Frank Ocean, Rage Against The Machine, Travis Scott to headline this year's Coachella

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Frank Ocean, Rage Against The Machine, Travis Scott to headline this year's Coachella
Photo: Anna Meachum

Attention, music festival fans: It is now officially That Time Of Year once again, as Coachella released its schedule, including its headliners, for this year’s multiple weekends of shows. Lana Del Rey, Thom Yorke, Danny Elfman, Run The Jewels, and more are all set to perform in Indio this April, but some of the biggest reveals today came in the form of the headliners: Travis Scott, the reunited Rage Against The Machine, and, perhaps most notably, Frank Ocean.

Ocean, after all, is a notably reticent performer, making it big news any time he actually commits to getting on stage. He also hasn’t released a new album since 2016, although he did drop a few fresh singles last year, which, combined with these new dates, raises hopes that a third album might soon be on its way.

Coachella runs this year on the weekends of April 10th and 17th. (Although the first weekend is already sold out.) Pre-sales for the second weekend begin on January 6.


  • natureslayer-av says:

    Carly Rae Jepsen is only 4th line billing. The homophobia!

    • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

      I’m always puzzled by the lines.  People I assumed were much bigger (Carly Rae, Sandy (Alex G) are lower than people I’ve never heard of, then I listen to the people near the top I didn’t know and they’re middling.  Amazing anybody is booking Summer Walker after the way she’s been behaving.

    • beertown-av says:

      I looked at that and thought “Whoa…did her last album do THAT badly??”

      • natureslayer-av says:

        I still loved it haha. Was listening to it on the train this morning just to spite Coachella.I wish she had had her Chicago concert in a different venue. It was an assigned seat concert hall. 

    • mikosquiz-av says:

      I didn’t even know Carly Rae Jepsen was gay.

  • sven-t-sexgore-av says:

    If you’re going – go see PUP. 

  • vaporware4u-av says:

    So which one of you are assigned
    to the Danny DeVito crew?

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Looks impressive. It’s not easy to play keyboards upside-down.

  • evanfowler-av says:

    I love that Danny Elfman is on the bill with zero explanation. He may be doing cello-based Oingo Boingo songs or playing the entire Batman soundtrack with keanu reeves on upright bass, for some reason. Maybe he’s trying out stand up comedy.

    • elforman-av says:

      Or Elfman could be resurrecting this for Coachella:
      But seriously, Danny had to break up the band because he was suffering major hearing loss. I was at Oingo Boingo’s farewell concert on Halloween 1995 and at the Hollywood Bowl when he did Dead Man’s Party on Halloween 2015, following a singing performance of The Nightmare Before Christmas with virtually the entire original cast. (Here’s that performance with a full symphony orchestra and Steve Bartek)What I read later was that he could handle singing and loud music outdoors because of the acoustics. Doing so indoors or for prolonged periods of time was very problematic for him, which implied that a full rock performance or tour was unlikely. but who knows, if he has enough fun, the 25th anniversary of that farewell show is coming up in just under ten months…

      • yummsh-av says:

        I saw Elfman do The Nightmare Before Christmas at the Hollywood Bowl in 2016, and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. The encore was ‘Dead Man’s Party’ in the pouring rain, which stopped immediately after they finished the song. If he’s got hearing issues, it certainly wasn’t apparent.

      • evanfowler-av says:

        Oh man. You were at the Farewell show?? That’s so rad. One of my all-time favorite live albums. I use that “Goodbye, Goodbye” song as the outro music for shows all the time!Damn, that Halloween performance sounds sloppy as hell to me. I can’t tell if I’m just too used to hearing the actual band when they were incredibly tight or if it’s just the recording dropping out several layers of the music. Regardless, it is awesome and I’m sure it was amazing in person!Yeah, didn’t he have a knee problem too? I definitely remember the hearing thing (which makes perfect sense, Danny Elfman really needs his hearing), but I thought that bouncing around stages for twenty years had taken a toll on his legs as well. Sucks.From the twitter post, it seems like he’s gonna be playing everything. Man oh man, I would love to see this. Unlikely to be able to afford it, though. Hopefully I can catch a livestream, at least.

        • elforman-av says:

          Perhaps it was a bad transfer. They released a two-cassette VHS version of the show six months after then a DVD version a bit after that, likely to ensure hardcore fans bought both. The sound quality on the DVD is fine. I break it out most Halloweens.
          As for that final show, I paid $185 a seat for 12th row center seats in 1995 money, so likely $400 each or more today. The actual show ran four hours and twenty minutes, so there’s lots of stuff they left out from the DVD and CD releases, including Goodbye-Goodbye. They did that after coming back onstage following Only a Lad, with Elfman explaining he’d swore he’d never perform that one again but doing it anyway. It was clear they hadn’t rehearsed it. No such luck with Weird Science though: He stuck to his promise to never do that one again.If you’ve ever heard the live version of We Close Our Eyes from that final show you hear someone in the band yell out “One more time!” That was because it was the second time they’d played the song that night. They did it once and when it was over, someone from the film crew walked up to Danny and said something. Then Danny told the audience that the director thought they did it too slowly so they’re going to do it again a little faster. The crowd started changing “one more time” repeatedly, trying to get them to do it a third time, because why the hell not?
          The other fun part for my wife and I was going to see REM the very next night and spotting people with the Boingo t-shirt from the previous night. I didn’t actually wear mine, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got it safe and secure in a drawer somewhere gathering dust.

    • debussyfields-av says:

      How does he get higher billing than Carly Rae?

      • elforman-av says:

        Because he’s Danny Fucking Elfman. Four Oscar nominations. The single most recognizable theme in TV history. Huge nationwide concert draw for years. And how many other acts will get a crowd going like this?

    • crews200-av says:

      Him doing The Simpson’s theme would be worth the price of admission alone.

    • enricopallazzokinja-av says:

      I mean, if Hans Zimmer can do it…

    • justarobot-av says:
      • evanfowler-av says:

        Nice! Really curious about this “Beyond” music. I imagine him playing the themes from movies that won’t even be made for twenty years.

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    Going to be interesting to see how/if AB5 plays out at Coachella.New state law, primarily aimed at requiring Uber/Lyft classify their ride providers as employees. Writers of the bill acknowledge it may heavily affect the entertainment industry (one interpretation is that by hiring a band or any other contractor to play an event they may trigger the requirements), but couldn’t reach a form of any fix in time. Currently, barring court interference, it’d take fixing the bill, passing the fixes, then whatever timetable the fixes are built into.Nothing’s really set as precedent on this one yet, but it’s got pretty much every ‘independent’ musician I and my bandmates know scrambling. We’re currently being advised that each member should register as their own corporate entity for some reason. We’re also being advised this may change.

  • vaporware4u-av says:

    Apr 24 – Apr 26, 2020

  • skoc211-av says:

    Pass. I’ll be attending Gaychella:

    • kleptrep-av says:

      Is Jason Momoa shirtless because Marie Kondo keeps on folding his shirts? Is Jessica Simpson drunk because Marie Kondo keeps on folding all of her soft drinks? Is Bianca evil because Marie Kondo can’t stop folding her soul? Is Marie Kondo gonna fold everything up until the end of time?Also how did he know that The Midsommar Cult Dream was my favourite Shakespeare play?

    • mikosquiz-av says:

      Holy hell, the homophobia of that.

  • destron-combatman-av says:

    “Weekend 1 is sold out”. Sure is.

  • spaceidiot-av says:

    Are we gonna get new Frank Ocean this year? Will he at least come through with the Channel Orange vinyl??

  • yummsh-av says:

    Kids, wake up and reject the ‘90s relic that is Rage Against The Machine. Yes, I realize that part of that sentence is a RATM song lyric and title. You’re not as clever as you think.

    • pdoa-av says:

      If you’re so clever, please explain why they should be rejected. 

      • jtemperance-av says:

        Maybe because Coachella is owned by Philip Anschutz who, among other things, donates to groups that promote climate change denial and push intelligent design. So, by agreeing to play this festival they are putting money in his pocket. Also, they are pretty much the worst hypocrite sellouts of all time and I can’t believe people still buy into their bullshit schtick.

      • yummsh-av says:

        Mainly because they’re old and tired as fuck. The last record they released was ten years ago, and it was a compilation album. The last studio record they released was twenty years ago. The last live show they played was ten years ago. The last time any of them even talked about releasing new material was 2011. Prophets of Rage (since disbanded) was basically a cover band.Every so often they trot themselves out for a show or two or to release a live album to keep everyone’s McMansion mortgages and Cadillac SUV payments up to date, but besides that, they’re basically just the equivalent of whatever’s left of the fucking Beach Boys showing up to play a gig at a rich people resort in Hawaii. But hey, maybe they’ll hang an American flag upside down again when they come onstage. Boy, won’t that be original and new.

        • pdoa-av says:

          Fair enough, but if you’re old enough to remember those songs kicked ass back in the day, and it was pretty revolutionary at the time to hear anything like that on mainstream radio. It went nowhere, and yeah they’re sellouts, but what well known band isn’t? At the least it was some good music and got some people in my generation to think about something more than sex, drugs and partying.

          • yummsh-av says:

            I’m old enough to remember being at some of their earliest live shows at the Hollywood Palladium way back in the early ‘90s when they were just getting their start, and yes, they were a lot of fun then. The songs were crisp and new and invigorating. But that was then, and this is now. If they wanted me to see them as anything but a nostalgia band for aging Gen-Xers and their kids, they’d quit acting like fucking KISS and release some new music.‘Weren’t they fun?’ and ‘Well, everyone else is a sellout, too!’ are nowhere NEAR good enough reasons to make me give a single solitary shit. This young generation deserves a good protest band as much as any other (this one perhaps even more so), and these guys ain’t it. And if you ask me, this generation should be doing far more in the way of sex, drugs and partying and quit wasting their time trying to shame each other online with fucking cat memes. To quote this shitty old dinosaur band one more time, wake up.

          • pdoa-av says:

            I get what you’re saying, but sometimes you just gotta let go of your rage and enjoy the music.  It is lame they aren’t making anything new, for some reason thought they were. 

          • yummsh-av says:

            No thanks. I’ve heard every single one of those songs a billion times, and they are well beyond played the fuck out. Enjoy your old-ass CDs with the broken cases.And believe me, I let go of my Rage a long time ago. I’m sure you see what I did there too.

          • pdoa-av says:

            Maybe you let go of your rage, but you’re sure as hell pissed off about something. Let people like what they like and chill the fuck out. There’s plenty more to get upset about than some old band.

          • yummsh-av says:

            See, up until this point, I was trying to be nice. Now, not so much. You asked me a question, I (and others) answered it multiple times over, and here you still are with this same ‘just groove on the tunes, man!’ bullshit. Let people like what they like? How about you take your own advice and let people NOT like what they DON’T like? I let people like what they like just fine, but again, you asked me a question. If people want to listen to the same warmed-over bullshit from nearly thirty years ago to feel better about themselves as they do absolutely fucking nothing about all those things that are much more worthy of getting upset about except buy $500 Coachella tickets and put money in the pocket of right-wing billionaire pieces of shit like Phillip Anschutz, there’s clearly nothing I can do about it.Believe me, if people are so willing to fuck themselves in the ass like that in exchange for a concert experience and a few Instagram posts (and clearly they are), I know perfectly well there’s nothing I can do about it. Stupid gonna stupid.Chill the fuck out? Fuck off. Your argument sucks. You should take it and go groove on the tunes, man.

          • pdoa-av says:

            Yeah I asked, you answered and I accepted your reasoning as it was sound. I was trying to be nice even though you are clearly upset, and continued to try and shame me for liking some old music, not with “fucking cat memes” but good old fashioned cynical bad attitude, and a sloth meme (so much better). I’m not arguing that they are good, but that they once were. I never had any intention of paying for a damn Coachella ticket. You’ve been insulting from the start, so you can take your shitty attitude and maybe try and have a nice day. Good luck, asshole.

          • yummsh-av says:

            I was speaking in general for most of my responses and not directly to you, tough guy. I never attempted to shame you for anything. I even agreed with you that the music was once good, but has been tarnished by the words and actions of the band, their lackadaisical attitude toward their own reputation and musical legacy, and the complete lack of any new content for two decades. Maybe take a reading comprehension class while you’re grooving to the tunes.So again, basically your shit argument that you’re now trying to punch your way out of because you were and are too dumb to realize what was actually being said now boils down to ‘You mad, bro?’ No, I’m not mad, bro. Just disappointed.Good luck? With comments like these, who needs luck?

        • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

          Maybe they’ll do that trick again where they show up and just stand at the front of the stage with tape over their mouths in protest of THE MAN until their set is over. Such a protest to deprive some dumb teenagers of a show they were barely able to pay for while you’re getting rich off of your “message.” 

          • yummsh-av says:

            “Deafen yourselves with this feedback, children. You’re welcome. T-shirts in the back.”

        • ooklathemok45-av says:

          Prophets of Rage played 45+ shows in 2018 and 2019. 

      • ooklathemok45-av says:

        You Either Rage Against the Machine, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Machine

    • kleptrep-av says:

      Yah but I like their song where they go “You Know Who Ben Cross Is?”

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    I think this explains why the newest song on my Spotify playlist is from 2003.

    • ghost-channels-av says:

      That is just lazy, im not young and I still find plenty of great music every year. If you only listen to shit from your formative years, that is your fault. 

  • jtemperance-av says:

    More like Rage on Behalf of the Machine at this point. 

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      FUCK YOU, I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME! make sure to buy our new remastered old albums with one new bonus song remixed by Avicii. FUCK YOU I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME! pick up a t-shirt on the way out. we still sell the ones with che guevara, who we don’t really understand and pretend wasn’t racist. FUCK YOU I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME! see us on the reunion tour sponsored by Monster Energy and White Claw so we can pay for our range rovers and mansions.

  • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

    I’ve been twice but now this is mostly what I see…

  • kleptrep-av says:

    Isn’t Big Bang also part of Coachella? Which seems weird considering one of their members is a sexual assaulting harassing everything bad son of a bitch. Like they’re South Korea’s answer to Lostprophets y’know? With Seungri as their Ian Watkins.

    • twilightandshadow-av says:

      Seungri left (“retired” or whatever), didn’t he? I assume it’ll just be the other four members.

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