Helena Bonham Carter spills some delicious tea about her many co-stars on Stephen Colbert

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Helena Bonham Carter spills some delicious tea about her many co-stars on Stephen Colbert
Photo: Scot Kowalchyk

Helena Bonham Carter, in her first visit to the Stephen Colbert iteration of The Late Show, came prepared. Knowing from past experience during David Letterman’s time in the Ed Sullivan Theater that that renowned TV palace is freaking freezing, she immediately draped herself in the velvet coat she’d prepared for the occasion. Colbert did his part, too, although his mid-interview gift of hot tea from a lovely little tea set seemed more about his guest’s current role as Princess Margaret in the third season of The Crown than an acknowledgement that he works in an apparent meat locker.

Still, the tea was also there to set up a second-segment bit in which Colbert, producing a stack of index cards, requested that Bonham Carter “spill the tea” on some of her past and present co-stars. After some initial misgivings, the actress proved all-in on the game, something that might have been divined from the way she treated Colbert’s impertinence in asking about the fact that her uncle Mark (later Baron) Bonham Carter might have, maybe, sort-of dated the actual Princess Margaret when the decorated military man was assigned to be her bodyguard after WWII. (He totally did, from what it sounds like.) Anyway, Bonham Carter, who claimed that her portrayal of the late Princess was based more on a sense of how a brilliant woman deprived of all control in her life could sometimes be something of a brilliantly clever jerk in her daily life, quickly dove into Colbert’s game with impeccably honest appraisals of the likes of Colin Firth, Daniel Radcliffe, Sacha Baron Cohen, Brad Pitt, Rihanna, and The Crown queen Olivia Coleman.

So who never shuts up? Who is “a goddess” whose every word, yet, Bonham Carter could never understand? Who was very obliging in holding her caffeinated beverages between takes? Who has tear ducts like no other human being on the planet? Who looks like he “swallowed the sun?” And who, in Bonham Carter’s estimation, “Needs attention, doesn’t he?” (Hint on that last one: Colbert shared a story of dining at George Clooney’s house, where said person showed up in lederhosen, carrying a 45-pound wheel of cheese.) Cheers.


  • ryanlohner-av says:

    “Needs attention, doesn’t he?” Before watching the video, I’m saying Kenneth Branagh.

  • anniet-av says:

    She is just so good, and has made so many interesting choices, some of which you have to go looking for, such as When Human Voices Wake Us, Conversations with Other Women, The Heart of Me, and Margaret’s Museum, to name just four. And her performance in The Wings of the Dove is exemplary. She is beautiful, but so casual about her beauty that she always feels completely real and grounded. Hands down, she is the best Ophelia I have ever seen, in Mel Gibson’s Hamlet, which actually is not terrible. Certainly she is worth seeing in the role. She and Emma Thompson are two women I wish I knew.

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    she has many costars on stephen colbert?  a misleading headline.

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    It fascinates me just how many guests bring up the chilly temperature inside the theater. Never seen that on another talk show.Also, it’s Olivia Colman, no “e.”

  • hell-iph-i-kno-av says:

    ooooh, I still crush on Helena and we’re both pushing 50s now … but she’s long been my guilty whimsical crush …. that pouty mouth, those sulty eyes, a smooth porcelain décolletage, and … and (oops, eye can’t stand up until the swelling goes down)

    • recognitions-av says:

      My kingdom to come into one of these posts and not see some dude write a paragraph about his boner.

      • hell-iph-i-kno-av says:

        pffft … if’n you got a kingdom then you know it’s good to be the kingand btw, thank G/O Media that Jez is “supposedly feminist” but many posts lede with a Dick in the header … or y’all gotta post & subpost all about stank Pete Davidsons willy or some other schmarmy smegman. I’m just a product of the environment.

        • recognitions-av says:

          I mean there’s a lot wrong with this comment but let’s start with you seem to be confused about what site you’re on?

      • dogme-av says:

        Why wouldn’t we?  Helena Bonham Carter is staggeringly sexy.

        • recognitions-av says:

          Big surprise that the Woody Allen defender has so little self-awareness to demonstrate he has no idea how not to be creepy in public

      • nickgee-av says:

        >> My kingdom to come..

  • mtmassmini-av says:

    This will be so much better on Graham Norton.

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