Guy tripping on LSD at Disneyland falls in Adventureland lake, turns up completely naked a mile away

Aux Features LSD
Guy tripping on LSD at Disneyland falls in Adventureland lake, turns up completely naked a mile away
Screenshot: Escape From Tomorrow

Movies like Mandy and Once Upon A Time…In Hollywood have demonstrated what skilled folks can accomplish with the help of LSD, but, for many, a tab of two of acid won’t end nearly so well. As Jeff Goldblum notes, “you would have to know yourself” to understand what you can handle on acid. A 32-year-old Swiss man recently learned this the hard way.

The man, per the original report in Le Parisien, recently took a trip with his girlfriend to Disneyland Paris. Disneyland Paris isn’t fun without drugs, apparently, so she slipped him a tab of acid. As soon as it kicked in, though, he reportedly tumbled into a lake in the park’s Adventureland near Captain Hook’s Pirate Ship, presumably due to seeing Tinkerbell weeping bloody tears or something.

Well, the man never surfaced from the lake, so that triggered a massive search party consisting of 10 divers, 10 policemen, 30 firefighters, and 80 Disneyland Paris employees, as well as some dogs and a helicopter with a thermal camera. Meanwhile, a 44-year-old man, who asked to be identified as Benoit, was driving home from work in the nearby town of Chessy when he saw a completely naked man covered in scratches walking in the middle of the road, just a mile away from Disneyland Paris. According to a translation from The Washington Post, he told Le Parisien, “I stopped, got out of the car and went to meet him. I wanted to know what a naked man was doing 300 meters from my home.”

The naked man admitted that he couldn’t remember shit and had no idea why he got completely naked, exactly where he came from, or why he was walking down the road. He did tell Benoit, however, that he was high on acid because of a bet he had with his girlfriend and a few friends. After giving the dude some clothes and piecing together his story, he dropped him off at the park’s entrance. The search party found him at 1:15 a.m., where he and his girlfriend were arrested for narcotics use. Bummer.

Lucky for them, they both only received a “rappel a la loi” for drug use, essentially a slap on the wrist. Guess swimming out of a filthy Adventureland lake, stripping naked, and getting scratched up on a nude journey to nowhere was punishment enough.


  • hankwilhemscreamjr-av says:

    How many times do we have to go over this? Set and setting, set and setting, man.

    • debeuliou-av says:

      Well, Disneyland on acid is pretty spectacular, but you definitely have to know what you’re doing, it’s pretty overwhelming if you take too much / know too little about what it does ^^

      • adohatos-av says:

        I had been having trouble sleeping a few nights in a row so I took half of one of my wife’s Ambien. Turns out that stuff makes me trip a little bit. Tracers, bright colors, all that. I’m glad I was able to identify what was going on or I would have been in the ER or something. Teenage experimentation does have practical uses!

        • debeuliou-av says:

          it does ^^
          And as someone that experimented with A LOT of stuff, presciption stuff still scares me the most.

          And the people taking them are kinda oblivious to it, like that time my grandma who is on all kinds of opiods because her body is been failcascading for a while told me she wanted to try an edible from me but was really scared about that stuff, because it was illegal drugs.

          It took me a while to have her understand she was already a huge opiod junkie to levels that had scared me my entire time experimenting with drugs, and that she would be totally ok eating a pot cookie ^^

          • debeuliou-av says:

            “hey grandma, you’ve been taking heroin twice a day for about 4 years now. You will be ok believe me !”

            That was kinda scary in a way. She’s old so it’s ok, but a lot of people have a lot of life left to live after they stop needing the opiods… I just take the pain ^^

          • nycpaul-av says:

            My dad was in horrible pain, dying of cancer, and wouldn’t touch pot in any form. It was heroin as far as he was concerned.

        • jackstark211-av says:

          Oh buddy, you can see a lot on Ambien.  I took too many one night and the DeadHead on my Grateful Dead poster came off the wall and tried to eat me.  Ambien is a hell of a drug.  Now I just use it to sleep.

      • ldmarmalade-av says:

        Definitely off the table for me for fear of suddenly remembering “Escape from Tomorrow” in the middle of the trip. Too bad.

    • mammon-is-god-av says:

      If you’ve never ridden a rollercoaster while peaking, you’re missing the hardest laughs you’ll ever have.

    • don-yachts-av says:

      You know what is particularly delightful, and I am not saying this sarcastically, is partaking in the consumption of a fair & reasonable amount of a certain fungi and wandering through the House On The Rock in Spring Green, Wisconsin for the first time. I did that once years before I read Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods”, and after reading that tome after my own mystic adventure through that place of whimsy I understood all too well why he chose that location as one of the settings in his novel. That place is bonkers, even without enhancement! 

  • tombirkenstock-av says:

    The Simpsons really did predict everything.

  • crowsnewhair-av says:

    How do you say “I am the lizard queen!” in French?

  • judomadonna-av says:

    I have seen UFO’s split the sky like a sheet…I have had seven balls of light come off of a UFO, lead me onto their ship, explain to me telepathically that we are all one and there is no such thing as death, but I have never, ever, looked at Tinkerbell and thought she was fucking crying bloody tears. NOT ONCE.

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Why would you pay $200 bucks to trip in a crowded theme park full of families? The woods are free.

  • lilmscreant-av says:

    Simpsons did it.

  • bmglmc-av says:

    i dunno…. if you’re going to willingly take acid in public, it’s all on you. I used to do it all the time, i’d go to class tripping balls, i’d go to work tripping balls, i wanted to ‘normalise’ the drug into my life and make it not affect my behaviour.
    then i realised ‘why’. I was on mushrooms at the time.* I realised ‘idiot, keep it special, maintain the barrier between worlds, life shouldn’t be a constant celebration, regardless of what that last hippy chick said, special days are special because they’re not every day.’ Also, too much acid makes acid boring…. it’s pretty much the same trip after a year of 3-5 times a week.
    Now i simply keep some shroom + acid mixed in an alcohol solution in my fridge. I haven’t had any for a couple years, maybe it’s time.

    * ‘shrooms ftw, btw

    • yummsh-av says:

      Mushrooms are infinitely more enjoyable than LSD. Mushrooms make me want to hug everyone. LSD just leaves me feeling nauseous, dirty, depressed and exhausted.

      • djburnoutb-av says:

        I did acid about 5 times and mushrooms maybe 10 times and I could never tell the trips apart, except that acid was definitely more intense. 

      • phyllis72-av says:

        I loved the stuff- my various roommates and I did a ton of it in the early 90’s and we always had fun. I remember walking around different sections of Boston. Harvard Square was always quite fun but one of the best trips was when I was walking with my next door neighbor, in the rain in the middle of December about 2 am through Roxbury and Mission Hill to Huntington Ave and then back to Roxbury.

        • yummsh-av says:

          Can’t handle the strong stuff outside. The closest I get to going outside on anything stronger than weed is standing out on my balcony, and even that’s a goddamn house of horrors sometimes.

      • jackstark211-av says:


      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        I found them to be pretty much the same, but ’shrooms are kind of gross to eat.And I can’t imagine tripping balls at a crowded place Disneyland. I figured X would be a better drug for that scenario.

        • yummsh-av says:

          I love Disneyland, but I couldn’t hang. Even puffing a j in the parking lot beforehand can get a little intense.

          • rauth1334-av says:

            shit i brought a vape pen to disneyworld and epcot and animal kingdom. made it a lot more chill. 

        • yummsh-av says:

          As for the taste, they’re only gross if you just jam them in your mouth. We’d go get Italian subs or something and put them in there. Covers up the grossness pretty well.

          • soylent-gr33n-av says:

            We tried them in spaghetti sauce. Maybe we should have gone with a better brand than Prego.

          • yummsh-av says:

            Yeah, I had a friend who made his own sauce and just dropped them into the recipe. Worked out alright.

      • thejewosh-av says:

        Eh, depends on what you’re looking for.  Shrooms are more fun, for sure, but acid is a lot more introspective.

        • yummsh-av says:

          More for you, bud. Too strong for me.

          • thejewosh-av says:

            Acid has gotten way overpriced these days, and shrooms are sadly going in the same direction.That being said, I will eat all the psychedelics.Man, I miss those years where we could just buy research chemicals online. The 2C’s were great.

          • yummsh-av says:

            It’s been decades, but a bunch of us would just go in on some microdots. Never more than a few bucks each. No idea what it is now.

          • thejewosh-av says:

            Yeah, I used to pay $3/hit.  These days the best I’ve seen is $15, and there’s a lot of fake stuff out there, too.

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      “Still, I’d prefer you keep your hands on the yoke, Captain.” ~ your copilot

    • dieseldamsel-av says:

      Taking pyramid acid at Cedar Point remains one of the poorest decisions of my life. It was fun for about an hour, though.

    • nycpaul-av says:

      What kind of work were you doing if you could do it on acid??!!

      • bmglmc-av says:

        In university, i would take warehouse work and janitorial work. I would discharge my duties adequately. That winter i was also working as a lifeguard in an indoor swimming pool attached to a largely senior-citizen apartment complex. Most days nobody would come in for a swim. I stopped dropping acid at the pool when one day i was in the changing room and one old guy who only used the sauna came through, his teticles were below his knees, that was the closest i came to a bad trip.

    • pabloduganheim-av says:

      You’re the person someone like that needed as an ‘expedition guide’ for something like that. Or the person to warn them off of that sort of expedition. I’ve never done acid partially because I just haven’t come across it and mostly because I would probably become that guy in Mouseworld, but I also probably wouldn’t try something like that there even if I had the chance. *Shrooms ftw, most definitely though. I’m pretty much done with that sort of thing these days, but I did shroom out many years ago solo while walking around the casinos in Vegas and it was a blast! I’m comparatively a neophyte with this sort of stuff, but I had done them a couple of times and knew enough of what to probably expect with what I was taking. My friend chickened out and I just said fuck it and gulped ‘em down and started on my walk about. It was only a moderately strong expedition, but I LOVED the bells and whistles of the casinos. Highlights included a watching a lady being dragged out from the slots by her legs while clinging to the machine with everything she had. Then I jumped in a short/long elevation ride with 5 Japanese guys who all were dressed up like they were in a boy band. One guy was 50s dude dressed in all leather and then there was beanie guy who stood out because of the ridiculously long and tall, foot high beanie he was sporting. He kept his head tilted at 90 degrees to accentuate the whole look. I was grinning like a fool and they all were staring at the super strange American dude until near the end of the short/long ride when I blurted out ‘Konichiwa’ and everyone started laughing hard. The pinnacle of the expedition was when I found the wherewithal to locate and pay for without incident a ticket for Blue Man Group. I thought they’d be sold out, but apparently they weren’t? I had one last well hidden cap that I gulped down in the bathroom before what turned out to be one of the most incredible things you could probably see on shrooms. Holy shit was that amazing! A spectacle like almost seemed like it was tailor made for a medium shroom dose and I have to wonder if the guys in BMG were on something when they came up with it all? And either no one cared or I was just self-contained enough that I pulled off the trip without ever managing to stand out enough to alert someone that I was tripping gourd. I mean it is Vegas, but still…This was probably all just another day that ends in ‘y’ to you, but I’m sure that you would have enjoyed it as well-if you’ve somehow never done Vegas on stuff…or perhaps you have? I can just imagine the many stories you must have about your adventures though. Well, at least I think I can imagine? 🙂

      • bmglmc-av says:

        I had some lovely adventures, i saw some lovely sights… even police car lights on the snow can be lovely with the right point of view. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself! And, if you liked shrooms, acid would be a piece of cake for you… except, you’d probably get bored after Hour 6. Acid lasts much longer, and doesn’t gove that lovely feeling of oneness and belonging that mushrooms give.

        • pabloduganheim-av says:

          Ok, sooo ‘even police car lights on the snow’ sounds like that may have been a Very Interesting experience! Oooff! 0.o Yeah, you definitely sound like a good guide and someone cool to chill with! The best guide I know is a top level anesthesiologist. He figures that altering people’s brains is sort of his business, so he’s willing to test out a variety of things. Dude visited a remote S. Am. tribe to do ayahuasca and that was a wild ass story. I have no desire to try that, but have you ever tried it? As odd as this sounds, he doesn’t really do stuff recreationally though. He’s still a bit pissed at me as of late due to my telling him of a past girlfriend of mine who swore up and down that she’d experienced the horrors of being fully conscious and able to feel pain during anesthesia and he called bullshit on that. Her gas doc believed it and actually apologized to her, but my buddy still wasn’t buying that it was a real thing. Oh well, I trust her though and I’ll sort this out w/ my doc buddy later. Anyway…Not sure if I’ll ever try acid? I’ve seen people lose their shit too many times on it, but I also didn’t know anything about their particular situation, so that’s not really what I’d call a valid sample set. Microdosing might be cool though? And I would only try it at full on in a well guided trip, but that’s just my cautious side. Mixed experiences on shrooms too, as on one of my last trips a buddy flipped out badly on some fairly strong tea and that was zero fun for anyone. It definitely has a lot to do with your state of mind though, but that’s true for a lot of things. Best thing I’ve ever had was old school X, like the kind with Ferraris printed on them. My closest and oldest friend insisted that I try it when I was in a low place and it was what I’d call a breakthrough experience. I was a bit depressed and that flat out cured me of all of my funk for a long, long time. I returned the favor for another friend in a similar spot and he still thanks for that and said it was one of the best experiences he’s ever had too and that it really turned him around mentally. It’s been over a decade and I wouldn’t do it now without some very trusted assurances or a test kit. It should absolutely be legal right now for use in clinical settings. People with depression, PTSD, insomnia, ect. would really benefit from it. Remarkable stuff. I’m getting older with breaking into my 50s and other things/responsibility tend to get in the way now, so I’m just into casually vaping herb and doing edibles (my butter game is on point!). I did have a recent ‘adventure’ where I decided to find out just what ‘too high’ is and I ate 5 of my fairly strong crispy treats and quickly found out that it can indeed suck mightily. Very uncomfortable feelings accompanied with severe mental spinning that actually manifested with my head physically starting to bob around along with it and that was quickly followed by lots of nasty, hard puking. I never panicked though and that was a good thing, especially being on a solo trip. Funny thing is that after puking and some time, I came down very nicely and actually felt pretty good at the end of it and for the following day!? Not a fun experience, but I was curious and now I know! :-)This being the internet and all, we’ll never cross paths, but if we somehow did it would be my distinct pleasure to whip up some rice crispy treats for you to enjoy! You didn’t ask for this and this is going to sound dumb because this is already the easiest of recipes to make, but I’ve refined to rice crispy treats down to an even simpler, no-fail/no-measuring recipe:1 Cup of good butter, 1 large 15-16 oz. (?-probably the #, but get the large bag-not a massive 28 oz though) bag of regular sized marshmallows, 1 Tablespoon vanilla, 1 large family-sized box of rice crispies (18 oz is perfect, but can go 24 oz if that’s what is offered). If you’re feeling funky, replace a half amount with something else like cocoa cripsies or even Captain Crunch or granola for effect. Trust me, this works and it is the simplest recipe I’ve ever seen and it’s been perfected, imo! Very buttery smoooth! Great talking with you and may your journeys be pleasant ones! Cheers! (And yes, this was another long post, but it’s my weekly anime night and I’m well into my Vapor Doc session with 3 beers on board too, so there were probably some confusing sentences and other unforced errors as well. Thank you for your patience!)

          • bmglmc-av says:

            It’s been lovely meeting you, sir. I will one day try your recipe.

          • pabloduganheim-av says:

            Thanks! It’s like telling someone the recipe for a ham and cheese sandwich, but seriously no one just says it like I remember it: Butter/bag/box/van! Stoney level of difficulty. Later! 😉

      • foxyjandbubs-av says:

        I love Las Vegas and I love shrooms, this post was inspirational.

  • wileecoyote00001-av says:

    You know what this means?  With a good diver’s dry suit you can get into Disneyland Paris for free.  

  • toasterlad-av says:

    Was the man named Lisa Simpson, by any chance?

  • yummsh-av says:

    According to a translation from The Washington Post, he told Le Parisien, “I stopped, got out of the car and went to meet him. I wanted to know what a naked man was doing 300 meters from my home.”This is the most French thing I’ve ever heard.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    Good thing he wasn’t at Disney World.  They have gators.

  • dot-2001-av says:

    It’s just a matter of time before Gaspar Noe buys the rights to this story. 

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    At Disneyworld, you don’t even need acid to do that.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    I tried taking molly for the first time at an underground bar in downtown San Diego about 6 years ago. I went into a full force panic attack just a few minutes after taking it, and freaked the fuck out. I’m not generally claustrophobic, but in that state I was. I was with a group of 5 friends, and one of them walked me back to the hotel room where we ended up talking to each other at lighting speed for a few hours straight once it kicked in.Moral of the story, don’t do drugs in public places unless you know how to handle it.

  • aiglos78-av says:

    It’s cool everyone. I’m fine, really. I’m totally cool. Absolutely coooooooool. The mouseman hybrid thing in the rainbow water was suuuuuuuuuper helpful in getting me exactly where I never knew I needed to be!

  • aiglos78-av says:

    It’s cool everyone. I’m fine, really. I’m totally cool. Absolutely coooooooool. The mouseman hybrid thing in the rainbow water was suuuuuuuuuper helpful in getting me exactly where I never knew I needed to be!

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:
  • thelionelhutz-av says:

    Guess swimming out of a filthy Adventureland lake, stripping naked, and getting scratched up on a nude journey to nowhere was punishment enough.
    Or, and let us just be honest, just a normal evening for a Frenchman.  

  • drkschtz-av says:

    If you aren’t a future Tony Award winner cross-dressing on acid at the Academy Awards, you shouldn’t even make the news.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I’m not sure if LSD and Disneyland sounds like the best or worst combo.

  • DRCEQ-av says:

    Doesn’t everyone have one of those “What happened last night” moments?

  • fireaza-av says:

    He is the lizard queen!

  • tommelly-av says:

    After several good ones, I decided to try a bad trip and put “Aliens” on. Didn’t work. Everyone – marines, Ripley, the kid, the aliens – literally everyone was wearing a Hawaiian shirt.

  • malekimp-av says:

    How is this not Florida Man?

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