HBO is apparently considering another Game Of Thrones prequel, set before the other prequel

Aegon The Conqueror, the man who united Westeros, may be getting his own show

Aux News HBO
HBO is apparently considering another Game Of Thrones prequel, set before the other prequel
House Of The Dragon Photo: HBO

You’ve seen Game Of Thrones, but haven’t you always wondered what happened before all of that stuff happened? Okay, yes, we already have House Of The Dragon, which covers what happened nearly 200 years before all of that, but haven’t you always wondered what happened before all of that? Well, HBO just might have you covered, because Variety says that the network is “actively” discussing a second Game Of Thrones prequel that would take place about 100 years before House Of The Dragon.

The show would be about Aegon Targaryen I, a.k.a. Aegon The Conqueror, the guy who took over (almost) all of Westeros and united it into the Seven Kingdoms we know from the other two shows. He was the first ruler to sit on the Iron Throne, and he popularized the Targaryen trend of marrying and having children with close relatives. You know, all the stuff that people like from Game Of Thrones.

Skeptics may point out that, thematically, this all sounds like it would be pretty similar to House Of The Dragon, and… that might be the case. We don’t know how it’s going to shake out yet, because HBO doesn’t even have a writer attached to this potential project yet. As far as we can tell, Variety put an empty glass against a wall at HBO headquarters, heard someone suggest making a prequel to the other prequel, and then that’s all the information we really have. But hey, they need to something to fill time while we wait for more House Of The Dragon.

Interestingly, though, Variety’s sources also think there might be a “feature component,” which is to say a tie-in movie that sets up the show, as if a prequel to a prequel to one of the biggest TV shows ever needs to lay down a little groundwork in order to get audiences on board. Everyone will watch it, they’ll ask their nerdier friends/relatives to explain how this relates to regular Game Of Thrones, and then HBO will run the brand into the ground like Disney has with Star Wars and Marvel.


  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    If we work our way backwards to dragons vs. dinosaurs it’ll be worth it.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    The reason House of the Dragon skipped to King Viserys as its starting point is because that’s when the part that makes for a good show starts. Aegon’s story is just scene after scene after scene of “huge army is assembled, then dragons show up and effortlessly roast them all.”

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      It could be interesting if they show a bit of background of the Targaryen’s coming to Dragonstone, the Doom, etc and then fast-forward through most of the conquest to get to the First Dornish War. HotD indicated that Aegon knew about the White Walkers so that may be a thread they can pull on as well. A one season mini-series would be solid.

    • paintingofadisappointedhorse-av says:

      Not counting the Dornish going all Viet Cong and resisting conquest for several decades.

      • egerz-av says:

        It would be cool to see how Dorne resisted Aegon’s dragon-led invasion, I’ve always been curious about how that worked in practice.

  • captain-splendid-av says:

    This could work, as long as they make Visenya the main character.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    Skeptics may point out that, thematically, this all sounds like it would be pretty similar to House Of The Dragon

    You have to be a skeptic to point this out?

  • retort-av says:

    Maybe if the show had a framing device like it follows the first 7 kingsguard in Aegons time

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    And people will still be wondering how everyone’s favorite family, The Starks are doing, and where they fit in.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Well, last I saw Tony had sacrificed his life to save the universe, but Pepper and his daughter were still okay.

  • iambrett-av says:

    They really like the expensive events for their adaptations, don’t they? Aegon the Conqueror is basically going to be nothing but preparation and battles. Why don’t they adapt the First Blackfyre Rebellion? No dragons, but there’s tons of good courtly drama and battles are fewer and farther between (IE cheaper show to make!). Plus you could have a fun dynamic with Daeron II and Daemon Blackfyre setting up rival courts with rival money, trying to undermine each other, etc.

    • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

      Really they should be adapting Egg and Dunk – it’s pretty much the only GoT content left that has someone to root for, plus it’s got action, and it’s incomplete, so leaves a bit of leeway to make a good show from light material.

      • iambrett-av says:

        Martin was apparently resistant to doing a Dunk and Egg adaptation for a long time, although I’m not sure why. Dunk and Egg is inherently episodic – they go to a place, do the stuff, and then leave at the end.  In addition to the D&E stories we got, it’d be easy to write a bunch of show-only “filler” episodes and stories for them.

        • toastedtoast-av says:

          They are doing Dunk and Egg, Martin has commented on working closely with HBO on that project. That, HOTD and a couple of other possible shows are definitely in the works and there’s a strong possibility it could make it through that process and get made.

  • peterbread-av says:

    The only prequel idea that sounded like it would be a bit different was the one set during the Age of Heroes and they shitcanned that.

    Otherwise it’s just the same old family Vs family stuff.

  • dancalling-av says:

    I doubt they will do this, but it would be more interesting if the story is told from the point of view of the other houses besides the Targayens. Aegon was too overpowering to be that interesting.

  • pvthudson79-av says:

    I would think a better part to turn into another series is the doom of old Valeria. 

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