Hasan Minhaj reportedly out of contention for the Daily Show gig

A new report claims that Minhaj was told this week that he's not getting the Daily Show job

Aux News The Daily Show
Hasan Minhaj reportedly out of contention for the Daily Show gig
Hasan Minhaj Photo: Roy Rochlin

The saga of Comedy Central’s apparently endless quest to find a new host for The Daily Show—something it’s presumably been attempting to do for more than a year at this point, after Trevor Noah announced he was departing the position back in September of 2022—has reportedly hit another snag. This is per TVLine, which highlighted a report from Puck’s Matt Belloni this week that states that Hasan Minhaj has been told he’s formally out of contention for the gig.

This is all sourced anonymously, so we have to take it with an artery-damaging grain of salt. But Belloni’s report states that Minhaj had been extremely close to being announced for the job—as it, all but told he was getting it—before a New Yorker report in September blew the whole thing up, accusing Minhaj of embellishing multiple facts about his life for the purposes of his stand-up specials. (Which speaks, presumably, to the weird position that The Daily Show holds as a comedy-focused news program; you want the setups on a show like that to be pretty factual/credible, even as the punchlines get patently absurd.)

The timing of all this does make a certain amount of sense, since The Daily Show just announced a brand new slate of guest hosts in the wake of the writer’s strike ending instead of, say, finally settling on a permanent host. (As we’ve noted before, Roy Wood Jr. is still right there, and has said he’d still take the job if offered, but Comedy Central has supposedly gone “back to square one” in their hunt; god save whichever poor exec has been tasked with seeing what Jon Stewart is up to, now that he’s out of a job at Apple…) There was at least some assumption that Minhaj was still at least in the running, but, if this latest report is to be believed, he’s now been told he’s straight-up not getting the job.


  • jbbdude-av says:

    Was Minhaj actually told he’s not getting the job, or is that just a funny story he made up for a new stand up routine?

  • refinedbean-av says:

    The EMOTIONAL truth is he was already offered it. 

  • cyrusjavier-av says:

    If he talks anything sympathetic about Palestine anytime soon, he’s not gonna be hired anyway.

    • dadeuce-av says:

      Yeah right. If that were true Islamist trash like Ilhan Omar would be unemployed. This is still America not some Islamist shithole

      • cyrusjavier-av says:

        Well first off Ilhan is an elected official who was voted by people who has no problem with Islam. You might have also heard the news about Muslim news anchors who were replaced or taken off the air right about the time Palestine was attacked. America is not an Islamist shithole but is a shithole with plenty of bigots in positions of power in government and corporations. Surprised you don’t know this by now.

  • pie-oh-pah-av says:

    I’d say give it to Bassem Youssef. There’d be a certain poetry to that considering his history with the show, but I’m guessing after what he did to Piers Morgan this week the CC execs wouldn’t let him anywhere near their cameras.

    • chandlerbinge-av says:

      Man, I love dark humor and satire but some things Youssef said go too far. You can’t just say “You’re one of the good ones, Piers.” I have to draw the line somewhere.(But in all seriousness, this interview created a lump in my throat at times like only the best satire can. Brilliant stuff.)

      • dadeuce-av says:

        Shouldnt have swallowed the whole Hamas dick, should have stuck with the tip

        • xxxxxxxxxx1234-av says:

          How deep would you say Bibi is in whatever orifice y’all are using?

        • jimbabwe-av says:

          Setting aside the fact that Youssef explicitly did denounce Hamas and ignoring your obvious bad faith attempt to conflate opposition to Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing as support for Hamas, let’s actually take a look at Hamas and compare them to the IDF. Israel has already killed more civilians than Hamas did on their October 7th offensive. They have forced over a million people from their homes. Over the last 20 years, 96% of the deaths from this conflict have been on the Palestinians side. So just going by body count alone, the IDF is far more brutal and bloodthirsty than Hamas. And at least Hamas has the honesty to kill in person. The IDF just lobs bombs from the sky like cowards.

          • barrycracker-av says:

            If you had a choice, under which govt would you rather live? Israel democracy or Hamas theocracy. Where would you rather be, say, a gay person? Which government won’t kill you for leaving it’s official religion?

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            “Would you rather live as a white person or a black person in 1980s South Africa?”That’s what you’re asking.

          • barrycracker-av says:

            No that is not what I’m asking and stop putting words into my mouth.

          • timebobby-av says:

            You will not be getting an answer to this question from them.

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Choice is the whole point. Palestinians didn’t and don’t get to choose. The UN chose for them. And if we’re talking hypotheticals and theoreticals, then nobody knows what would have happen with Palestine from 1948 onwards nor what a PLO governed state would have been like. Regardless, morally the argument here is self-governance or THEIR choice.  Not ours.

          • barrycracker-av says:

            We do know what the PLO did. We know What Hamas did. WE know what Hezbollah did. We know over and over. Palestianians didn’t make war against the British under their protectorate, did they? 

          • cyrusjavier-av says:

            Pretty sure there will be no more gay Palestenians soon because Israel will kill them all.

          • chandlerbinge-av says:

            That’s some serious “I got mine” rhetoric there. Just because a bully doesn’t target you doesn’t mean you have to cheer him on while he beats the shit out of other innocent people.

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            At this point I’m just classifying Israeli as Rhodesia-On-The-Med. It’s the exact same situation, playing out the exact same way. Of course, it’s going to be worse because Israel’s main state sponsor, America, steadfastly refused to believe it’s a coloniser. What’s really interesting, from a media standpoint, is we’ve got a remarkable case of hypocrisy going on that is (well, should be) visible to all. On one hand, we’ve all been rightfully deriding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but now we’re somehow meant to view Israel’s invasion of a weaker neighbour as righteous. 

          • barrycracker-av says:

            What!? Making a point about democracy vs theocracy is not a “I got mine” argument. What do you even mean by this?

          • cho24-av says:

            Is that what this comes down to? Some kind of bullshit internet equivalency test?

          • barrycracker-av says:

            Fine- frame it your own way. Democracy or theocracy? Free speech or get thrown from a window for not conforming?

          • themoreequalanimal-av says:

            Where did that Jew touch you? Just point at the doll.

          • timebobby-av says:

            lmao, I love how in your response about how it’s unfair to conflate condemning Israel with supporting Hamas, you then go on to support Hamas 

    • dadeuce-av says:

      This guy another Minhaj! Woketard moron repeats woketard talking points, while fellow woketard hails him as a genius

  • TjM78-av says:

    I hear John Stewart is free

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    No shit.
    Now he’s got more time to style his beard.

    • amessagetorudy-av says:

      The hair alone must take several days to get follicle in place.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Hassan MinhajIs a troubled soulHe does his hairWith EstapolIf anyone gets that reference I’ll be mightily impressed.

  • dadeuce-av says:

    That’s awesome. Look forward to Hasan’s new special where he explains how Islamophobic anthrax powder cost him the Daily Show job

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised a bit if it’s true but I am still disappointed as I think he did a great job during his hosting stint and I think his whole “controversy” is probably the dumbest way any comedian’s ever become kind of “toxic” for lack of a better word (because it’s not like he’s been canceled but it definitely has effected his career/reputation in a major way)

    • lmh325-av says:

      The article where most headlines focused on the lying, he was also accused of running a very toxic writer’s room on Patriot Act where female writers felt especially denigrated and where there were claims of not wanting to fact check stories. I think that probably rightly hurt his chances of the Daily Show as well.

      • weedlord420-av says:

        I’m pretty sure the Patriot Act stuff was already public info. You’re not wrong that it’s messed up and it being brought into the limelight again definitely hurt his chances.

  • hamiltonistrash-av says:

    at least his daughter is safe, that’s what’s most important

  • lmh325-av says:

    The article didn’t just call out Minhaj for embellishing stories. It also called him out for supposedly running a misogynistic, toxic writer’s room that didn’t value any fact checking. I have a feeling that wasn’t great new to The Daily Show either.

  • scwalker-av says:

    Glad to see racism won. /sFunny how he does the same thing that literally every other white comedian does, yet he gets a huge amount of criticism for it.

  • leovanheat-av says:

    Why whatever for? He only led to the doxing and harassment of innocent people, manufactured Islamophobia—which is basically blood libel—and faked an anthrax attack on his daughter, lying to his wife in all manner in the process.“Bbbbut comedians lie.”Get fucked. This guy is a scumbag.

  • nell-from-the-movie-nell--av says:

    The show producers are clearly scared to make a decision — they’re so risk-averse they cannot settle on anyone. I think they hope some person is going to magically ascend to the desk and be an unmitigated hit. Weirdly, they’re being more cautious than ever even as the stakes continue to plummet. Late night comedy shows like this have a fraction of the audience they once had (like everyone else). They’re treating it like a hosting gauntlet for The Daily Show circa 2004. Choosing a host in 2023 just isn’t that big of a deal. Even if they’re wrong they can just swap in someone else. It won’t be that big of a deal. 

  • barrycracker-av says:

    I like what he has to say but I hate the way he says it. His stand-up is like a over-caffeinated adderall teen. And… the fact that he’s a fucking liar. I feel very emotional in my truthiness which makes it real.

  • jodrohnson-av says:

    how is this not kleppers job to lose?

  • cho24-av says:

    So we now expect all comedy bits to be true?? Uh oh…

  • recalcitrant-doogooder-av says:

    Good. He’ simply not funny. 

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    He’s just not a good host. I tried watching when he had his own show, and he’s just not an engaging host.

  • heybigsbender-av says:

    accusing Minhaj of embellishing multiple facts about his life for the purposes of his stand-up specialsMinhaj cops to the embellishments (lies?) in the article, so it’s more than just the New Yorker accusing him.

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