Hulu to release Amy Schumer and Michael Cera comedy series Life & Beth in March

Michael Cera sure has some facial hair in these preview pics

Aux News Amy Schumer
Hulu to release Amy Schumer and Michael Cera comedy series Life & Beth in March

Life & Beth Photo: Hulu

If you’ve been wondering what Michael Cera’s been up to lately, we finally have an answer: He’s been growing a patchy beard that makes us feel uncomfortable, both because it’s so patchy and because he’s supposed to be an eternally fresh-faced kid, getting Juno pregnant and hanging out with his friend McLovin. If he can get old, what hope is there for any of us? We might as well just shrivel up and die.

Anyway, Cera and his adult-man beard are actually coming to us courtesy of a new Hulu comedy series called Life & Beth that stars and is executive produced by Amy Schumer. Hulu has just released a bunch of preview images for the show featuring Amy Schumer looking normal and Michael Cera with this… patchy beard. It’s distracting. Whatever, we’ll get over it. Here’s the official plot synopsis, which doesn’t give any indication of what Cera is doing:

Beth’s life would look pretty great on paper. Impressive to everyone she grew up with. She makes a good living as a wine distributor. She’s in a long term relationship with a successful guy and lives in Manhattan. When a sudden incident forces Beth to engage with her past her life changes forever. Through flashbacks to her teen self, Beth starts to learn how she became who she is and who she wants to become. We’ll go on her journey towards building a bigger, bolder and more authentic life. Learning to express herself and living in an intentional way. A trip down memory lane is a strong source of trauma, comedy and moving forward.

Life & Beth will premiere all 10 of its episodes on Hulu on March 18. In addition to Schumer and Cera, it stars Susannah Flood, Violet Young, Kevin Kane, Yamaneika Saunders, Laura Benanti, Larry Owens, Michael Rapaport, Rosebud Walker, and LaVar Walke.


  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    Michael Cera needs PTA or Baumbach or somebody like that to take him under their wing.Or did that already happen, and everybody gave it a B- and nobody cared? I don’t even know any more

    • sardonicrathbone-av says:

      he’s done a few Kenneth Lonergan plays on Broadway where he was nominated for a Tony and had a memorable part in Twin Peaks: The Return, that’s probably the most auteur shit he’s really been involved in. other than that, he pops up on TV comedies once in a while and mainly does indie films with hip directors. seems like a pretty chill existence

      • canadian-heritage-minute-av says:

        I saw him in the indie film ‘Tyrel’ by Sebastian Silva, it seemed pretty artsy to me at least

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      I think the problem is at least when he was younger he played predominately nerdy roles which put him in direct competition with Jesse Eisenberg, and Eisenberg won. Too bad, because I really liked Cera in Arrested Development

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        Eisenberg went on to do more varied roles (or at least, the more varied roles were things that I saw him in) like Mark Zuckerberg and Lex Luthor.Michael Cera needs to try playing a child molester or a serial killer or something.

        • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

          Yeah, although Mark Zuckerberg and Lex Luthor were basically played as Eisenberg’s traditional nerdy character, just a bit cockier because of the power they wielded, so not that varied. But yeah, Cera should do some role completely different to show that he doesn’t have to just be nerdy.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Just don’t go ‘full-method’ on that one, Michael!

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        that was always an unfair comparison anyway. eisenberg was doing incredible work in stuff like roger dodger before cera was even on AD.

      • dirtside-av says:

        I don’t know if Eisenberg can really play the guileless hopefulness that Cera showed with George Michael. Even in roles where Eisenberg is playing someone who isn’t a sociopath, he comes off as calculating and amoral.

      • volunteerproofreader-av says:

        Indeed. It’s like how Amy Adams swooped in and took Pam from the Office’s career

    • rigbyriordan-av says:

      Edgar Wright directed Scott Pilgrim… I would ride the Edgar Wright train if I were Cera. 

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    Also, having your title be a play on words with the name of a character is NOT clever, because YOU WERE THE ONES WHO NAMED THE CHARACTER THAT

  • rottencore-av says:

    sounds turble

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Is this a prequel to Life After Beth?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Just as I was about to scream “Stop with the beard and tell me about the show!” they did, and then I said “Ok, so what’s up with the beard?”

  • pyrrhuscrowned-av says:

    Who wrote that synopsis? Not to pile on, but it feels like it was machine translated from another language.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Whoever it is, they’re having a hard time letting Michael Cera grow up! You know there comes a time when you must cast aside the shorts of a boy and slip into the beard of a man! Let Cera be that man!

    • loremipsumd-av says:

      Happy Wednesday!

  • drips-av says:

    Michael Rapaport?  Blech.  How does he keep getting work?

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      No idea. Was watching Ruthless Aggression, the WWE Network’s follow-up to The Monday Night War, and they switched narrators from Keith David (good) to Michael Rappaport (who sounds like a weird, tipsy dude on the subway platform at 2 AM). I just…ugh, why?

  • 3rdshallot-av says:

    what a double-standard. 2 paragraphs judging and mocking Sera for his personal appearance, making an object of his body and ignoring his talent. but not a word about Schumer’s tits.

  • dudebra-av says:

    Cera’s beard is exactly as it should be.Sparse facial hair is hilarious.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Hulu to release Amy Schumer and Michael CeraNobody even knew they were holding them! Though it looks like a nice cabin they stashed them in.

  • jgp1972-av says:

    oh god i shouldve known they wouldnt stay away forever.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    I’m going to pretend this is a series based on the Aubrey Plaza zomcom Life After Beth. 

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