Celebrities react to indictment of former reality TV host Donald Trump

Hollywood responds as former president Donald Trump is indicted by a Manhattan grand jury

Aux News Donald Trump
Celebrities react to indictment of former reality TV host Donald Trump
Donald Trump Photo: Scott Olson

Earlier today, the legal world was rocked by a precedent-setting seismic shift that could raise the bar for future court cases, potentially reshaping the entirety of the world in which we live: Gwyneth Paltrow was officially ruled to have not skied into that old guy that one time. But also, for the first time ever, a former U.S. president (and reality TV host) has been indicted on criminal charges, with Donald Trump formally accused of falsifying business records to allegedly cover up hush-money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

The mixture of schadenfreude, horror, and vague shame the preceding sentence kicked off in us has also been triggered in people much more famous than us, as Hollywood celebrities have flooded social media to record their reactions to the news. Many are gleeful: Kathy Griffin, who came under heavy criticism for years for that whole “holding up a fake version of Trump’s severed head in a photo” thing, tweeted out “It’s finally happening,” while Michael Moore expressed a similar sentiment with a simple “Finally!” (The “Something.” right after underlines that this is probably going to be a bigger deal feelings-wise, for most of us, than legal-wise, ultimately.)

Meanwhile, George Takei expressed his hope that 2023 be a year of “accountability” (while also tossing a “Happy indictment day” to his fans), and Top Chef’s Padma Lakshmi posted GIFs of children dancing with joy. Stephen King played the law and order card, pushing back on the idea that Trump is being indicted for anything other than … quite possibly falsifying business records to cover up an affair. Alyssa Milano was a bit of a downer, reminding folks that it’s not great that the American presidency got to this point in the first place, although even she acknowledged the general point about no one being above the law.

Shout-out to The Daily Show for getting out some of the fastest and hardest hits, joke-wise, about the indictment, which was handed down by a Manhattan grand jury earlier today.


  • optramark15-av says:

    You all must really have missed these days. Congratulations are in order; I think I speak for the majority of the commentariat when I say those precious few moments without his face on the front page were like a strange wilderness, and there were days I wasn’t sure I was at the correct site. I assume the AVClub tweet was just a gif of Bender with sunglasses and a cigar, saying “I’m back, baby”?

  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    Motherfucker should’ve been Gitmo’d two years ago for what we all watched him do with our own eyes. Hopefully this is just breaking the dam and Jack Smith and the state of Georgia bring the flood.

  • blpppt-av says:

    The morbid curiosity in my darker thoughts would almost want to see him thrown in jail and then still win the Presidency.You know, if I thought the country could survive another 4 years of that gasbag.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      I’m afraid that the gasbag will run again and actually win.

      • fistfullofbees-av says:

        Not likely. DeSantis will get the GOP’s nom. Should he run, Trump will have to form a 3rd party and split the Republican vote, ensuring the Democrat’s a win. If anything, we should hope that Trump runs!
        (An aside, may I propose a trend of not calling Dem’s and Rep’s progressive and conservative? We should start calling Rep’s what they really are: regressive; anti-progress)

        • laclsyer-av says:

          No offense, but if you think DeSantis has any chance to beat anyone that runs in their primary you haven’t been paying attention. He gets all the headlines for his wild authoritarian laws put in place in Florida, but as soon as he’s asked to speak on anything of substance he flounders worse than Sarah Palin. We’re talking name literally one newspaper Sarah Palin. On a debate stage he’ll get so absolutely embarrassed by any competent politician that I’d be shocked if he makes it to a second debate.That’s IF he runs. At this point it’s pretty clear he has no chance so he’s likely setting himself up to be a potential VP nod or in a cabinet position.

        • iggypoops-av says:

          DeSantis can’t beat Trump in a douche fight… the Republican primary debates showed over and over again that nobody in the GOP can beat him at being the biggest douche – which is how you win GOP nomination it seems. 

        • greghyatt-av says:

          How do you suggest we label Democrats, seeing as they’re not progressive?

        • pearlnyx-av says:

          That’s exactly why the republicans let him run on their ticket. If he did run as an Independant, we’d most likely be in Hillary’s second term right now.

        • hallofreallygood-av says:

          If it comes down to Trump vs DeSantis among Republican voters, Trump is going to beat Ron like a mule, and it’s insane people are predicting otherwise. We’re talking about a pool of Republican voters. To these people Trump is extremely charismatic and I don’t know if you’ve ever heard Ron speak, but the man has negative mic skills. Trump is going to absolutely tee off on his ass if they get to a debate stage. I’ve seen Ron get flustered. Trump can rightfully claim that his opponent adopted his way of speech patterns and body language. Ron is going to get emasculated and then lose.

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          So, down here in Aus, the right wing imploded like a fucking lightbulb sent to the Marianas trench, and we’re seeing a bunch of articles about “WHAT DO THE LNP NEED TO LEARN TO COME BACK FROM THE WILDERNESS?” and I’m like noooooooooooooo. Nononono. No. They’re fine. They don’t need to learn anything.Please, keep doing exactly what you’re doing. In fact, double or triple down. Please. And keep this guy in charge:

        • blpppt-av says:

          “Not likely. DeSantis will get the GOP’s nom.”Actually, the GOP is already looking at alternatives since DeSantis is showing poor polling numbers versus Trump.Lets be honest here: The ‘pubs didn’t want him back in 2016 either, but after he wiped the floor with “Jeb!” and Teddy Cancun, they all fell in behind him, lockstep. And no matter what his legal troubles, he sadly still is by far their most popular candidate.Trump will be their nominee.

        • nancysliver-av says:

          Desantis is 30 points behind in the polls lmao… If Desantis had a chance of running over Trump this indictment would have never happened

        • knukulele-av says:

          DeSantis is a goner. There’s no way he can beat Trump in the primary. Someone else might, maybe Haley. But it won’t matter. No matter what happens in the GOP primary there will be a spoiler candidate and the dems will easily win. Trump will run third party out of spite if he loses the primary. And there is a faction of more reasonable republicans set to run their own spoiler candidate to force a MAGA loss and try to take their party back. That’s why Larry Hogan has stated he will not run in the GOP primary but has not ruled out the general. He has to avoid sore loser laws.

          • jpfilmmaker-av says:

            Don’t kid yourself.  There isn’t a single Republican in the party with the spine to run a third party campaign, let alone the funding.  If Trump gets the nomination, it’ll be him versus the Democrat, and I sure hope that stays Biden.  If it’s Biden again, Trump is up there against someone who already beat him, and the only thing he has against it is the “stolen election” bullshit that no one but the kookiest really believes anyways.  And there’s fewer than them than ever, since the Dominion lawsuit info came out.

          • knukulele-av says:

            Either way the GOP loses so I’m good with it. I think there’s work going on behind the scenes by people smart enough not to tip their hand as yet.

        • yesidrivea240-av says:

          We should start calling Rep’s what they really are:Selfish Assholes?

      • blpppt-av says:

        Not a chance. He lost resoundingly in 2020 and his support has only dwindled since then.The only way that happens is if Biden is exposed as definitely hoarding money from China and is impeached. Or the economy completely collapses in 2024.He’ll win the primaries, because nobody likes DeSantis outside of Florida and the GOP has nobody else, but he’ll lose the General again.

        • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

          Option 1 is what Congressional Republicans say out loud, option 2 is what they actually seem to be working toward.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          Please don’t mistake me: it’s not as though I want Trump to win. There are plenty of people in my city who would still love that. DeSantis is what Trump will never be. He’s a clever and practised sociopath and I hope that someone young and capable replaces Biden because that man is past it.

          • capeo-av says:

            DeSantis isn’t the smarter version of Trump that was originally feared. He’s, not shockingly, quite a moron as well, and he wilts in any unscripted situation. He’s also polling horribly amongst Republican voters. The Republican party is such an utter shitshow right now it’s hard to see where they could produce any viable general candidate. Assuming Trump isn’t already in jail, they know he will go independent if he isn’t the nominee, which would guarantee a Republican loss. The more “moderate” side of the party has nobody to run. They’re basically fucked. When it comes to Biden, he has to run again. You never not run the incumbent again. When it comes to the Democrats, they just have to avoid stepping into shit, while watching the Republican party divide itself. The last thing they want is a contentious primary that divides votes.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            I’m glad you’re feeling so confident.

      • nancysliver-av says:

        He will. You libs just sealed the deal.

    • nancysliver-av says:

      It couldn’t be any worse than what this country is dealing with now. 

      • blpppt-av says:

        It most certainly would be. A POTUS running the country from prison would make the U.S. a complete laughingstock, even if the man in question wasn’t a persistently corrupt bloviating idiot.

        • recognitions-av says:

          It’s adorable you think we haven’t been a complete laughingstock since 2016

        • i-miss-splinter-av says:

          A POTUS running the country from prison would make the U.S. a complete laughingstock

          It already is a laughingstock. Has been since you elected Trump. The whole world is watching the US roll back rights and court fascism.

    • Spoooon-av says:

      The last time I had those dark morbid thoughts was early 2016, when I pondered “I wish I had a cross-dimensional television so I could occasionally check in on the timeline where he won”.I’m banishing any similar dark thoughts this time around.

    • dmicks-av says:

      Chris Sununu is considering a run, I would disagree with just about everything he would do, but he’s not an authoritarian lunatic like Trump and DeSantis. If the right number of people run and split the vote in the right ways, maybe he could get the nomination. I would never vote for him, but I wouldn’t be afraid he would try to end democracy either.

      • blpppt-av says:

        The problem is that unless state-level charges stick, a GOP president in 2025 would almost certainly immediately pardon Trump.

        • dmicks-av says:

          I’m more worried about them pardoning the January 6th terrorists, and whatever other terrorists like them do in between now and then. I don’t think Sununu would do that, but who knows. I don’t want him as president, he just doesn’t seem as crazy/evil as the other options.

    • antifaninjajediwarrior-av says:

      Any Morbid curiosity I would have had about a trump presidency died in 2017. He would just pardon himself wouldn’t he? 

      • blpppt-av says:

        For fed charges, maybe. But for state, he’d have no authority to do so.So, he could theoretically serve from a jail cell.

  • noyousetyourusername-av says:

    https://www.avclub.com/donald-trump-is-done-and-so-is-the-a-v-clubs-coverage-1846090469I’m as happy as anybody that Trump has been indicted and I hope he rots in jail, but for the love of god, can AV Club please stick to their word on this? The writing on this site has fallen off a damn cliff over the few years and I do not at all have confidence that in the current crop of writers to cover topics like this.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      You’re going to get nothing but gossip, outrage headlines and sponcon. Accept it.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Can they at least ask Hugh Grant what he thinks?They should be able to spin his response into a pseudo-snarky self-victimisation piece. 

    • fanburner-av says:

      Lifehacker got sold to a better company. We can only hope the same lucky fate eventually befalls the AV Club.

    • richardalinnii-av says:

      Don’t know what you are talking about, last week they posted an article that said Kevin Kline played Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride. First time I’ve seen someone report the truth!

    • ja-pa-bo-av says:

      Hey c’mon, until I read the next stupid thing about Don’t Worry Darling, this is all we have!!!

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      I mean, I mostly agree, but this is too big of news to ignore.

      • jpfilmmaker-av says:

        No its not, at least not as far as this site is concerned.  I mean, this article is basically a Twitter scrape as it is.  The claim that whatever Trump does is entertainment related because he used to be a reality show host was always tenuous at best.

        • yesidrivea240-av says:

          I disagree. The claim that whatever Trump does is entertainment related because he used to be a reality show host was always tenuous at best.This isn’t false or a tenuous claim at all. Trump may have been wealthy and marginally famous before The Apprentice, but that show really put him on the map for a lot of people. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a direct correlation between the popularity of The Apprentice and him becoming president.Besides, this site will write about lesser known actors from lesser known shows all the time, only those people don’t have the benefit of being a former president.

          • jpfilmmaker-av says:

            The claim is tenuous because he’s not on a reality show any more, if you don’t count cable news coverage of politics.  Nor does he really have anything to do with entertainment, for the most part.  

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            I hate that I have to defend Trump right now. Why are you making me do this lol. AV Club is a pop culture website, meaning they write about authors too. Trump has written a few books, with his most recent book published in 2021. No, I did not know that, I had to google it, but I digress. Regardless of how we feel about him, I think he has enough pop-culture relevance to be mentioned here. Besides, celebrities reacting to things is pop culture adjacent.

          • jpfilmmaker-av says:

            You’re not really defending Trump. You’re defending the AVClub’s coverage of him. That make you feel any better?

            Now, why either of us are climbing up these hills to die on… God only knows.

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Meanwhile… conservative sites like The Takeout are writing about how they keep their bananas fresh. You can’t ignore the truth forever!

    • iggypoops-av says:

      I keep my bananas fresh by paying a porn star to keep them someplace secret. 

    • faaaaqimscarey-av says:

      Fake news to distract us.  I mean someone that eats bananas every day clearly isnt going to have an issue with keeping them fresh! /s

    • fever-dog-av says:

      The Takeout gives us fast food while the 1% eat beluga caviar!

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Should the Takeout be writing about the Trump indictment? It’s a food site, wtf? And I don’t know how they’re “conservative” – because they don’t write about politics? 

      • mr-rubino-av says:

        They’re being snarkastic but I don’t think even they know what point they’re trying to circle vaguely around.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Celebrities saying something about something. I’m taking notes. I missed this timeline. Does Daniels even care about this anymore? Because it looks like Trump started all of this hysteria in order to garner attention, get to the top of the press pile and get his fans all worked up. And, of all of his past misdeeds, he chose to resurrect an incident involving a woman – with whom he had sex. This has all of the ingredients that his woman-hating legion loves.But I’ve seen Ms. Daniel’s tweets regarding the indictment. I don’t believe for a second that calling him “tiny” and insulting him bothers him one bit. Trump has that extremely sick kind of personality that actually adores being insulted. It’s attention and he believes that negative attention = envy. She’s just feeding his ego further and feeding the frenzy too.

    • garland137-av says:

      A reporter once said that Trump had tiny hands, and for years afterwards Trump kept mailing him pictures of himself with his hands circled in sharpie, with notes saying how big they are.  The man is incapable of letting anything go, ever.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        I think that actually got to Trump. Ms. Daniels has made references to another part of Trump’s body. She didn’t call it freakishly small, but anything less than “yuge” is going to imply the worst.And she absolutely deserves to feel smug. I guess from experience I’m less likely to start crowing until the sun actually comes up.

      • coatituesday-av says:

        That reporter could very well have been Kurt Anderson or Graydon Carter, then of Spy magazine. When the magazine was running (1980s), they often referred to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian”, which really upset him. It’s a term I still think of when it comes to Trump. And — take a look at him, and listen to him – it’s not an actionable case of slander.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I don’t believe for a second that calling him “tiny” and insulting him bothers him one bit.”

      People like you are great. You see decades and decades and decades of evidence that consistently paints a picture of someone who takes the MILDEST insult ENTIRELY personally. This is a man who has spent entire campaign rally stops whining about some imagined slight that someone delivered.I mean, this indictment has to do with the fact that he DESPERATELY wanted to stop people from finding out that he paid for sex.He is absolutely, without a doubt one of the thinnest-skinned individuals to ever seek public attention.

    • jjdebenedictis-av says:

      No, he’s a malignant narcissist, and narcissists go ape-shit when they take a hit to their ego.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I want to frame that tweet about Don Jr and hang it in the Louvre.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    The funniest part of this is that if he is found guilty of a felony and is incarcerated, on parole, on probation, or hasn’t paid all his fines, fees, and restitutions completely, then come November 2024, I’m pretty sure he can’t legally vote in Florida.

    • iggypoops-av says:

      This case will not be concluded before November 2024… it will potentially drag out over years. No initial dates have been set yet – that will come later – then the defense will do motion after motion after motion and each will have to be heard and decided, pushing trial dates back and back… the jury selection itself will be a complete shitshow. No way this is done before end of 2024 – may not even have *started* actual trial by then. 

      • paulfields77-av says:

        Very true. But if it is followed by indictments over fraudulent loan applications, sedition and election fraud, then his legal woes are unlikely to help him campaign amongst anybody but his already solid base.  The people he needs to win over to win to regain the presidency are going to have limited patience for this circus.

        • jpfilmmaker-av says:

          Is there really anyone who is going to vote for him besides his base anyways? Are there really independents who are still on the fence, especially if it’s Trump and Biden again? Maybe if Biden decides not to run, gets too sick or dies or something and we get some really divisive Democratic candidate, Trump might be able to eek it out again, but I don’t think anyone but the hardcore GOP and MAGA crowds (they are separate, though its a distinction with very little practical difference) are going to vote for him.

          • paulfields77-av says:

            That’s the logical interpretation, but, you know, the world’s insane at the moment.

      • mewisemagickenny-av says:

        This is an accurate, and unfortunate, conclusion. That Corrupt Cheeto has a reputation for blocking any kind of judicial progress, hoping he exhausts the opposition and they either quit or take a settlement. It sucks, but it’s truth.

      • Spoooon-av says:

        That’s more or less what one of the analysts I was listening to said last night: this is going to be a slow and boring process.

      • knukulele-av says:

        New York is gonna slap down motions as fast as he can produce them. They recently had a deadline for “midnight tonight with response to be filed by 6am”. They’ve had enough of his bullshit. NY has a “right to a speedy trial” law that says prosecutors must be ready for trial within 6 months. I expect a series of rapid fire motion/rebukes and a trial starting within a year.

      • capeo-av says:

        I’m not so sure about that. His legal advisors are awful and in all the ongoing legal stuff around him stupid motions have been being slapped down with ridiculous quickness, often less than 24 hours, sometimes by judges he appointed. There’s also the aspect that his counsel obviously can’t control him because he keeps spouting nonsense about the DA, judge, judge’s wife and more that’s not just insulting but perceivably interfering and/or threatening. He keeps that up and a gag order is the minimum he’s going to get.

    • nancysliver-av says:

      He’s gonna be president come November 2024 lol

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      He won’t be incarcerated for this. Pretty much all the legal opinions were saying it’s a stretch to even charge him for a felony for this, which would usually be a misdemeanor. The whole thing is a bit of a stretch, frankly (which not to say he’s not guilty of a crime in this case, because he certainly is, but pulling a felony charge out of it takes some doing).

      If I understand it all right (IANAL, and all that), the root crime (falsification of documents) is only a misdemeanor, and the statute of limitations has already run out. However, the actual charges stem from committing that crime in order to obscure a second crime (that being campaign finance rules). But that second crime is federal, not state, and the feds haven’t actually charged Trump with committing it. So it’s all a bit of a stretch.And even if he’s convicted on all 34 counts (which sounds like a lot until you realize they’re just individualizing all the separate documents that were falsified rather than lumping it into one charge), even if he’s convicted (big “if” there) the chances of a former president going to jail over something that most prosecutors wouldn’t even bring to trial in is nil.

      Now, the investigation into the Georgia elections call… that’s where things will get really interesting.

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        He doesn’t have to be incarcerated to lose his voting rights in Florida. Being on probation for a felony conviction is enough. Like you said, probably won’t happen. But if it did it would be hilarious. Especially since he would vote anyway, and I believe that is a felony in Florida.

  • reddye6-av says:

    What was Dawes’ reaction?

  • antifaninjajediwarrior-av says:

    Lock that two time impeached putin loving traitor up! And he sucked in Home Alone 2 as well!

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    Merrick Garland and the DOJ sit on their ass for years. Meanwhile, a pornstar never gave up fighting.Stormy Daniels: National Hero.

  • killa-k-av says:

    You love to see it.

  • mortimercommafamousthe-av says:

    Hello, I come from the future. Here’s what happened: He arrived at his arraignment. He pleaded not guilty. A trial date was not set. His lawyers were successful in delaying a trial from proceeding until his death from aggressive anal cancer in 2025.

  • tatsumakijim-av says:

    If Trump is as dumb as I can comically imagine a brainless mob boss being,  there’s probably a bunch of people waiting to pick up some easy witness tampering and witness intimidation charges in the next while.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Funny you say that. I often thought “Does he understand there’s rules to the office of the presidency? He seems to think he’s The Godfather.”

      • westsidegrrl-av says:

        Of course he thinks that. Remember what he said to Comey in his tacky Queens accent? “I wantcha loyalty.” He was cosplaying the Mob.

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Alyssa Milano was a bit of a downer, reminding folks that it’s not great that the American presidency got to this point in the first place, although even she acknowledged the general point about no one being above the law.Liberal cringe. The US Presidency has always been shit, occupied by horrible people. Except Grant.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Definitely a banner day for #resistance twitter. Boy howdy.Wake me when any actual consequences occur. As in an actual guilty verdict.

  • sybann-av says:

    Big fucking deal. Let me know when it’s executed for mass murder so I can queue up to piss on its grave. 

  • mavar-av says:

    Never before in history have we had a deranged disturbing criminal like Donald Trump as president. Nothing was normal about it in America and yet Conservatives tried to normalize it for their own gain. Now they’re acting like this is unpresented? It fits Trump’s depraved world.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    The Daily Show is a celebrity? I thought it was a tv show. Anyway, those are some pretty funny tweets. Is this one of the first times The Daily Show has been funny since 2015?

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    They’re laughing. Donald Trump was just indicted for using campaign funds to illegally pay hush money to a porn star, and these people are laughing.

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      I could not give less of a shit what Rob Reiner thinks about…anything, actually, but what exactly is the appropriate response to this news?

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      They should be laughing at Trump. Why aren’t you?

    • fanburner-av says:

      That’s what the word “laughinstock” means, you see. Donald Trump is a laughinstock. People point at him and laugh in derision.

    • monochromatickaleidoscope-av says:

      Actually, he’s being indicted for not using campaign funds to pay porn star hush money. His lawyer paid the demanded $130,000 from his personal funds, and was reimbursed with payments notated as “legal fees.” The crime is that they’re accounted for as payments for legal work while actually being paying him back for the porn star hush money. Falsifying business records, misdemeanor, basically never prosecuted, because there’s no victim. Doesn’t avoid taxes or anything, doesn’t make a difference to the government or society at large if the invoices say “legal fees” or “porn star hush money.” The campaign finance violation is saying that when Cohen paid the $130,000 to keep her quiet, it was effectively a campaign contribution, which is way over the limit that a person can donate to a campaign. It’s a pretty questionable argument. I mean, you aren’t allowed to use campaign funds to pay your mortgage or buy clothes, even if it’s a tie specifically for a debate, you’d need to buy clothes whether or not you were running for office, so you can’t use donor money to do it. Yes, the porn star hush money likely did help the campaign, but things like paying to keep an old affair quiet and settling old lawsuits have such an obvious personal benefit that it’s not hard to imagine Trump paying her to sign an NDA if it happened a month after the election when he wasn’t running anymore, or in 2013 or whenever, so if he’d used campaign funds to pay her, he’d probably would’ve been charged for misusing donor money to pay for personal stuff, but falsifying business records to cover up another crime is a felony, so a 5 year statute of limitations rather than 2, and as it happened almost 7 years ago, even with the 5 year limit it’s tough, so they have to make the argument that paying the porn star you hooked up with right after your wife gave birth to not tell your wife and the rest of the world all about it is a campaign expense and should’ve been paid with money donated to the campaign. Though John Edwards was prosecuted for getting a couple of donors to pay almost $1 million to cover up his affair in the heat of his campaign and was acquitted. Too much personal interest and benefit in keeping affairs secret, the motivation to avoid having your personal life get rocked and having your marriage possibly end is there whether you’re running a campaign or not. 

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    They’re laughing. Donald Trump was just indicted for using campaign funds to illegally pay hush money to a porn star, and these people are laughing.

  • mavar-av says:

    I can’t believe that it ended up like this for a president of the United States who cursed and insulted all the time, did rallies mainly in the south for his whole presidency. Called Dems the enemy of America. Praised and defended Putin. Who attempted a violent coup. Has support from white nationalist, Nazis, the KKK. The list of awful here could go on and on. Yet conservatives tried to normalize it all. Now they’re acting surprised and calling this indictment unprecedented? No, it perfectly fits in the depraved world of Donald Trump. Nothing Trump ever started in his life ended well for him or those around him. There’s no silver lining to any of this madness and there never will be.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    SOMETHING . . . in the way he Moore’s?

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Who even needs Twitter? I can actually hear Samantha Bee screaming from where I’m sitting.

  • jplearn-av says:
  • seven-deuce-av says:

    Sadly, this will probably gift Trump another 4 years in office. Dumb strategy.

  • waylon-mercy-av says:

    I love that votes one, lol. That’s pretty good

  • vanheat-av says:

    Fuck Trump, but this case is garbage. Trying to roll misdemeanors into a felony with some untested legal theory…yawn. This is banana republic stuff. For shame.

  • trevceratops-av says:

    As a friendly Canadian observer… I still see him winning in 2024, sadly.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    This isn’t going to end well for the country. Shame it came to this. 

    • kinosthesis-av says:

      Then the country (or enough of it anyway) shouldn’t have elected a known criminal to office. You get what you ask for.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      This isn’t going to end well for the country.

      Shame it came to this.

      A criminal has been indicted. Why do you find it shameful?

      • vanheat-av says:

        Because it’s a politically motivated non-starter of a case? Politico called it a witch hunt only done for political purposes and Bragg wouldn’t bring this case against anyone else, and Washington Post said it was a weak, scattershot (my word) case. It’s bullshit.

    • chronophasia-av says:

      You’re right. Shame that America decided a bloviating fool and failure of a business man could lead this country effectively.

  • goldenb-av says:

    The Don Jr. post made me lol.

  • knukulele-av says:

    Sources have said over 30 counts. That’s not just covering up a hush money payment. Hopefully some of them are because Bragg got fed up with the intimidation attempts and charged him with obstruction.

  • yourmovecrepe-av says:

    I’m happy to see El Cheeto indicted, but why do I care what a bunch of celebrities think about it?

  • donnation-av says:

    By celebrities do you mean the usual fucking weirdos who have nothing better to do than talk about fucking politics all day in tweets?

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    I live in Canada and have avoided being judgemental of Americas mess but like…. how in the hell does there exist the possibility that a president can pardon them self from criminal charges. I’m sorry your political system is stupid.

    This wont stick. Enjoy your super villain president who destroyed the effectiveness of democracy in your country. The fact that a lot of people agree that Trump “can’t be allowed to run for president in 2024″ means your democracy is broken. Do tell me Americans why shouldn’t he be allowed to run? Oh yah because your democracy is broken and propaganda has totally divided your country.

    I don’t understand what the benefit of giving one person absolute power is.

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