age, and there’s a million ways to write that sentence to not make it sound like she’s talking about working with actors younger than her. There are no editors here anymore.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      The AVC being a bunch of 60-year-olds trying get “hip” with today’s kids would actually explain a lot.

    • nowaitcomeback-av says:

      Yeah, I guess they meant “working with actors who are younger than the actors she typically works with” but it was a really stupid way to word it in the article. 

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I believe it means younger than her co-stars in other films.  The following quote makes the context clear, but one would be forgiven for not making the connection since Mary Kate inexplicably put the context-giving quote in a whole new paragraph without any sort of linking language.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Zendaya’s Mom: priceless

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Good advice to follow! Eh? Eh?

  • chestrockwell24-av says:

    Really enjoyed the first movie so I can’t wait for the second.

  • teageegeepea-av says:

    “Anymore”? She wasn’t willing before either.

  • crews200-av says:

    Nick Kroll just looks happy to be there.

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    It’s about f*ckin’ time you give us a new article on Florence Pugh! Me and my fellow Pughkeheads (our name is still under dispute. Some of us wanna be referred to as Flo-ridaz) have been waiting forever. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I reckon I don’t blame her.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    The av club squeezes one last article out of this ridiculous fluff 

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