FX adds a slice of Hamm to Fargo’s fifth season

Jon Hamm, Juno Temple, and Jennifer Jason Leigh will all take a midwestern detour on the next season of Fargo

Aux News Fargo
FX adds a slice of Hamm to Fargo’s fifth season
Jon Hamm Photo: Dan Kitwood

Across Mad Men’s seven seasons, Jon Hamm took us inside the mind of Donald Draper, the himbo über-mensch whose furrowed “that’s what the money’s for” brow taught us about how to succeed in business by stealing someone’s identity. Draper’s journey through the 1960s showed viewers a transitional moment for a nation only beginning a love affair with advertising, a business that requires no product. According to the show, advertising only requires a few stiff drinks, a couple of naps, and a phrase like “Well done.” to pitch to the burnt-beef lobby. But we digress.

Hamm’s performance made Draper’s existential crisis so compelling. So it’s no surprise that Fargo creator Noah Hawley would lean over to Mad Men’s plate, move the burnt beef aside, poke at the Hamm, and say, “Give me some of that.” Per Deadline, Hamm, as well as Jennifer Jason Leigh and Ted Lasso’s Juno Temple, will all join the cast of Fargo’s next tour through the Coen-verse.

Fargo won’t be like some blockbusters that trap Hamm behind a desk and force him to yell, “You can’t fly that fast,” at Tom Cruise. Instead, Hamm, Temple, and Leigh will be the series leads, starring as characters named Roy, Dot, and Lorraine, respectively. Based on these character names, one would assume that this season would either occur in the Animaniacs continuity or the past, like the 1950s-tinged season four. But it’s not. According to Deadline, this bad boy exists in 2019, leaving the door open for certain contemporary celebrities like Charli D’Amelio to TikTok dance her way into a scene.

As for the plot, the only hints given by Hawley were Fargo-esque questions: “When is a kidnapping not a kidnapping, and what if your wife isn’t yours?” While the first question certainly inspires one to raise their hand to their chin for a good scratch, the second has grave implications. Seriously, what if your wife wasn’t your wife? Could you imagine if Borat asked that question? It would probably sound a little something like this: What if my wife wasn’t my wife? We’ve got nothing.

Speaking of nothing, there’s no release date for the next season of Fargo.


  • almightyajax-av says:

    The reason I know I’m from a different generation than Matt Schimkowitz is that where his mind went immediately to a Borat reference, my mind went immediately to a Talking Heads song.Aging out of the demo: it’ll happen to you! (If you’re lucky.)

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Considering he’s referencing the first Borat film I’d actually argue that that’s even a bit of a dated reference. And now I feel old. Assuming you are older than I.

    • bigbydub-av says:

      “Aging out of the demo”. We all know where that highway goes to. You’re on a road to nowhere.

  • socratessaovicente-av says:

    “Early reports indicate Hamm will play a sadistic Midwestern crime boss who gets off on dragging his victims around his hideout by their testicles using the claw end of a hammer.”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Hamm#Assault_incident 

    • dirtside-av says:

      What did you expect? He was voted “Most Likely to Drag Someone Around By Their Testicles” in high school.

      • bigbydub-av says:

        Voted “Most Likely to Drag Someone Around By Their Testicles in High School” in high school was Kevin Spacey.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      Jon “The Hammer” Hamm. Now no longer just referring to his magnum tallywhacker!

  • docprof-av says:

    This article feels like it was written by some sort of random word generating algorithm.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      This article feels like it was written by some sort of random word generating algorithm.- The AV Club

      • better-than-working-av says:

        “ According to the show, advertising only requires a few stiff drinks, a couple of naps, and a phrase like “Well done.” to pitch to the burnt-beef lobby.”

        Tell me you didn’t watch Mad Men without telling me you didn’t watch Mad Men.

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          Yeah, they never got the burnt-beef account.

          • maulkeating-av says:

            Nah, they let CGC take that one because they knew no one’s gonna buy burnt beef and those suckers are gonna be stuck with it like a crispy, black bovine millstone around their necks. 

          • thekingorderedit2000-av says:

            Yeah, they lost that to those jabronis at Cutler Gleason Cha-oogah.

          • actuallydbrodbeck-av says:

            Hey writers, is that too many vowels?

        • ginnyweasley-av says:

          I feel so bad thinking this is what people’s take away of Mad Men was. Sure, it had flaws, but its was a depressing slow burn of 1960’s ennui, quickening liberalizing social change, and with a refreshing emphasis on the suffering of mid-century women. Don was half the time something of a reluctant hero but more than often the show’s villain. The glitzy parts of that world were shown to be nearly entirely fraudulent, empty, and unable to fill the emptiness of the manboys who ran the industry. Even Don, right down to his basic identity, was a fraud.It is possibly the biggest criticism of capitalism done on a large mainstream level since 1976’s Network. At least for movies and shows where that wasn’t its main plot or message (The Big Short, various Wall Street movies, etc).

          • better-than-working-av says:

            Yeah, I mean I guess the way the author described MM wasn’t WRONG in the same way I could summarize Breaking Bad as “A nerdy teacher becomes a drug lord.” But that’s hardly even an accurate description of the hook, let alone what made the series so great. Then again, I get that the article’s author was just trying to be funny–it just put me in a pissy mood because Emily St. James’s reviews of MM on this site were the reason I started coming here and it’s sad there’s nothing really on the internet at that level anymore (at least when it comes to pop culture).

        • beertown-av says:

          This is kind of close, though, to the scene where Don is so sauced after their big Cleo win that he thinks he can waltz into a late-hours pitch meeting and kill it, but he fucks it up and winds up stealing a hacky idea just to save the meeting.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      Can’t anyone writing on this goddamn website just get to the point anymore?

    • maulkeating-av says:

      An ad from FB that just popped up in my work feed:What truly worries me is if the AV Club isn’t actually using this…

      • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

        I have several friends who work in the AI-generated content industry – far more notable “news” sites are using it than you’d expect!

        • maulkeating-av says:

          Wouldn’t be too hard for this site, considering pretty much everything is warmed-over press releases. Just copy and paste the text into the bot.

    • reinhardtleeds-av says:

      This is the worst article on the internet. 

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      According to Deadline, this bad boy exists in 2019, leaving the door open for certain contemporary celebrities like Charli D’Amelio to TikTok dance her way into a scene.I though this was created using some on-line Mad-Libs site.

  • bigbydub-av says:

    Girlfriend, I can’t decide which one I’m more over.  Jon Hamm or Fargo.  Ooh snap, I said it.  Cut the check!

    • pollysorbate-av says:

      This was the mashup of my dreams in 2014.

    • the-allusionist-av says:

      The announcement that could most pique my interest in another season of Fargo would be that Noah Hawley wasn’t returning.

      • wompthing-av says:

        lol what the hell why. seasons 1 and 2 are incredible. season 3 pretty good. season 4, y’know suffered from the pandemic or something, not great. Liked his novel Before the Fall a lot as well. 

        • planehugger1-av says:

          Season 4 was so annoying it made me want to slap one of its lead actors in front of thousands of people.

        • the-allusionist-av says:

          I don’t think the show has ever managed to reclaim the quality of season 1, frankly. And scattered and underwhelming  as season 4 was, I don’t think it’s ever likely to do so with Hawley at the helm.

      • wompthing-av says:

        lol what the hell why. seasons 1 and 2 are incredible. season 3 pretty good. season 4, y’know suffered from the pandemic or something, not great. Liked his novel Before the Fall a lot as well. 

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    Say “Oh yah you betcha”, muthafucka. Say it!

  • thebillmcneal-av says:

    That reminds me that I need to pick up another roll of Jon Hamm’s John Ham.

  • isaacasihole-av says:

    Set in 2019, so the last scene will be Jon Hamm coughing from some mysterious illness that’s going around.

  • necgray-av says:

    Maybe worth mentioning that Hamm provided voiceover narration for S2 of Hawley’s Legion.

  • stormylewis-av says:

    As for the plot, the only hints given by Hawley were Fargo-esque questions: “When is a kidnapping not a kidnapping, and what if your wife isn’t yours?” So it takes place in the Everything Everywhere All At Once universe. 

  • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

    Eh, Jon Hamm doesn’t come in a slice, he comes in a jumbo log size. Like, “How does he not break his knee swinging that thing around” sized log.

  • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

    Season 1 and 2 were some of my favorite seasons of TV ever.Season 3 was fine, if a little messy. Also lacked the humor of previous seasons.Season 4 was so bad and “lol random XD” that we turned it off halfway through and never finished it.

    • pgthirteen-av says:

      Here here. S2 of Fargo is an absolute masterpiece, in my opinion. It doesn’t often get mentioned in the same league as Mad Men or The Shield or Breaking Bad or the like, but it was phenomenal. 

      • 3rdshallot-av says:

        Fargo s2 is a masterpiece. best TV season in 2015 that did NOT feature an orchestral version of Where is my Mind.

  • romanpilotseesred-av says:

    I’ve never listened to Adnan Virk’s Cinephile podcast, but I’ve always been intrigued by this one episode description: “Jon Hamm: Great actor or Great role?”

  • taco-emoji-av says:

    We’ve got nothingyeah clearly

  • Frankenchokey-av says:

    Jon Hamm just wakes up every day and does whatever he wants and we all benefit as a result. God bless. 

  • darrylarchideld-av says:

    Powerful evidence that you never watched Mad Men, that you’d describe it….any of these ways. This article is a mess.I’m constantly surprised Jon Hamm isn’t a bigger deal based on his very excellent past work. His dramatic work on Mad Men is S-tier, one of the best performances in a TV show I’ve ever seen (though routinely overshadowed at the Emmys because Mad Men had the bad luck of airing concurrently with Breaking Bad for most of its life.)But he’s also a really gifted comedic actor. Can pretty much play anything, though I see him so infrequently.

    • actuallydbrodbeck-av says:

      My dream is Hamm in a live action Archer.

      • darrylarchideld-av says:

        He has some kind of role in the new Top Gun. Hearing him yell “Danger Zone!!!” is a distinct possibility.

      • maulkeating-av says:

        Thing is, literally every other VA in Archer looks like their character, so it wouldn’t even be that hard to cast. 

  • harrydeanlearner-av says:


  • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

    Fuckin great cast so far.Also, yes a lot of blockbusters don’t use Hamm well, but holy shit was he great in Baby Driver. I know it’s become fashionable to hate on that movie on Film Twitter for some reason, but he makes such a great unhinged killing machine villain. Really loved him in that. 

  • actuallydbrodbeck-av says:

    It’s the cure for the common Fargo season.

  • toastedtoast-av says:

    Question: In what way was season 4 “1950s-tinged” when in fact it was simply set in the 1950s? Tinged in this context would mean, roughly, that the show merely had some hint or feeling of the 1950s.

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