Florence Pugh says making Oppenheimer felt like being on set when movies were first invented

Pugh says when a camera broke while filming a sex scene, she used it as an opportunity to learn about how they work

Aux News Oppenheimer
Florence Pugh says making Oppenheimer felt like being on set when movies were first invented
Oppenheimer Photo: Melinda Sue Gordon/Universal Pictures

With its Best Picture nomination secured, it’s time for Oppenheimer to start campaigning for everyone’s most coveted tiny golden man—and that means getting the people who made the movie in front of as many people as possible so they can talk about how great the movie is and how much of a good job everybody did while they were making it (to be fair, the cast and crew didn’t really get a chance to do that when the movie came out because of the Hollywood strikes).

The stars of Oppenheimer—Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, and Florence Pugh—recently did that for a For Your Consideration panel hosted by Jamie Dornan, and among details like Jason Clarke weaponizing toxic male behavior during his interrogation scene with Emily Blunt (he moved his chair closer and closer to her and it legitimately make her angry), the gang also spent some time talking about how great and ego-free the set was. Pugh, who was only on set for two weeks, felt particularly strong about this, saying that filming Oppenheimer was as if she “won an award” and was able to go back and see what it was like seeing how movies were made when movies were first invented.

Her first scene was the party scene where her character, Jean Tatlock, is first introduced, and she said nobody felt like sitting down or going on their phone all day (not that they would’ve been allowed to anyway) because everybody in the room was the best at what they were doing so everyone was just excited to talk to everyone else about making movies. Pugh says she was so excited about being on such a knowledgable set that, when a camera broke during one of her sex scenes with Cillian Murphy, she decided to take the opportunity to strike up a conversation with the person fixing the camera.

The whole movie wasn’t shot on IMAX, but it does sound like it had an especially unusual setup, so Nolan had to bring in a specific person in order to repair whatever had gone wrong. And with her and Murphy sitting there naked (in a closed set and with their arms wrapped around themselves), Pugh figured “this is my moment to learn” and asked the repairperson what was happening. “You just make your moments,” she said during the panel, “I’m like, ‘what’s going on with the shutter here, buddy?’”

Throughout the panel, Pugh has nothing but glowingly positive things to say about Nolan and the kind of operation he runs, even framing it in a complimentary way when she says—in what is surely a totally hypothetical story—that Nolan would see through any attempt to lie to him about being late to set if you were (hypothetically) on “the loo” for a long time that morning because he would’ve already studied every actor’s call time and how the traffic looked on whatever route they needed to take in any given morning.

Assuming other actors have similarly positive first-time experience with Nolan, it’s no wonder so many of them want to keep working with him over and over.


  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    that Nolan would see through any attempt to lie to him about being late
    to set if you were (hypothetically) on “the loo” for a long time that
    morning because he would’ve already studied every actor’s call time and
    how the traffic looked on whatever route they needed to take in any
    given morning

    In any other context, this sounds like the worst kind of middle manager.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      I can’t imagine how he would do any of this without some kind of device (like a phone?). Strange. None of this sounds like praise for Nolan:/

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        Yeah, I mean if someone is repeatedly late for work that’s a different story (though even that can possibly be handled in a mutually beneficial way). But just because you can use google maps doesn’t mean you know someone’s day, let alone what’s going on in their life.

        • leonthet-av says:

          Yeah, here’s how it works:“Florence? Your call time tomorrow is 7:00 AM. Your driver will pick you up whenever you ask, but you will be on set and ready to work at 7:00 AM on the dot. Got it? Good. If you’re not, I will not blame your driver, I will blame you. See you tomorrow at seven.”

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            In that case, I’d just sleep in my trailer near the set. And if they can’t get me a trailer, then that’s on them. 

          • srgntpep-av says:

            Well aren’t we just full of demands?  People like you are why actors have such a bad rep!

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            Oh, I can be flexible.
            I’ll just sleep in someone else’s trailer. 😀

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          or what they had for breakfast.

        • bobwworfington-av says:

          Counterpoint: I don’t give a fuck what is in their life. Be on time. 

        • bobwworfington-av says:

          I don’t think you quite grasp how much every other person’s job on a movie set relies on the actor being there and ready on time. 

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            You evidently don’t grasp I’m not just talking about movie sets.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      “You’re late!”
      “I was taking a shit!”
      “Don’t you give me that ‘shit’ crap! I studied your call time as well as the traffic patterns on the rout I expected you to take to get here!”
      “Yeah, well, after I finished taking a shit, I told the driver to get me to the set by another route!”
      “You and your shit shit is ruining my movie! And stop questioning my camera operators while you’re naked!”
      “You’re SO great to work for! I’m loving this! It’s like when movies were first invented!”
      “Just get your damn clothes off and wrap yourself around the guy who looks like a disoriented praying mantis!”

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      If you want to go with the worst possible read of the context, sure.

    • bobwworfington-av says:

      Counterpoint: Actors being late after the set workers, light riggers, hair and makeup crews, and everyone else who has to be there on time – while making a fraction of the salary and commuting through L.A. traffic and without the benefit of personal drivers, helicopters, or luxury hotels near the set, can go get fucked with a cactus.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    And with her and Murphy sitting there naked (in a closed set and with their arms wrapped around themselves), Pugh figured “this is my moment to learn” and asked the repairperson what was happening. “You just make your moments,” she said during the panel, “I’m like, ‘what’s going on with the shutter here, buddy?’”Well isn’t that super relatable, lol. Tell me this anecdote isn’t marketing genius: naked, nakedness, Oscar-worthy nudity, cameras and bombs are so interesting guys!

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Camera Repairman: “Don’t look at Cillian Murphy’s dick, that would be inappropriate, just look at his eyes. Oh shit, his eyes are so intense! Back to the junk!”

  • bay123-av says:

    zzzz this movie amounts to nothing and her chraterter was pointless.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    when a camera broke during one of her sex scenes with Cillian Murphy, she decided to take the opportunity to strike up a conversation with the person fixing the camera:“Hi, I’m Flo. I was just wondering, what’s wrong with the camera? How are you going to fix it? Is it complicated? This is like so cool! Like when movies were first invented! Don’t you think?”
    “Uh…um…uh…b-b-b-b-BOOBIES!!!” *camera drops, smashes on floor*

  • adohatos-av says:

    “Florence Pugh Bothers Repairman”

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Maybe she’s trying to branch out into a new career in TV/VCR repair, gun repair, camera repair, or get her associates degree in accounting or business management?

    • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

      I like to think that he heard her question, looked at her, then just kept working without answering. 

  • kendull-av says:

    And her character in Oppenheimer was 1-dimensional, weak and barely in the thing. This sounds like a hostage-taker saying her captors are treating her well.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    FlorPu does not seem to have much in the way of issues with nudity either on set or at photo ops. Good for her 

  • alniea-av says:

    I’m just disappointed that there’s a sex scene in Oppenheimer 🤦🏾‍♀️ Just, why??? 

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