HBO Max orders limited series Americanah, starring Lupita Nyong'o, and written by Danai Gurira

Aux Features TV
HBO Max orders limited series Americanah, starring Lupita Nyong'o, and written by Danai Gurira
Photo: Rachel Murray

Reminding us yet again that Danai Gurira and Lupita Nyong’o’s ability to do awesome things in tandem neither starts, nor stops, at the borders of Wakanda, HBO announced today that it was ordering a new series from the two women for its upcoming HBO Max streaming service. Based on the book by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah will feature Nyong’o as its star and producer, while Gurira—a Tony-nominated playwright, in addition to her other talents—will showrun and write.

Published in 2013, Adichie’s novel tells the story of Ifemelu, a young Nigerian woman who makes her way to America to escape life under a military dictatorship. Meanwhile, her lover is denied entry to the country post-9/11, and eventually ends up living undocumented in London. Nyong’o will be taking on the part of Ifemelu, who becomes a popular blogger Stateside, observing the racism inherent in American society from an outsider’s experience.

The 10-episode limited series will air on HBO Max, the network’s latest effort to get a dedicated streaming service off the ground.


  • poetjunkie-av says:

    Love, love, love this book. Very much enjoy Nyong’o, but she’s absolutely wrong for the role. So much of Ifemelu’s story is the largeness of her body, and how comfortable she becomes in it, how much space she takes up in a world that doesn’t think women of color should occupy much space at all. Small gripes like that aside, I’m excited to see what they make of this book (would LOOOVE to see Purple Hibiscus get adapted eventually).

    • cariocalondoner-av says:

      Oh, I’m just starting Purple Hibiscus …Out of curiosity, who would have been your dream casting for Ifemelu?

      • poetjunkie-av says:

        Purple is my fav of her books 🙂 Beautiful through and through, and I find myself actively thinking about it now and then.As far as perfect casting for Ifemelu… not based on her personality, but I suppose I picture Nicole Byer? Ashley Nicole Black is a close one as well. I dunno why, but the visual of the character has always been someone with rounder, “kind” features. Her character came across as a little lost, a little wounded and searching for something, and I think both have features that could play well on. Anyone you have in mind?

        • cariocalondoner-av says:

          Haven’t read Americanah yet, but I get the feeling when I do (if it’s before the series comes out) I’m going to be picturing Nicole Byer 🙂

  • returning-the-screw-av says:

    What is HBO Max again?

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Doesn’t this just need to say “starring Lupita Nyong’o” for the Kinja AV Club to drop to it’s collective knees?

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