Guy making "vroom" sounds over Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift funnier than it has any right to be

Aux Features The Fast And The Furious
Guy making "vroom" sounds over Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift funnier than it has any right to be
Screenshot: The Fast And Furious: Tokyo Drift

The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift is an odd movie in the Fast and Furious canon. Tokyo Drift features none of the franchise’s original characters, save for a brief cameo from Vin Diesel, and nearly tanked the entire enterprise before it had the chance to become the billion-dollar behemoth it is today. Despite this, the film did introduce the series to its best director, Justin Lin, as well as to fan-favorite character Han, played by Sung Kang. Plus, those who don’t vibe with the globe-trotting secret-agent plots of later films will point out that Tokyo Drift was the last Fast film to actually be about street-racing. Hell, it’s even got Sonny Chiba as a Yakuza boss.

But whether you hate Tokyo Drift or think it’s an under-appreciated gem, hopefully you can enjoy this: a pivotal scene from the film, now with some dude making race-car noises.

This video comes from YouTuber Vlosh, and appears under the title “reddit told me to make this,” which, is as good a reason as any to spend weeks re-dubbing a scene from the least popular Fast and Furious movie with mouth noises, we suppose. Highlights here include the villainous “Drift King” Takashi shifting his car, which apparently makes a “chomp” sound, and the reactions of an entire crowd that’s clearly made up of one dude.

In the comments underneath the video, Vlosh elaborates on the production of his masterpiece, which he says includes 314 unique vocal tracks and took two weeks to produce. Vlosh does admit that he’s cut down this scene from the original a bit, as a full six minutes of Lucas Black crashing into concrete support posts while a guy makes “vroom” sounds would have been “too much.”

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  • galdarnit-av says:

    “a full six minutes of Lucas Black crashing into concrete support posts while a guy makes “vroom” sounds would have been “too much.””

    Considering that three minutes of it was already too much, I’d have to agree with him. 

    • melonchase-av says:

      Grow a sense of humor, you witless dullard.I friggin’ hate these movies and the entire dipshit culture that spawns from them, and I still found this funny. Likely beucase I don’t that long of a stick up my ass.

  • devinoch-av says:

    If you think Tokyo Drift was the least popular F&F movie, you clearly never saw 4. Oh wait, neither did anyone else.

  • yummsh-av says:

    Not sure which is dumber – this movie, or all the people standing right at the very edge of a hairpin turn inside a tight-as-fuck parking garage while directly in the path of a car being driven by someone you don’t think can drive very well.

    • kroboz-av says:

      It’s all the people who sat in the theater and made such a silly movie a legitimate cultural phenomenon.

  • morimotok-av says:

    I was expecting this guy when I saw the headline:but I was pleasantly surprised to hear something my kid would make.

  • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

    When he threw in Chewbacca’s roar I just lost it 😀

  • xobyte-av says:

    “Funny” has a very low bar to clear for some bloggers, it appears.

  • oldefortran77-av says:
  • chirs3-av says:


  • youngrutiger3-av says:

    Plenty of people can say that they have never seen a Fast and the Furious movie ,but I’ve only seen Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift and none of the others. I may be the only person on the planet.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      Hey, me too! Well, I saw the first 15 minutes of the first one but it was on a bus ride and I fell asleep so I don’t count it.
      One of these days I keep meaning to watch the others since they look goofy as hell and my friends like them but Tokyo Drift left me with a really negative impression of the series. Because, y’know, it’s bad.

      • homerbert1-av says:

        The first few are tedious but they ditch the racing shit and reinvent themselves as gonzo action films round 4. Then they’re all stupidy entertaining and worth your time, though 8 is a bit of a dip.

    • nycpaul-av says:

      I’ve never seen a single one of them, although I don’t expect to win anything for it…beyond never having seen any of them.

    • sarcastro6-av says:

      This is much like me, who (until Breath of the Wild), had never played any of the Legend of Zelda games except for Zelda II on the NES.

    • bmglmc-av says:

      Young Rutiger, it seems Proto Man proved you wrong in 1 hour and 4 minutes. You must be pretty embarassed.

    • doom32x-av says:

      You’re not, I saw it donating/selling my plasma, it wasn’t bad all things considered.

    • rslwn-av says:

      saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame, you are unique in no respect whatsoever

  • schwartz666-av says:

    This movie always reminds me of the Prof. Bros.“woke up in a car that was Tokyo drifting everywhere…”

  • work-is-for-jerks-av says:

    Still doesn’t beat this:

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    i’ve never seen any of these movies.  is the point to drive your car sideways?

    • squamateprimate-av says:

      The point of the one called “Tokyo Drift” is to drift, Tokyo-style

    • seanpiece-av says:

      According to my extensive research via Mario Kart, yes. It makes your car go faster, especially when the sparks start coming out of the tires. 

  • williampupo-av says:

    Its been the best sequel. 

  • GildedFox-av says:
  • maryjanefoxie-av says:

    Cue all the cool kids that haven’t seen any of these movies but are compelled to comment. 

  • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

    Isn’t that the kid from American Gothic?

  • WingcommanderIV-av says:

    I might be the only person who likes Tokyo Drift better than any of the other fast and furious movies… that don’t have  the rock in them. 

  • richarddawsonsghost-av says:

    Has anyone else noticed that Tokyo Drift is just The Karate Kid but with intensely stupid cars?

  • dajerk-av says:

    I’m surprised Tokyo drift is getting so much bashing in the comments. I thought people liked this movie more than the others, but the comments make it seem like this one was just as bad.It wasn’t….

    • abbataracia-av says:

      Seriously, it’s the best movie of the series. Which is somewhat damning with faint praise, admittedly.

  • danilo07-av says:

    And if you wanna make that scene legitimately good, you should put some Eurobeat over it.

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