Here's 5 minutes of Game of Thrones' Hound just roasting the everloving fuck out of people

Aux Features Game of Thrones

[Spoilers for Game Of Thrones season eight, episode six.]

In a fantasy world riddled with unrepentant assholes, there was perhaps no character on Game of Thrones whose vitriol was quite as memorable as Sandor Clegane. The Hound might not have been the show’s most manipulating asshole, or its most sadistic asshole, or its most cold-hearted asshole, but he was, as this supercut from YouTube’s Supercuts Delights heartily demonstrates, far and away the loudest asshole.

In these rousing five minutes we see proof that there is basically no scenario so threatening, so dangerous, so utterly doomed, that the Hound will not take the opportunity to absolutely roast your dumb ass without mercy. He will roast you if you are the king. He will roast you if you are a little girl. He will just as happily insult you in the middle of a battle as the middle of a tavern. He will mock your plans in a verdant field; he will travel farther into the frozen north than most men have ever been and make fun of you the entire time. He will shit on your whole person, whether you are guided by the Lord of Light or the literal embodiment of death. He will ride through a burning city on the verge of collapse for the chance to deliver one last round of insults to his big, dumb, undead brother.

R.I.P. Sandor Clegane, he died doing what he loved: being incredibly rude to everyone he ever met.

[via Laughing Squid]

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  • shanedanielsen-av says:

    Hopefully this may lead people to The Book Group, Annie Griffin’s little-seen Channel 4 comedy from 2002. It’s superb, and Rory McCann is fantastic in it. (As are Michelle Gomez and Derek Riddell and . . . well, all of them, really. It’s just a terrific show.)

  • seanc234-av says:

    It was tiresome watching this character gradually be reduced to profane one-liners as the seasons wore on.  There’s so much more to him in the source material that never made it onscreen.

    • seanpiece-av says:

      Season four’s finale was a high point for him, and the show. Kinda wish we’d never seen him again after that. 

    • molly-north-av says:

      Shut your whingey cunt mouth.See those fingers, are they typing? Is there complaining being done?

    • peterjj4-av says:

      The character became so damn boring in his endless walking tours with Arya where the show seemed to think all they had to do was have him as some quasi-father to her…oh and say c*** as that’s hilarious and so edgy. I could feel the show just completely grinding to a halt in season 4 thanks in large part to them. 

    • drbombay01-av says:

      hmm, i have to disagree. he was great in the books, too, but he was never a tiresome character for me. i loved every second of him in the series.

  • charm1279-av says:

    I love every bit of this.  Long live The Hound!

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      I freaking love him as The Hound. I would say that he is underrated, except if everyone else also already loves him than maybe he isn’t? So possibly I am glad that he is properly rated

      • charm1279-av says:

        He and Arya were my two favorite characters.  Arya held the top spot from the very beginning, and The Hound garnered the number two about the time they started traveling together.

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          Agreed. Also everything with Arya and The Hound the final season almost made that mess worthwhile

    • endymion42-av says:

      I liked it too. Maybe they can do a sequel with Bronn roasting people.

  • charm1279-av says:

    Gabe, is there a chance I could get ungreyed?  I’m already verified with Deadspin and I read avclub almost every day.  I’d love to be able to post replies and whatnot without having to get approval.  I promise I’m not a dickhead.

  • lostlimey296-av says:


    • bobsmiththeeldercommentor-av says:

      I will always remember the time someone pointed out to me that the Hound and the Trolley Guy were the same guy. I giggled every time I saw him as the Hound for at least a year.

    • endymion42-av says:


  • squirtloaf-av says:

    Can we get this cross cut with Al Swearingen please?

  • franknstein-av says:

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