Harry Styles cracked a “spitting on Chris Pine” joke at his Madison Square Garden show tonight

Clearly, it's another fourth-dimensional chess move from the Don't Worry Darling star

Aux News harry styles
Harry Styles cracked a “spitting on Chris Pine” joke at his Madison Square Garden show tonight
Photo: Kate Green

Suggesting that at least one of the people existing somewhere in the maelstrom of strangeness surrounding Olivia Wilde’s Don’t Worry Darling thinks it’s as funny as the rest of us, star Harry Styles took a break tonight from starring in various conspiracy theories in order to make a joke about them, greeting the crowds at his Madison Square Garden show tonight with a remark that he’d “just popped very quickly to Venice to spit on Chris Pine.”

Styles was, of course, referencing #SpitGate, a sub-section of the much larger #DontWorryDarlingGate, itself a sub-chapter of #OliviaWildeGateJustSortOfInGeneralWeGuess. For those of you who haven’t heard about it, we could link you to our own in-depth coverage of the moment when Styles may or may not have spat on one of his co-stars during the film’s Venice Film Festival premiere, or we could link you to a video where someone edited the spitting dinosaurs from Jurassic Park into that footage instead. Your call! Links are both right there! Choose wisely!

The important thing is: Styles has now acknowledged the controversy, which is the first step toward healing. Unless, of course, you subscribe to the belief that his joke during his MSG show was simply a bit of fourth-dimensional chess, since obviously someone who actually spit on Chris Pine wouldn’t then go on to joke about it in front of a crowd of people. It’s always labyrinths within labyrinths with this Harry Styles guy.

(Mostly, we’re just amused by Styles’ little laugh after he busts out the joke; you can totally tell that he spent like 20 minutes backstage with his team going, “I’m gonna do it. Tell me I shouldn’t do it. I’m totally gonna do it,” and then, bam, he did it.)

Don’t Worry Darling—an actual movie that exists, outside of the conversation around it, bizarrely enough—is currently scheduled for a September 23 release date.


  • filthyzinester-av says:

    Anybody out there in kinja land getting DRUNK tonight?

  • recognitions-av says:

    Does that really qualify as a joke?

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:
  • mdiller64-av says:

    Jesus Christ, this movie – which seemingly nobody really likes that much – has generated so much press and gossip out of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. First there were rumors, then reports on the rumors, then denials generated by the reports, then analysis of the denials, then the memes (oh god so many memes), then #spitgate, then denials of #spitgate, then jokes about the denials, on and on and on and on and on. There is no story here! Later generations are not going to be kind to us – while the world burned, we were busy talking about Harry Fucking Styles.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Honestly, I’m kind of loving it. For some reason, we spent a good chunk of the last few decades with celebrities polished to a high gloss by nervous teams of publicists, and it’s been boring as fuck. Bring back feuds and massive amounts of shade, I want some of that Imperial Era Liz Taylor energy back in showbiz.

    • topherhilberg-av says:

      It’s fun to speculate

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Is it even out yet?
      Has any regular people seen it, other than the Festival-applauding-for-x-minutes crowd?

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