Halsey pens essay in response to Roe v. Wade reversal: “My abortion saved my life”

The artist has “never felt more strongly about” the right to choose since becoming a mother

Aux News Abortion
Halsey pens essay in response to Roe v. Wade reversal: “My abortion saved my life”
Halsey Photo: Jesse Grant

Following the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, which rescinded the constitutional right to an abortion in the United States, Vogue has published a series of essays on the subject. Adding her voice to the chorus of outrage, Halsey shared a reflection on her own experience with the subject.

The artist has been transparent about her endometriosis and multiple miscarriages in interviews and through her music. “One of my miscarriages required ‘aftercare,’ a gentle way of saying that I would need an abortion, because my body could not terminate the pregnancy completely on its own and I would risk going into sepsis without medical intervention,” she writes in the new essay. “During this procedure, I cried. I was afraid for myself and I was helpless. I was desperate to end the pregnancy that was threatening my life.”

She goes on to explain that she had rewritten her will before giving birth to her son in June 2021: “After my past experiences, I was prepared for the worst. I gave detailed instructions regarding the donation of my organs should I die or be declared brain-dead, meaning if my heart beat on but my brain wasn’t functioning, the state would have permission to cut into my warm and still flush flesh and take my organs to save other lives. How funny that while my own heart would amount to nothing more than a series of involuntary movements on an operating table, a beating heart in my womb could mean I couldn’t consent to saving my own life.”

The singer says she’s “never felt more strongly about” the right to abortion after finally experiencing a successful pregnancy and delivery. “My abortion saved my life and gave way for my son to have his,” she writes. “Every person deserves the right to choose when, if, and how they have this dangerous and life-altering experience. I will hold my son in one arm, and fight with all my might with the other.”


  • idksomeguy-av says:

    I read about how she’s been telling the audience to leave if they don’t support abortion on every night of her current tour, and about 20% of the crowd actually leaves. Lol. Her managers are probably going to have a serious talk with her about that when they see a 20% drop in ticket sales on the next tour.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      She’s not the Lone Ranger. Hasn’t at least one actor said “If you’re down with Trump, don’t come to my movies.”?

    • wuthaniel-av says:

      One would hope she’d express to her managers that they can seriously fuck off. 

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Ah yes, because the total number of her fans happened to precisely match the number of tickets available.

      • idksomeguy-av says:

        Her shows don’t sell out at the venues where she’s playing, so there are in fact fewer Halsey fans than available tickets.

    • fanburner-av says:

      Nah, they’re going to publicize it and she’s going to start selling out every show. A vast majority of the US supports abortion rights. It’s those asshole 20%, who will never change their minds about anything, who gerrymandered and cheated their way into getting the Supreme Court packed.

    • jjdebenedictis-av says:

      Yeah, that won’t happen. Die-hard fans are the minority; most ticket sales come from a revolving door of people who like that artist’s current music.On the next tour, few people attending will remember what she did on this tour, because they won’t have been there.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      1) She already has their money.
      2) Fuck off, you miserable fucking troll.

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      She could lose everything and she’d still have more than you, fuckputz. 

  • argiebargie-av says:

    She looks like that actress from Mean Girls, Lindsay Gotham.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    There are plenty of pregnancy related medical conditions where the treatment is to abort the pregnancy. Things like ectopic pregnancy or the rare hydatidaform mole.  These are life threatening conditions and the fetus is almost never viable.  I am certain that the people passing laws don’t understand this, but almost as certain that if they did understand, they wouldn’t care.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
    • sarcastro7-av says:

      I had a neighbor who was found to have breast cancer and had to get immediately started on radiation, chemo, etc.  She was in early pregnancy and of course lost the pregnancy.  I share your certainty that these people wouldn’t give a shit and if allowed would require someone in that situation to wait until they delivered in order to begin life-saving treatment.

      • dinoironbody1-av says:

        I think a lot of them wouldn’t care even if they were the pregnant one.

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        This comes up a lot and I have done it many times. You can often treat breast cancer in pregnant women, but it limits options and ups the degree of difficulty quite a bit. You lose a lot of flexibility in the delivery of treatment. Last I checked the data, most women choose to terminate the pregnancy

        • yellowfoot-av says:

          Wait, are you a real doctor? I thought you were a doctor like Doctor Pepper is a doctor.

          • dremiliolizardo-av says:

            People always ask me that. No one ever asks if I am Italian, a physicist, or a red lectroid from Planet 10.I am a retired medical oncologist.

    • argiebargie-av says:

      All they care about it punishing women for wanting to have sex for non-reproductive purposes. That’s what they want to go for contraceptives next. Cruelty is the point with these assholes.

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