HBO and the BBC renew Gentleman Jack for a second season

Aux Features TV
HBO and the BBC renew Gentleman Jack for a second season
Photo: Matt Squire

According to Variety, critically acclaimed historical drama Gentleman Jack has been renewed for a second season by HBO and the BBC (which both air and produce the series on their respective sides of the pond, though the BBC’s will probably call it a “second series”). The show is based on the comprehensive diaries of Anne Lister, a lesbian woman who lived in 1800s England and ran her family’s coal mines, and it stars Suranne Jones as Lister as she tries to “walk a fine line to balance her business and love life”—as per Variety’s description. In a statement, Jones said she “always dreamed there would be more” and she’s excited to “play it all out,” with writer Sally Wainwright also noting that it’s “exciting that so many people have had such a positive response to Suranne’s exuberant performance as the brilliant, life-affirming Anne Lister.”

Like the first season, which is only halfway over, season two will run for eight episodes. Gentleman Jack also stars Sophie Rundle, Gemma Whelan, Gemma Jones, and Timothy West.


  • 9evermind-av says:

    I’ve watched three episodes of Gentle Jack and for me, it suffers from the Boardwalk Empire syndrome: decent acting and story, but not compelling enough for me to care one way or another if it returns. I might watch the rest of the season if I complete my current list of shows.

  • dirtside-av says:

    I watched the first half of the first episode (and then had to go do something else and haven’t gotten back to it yet), but I liked what I saw. Though I do have a thing for English period pieces.Suranne Jones is great (if you’ve never seen A Touch of Cloth, try to find it, it’s a hilarious police procedural created by Charlie Brooker and starring John Hannah). Plus Gemma Whelan!

  • legokinjago-av says:

    You really should be recapping this show.

    • sayitright-av says:

      If you’re jonesing, Vulture is doing a great job with the recapping.

      • atheissimo-av says:

        Having said that, they noted that the show is very white. In England. In the 1830s.

        My eyes just about rolled out of my head.

        • andrewinireland-av says:

          Remember, they said exactly the same thing about Downton Abbey, and that show had to shoehorn in a jazz musician…Maybe Belle will come visit Anne in the second series.

          • atheissimo-av says:

            I notice this a lot from American writers, and I assume it’s because they’re transposing their view of America in the 1800s onto other anglophone WASP-y countries in the same time period – and assuming the racial demographics are the same.

          • sayitright-av says:

            England wasn’t exclusively white in the 1800s, so those American writers are simply pushing for historical accuracy.

          • atheissimo-av says:

            I mean, Halifax in 1830 would have been as close to entirely white as it’s possible to be. Even today it’s 87% white, with the remaining 10% made up largely of Pakistani immigrants who came to fill the labour shortage left after the second world war.

          • sayitright-av says:

            Fair enough. And American writers do tend to overestimate the historical racial diversity in England. That said, I wish shows like Gentleman Jack would take the opportunity to include characters of color where possible. A house servant here, a field laborer or coal miner there wouldn’t go amiss. Actually, the show is set in 1832; slavery wasn’t abolished for another year. So, same deal, why not show a slave or two? It’d clear up false conceptions for general audiences.

          • mytvsays-av says:

            Albany Courtois who plays Anne’s maid is of African descent, not that that should fill the quota. A show like Harlots, taking place in London, definitely allows for more latitude with characters of color – and has made race/exoticism part of the show. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone mention that the character is anything other than “French” on GJ. 

          • sayitright-av says:

            Thanks for the recommendation.I did notice Eugenie, but I left her out to make the point about the show declining the opportunity to depict characters of color already rooted in England. I’ve actually been waiting for Eugenie’s heritage to come up because I wonder if and how it would impact her interactions with other servants and love interests. But I guess the show considers it immaterial. That, or the show means Courtois to pass.

          • mytvsays-av says:

            You’re very welcome! I hope you enjoy it, it’s a great series that wears cunning and bawdiness in equal measure. It is kind of fun to imagine GJ in the same universe as Harlots, just at the other end of the Island.Absolutely. At least a comment that her being French is more a differentiator than her being creole. At least in related to her affair or marrying the footman. I haven’t caught up with the season yet, started late and thoroughly enjoying it, but given the thoughtfulness of the writers as to almost every other aspect perhaps something they’ll get into next season – unless they’re going a questionable route of color blindness. 

          • andrewinireland-av says:

            Good observation.

          • katemc39-av says:

            I did Carmen as a stand-up. But I have to disagree. I don’t think she’s re-capping the show well. I feel like they’re pushing too much snark. Loads of *** reviews on the episodes for what is a top-quality program.

        • sayitright-av says:

          Period pieces do tend to show an exclusively white palette in Regency and Victorian England. That depiction is incorrect. The population was largely white, but not exclusively.

  • MyNameIsMyName-av says:

    I hope season 2 features her cousins Tiny Zeus & Jack Gallagher, year’s of watching Kate Moening tv shows has taught me I don’t have to enjoy lesbian centric programming or characters and this show just doesn’t do it for me from what I’ve seen.

  • maraleia-av says:

    This is the best new show of 2019, end of story.

  • operasara-av says:

    I love this show.
    I am a bit obsessed with Victorian and Regency romances though.

  • seanc234-av says:

    I’ve enjoyed the first four episodes of this show, though it currently lacks narrative propulsion.

  • bizzatchprime-av says:

    I like the show and will continue to watch. Needs to be tightened up a bit, though.

  • hiemoth-av says:

    Based on the first four episodes and the descriptions for the end of the season, I have concept what that second season would be about. Really fun show without a doubt, though, and it will be interesting what that approach will be.

  • mindfultimetraveler-av says:

    Well, I mean, the future is female, BBC was renewing this no matter how just-ok it is.

  • akponssi-av says:

    The show is based in Nova Scotia is it not? Halifax is the nearest town they visit from her estate, not London, England. 

  • basileus66-av says:

    This is good news. GJ is such a good show. Why is it not being recapped here?

  • froot-loop-av says:

    After seeing her in Doctor Foster, I will watch anything Suranne Jones is in.

  • butterfly990175-av says:

    Gentlemen Jack is fascinating to watch I love this show so glad HBO and BBC took it from paper and let people watch. Wish series wasn’t so short and can not wait till second season comes out!! If you haven’t watched it yet YOU MUST WATCH GENTLEMEN JACK!!!!! Also a documentary

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