Get that beef dipped: FX has renewed The Bear

The summer's biggest hit show will be returning for a second season

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Get that beef dipped: FX has renewed The Bear
The Bear Photo: FX

Hopefully you don’t mind leaving garbage out on the street to claim your parking spot before it snows or listening exclusively to Wilco, because we’re all going to be spending a little more time in Chicaaago (and by “we” we mean the TV-viewing audience, not specifically the LA-based A.V. Club). That’s because FX has renewed hit dramedy The Bear for a second season, giving us at least a few more episodes of beef, green peppers, and specific Chicago references that are weirdly off to some viewers.

The series stars former Shameless star Jeremy Allen White as a fancy chef who takes over the family’s blue-collar Italian beef sandwich place in Chicago’s River North neighborhood (which also used to be a good place to settle down and make a website), forcing him to deal with his new staff, the struggles of owning a small business, and the grief of his brother’s recent death. The Bear also stars Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Abby Elliott, Lionel Boyce, and the always-good Ayo Edebiri.

In a statement, FX Entertainment’s president Eric Schrier said that The Bear “has exceeded our wildest creative, critical, and commercial expectations,” and highlighted Jeremy Allen White’s “spectacular” performance. Co-showrunner Christopher Storer and Joanna Calo also saluted the crew “who worked hard, fast, and in the dead of winter,” as well as “everyone who watched.” (We just hope the crew remembered to claim their parking spots before it snowed, which is a joke we’re making again because it’s one of the best Chicago references we know that doesn’t involve hot dogs or baseball.)

The Bear just premiered on June 23, and even though this was a pretty speedy renewal, we’re going to assume that season two won’t premiere until at least next year. After all, Chicago in the summer is just as uncomfortable as Chicago in the winter, so FX is going to want to find that sweet spot when the weather is nice for a couple days to film the new season.


  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    this rules! matheson is an old friend and i was so happy to see this is a hit. can’t wait to see what happens next.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    Ballbreakers animated spinoff when?

  • frenchtoast24-av says:

    “The Summer’s Biggest Hit Show” lol what????

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Maybe they just wanted to see if you were reading carefully.

      • maulkeating-av says:

        “More superlatives, Hughes! MORE!”“But- but Mr. Spanfeller, I can’t fit any-”“I SAID MORE, DAMN YOUR EYES!”“And I’m Barsanti.”“WHO THE FUCK CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE?”

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i mean i know ratings data is weird these days but i do think it’s a huge hit. (unless your issue is with the phrasing)

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    After all, Chicago in the summer is just as uncomfortable as Chicago in the winterThis is what I mean when I say people write things about the Midwest that make them look like they have never left LA.Do we get hot, humid weather sometimes? Yes. Do we got bitter cold sometimes? Yes. Do we get a lot of snow some years? Yes. Is the weather like San Diego, the Caribbean, or the Mediterranean? No.None of these things shut down the city except rarely. It doesn’t get as cold as the Northwest Territory, as hot and humid as Houston, or as much snow as Buffalo. We don’t get hurricanes, wildfires, or earthquakes. I spend an hour a day outside, twice a day, weather permitting. By “weather permitting,” I mean it has to be between about 10 and 85 degrees without too much rain. Looking at my fitness app, it looks like there have been 5 days since July 14, 2021 when I haven’t been able to get in at least one of those hours and I would guess that I get in both hours on better than 9 days out of 10.

    • bennettthecat-av says:

      Yeah, I grew up outside Detroit, and people always seem to think that it’s much further north, much further west, and much colder than it actually is. There’s rarely snow around Christmas anymore, and the summers are hot enough that it’s mandatory to have air conditioning.

    • bustertaco-av says:

      I wouldn’t think too much on it. I see it as simple, good-natured regional rivalry, like me telling others that people from Maryland can’t drive a lick, and how we as nation come together to laugh at Florida. You gotta just roll with it, ya know, like West Virginians rolling around with their sisters.

    • kabarrick-av says:

      Saying the summer sucks in Chicago (or winter, ftm) isn’t solely some outsider pov. I just moved to western Wisconsin (nowhere near a Great Lake) from Chicago (had been there over 10 years). July and August are the only months that we I’ve been glad we moved. Pretty much because of the humidity. Came to the comments to find the inevitable convo about Dibs but guess I got roped into weather talk.

    • danniellabee-av says:

      That is my exact feeling about all the commentary around weather that we get in the Pacific Northwest and the Seattle area. Yes, it does rain. Does it rain all the time? No. We actually get less or equivalent rain yearly as Boston. Our spring, summer and fall are gorgeous. Winter sucks, thats it.

    • themarketsoftner-av says:


  • secretagentman-av says:

    I’ve never heard of this show. Is it that good?

    • thekingorderedit2000-av says:

      It is not. 

    • andymo123-av says:

      I like it a lot but I imagine it’s not for everyone.  It’s a very stressful show but if you are interested in behind the scenes of a commercial kitchen I think it’s really good.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      It’s really, really good, but don’t let anyone fool you into thinking it’s a dramady; it’s mostly drama, but it’s incredibly well-done. I’d recommend getting through S1E02 before making a decision…the first episode drags a fair amount, but by E02 I was hooked.

    • hellsbellstrudy262-av says:

      It is!

    • tonywatchestv-av says:

      I assume you’ve either already seen it, or this is a late response to something you’ve completely forgotten about. It’s quite good. As someone who’s worked in kitchens the better part of of 15 years, this captures it better than anything else I’ve seen, if you take away the bougey aspect. These shows would be so much better if they weren’t always about the very best restaurant/chef in the world. They’re like an Aaron Sorkin bit, just with people always furiously stirring shit. This is like that, but better.

  • spiraleye-av says:

    Anyone remember when the AV Club was all-Chicago, all the time?Archmage of the Aether remembers.

  • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

    “the LA-based AV Club”Ughhh this sucksssss. I got hooked on the AV Club in the back pages of (physical!) issues of The Onion in Madison. It was so cool to have a local, Midwestern perspective rather than just getting dispatches from the coasts. Although these days I’m on the coasts so whatever I guess.This is especially dumb because, Sam, don’t you live in Madison?

  • psychopirate-av says:

    “not specifically the LA-based A.V. Club” I mean, this is just cruel, and referring to a travesty that this website perpetrated on its writers. It’s rubbing our faces in the gigantic “fuck you” that the AV Club gave to people, before yet another decline in quality.

    • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

      Barsanti being smug about this is darkly hilarious.Gotta think the old guard wanted to push him out.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    I really liked this show but God was it stressful to watch. Getting food prep ptsd

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