Hungry for new content, the Food Network gives Amy Schumer a quarantine cooking show

Aux Features TV
Hungry for new content, the Food Network gives Amy Schumer a quarantine cooking show
Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris

A lot of people are using any downtime they have during the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine to learn new skills, and being a famous celebrity, Amy Schumer has evidently decided that she might as well generate some content and get paid for the new skill she’s learning. According to Yahoo!, Schumer is teaming up with the Food Network for a new quarantine-inspired eight-episode series called Amy Schumer Learns To Cook. Each episode will involve her working with her husband—who happens to be professional chef Chris Fischer—to create meals based on “themes” like “tacos, pasta night, fridge cleanup, and more.”

It seems like a reasonable idea, since a lot more people are presumably cooking these days instead of going out, and a lot of cooking shows are already about a married couple making stuff in either their real kitchen or some kitchen-like set, but we noticed a little wrinkle in the premise. Yahoo!’s story says that “Fischer will do most of the cooking using farm fresh ingredients, while Schumer will mix cocktails,” so… it’s less Amy Schumer Learns To Cook and more Chris Fischer Cooks While Amy Schumer Mixes Cocktails. That doesn’t seem quite as fun as watching someone who doesn’t know what she’s doing try and make food, but maybe Yahoo! is underselling that work that Schumer will do. Or maybe the title is ironic and she doesn’t end up learning anything at all. Either way, the show is expected to premiere this spring, which makes sense since we’re still social distancing and all that.


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