James Corden's "Spill Your Guts" segment gets huge overhaul after online petition about its cultural insensitivity

The petition calls out the game's regular use of Asian delicacies like thousand-year-old eggs, where Corden labels calls them "disgusting" and "horrific"

TV News Spill Your Guts
James Corden's "Spill Your Guts" segment gets huge overhaul after online petition about its cultural insensitivity
James Corden and Julia Carey Photo: Frazer Harrison

James Corden announces in a recent interview with Howard Stern that The Late Late Show will revise the format for “Spill Your Guts” after being called out for its insensitive use of dishes from Asian cultures.

In the segment “Spill Your Guts,” celebrity guests must either answer difficult questions or consume “disgusting” foods. In an episode with Jimmy Kimmel that first aired in 2016, balut (boiled fertilized egg dish), pídàn (thousand-year-old egg) and xuě dòufǔ (pig blood tofu) were used as his food punishments. All of these foods are considered delicacies in different Asian cultures. Many of these dishes have been used regularly throughout the years in the Corden game, including cod sperm, which is eaten regularly in Japanese cuisine.

“Wow, it all looks so terrible,” guest Jimmy Kimmel remarks in the segment. “It’s really disgusting. It’s horrific,” Corden replies.

TikTok user Kim Saira made a video discussing the culturally insensitively segment, and created a Change.org petition to push Corden to either change the foods used in the segment, or to remove the segment from the show entirely. The original TikTok has amassed over 2 million views on the platform, and the petition has received 45,000 signatures.

“In the wake of the constant Asian hate crimes that have continuously been occurring, not only is this segment incredibly culturally offensive and insensitive, but it also encourages anti-Asian racism,” Saira writes in the petition description. “So many Asian Americans are consistently bullied and mocked for their native foods, and this segment amplifies and encourages it.”

Corden apologized for the segment and told Stern that the show is changing course for “Spill Your Guts,” and the foods used from now on will focus on a “fattening, diet-destroying” angle, like the ones presented to Anna Wintour.

“We heard that story, and the next time we do that bit we absolutely won’t involve or use any of those foods,” Corden said. “As you said at the start, our show is a show about joy and light and love, we don’t want to make a show to upset anybody.”


  • therealchrisward-av says:

    Disgusting. Who would watch James Corden?

    • actionactioncut-av says:

      It’s horrific.

    • johnbeckwith-av says:

      I thought pigs eat anything.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      I ask myself that question whenever I see him in anything.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      A deleted scene from Temple of Doom showed Willie and Short Round having to watch Corden do a Broadway medley during dinner with the Maharajah.

      • mifrochi-av says:

        “I said, nope, that’s too far. It was just too much. This weird little Englishman strutting around in his little vest? Nope, nope, nope. Let’s get to the heart-ripping.” – Stephen Spielberg

      • kencerveny-av says:

        Corden footage was also part of Alex’s Ludivico Technique treatments in A Clockwork Orange but it ended up on the cutting room floor. Little known fact.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        At which point Mola Ram strangled him with a bowstring while singing “Mehndi Laga Ke Rakhna” — which I sadly can’t find the scene from, so you could see Amrish Puri dancing with Shah Rukh Khan!

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      SeriouslyGive me the cod sperm instead

    • joe2345-av says:

      I enjoyed him verbally  slapping Bill Maher around a while back

    • iswearimnice-av says:

      interesting that the chubby dude is swapping racism with fat shaming.

    • toilet-break-av says:

      From Conan, to the Daily Show (“even Steven” era) and subseqient Colbert’s reincarnation as a nutjob conservative pundit (which somehow became the non-satyrical editorial reference for Fox News), I’ve been a huge fan of all these late night comedians and from a comedian’s objective perspective, James Corden owes them nothing. The guy is quick on his feet with a witty joke as few out there, on same level as Martin Short.He can do most of his show on interactive improv comedy mode and get the crowd contuouly laughing their heads off.I don’t appreciate his singing bits so much but he’s a stand up comedy genius.Now this guy has one of the cleanest cut kinds of humour and accusing him of racism is itself a bad joke.It’s humour for God’s sake and of the most naif type, it seems that nowadays the only acceptable humour is the one mocking white men, the exact same generation of white people who aknowledged their sins and is trying to make amends.Let me tell you, white people are far from habing the exysivr on racusm, I have lived in Asia for many years and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the most absurd routine cases of racism I’ve seen were often the work of east Asians such as the washing machine TV ads in which to demonstrate its efficiency an African man got in and after a few cycles a pale Chinese model came out!I’ve witnesses philipinos having to cancel a national holiday celebration in a chinese majority country after a tremendous horrible wave of online hate or several cased of white men being hunted by online crowds and eventually loosing their jobs having tabandon the Asian country I’ve lived after minor language faux pas caught on video, needless to say the waves of online hate and insults were several orders of magnitude worse.So spare me the hipocrisy, USA and other westernised countries are a magnet for people from all over the world because of the freedom of speech, creativity and economic freedom. It’s a country based on ideals not in race like China, Japan or Korea.This view of white people as the root of all evil is fuel for trumpists and other right wing lunatics, if we don’t change course it will be the downfall of western democracy.

  • chriska-av says:

    balut fans rejoice!

    • actionactioncut-av says:

      I work with these little old ladies who, over the years, have shared many a delightful Filipino treat with me, but they also keep offering (threatening?) to bring me balut.

      • kirivinokurjr-av says:

        Filipinos always get a good giggle when they dare nonFil-Ams to eat the stuff. Balut tastes really good when it’s nice and hot and with salt, but sight of beak and feathers is…a hurdle.

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          Is this like durian where people pretend that once you get over the initial it tastes good. To which I say, with durian, good is subjective and no it is not good. I even tried a popsicle nope. The rotting corpse vomit smell aside.

          • kirivinokurjr-av says:

            I think balut is genuinely tasty even if the visual is challenging. The problem with durian is that the stink is what’s appalling, and you can’t really taste something without being able to smell it.  I won’t go near durian.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            Thus I mentioned the popsicle, frozen so truly no smell. I did not enjoy that flavor. 

          • brickhardmeat-av says:

            I really like balut. I’m not Filipino, I’ve just always been fascinated by it and decided to make it one day – the Asian market near my house sells the eggs and the preparation is simple. It tastes like very rich chicken broth. The beak and feathers and stuff – you just gotta crunch through it. At the risk of “yucking someone’s yum”, I’m with you on durian. I’ve tried, honestly. The taste was actually not terrible – like a mix between vanilla pudding and pungent blue cheese, two things I like but feel odd together. But the smell was straight up rotten garbage. The best explanation I’ve heard is the durian we get stateside is not fresh and doesn’t have the same smell/flavor. Is this true? I don’t know. I do know I’d gladly eat balut anytime, anywhere, given the opportunity. And I’d avoid durian like the plague.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            The taste is not as horrible as the smell, but I still don’t like it. 

          • notochordate-av says:

            I had fresh durian mochi in Shanghai, it’s got more of a gasoline smell than rotted I would say. The durian here definitely looks sad. I have not tried buying it.

          • wabznazm-av says:

            I live in Vietnam, so it’s pretty much everywhere. They sell it in my normal corner shop which has fierce air-conditioning. There smell is there, but it’s not overpowering. It’s very well loved. I’ve had it before and didn’t mind it – circular breathing techniques are encouraged!

            That shit is EXPENSIVE though. Even here, you can just buy a couple of pieces dug out of the main fruit and wrapped and it’s like 3 or 4 times more expensive and another fruit of similar weight. The King of Fruit, don’t you forget it.

          • cmartin101444-av says:

            I think durian is one of those foods where different people perceive the smell differently. Maybe not as strong a case as cilantro where one gene can change the taste from good to foul, but something similar. This article makes the case that the rotting flesh is an association only made by some people. https://www.heifer.org/blog/durian-reeks-of-death.html I’ve never had the rotting association. But, it does smell strong! I can smell it from a block away and wouldn’t want to be in the same subway train with someone eating one. But the flavor to me is fine. I’ve had durian ice cream before, which was actually pretty good, because the cold brings down the smell, but then I was making durian burps for the next 3 hours!

      • gargsy-av says:

        Don’t let the internet know that you would hesitate for even half a second…

  • nuerosonic-av says:

    “focus on a “fattening, diet-destroying” angle”This…. isn’t exactly better.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Yes. It is. FUCK OFF.

    • charliedesertly-av says:

      Also ironic, because if I’m not mistaken, the thing people are crediting him with “destroying Bill Maher” for was basically saying that people should be more empathetic toward fat people.

      • mifrochi-av says:

        You know, in that context it’s not the craziest idea – the “joke” with making people eat regional cuisine is that it’s food they don’t normally encounter that doesn’t appeal to their tastes. It’s a bit more cutting if you present celebrities with familiar foods they refuse to eat because of Hollywood’s unhealthy fixation on dieting. Or it’s just going to be an excuse to watch rich people awkwardly take a bit of a hamburger or something. 

    • notochordate-av says:

      Yeah seriously, WTF. Why not make it stuff that doesn’t go together. Donuts slathered in mayonnaise, etc.

  • noblezero-av says:

    So when are we going to be labeled racists/insensitive because in China they keep dogs in cages as they sell them for their meat and I think thats disgusting?

    • charliedesertly-av says:

      I thought of that too.I haven’t seen the Corden segments, don’t know exactly how disrespectful any of it was. But I understand his wanting, in current circumstances, to, as chief Wiggum once said, lay off the Asians.But balut, for example, is uniquely disgusting to me. Like, there’s nothing that could get me to eat it. In fact it makes me sort of despair for humanity.And the same goes for eating dogs. No way.I’ve spent some time pretty close to where a massive and controversial dog meat festival is held each year in China. And I would never go near it. But it’s… I don’t know if one can speak objectively about food and diet. But personally, I’d probably go ballistic if I had to be around someone being cruel to dogs.

    • fwgkwhgtre-av says:

      i think the statement alone is sad/informative enough without needing the picture to drive it home 🙁 reminds me of that one time Jezebel had a header image of a rabbit trapped/restrained for testing; this isn’t necessary. wish they’d still hide/blur photos here.

    • sulfolobus-av says:

      Our idea that dogs are “part of the family” is very, very new. Americans used to have their dog and cat pets euthanized before going on vacation. (Euthanizing them + buying a new one was cheaper than a week at a kennel.) In most countries, dogs are just neighborhood dogs. Maybe you feed them, maybe you kick them. I do agree that it’s sad for a lot of reasons like our role in their domestication and their intelligence. Just saying that it’s not rare.

      • damack70-av says:

        I’m sorry – what? When exactly did “Americans used to their dog and cat pets euthanized before going on vacation”??

      • send-in-the-drones-av says:

        “Part of the family” is tied to working dogs that are integrated with keeping the family alive and those who grew up in cultures where that is still true. It seems to increase with distance from the equator and hunting that requires tracking and detaining the prey. I suspect places where dogs are eaten are places where dogs are competing for food from humans. 

      • billionblonbro-av says:

        Lol you’re so full of shit. Like none of this is true in any sense. Stop talking. 

    • notochordate-av says:

      Westerners do a ton of mental gymnastics to explain how, say, veal is fine but eating dogs is not (and I”m interested to see if attitudes towards factory farming change as chickens become more popular pets).

    • killaryclintonredux-av says:

      Are you vegan? Because otherwise you’re eating an animal that’s been in a cage and you’ve arbitrariy labeled ‘okay to eat’.

    • bryanska-av says:

      At some point “it’s racist” will come to a head and somebody, somewhere, is going to have to write down some fucking rules. The trajectory is untenable. I don’t like how Italians stand in line (they don’t) and I don’t like a lot of other shit I can’t say here. Because culture is different from race, and culture can suck sometimes. Culture starts wars and beats kids and mutilates genitals. I don’t know why anyone is so bent on preserving it. Seems like you can fix a lot of problems if it wasn’t so sacred. 

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Depends on whether the “disgusting” refers to the “cages” part or the “dog meat” part. Cages, sure – definitely not culturally insensitive to desire that animals be treated humanely even if they are intended to be eaten.  The other part, it’s just that we have decided as a culture that certain animals are food and certain animals are not, and that’s not universal, so that would be essentially cultural insensitivity.

  • hasselt-av says:

    He can move to disgusting Western food. How about that Sardinian cheese with live maggots? Or Irish-American food?

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      Beer cheese and green bean casserole.

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      As someone who is of Welsh-Irish-Portuguese descent, I can think of a LOT of disgusting western food that is applicable.

      • actionactioncut-av says:

        I have maintained that the Portuguese have flown under the radar too long in the gross food conversation. Pretty much any of the desserts invented by horny nuns are great, but the main courses? No thank you.

        • harrydeanlearner-av says:

          My mom is fresh off the boat (well, plane) Portuguese and this is 100 percent accurate. Other than the Paella Valenciana of course. Otherwise my favorite thing would be the Pasteis de Nata which as you noted is the pastry division.
          Also, from what I’ve seen every time I’ve been to Portugal, there’s a decent alcoholism problem there and the male chauvinism is through the roof. Shoot, even my immediate family is kind of like that: the thought of a man doing kitchen work or clean up on a holiday? Never happens. 

          • coolmanguy-av says:

            My entire mom’s side is full Portuguese, mainland Portugal is full of very conservative and heavy drinking people. It’s somehow become the Texas of the Iberian peninsula.

          • harrydeanlearner-av says:

            Same here (entire Mom’s side) – Grandpa’s family was from Lisbon or round thereabouts and Grandma’s side is from up North around by Coimbra. The one side from up north always throws me off, cause they’re so much lighter by and large than the “southern” side.
            I haven’t been to Portugal in probably 10 years, I need to get back over and see how things are going over there. The old man’s side is one of those that’s been in the states since the 1830’s and we don’t have any communication with family over in Europe (per my Dad we’re Welsh-Irish-German mutts or somethings)

          • coolmanguy-av says:

            I was in Lisbon and Madeira visiting family two years ago. Lisbon is getting a lot better (pre pandemic) thanks to increased tourism from the US and more young Brits visiting as a cheaper alternative to Spain. My family is from Funchal in Madeira but none of my cousins live there anymore because it’s all tourism and no other jobs. Ronaldo becoming the biggest soccer player in the world helped with tourism there a lot.

          • dogrivergrad68-av says:

            at least they have a decent drug policy

          • Alan-Hope-av says:

            I think you’ll find that Paella Valenciana is from Valencia, which is about as far from Portugal as you can go without dropping back into the sea. 

        • coolmanguy-av says:

          A lot of Portuguese food is either very fresh with little preparation (fish, cheeses, cured meats) or it’s a dish that takes a month to prepare and has 100+ ingredients with a certain spice that is only available on the island of Madeira that nobody exports. 

        • wakemein2024-av says:

          Greek desserts are inedibly sweet. Even that one that looks like a giant shredded wheat. And that’s coming from an American who occasionally still eats Pop Tarts.

          • wabznazm-av says:

            To be eaten with outrageously strong and short black Greek coffee. Not to be attempted without.

      • dogrivergrad68-av says:

        most traditional food from Iceland would qualify

    • recognitions-av says:

      Or Applebee’s!

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Or Irish-American food? Yep. I ain’t eating boiled dinner. It’s an edible fart.

      • harrydeanlearner-av says:

        Murph! Sully! Fitz! Get Jimmy C and the rest of the Northeast Catholics who are now instantly enraged!*City of Boston goes from pale to lobster red

        • tml123-av says:

          Can’t see many Irish people getting enraged about our shitty food.  My Irish-American grandmother, God Rest Her Soul, used to give me cereal with half and half in it, while smoking a Virginia Slims Menthol 120.  She was, quite literally, the best person in the world.

      • mifrochi-av says:

        You might think there’s nothing worse than walking into someone’s house on St Patrick’s Day and it smells like cigarette smoke, light beer, boiled cabbage, and overcooked corned beef. But then, someone says the N-word.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Seriously! My kid brother boiled corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick’s Day, before I learned I could just soak the salt out of it, and slow-roast it for the kind of corned beef you could make sandwiches out of….Serve with roasted potatoes and sauerkraut.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Lutefisk, it’s kinda Americanized in the Midwest at least.

      • geralyn-av says:

        It’s best in the garbage can.

      • citronc-av says:

        Hey, I grew up part of a Scandinavian family that were big fans of and expert preparers of lutefisk… It was still exquistely malodorous and thoroughly revolting. He is free to use it, to make it extra punishing need to make them dine in the room it was prepared in.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Oh, Gods! My kid brother, when he was living in Eden Prairie, MN (the home of MST3K!), used to go to Christmas Scandinavian dinners where they regularly served lukefisk — he even kind of liked it….

    • mifrochi-av says:

      If he attempts to have corned beef with boiled cabbage and potatoes in the segment, there’s a 100% chance that the collective atmosphere nausea and despair will end the segment permanently. 

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Soak the corned beef to get the salt out (overnight should do it), rinse, then season (I use paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, and coriander — if I want a more pastrami-like taste I also add Ras El Hanout…which is Moroccan Seasoning and not one of Batman’s greatest villains!), completely wrap in aluminum foil and slow-roast for 1-1/2 hr./lb. at 275°. If you do that right, it comes out fork-tender and juicy….Someone wants cabbage? They can boil it themselves! I’ll be over here having some lovely sauerkraut and roasted potatoes with my corned beef….

    • light-emitting-diode-av says:

      Or English food, it tastes like nothing with the added bonus of meeting your daily caloric needs and 500% of your recommended sodium somehow.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Some of those weird jello dishes from the 60s.

    • seanpiece-av says:

      Scrapple. Chitlins. Ambrosia salad. Shots of wheat grass. Ham hocks. Rocky Mountain oysters. Caviar. Plenty of “gross” stuff that white people in various regions eat all the time, no need to add a layer of “ewww and it’s foreign!” to the bit.

      “Gross” is in quotes because I’ve had a few of those and they’re perfectly edible, and like most foods it’s all about whether or not you were exposed to it at an early age. Heck, a lobster is a giant ocean cockroach and we pay a whole lot for the luxury of cracking one open. 

      • hasselt-av says:

        Scrapple is my food Alamo. My attempts to defend it to the uninitiated are doomed to failure, but I’ll never give up.

        • mifrochi-av says:

          I don’t know if I have ever had real scrapple, but I went to a place in California that served scrapple on bagels and it was so good. 

          • laserface1242-av says:

            I’ve had real scrapple and I’ll say that it’s pretty good as long as you don’t think about what it’s made of. 

        • geralyn-av says:

          Yeah my German-American grandparents made their version of scrapple and it was so good. I have the recipe and have made it a few times. Like I said it’s their version, probably very regional (somewhere in Bavaria) and it’s not called scrapple. Don’t ask me what because I only know how to pronounce it, not spell it. My grandparents spoke German to each other but they never taught their kids to speak it.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        Hey I’ve had scrapple and it’s pretty good as long as you don’t think about what it’s made of.

      • hasselt-av says:

        May I nominate the andouillette to the list of potentially vile prepared meats? Despite the name, it is certainly not a smaller version of the delicious Cajun sausage. 

      • wakemein2024-av says:

        Big scrapple fan here, but it has to be sliced fairly thin and cooked to a crisp. Then served with ketchup. And even then I can only eat it maybe twice a year. Maybe I’m not such a scrapple fan after all.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Yes for ham hocks, caviar (W/sour cream atop a potato? Delicious!), and ambrosia salad — nope for the rest of it.

    • zonzone-av says:

      “foods used from now on will focus on a “fattening, diet-destroying” angle” – like a hot fudge sundae?

    • devilbunnies3-av says:

      Or normal foods, but describe what’s in it. Pretty much any sausage is the ground up bits people wouldn’t eat if they could identify them. 

    • starvenger88-av says:

      Maybe just serve liquified KD, like in the commercial. 

    • jalapenogeorge-av says:

      Or a great delicacy of my people, Stargazey Pie.

    • alexisrt-av says:

      I nominate ptcha (Yiddish for calf’s foot jelly). Honestly, there’s a lot of terrible Russian food. At least Ukrainians have discovered garlic.

      My family is Polish Jewish on one side and Ukrainian Jewish on the other. My BIL is Chinese. He is horrified by our food. He doesn’t find gefilte fish gross, but doesn’t understand why we add sugar to it. 

    • gregthestopsign-av says:

      Having eaten Hakarl, Balut, Rocky Mountain Oysters, Whale, Puffin, Horse Tongue, Sheeps brains, monkfish liver (delicious btw), fish eyes, deep-fried Mars bar, Chiko Rolls and swamp rat I still maintain that the most disgusting thing I’ve ever eaten was Chicken Waffle in Canada – basically a fried chicken burger with two waffles for the bun and drenched in maple syrup. It’s just wrong!

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Oh, I have much worse — that awful jello salad with canned vegetables covered in Miracle Whip!
      Or Waldorf Salad made with cherry Jell-o and more Miracle Whip?Then let’s have this Corn & Weiner Roast (with mustard, canned creamed corn, and Sharp American Cheese) as part of your healthy lunch!The worst part is, I am almost certain I’ve eaten all of these more than once while I was growing up….

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    Never seen the show, but perhaps he could replace the Asian “treats” with surströmming (Swedish fermented herring often considered to have the worst food smell — worse than durian, even). Mocking Swedish food is still okay, right?

    • hasselt-av says:

      I’ve had it cooked with potatos and onions, and it actually wasn’t bad, although not a flavor I’d necessarily crave. Supposedly, though, the smell and taste are lethal directly out of the can.

    • coolmanguy-av says:

      You can always mock Sweden. Those stupid fish are too popular

    • nominallybright-av says:

      I was coming to the comments specifically to mention surströmming. Even Swedes will admit that it’s potent.

    • citronc-av says:

      Have Swedish heritage and it is perfectly fine to mock the cuisine, I was exposed to it all the time growing up but it was never “good”, except lefse, you can do some good things with lefse.

    • huh1-av says:

      why are you holding up Asians higher than Sweds?

    • jalapenogeorge-av says:

      Personally, out of everything I’ve ever eaten, I find salty licourice the most difficult thing to get down.

  • jgp1972-av says:

    I hate Corden as much as anybody, but hes not wrong here. This is the type of shit that gives the anti-wokeness people more ammo, and in this case they’d be right. Fuck this bullshit.

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      It’s weird to think, but I don’t think your decision over this issue matters in any way, compared to the asian audience that would feel offended over this.

      • adampallydin-av says:

        I think many people are quick to forget the unique trauma of being bullied because your school lunch “smelled weird” or “looks like worms” only to grow into adulthood and Western culture jarringly begin embracing Asian cuisine ranging from Japanese to Korean to Thai to even Filipino-Food is such a personal thing and it’s incredibly dehumanizing for someone to say “this meal you enjoy makes me want to vomit how can you stand it.”

    • wabznazm-av says:

      Good call, White Dude.

  • beertown-av says:

    Plenty of disgusting white people food to pick from, and he didn’t even have to go American. For example, he could have used Hakarl, which is fermented shark meat that smells like dog piss. Can you imagine Icelandic people getting enough steam on social media to change that? No.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      If he wants to avoid controversy, he is English. He could offer a cold cut sandwich that’s been sitting in the window of a shop for two days. Or spaghetti with marinara sauce that somehow contains vinegar but no salt. Or Carling. 

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        If he really wants those clicks and views, make Bud Light the punishment for one of the episodes.

        • mifrochi-av says:

          True. I poke at Carling, but there’s no universe where it’s a worse beer than Bud Light, which is almost 100% urine. 

          • starvenger88-av says:

            “True. I poke at Carling, but there’s no universe where it’s a worse beer than Bud Light, which is almost 100% urine.”I feel like you’re forgetting that Bud Light Lime exists.  

          • triohead-av says:

            They keep doubling down on that product line: there’s also the Bud Lite Lime-a-Rita.
            Frankly, I can’t come up with any other suffixes to add there, but I have faith the Bud product lab will keep the chain going.

        • citronc-av says:

          That’s just inhumane.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        King Rib from a fish&chips place (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Rib ) — and I’ll lay you dollars to doughnuts Corden’s not only eaten it, he kind of loves it, too!

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      Palau, Tuvalu and Nauru all have populations an order of magnitude smaller than Iceland, so it’s probably OK to call their food gross as well.

    • hasselt-av says:

      If you nibble very small pieces at a time, it actually tastes a little bit like a sharp cheese. The entire piece in your mouth at once, though, tastes like pure ammonia.And I think Icelanders actually get a kick out of tourists’ reaction to it.

    • bagman818-av says:

      Haggis is right there.

      • lostlimey296-av says:

        And is extremely tasty. But I’m one of those weirdos who likes chicken hearts and gizzards, so organ meat isn’t much of s tretch. Hard to beat a good Steak & Kidney pie as well./Yeah, I’m obviously English 🙂

        • bagman818-av says:

          I don’t disagree, I was thinking more for TV shock value.Unrelated, chicken hearts and gizzards marinated in hot sauce and butter then smoked is one of life’s sublime pleasures.

        • mifrochi-av says:

          Gizzard is underrated. If you ever find yourself at Harold’s Chicken Shack (it’s a regional fried chicken chain, “region” being a euphemism for “mostly Black neighborhoods in Chicago”) their gizzards are perfectly done and basically nature’s chicken nugget. After I left Chicago I prepared my own gizzards a few times, but 1) raw gizzard is hard to find, even at a meat market, 2) nobody eats them but me, and they don’t reheat well, which means 3) I basically have to spend a full day preparing the gizzards and then spend the entire evening eating them. It’s been a few years. 

      • gregthestopsign-av says:

        Haggis is delicious. Especially when it’s deep-fried in batter!

    • ademonstwistrusts-av says:

      Considering how there’s a major outcry from environmental groups over how sharks sustainability is low due to shark fin soup, I think this is not the best suggestion.

    • noisetanknick-av says:

      James May’s greatest triumph, downing a big bite of hakarl without flinching.“You disappoint me, Ramsay.”

      • tokenaussie-av says:

        That cemented the idea in my head that we need James May as a Bond villain.Also, he later beat Ramsay in a cooking competition using the only he knows.

    • fgdfffdddddddd-av says:

      so its ok to be racist to Norwegians but not asians, what the fuck is wrong with you. Id say you have 1 less eye than a cyclops , but that would be too generous

    • callsoutbullshit-av says:

      Looking at a few clips, it looks like he did that kind of thing.In the couple I watched, they had chicken feet, pickled pig feet, salmon ice cream (which I don’t know if that’s even a cultural thing or if they just made it), ghost pepper hot sauce, bull penis, cow tongue,… etc.It wasn’t just “traditional Asian foods are gross” so I don’t know that it was actually that offensive. I guess someone could argue that it’s still punching down, but it didn’t target any ethnicity in particular.

    • batteredsuitcase-av says:

      Correct. The answer here is Scandinavia. They have some of the most disgusting foods in the world, and no one’s going to get offended that we’re being insensitive to tall, attractive blond people.

    • bobbier-av says:

      They already do all of that.  They use foods from all over the world, including disgusting western food.  The criticism is bonkers

    • magnustyrant-av says:

      Allow me to describe South Australia’s cultural equivalent of a hotdog, the pie floater: take a meat pie. Add tomato sauce (ketchup) on the top. Place in thick, green, pea soup.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        The only good thing about a pie floater is that the hideous name serves as a warning for the awfulness of the dish.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      I’m not proud to admit having watched Corden, but “gross” white people food is somewhat represented on that bit; there are always chunks of headcheese, lutefisk, limburger, etc. among the selection (and milt-as-food shows up in fishing cultures the world over). The article’s assertion that it’s exclusively Asian items set up for ridicule is not totally accurate.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Actually, the Icelandic people laugh at the rest of us because we can’t choke it down! Anthony Bourdain, may he rest in power, tried it once while doing a show in Iceland — he admitted it might actually be worth than warthog rectum, airplane food, or Chicken McNuggets.

  • bikebrh-av says:

    I’m a little surprised that Survivor doesn’t come up in this conversation. I guess it may have been a couple of seasons since they did it, but the “Gross Asian Foods” challenge was a regular event on Survivor since the very first season. If they are smart they cut it out of the next season, and leave it that way, I never found that challenge to be that entertaining anyway

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:

      They haven’t done that in years, but wasn’t it more like bugs and worms, not Asian food?

    • anthonypirtle-av says:

      Survivor has never pretended to be about “joy and light and love.”

    • starvenger88-av says:

      Well they generally mention that the foods are considered delicacies in whatever location they’re in. Also I don’t think they’ve done a food challenge since either Fans vs Favourites 2 or Second Chance. 

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    I think spilling one’s guts should be a euphemism for pooping. Now use it in a sentence! 

  • dmaarten1980-av says:

    You can’t even call FOOD disgusting, or the moral police is there to slap you in the face 😑

  • zwing-av says:

    This is not only a disgusting segment from a cultural POV, and something that legit deserved scorn for that, but also just a fucking stupid lowest common denominator segment. Fuck them.

  • refinedbean-av says:

    Why do cultures the world over all have delicacies that are…like, vile?

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      In some cases, such as fermented foods, they actually had a practical purpose before refrigeration/freezing as they allowed food to be eaten months (or even years) after it was obtained.

      • refinedbean-av says:

        Right, but then how does that become a delicacy? Delicacies = impractical but that’s maybe just my internal definition that needs to be adjusted.

        • citricola-av says:

          A lot of delicacies are impractical largely because they take a long-ass time to prepare, or it’s difficult to do properly, or it’s entirely seasonal because of the ingredients and how they must be prepared.

          • citronc-av says:

            Lutefisk is a perfect example of time and difficulty, takes forever to prepare and uses poisonous chemicals in the process.

        • terrybukowski-av says:

          People raised on it remember it fondly. Then they seek new converts, who are told it’s an “acquired taste.” Even as the original rationales disappear, these foods linger in the culture and are eventually revered.This reverence is inversely proportional to the actual quality of the cuisine; it’s not necessary with foods that are actually desirable in and of themselves: you don’t have to talk anyone into ice cream.

        • mmiswd-av says:

          The thing is, pidan is a fairly ordinary and practical source of protein and flavor — it’s an ingredient in a common variety of congee, it makes for a nice soup with bitter melon, and it’s a popular cold dish topped with ginger and vinegar. Calling it a delicacy exoticizes it. Someone with a different food cultural background might find cheddar cheese or mayonnaise unpalatable, but you wouldn’t say those were considered delicacies in America.  

        • triohead-av says:

          Well, Americans pretty frequently use ‘delicacy’ for ‘food I wouldn’t touch but am told is normal to other people.’
          Century eggs, for example, aren’t fancy or impractical or a special treat. You can get them pretty much any breakfast canteen, from a street vendor, from 7-11, wherever.

    • lonelylow-keysimian-av says:

      poverty, duh.

    • tokenaussie-av says:

      Like refined beans?

  • weallknowthisisnothing-av says:

    This is awful, next thing you know we won’t be able to mock gagh or Rokeg blood pie. 

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    British food is literally the most disgusting thing ever. Make them eat beans on toast instead. It’s fucking disgusting.

    • mwfuller-av says:

      Or Eel Pie.

      • mamakinj-av says:

        Eel Pie….what a time to be alive!

      • dead-elvis-av says:
        • mifrochi-av says:

          I’ve never heard of this band or this song, and from context it’s impossible to tell if they’re a sincere 1960s band, a sincere throwback band, or an ironic throwback band that hit a goldmine of “phrases that are intrinsically funny.”

          • dead-elvis-av says:

            tl;dr – 3rd wave rockabilly, and absolutely sincere..The long & windy version:This became an earworm for me some time shortly before COVID hit, but the only lyrics I could remember were those three title words.The song was something I’d heard years before, on a long-running Friday night rockabilly show on Seattle’s KCMU/KEXP radio station.http://blastoffrnr.com/band-history/4523624665Looks like Eel Pie Island goes back to ‘97, which tracks with when I would have guessed I first heard it. It’s the only song I’ve ever heard by Blast Off, and it took a bit of digging to find it; nearly all the search results related to the subject of the refrain: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eel_Pie_Island (which would have made a good Wiki Wormhole feature) I’ll be giving them a listen, as it’s been a while since I’ve had a regular rockabilly fix. All those Friday nights listening to Shake the Shack with DJ Dr. Leon Berman turned me on to a lot of great stuff, old & new.

    • anthonypirtle-av says:

      Beans on toast is delicious. 

    • hasselt-av says:

      But of the other hand… Beef Wellington? Yorkshire pudding? Banger and mash? Toad-in-the-hole? Full breakfast? Sherpherd’s pie? Pasties? Sunday roast? I wouldn’t turn down any of these.

    • wabznazm-av says:

      A) you’ve never been
      B) you spent the whole time there pissing your panties because the McDonalds menu was slightly different.
      C) you think we’re living in the 1970s.

      Either way, you don’t know shit about “British food”. Nothing. Nada.
      And don’t you come from the land of the “chicken-fried steak”?

      Eat your mush and shut up.

    • jalapenogeorge-av says:

      What kind of beans are Americans trying on toast, seriously? I know food and taste is subjective n all, but beans on toast has to be one of the least objectionable meals out there. Heavily buttered, crunchy toast, Heinz baked beans, steaming hot, some salt and pepper, maybe a little cayenne for a kick, and a heap of grated cheddar cheese on top, absolutely smashing.Are you guys just putting kidney beans on toast and deciding it’s gross, or something?

    • tokenaussie-av says:
  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Does anyone even like content that features people having to eat food that they don’t want to eat to begin with?

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Um, yes, have you never heard of Hot Ones?

      • citronc-av says:

        At least they are aware of exactly what they are getting into on Hot Ones as the whole point is the insanely hot food, Corden is just a standard talk show. 

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        I assume anyone who agrees to go on that show knows exactly what they’re in for.

        • yesidrivea240-av says:

          Knowing what you’re in for doesn’t mean you want to do it. Everyone knows what the dentist is like, it doesn’t mean people enjoy going in for dental work.

          Depending on the episode in the earlier seasons, they would just crash interviews to get the guest to do the show. So, sometimes they had no idea what they were getting into. 

        • gargsy-av says:

          “I assume anyone who agrees to go on that show knows exactly what they’re in for.”

          As opposed to the people who are lured off the street and blindfolded before taking part in James Corden’s comedy bit.


      • mikolesquiz-av says:

        The first half of any Hot Ones is generally pretty good, because that guy is a legit interviewer who can always get someone to cough up the good anecdotes and whatnot.Then they start on the nuclear hot sauces and it all goes to shit and I switch it off. What a waste.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      I’ve learned over time that people will watch literally any content as long as its a celebrity doing it.  Celebrity googles stuff and comments on it? That’s a series. Celebrity gets married? Hell yeah. Celebrity eats gross food and makes silly faces? Let’s make it a recurring segment.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        People will watch any content in general. A good friend of mine nonstop watches clips of other people playing Among Us. I’ve tried to watch one with him and it’s just a bunch of loudmouth friends trying to steal the limelight from each other (according to him, each friend has their own YouTube channel showing their perspective).Can’t for the life of me figure out how anyone could find that entertaining.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “People will watch any content in general.”

          And yet you can’t wrap your genius brain around one aspect of it.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Does anyone even like content that features people having to eat food that they don’t want to eat to begin with?”

      No. That’s why there are millions of youtube videos of people eating food that they don’t want to eat to begin with and they all have millions of hits each, and it’s also why a late night host had a popular segment about it. Because people don’t like it.

  • mamakinj-av says:

    Does this mean I should now feel guilty for enjoying Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern?

    • coolmanguy-av says:

      No, that guy was actually respectful to the cultures he visited

      • mamakinj-av says:

        I agree, yet the title of the show wasn’t Foods from Different Cultures that people from the West might think are weird but really aren’t once you find out why these cultures prepare and eat these foods the way they do.  

      • hasselt-av says:

        Even he couldn’t stomach durian, though. He was apologetic, but it made him gag.

        • charliedesertly-av says:

          There are things like milkshakes flavored with durian that are quite good.  But in terms of just eating a handful of durian, I can only imagine.

        • batteredsuitcase-av says:

          I believe the only other thing he couldn’t do was mayonnaise ice cream, which would be the comical “most disgusting food in the world” if white people thought of it.

        • weedlord420-av says:

          I thought durian was supposed to taste good, it just had an overpowering smell like rancid shit?  Huh, I guess you learn something every day.

        • notochordate-av says:

          I’ve only had durian mochi…my mom legit thought there was a gas leak. No, it was just my breath.

        • starvenger88-av says:

          He also tapped out to stinky tofu. 

    • laserface1242-av says:

      I remember one episode where he went to a restaurant and ate the non-edible centerpiece thinking it was the food.

  • GlidesTheMan-av says:

    Is there a single living human being who has ever liked James Corden? They don’t seem to exist and yet he keeps getting work. It’s like he was genetically designed in a lab to be the most untalented hack imaginable.

    • joe2345-av says:

      I liked him after he destroyed Bill Maher

    • queenthemighty-av says:

      I like him. 

    • anthonypirtle-av says:

      I like him just fine, but my exposure to him has been limited.

    • kinosthesis-av says:

      Obviously, or else his show wouldn’t still be on? Honestly sick of these holier-than-thou comments deriding people for liking so-and-so, as if you earn points for admitting you’re above others’ tastes. Corden is perfectly fine, certainly more likeable than Fallon.

      • jayrig5-av says:

        That’s the faintest possible praise, but Corden is also apparently a total dick too, off screen.

        • protagonist13-av says:

          It’s always hard to know just how much truth there is to the various stories about what a dick Corden is offscreen, but a big insight that maybe lends itself to the truth of that is from the episode of Spill Your Guts with Kimmel that the article mentions. One of Kimmel’s biggest ‘gotcha’ questions to Cordon (and remember, this was on Cordon’s show, in the studio he works in every day) was “Name two of the cameramen in this room.”

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          I’ve heard that too from a friend that had to work with him. At this point I had only seen him Doctor Who and found him likeable so I was surprised. Apparently it’s a very whiny complaining ass variety, with his elevated US fame it’s probably since gotten worse.

      • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

        Corden is perfectly fine, certainly more likeable than Fallon.
        That’s a race to last place if I ever saw one.

        • dinoironbodya-av says:

          I’ve heard Fallon is known for being a nice guy in real life, so I don’t see how a lack of likeability is one of his problems.

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            I’ve never cared how likeable a celebrity is in real life, the fact some random person thinks another person is likeable means nothing. All I know is his show sucks, I don’t like his performance, and he’s a punchline with the whole “I WANT RUB HEAD OF TRUMP MAN HEE HAAW”. He sucks shit, but never did I say it’s  “one of his problems”.

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      I liked him fine in Gavin and Stacey and Doctor Who, but he’s had a real off-putting sweaty theater kid energy since he started hosting late night.

    • unionstation-av says:

      It’s jay leno’s old audience, he reminds them of the grandson who love them too come out.

    • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

      I saw the PBS recording of One Man Two Guvnors, for which he won a Tony, and it’s fantastic.He beat a murderers row for Best Actor in a Play (Langella, Lithgow, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, James Earl Jones) and actually deserved to.He’s been in some real crap, but he’s not untalented.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      I’m not a fan but I also don’t get the intense hatred he seems to get online. Like, I guess he tells jokes but isn’t funny enough and he likes to sing but he’s not really that good so somehow that makes him the worst?  There are way more deserving targets for all that ire.

    • sulfolobus-av says:

      James Corden has always been a dumb bigot, but he was revered by his peers for one of his fake gay roles.  Do people like him?  Absolutely.

    • wabznazm-av says:

      He’s a desperate hack. He will do literally anything if he thinks more people will like him. He got in trouble a few years back for telling rape jokes at an event. It was so obvious that he only did it because he’d seen that edgy comedy was “trending” at the time, so he had a go. He got rightly shitcanned for it, so he apologised and went back to his old schtick. With this Asian food thing, there is no way he’d have thought of this criticism himself, it totally needed to be pointed out to him, but he’ll publicly backpedal the fuck out of it if he thinks he can pick up some Asian fans.

      A hack. The very definition of one. With a morbid obsession with being liked by the maximum amount of people. Oh, except the people he works with, to whom he is apparently a total shit.

      Fuck that rotund prick.

    • s87dfgb0s8df7g98-av says:

      I went down many-a British panel show youtube rabbit hole this past year. Corden would pop up sometimes… and it was pretty clear that almost everyone hated working with him.

    • madchemist-av says:

      Does that comment make you feel better about yourself?

    • menage-av says:

      I don’t see why people hate him tbh, he’s better than Fallon or Colbert on camera, cause those are fake scripted as fuck.

    • big-spaghetti-av says:

      He was pretty good in Lesbian Vampire Hunters.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Like many things, he’s fine in reasonable doses and with appropriate intervals between exposures.

  • akanefive-av says:

    Yeah, yeah, but your writing staff were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn’t stop to think whether they should.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    Matt Berry rules.

  • steeplejack1112-av says:

    Those foods /are/ disgusting to “Westerners”There’s always going to be someone out there that likes any particular food that someone else views as “disgusting.”We’re really in peak “offendedness” aren’t we?

  • enormo-av says:


  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    I don’t watch his show, but I’ve seen various clips of this particular segment and I never felt like they were specifically targeting Asian delicacies. 

  • cardstock99-av says:

    Anyone who complained about this better have eaten at least half of these foods.

  • funkbish-av says:

    It’s hilarious that people turn into complete pussies when they call fish sperm disgusting simply because it’s traditionally eaten by Asians, but people rush to list off the disgusting “white people” food without batting an eye. To be clear, it’s ALL equally fucking disgusting, but only one is somehow offensive. Amazing.

    • dustyspur-av says:

      White people aren’t targets of racism, Funk Bish

    • noblezero-av says:

      You are right.But people aren’t calling for a apology when an Asian game show makes a contestant eat a mayo and pickle sandwhich either…

  • DanJMo-av says:

    Why doesn’t the limey make people eat his putrid english breakfast?

  • barkmywords-av says:

    I suggest getting Mama June to cater the segment. I lost my appetite whenever that family ate—which was most of the time.

  • pak2565-av says:

    They just need to hire the Mythical Kitchen from Rhett and Link. They’re experts as making gross food that isnt someone’s cultural heritage

  • hadrianmosley-av says:

    As an English person, I can only apologise for this talentless prick invading your shores. Ok, America has given us many wastes of spaces but that is no excuse.

  • fuddelmer-av says:

    I went to school my junior year at the University of Liverpool. In less than 9 months I went from 175lbs to 132lbs, from not eating English food.  If not for fish and chips I would have died.  Yorkshire pudding is not a dessert.

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    I remember seeing the balut on an episode of Fear Factor and a Filipino friend telling me it was a delicacy in his country. The thousand-year-old egg was also a favorite of that show.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Thankfully they don’t them very often anymore but I hate it when The Amazing Race does those gross out food challenges. “Ha ha, we’re punishing you with the disgusting local cuisine!” has always been a weird tone for a show that claims to promote traveling and exploring new cultures.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    “Disgusting,horrific, nausea inducing…but enough about Corden”

  • luasdublin-av says:

    This reminds me of Stuart Ashens Century Egg episode.Also that Ashens would be at least 14000 times better than Corden presenting that show.

  • dmctrevor-av says:

    The only thing more pathetic than these complaints is Corden bowing to them.  It should not be offensive to rightly point out how disgusting Balut is.

  • youalrightmate-av says:

    I am no Corden fan but I do feel people won’t be happy until he kills himself which is a bit harsh. Like how the AV Club wanted the same for Zach Snyder.

  • Kowalski-av says:

    Haggis. I love it, and when people who aren’t of Scottish ancestry find out what’s in it, they are usually repelled. Then put me on so I can win.Another thought is get them eating a hot dog, and then tell them what’s in it. Last hot dog factory I visited, they were grinding giant tubs of beef fat and cow salivary glands, the main ingredients of this particular brand of dogs. These simple, homespun ingredients plus a vast amount of salt and potassium nitrate equal one of America’s favorite snacks. Bratwurst is another good one – 100% beef hearts and fat. 

  • pichou-av says:

    Why not just use combinations of foods that don’t traditionally go together. like mustard ice cream or bbq jello? 

  • agentviccooper-av says:

    Jesus Christ.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    irony (noun): A Brit saying on an American talk show how disgusting food from other countries is.

    • wabznazm-av says:

      See, I’d look at it the other way. American “cuisine” is entirely devised by a picky 8-year-old and involves eating an entire cow’s ass 3 times a day.

      • hasselt-av says:

        Britain at least has the excuse that they kept rationing stuff like butter and sugar on and off until the 1970s, so they had to adapt their food accordingly.We in the US, on the other hand in the land of plenty, have no excuse for our love of textureless banality.

  • camillataylor-av says:

    Why not just tailor it to the person, actually make it about them? I hate zucchini, it’s disgusting, so having to eat steamed zucchini would be tortuous for me, and I’m sure everyone else has something they don’t like, or at least can mug on camera that it’s gross to them particularly. Then you’d actually find something about the person that isn’t just “I’m not exposed much to other cuisines.”

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    Make the celebs eat bugs like on Fear Factor! It would suddenly get more interesting

  • bobbier-av says:

    The proper response to anyone whining about stuff like this is “get over it”. The food is disgusting and countries that eat it shouldn’t. They use food from all over the world, so the criticism is not even true. Why people change things because a very tiny percent on professional online whiners whine is beyond me. A small percentage of people are always going to cry about something

  • fuckthelackofburners-av says:

    Just stupid. Yeah some things in one culture are considered gross in another. People need to find real problems to worry about.

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    He’s what the Brits call “a total wanker.”

  • huh1-av says:

    but they are disgusting.

    just look where eating bats got us.

  • davidjwgibson-av says:

    Dunno.I’m Scottish. People mock our food all the time.
    Just take the joke.

  • poeticinsomniac-av says:

    Who the fuck cares?

    Different places have different palates. Just because a small, tiny, insignificant portion of humanity happens to like something, doesn’t mean that it’s widely enjoyed.

    My Aunt grew up in the philippines, one of their “delicacies” is Balut, a fertilized egg, which is then boiled, and eaten WHOLE.

    It’s fucking repulsive by every single metric to western palates, and it’s fucking repulsive to HER FUCKING PALATE as well, despite growing up around a large family that ate the abomination regularly.

    Just the same that some people like shit porn, and some people like having their assholes stretched until they literally fall out, the fact that most people find these things disgusting doesn’t preclude you from enjoying them.

    Humanity does not exist to validate your weird fucking tastes.

    I fucking hate people, so fucking much.

  • Alan-Hope-av says:

    So wait, chubby little Corden is going to be making fun of fattening foods?

  • menage-av says:

    Oh fuck this shit, food is food, has nothing to do with culture, stupid artificial borders. Haggis is just as disgusting s 100 year old egg, nothing culture about it.

  • atnightmostly-av says:

    So instead of being racist it will just be fatphobic? That is progress?

  • bobkatnadamar-av says:

    Its pretty offensive to do this to any culture’s food; they should mix like terrible things that are supposed to taste bad. Sour Straws and Pasta Sauce, Milk and Asparagus

  • ajvia1-av says:

    I love Filipino food. Love it.I dare you to eat a balut , with a half formed chick baby embryo staring up at you, and as you crunch through the feathers and bones and liquids stuff, tell me how this is “insensitive” to you. It is literally the most disgusting thing you’ll ever put to your mouth and yes, I know what your gross fetishes are, too.  I don’t believe Corden, who I’m not a fan of, ever made fun of Filipino people in any way. It’s manufactured outrage, get a life people!

  • azu403-av says:

    Or, as the South American Indians said about my husband’s first wife’s lemon meringue pie, “Ugh! What is this stuff? It’s sweet – and sour! It’s gooey! It’s disgusting!”

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