Homer Simpson, Tony Stark, and more fictional characters that definitely would've voted for Trump

Aux Features Donald Trump
Homer Simpson, Tony Stark, and more fictional characters that definitely would've voted for Trump
Photo: Win McNamee

Last night, Twitter user @malkatz asked a cursed, potentially deeply depressing question: “Name a fictional character who absolutely voted for Trump. No villains.”

The first responses started out with some unfortunate, “yeah, probably,” type answers in the form of your favorite middle-aged, vigilante, ultra-rich white males, namely Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne. Tony Stark is at the very least friendly with Trump, and Batman might be the World’s Greatest Detective, but if you don’t think he’s played his share of rounds at the Trump International, you’re kidding yourself. “Batman is definitely a never-Trump Republican who then voted for him anyway,” wrote one user.

From there you have your standard action heroes. John McClane? Along with basically every TV cop, he probably has a Thin Blue Line bumper sticker, and maybe went to see Trump speak at his Fraternal Order of Police local. John Matrix? C’mon, don’t kid yourself.

What about the clear-eyed, full-hearted Texans of Friday Night Lights? @Floozyesq has a spreadsheet to help break things down, and correctly identify that, yeah, Coach Taylor absolutely voted for Gary Johnson. We would argue, however, that Buddy Garrity’s hatred of taxes would not be able to override Buddy Garrity’s love of someone that reminds him of Buddy Garrity. Furthermore, a plurality of white women voted for Trump in 2016, so do we really believe Tyra Collette was not one of them?

Where the debate got really heated, however, was when Vox journalist Matthew Yglesias brought up Homer Simpson, whom he described as a “classic secular, northern, non-college white Obama-Trump voter.”

Many online took umbrage with this characterization, arguing that Homer would not vote, and furthermore was a committed union leader.

“Homer is shown voting for Sideshow Bob, anyone who votes in local election also turned out in 2016,” said Yglesias in rebuttal. “Now obviously as a union member you’d expect Homer to be a Democrat, but that’s precisely what makes him such a prototypical Obama-Trump swing voter. He’d have been alienated by Dems’ post-2014 cultural messaging and reassured by the GOP establishment’s skepticism of Trump.”

Or, to put it more succinctly, Homer Simpson is a loudmouth idiot who almost constantly acts against his own best interests. There is a good chance he voted Donald Trump for president.

Eventually, responses moved on from film, TV, and literature characters to other types of invented persons entirely.

So who do you have? Is Fraiser Crane another never-Trump Republican who keeps getting New York Times op-ed column space to complain how leftist Democrats are giving people like him no choice but to support Trump? Joey Tribbiani definitely voted for Trump, but what about Chandler? Please ruin some fictional characters for us in the comments below.

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  • urambotauro-av says:

    Jar Jar Binks

  • fcz2-av says:

    They aren’t fictional, but wasps (the insects, though the acronym applies as well) definitely would vote for Trump if given chance.

  • unfromcool-av says:

    Hank Hill. 

    • thelionelhutz-av says:

      Nah.  Hank hatest dishonesty more than anything else.  Hell, he voted against W because he had a moist handshake if I remember correctly.  

  • whythesourpussruss-av says:

    If this were posted on the Root, you would get an answer of Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe on Friends as Trump voters. They assume since a majority of white women voted for Trump, nearly all voted for him.

  • liz-lemonade-av says:

    On a similar note, a friend pointed out that the Big Little Lies moms are totally anti-vaxxers.

    • mosam-av says:

      They’re also all anti-Trump, but only Celeste voted for Hillary. Renata voted for herself in a protest vote, Jane and Bonnie voted for Jill Stein, and Madelyn didn’t show up to the polls but complained a lot about the result. Mary Louise was planning to vote for Hillary but the writers forced her to vote Trump to be more unlikable.

      EDIT:  Renata called it a protest vote, but she also encouraged everyone she knew to vote for her with the secret hope that she would get a lot of support in California.

    • anotherburnersorry-av says:

      I don’t imagine Jane was anti-vax before she moved into town, but it’s possible the others turned her I guess.

    • daymanaaaa-av says:

      How so? Because they’re super crunchy types?

  • paulkinsey-av says:

    Bojack didn’t vote.
    Princess Caroline backed Hillary all the way.Diane voted for Bernie in the primary but Hillary in the general.Mr. Peanutbutter was going to vote for Trump because they hit it off when Trump was a guest star on Mr. Peanutbutter’s House, but Diane followed him to the polling site and made sure he voted for Hillary.I’m not sure who Todd voted for, but through a series of wacky misadventurous, he literally is Jill Stein.

    • stuna37-av says:

      Vincent Adultman definitely voted from Trump, because “Business-wise, this all seems like appropriate business.” All this, without having to show any ID.

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      Pretty much exactly right. Other possible Bojack-related Trump voters include Bojack’s mom, Anna Spanakopita and maaaaybe Lenny Turtletaub. Kelsey Jannings voted for Jill Stein.

      • picniclightning-av says:

        Kelsey Jannings loathes Stein and Bernie voters. She’s nothing if not practical.Now Jessica Biel, there’s a Stein voter…

      • picniclightning-av says:

        As for your handle, I have to think they all voted for Trump except Lieutenant Exley, who voted for Hillary and will be ostracized when it comes out, and Sid Hudgens, who voted for Johnson.

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      Yeah, this all checks out. Bojack didn’t vote but says he did (changing his answer depending on who he was talking to) until he admits that he didn’t vote because “it doesn’t matter” and then gets lectured on his privilege by Diane.

    • adohatos-av says:

      PC would have backed Hillary but then have been dragging out the D-list to get performers for Trump’s inauguration.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Tom Jumbo Grumbo is a Trump voter if ever I saw one. He probably bullied Randy into voting Trump as well.

    • phantasmicrabbit-av says:

      I agree, with the only caveat being that Diane would have been waffling about voting at all out of Bernie pettiness until realizing she would be just like Bojack and then has to make a zany rush to the polls and gets there at the last second.

  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    Would going with “Bill the Cat” be considered cheating?

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      He’s not a villain, so he’s good, IMO.Also gotta push back on Batman voting Trump.  Even as a cover, there’s no way Bruce “old money” Wayne is touching Trump with a ten foot pole.

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        Yeah, I don’t think Bruce Wayne is a Republican, even though he’s richer than God. He definitely knows Trump socially, though, and I could see him pulling a Kim Kardashian and personally lobbying him for specific causes. At the same time, he’s probably doing his own investigation of Trump, and believe me, it’s way more thorough than Mueller’s. Iron Man is probably a Johnson voter, but maybe he reluctantly went for Clinton.  

        • teageegeepea-av says:

          Someone once suggested that being blackmailable could be an advantage for a politician, because the people with dirt on you can be sure you’ll do what they say. The question is whether Trump is shameless enough to be immune to blackmail.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Bill would have been at the top of the Meadow Party ticket… so he probably would have left a hairball on the “write in” portion of the ballot.

  • evanrudejohnson-av says:

    RosanneTim TaylorMuch of King of the Hill cast.
    Flanders, Burns and SmithersGeorge Jefferson would have started out as a Trump supporter as a scheme to get the laundry contract for Trump Towers, until his whole family talks him out of it.

    • tmage-av says:

      Hank Hill passed on W after his weak handshake. Trump’s antics would never pass muster with the propane salesman.“That boy ain’t right”

      • toasterlad-av says:

        Trump being from New York would alone have disqualified him for Hank.

      • bartfargomst3k-av says:

        Hank would never in a million year. Peggy wouldn’t have stood for the “grab ‘em by the pussy” comment and I’d like to think the somewhat cosmopolitan Boomhauer would also have known better.But Bill, while not a racist himself (he dated Khan’s mom!) is just the type of easily aggrieved male sadsack who would fall for President Fuckup’s lies. And Dale was a member of QAnon before anybody else was.I could totally see Khan being that rare minority Republican who hates other immigrants because they didn’t do it “by the rules” like he did.

      • waaaaaaaaaah-av says:

        I’ve thought a lot about this one. Like way too much, there are minor characters in this list:

        Hank? No.

        Peggy? I genuinely don’t know. Peggy in the early seasons? Probably not. Arrogant, know-it-all Flanderized Peggy? There’s a good chance yes.

        Bobby? Would probably be all in for Trump to Hank’s discomfort. In the end, Bobby would learn a lesson about putting principles over party. (Yeah, I’m doing the children too – that sounds wrong, but you know what I mean).

        Cotton? YES (bold and all caps).

        Luanne? Probably a yes. But I could also seeing her being a Stein voter.

        Lucky? Yes.

        Bill? Statistically yes.

        Boomhauer? Statistically yes.

        Dale? The trickiest one. I think it could go either way. It’s established in the show that he skips out of town on Election Day to do some early Christmas shopping at outlet malls. Would Trump appeal to a conspiracy theorist like Dale? Or would he write him off as a plant? If he did vote, I think he’d use the Rust Shackleford alias and get busted for voter fraud.

        Nancy? Yes.

        Joseph: Yes.

        Kahn? Yes, because Ted Wassanasong’s voting for Trump.

        Minh: Yes.

        Connie? No.John Redcorn? No.

        Buck Strickland? Yes.

        Miss Liz? Yes. Unless her and Buck are having a fight, then she might vote Hillary just to spite him.

        Donna? Yes.

        Enrique? No.

        Joe Jack? Yes, honey.

        Roger? No.

        Dooley? Yes.

        Clark Peters? Yes.

        • andrewbare29-av says:

          Heh. I’ve also given the King of the Hill issue way, way too much thought.I actually came down on the side of Hank voting for Trump in the general, albeit reluctantly, and after supporting someone else in the primary (probably Jeb! – you’d think Cruz, but it’s hard for me to see Hank Hill as a Ted Cruz guy). Hank fits the broad demographic pattern of the Trump supporter – white, male, no college education, economically well off (Trump supporters on average out-earned Hillary supporters). Hank’s not really racist or homophobic in an active, hateful sense, but he’s definitely bound by tradition and the way things have always been – I could see him being uncomfortable enough with sweeping social change that he’d vote for Trump. 

          • waaaaaaaaaah-av says:

            Well, we’re dealing with a cartoon character who nearly skipped out on Election Day 2000 because Bush II had a weak handshake. I don’t think we can apply the profile of a real life Trump supporter.

            And Trump eats his steak burnt to a crisp and slathered in ketchup which is probably the one thing that Hank is outright prejudice about:

        • soylent-gr33n-av says:

          What about Chuck Mangione?

        • tttwlam-av says:

          You’re my kinda KOTH fan.


        • skeetsbydre-av says:

          No way Peggy votes Trump. She’d abstain before marking that box next to Trump. She’s a hardcore feminist (as much as you can be in small town Southern Texas), and would be willing to break party line, partly for Hillary, largely because of Trump’s views on strong women that don’t take shit from a man. 

          • waaaaaaaaaah-av says:

            I don’t think she’s a hardcore feminist. In the episode where she takes guitar lessons, she seems pretty oblivious about feminism. There’s also an episode where she’s visibly offended when Cotton calls her Hillary.

            I think Peggy is a Peggyist. And, I think that means there’s the strong possibility she views Trump as a kindred spirit.

      • thelionelhutz-av says:

        Was it weak or moist?  I thought it was a moist handshake.  

        • tmage-av says:

          The word he uses is “limp”

        • elloasty-av says:

          It was weak. He said it felt like he was handing him a dead fish. But, I can see where moist comes into that.

          • thelionelhutz-av says:

            Thanks.  It has been, what, eleven years.  Still, I can’t imagine that would be good for Trump.  There is no way his handshake is anything but moist and limp.  

      • graymangames-av says:

        Plus Hank’s always been distrustful of fast-talking city types. At least Hillary was from Arkansas. 

        • buttvivaldi-av says:

          She’s from Chicago. I still don’t see Hank voting for Trump though.

        • evanrudejohnson-av says:

          Plus Hank’s always been distrustful of fast-talking city types. At least Hillary was from Arkansas.
          Hillary is actually from Chicago and spent a lot of time in DC and was Senator from NY.   She lived in Arkansas because she had to. 

      • smudgedblurs-av says:

        Hank only flirted with passing on W. In the end he raced back from Mexico to do the right thing and vote with Luanne.

        This debate gets complicated with Hank because I’m pretty sure that 9/11 never happened in the King of the Hill universe which means the wars in Afganistan and Iraq never happened and there’s no way that Republicans get to a point where Trump could happen without those wars.

    • fred1917-av says:

      Hank Hill would have never voted for Trump. . He probably wrote-in someone else. He would be maybe the only old-school conservative left in the US.

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      I was going to argue about Smithers, but now that you mention it, he’s pretty much a classic Log Cabin Republican. 

    • roboj-av says:

      Burns is an establishment, old money, old fashioned, Republican. They hate and have always hated Trump. Smithers, no because of the homophobia.
      George Jefferson would’ve known and met Trump already as being part of the Upper East Side establishment, and like them, would’ve hated Trump for the same reasons Burns.I’d say Sanford would as a scheme to get the contract for Trump Tower but gets talked out of it by his son.Now Archie Bunker and his wife. Now that’s a bonafide Trump supporter. Alex Keaton would definitely be a Trump bro too.

      • tesseract0-av says:

        Alex would definitely not vote for Trump. One of the writers on Family Ties wrote way back in 2008 that Alex would never support what the GOP became back then, let alone now.

    • seanpiece-av says:

      No way Ned Flanders voted for Trump. Flanders may be irritating, deeply devout and occasionally holier-than-thou, but ultimately he’s a very good and decent person who has concern for those less well off than himself. The guy wakes up EARLY to file his taxes as soon as possible, and pays them eagerly.

    • wondercles-av says:

      Most of KOTH—yeah, Trump, with a few exceptions.Hank will force himself into the voting booth, resigned to vote Trump … but runs out in a fit of conflicting emotions, leaving his ballot blank. Dale will write in David Icke (Icke’s British? That’s what the SPACE BANKERS want you to think). Minh’s voting Kamala Harris, but will tell Khan she voted Trump. John Redcorn likes the cut of Marianne Williamson’s jib. Bobby will vote for Joe Biden after cracking up at his jokes.

    • brucel83-av says:

      I don’t buy Hank Hill going for a third-party candidate. Just too far outside the bounds of what he’d consider “normal.” No doubt he hates Trump, and is disgusted that he was the nominee, but once the primary was over there was never a doubt in his mind.Burns looks down his nose at him personally, but voted for him without hesitation. Smithers voted for him in 2016, but probably won’t in 2020. Flanders probably spent Election Day in church, praying for the soul of a nation that put its highest office on the line in a contest between an avaricious serial adulterer and a second-wave feminist, but was far more pleased than he’d like to admit about the Kavanagh decision.

    • chronoboy-av says:

      It’s ironic too about Rossane since she’s staunchly pro-union and social services. 

    • kaitainjones-av says:

      Why Smithers?

      • evanrudejohnson-av says:

        Smithers would have voted the way the love of his life, Burns voted.  It is possible he might have rebelled from the privacy of the voting booth,  but if I had to put money on it,  I would pick that he voted as his boss would have. 

    • LotoSage-av says:

      Neither Hank nor Boomhauer voted for Trump.Dale sure did.Bill has a crush on Hilary. 

    • morethanhappy-av says:

      I’d say Burns would definitely count as a villain, though. And while I don’t think Hank would have voted for Trump, I agree most of the rest of the King of the Hill cast would have voted for him. Dale would probably have made “Hank Hillary” jokes the entire election but Hank would have voted for Johnson. 

    • hankheal-av says:

      KOH:Hank: Write in candidate. If he wasn’t voting for W, there’s no way in hell he votes Trump.Peggy: Hillary hands down.Bobby: #BerniebroDale: As usual, he doesn’t vote. But Rusty Shackleford has some interesting thoughts on the Q Anon conspiracy. #squirreltactics
      Nancy: Tells Peggy she voted Hillary to seem woke. Did not. Definitely Trump.Luanne: Showed up the Tuesday after the election.Lucky: Slipped in pee pee recently and skipped the election.
      Bill: Sadly Trump.Boomhauer: Dang talking about you know man I don’t even know man dang ol’ Gary Johnson.Kahn: Ted and the entirety of the nine rivers country club voted Trump and that’s good enough for him.
      Minh: Same as Nancy.Konnie: The reason Bobby is a #berniebroBuck and most of the Strickland crew: TrumpCotton: GRAB EM’ BY THE…..

    • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

      Hank Hill would have supported Trump at first, then slowly started to realize the error of his ways. I don’t see him voting for Hillary, but he zero percent would have voted for Trump. Hank Hill values integrity over all others, and there’s no way he could have justified voting for Trump. He always put the respect of people over any other ideals, including party, and he did so repeatedly. He does actual research, looking into ways to reverse climate change (pointing out that a lot is common sense), he has been showing respecting everyone despite their religion, race, sexuality… he may be slow to understand sometimes, but he at least tries. There’s ZERO way he would put up with Trump’s antics.He would have been out either after mocking the reporter or after the Access Hollywood tape.

  • shockrates-av says:
  • gseller1979-av says:

    I would say Scrooge McDuck for the tax breaks but I doubt he’d appreciate the immigration rhetoric.

    • breadmakesyoufat-av says:

      Donald Duck definitely. He’s at best an MRA “Nice Guy,” at worst an Alt-Right Incel.

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        Goofy is Trump’s base.

        • breadmakesyoufat-av says:

          “Gorsh, Mick, he said we was gonna win so much we’d be tired of winning. That sure sounds like a lot of winning. Ayuck!”

        • coasterspaul-av says:

          On the other hand, Kingom Hearts!Goofy is the first one in the party to suspect that Trump is actually a bad guy, Sora realizes it as soon as he meets him, and Kingdom Hearts!Donald refuses to believe it until Trump calls forth some giant Heartless.

    • rregan-av says:

      He’s from Scotland. They don’t count that.

    • bobthrollop-av says:

      Wile E. Coyote would vote for him on principle.  Roadrunner would vote for him just to be unpredictable.

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      Scrooge would vote for him and then probably immediately regret it as soon as his nephews get on his case about it. Glomgold loves Trump and secures a place on his cabinet. Then he gets sacked, and ends up a Gorka-esque figure.

    • cosmiccow4ever-av says:

      What taxes does Scrooge McDuck pay? 

    • everytimeihavetomakeanewone-av says:

      Scrooge would hate Trump.  You’re supposed to keep your gold in a big building so you can swim in it, not plaster it all over the walls of your apartment.  Also Scrooge built his fortune from a single dime.  He would take offense to Trump’s “small loan” of 1,000,000 from his father.

  • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

    This is like one of those moments where my kids are doing something really stupid and I remind them that our two questions should always be what are we doing and why?

  • pairesta-av says:

    I didn’t even watch the show, but that FNL graph has to have WAY more Trump votes on it. Basically one Hillary vote, some no votes spread among the millennials, and then all the rest Trump. This is rural Texas we’re talking about.Just do this: if the fictional character you’re thinking of is white and over 35, it is depressingly, overwhelmingly likely they would have voted for Trump. It’d be easier for you to work backwards and say why they didn’t. 

    • snagglepluss-av says:

      A real-life Coach Taylor-type would have definitely voted for Trump but having to contemplate that the internet’s imaginary dad voted for him is like staring into a void of endless despair. So we all come up with reasons why he wouldn’t have voted for him

      • seanpiece-av says:

        Sure, a real-life Coach Taylor type probably did. But the fictional character of Coach Taylor is a bit of an exceptional person. He inspires people to do their best, and rarely if ever takes the easy way out for himself, or allows his players to do so.

        I’m not saying he definitely didn’t vote for Trump, but if he did, he has serious regrets.

        • croig2-av says:

          A comment on Twitter said Coach Taylor would’ve been a Trump supporter at first until Tammy and Julie schooled him, then he would’ve flipped. Made the most sense to me.  

          • triohead-av says:

            South Dillon Odessa voted 70% for Hillary. Looks like Mrs. Coach was working overtime in civics class.

        • skipskatte-av says:

          I know a SHOCKING number of otherwise exceptional, caring, empathetic, lovely people who voted for Trump.Self-delusion is a hell of a drug.

      • dmccarney-av says:

        I actually covered high school football in Texas for a good 15 years, and I’ve come to the depressing realization that the majority of coaches that I otherwise had a ton of respect for probably did indeed vote for Trump. 

    • better-red-than-dead-av says:

      Odessa (the real Friday Night Lights town) isn’t that rural – it’s ~100k people. (It’s also 50% Hispanic, which adds an extra layer of fiction to the character list.)

      Taylor was definitely a Trump voter but there would be way more than one Hillary voter. 60/40 or even 50/50 (given the number of young adults) is believable.

      • jshrike-av says:

        I don’t know if you’ve ever voted for a Democrat in Midland/Odessa but it’s a weird feeling. One Hillary voter is probably proportional to the population. Odessa is a place looking to blame anyone and everyone for it’s problem and both cities learn hard into ‘he tells it like it is’ territory. Not to mention most people would vote Trump just to spite Obama

        • better-red-than-dead-av says:

          Ector County, including the actual rural parts (Odessa’s 100k of 150k total), voted 28% for Hillary (and .5% for Stein). Now adjust that for being in-town (50% Latinx, remember, a demographic that went 2/3 Hillary), youth and occupation (a teacher/principal and her daughter for two) and you’re up to that 40% I talked about.

          There are very, very few places where the opposite side of a one-party town/state can’t still pull 25-30%.

    • doobie1-av says:

      Fictional characters are usually written with a different set of flaws than actual people, though, and a lot of the ones that get omitted are the kind that lead to Trump votes. Like, there’s very rarely a non-villainous character who’s a little racist, extremely defensive about it, and never learns his lesson.

      But that alone describes like 85% of Trump voters, (with another 10% or so that are just vocally, unapologetically racist) and it’s just one example of many.

    • secondcopy-av says:

      You’re right, pretty much typical for rural TX…

  • malekimp-av says:

    No way on Tony Stark.  At least not classic comics Tony (as opposed to some of the alt versions).  I guess the logic is that he’s a weapons manufacturer?  But what else about him makes people think he’d vote Trump?  He’s a college educated urban elite who mostly makes California his home.  I suppose Tony could be one of the 25% or so of Los Angeles County residents who voted for Trump, but I doubt it.

  • gargsy-av says:

    The comic book version of Stark would’ve voted for Trump, maybe, but the cinematic universe version would only have voted for Trump if they needed to have him do it for plot reasons, like the way that they had Stark be on the wrong side of Civil War simply because they needed him to be.Bruce Wayne doesn’t golf. Ever. So he never once played golf with Trump.
    Also, i’m pretty certain that Bruce Wayne doesn’t ever vote. Ever.

    • breadmakesyoufat-av says:

      Bruce Wayne trained with the greatest golf master in Scotland. He can shoot a 55 game. He never plays. Doesn’t even like the game. He became the best in the world on the chance he ever needed the skill for a case. Because Batman always wins.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    Neither Batman nor Stark ever would have voted for President Racist von Fuckup.Bruce Wayne is rich and a vigilante, but that doesn’t make him a “law and order” type. He hates guns and only fights to defend Gotham’s weakest citizens because the police and the politicians are so corrupt that they have completely abandoned regular people to be preyed on by crime. There’s zero chance in hell he would have voted for someone as openly compromised and with as extensive a criminal network.As for Stark, he’s a rich asshole, but he’s also a genius who would recognize how horribly, fundamentally unqualified Dolt 45 is to hold office. On top of that, he’s risked his life countless times to save New Yorkers, mutants, foreigners, and actual aliens, while also being acutely aware of the collateral damage being a superhero causes. The idea he’d support throwing kids in cages or kicking out brown US citizens is ludicrous.
    And for Homer Simpson–having the country’s most famously stupid fictional American being a supporter isn’t something to be proud of.

    • breadmakesyoufat-av says:

      Agreed. Tony has definitely stayed at Mar-a-lago, but that’s like saying Tony also spent more than a few nights at the Playboy mansion.Bruce has been invited to Mar-a-lago several times, but always has an excuse not to go. Thomas knew Fred back in the day, and taught Bruce to keep his distance. “Waynes and Trumps have no business doing business together, Bruce.”

      • thekingorderedit2000-av says:

        Bruce has been invited to Mar-a-lago several times, but always has an excuse not to go. Thomas knew Fred back in the day, and taught Bruce to keep his distance. “Waynes and Trumps have no business doing business together, Bruce.”Unless we’re talking about the Silver Age Bruce Wayne (which would make him an old man), his father, Thomas Wayne, would have been a contemporary of Donald Trump, not Fred.In any case, I don’t think Bruce Wayne would have voted for Trump. Though I imagine he made it seem like he did, publically that is. After all, he has to keep that billionaire playboy image alive, and I could totally see him going full-MAGA to keep up the ruse.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          I can imagine him publicly campaigning for Trump, but in a deliberately half-assed way that would actually alienate potential Trump voters.

        • triohead-av says:

          Bruce is a New Yorker, his typical rich-guy ruse would make him a Rockefeller republican, probably or in more recent years, Bloomberg. But even Bloomberg has gone over to the Democrats. There’s no way “going full-MAGA” helps Wayne keep a low-profile, in 2016 he probably gives a ton of money to Kasich.

        • croig2-av says:

          I think he would want to keep the Bruce Wayne image viable, and would realize the potential drawbacks to going full-MAGA.   He’d mostly likely pretended to be causally oblivious to the whole thing, then made some off-hand remark about supporting Hilary over Trump for a superficial reason. 

      • coty-geek-av says:

        Cobblepot on the other hand…

        • breadmakesyoufat-av says:

          “No villains.”That said, Cobblepot 100% voted for Trump for one simple reason: The dirt Penguin has on Donald puts the Russian pee tape to shame.

      • daymanaaaa-av says:

        “That one works for the Mafia Bruce.”
        In fact I would think Bruce would have a bone to pick with Trump because of that.

    • yummsh-av says:

      Just the way Stark talks to and treats General Ross tells me loud and clear he’d never vote for Cheetolini. He never bowed down in front of Thanos or the Black Order, either. Tony suffers no idiots or bullies. He appointed a woman to head his company, too, so yeah, Tony Stark would’ve voted for Hillary without question.

      • testerman2-av says:

        Bro… He also had a sexual relationship with that woman while he was in a position of power over her.  That’s some Trump stuff.

        • yummsh-av says:

          Like Trump would ever put a woman in control of something that actually meant anything and/or wasn’t just a corporate mouthpiece to pump out lies. Kelly Anne Conway! Sarah Huckabee! Betsy DeVos! Nah, if Trump is banging someone, he either holds them prisoner like his mannequin trophy wife, paid off like all the hookers he fucks behind her back, or on a short leash like the daughter he fucks behind her back.Stark had a meaningful relationship with a woman he’d known for years, and then put her in charge of his legitimate company. Not even remotely the same thing.

        • codyl1919-av says:

          Yeah, no Democratic president would ever have a sexual relationship with a woman while he was in a position of power over her!

        • sidewinder3000-av says:

          Have your ever seen or read Ironman?Pepper owned Tony Stark.

        • modusoperandi0-av says:

          Sure, but Happy didn’t bring her $135,000 and an NDA after.

        • solesakuma-av says:

          No, he didn’t. He and Pepper get together after she literally quits. Their first kiss is at the end of IM2, not the beginning.

        • misanthropicholiday-av says:

          Well if it’s consensual, then that’s definitely more some Clinton stuff. Bro… He also had a sexual relationship with that woman while he was in a position of power over her. That’s some Trump stuff.

        • testerman2-av says:

          Sarcasm is real hit or miss these day’s it seems

      • andykohnen-av says:

        Before the first Iron Man, he definitely would have though

      • lordofmoo-av says:

        I don’t necessarily agree he’d have gone Hillary, but I agree he’d have been No to Trump. I think he’d have rather ruined both their campaigns in spectacular fashion. Or hacked the Election and made Cappy Pres. That’s one guy at least, he knows would do right by folks.

      • robgrizzly-av says:

        Cheetolini! lollove it

    • toasterlad-av says:

      I kinda think Stark doesn’t vote, because he thinks the real power is in the corporate oligarchy, which, hey, he’s not wrong. Also, I could see him voting for Trump as a goof, never expecting him to win, but only being mildly amused when he does, because nothing Trump does is going to impact him directly in any way. Of course he’d never in a million years believe Trump was qualified for the office, but then, he’d probably feel that way about every single politician he’d ever seen.

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        Tony probably votes in California, so it’s not like his joke vote for Trump really mattered in the scheme of things.

      • sirtripsalot-av says:

        This would be my thought as well. I can see Pepper reminding him that he needs to register to vote, or Pepper reminding him that she’s filled out the absentee forms, or Pepper telling him that she’s forged his signature, again, on said forms. In which case Pepper would never vote for Trump. All the while he would just respond with something like “Why should I care? It’s not like it’s going to make a difference. Besides, if I wanted someone in that office I’d put him there myself.”

      • elfprince13-av says:

        Yeah, I’m looking at these lists, and they’re all somehow assigning everyone a vote, except more than half of the U.S. didn’t actually vote.

    • formerly-cubone-libre-av says:

      Even if we’re limiting ourselves to MCU Stark, he combines the Silicon Valley tech disrupter swagger with being an extremely establishment dude. Neither of those characteristics voted for Trump.By 2016, Stark was convinced that he was personally responsible for the safety of the world. He would not have jeopardized that by voting for someone who doesn’t know shit, can’t do shit, and clearly lied his way into the rich and famous circles.The only two things that Trump and Stark have in common is that they’re both rich assholes, and they both had sex with Milania at least once.

    • anotherburnersorry-av says:

      Naw, Stark’s a tech-bro libertarian who would have helped Russia turn up dirt on Hillary. He’s probably a Gary Johnson supporter.

    • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

      Agree — plus, they are both super smart (especially Stark) and would be offended by Trump’s incredible stupidity. 

    • andrewbare29-av says:

      The Tony Stark from the first hour of Iron Man or even the first hour or so of Iron Man 2 might have voted for Trump on a lark, even while mostly hating the guy personally. But the Tony Stark who emerged from The Avengers? Never. Hell, the entire point of Stark’s arc (reactor) is that he goes from being a Trump-esque figure (albeit one with actual talent) to something entirely different and more noble.

    • paulkinsey-av says:

      Speculating that either of them would have voted for Trump is just lazy and thoughtless. “They’re rich people. Rich people are assholes.” While that may be true broadly, there are plenty of rich people who are not assholes. Or at least not the kind of asshole who would vote for Trump. There’s no way Bill Gates or Warren Buffett or even Jeff Bezos voted for Trump. Stark and Wayne risk their lives and fortunes to protect other people, fighting against the establishment every step of the way. Not remotely Trump’s demographic.

    • muscletower-av says:

      Batman’s a billionaire who could be dedicating his time and resources to funding programs that help lift people out of poverty, but instead he uses his wealth to dress up like a bat and beat on the poor and mentally ill. He’s convinced himself that what he’s doing is morally just, including adopting a “no guns, no killing” policy that does nothing more than enable his most dangerous villains to keep murdering people. Not to mention how Batman flat out destroys all the hired goons of whatever villain he’s facing, while he doesn’t kill them he always beats them in ways that would cause permanent damage. Dude would paralyze a goon for life just for having the misfortune of being in his way.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Canonically, Bruce gives to many charities, especially those that combat poverty in Gotham, and has actually offered jobs at Wayne Enterprises to the low level goons he encounters as Batman so they don’t have to keep being criminals.

        • agentz-av says:

          Keep in mind that charity donations are tax deductible which is often why rich people make them. And I’m pretty sure the only time Bruce ever offered a job to a guy was in that episode of B:TAS after he beat him up in front of his family which was a factor in Dick leaving Gotham.

      • outrider-av says:

        The thing is that Batman exists in a fantasy world where what he’s doing actually is the most effective way to make life better in Gotham City. Like most comic book superheroes, their entire premise starts falling apart when we try to stick them into something like the real world.It’s also difficult to deal with the fact that with a character that’s been written by so many different people over the years, you have plenty of people who have written him as the most altruistic person in the world as well as the occasional writers who think Batman should be a fascist because that would be cool (Hey Frank Miller!).But yeah, most modern presentations of Batman in the comics are that he’s very much somebody who would throw away everything he has to help those less fortunate and actively hates the rich and powerful who take advantage of people. Doesn’t sound like a Trump guy.

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      Yeah, I mean: even besides the gun thing, Bruce Wayne has been shown to personally invest his money into endeavors to ensure that the people in the most dire of straits get the help they need (clinics, shelters, treatment.) Batman, at his best, is into restorative justice. Batman will punch out villains, again and again, but he also tries to get them the help that they need to get better (see: Harley Quinn, Harvey Dent, Poison Ivy, Basil Karlo, Gotham Girl, etc.) He would vote for whoever showed that they cared about the people. Harvey was his guy specifically because he was anti-corruption and an idealist. People want to portray Batman as this right-wing superhero, a take which I disagree with, but even at his most All Star Batman as written by Frank Miller: he’d call out Trump as a coward and moron before voting for the guy. I mean, he’s an Independent voter with a Capitol-I, for sure. His parents may have been Republicans, maybe, or he may have been the product of a split-household. It depends (though the Kanes were absolutely the Republicans, if so.)Tony Stark’s too smart to vote for a guy like Trump. He would know the man from parties, but, c’mon, he’d hate him. Trump’s all unintelligent bluster. Tony Stark backs up his bluster with intelligence and wit. Like, imagining these two in a room together would end with Trump red in the face calling him a jackass. You can also see Trump asking Tony to turn over weapons and Tony laughing in his face. I mean: even Civil War-era Tony Stark would probably run for president himself before ceding an inch to someone like Trump, and even the most right-wing, Vietnam-era Tony Stark would have voted for McCain before Trump. Anyway: this thought experiment is interesting. It also makes me feel weirdly gross about considering these superheroes existing in a world where this moron has any power. Like, DC Comics’ big fear was Lex Luthor, an actually brilliant man, becoming president. We got a racist dud.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      Thank you. This was one of the more idiotic Twitter exercises.

    • dvsrey17-av says:

      Clearly nobody watched Iron Man 2 cuz if you did then you would know Tony Stark definitly voted for tRUmp just because he knows the Dotardious One would never interfer with any of Stark Industries business nor have the government regulate any of his Iron Man suits after a sizable campaign donation.

    • brick20-av says:

      Pre-ironman stark was definitely a trump fan.  

    • greathousedagoth-av says:

      Yeah those were some egregious fucking takes from people who don’t know anything about the characters.

    • chronoboy-av says:

      I think both of those dudes value intelligence and leadership qualities and would see right through Donnie Dipshit. Sure they probably play a few rounds of golf to keep up appearances, but that’s it. And ultimately Batman is a staunch proponent of justice and would be sickened by the Russian meddling fiasco and the other cheating.  

    • JohnDangerously-av says:

      Both Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark would’ve found and released the pee tape. 

    • sui_generis-av says:

      Thanks for saving me a lot of indignant typing.

    • cordingly-av says:

      I don’t think Bruce would vote Trump, but in our world, he would have run for mayor.

    • Wraithfighter-av says:

      Let’s also note that Stark and Wayne would’ve probably had personal interactions with Trump, fellow businessman that he is, and recognized “holy shit, this guy is a colossal fucking idiot”………now, if you’re asking if they would’ve voted for Obama over McCain or Romney… can’t help ya there.

    • BlueBeetle-av says:

      No way Bruce votes for Trump, agreed. He’s extremely liberal, donating billions to help poor people and tries to reform criminals every chance he gets.Comic Civil War Stark would have maybe been a Trump fan, but that storyline was out of character for him. Pre-Iron Man Stark would have as well. Other than those two, no way.

    • futureblues-av says:

      Homer wanted to vote for Hillary because of her track record of forgiving her husband, which is a quality he always respects. The absurdity of this when it aired actually seems pretty prescient these days.

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      I supposed the question to be “Who would have voted for Trump?”. ie when the elections were being held. I assume the caging children etc was not part of the campaign.I’m probably wrong about that :/

    • dbauer09-av says:

      I think of Tony Stark kind of like Mark Cuban. Clearly Republican, but probably voted for Clinton.

    • Tbartistry-av says:

      your’e 100% right that the guy who created Brother Eye would have voted Democrat in the 2016 election.

    • agentz-av says:

      Also, isn’t Tony an environmentalist? That alone should put him in conflict with Trump.

    • madmonkofkentucky-av says:

      Agreed – There was an entire comic storyline about Bruce Wayne protesting Lex Luthor’s presidency, and he’s basically Trump but more capable 

    • 4af1d615-86b1-4089-8202-535695750ac0-av says:

      I mean, Batman is literally a rich guy who goes out and night and beats up poor people. He may not vote republican, but he’s certainly every republican’s wet dream.

  • americatheguy-av says:

    John Locke from “LOST” – Could easily be duped by Trump’s “only I can fix it” quasi-Messiah narrative.Walter White – Blames Obamacare for his lack of proper health coverage.Scrooge McDuck – Hillary would definitely have imposed a new tax on adventuring profits.Sterling Archer (note, not putting Mallory because she is objectively a villain) – Aspires to Trump’s alleged history of model/porn star banging, probably sees Trump as some sort of pudgy Burt Reynolds.Peter Griffin – Literally had to work for Trump and have his daughter molested before he had second thoughts.Glen Quagmire – Takes one look at Hillary: “Ewwwwwwwww!”Daphne from “Scooby-Doo” – Attempts to take off Trump’s face, realizes it’s not a rubber mask, concludes he can’t be a monster after all. Also, rich white woman.Lou Grant – Hillary had spunk. He hates spunk!Red Foreman – Obviously.Denny Crane – Denny Crane!Nell – “I love the poorly educated!”

  • charles222-av says:

    Tony Stark is pretty clearly not on board with overt  racism or sexism, and Bruce Wayne is a major philanthropist who’s personally paid for the rehabilitation of at least two of his opponents-Harvey Dent and the Mad Hatter. Neither would be remotely on board with trump.

    • popculturesurvivor-av says:

      Wayne also waxed nostalgic about unifying American institutions while on the subway at the end of one of the recent Batman movies, though I forget which. Quite possibly a Republican, but not a Trump voter.

      • seanpiece-av says:

        I think Bruce Wayne is definitely a Republican, purely on legacy if nothing else. Thomas and Martha Wayne were probably Eisenhower-style Republicans, genuinely conservative but still supportive of government programs. The whole family also has a legacy of philanthropy and social justice, dating back to the caves beneath Wayne Manor being a stop on the Underground Railroad.

        Otherwise, the only thing that Bruce has in common with Trump, besides money, is that they’re both teetotalers. And I guess that they both put on a show of living as Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous bon vivants, but the truth is much more depressing.

        • jpilla1980-av says:

          The Waynes seem like the perfect representation of the Rockefeller Republicans Henry Francis was working to put into office. 

      • better-red-than-dead-av says:

        Quite possibly a Republican, but not a Trump voter. LOL, that’s a fictional character in and of itself. Trump has historically high in-party approval ratings – he’s not some outlier, he is the Republican Party mask-off.

        • popculturesurvivor-av says:

          My Aunt Pam still thinks thinks he’s a nut. The way that that party’s caved has been pretty shameful, but even as a liberal, I hope there’s enough semi-principled conservatism left to build something non-Trumpian when he leaves the scene. You need a bare minimum of two semi-responsible parties for a functioning democracy. It’s a structure I’d rather not abandon just yet.

          • shandrakor-av says:

            But did Aunt Pam vote for Clinton, or did she hold her nose and hope the more principled members of her party would keep Trump in check?

          • popculturesurvivor-av says:

            I think she just stayed home.

          • better-red-than-dead-av says:

            I hope there’s enough semi-principled conservatism left to build something non-Trumpian when he leaves the scene
            This is the myth you need to disabuse yourself of. American conservatism’s principles are what you’re seeing in action. Not a single thing Trump has done has been out of line with the actions of any Republican President since Eisenhower – and arguably has been less damaging than several (we haven’t actually invaded anywhere in the Middle East… yet).

            The GOP has been an explicitly revanchist white nationalist party since 1964. There is no good in it.

            People like your sweet Aunt Pam are just mad that he says the quiet part loud. 

          • popculturesurvivor-av says:

            Nah, I think Pam’s repulsion is real. She’s not, like, incredibly perceptive about race issues, but she also knows naked racism when she sees it.
            As for the rest of it, I don’t know. I’d agree that the Republicans made a deal with the devil in 1964 when they hitched small-government conservatism to both economic issues (legitimate) and racial animus (less so). The libertarian, near-libertarian, and pro-business vote on that side is sincere, but not huge. You can’t win an election with that. Of course, to get them to cast off Trumpism, he’d have to do something so horrendous as to make him untouchable, and you can’t wish those sorts of things on your country. But if he makes it one or two terms, it’s awful to envision the kinds of politics that Republicans — some of whom are trying to reconfigure their party’s ideals to suit one of the shallowest and cruelest people in American life — would be left with. It’d make Lee Atwatter’s 1988 campaign look like a walk in the park on a sunny day. It’s a choice between bad and even worse.
            So I’d rather the Never Trumpers, wherever they are, get a shot at it. I’m not sure a non-racist conservative coalition is impossible, at least theoretically. It wouldn’t get my vote, but I’d rather face them than anyone else.

        • skipskatte-av says:

          Yeah, but there’s been some migration. My folks were lifelong Republicans, voted for W twice, but they just can’t take the hatred and vitriol that defines the Republican Party so they’ve officially switched.

      • cordingly-av says:

        Did Bruce ever pay to fix the subway that he crashed to thwart Rhaz’s plans?

    • skipskatte-av says:

      Tony has never voted in his life, but pre-Iron Man 1 probably contributed a mountain of money to any Republican on the ballot. Though he wouldn’t be picky, any big Pentagon budget booster would’ve seen several million in untraceable PAC money. After Iron Man, though, that cash would’ve dried up in a hurry. 

    • 2lines1shape-av says:

      However, both are ultra law-and-order technocrats who have enough cognitive dissonance to actively flagrantly break the law on a daily basis. They both also own massive corporations (both are defense contractors) which would benefit clearly under Trump’s tax cuts and the obvious military bloat to come. And considering that according to folks like Howard Stern, who have spent quality time with Trump (as Tony and Bruce both undoubtedly have) he can be bizarrely charming in person.And given that both of them think honestly and truly that the best way to fight crime and resolve conflict is but dressing up in garish armor and beating it into submission, yeah, demographically, both of them voted Trump.

  • tmage-av says:

    Everybody on 30 Rock. Even Liz at the last minute.Tom Haverford (it’d be easy to say Ron Swanson but he would have either sat out or voted for Gary Johnson)Jerry/Larry/Gary/Terry Gergich would have voted for Trump by accident.

    • paulkinsey-av says:

      Jerry/Larry/Gary/Terry Gergich would have voted for Trump by accident.But then dropped his ballot and his wallet down a vent before he could turn it in.

    • pairesta-av says:

      Trump: Michael, Dwight, Angela, Ryan, Kelly, Gabe, Kevin, Andy.Hillary: Pam, Oscar, Toby, Stanley. Stein/write in: CreedNo Vote: Jim, which because PA was a battleground state, was effectively a vote for Trump. 

      • grogthepissed-av says:

        Jelly would’ve voted for someone else based on fashion sense alone. I fully expect she’s a staunch “I never vote” type. 

      • snagglepluss-av says:

        Dwight would be full on alt-right and would flash that alt-right “ok” salute in the background of any shot taken during any revampred version of the Office

      • sidewinder3000-av says:

        Andy is wayyy to polite and respectful to ever think of voting for Trump. Courtesy and decency matter to him almost more than policy.

      • raindogs70-av says:

        Michael would have accidentally voted for Trump. He’d definitely vote Joe Biden though. 

      • lordofmoo-av says:

        I don’t think Dwight would go Trump. Dwight would if nothing else not be able to stand that he’s a liar and a coward, I would think. Isn’t one of his family’s rules that you have to be Loyal? Trump knows no loyalty to anything but himself. I think he’d see him as a stain on the office.

      • croig2-av says:

        A comment on Twitter noted that Michael probably would’ve voted for Hilary to prove he wasn’t a sexist, while making a big show of it to every woman in the voting line.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Liz was too much of a feminist unless Jack got her drunk and tricked her or something.

      • bammontaylor-av says:

        Liz voted for Hillary and then Jack pointed out that as a well-to-do person in the entertainment industry, living under Trump has benefited her immensely.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          Not necessarily in NY as a homeowner. She’s well off, but not ridiculously wealthy. Jack is doing great though.

    • brucel83-av says:

      Tom Haverford was a huge fan of Donald Trump the media personality but probably would’ve been turned off by Donald Trump the politician.
      Ron Swanson has written in Ron Paul every year since 1988.
      Andy Dwyer probably didn’t vote for him (he’s too mean), but if he ever met him, he’d be in awe.

    • fishteroid-av says:

      The cast of 30 Rock is all New Yorkers. New Yorkers voted 80% for Hillary Clinton. He did so poorly in New York because every New Yorker knows someone that has been robbed, screwed over, assaulted, or ruined financially by Trump. New Yorkers know he his a soulless racist criminal, and the worst and least humanity has to offer. They know this as fact. Also, none of the cast of 30 Rock are racists, so they have no reason to vote for Trump.

    • triohead-av says:

      Twofer doesn’t vote for Trump–not on a race issue, it’s just Trump keeps claiming he went to an Ivy and Wharton Business… just… isn’t.

  • picklesdemarco-av says:

    Fasier Crane did not vote for Trump, but Martin obviously did. At one time they bickered over a local election concerning a tough-on-crime candidate and funding for the arts. He’s definitely a centrist but would be totally immune to Trumpian rhetoric. He’s self-serving but not vile.

  • arcanumv-av says:

    Thurston and Lovey Howell for sure. Possibly the Skipper.Walker Texas Ranger undoubtedly has multiple MAGA hats in case something happens to one of them.Boss Hogg and Roscoe P. Coltrane (they’re antagonists, not outright villains) and the entire Duke clan.

  • why44444-av says:

    [Homer would] have been alienated by Dems’ post-2014 cultural messaging and reassured by the GOP establishment’s skepticism of Trump. Or, to put it more succinctly, Or, to make a completely different point based on personal prejudice that anyone who voted for ORANGEMANBAD must be a loudmouth spiteful dummy, Homer Simpson is a loudmouth idiot who almost constantly acts against his own best interests. There is a good chance he voted Donald Trump for president.Fixed it for you

  • jmyoung123-av says:

    I disagree strongly with Batman. He would be friendly as Bruce Wayne, but loathe him behind his back.

  • breadmakesyoufat-av says:

    Thomas Wayne inherited his wealth, yet still went through the effort to become a successful doctor. He used his family money to fund the Wayne Foundation, which legitimately (if ineffectually) supported social programs for Gotham’s borderline and marginalized populations. Bruce Wayne is that man’s son. Sure, he’s messed up to the point he dresses up in a weird costume and beats up the mentally ill. But he’s also a master strategist who plays the long game and knows everybody’s angle. All that combined, there’s about as much chance that Bruce voted for Trump as there is that he voted for Luthor.I just can’t see any member of the Justice League voting for Trump. Hal’s a douche and Barry’s a boring dope, but they can both spot a villain when they see it. Wonder Woman can’t vote because she’s not a US citizen, but come on!Wait. I take that back. Booster Gold totally voted for Trump. And Guy Gardner too.

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      This is fun: Booster Gold totally voted for Trump, realized his mistake, tried to fix it by going back in time, accidentally killed himself, blew up the timeline, had to be rescued by Rip Hunter, ends up stopping himself from killing himself, re-voted for Trump, and realized that he had to live with his mistake and vote.

  • TeoFabulous-av says:

    Sadly, Ron Swanson would have been 100% onboard to vote for Trump because he would like nothing more than to see the government collapse into chaos.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      By the end of the show he might be wavering on that especially because of his wife and children.

      • bammontaylor-av says:

        Yeah, I don’t see Ron ever voting for Hillary ever. He would have written in Gary Johnson or Ron Paul.

        • yummsh-av says:

          I disagree, and not only because that article says so. Ron doesn’t suffer idiots well (or racists like Ron Paul, I would assume), and Gary Johnson is a fucking idiot. He looks like a terrible Mr. Rogers impersonator who spent last night sleeping in the park.

    • akanefive-av says:

      Ron would never have voted for someone who lies, cheats, steals, and generally brings dishonor to the world just by being existing the way Trump does. He would’ve written in George Washington.

    • shincostanza-av says:

      As much as he hated government, he hated weak and dishonest men more.

      • 2lines1shape-av says:

        Ron Swanson definitely watches only Fox News. The Trump that gets shown on Fox News is essentially He-Man: Billionaire Genius Sex-God. Ron would see no problem voting for that.

        • shincostanza-av says:

          You say that as if he wouldn’t be in frequent contact with Leslie, who would gladly set him straight.

    • grogthepissed-av says:

      Based solely on how 45 eats his steak, Ron would never vote for him. 

    • peterjj4-av says:

      I think Ron would have made a show of supporting what Trump claimed to support, but would have then at the last minute agreed to go on a fishing trip with Leslie on the promise that neither of them would vote (Leslie already secretly voted for Hillary absentee, which Ron would know, and pretend he didn’t know).Now Tom would have voted for Trump, and Jean-Ralphio probably would have too…in a combination of hoping he would honor business deals with them and let them hook up with Ivanka or Melania.Given the level of intelligence Andy displayed for most of the unfortunate later seasons of the show, he probably voted for IP Freely. 

      • graymangames-av says:

        Jean-Ralphio would try to vote for Trump, but couldn’t because he’s been (sings) CONVICTED OF A FEL-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-NY!

    • graymangames-av says:

      Ron distrusts big government and big business, respects women, and wouldn’t be registered to vote anyway because then the feds would have logged information on him. No way in hell he’d vote for Trump.

    • everytimeihavetomakeanewone-av says:

      Ron wouldn’t be on board with Trump because Trump is weak.  He’s constantly playing the victim and complaining about everything.  Ron hates that.

  • mfdixon-av says:

    Pointless, useless, exercise and nothing more than a way to slam pop culture icons (unless you ugh.. support The Donald nightmare). I think they subjectively got more than half of them wrong anyway. What’s more interesting is seeing, in some cases, what it says about the person who says that character would’ve voted that way.

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    Taylor from Gilmore Girls and he’d wear the hat and be so proud of himself.

    • footlessdata507-av says:

      Oh please, let’s get into this. Kirk would also vote Trump. I feel like he’d be easily swayed by misinformation. And possibly Christopher and Jason too? Emily and Richard, although surely conservative, would vote for someone else because Trump is vulgar.The eternal question: Rory’s boyfriends. No way would Jess vote Trump. Dean would vote Trump but not tell anyone. I’m not sure about Logan (probably?). But one thing I’m sure of: Trump would definitely be #TeamLogan.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        I think Richard would say he voted for Trump to his associates, but wouldn’t really. Emily would say she doesn’t talk politics and not vote for Trump. Christopher is an ass, but a rebellious one who hates his father and still talks to Rory, has a college aged(?) daughter and lives in the North East seemingly. He’s anti-Trump.I think Logan might be on that Kushner fence. Could be like Jared could be like his brother who is liberal and married to that model. Dean is older now with lots of kids, if he’s still in construction, possibly not doing great he could be a proud Trumper. Rory’s true soul mate Paris would be militantly anti-Trump.

        • pandagirl123-av says:

          It said no villains so I don’t think Taylor would count 🙂 I think early season Richard/Emily would and later, trying to reform them wouldn’t, but even later, letting Rory live in their pool house to marry Logan, Richard and Emily would vote for Trump. So season 1 yes, 2-4 no, 5-7 yes.I agree that Dean would and also Logan. Paris would have run Hillary’s campaign (and she would have then won). Doyle would do what Paris told him. Miss Patty is a no, but I think Babette is a yes – resulting in strife in her marriage.

        • footlessdata507-av says:

          Good points, especially about Logan and Kushner. Heck, Logan could very well have met Kushner at some point. And I agree about Paris. I think she, Lorelai, and Rory’s political affiliations are explicitly stated during the show’s run. And considering Luke goes into rants about golf courses’ effects on the environment and income inequality on Martha’s Vineyard, he must be a liberal.Christopher might just straight up not vote. He gets up on Tuesday intending to go to the polls and then one small inconvenience comes up and he gives up. And he feels guilty, but not enough to actually get out to the polls next election.Another question, how on Earth would Mrs. Kim vote? Surely Mrs. Kim must hate Trump, in particular the sexual harassment stuff and his patently false claims that the Bible is his favorite book. But I’m not sure who she *would* vote for. Lane, Brian, and Gil would all vote liberal because voting for a republican isn’t *rock and roll*. Zack might too, although there’s a definite possibility he wouldn’t vote at all.

        • bobman1235-av says:

          Old-money New Englanders are an odd lot. It’s tough to nail down where they’d vote (though I’m sure there’sa  40,000 word think piece about it somewhere). I feel like his lack of respect for tradition would be the nail in his coffin for a lot of them, including the elder Gilmores, but hard to say.

      • officermilkcarton-av says:

        Kirk would be more likely to write in someone local than vote Trump. I don’t think he’s aware of too much beyond the borders of Stars Hollow, apart from maybe Pippi Longstocking’s Sweden.Logan’s seen enough empty rich smarmy bullshit in his life to know it when he sees it. Not voting for Trump would be one of the few things I respect him for.

      • skipskatte-av says:

        Shit, I thought you meant Star Trek Kirk and was about to start a fight, then noticed I didn’t recognize any other name and realized you were talking about something COMPLETELY different.

      • triohead-av says:

        Logan is a Sulzberger, do you think the scion and heir of the “failing New York Times” is voting for Trump?
        (Totally agree Trump is #teamLogan though.)

  • brandonii-av says:

    Is Hitler considered a villain? Because Hitler would’ve happily voted for Trump

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      He would be angling for a position in the cabinet, and have an elaborate plan that ends with Trump dead and Hitler in charge. 

  • panthercougar-av says:

    I don’t think Homer Simpson would bother to go out and vote. 

  • breadmakesyoufat-av says:

    Spoilers: If Season 3 of Stranger Things is any indication, Mike Wheeler grew up to vote for Trump.

  • boner-of-a-lonely-heart-1987-av says:

    This is the dumbest kind of clickbait.

  • rollotomassi123-av says:

    Who on Earth thinks Joey Tribbiani has ever voted in his life? Chandler and Monica would probably vote Trump, though. The kind of person who decides that they have to move out of the city the minute they have a kid is definitely a Trump voter. Plus, they’re both terrible people. I could see Rachel voting for him, too. I don’t know about Ross. Phoebe would show up to vote a day late, which is fine, because she was going to write in Bernie anyway. Or maybe she was going to write in Dave Matthews or something.

    • shockrates-av says:

      Ross is an academic, so statistically Hillary or Jill Stein?

      • cordingly-av says:

        Ross’ desire to get his friends to vote Hillary would drive them to Trump.If Phoebe and Joey did vote, they’d vote the same way.

      • skipskatte-av says:

        Jesus, Ross is too much of a scientific stickler for Jill“we need to look into vaccines” and “maybe WiFi signals are bad for our brains” Stein. She might not have been a nutcase, but she was REALLY OKAY with humoring nutcases.

      • daymanaaaa-av says:

        As an academic I don’t think Ross would vote for Jill “Antivax and Wifi melts our brains” Stein.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      I have a theory that they’re all actually very Republican except Phoebe. That’s why they don’t have any other friends in the city and they can’t have meaningful relationships outside each other. 

      • graymangames-av says:

        Nuh uh, Phoebe too. Phoebe would call the cops on someone if they brought weed to a party and you know it. She’d vote for him.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          I think Phoebe was a libertarian/antivaxxer that could lean Republican, but not specifically.

      • skipskatte-av says:

        Nah, too okay with gay weddings and when the occasional black person appeared they didn’t call the cops.

      • agentz-av says:

        It would certainly explain how so few minorities associate with them.

    • fishteroid-av says:

      Trump lost New York city by 60 points by the way. 80% voted for Hillary. So, if there was a doorman that wouldn’t open the door for Ross or Monica because they’re Jews, that guy voted for Trump. None of the main cast of friends did.

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        Yeah, there’s a solid chance that none of them would be Trump voters, but I’d say there’s also a pretty good chance that none of them would vote at all except for Ross, who feels it’s his civic duty. Maybe a couple of the others would too, but not every single election. And no matter what, I stand by my assumption that Joey has never voted in his life. 

        • softsack-av says:

          I could actually imagine Joey trying to vote, then doing something stupid like accidentally voting for two candidates or dropping a meatball sub in the voting machine and causing it to breakdown.Of all of them, though, I imagine Chandler to be the most likely Trump voter.

      • triohead-av says:

        The white parts of Queens (Tribbianis) leaned Trumpwise and so did much of eastern Long Island including Massapequa (Gellars and Greens), though demographically, the (non Orthodox) Jewish vote went overwhelmingly for Hillary.
        source: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/upshot/election-2016-voting-precinct-maps.html

    • skipskatte-av says:

      Nah, none of them would be a Trump voter. They’d TALK a lot about who they were going to vote for in the democratic primaries . . . then not vote. Then they’d bitch about Trump . . . and then not vote.

    • agentz-av says:

      The kind of person who decides that they have to move out of the city the minute they have a kid is definitely a Trump voterOkay, I’m not an American so maybe you could explain this to me? Also, I thought they just moved out of the apartment because they wanted bigger space for the kid. 

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        I don’t remember what reason they gave for wanting to leave the city. It might have been a space issue. But there is definitely the sort of person who doesn’t want to raise their kid in the city. Usually they say it’s because the schools are better in the suburbs, but that’s pretty much code for “There are fewer dark people there.”

        • agentz-av says:

          Huh. I’ve seen this development occur a few times in some shows I watched but never thought anything of it. One example I recall was Marshal and Lily from How I Met Your Mother. 

        • daymanaaaa-av says:

          I think they just wanted the white picket fence with the yard and a dog.

  • pilight-av says:

    Dorothy Gale and her whole Kansas family would have voted for Trump

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      “There’s no place home! By which I mean an imagined idyllic pastoral past, whose main appeal lies not in our shared moral values, but in our racial homogeneity. Also, low taxes.”

    • smallworld72-av says:

      Toto pulled back the curtain and went for Bernie.

    • sirdigbychickencaesarforgothispassword-av says:

      L. Frank Baum was bigoted against Native Americans, but like his wife and her family was a hardcore feminist. Those Oz books are full of Strong Female Protagonists (and at least one prominent trans character). 

  • testerman2-av says:

    Tommy OliverDelphineAlyssa EnrileTrent FernandezUdonnaSomeone please love my post, I tried really hard.

  • anotherburnersorry-av says:

    1) Matt Yglesias has Homer Simpson dead to rights. Definitely the best example of a fictional Obama-Trump voter.2) the best response I saw was the person who suggested that Buddy Garrity probably chaired Trump’s Texas campaign. No way he votes for Johnson. (Also: it’s wishful thinking to think Ms Coach voted for Hillary [I can believe that she didn’t vote], or that her husband voted for anyone but Trump.)

    • snagglepluss-av says:

      Other than Leslie Knope, I can’t think of a figure who’d be more likely to vote for Hillary than Mrs. Coach. She was a feminist in a position of authority and of high visibility who spends a large part of the show butting heads with the patriarchal authority in Dillon. She’s even pro-abortion. Mrs Coach probably even attended the women’s march after the election.Buddy Garrity would totally have chaired Trump’s Texas campaign. He’d probably be working in the administration by now, drowning in lobbyist kickbacks

      • anotherburnersorry-av says:

        Yes Mrs Coach is all that, but at the core she’s a suburban white Texas woman which means she doesn’t vote Democrat. She likely thought Hillary was corrupt and just as bad as Trump, and either pulled the lever for Trump* or didn’t vote at all because all those clowns in Washington are the same.*worth remembering that during the campaign there were an awful lot of people who thought Trump was secretly pro-choice–after all, you know he had to pay for an abortion at least once. I can see Mrs Coach as someone swayed by this logic.

    • MattClementsGoattee-av says:

      This is dynamite. Buddy probably got a Twitter just to retweet Trump’s birtherisms but still leaned Perry before it became clear early on the grifting potentials that Trump’s campaign afforded. 

    • thehitlesswonderkid-av says:

      Yeah, Matt Yglesias’s analysis actually felt cogent. 

  • gabrielstrasburg-av says:

    Homer would not have voted for trump. Multiple obvious reasons.1) He is not racist. 2) Lisa would not let him. 

    • teageegeepea-av says:

      Homer does plenty of things Lisa wouldn’t approve of, like voting for Sideshow Bob.

    • kagarirain-av says:

      Didn’t the Simpsons put out a short where Homer thinks about voting for Trump but then Marge/Lisa convince him to vote Hillary? I feel like I saw that in 2016…

      • elloasty-av says:

        There’s an opening for one of the THOH episodes where Homer is trying to vote for Obama but the voting machine keeps changing his vote to McCain . . . and then the voting machine kills him.

    • seanpiece-av says:

      Homer definitely voted for Trump. So did Barney. Lenny probably did, but Carl might not have.

      But after the election and seeing how upset Marge and Lisa are, Homer realized what a mistake it was.

      Moe tried to volunteer the tavern for a local campaign headquarters, but was turned down after they got a look at the place. After the election, he ended up as a member of Trump’s cabinet for three days before he was fired.

      • gabrielstrasburg-av says:

        Barney and Moe for sure. Homer would not vote for a racist. Either would Lenny.

        • seanpiece-av says:

          Homer is gullible enough to buy it when someone says things like “I’m the least racist person who you’ll ever meet, believe me.”

          Homer: “He SAID I should believe him!”

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Krusty voted Trump.

    • Wraithfighter-av says:

      3: Like Homer would actually take the time to vote.

    • skipskatte-av says:

      It’s the same Homer who was all for ejecting immigrants from Springfield until it affected Apu. There’s no reason he’d remember that, so he’d do it again. #simpsonsdidit

  • forevergreygardens-av says:

    Come on, as we clearly learned in Much Apu About Nothing, Homer is proudly not registered to vote. Sure hope someone at Twitter was fired for that blunder!

  • awesomesrazor-av says:

    Eleanor – Did not vote
    Tahani – Hillary*
    Jason – Blake Bortles
    Janet – Has voted for all candidates in all elections
    Chidi – Did not vote (undecided)
    Michael – Trump
    *Entirely unaware she is not legally permitted to vote is U.S. elections

    • akanefive-av says:

      Season 1/2 Michael thought Trump was hilarious.

    • hankdolworth-av says:

      Given that they (save Michael and Janet) were all dead in 2016, I can only assume they voted for Hillary (in the State of Illinois).

    • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

      I could see Michael voting for Trump or Bernie, but I’m leaning toward the latter. For one, he’s a numbers guy, but the deciding factor was probably that he liked how Bernie wagged his finger when he talked. So energetic!

      • awesomesrazor-av says:

        I think Sanders’ bird-landing-on-podium incident would be too cutsey for Michael — though his top notch finger-wagging form is a solid argument. But at the end of the (all?) days Michael is a demon who relishes subtle forms of torture. He’s a Trump man. 

        • marcus75-av says:

          Michael is a demon who relishes subtle forms of torture

          Which is kind of an argument against Michael being a Trump fan.

    • on-2-av says:

      All the Demons, Bad Janet, Shawn, Trevor ….. Trump AND created a conspiracy of Democratic voter fraud concerns when they in fact were all the fraudulent votes.

    • thehitlesswonderkid-av says:

      Best Janet impression “Not a voter” 

    • nilus-av says:

      Chidi would get up early and get to his local polling place and then spend the next ten hours in the voting booth.  

    • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

      Isn’t Chidi a Senegalese man working in Australia? I’m sure he worried about it but he wasn’t voting in the US election.

    • smudgedblurs-av says:

      There’s no way that Jason would vote. Jason Mendoza is not going to figure out how to register to vote and then go to a specific place on a specific day to stand in line and then do something that feels very similar to taking a test.

      Also Chidi did not vote because he’s not a resident of the US (let alone a citizen) and he is aware that he is not legally permitted to vote in US elections.

    • simplyfj-av says:

      Chidi undecided *dies of laughing*

  • dresstokilt-av says:

    Stark would give billions to both campaigns and then not bother to go to the polls himself because he was busy inventing some new earth-shattering technology while being serviced by three women and a number of mistreated robots.You all know I’m right because you’ve all read Tony/Dum-E slashfic.

  • thealmanac-av says:

    Every character on Stranger Things who was still a resident of Hawkins in 2016.

    • teageegeepea-av says:

      Which of them do you think are still there at that time?

    • roadshell-av says:

      Maybe not the black kid.

    • seanpiece-av says:

      The kids have all seen some shit, and that has a way of opening up their perspectives and being more empathic and sensitive to other people. I think all of them would end up more liberal and progressive than their parents.

      Their parents, though? All 100% Trump voters.

      Hopper would definitely vote Trump. Joyce volunteered for Hillary, which of course didn’t work out.

      Billy voted for Trump, but only after he stabbed a Pakistani-American in a parking lot because he thought the guy was Mexican. (Ironically, right after 9/11 Billy stabbed a Mexican-American thinking he was an Arab.)

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Mike’s dad would have voted Trump. Mike’s mum (who’s hopefully left Mike’s dad by 2016) would have definitely voted Hillary, if only because it’s what Nancy would want her to do.

      • sarcastro6-av says:

        “Billy voted for Trump”

        “still a resident of Hawkins in 2016″


    • fishteroid-av says:

      The kids that stuffed the main cast into lockers, bullied, and abused them voted for Trump. None of the protagonists did. 

  • sshear4563-av says:

    Hank Hill. Which saddens me

  • richard-3-av says:

    Elmer Fudd and Cersei Lannister for sure.

  • themaskedmaskman-av says:

    The A-Team

  • jettjaguar-av says:

    Off the top of my head: Starlord, Andy Dwyer and the main guy from the new Jurrasic Park movies all certainly voted for Trump.

    • coasterspaul-av says:

      We gonna drag in a Lego minifig here too?Actual man aside, Starlord at the beginning of GotG would definitely vote for Trump; Starlord post-GotG 2 probably wouldn’t vote for Trump but couldn’t be bothered to vote for anyone else.

  • fairnhite451-av says:

    Tony Stark doesn’t vote for Trump, he runs Trump from behind the scenes.

  • tap-dancin-av says:

    The folks from Winterfell, King’s Landing, etc,…… The Dothraki: they would have just have just catapulted and Dragoned DC to guts and ashes.

  • thelionelhutz-av says:

    Do Vogons count as villians?

  • muffybunbun-av says:

    They’re wrong about Stark and Wayne, but I’ll confess it’s amusing to see the super-serious Batman/Iron Man fans blow a gasket.

  • luismvp-av says:

    I’m sorry… what? Tony Stark? The person who posted that clearly was either trolling or didn’t think about what they were saying.Ways in which Tony Stark is like Trump:
    – rich- big ego- wrote his name in big letters on the side of his buildingWays in which Tony Stark isn’t like Trump:- disowned the military industrial complex- repurposed his company to focus on renewable, sustainable energy- was willing to hand over unchecked power to the United Nations the very first time they tried to regulate him- felt a responsibility to protect the entire planet (not just one country)- willing to sacrifice his own life for the safety of othersMaybe you could make the argument that pre Iron Man Stark would have voted for Trump, but even then I don’t know that I would buy it because I think he would have still been disgusted by the racist drivel. Post Iron Man Stark? No way in hell.

  • theredscare-av says:

    Homer for sure voted Trump in 2016. But in a very special episode, before he can vote for Trump again in 2020, Lisa organizes an intervention with Carl and Mr. Smithers and I dunno….Apu I guess to convince him to vote for the Democrat.At the end we find out that Homer, who had a change of heart, forgot to vote. The final scene is Lisa wondering aloud who Marge voted for. Flashback to Marge voting for Trump! dun dun DUN!You’re welcome Simpsons writers

  • redremainder-av says:

    Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.You could go through all the Futurama characters, but I’ll do three:Bender voted for Trump (or the robot equivalent)Leela voted for Hillary’s head in a jarFry accidentally voted for Mickey Mouse

  • roadshell-av says:

    Homer Simpson is an idiot.  You don’t want him on your side.

  • imodok-av says:

    Bruce Wayne might vote for Trump as a way to get inside a corrupt institution— he has done that in Gotham City— but he’s from a family of Rockefeller Republican and probably would be willing to vote for Clinton.Tony, like Bloomberg, would know Trump is a fool and a bad businessman and wouldn’t vote him. He knows Clinton is competent so if he’d vote anyone it would be her.Happy Hogan and Dum Dum Dugan from the comics would definitely vote Trump.Hal Jordan might vote Trump, Guy Gardner absolutely would. Ben Grimm would vote Trump, would not tell Alicia, and would regret his vote later. Man-Wolf, JJ Jameson son and a military man, voted for Trump.Amanda Waller would vote for Trump because she believes she could manipulate him.Magnum PI and his war buddies would vote for trump. So would the A team, Steve Austin, the Dukes of Hazard and the cowboy hat wearing Simon in Simon & Simon.Rambo doesn’t vote but Cobra is voting Trump as is Dirty Harry. So is Tony Soprano, his crew and their wives are all Trumpers (Tony’s daughter voted for Hilary). Every lead character in a Tom Clancy video game voted for Trump. All the white Felix Leiters voted for Trump, though a couple might have held their nose while doing so. And i’m pretty sure Frances McDormand was the only Fargo cop not to vote for Trump.

    • seanpiece-av says:

      Meadow Soprano *talked* about voting for Hillary. She told pollsters she was voting for Hillary. But after several shouting matches with both parents at family dinners, her white feminism failed her and she went Trump.

      • imodok-av says:

        That’s a valid scenario, but I prefer the one where Carmela, after being outraged by the fact Trump is a sexist, racist and probably a rapist (like most of the men she knows), votes for him anyway. Meadow is at college, surrounded by pseudo liberal friends, so it’s easy for her to do something that will piss off Daddy, especially since she knows her vote doesn’t change much in a blue state. AJ of course, will not vote at all, but will hang out with some Proud Boy wannabes.

    • buttvivaldi-av says:

      Voting is anonymous. Bruce Wayne wouldn’t have to vote for Trump to get anything.

      • imodok-av says:

        Voting is anonymous but support isn’t. Wayne like Don Diego (Zorro) broadcasts his (sometimes faked) allegiances to support his goals and how he wants to appear. And you can’t be a quiet Trump supporter and be effective because Trump demands effusive allegiance.Wayne can put on a self serving arrogant master of the universe facade when he wants but the organic norm based on his background is a beneficent patrician liberalism seen in the Kennedys and the Rockefellers. Wayne isn’t a tech billionaire who are often elusive in their political allegiances. He’s old money, establishment and patrician, and they tend to stake out their positions. So I believe he’d stick to those values and not support Trump.

        • buttvivaldi-av says:

          This is just about voting.

          • imodok-av says:

            I think this is actually about the rationales behind voting, since as you note the act is anonymous. How many fictional characters have you actually seen pull a lever— Homer Simpson is one of the few that comes to mind. For most of the rest, we are making presumptions based on behavior and stated beliefs.

          • buttvivaldi-av says:


  • whdugle-av says:

    Battlestar Galactica 

    Colonel Tigh seems like the exact kind of irritable, red ass who would have voted for Trump (before season 4 of course)Lt. Gaeta (see season 4) Chief Tyrol seems like the typical Trump rustbelt supporter who grew disillusioned with the Democratic party because of “identity politics.”

    Gaius Baltar a Lindsey Graham type who will do anything to get in Trump’s good graces. Definitely played a few rounds at the Mar a Lago. Number Six voted for him as an easy way to infiltrate government. Trump already gave her codes to the defense mainframe.Anders, a trust fund kid frat bro on a sports scholarship (probably for Lacrosse) definitely voted for Trump.Cavil see’s Trump as a useful idiot to push Cylon agenda (probably influenced election, Trump trusts him)

  • dvsrey17-av says:

    Boss Hogg, Roscoe P.Coltrane, Uncle Jesse, both Duke Boys, Daisy Duke and everyone living below the poverty line in Hazzard County definitly voted for tRUmp only Enos would have been the sole holdout and that’s only cuz he wrote in Ron Paul.

  • cferejohn-av says:

    Archer for pure trolling purposes.

  • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

    Lucille Bluth voted Trump as did GOB after being bullied into it by George who lost his franchise with the felony conviction. Michael and Lindsey voted Hillary. Lindsey writes in Marianne Williamson in 2020.Buster voted for Jill Stein

    • adea231-av says:

      Barry Zuckerkorn for Hillary. Bob Loblaw for Trump.

    • skibo91-av says:

      I know plenty of Michaels. Michael 1000% voted for Trump.

      • skibo91-av says:

        Also, Buster voted for Trump in an act of rebellion against mother, who he incorrectly assumed voted for Hillary like all women.

      • picniclightning-av says:

        The only Bluths who voted were Michael, George Michael, and George Sr. Michael and George Sr. voted for Trump. George Michael tried to vote for Hillary AND Trump, so his vote didn’t count. Tobias was planning to vote Stein but didn’t make it to the polls due to a series of improbable misadventures.The Sitwells and Veals also voted for Trump for sure. Really, most of the characters (Orange County!) voted for Trump. Lucille Two voted for Hillary, though!

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Tobias was going to vote for Trump, but a bunch of his friends at this really interesting leather-themed bar he frequents convinced him not to.

  • brick20-av says:

    Archer definitely voted for trump.

  • jhalushka-av says:

    Every single character on the Sopranos voted for Trump (except maybe Meadow)

  • brick20-av says:

    Elenore didn’t vote but told everyone she voted for trump.Chidi would have wanted to vote for Hillary but would have waffled at the ballot box literally all day.Tahani would have voted for Hillary but would have insisted on it being recorded by the news. She also secretly believes that trump’s policies are better because they are better for her.Jason got high on whip it’s the night before and passed election day in a drug infused haze. He does like the idea of the wall but he doesn’t understand it. Michael wouldn’t vote but would stuff every ballot box just enough to make trump win every state by exactly one vote.This is assuming that everyone was alive and an American citizen during the election. 

  • johnnyrenoir-av says:

    Jack Tripper campaigns for Trump only in an attempt to get into a sexy Trump volunteer’s pants, but upon realizing the comely conservative is a garbage person he votes Hillary in a fit of temporarily woke social sexual consternation. Meanwhile, Janet is Hillary to the bone but accidentally votes Gary Johnson when she becomes trapped in the polling station. Chrissy votes Trump (absentee ballot.) Mr. Furley, Larry, Mr Angelino and all one-off characters played by Jeffrey Tambor all vote Trump. Mr. Roper is far too homophobic to go to the polls. After much ballyhoo Mrs. Roper finally registers to vote, but is satisfied with that and fails to cast a ballot. And Cindy (Trump) cancels out Teri’s Hillary vote. They’re allowed to keep the puppy, but we never see it again.

  • dennismorriganmcdonough-av says:

    Multiple replies have said Captain America would vote for Trump. Obviously, these people have never read a Cap comic book published since 1968. They also don’t understand the movies.

    • miked1954-av says:

      Also Captain America was literally CREATED to fight Fascism.

    • solesakuma-av says:

      Well, technically, MCU Steve thinks the 50s were a swell place to live. But 616 Steve would never ever. Like ever.

      • graymangames-av says:

        Dude, MCU Steve never saw the fifties. He was frozen before WW2 was over. And when he’s thawed out, he goes on at length about how much better things are. “Food’s a lot better; we used to boil everything. No polio is good. Internet, so helpful. I’ve been reading that a lot trying to catch up.”

        • solesakuma-av says:

          He… kinda moves back there in the end, dude. I mean, well, he seems to think the late 40s were a swell place to live.

          • damonvferrara-av says:

            He moves back there because of Peggy, not any connection to the time period. I’m sure once he got there he was a source of positive change.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            I have a feeling Steve dragged Peggy through a lot of unfamiliar parts of town to find authentic Thai food. Or maybe just befriended actual Thai people and invited himself and Peggy over for dinner regularly.

          • elcubanator-av says:

            Wouldn’t have to drag Peggy anywhere. She’s adventurous AF.

      • nilus-av says:

        MCU cap would never vote for Trump either.  He’s anti-bully 

      • itsakillerpandaa-av says:

        MCU Steve was frozen in ice in the 50s.

    • stillhallah-av says:

      Steve is a New Deal Democrat. He’s never, ever voting for Trump.

    • tesseract0-av says:

      Maybe they’re thinking of Hydra!Cap who during Secret Empire was pretty much Trump (to the point of his supporters preferring to get their news from him instead of the media and ignoring all the fascism stuff because jobs)

    • the-misanthrope-av says:

      Yeah,he renounced the Captain America name and started anew as Nomad with this…um…interesting costume:…rather than work under Richard Nixon.

      • dennismorriganmcdonough-av says:

        To give him some credit, he ditched the cape after one issue, having tripped on it. He did work under the unnamed 616 Nixon equivalent, until the president was exposed as the leader of the fascistic Secret Empire and committed suicide in the oval office. Sometimes I miss stories like that.

    • fishteroid-av says:

      Steve Rogers: On your left (literally) On your left (literally) On your left (literally)He said it 3 times. He’s also the child of immigrants, and was born poor. He’s everything Trump hates, and Trump is in opposition to everything Captain America stands for.

    • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

      Steve is anti-Hydra last I checked

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      For all his Make America Great Again sloganeering, there’s nothing about Trump that really represents the ideals of America as Cap would see them. Steve grew up poor and disabled, but was able to better himself because he was given an opportunity to serve. Draft-dodging, disability-mocking, rich fucker Trump would look like everything that was wrong with America to Steve.

      • elcubanator-av says:

        I’ll bet you he would tell quite a few people that Trump and his rallies are looking very familiar.

    • meetthematz-av says:

      Of all the 2016 candidates, Cap is more likely to vote for Bernie than anyone else. U.S. Agent voted for Trump. 

    • sarcastro6-av says:

      Ultimates Cap, probably. Regular 616 Cap, absolutely no fucking way.  MCU Cap, holy shit of course he would not have.

    • dennismorriganmcdonough-av says:
  • miked1954-av says:

    Do you know which Trump voter I hate the most? It’s the “I don’t pay attention to politics” voter who considers themselves above all that. Then they go into the voting booth and blindly vote MONSTERS into office. Hey, if your voting patterns are the same as low intellect nihilist bigots that makes you no better than the low intellect nihilist bigots.

    • Arr2Pew2-av says:

      I had a roommate very similar to this recently, save one detail: in addition to “I don’t pay attention to politics” rant was his pride that he had never voted in his life, and never intends to—which I consider preferable to your ghastly situation

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    I’ve spent way too much time thinking about this… lol.

  • seanpiece-av says:

    As others have mentioned, there’s no way Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark voted for Trump. They may have attended the same fancy cocktail parties or fundraiser events. Hell, they maybe ever played golf with him once. But they both despise him, and neither of them trust him with the world’s largest military arsenal.

  • monsterdook-av says:

    Homer was, like, the last to vote for Trump, until the Trump campaign released an ad singing “Winner, Winner, Winner, Winner” to the Batman theme.

  • jpilla1980-av says:

    Liberty Belle would probably vote for Trump. 

  • smallworld72-av says:

    Sheriff Longmire (sadly) because he doesn’t trust the feds.

  • maymar-av says:

    Brooklyn Nine-Nine – Hitchcock and Scully would easily be Trump voters, Gina (as a chaotic narcissist, and a now-wealthy one) probably would be as well, and the Vulture (yes, sort of a villain) is a given.

    Jake doesn’t vote.

    Holt would see Trump as emblematic of the institutions he’s spent his life fighting against, and Amy couldn’t stand to vote for someone who so flagrantly disregarded rules.

  • youngjeune-av says:

    Ricky and Fred voted for Trump. Ricky is a Cuban-American who is living the American dream, hence in his mind everyone else should be able to, if they just worked HARDER. Fred is a white, working class, non college grad who’s a little jealous of Ricky, but sees him as one of the ‘good ones.’ Ethel was going to vote Trump, but Lucy convinced her to go with Clinton. However, both women tell their husbands that they voted Trump…it is the 1950s after all.

  • andykohnen-av says:

    I said this in the thread but I repeat it here: Dale Gribble not only voted for Trump, but he is a full-on Qanon conspiracy theorist, if not Q himself. Bill is exactly the demographic that trump grifted into voting against anything that would actually benefit them. Boomhauer I’m not sure, I sort of feel like he’s an apathetic non-voter. Peggy voting for Hillary but trying to not tell anybody is the B-plot of the election day special that never happened, and the A-plot is Hank despising trump as a person but not being able to even consider not voting. He has to decide whether to vote for a man when he’d rather kick his ass, throw away his vote on a third party, or vote for… *Hank Hill shudder* a Clinton.

  • maddogfargo-av says:

    Ferris Bueller

  • fanamir23-av says:

    Frank Sobotka would have totally voted for Trump, had he lived to see 2016.

  • calus-av says:

    I just love when my favorite fictional characters get pulled into fan’s political arguments.

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Trump looks like he’s saying “D’oh!” in that pic.

    • arcanumv-av says:

      We can only hope. Unfortunately, “D’oh” is usually preceded by the realization that you did something stupid or wrong, and that seems improbable for Trump.

  • JohnDangerously-av says:

    Al Bundy

  • kaitainjones-av says:

    Stark would never vote for anybody as unintelligent as Trump plainly is.

  • rhodesscholar-av says:

    Kelsey Grammar probably voted forTrump, but Frasier Crane wouldn’t have. He and Niles sponsored a liberal candidate specifically to run against a fear mongering conservative (unfortunately their candidate also believed he was abducted by aliens, which didn’t help with voters).

  • tbradleywrites-av says:

    Trump: Sam, Norm, Cliff, CoachHillary: Diane, Carla, Frasier, Lilith
    Johnson: WoodyStein: Rebecca

  • ibell-av says:

    Derrick Vineyard voted for Trump in 2016, then Corey Booker in 2020.

  • cordingly-av says:

    Leonardo and Raphael might vote Trump.Donatello would vote Hillary. Mikey is a swing vote between Bernie and Pizza.

  • everytimeihavetomakeanewone-av says:

    More importantly, Marge voted for Hillary but told Homer she voted for Trump. Bart also purchased and wore a MAGA hat to school without understanding almost anything about what it means, just because it makes people mad.

  • xanaduroxx-av says:

    Bulldog — FrasierAl Bundy — Married with ChildrenMel Sharples — AliceLt. Scanlon from Internal Affairs — Barney MillerThe pharmacist in Superstore (too lazy to look up his name)

  • croig2-av says:

    Don Draper and Roger Sterling.  But not Pete Campbell.  

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Roger would vote for Trump because it’s hilarious. Cooper, of course, died before Trump’s time, but I think he’d have voted for him because he’s the Republican on the ballot while personally despising him.

  • ballerino-av says:

    David Puddy for sure. Probably Newman.

  • recognitions-av says:

    Who asked for this? Who thinks it’s fun to imagine their favorite fictional characters as supporting a malignant racist rapist? Are we gonna ask which characters own Charles Manson’s album too?

  • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

    Guy Who Was Going To Vote Clinton But Then Saw A Russian Meme

    this is the best one

  • mattyoh-av says:

    Tom Arnold IRL would never vote for Trump.Tom Arnold’s character in True Lies would have absolutely voted for Trump. Jamie Lee Curtis’ character too. And Bill Paxton. Damn.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I don’t normally rush to defend the honour of fictional people, but the fuck outta here with Bruce Wayne voting Trump. He’d only need to think of his parents, who worked so hard for the betterment of their fellow humans, and know they’d turn over in their graves at the thought of him voting Trump. And that’s be that.

  • americanerrorist-av says:

    Kelsey Grammer is a Republican, but the show hinted that Frasier and Niles are Democrats, most likely in the Hillary camp. Likewise, they hinted that Marty is a Republican who might consider Trump.

  • heathmaiden-av says:

    I think there are good arguments to be made that Archer, Mallory, Pam, and Cheryl (from Archer) all voted for Trump. Ray and Lana definitely voted for Clinton. I THINK Cyril did, too, but he might also have been a Johnson voter. Krieger would have written in something insane.

  • arcanumv-av says:

    Master Shake and Carl definitely voted for Trump. Carl backed Trump because he won’t have no broad in the White House unless she’s making him a sandwich, and Master Shake only voted that way to spite Frylock. Meatwad voted for Dewey, his toilet paper roll friend, but it doesn’t matter because he thought the TV stand was the voting booth.

  • phantasmicrabbit-av says:

    I can’t speak for the comics, but MCU Tony Stark is literally ALWAYS in favor of a strong federal government (Sokovia Accords), centralized power (Ultron), and against civilians being armed (Literally 95% of his problems).Dude is an arrogant, shortsighted Dem, but he’s a Dem.

  • kindoalkun-av says:

    Batman literally is, acccording to canon, a Democrat. In fact, except for Flash and Superman, the political leanings of most of the DC heavy-hitters was confirmed in a 2008 series.https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/dc-universe-decisions-revealed-dc-heroes-were-republicans-democrats-944939Ironically, Superman has a big speech at the end about, and I over simplify here, how it might not be a good idea for superheroes and political parties to mix.

  • jbel-av says:


  • wagrhames-av says:

    Jimmy Pesto.Zoom!

  • nofefeku-av says:

    just ­As ­p­Au­l ­i­m­p­l­i­e­d ­i ­c­A­n’t ­b­e­l­i­ev­e t­h­At y­ou ­c­A­n ­m­A­k­e $4053 ­i­n 4 w­e­e­ks ­o­n t­h­e ­i­nt­er­n­et.­g­o t­o t­h­is s­it­e ­h­o­m­e t­A­b ­f­or ­m­or­e ­d­et­A­i­l

  • starkylovemd-av says:

    Frasier was a neo-liberal. Martin Crane was the Republican. I know because I just watched an episode about it a couple of days ago. Scrambled eggs all over your face.

  • deanpelton-av says:

    I remember this question came up on reddit (of course) a few years ago and the two that stood out to me were Patrick Bateman and Pierce Hawthorn.Someone argued that Patrick Bateman actually wouldn’t have because his whole persona is hiding how insane he is or something and he would have been disgusted by how obvious Trump is insane.
    Pierce I had to defend myself using a similar strategy but in the end I just claimed that his father was more likely so we shouldn’t judge him.

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    Oh, so many! (I gave this a little too much time):
    The Sons of Anarchy.Charlotte (Sex and the City)Pierce (Community)Willy WonkaJaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)Monica Gellar (Friends)Sawyer (LOST)John Rambo
    Cordelia (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)Pacey (Dawson’s Creek)Kramer (Seinfeld)Cho ChangDanny Tanner, Uncle Jessie, and Aunt Becky (Full House)Frank Castle (The Punisher)
    Aunt Hilda (Sabrina)
    Kevin McCallisterAllison Hendrix (Orphan Black)Tim Taylor (Home Improvement)Sam Malone (Cheers)Daniel PlainviewCarl Winslow (Family Matters)
    The Arnolds (The Wonder Years)Fonzie (Happy Days)Dr. Alan GrantVic Mackey (The Shield)Michael Scott, Dwight Schrute, and Angela (The Office)The Bradys (The Brady Bunch)Vincent VegaSaul Goodman, Hank Schrader, and Mike (Breaking Bad)
    Zack Morris, Kelly Kapowski, and Lisa Turtle (Saved By the Bell)All the bros on EntourageThe Ghostbustersand Bill Cosby (probably)

    • jaymags71-av says:

      I doubt Kramer votes for Trump. He’s to lazy to register to vote. Jerry is too narcissistic and nihilistic to vote at all. Newman voted Trump, because he’s evil. George voted for Trump, because he’s a closet racist. The Seinfelds and Costsnzas are all low-information types who voted for him because “he’s a successful businessman”and would run the government like a business”. Peterman voted Trump because they ran in the same circles.Elaine voted Trump, because she’s a narcissist who claims to be a feminist, when she actually hates other women. The Root would call her a “Becky”. She’s definitely the type to call 911 on a minority kid selling water without a license or a black family having a bbq in a public park.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      Frank Castle wouldn’t vote for Trump, he would have known he was a crook from way back like the rest of us.And if there’s any truth to the Epstein allegations … well, if we’ve heard it, Frank would have heard it too and he’d be in a position to find out more.

    • softsack-av says:

      I’m not sure about Breaking Bad’s Mike. He values honest, low-key graft and workmanship above all else, I get the feeling he might view Trump as too much of a putz.Cho Chang… From Harry Potter? I’m VERY curious to know how you came to that conclusion… Although on the subject, I could imagine Ron voting Trump and maybe Harry as well (if they weren’t British)

    • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

      The only main Orphan Black character who’s an American is Cosima, and I don’t think we need to debate who she voted for.

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      The Sons of Anarchy mostly can’t vote because they’re felons, and the ones who aren’t never would vote anyway, although they wouldn’t be above trying to fix a local election. Sam Malone wouldn’t vote for Trump. Sam may not be a smart guy, but he knows an asshole when he sees one and he also knows that when Republicans are elected abortions are harder to get. 

  • tito08-av says:

    I’m pretty sure Jason Todd would’ve already killed him. 

  • jimtaggartphonypope-av says:

    You need Satan more than he needs you

  • glaagablaaga-av says:

    Waldo’s dad from The Little Rascals movie would vote Trump. That guy was a real asshole.

  • bjackyll-av says:

    Uncle Phil would have voted for Trump.  *sniffle*

  • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

    None of the NewsRadio characters would vote for Trump.Not on purpose, anyway.Matthew might get confused.And Jimmy James especially wouldn’t vote for Trump, mainly because the reason Trump ran was probably a bet between them.

  • franknstein-av says:

    Homer – yes. John MacClane. Maybe.Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark? No! They may both be a bit too much into security over freedom, but they also value intelligence. A lot. And Batman has taken a stance against Government interfering with personal freedom several times.
    I’m going with this guy. Not that he doesn’t have very good reasons NOT to, but everyone who isn’t a total villain has those…

  • ghoastie-av says:

    I find this question interesting for a very different reason. I think it highlights how difficult it is to hold together a fictional version of Earth when something so absolutely absurd and horrible happens in the real world. In a way, Trump made a lot of these properties people are referencing totally irrelevant, because it’s now impossible to discuss them in modern terms.If you make, for example, a bunch of the people from the “Friday Night Lights” TV show into Trump voters/supporters, you have shaken that slice of fictionalized Earth to its very core. You’ve turned some of those characters into cartoons, which is just about the most ironic thing ever. The property cannot survive the introduction of Trump into its DNA – at least not without laying bare the terrifying reality that even fairly harsh fictionalized depictions of the American south and midwest are fuckin’ fairy tales compared to the rot that’s actually there.

  • testytesttest-av says:

    This sucks beyond belief.

  • jlillo-av says:

    Haven’t watched in years, so I may be talking out of my ass here.Peter: Trump, easily.Lois: Hillary.Meg: Hillary.Chris: eats his ballot by accident.Brian: Trump, after Bernie got primary’d out.Stewie: Trump (won’t vote for Hillary because of Lois-related mommy issues).

  • anglinasmith-av says:

    its really nice post 

  • shadowplay-av says:

    So that whole Homer Simpson thing describes my Father in Law to a T. Mind-blowing actually.P.S. He did vote for Obama, then Trump. 

  • 2lines1shape-av says:

    The Avengers:Tony Stark: defense contractor. Definitely voted Trump.Natasha: Aware from the beginning of Russian interference. Hillary.Maria Hill: ditto.
    Nick Fury: Assumed dead. Purged from voter rolls.
    Steve Rogers: New York FDR Democrat. Voted blue down the ticket.Clint Barton: Wife told him to vote Hillary, so he did.Bruce Banner: Ineligible to vote due to lack of residency. Supported Hillary.Hulk: Trump.
    Thor: Not American citizen, and didn’t care.Falcon: Black veteran. Voted Hillary.Rhodey: Active duty. Voted Trump. (Army guys preferred Trump’s isolationism)Stephen Strange: Votes Trump before learning magic. Votes Jill Stein after.
    Wanda Maximoff: Not American citizen.The Vision: Not voting age.
    Peter Parker: not voting age.T’Challa: Not American citizen.Bucky Barnes: Assumed dead. Purged from voter rolls.Scott Lang: Convict. Ineligible to vote. Also, dumb enough to believe Fox News. Trump.Hank Pym: Never-Trump Republican. Hillary.Janet Pym: Feminist. Hillary.Captain Marvel: AWOL.

  • daymanskarateschool-av says:

    Edmure Tully and Bronn def. would have. 

  • 2lines1shape-av says:

    Both Jerry and Beth voted Trump.Rick would support Trump because of the way he doesn’t care about other human lives, but would not vote on principle.Summer and Morty would support Hillary, but are ineligible to vote.Tammy was 18, and an alien mole. Of course she voted Trump.

  • cdog9231-av says:

    Jesus. That slow of a news day? 

  • dr-chim-richalds-av says:

    Joey Tribbiani definitely voted for TrumpWHAT?How dare you sully his name like that!Joy Tribbiani is to dumb to know that voting is even a thing!

  • dc420ea-av says:

    “Is Fraiser Crane another never-Trump Republican who keeps getting New York Times op-ed column space to complain how leftist Democrats are giving people like him no choice but to support Trump?”

    Frasier is a Democrat, as shown in the episode where him and Marty ended up backing two different candidates. Marty backed the proto-fascist law and order guy and Frasier backed the Democrat (even though he thought he was abducted by aliens) to keep that guy out off office.

  • wonderwomanmakesitkindaokay-av says:

    Leslie Knope – come on now
    Ron Swanson – Gary Johnson
    April Ludgate – Hillary, but campaigned for Trump
    Andy Dwyer – wrote in Champion but showed up to vote on wrong day
    Donna – Hillary
    Jerry – accidentally voted for Trump, meant to vote for Hillary
    Ben Wyatt – Hillary
    Ann Perkins – Hillary
    Chris Traeger – Trump, to please Dr. Richard Nygard

  • robertaxel6-av says:

    Laziness prevents me from reading through over 300 responses, so apologies for any repetition; so here goes:
    George Constanza, with his unhinged rants against government conspiracy, makes him a possible Trump voter. Likewise, Kramer is likely taken in by Trump’s loonier tweets. Jerry, of course teases them mercilessly, and Elaine rips them a new one…

  • sarcastro6-av says:

    Red Forman.

  • kjrooney1990-av says:

    Tony Stark, I think, would’ve been not just a Clinton voter, but a major Clinton fundraiser as early as the primaries. His entire shtick in the MCU is a “genius billionaire playboy philanthropist” with strong shades of both Ted Turner and Silicon Valley. Populism of any kind, be it that of Trump on the right or Sanders on the left, is anathema to his way of doing things; he believes in the rich leading the charge and putting their resources to use to help the world. That’s basically the story that the centrist business wing of the Democratic Party tells about itself.I’ll give this a shot with one of my favorite shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Most of the characters would probably be either liberal Democrats or “Clinton Republicans”, the suburban, upper-middle-class voters who, in breaking for Clinton, swung Orange County to the Democrats for the first time since 1936. (Sunnydale is a fictional version of Santa Barbara, an area that was a swing county in the ‘90s but is solidly Democratic today.) Willow and Tara are the former, being lesbian Wiccans who, knowing they lived in a state that would never in a million years vote Republican, may have voted for Jill Stein because they thought Clinton was too centrist. Oz, the punk rocker, would’ve voted Sanders in the primary and Clinton in the general. Both Buffy and Cordelia, the upper-middle-class valley girls, would be Clinton Republicans; they would’ve voted for Bush twice and may have even voted for McCain and Romney, but the Republican Party of 2016 would’ve driven them to the left out of spite.As for the spinoff Angel, the title character probably thinks politicians of all kinds are corrupt and that it’s better to work outside the system. Gunn is probably a pretty staunch leftist and Black Lives Matter supporter, though only a conditional Clinton supporter; before he joined up with Angel, he led a group of vampire-hunting vigilantes with “gangsta” overtones that protected South Central where the police wouldn’t. Fred, as a scientist, probably sees Trump as completely insane and voted for Clinton by default; these days, it’s hard to find sympathy for right-wing politics in the STEM fields outside of a handful of gadflies.The only Trump voters I can see in the cast of either show are Xander and Anya. In later seasons, Xander becomes a carpenter and construction worker who never followed his friends into college and hasn’t exactly made the smartest decisions in his life. In other words, precisely the kind of apathetic, blue-collar non-voter who would’ve broken for Trump, not necessarily sympathizing with his bigotry but still feeling discontented with his position in life and wanting to “shake things up”. As for Anya, two of her biggest character traits are a) her comically pro-capitalist views and obsession with money, and b) her blunt honesty and lack of a sense of what behaviors are appropriate. She’d see Trump as a kindred spirit.Giles, Wesley, and Spike are British, so they’re not voting in the US. That being said, back in the UK I imagine Giles and Wesley being similar to Buffy and Cordy, old-school Tories but no fans of Brexit or Boris Johnson, and likely considering switching their party to Lib Dem. Spike, meanwhile, is probably a Corbynista blasting “Anarchy in the UK” from his stereo.

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