Heed Martha Stewart’s tips for this weekend’s Super Bowl parties

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Heed Martha Stewart’s tips for this weekend’s Super Bowl parties
Photo: Jared Siskin

You couldn’t ask for a better party role model than Martha Stewart, either as host or guest. Who else would likely bring her own artisanal homemade granola as a hostess gift? Or probably have an elaborate fondue station set up at her home with color-coded dippers? So we read with interest Stewart’s partying tips that she dropped to Uproxx recently, what with the multitude of Super Bowl parties coming up this Sunday. Stewart will also have her own Super Bowl commercial airing that night, along with her frequent companion Snoop Dogg, as the pair push new Tostitos strips with avocado salsa in a campaign titled “Good Apart. Better Together.”

Before her commercial airs this Sunday, Stewart sat down with Uproxx to discuss her long partnership with Snoop, the new Tostitos project, and most importantly, her own Super Bowl party rules. For example, “Don’t serve fancy dessert,” she cautions. “You have to keep people’s energy going, so I think savory foods are better for the Super Bowl than sweet.” She suggests, “There’s barbecue, all sorts of things you could do, but basically, savory is a big hit.”

Starchier foods also help soak up all those hours of drinking while watching the big game, which brings us to Martha’s next tip. “I think you probably have to have a really good drink, maybe a signature drink/cocktail that will keep people coming back for more.”

Martha Stewart won’t get a chance to implement these tips at her own Super Bowl party, however. She’s looking forward to meeting up with her friend Snoop in Florida. “He’s gonna be down there, and I’m certainly going to be there. I go every year… I go to the game, and I go to the parties.” Here’s hoping none of these lesser hosts pull out a fancy dessert, and that they have a signature cocktail on tap for the reigning domestic expert.


  • nilus-av says:

    Here is my Superbowl party advice. Go out to a museum that day, so many people are staying home and watching a stupid football game that the place will be dead.  

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      I have gone to the Field Museum on Bears game days, even on playoff game days. It’s hard to get there since it is literally across the street from Soldier Field so traffic is awful in the neighborhood on game days, but it is empty inside.

      • nilus-av says:

        Yep,  we’ve made the mistake of going to the Shedd before in a football day and the traffic sucking but the aquarium itself was empty. Our plan for Sunday is MSI, since we haven’t been in years and my little guys wants to see the inside of a Submarine. 

        • dremiliolizardo-av says:

          Good choice. The Coal Mine is another classic and the Mirror Maze is really cool too.You can do museum campus during a Bears game, you just have to take CTA. We are walking distance so it is really easy although the walk out to the Planeterium can be pretty cold in winter. Last year I met a buddy who was tailgating for the Eagles game but he got stuck in traffic so I just ducked into the Field till he got there.

    • dingdangdongers-av says:

      It’s a PHENOMENAL skiing day. The mountain will empty out at 1pm or so, leaving you and a handful of similarly sophisticated people to enjoy more space than you know what to do with

    • amorpha1-av says:

      Also excellent day to go to Home Depot or Lowes.

    • yummsh-av says:

      I’m going to see ‘1917′ in IMAX. I figure that will be nice and quiet.

    • xpdnc-av says:

      Absolutely the best plan unless you are really interested in the game for some reason. I learned years ago that going places without TV screens during Bears games was an excellent plan. In fact, it’s about the only time that going to the 3 Floyds tap room is an option since they never show sports.

    • tvviewer-av says:

      I went cross-country skiing one Super Bowl Sunday. Nobody on the trails and it was a beautiful sunny day- I got sunburn on my cheeks. Later we went back to someone’s house, soaked in their hot tub, had snacks and watched the rest of the game.

    • inertiagirl-av says:

      When we lived in Wisconsin, we went grocery shopping during Packers games and had the place to ourselves. 

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Sour creammayo
    Lipton onion soup mixgigantic bag of RufflesYOU’RE WELCOME

    • mullets4ever-av says:

      yeah, i’m with you- dip is my favorite part of the superbowl meal. in fact, you reminded me i need to get all the stuff for my 7 layer dip

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        What are the seven layers, anyway? guac, sour cream, bean dip… what are the other four?Also,

        • mullets4ever-av says:

          bottom up: refried beans mixed with a jar of taco sauce to make them creamier, sour cream/mayo/taco seasoning mix, mashed avacado, cheese, chopped scallions and chopped tomato. the 7th is sliced black olive, but i don’t like them much so i leave them off unless i’m hosting a party and then i do half and half.

          its probably a cheat to call it 7 layer dip when some of those ‘layers’ are more accurately just ‘ingredients’ and i don’t even use all of them, but i’m rolling with it. also, its actually good for several days so i’ll crush up some chips put them on top and eat it in a bowl with a fork for lunch. its a bit salty, but i only make it once a year, so i figure it’s fine. but i also am literally the seinfeld guy, even if i kind of punch it up a bit

          • websterthedictionary-av says:

            Got a cheese preference?

          • mullets4ever-av says:

            generic store brand ‘mexican cheese mix’ because i am cheap and lazy

          • websterthedictionary-av says:

            pre-grated. But yeah, sounds tasty!

          • mullets4ever-av says:

            its a guilty pleasure style dip, but in a good way. i make it once or twice a year- always for the super bowl (even though we’re not doing anything for it, its still a little bit fun to have little fun food traditions for things) and also for the occasional party where you’re asked to bring an app.

          • inertiagirl-av says:

            I mix Rosita’s spicy jalapeno refried beans with the juice of one lime, a good dash of Tapatio sauce, and some cream cheese (maybe a tablespoon or two?) and it’s killer bean dip.

    • yummsh-av says:

      What is things to throw in the trash?

  • presidentzod-av says:

    “Rivulets of cocaine, cascading down gleaming Lennox China should greet your guests. Tuxedo-clad waiters glide effortlessly amongst the crowd, offering fortified goblets of speedballs for them to partake. And of course, my friend Le Chien Snoop shall proffer finely curated, hand-rolled blunts for one to spark, should one care to do so. Why, anything less would be uncivilized!” 

  • arcanumv-av says:

    She was inside for five whole months. Surely she has a toilet wine recipe to share. We gotta know about Martha’s pruno!

    • yummsh-av says:

      I was in the line to get through security at the National Archives in Washington, DC when I heard Martha Stewart was going to prison. I’ll never forget that. I said it out loud, and about four or five people replied, ‘What?!’

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