Hot new video game lets you stomp Mitch McConnell turtles as Bernie Sanders

Aux Features Games
Hot new video game lets you stomp Mitch McConnell turtles as Bernie Sanders
Screenshot: ‘Shark Hugs’ Eniko

Mario was once a working class icon. Armed only with a pair of activewear overalls, mouthfuls of reality-bending mushrooms, and the irrepressible drive of a plumber with a problem to solve, the Nintendo mascot showed the children of the world that evil—especially evil that takes the form of bipedal turtle-dragons—can be defeated by anyone with enough tenacity to push ever forward and a conspicuous lack of fear that any future drug tests will come up positive for performance-enhancing fungi. Now, though, Mario has become a corporate stooge, forgetting his roots in order to chase ever-larger sacks of gold coins as a competitive racer, professional golfer, or mercenary fighter in an insurgent cartoon militia.

In an effort to replace the debauched Mario with a better sort of hero, a game development group called Gamedevs For Bernie has released a throwback platformer called Super Bernie World.

The game’s trailer gives a good overview of what to expect, showing off the adventures of a tiny pixelated Sanders as he campaigns across screens filled with dastardly enemies like MAGA hat-wearing goombas and Mitch McConnell-shaped turtles. Lil’ Bernie can pick up items like a wedge of Vermont cheddar to grow taller, Democratic Socialist roses that work like Mario’s fireballs, and an invincibility power-up in the shape of a raised fist. Along the way, he collects votes shaped like coins.

It consists of four different worlds, spanning 11 American states, ruled by a quarter of “Republicans in their castle lairs.” Before each one begins, anime portraits of that Republican and Sanders himself have a short dialogue on policy, drawn from real quotes. World 1's Ted Cruz says he doesn’t “think it’s government’s job to find health care for people,” and Sanders responds with facts about Medicare For All’s cost and life-saving potential before the level begins.

Super Bernie World is available on and Steam. It’s completely free, presumably because, like universal access to health care, being able to enjoy games about pint-sized Vermont senators should be a basic human right.

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[via Kotaku]


  • returning-the-screw-av says:

    Only if life imitated art. McConnel is a way bigger threat to the US than Trump and he needs to be gone years ago. 

  • yummsh-av says:

    What’s more obnoxious – the AV Club posting this shit day after day after day in allegiance to their magical unicorn grandpa king who is bleeding votes (and delegates) as we speak, or the Bernie Sanders dating site that advertised ‘Dank singles near you’?Cast your vote now! Operators are standing by to awkwardly grimace and condescendingly shake their finger at you!

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      I think the worst aspect is that people are lining themselves up to yet again punch their e-knuckles bloody in a similar fashion to 2016.Seriously, we don’t learn SHIT. And many of us are just as Id driven as our current POTUS.

      • yummsh-av says:

        He’s a meme. They’re trying to elect a meme. Which is what we do now here in America.

        • bopbriggs-av says:

          So is Trump, who, last I checked, was POTUS (much to the world’s dismay).

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          Eh, I’ll take that meme over the current one. I’d also prefer him to Biden, but I suspect that doesn’t matter much at this point.

          I’ll say this of Biden: we’re gonna want to hook him up to a machine or something, cuz WOOF. 

          • natureslayer-av says:

            I’m not voting for Biden. I’m gonna be voting for whomever his VP is because he’s either gonna die or sunset due to sundowning

    • splufay-av says:

      I’d say it’s about as equally obnoxious as your condescending old man shtick you put on every comment.Cute cat tho

    • roboj-av says:

      I’m just more amused by the lack of irony: that if this were Trump supporters/conservatives in general making things like this, the mocking and/or outrage would be so loud, it would shatter every window in the country.
      We really are through the looking glass as far as how partisan this country has gotten.

    • natureslayer-av says:

      Nah, the worst is still the usual “why the fuck is the av club posting this” complaints when you could just not click. But hey, get your outrage stars. And at least you added extra jokes to it to make it different/mildly amusing even if the point was the same

      • yummsh-av says:

        But see, I DID and WILL CONTINUE to click and comment on whatever I like because America. But hey, thanks for adding to it all even though you too have the option to not click or comment on my ‘outrage stars’ posts. You’re making America even greater againer.

    • galvatronguy-av says:

      It’s the dating site, obviously

  • schmapdi-av says:

    I wonder if after you beat the game Republicans somehow come out ahead and win anyway because they’ve spent decades rigging it in their favor?

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