House Of The Dragon’s Milly Alcock is the new Supergirl

The new Woman Of Steel might appear in James Gunn's Superman: Legacy before her first solo adventure

Aux News Supergirl
House Of The Dragon’s Milly Alcock is the new Supergirl
Milly Alcock Photo: John Sciulli/Getty Images for FIJI Water

Apologies to Sasha Calle, who was totally fine in The Flash, but there’s a new Supergirl in town: Milly Alcock, who played the young Rhaenyra Targaryen in HBO’s House Of The Dragon has won the high-profile superhero role in James Gunn and Peter Safran’s rebooted DC movie universe. This comes from Deadline, which says Alcock’s Supergirl—Kara Zor-El to her friends—might not appear in Superman: Legacy (which Gunn himself is directing), but she will apparently appear in something before getting her own solo film (which will be an adaptation of Tom King and Bilquis Evely’s Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow).

Deadline also says that Alcock beat a couple of other notable stars for the role, specifically Emilia Jones from CODA and Meg Donnelly from Disney Channel’s Zombies franchise (she also played Supergirl in a few animated DC movies). But no, it’ll be Milly Alcock stepping into the red boots and either a skirt or pants (we don’t know yet) as Supergirl, giving her another nice big genre role after her time on the Game Of Thrones prequel came to a sudden end with its big mid-season time jump. She was good on House Of The Dragon, so hopefully Gunn’s new DC universe won’t get a big 10-year time jump at some point.

As for this version of Supergirl, she’ll apparently be more of a hardened badass than the more uplifting and optimistic version of the character that Melissa Benoist played on The CW’s Supergirl. But, seeing as how we haven’t seen anything from the rest of Gunn’s universe yet—beyond the complicated supporting cast and not-complicated main cast of Superman: Legacy—it’s impossible to say how much of a difference this new-ish take on Supergirl will make. Maybe everyone will be more of a hardened badass than usual? That was kind of the old DC movie universe’s gimmick, but it’s not like they’re going to swing in the same direction as Marvel and make everything kind of self-aware and quippy. Right?


  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    she’ll apparently be more of a hardened badass than the more uplifting and optimistic version of the character that Melissa Benoist played on The CW’s Supergirl. So.. more like Sasha Calle’s Supergirl again?
    Melissa Benoist’s Supergirl was a delight. In and out of the show. Seems a no-brainer that people would respond positively to more of this.

    • rpdm-av says:

      They should have played Supergirl “straight” like they did in the movie with Helen Slater, instead they made her goofy like Superman’s Clark and it just doesn’t work with Supergirl, it comes across as really cheesy and Melissa’s natural goofiness pushes it over the top. Melissa is simultaneously perfectly cast for the role and miscast at the same time. – Nun__Ya, Orange, United States, Feb/March 2018

    • cchristensen626-av says:

      That really isn’t the Supergirl character though. Unlike Clark she actually grew up on Krypton and was a teenager when it blew up. She lost all of her friends, family and home while Clark has been able to make a home out of Earth. You should definitely read Supergirl:  Woman of Tomorrow.  It’s an incredible comic and is an amazing study of her character.  

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        Yeah, they played a bit loosely with the lore in the recent live-action DC TV adaptations, but the bones of the character (and story elements) were there, just shuffled around a bit.

      • mshep-av says:

        Came here to say this. Woman of Tomorrow is probably my favorite DC comic of the last 10 years, and Alcock is perfect for the role.

  • planehugger1-av says:

    Seems like a good choice. Alcock did a very good job in House of the Dragon, and her lighter presence was definitely missed when Emma D’Arcy took over. I think D’Arcy also did a good job with heavier material, and it’s definitely consistent with the story that her character would be more grim. But one thing House of the Dragon definitely could use is more characters that are fun, like Tyrion, Bronn, Podrick, etc.  Matt Smith seems to be the only person on the show whose character isn’t utterly miserable.

    • dr-boots-list-av says:

      It tracks that the only happy people in Westeros are the sadistsFor some reason they eliminated GRRM’s obligatory creepy fool character

      • planehugger1-av says:

        I think we tend to root for characters who are proactive, and don’t always care much about the morality what they’re doing. Walter White blowing up his foe with a pipe bomb hidden in an old man’s wheelchair is fun and satisfying. Skylar White being horrified that her husband murdered a man at a nursing home is . . . kind of a drag. And it doesn’t matter to viewers that obviously Skylar is right, and that in the real world we’d be on her side.Matt Smith’s character on House of the Dragon takes action, and (unlike a lot of characters on the show) he doesn’t treat his life as a tremendous, depressing burden. He was bound to win our sympathies.

        • cabbagehead-av says:

          did Walter murder TWO drug dealers with that bomb? I’m on the side of anyone that murders drug dealers regardless of their living situations. 

  • pocrow-av says:

    but it’s not like they’re going to swing in the same direction as Marvel
    and make everything kind of self-aware and quippy. Right?

    Yes, that would be completely out of character for a James Gunn movie.

    • nilus-av says:

      You aren’t wrong but James Gunn seems to be the only Marvel director who can work in that style and still deliver funny heart warming movies which still have stakes and great action. The three Guardians movies are still the top of the Marvel output 

      • spr0kets-av says:

        >>>>”The three Guardians movies are still the top of the Marvel”Hot take! Especially in a Cinematic Universe that includes Avengers : Endgame, Captain America : The Winter Soldier, and Captain America : Civil War.

      • mshep-av says:

        People out here acting like James Gunn hasn’t directed a movie since Super. Between GoTG, The Suicide Squad, and Peacemaker, he’s more than earned my trust.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Since she didn’t get Supergirl this time, can Meg Donnelly be cast as Sara Lance’s & Ava Sharpe’s adult daughter when Legends Of Tomorrow is saved?

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      Yes! Max is doing secret deals with Netflix… the CW-verse is (if not popping) humming along in reruns there. Give Legends a little promo nudge, watch the cult classic status take off, then 8 episodes! Just 8 Netflix, c’mon. I need it. I can’t think straight. My arms are all itchy. I see Ava Sharpe drunk-twerking a trashcan in my sleep.

  • dacostabr-av says:

    Cool. She was one of the highlights of House of the Dragon season 1, along with Olivia Cooke.

  • jaywantsacatwantshiskinjaacctback-av says:

    As for this version of Supergirl, she’ll apparently be more of a hardened badass…I know Gunn and Safran want to essentially wipe the slate clean but wasn’t Sasha Calle basically that version? I thought she was pretty great in the limited time she had in The Flash. I did think Alcock was good in HotD so I guess In Gunn We Trust. 

  • dr-memory-av says:

    Pity. The Flash was a hot mess and I can’t blame Gunn for wanting to start with a clean slate, but Sasha Calle was one of the definite high points of that movie and it’s a little sad that this’ll be her only outing.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Another actress I would love to get to see play Supergirl again: Izabela Vidovic, who played  young Kara on the CW Supergirl 

  • jbbb3-av says:

    So that’s Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Mister Terrific, The Engineer, Metamorpho and now Supergirl in Superman’s solo movie? That seems like a lot.

  • yawantpancakes-av says:

    Please bring back our avatars!
    I’ve Grown Accustomed to My Face!

  • zwing-av says:

    Hmm. I get this says she might not appear in Superman Legacy, but just generally it feels like Gunn is trying to work in that Suicide Squad/Guardians feel by bringing in all of these colorful characters to surround (I assume) straight-man Superman. Whereas Superman is really a character who works best in his small family environment, his mild-mannered job and small relationships working as counterpoint to his godlike powers. Populating the universe off the bat with all kinds of superfolk seems like it’s repeating the mistakes of the past.That said, I have liked Gunn’s superhero work more than that of others in the last 15 years, so I’ll give benefit of the doubt, even though his sensibilities don’t really match my idea of Superman at all.

  • minimummaus-av says:

    As long as she has the puffy sleeves Supergirl costume of the 70s.

  • officermilkcarton-av says:

    Hopefully Gunn realises that Alcock’s true talent is in casual swearing, and taylor’s the dialogue accordingly.

  • drippy666-av says:

    Is anyone actually excited for the new DCEU?

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    I think Krypto will be with her and if that’s the case I will camp out to see this movie, lol! Been waiting for Krypto in a movie and Gunn loves his Superhero animals. 

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