Horror director delivers one hell of a jump scare with this elaborate Zoom prank

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Horror director delivers one hell of a jump scare with this elaborate Zoom prank


With so much of the world’s workforce currently conducting business over video chat, an unofficial competition has begun to see who can create the most elaborate prank to freak out their friends and coworkers. We’ve already seen one guy make it look like he’s walking in on himself in a meeting, and another go so far as to make a virtual doppelgänger, but we think this latest video from London-based director Rob Savage might take the cake. Be forewarned, this one gets loud.

By ingeniously cutting some of his own footage with a jump scare from the 2007 Spanish found-footage horror movie [REC], Savage takes his friends on a hair-raising journey up into the attic of our nightmares. The sudden appearance of a zombie child combined with an ear-piercing scream and a fall to the ground produces a number of different reactions from his friends, ranging from nervous laughter to genuine concern.

There’s the “See No Evil”:

The “Delayed Reaction”:

The “Please Be Fake”:

The “Wait And See”:

And, of course, the “Reese Witherspoon”:

As long as work-from-home orders continue to be enforced, we imagine these pranks will continue to escalate until we get a fully produced Zoom-based horror movie. In fact, we’re sure the people behind Unfriended are already cooking something up.

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  • zorrocat310-av says:

    Fake Zooms!

  • turlington-prather-av says:

    Eh.  I clicked.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    There’s no “I” in “team” and there’s no “t” in “what.”  

  • nilus-av says:

    I love how four of them are not sure whats going on and the last guy is like “How did you do that”I know that headline let me know what was coming but as soon as the camera went up to the attic I think I would have suspected it was faked.    It didn’t look like a real attic, it looks like a scary movie set attic

  • ozilla-av says:

    I loved [REC]!

  • brainlock-2-av says:

    Really annoying how the Zoom kept flipping around between 9-4-2pip-9-4-9-2-934857. Right as you focus in on one frame with him, it jumps to the opposite side of the screen in a different group.oh, and Simon Pegg and Nick Frost did this same “weird noises coming form the attic” prank years ago on twitter.Over a couple days, Simon claims he keeps hearing “something” up there. Nick urges him to go check it out. Simon finally agrees to and….goes offline without even a street sighting for a week, as Nick’s claims he can’t ring him up. (I think Nick was away on location at time?) Then Simon comes back on acting weird for a few days before they give in, admitting it was all a prank. dawww….

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