Heads up: Parks And Recreation is leaving Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime

Aux Features TV
Heads up: Parks And Recreation is leaving Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime
Photo: NBC

We know how valuable streaming content is in these very bad times, especially the high quality, extremely pleasant, life-sustaining streaming content—you know, the good stuff you throw on to fall asleep every night, made even better if you’ve already seen every season multiple times. The pop culture sleep machine, if you will. That’s why we feel it is of the utmost importance to remind you that you have, oh, about a week left to continue enjoying Parks And Recreation on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.

As THR reported last September, Parks And Rec is joining fellow comfort-binge fav The Office as exclusives on Peacock. Starting in October, Parks And Rec will say goodbye to its foster streamers as it takes up permanent residence in its digital forever-home (where it’s already available to stream for subscribers). Thankfully, Peacock just became a little more accessible this week, as NBCUniversal finally struck a deal to make the streaming platform available on Roku in the U.S. Still unavailable on Roku: HBO Max, which apparently does not understand how badly some subscribers need to be able to finish season 11 of The Bachelorette in the comfort of their own bed but the bedroom TV is older and only has Roku so please fix this issue immediately it is 2020 goddammit.


  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    It was a close one. At first Peacock was only able to get Parks, but right at the wire they secured Recreation.

    • graymangames-av says:

      They secure only the first two seasons while Netflix gets to keep the Ben and Chris years. 

      • kingme-av says:

        The Ben and Chris years are the best years..Not a fan of Mark Brendana-quits…

        • graymangames-av says:

          Mark Don’t-give-a-shits 

        • TeoFabulous-av says:

          There is so much competition out there, but I’m still fully convinced that Mark Brendanawicz is the worst sitcom character ever. And I’m including Urkel in that assessment.

          • smudgedblurs-av says:

            How could you say that when Young Sheldon is about to start production on its 4th season?

          • mrnulldevice1-av says:

            Wait…Young Sheldon is a SITCOM?

          • smudgedblurs-av says:

            It’s on the TV and everything.

            Or did you mean it more like, “I thought it was a procedural drama! We’re supposed to laugh?” 

          • BlahBlahBlahXXX-av says:

            How could you say that when Young Sheldon is about to start production on its 4th season?Young Sheldon is way better than is has any right to be.

          • peterjj4-av says:

            I can think of much worse – the kids on the Lucy Show, Richie on Dick Van Dyke, the daughter who replaced Kristy Macnichol on Empty Nest, Mike on All in the Family (sorry, Rob Reiner), etc. Even on Parks and Rec, I’d say there were characters who became much more offputting over time or as the show clearly had no idea what to do with them. The main problem with Mark was he just never really fit into the show, and the romance storyline with Leslie was a misfire (which they quickly realized). 

          • BlahBlahBlahXXX-av says:

            but I’m still fully convinced that Mark Brendanawicz is the worst sitcom character ever.

            I read an interview with the actor a few years ago, and he seemed like he was the exact same guy as Mark Brendanadicks. Like he wasn’t even acting at all, just being himself.

          • TeoFabulous-av says:

            That’s part of why I said what I did – it’s not just the character, but the actor’s phoned-in performance that makes Brendanawicz so inessential.

          • BlahBlahBlahXXX-av says:

            It’s kind of hilarious how he is literally never once mentioned or referenced again after he leaves.

    • urbanpreppie05-av says:

      See, I think the second season is when it starts to really, really click- starting with Beauty Pageant and it just gets better and better. 

      • burneraccountdisplayname7-av says:

        I think the second season is when it starts to really, really click- starting with Beauty Pageant.I couldn’t agree more. S1 was a slog for sure, but I’m really surprised at the comments knocking S2.

  • kingme-av says:

    It was fun while it lasted… to be fair, I mustve watched Parks and Recreation on Netflix more times than any other show in there enough that I just gave in and decided to get the Box Set.. I’ll just leave this here..

    • thundercatsarego-av says:

      Parks and Rec is my “comfort food” TV. It’s what I’ll put on in the background while I’m puttering around the kitchen or doing some mindless work on my computer. I’ve probably watched the whole series a half-dozen times or more. Once you get past the first 1.5 seasons, it is so solid. Eminently re-watchable.That said, I probably won’t seek it out on Peacock. I’ll just move on to the next lighthearted comedy and use that instead. Probably Schitt’s Creek. 

      • facebones-av says:

        Schitt’s Creek will absolutely fill the void for you. 

        • thundercatsarego-av says:

          Oh, I love Schitt’s Creek. I am looking forward to the last season being on Netflix soon, since I don’t have PopTV and haven’t seen it. I usually watch it with a friend of mine who does have PopTV, but the pandemic put her DVR off-limits for me. I can’t wait to see the last season. The first five seasons are perfection.

        • kingme-av says:

          I live in Toronto and im very aware that they film Schitt’s Creek here. Is it really that good?My wife has praises over the show even mentioning that Blouse Barn is actually just 15 minutes away from our house while the actual filming location of the show is about 40 minutes away.

      • sh90706-av says:

        After enjoying the Canadian comedy in Schitts Creek, I found 2 others that are also great ‘sleep comfort foods’. Try Corner Gas and Kims Convenience.

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      That’s why I have my “pop culture sleep machines” on DVD. The day I wear out my Dr. Katz and Home Movies discs is going to be a sad one.

      • foghat1981-av says:

        Love those shows! If you tell me you’re also a NewsRadio fan I feel like we may just become best friends.

      • nickysix416-av says:

        I will never part with my My So-Called Life or Freaks and Geeks sets either. 

        • taumpytearrs-av says:

          Those also among the treasured box sets in my home, although more on my wife’s side. I think they are both great shows and will occasionally watch some F & G with her, but My So-Called Life is just to cringe-y for me as an adult. F & G has more humor and a wider range of characters that makes it go down easier. My So-Called Life is just too accurate in its depiction of the head-space of self-obsessed teenagers looking for significance in everything, it makes me as angry and anxious as I was as a teenager!

    • pizzapartymadness-av says:

      Exactly. I used to collect DVDs back when there was no streaming services. I stopped after Netflix started making things so easily available. I think I’m going to start again because I’m tired of having to pay for a million different streaming services. Too bad it seams that DVD/bluray prices seem to have inflated as a result.

  • mahatmagumby-av says:

    I’m still not subscribing to Peacock. I will take that 5 dollars a month to my grave.

    • galdarn-av says:

      It’s free, stupid.

      • mahatmagumby-av says:

        Ok… thanks for the personal insult. Do you know how business works? You think “premium” is not going to become “standard” in like 6 months when everyone is used to having it?

        • kbarnes401-av says:

          It was funny. My friends and I call each other “stupid” all the time. In addition to “bozo”, “buffoon”, “peabrain” etc. It helps keep us from taking ourselves too seriously.

      • rpcouv-av says:

        They get to choose what’s free and what isnt so chances are parks and rec., the office, and the more popular shows wont be but I ain’t gonna pay for another one I’ll just go back to watching what else is available on my 3 services. You really cant go wrong with Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+.

      • austenpaul-av says:

        Not if you want to watch AP Bio or Brooklyn 99, it isn’t.

  • anthonystrand-av says:

    My wife is racing to finish her current rewatch before the end of the month. She’s almost halfway through season 6, so I think she’ll do it.One note: Friends (a WB-owned show) is on HBO Max, not Peacock.

  • nerdherderjd-av says:

    Is Friends a Peacock exclusive? I can’t find any news about it leaving HBO Max.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    All this consolidation of media properties makes me reflect on the ongoing tide of history, and how Harry Truman was a guy and everyone is fun.  

  • corvus6-av says:

    There’s too many fucking services. Fucking hell.

  • ellisdean204-av says:

    The funny thing is that NBC thinks that this will provide an incentive for people to subscribe to Peecock Premium. The sad thing is that media companies are a day late and a dollar short with streaming, ESPECIALLY NBC/Universal. They spent so long pushing back against the inevitable movement to streaming that anything they do now seems…desperate. And why would ANYONE want regular “free” Peecock with commercials? WTF is the point? That might be the dumbest thing in the world.Nobody wants to sign up for yet another streaming platform. Netflix, Amazon…those are pretty much the “go-to” platforms. Anything else seems unnecessary. Hulu plus Peecock is ~$11/month. Or you could plunk down $50 a year for a VPN and torrent the hell out of all this stuff without having to worry about which app works with which device, commercials, content being dropped from one service to another, etc.I fully understand that content creators need to be compensated. Having worked on a couple of films myself I sympathize fully. But media companies need to shit or get off the pot in terms of making it EASY to access the content, not nickel & dime everyone. And really…does Amy Poehler make 1 cent more per Peecock Premium view of P&R over the “free” version? Or does this money all go to some LA dickbag named Tristan and his Aston Martin lease? I think we know the answer here…

    • anthonystrand-av says:

      I have free Peacock with commercials on my iPad because it has a ton of old movies. I can watch Universal Monsters sequels or early Marx Brothers movies while I do the dishes? Sure, I’ll download that app for free.

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      I watched a movie on Peacock’s free service a week or two ago. The movie ran about 90 minutes and there were about 2 minutes total of commercials. It ruled.

      • dokydoky-av says:

        Well of course there were barely any ads, it’s early days and they’re trying to lure in users. Watch them start piling more ads on as time goes by.

        • anthonystrand-av says:

          Sure, but it’s still worth using for free right now. Once they start including a ton of ads, I’ll stop using their free service. Once they drop the free option, I’ll delete the app.I have nothing to lose by using this free service with limited commercials until it goes away.

        • soveryboreddd-av says:

          For some reason when I watch Sailor Moon on Hulu there’s no ads. 

          • brian2233-av says:

            There are a few things like that hiding on Hulu; older series, select seasons of shows. I assume that they tried to sell ads and nobody wanted to buy the ad space. Frankly, I’m shocked that Hulu doesn’t at least fill up the ad space with ads for Disney +.

        • skipskatte-av says:

          I’m waiting for the free “TNT” app, where the first hour of the movie is commercial free, but the next half hour is five minutes of commercials per five minutes of movie, and the last half hour is five minutes of commercials per two minutes of movie.

        • sh90706-av says:

          maybe not. I have Hulu with adds, its cheap and the adds total 5 min/hour. not so bad.  I’ll add free peacock. why not?

      • elloasty-av says:

        I watched Escape From NY last night and it had 3 one minute breaks (two 30 second adds). It was fine, you gotta pause and use the restroom sometime. Still had all the violence and cursing, so that works for me.

    • labbla-av says:

      I’m loving the free Peacock app. It’s let met watch all of Saved by the Bell and Sliders. 

    • snagglepluss-av says:

      NBC had a great English Premiere League package and when it started up, you could either watch a whole host of games on the network or stream it live. Now they’ve brilliantly decide to show most of the games on Peacock which doesn’t seem to be a great way to grow the audience.

    • toastedpet-av says:

      I actually think they’re kinda brilliant with the free to watch version, along with the channels feature. Fell right down the rabbit hole of their SNL channel a week ago, cause we couldn’t make a decision on what to watch. I wish HBO Max would stream the main channel on their app, so I could watch the Bill Mahar and John Oliver when they premier.

    • drmedicine-av says:

      Sounds like original Hulu, which was great.. nd

    • ciegodosta-av says:

      The point of Peacock isn’t to get a lot of subscribers like Netflix, it’s an extra incentive not to cancel a Comcast subscription.

    • smudgedblurs-av says:

      “Hulu plus Peecock is ~$11/month. Or you could plunk down $50 a year for a VPN and torrent the hell out of all this stuff without having to worry about which app works with which device, commercials, content being dropped from one service to another, etc.”

      And then after torrenting all of the good NBC shows, you could spend an extra $9 a month for an obscene amount of storage on Dropbox, upload those shows, and then use the Dropbox video player (that’s often less buggy than the terrible Hulu and Peacock players to) to watch them wherever and whenever you want without worrying about licensing deals expiring in the middle of the Harvest Festival arc. 

    • shindean-av says:

      I would like to bring up that part where you mentioned compensation for creators. Let’s remember that it was exactly the kind of greedy executives at NBC that caused the writers strike in the first place by trying to manipulate online content. You’d think that with an entire marketing department at their beck and call, they would’ve figured out that the very first reason why streaming services started was with the promise of “no ads”. NBC is more than a day late, they have no idea what they’re doing, they just know it’s popular at the moment.

    • victorywith-av says:

      Peacock is free isn’t it? So idk what he complaint is about. IF anything, their model is the future. A free version with commercials or a paid version without. I think even Netflix may have to do that eventually.

    • outrider-av says:

      The vast majority of people do not have the desire (or technical know-how) to set up a VPN or acquire TV shows via torrents.

    • waluigisnumberone-av says:

      “why would ANYONE want regular “free” Peecock with commercials? WTF is the point? That might be the dumbest thing in the world.”I would. And judging by the comments, many other people would as well.

    • davidcbudd-av says:

      yeah, im with you.  I have netflix, hulu, prime, and disney plus.  I just dont even need them all.  Disney i get for free, and use for marvel movies and starwars.  Amazon…i never use video normally.  I hate their app, i hate how its laid out, its structured for sales of series and movies, which i get, but hate.  Hulu…has a chunk of animated shows i like.  But im not watching commercials, and im not paying for another service.  I think CBS and NBC are just going to not be studios i watch content from.

    • mcwrapper619-av says:

      I actually really like Peacock.  Even better I get premium for free with cox.   For free you really can’t fault it.  They don’t really show a lot of commercials, and they have shows I can’t find other places.

    • j-robmcknob-av says:

      I just signed up for it.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    i think most people are much more likely to go ‘oh well’ than to sign up for an entirely new service, no matter the show

    • anthonystrand-av says:

      One thing I’ve noticed as a middle school librarian is that kids really do just watch whatever’s on Netflix. Years ago, Doctor Who was very popular in my school, but it hasn’t been since it left Netflix in 2015 or whenever that was.

      It’s only been 9 months since Friends left Netflix, but I already don’t hear about it as much as I used to. I’m sure the same thing will happen with The Office.

      • snagglepluss-av says:

        I used to pop on Doctor Who all the time as it was my comfort food TV show. Now, I have no idea where it is and never watch it anymore. Good job everyone

        • graymangames-av says:

          Seriously, DW fans right now are looking for any conspiracy theory they can as to why the ratings are down slightly ever since Whitaker and Chibnall came onboard, and I’m like, “You ever think it’s because there are less platforms to watch it?” The UK has iPlayer at least. Americans have jack shit.

          • snagglepluss-av says:

            Exactly, although, to be fair, the Chibnall series so far has kinda sucked

          • anthonystrand-av says:

            I haven’t even bothered to finish season 12 yet, which bums me out. I love Whittaker, I like the companions, but the stories are mostly so bad.

          • snagglepluss-av says:

            That’s not a horrible call, the two-part finale both blew and sucked. I feel bad for Whitaker who’s so good but completely underserved by the writing. I’m not even sure if it was on Netflix if I’d watch those episodes and just rewatch all the other Nu Who episodes for the fifth or sixth time

          • cdog9231-av says:

            Here’s a hot take for you: it’s sucked since Matt Smith’s 2nd season. 

        • antononymous-av says:

          Classic Series is on BritBox, New Who is on HBO Max.

          • snagglepluss-av says:

            Which is not a streaming site that most people currently do not have and for which I’m not really interested in putting money down for as I currently have four other streaming services I pay for

        • anthonystrand-av says:

          It’s on HBO Max, which seems like a weird place for it.

        • steadfastowl-av says:

          It’s currently on HBO Max

      • jhelterskelter-av says:

        Fellow children’s librarian here (elementary school, then public): keep it up!

      • scortius-av says:


        • thehappyberry-av says:

          Some day there will be a day when I can swipe through a dating app and there won’t be anyone mentioning The Office or being a “Jim looking for his Pam” (yeah, no thanks). 

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        yeah i imagine tv is getting closer to how tv used to be: once it’s gone it’s gone. people forget this idea of ‘owning tv shows’ was only something that really started with DVDs. only weirdos used to tape everything.also my greatest fear of having one of my threads co-opted into dr who discussion has been realized. 2020 sucks!

        • snagglepluss-av says:

          Somewhere I read a story about how Netflix still mails you dvds that you can watch and it’s a better deal than the streaming service because a lot of the shows that are no longer avaailable on the streaming site you can still get on dvd 

  • wsvon1-av says:

    I thought it was going to leave these platforms with no fanfare and for no reason – in other words, pull a Brendanawicz.

  • buh-lurredlines-av says:

    Wow, I binged it just in time!

  • snagglepluss-av says:

    TV Exec 1: “Hey, Parks & Recreation is one of the best shows we ran and one of the most beloved TV shows in TV history. Let’s put it on all the streaming sites so everybody can watch it and watch it forever and ever!”TV Exec 2: “I got a better idea. Let’s put it on a little known and barely used streaming service and force people to go that streaming site that nobody cares about!”Head of Network: “That’s a genius idea! Why let everybody watch the show when we can just have a bunch of people watch the show”Show moves to little known and watched streaming service and is quickly forgotten about and never watched. Executives quickly give themselves huge bonuses for doing so

    • anthonystrand-av says:

      You know what it reminds me of? How Looney Tunes were on every single channel all the time in the 60s – 90s, and every kid knew those characters and catchphrases.

      And then WB decided that it was too valuable, so they only put reruns on Boomerang, a channel no one cared about, and then they pulled the cartoons from YouTube if people posted it.And now kids don’t care about Looney Tunes.

      • snagglepluss-av says:

        Or how they used to have the “Wonderful World of Disney” on ABC every Sunday night and kids of a certain age got introduced to everything involving Disney for free every weekend only to see it get turned into a cable network and now onto a streaming site. I used to know who Mickey Mouse was because I watched his cartoons. Now I have no idea how any kid would know who he is other than some branding logo that pops up occasionally at the beginning of a movie

        • noisetanknick-av says:

          I can honestly say I’ve never seen a Mickey Mouse cartoon. I am in my mid-30’s and have only ever known him as a mascot character. I know there have been recent Mickey Mouse shorts and some children’s series where Mickey is the star, but for as much as Disney pushes Mickey Mouse as a concept they don’t seem keen on using the him or defining him as a character in any meaningful way.

          • snagglepluss-av says:

            Granted, I can’t say I ever watched the Disney channel and don’t have Disney streaming but I kind of feel like he (and the rest of the Disney cartoon characters) have become more like branding mascots- like the Colonel for KFC or Ronald McDonald- than an actual character who appears in things. My three year old loves Minnie Mouse and I have no idea how or why. If I remember correctly, the Disney cartoons weren’t nearly as good or as clever as the Bugs Bunny cartoons. I also think Bugs Bunny is kind of an ageless character in that his attitude will always be “cool.” 

          • roboj-av says:

            Mickey and Minnie were in plenty of cartoons pre-war, which I remember watching as a kid on the Disney Channel during the 80s. After the war the other Disney characters like Donald, Goofy, Chip and Dale received prominence while Mickey got pushed into brands and logo. The Goofy everyman skits they made during the 50s where they briefly toned down the oafishness and made him into a well mannered WASP is pretty funny and timely.
            The best thing about the Disney characters and shows compared to Bugs Bunny and Looney Tunes is how less horribly and intentionally racist they are. Disney had its moments, but they were surprisingly modern and tolerant compared to Looney Tunes cartoons that had to have at least one racist chariacture or stereotype per toon which I remember watching in the 80s.

          • erikzimm-av says:

            Believe me, Mickey as a character is still alive and well. The WWOD was a thing because we were limited to 36 channels, and basic cable was only nearing its infancy. I don’t know if you have kids or notAnd it’s funny you say that about Mickey, because they literally just announced a new Mickey Mouse shorts series launching on D+ starting this fall, and then coming back in the spring. Personally, I loved the Disney cartoons (Gummi Bears, Duck Tales, Talespin, Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, etc., etc., etc., because they actually told stories that evolved. Bugs Bunny just told the same repackaged plot wrapped in new paper.

          • jerutix-av says:

            You must not have a toddler, because we are watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse CONSTANTLY at my house. My kid has seen more episodes of that show (plus the current show Mickey & The Roadster Racers/Mickey’s Mixed Up Adventures) than I ever saw Mickey Mouse cartoons growing up.

          • flashredial-av says:

            Mickey works better as a mascot than he does as the lead in a cartoon. He has no personality. He’s friendly and plucky, but that’s about it. He’s like Jerry Gergich on Parks & Rec. He’s nice enough, he’s good for a laugh every once in a while, you like him (or, at least, you don’t dislike him), but you wouldn’t watch a show about him. (On the other hand, I’d watch pretty much anything with Ron Swanson because Ron’s such a great character.)

        • radarskiy-av says:

          What kid is watching broadcast television?

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        Although HBO Max now has the old Looney Tunes cartoons AND the brand new Looney Tunes Cartoons which totally capture the spirit and style of the classic shorts. Hopefully people are using those to introduce a new generation. I also hope people aren’t put off by their choice of tile/title picture, which is Bugs holding a smart phone. I assure everyone, it is not a desperate attempt to update the shorts to be “modern” it just means that the one or two times a character used a phone it was a cell phone and that Wile E Coyote ordered a fairly realistic looking drone from Acme. Other wise, the extent of the “modernization” has just been not using old problematic and/or racist terms and visual gags. They have 100% of the anarchic gleeful violence with 0% of the black-face gags!

        • anthonystrand-av says:

          I’ve only seen a couple of those new cartoons (I should watch more) but I have been watching the classics with my 5-year-old, which has been a blast.

          • taumpytearrs-av says:

            I’m hoping the early blurb that Warner Bros ordered 1000 minutes worth of shorts is accurate, because the first “season” totaling around 100+ minutes was excellent.
            It has also vindicated my long-held belief that Peter Browngardt’s much-maligned Uncle Grandpa was one of the only modern heirs to the surreal and purely anarchic animation gags of old cartoons, as he is now the head developer/director/writer of the new Looney Tunes and he has brought in fellow weirdos like underground cartoonist Johnny Ryan to work on the shorts.

          • anthonystrand-av says:

            I only know Uncle Grandpa from the Steven Universe crossover episode, which made it seem terrible. Maybe it’s just not very much like Steven Universe and that made it seem bad in context?

          • taumpytearrs-av says:

            It was a weird combination for sure. I also completely get people not liking Uncle Grandpa overall because it does have a lot of non-sequitors and loud “RANDOM!” silly humor in the dialogue/plots, but it was also full of creative and weird animation-based gags that I just have not seen anywhere else in recent years.

      • foghat1981-av says:

        Great point.  I have three kids 7-14 and they barely know Bugs or Daffy.  It’s just totally off their radar 🙁

      • flashredial-av says:

        I loved the original Looney Tunes. They packed so much story into 6 minutes, and they had such great characters, too. I remember watching one of the cartoons in high school when I finally understood what my English teachers meant when they talked about characterization; Bugs and Daffy could both pop up in a cave filled with treasure, but they reacted in completely different ways, and each character’s reaction is what drove the story. We don’t get Boomerang, so my kids didn’t grow up with Bugs and Daffy and Elmer and Marvin the Martian, so for them (and their friends), the characters mean absolutely nothing. Warner Bros. blew it.

      • pizzapartymadness-av says:

        So much THIS. I’m a teacher and I thought Looney Tunes were just common knowledge, but most of my students don’t even know who Bugs Bunny is. 

  • praxinoscope-av says:

    Netflix may be the 800 lb gorilla but they have to continually spend massive amounts of money on new programming to keep viewers. The real money is in old, popular shows like this and Netflix has yet to come up with anything that looks like it will fill that void, particularly given how many shows they cancel after only a season or two when the old networks let a lot of these shows hang on long enough to find an audience (even if that audience didn’t hit critical mass until the shows were in syndication.)

  • nothem-av says:

    Damn.  I’ve been watching for the first time and still have 41 episodes left.  I mean, YAY, now I need to watch at “binge” pace!

  • michaelmmoore-av says:

    I get Peacock premium with Comcast, so I’ll be able to finish P&R. I watched the first half of season 1 when it was on-air, but didn’t care for it. Then I had to listen to people claiming it got better in season 2 for years, until I finally decided to give it another go last month.

  • 83-nation-av says:

    I’ve ranted ad nauseum about the ever-growing number of streaming services before, but the last sentence of this article makes another important point. Is it too much to ask that the myriad streaming services they want us to pay for be available on the platforms people want to watch them on? We got our first smart TV this year and I thought, “great, no more futzing around with our Fire stick and/or my PS4.” Ha. I just signed up for Shudder and their app is not available on the TV nor the PS4. (The Fire stick stayed with the old TV, so I didn’t check there as we wanted to watch it on the newer, bigger screen). I was finally able to subscribe as an add-on to Prime.And no matter how many streaming services we subscribe to, whenever we get a particular movie in our heads that we’d love to watch, it’s not included on any of them. I say again that if someone could come up with a service where I could simply watch anything I wanted, whenever I wanted, I am ashamed at the thought of how much per month I would pay for it.Do they still release shows on physical media? If so, then obviously if one particular show is all you want to rewatch over and over that would be the better play.

  • djmc-av says:

    Thankfully, Peacock just became a little more accessible this week…
    Well this just makes it worse, since we all know how much the Parks and Rec department hates public libraries.

  • peterjj4-av says:

    Too bad they can’t work out a deal to just leave the first 3 or 4 seasons and move the others…

  • grey59goddess-av says:

    I completely agree about hbo max!!! Like come on:(

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    I’m starting to miss having basic cable.

  • cdog9231-av says:

    My wife might burn everything down. 

  • pizzapartymadness-av says:

    We have a Roku for our bedroom TV too, but also our main living room TV is a Roku TV. Because of this issue with HBO and the fact that I’ve had 3 Roku remotes stop working is making me thinking of abandoning them forever. I’m tired with this BS.

  • thefanciestcat-av says:

    My girlfriend still likes rewatching it, but on my last rewatch, I found the charm had completely worn off. It just gets so saccharin at the end. For me, this is a good riddance situation.

    • elnachogrande-av says:

      I felt the EXACT same way the last time my boyfriend and I went through it. I know it’s meant to be nice, but the whole “spending the last few seasons just giving all the main cast every single success they could ever strive for” just felt lazy and obnoxious. Also, and this truly has nothing to do with him in real life, but I realized I hate the Tom Havorford character. Found him completely insufferable this past watch. Good riddence indeed.

  • darkmage316-av says:

    This bullshit is why I’m glad that I bought the DVD set.

  • craigh95630-av says:

    Honestly though Netflix doesn’t really seem to care about carrying old TV shows any longer. They just recently dumped That 70’s Show which was up there in some of their highest watched old sitcoms because they didn’t want to pay the syndication renewal. Nobody else was picking it up. They’d rather dump money now in to one of their 10 bazillion other shows and movies they produce themselves now.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      “Netflix doesn’t really seem to care about carrying old TV shows”You have assumed that they chose not to pay a reasonable price to license the shows, rather than the shows are no longer licensable for any price.

  • jaccylamber0911-av says:

    I wake up everyday with a smile on my face and sing praises to this good spell caster called Dr, Godday who has done me a great favor by rescuing my relationship from break up. I used to think that I have a perfect relationship till when my lover started coming home late and everyday he gives me different excuses then I decided to keep a close eye on him then I discovered that he was having an affair with another girl. I was heartbroken because i trusted him so much and knowing that he has a secret relationship it hurts me a lot. But I thank all those who placed the contact details of Dr, Godday on the Internet and today my relationship has been restored with love and care than ever before. If you are in any kind of relationship or marriage stress I will do you a favor by dropping the contact details of Dr, Godday which is via email: goddayspiritualhome@gmail. com Or Call/Whatsapp +1{919}4956404.

  • chickcounterfly-av says:

    After the ad nauseum use of the silly, meaningless name “Peacock”, semantic satiation has kicked into gear in my brain, so that all I hear when I read it now goes: peacock, peacock, pea-cock. Cock. Pea- Cock, pee. Pee. Cock. Pee cock.Surely I’m not the only one who’s cracked in this same way. Who signed off on that name? Did they not know about semantic satiation? Isn’t it their job to language well?

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