Jason Momoa and James Wan reportedly blocked efforts to cut Amber Heard out of Aquaman 2

Momoa and Wan were both "adamant" about and "committed to" Heard's return as Mera, despite studio pressure

Aux News Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa and James Wan reportedly blocked efforts to cut Amber Heard out of Aquaman 2
James Wan, Amber Heard, and Jason Momoa Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images for CinemaCon

The Johnny Depp/Amber Heard defamation trial continues to skulk its way across the seafloor of the online subconscious this week, occasionally vomiting up some industry factoid or moment of strangeness that inevitably rises to the surface to be fitfully dissected and perused. Today, that bolus-hunt took the form of the testimony of “entertainment industry consultant” Kathryn Arnold (whose job mostly consists, it appears, of testifying about the industry in court cases such as this), who spoke to the effects that Heard and Depp’s divorce, and the subsequent, totally-non-cultish backlash against Heard that followed, affected her career.

Which was “significant,” in Arnold’s telling, most notably as it applied to Heard’s starring role in the Aquaman sub-franchise of Warner Bros. films. The Arnold testimony was interesting in so far as it apparently confirmed some of the stuff people have already inferred over the last few years, including the fact that Heard was deliberately left off of promo materials for the film’s sequel, banned from DC’s FanDome event, and was almost straight-up fired from the movie, despite being part of a previously billion-plus superhero blockbuster.

Per The Wrap, Arnold—who was called as a witness on Heard’s behalf, as she attempts to fend off Depp’s accusations of defamation over an op-ed she wrote about being a survivor of abuse from a few years back—noted that “research showed whenever Heard’s name was mentioned, whether in connection to a film, TV show, magazine article, or endorsement deal, there was immediate backlash from fans on social media.” (Readers at home can replicate this research by spending approximately four seconds on Twitter in 2022.) As such, Warner Bros. told Heard she was functionally disinvited from FanDome, the company’s now-annual celebration of its brands and various film properties.

Beyond that, the studio reportedly pushed to have her removed from Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom outright, only being stopped by a united front from co-star Jason Momoa and director James Wan. Per Arnold’s testimony, Wan and Momoa were both “committed to her” and were “adamant she was in the film.” Even so, Heard has testified that her part in the film was cut back, officially because of a supposed lack of chemistry with Momoa.

Arnold noted that Depp’s career has also been damaged by the public conflict between himself and Heard, although she also noted that the op-ed ostensibly at the heart of the entire matter was a non-impactful blip on Hollywood’s radar—until Depp issued his lawsuit over it, and turned it into the weeping PR ulcer it is today.


  • bustertaco-av says:

    What a coincidence. I was just mentioning him earlier.Imagine how cool it would be to have Jason Momoa come to bat for you. Like the only thing better would be you’re in line at the grocers buying cat litter or dog food or carrots and celery when a voice behind you says, “ hey, do you mind if I go ahead of you?” You turn around and it’s Jason Momoa with a bottle of conditioner and a sixer of Miller Lite. You tell em, “sure, go ahead.” He smiles at ya and nods, and then says, “My man.”Now tell me, who amongst ya would brag about such an encounter? It’s not even that Jason Momoa is a celebrity, it’s that he’s so damn likable. I don’t know the guy, never met him or anything, but he comes across as so damn welcoming. Like I want to give him a high five and shit.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Can anyone recommend somewhere to look at the actual legal aspects of this case being properly (i.e. the actual merits of both sides) as opposed to people treating it like a sporting event. Reddit.com/r/law has at least been a start with some people taking the proceedings seriously, anyone else know of any other places worth looking at where the actual legal merits of the Depp/Heard case are being examined properly?

    • onetreekill-av says:

      Todd in the Shadows actually looked into the legal aspects of it and he concluded that Depp was very much guilty.

      • koreawut-av says:

        She is far more guilty but Depp didn’t sue her for abuse.

        • lilnapoleon24-av says:

          Okay fanboy, good luck with your jack sparrow cosplay

        • punkfinder-av says:

          Fracking, fucking idiots like you are a dime a dozen. You have probably never spoken to a real woman in your life. Your mother does not remember your name. This kind of ass-clownery by stupid, unloved and unwanted men is so pathetic. Depp is a low life dirt bag and there is no pit deep enough or dark enough for him and his pals, like you. Or what’s left of you when the self-pity is washed away.

        • onetreekill-av says:

          LOL no she ain’t.

      • marteastwood47-av says:

        Who and why should I care about his opinion? 

        • docnemenn-av says:

          Todd in the Shadows is a YouTube personality and former Channel Awesome content creator who mainly reviews pop music. I’m unaware of his legal credentials. 

          • harpo87-av says:

            Speaking as a lawyer, I’d take the opinion of a guy who routinely does his research over most of the people on the internet.

          • docnemenn-av says:

            I wasn’t being snide; just pointing out who the guy is and that I don’t know if he has any legal training relevant to these issues. For all I know, he actually is a trained lawyer who reviews music as a side-gig.(Though that said, I must admit that I did find it a little chuckle-worthy how the OP raised him in the conversation as if his mere name being mentioned should be sufficient to quell any doubts about the expertise or quality of his opinions on this matter. I mean, good on him for doing his research and ensuring he’s informed on the subjects he talks about, definitely not having a go there, but equally he’s still just a YouTuber so far as I know, it’s not like he’s a universally recognised authority within the field whose name should be instantly known to all and respected by all either.)

          • onetreekill-av says:

            well you didn’t say the person HAD to be a legal expert.

          • docnemenn-av says:

            I didn’t say anything at all; I’m not the person you were responding to.

          • yellowfoot-av says:

            Since you outed yourself as a lawyer here, do you happen to know what a loss for Depp would mean for Heard’s countersuit? Would she automatically win, or would there be some sort of further proceedings?

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Guilty of being fabulous?

      • Bazzd-av says:

        Todd in the Shadows is a music critic… I think they want an actual website or forum that gathers the evidence as it’s being disclosed and the ongoing case, not a prima facie consideration of facts before they’ve been revealed.

      • kleptrep-av says:

        Really, where is this? Because I love Todd In The Shadows man, I dig his Trainwreckords and One Hit Wonderland series.

      • srgntpep-av says:

        Wait–isn’t Depp suing her for something?  How can he be guilty?  Wouldn’t he just….lose?

    • necgray-av says:

      It’s not exhaustive but I think Legal Eagle’s YouTube video is a pretty good TL;DR rundown. And pretty hands-off on taking any particular “side”.

    • Kurotaisa-av says:

      I think Legal Eagle did something? Tho, I didn’t actually watch it, put it on my phone, loudspeaker, to listen while I cooked and got called away from the kitchen and by the time I came back there was something else playing.

    • mattk23-av says:

      So, despite all the back and forth over who abused who, the case is Depp suing Heard for civil defamation. In the US, the bar for Depp to prove this (as the burden is on him) is very high due to the first amendment. It’s also worth noting that he also has to prove that not only did he not physically abuse her but that she did not feel that she was being abused. Proving that she didn’t feel she was being abused (which is only tangentially linked to whether she actually was) is near impossible. Her abusing him actually has little bearing on what Depp needs to prove to win. In the UK, where this very fact pattern already went to trial, Depp lost and the UK has a significantly lower bar (i.e. its a lot easier to find someone guilty of defamation). So in other words, Depp has little chance of winning (if the jury does rule for Depp, it’s likely to be overturned on appeal). That fact that he continued the lawsuit after loosing in the UK just seems like a way to bad mouth Heard. Of course that’s why Heard countersued.

      • leogrocery-av says:

        “Depp has little chance of winning (if the jury does rule for Depp, it’s likely to be overturned on appeal).” Absent a faulty jury instruction or demonstrable juror misconduct what would be the grounds for appeal? I doubt a judge would grant a JNOV on a case that has consumed as much courtroom time as this one has. Further, the court already denied the defense’s motion for directed verdict.

      • Spderweb-av says:

        For sure. Taking her down with him. That said, because of all the positive attention he’s getting, he already has a new movie deal lined up. So this isn’t hurting him at all.In the end, it really comes down to the fact that both of them were abusing to each other.  It was a toxic relationship, and the way they’re going about the breakup shows that both of them were awful to each other.  If you were to arrest one for domestic abuse, you’d have to arrest both, and usually in those kind of situations, the law tends to just walk away from it.  

      • planehugger1-av says:

        Exactly!  If you say someone abused you, and they did, then you didn’t defame you, even if they also kind of suck.

      • darrylarchideld-av says:

        The goal of his suit is probably not to “win,” you’re right. His goal is probably the exact thing he already got out of it: a very public media circus that places him in a sympathetic light, to help resuscitate his career and polish his image.He was one of the biggest stars in the world, so he probably doesn’t need or particularly care about the damages. But regardless of how the case goes, he’s succeeded. The popular narrative has become that Johnny was ‘the real victim’ and Heard is an unhinged liar, or at worst (for him) that they were in a uniquely toxic relationship where they both “brought out the worst” in each other.I’m fully expecting, after the dust settles, that Johnny Depp will start getting cast in things again because the narrative of this relationship has become too muddied to feel uniquely damning.

        • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

          Hi. I believe Depp is simultaneously the victim of a manipulative abuser, but also a shitlord himself.

          Depp’s personal shittiness doesn’t erode Heard’s GLARING Narcissistic Abuser behaviors, mannerisms and statements. I read her texts, the words she wrote- the meaning is crystal clear.

          Johnny Depp may be a monster, but Heard is a Monster trying to hide in a woman’s body – and the more harmful of the two monsters.

      • redneckrampage-av says:

        That literally has nothing to do with it…..He’s not trying to prove anything other than she defamed him by writing an op-ed talking about abuse where he was not named at all in any way shape or form…It has absolutely nothing to do with the FACT that he is a POS abuser, drug addict who is cuck stan cult think is amazing…She’s not 100% innocent herself, but unlike Derpp she’s not a drug addict, who rapes people with liquor bottles, probably smells like pee and talks about having sex with corpses. 

      • necgray-av says:

        Something I find so depressing about the whole mess is that a large part of his speculated rationale was clearing his reputation enough to get his career back. But come on. Look at that career. This is an aging actor whose most recent roles prior to the bone he got thrown by JK Rowling were iffy at best. Maybe Tim Burton could keep him in wine for a while but… It’s just such vanity.And what’s more, he’s never going to NOT get offers. Kevin Spacey still works. Mel Gibson still works. If he wanted to, Frank Langella could be cast in something next week. But it means taking a hit on the pay and possibly the quality of the material and prestige of the production. So Depp lost the Pirates gig. And? Does he think nobody would ever hire him again? But no, Disney and WB let him go so it’s career over.

        • merchantfan1-av says:

          Seriously- the bigger threat to Depp’s career was also probably part of why he abused Heard…. the substance addiction. It’s turning his face into a clearance aisle TJ Maxx handbag. It would probably have been a better mood to cry “I’m an addict” than sue Heard for defamation in the first place, but that would require (1) going to rehab and (2) not attacking Heard 

    • destroy-destro-av says:

      I watch Legalbytes, which live streams the trial everyday with 3-6 lawyers analyzing everything. Each of the lawyers have their own youtube channels as well. 

    • mrkrispy-av says:

      LegalBytes on YouTube has been doing livestream of the entire trial. She is a lawyer who then has a panel of other YouTube lawyers that will sit in a panel and sort of drop in and out as they have time. If you follow these folks, you’ll get coverage of the actual trial as well as breakdowns that are full of legal analysis that is disseminated in a way that you average layman, such as myself, can easily understand. It is much more grounded what is actually happening, not just a bunch of clickbait headlines. For instance, I just now saw testimony of a Mr. Hamara (sp?) who says that he never heard Wan or Momoa express and opinion on whether they wanted Heard in AM2. So already I’m wondering how thorough even this article is. It’s the closest I’ve been able to find to dispassionate observation. Check it out. 

    • ohnoray-av says:

      Heard is an abused victim, who has showed typical victim responses in that after a few years of abuse she internalized the behaviour, and retaliated back. And now a bunch of misogynists are being misogynists.

      • martyvendetta27-av says:

        Heard is a sociopathic liar, and attempting to equate any dissent as misogyny is fucking appalling.

      • fgdfffdddddddd-av says:


      • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

        no, heard is an abuser who repeatedly exemplified every toxic behavior i was victimized by. heard is the controlling abuser.
        they are both abusers and it just worked out that Heard is the more abusive of the two.
        Just because Depp is physically stronger doesn’t mean Heard couldn’t do more harm psychologically.
        It took years to ‘unlearn’ looking away from ANY woman on the street for fear of being accused of ‘cheating’.
        Gone to the mailbox for 2 minutes? Must have been fucking the neighbors in that 2 minutes.
        The gaslighting… on and on and on.
        She is a lightning rod channeling a lot of male trauma and you honestly should be applauding the fact that more males are willing to be open about their abuse.
        Yes, we, as men, have a stigma about it, whether you accept that or not, it’s fact. There’s greater stigma for a man who has abused by a woman than the other way around, and the male is always seen as the aggressor whether or not that’s actually the case. (see: any episode of cops with a DV in it)

  • bingofett-av says:

    “[…] there was immediate backlash from fans on social media.”On what topic is there not immediate backlash from fans on social media? Even mention sleeping kittens and you’ll find someone pouring cups of haterade.

  • rausch-av says:

    She is on tape admitting to being physically abusive toward him and has been caught under oath lying about charitable donations. Anyone supporting her is utter trash.

    • mgsgta3-av says:

      Your mom is trash with utters

      • ghboyette-av says:

        Charlie Utter is my favorite Deadwood character

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:


      • notfeminist-av says:

        But, you want equal rights and equal pay and the ability to be a sl*t and get abortions? Psychological, sexual (games, withholding, cheating, creating jealousy etc.), and physical abuse by women over men is not a big deal, cause that is how you were raised? Therein lies the problem. An entire generation of bad boomer parenting telling their little princesses that they are special and they can do nothing wrong and the world owes them everything in return for sex – is why you are the way you are. DO NOT procreate or parent, please. Goodbye.

      • thatforeignguy-av says:

        Udders, simpleton.

    • Shampyon-av says:

      She is on tape admitting to hitting him to stop him drunkenly crushing her toes against a door. Wow. How abusive of her. And oh shit, she hasn’t been able to give that money to charity amid being sued repeatedly by her ex. I forgot that defending yourself in multiple libel and defamation trials is totally free!Meanwhile… Jennifer Grey and Ellen Barkin have both stated Depp has always been jealous, controlling, and intimidating to his lovers. He’s previously volunteered in an interview that he told Hunter S. Thompson that he always gave Kate Moss a “good beating”. He constantly lied about his addictions. He smiled and made a finger-gun while heard’s Doctor was testifying that Depp threatened to murder Heard. Despite claiming to be a complete “Southern Gentleman” his own texts and emails show he frequently refers to women – not just heard – as whores and sluts that he’ll gladly slap around. He claimed that Amber Heard was the only person who ever referred to his enraged self as “the monster”, while his emails with other people show he regularly used the term in conversations that didn’t involve her in any way. He’s on record admitting that he headbutted her in the forehead after testifying that it never happened. In texts to Paul Bettany he salivated over the idea of raping Heard’s corpse. And in emails he called Vanessa Paradis – the ex who publicly supported him – a “withering French extortionist cunt” for the horrendous crime of… not liking Amber Heard (oh irony of ironies). Oh, and he famously lost a libel case in the UK as the plaintiff – a jurisdiction known to be obscenely weighted in the plaintiffs favour – because the claims that he abused her were found to be “substantially true”.Lovely fella. Definitely the victim here. No DARVO at play whatsoever.

      • ajvia123-av says:

        when people defend abusers and abusive men they typically don’t hear or see ANY of the facts/evidence you lay out here. They see the charming, happy guy they want to believe they know/see and that the woman is “crazy”. That’s all. They don’t need “proof” because they cannot ever believe the guy is a “bad guy” when he’s so handsome/smart/rich/successful/cute/good with the kids/etc.its pretty effed up, i’ve seen it over and over and over in DV counseling/treatment places. Just, yuck. 

      • gargsy-av says:

        “He’s previously volunteered in an interview that he told Hunter S. Thompson that he always gave Kate Moss a “good beating”.”

        Or, when asked, Depp said, and I quote. “I probably told him, ‘Yeah, she gets a severe beating.’”

        But sure, I guess you could read that as him volunteering that he “always” gives her “a good beating”.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:


      • destroy-destro-av says:

        Your information is wrong, you should probably watch the trial. She never claimed he was crushing her toe. She’s admitted to hitting him on SEVERAL occasions, not just the one. Kate Moss is scheduled to testify on Johnny’s behalf tomorrow. He’s been very open about being addicted to drugs and said he first started when he was 11. Amber has denied being addicted to drugs and has testified that the nurse she told she was addicted to cocaine to falsified medical documents (for no apparent reason).

        He refers to Amber in horrible terms in text messages to his friends, and not to Amber herself. You can listen to the recording yourself, he says he accidentally bumped heads with her while they were in a physical altercation. Texts to his friends, no matter how horrific, do not make someone an abuser. The UK case was against The Sun, who did infact have a good faith reason to believe Amber, who has been proven to have lied to the UK court when saying she donated all of the money to charity.

        Also, which you would know if you watched the case, literally all of Amber’s claims of abuse lack evidence that matches what she claims and there isn’t a single witness who can testify to seeing any abuse at any point despite having 4 of her friends living in connected penthouses to her and Johnny.

        Johnny however has lost the tip of his finger because of a vodka bottle she threw at him, Amber has been arrested for domestic violence, Amber has lied several times under oath and despite having secretly recorded him on both video and audio johnny has never been seen abusing her, hitting her or admitting to hitting her at any point. 

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        Wonderful post, the Johnny is a saint people are fucking nuts! They loved Captain Jack so much they want to make a song about him like Michael Bolton!

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        Yeah, he was probably an abusive drunk cokehead, but hes a fun pirate, so its all good, right? Fuck her. (sarcasm.)

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        wow I wish I had had this response to cut and paste to share with some of the absolutely psychotic Depp fans I have run into on FB LOL.  Their responses to me usually begin rationally but spin out of control fast, e.g. “I don’t see how the UK decision ‘proves’ he beat her, they apply a different legal standard for libel in the UK, and also YOU’LL NEVER FUCK AMBER HEARD NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO YOU PATHETIC LOSER.”  LOL

      • fgdfffdddddddd-av says:


      • stupidkidd-av says:

        I have a bridge to sell you..

      • itsmooseskins-av says:

        Your first thought voided everything else based on the point that she had the money for how long say it together 13 months before he filed suit. Why was the money donated not pledged, donated. Once again say it together she lied. Also her homeowner insurance is coving her legal cost look it up your statement has lost.

      • btsburn-av says:

        “Southern Gentlemen” kind of indicates some of the behaviors you noted.

      • lazerarse-av says:

        Brilliant post. Hat’s off to you mate.That shines out among the utter bunkem posted by his ‘fans. A reputable Internet analysis company has identified over 6000 posts a day on Twitter, TikTok, & Snapchat,..posted by bots &trolls all paid through accounts funded by Depps lawyers (i.e. Depp who pays the bills)This whole affair turns my stomach….are people not aware of what uncontrolled drug taming does to a person.Drugs & alchohol don’t create a monster in someone….they let it out.!!

      • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

        depp is no angel, he’s plenty fucked up. but i am not about seeing a pathological liar like heard win.

        her whole gameplan was to use ‘me too’ to her advantage, game the system and bump her pr ahead of aquaman. the woman is toxic and abusive and denies it up and down.

        Depp we know is a shitlord and has generally been one for a long time, but Heard met his level of insanity and cranked it to 11.

        heard is a textbook narcissustic abuser, gaslighting and all. and she is an abuser, even if she has suffered abuse herself from depp, that doesn’t excuse her from being an abusive, toxic person

        they are both toxic but Heard is a cesspool claiming to be a fresh mountain spring. depp is a cesspool that’s like “yep I’m a cesspool, it is what it is”.

      • cj2705-av says:

        You do know it’s not about the abuse… its the defimation charge that heard is being put with, the only reason abuse has come into it is because she dug herself a fucking hole, and beards also beat her ex partners and has been done for drug charges and is now lying under oath.. ontop of all the evidence that’s been presented. 

      • devices-av says:

        defending the woman is what women like her and “white knights “ do. Simple fact she cut his finger off yet she’s the nice one lol, stay in your reality baby!

      • kittykath94-av says:

        Doors open inwards not outwards in homes especially a bathroom which he was trying to barricade himself in the bathroom and she tried to force the door open which hit him in the head after him closing pushing the door back on her toes… And the monster is him running away and not being a “man”. Also ever heard of self inflicted wounds and a metaphor ? Yah metaphorically speaking in texts is evidence…

      • dcshelby-av says:

        She had the 7 million from the divorce for 13 months before Depp filed the suit. In that time she did not send a single cent to the two charities. So let’s stop saying she could not meet her pledges due to the suit being filed. She had 13 months….and did nothing. 

      • ntbbiggs-av says:

        If you’re interested, I’ve found a reply on Youtube in response to a question of conflict of interest between the two psychologists who testified. As to the accuracy of the post, I can’t tell, but if it is true (which my gut instinct is telling me to be the case), it’s really not a good look for the justice system treating both psychologists equally:

        “the psychologist, Dr Curry. She couldn’t demonstrate how she arrived at her conclusion during her testimony.

        Eg Dr C used the MMPI2. She said Amber scored high on the K (Correction) scale. It detects denying of symptoms. She said that Amber had Code Type 36 then began to describe BPD. Dr C said she used the CAPS to assess for PTSD. She said a lot of what Amber said couldn’t be coded as traumatic reactions because of over-exaggeration. The CAPS doesn’t detect feigning, so she had to refer to another objective measure. She pointed out that Amber scored highly on one of the two validity scales on the TSI. So she concluded no PTSD.


        The high K score is used to correct for Amber’s scores. Even after correction, the scores were still normal. The K scale is not used to correct for scales 3 and 6 (which Dr C said Amber scored the highest in) because high K scores don’t affect those scales, so the high K score doesn’t matter anyway.

        Furthermore, Code Types should not be interpreted definitively if the scores are normal (lower than 65). And Code Types have very low reliability anyway.

        Furthermore, Code Type 36 doesn’t even indicate BPD. BPD people have been shown to score high on 1, 4, 7, 8. And they have been shown to score low on K.

        Furthermore, Code Type 36 and high K are normal for people going through litigation and messy divorce. They are not to be seen as pathology.

        Furthermore, Code Type 36 and high K are also seen in victims of IPV.

        So the MMPI2 doesn’t point to BPD. If she didn’t mean to say that, I don’t know why she talked about the MMPI2.

        The conclusion of no PTSD was also flawed. The high validity scale on TSI is not to be interpreted as feigning, according to the manual. It is not among the recommended tools for detecting feigning in PTSD.

        On Cross Examination, Dr C said she couldn’t remember if the scores on MMPI were above 65. That’s like testifying that The Bucks beat The Suns but when asked if The Bucks scored higher than The Suns, you say you can’t remember.

        On cross Exam, Dr C couldn’t explain why she discarded previous psychologists’ diagnoses of PTSD. If a psychologist has a contrasting result, he/she must be able to explain the rationale for accepting it and discarding collateral data by pointing to independent evidence that doesn’t rely on his/her own results

        On the other hand, Dr H used a recommended tool for assessing malingering in PTSD, the MFAST. Amber scored in the normal range. Dr H’s tests also had embedded feigning scales in them (the PAI and the TSI). She scored normally on those.

        Dr H found that Amber scored highly on the Traumatic Stress scale of the PAI (which was valid because the faking scales were fine). Dr H followed up on the high Traumatic Stress scale by also administering other PTSD scales, such as the PCL, the TSI and the CAPS5. She endorsed criteria on all of those tests.

        Amber also scored normally in the Borderline scale on the PAI, so there was no need to follow up on BPD, which is best practice.”

      • WindowPain513-av says:

        You are aware that she had the entire amount of the divorce settlement for 18 months BEFORE getting sued, right? Or that she refused to have the $7 million dollar settlement paid directly to each of the two charities unless JD DOUBLED IT to $14 million on accounts she didn’t want him to “reap the tax benefits?As bad as all that is, the fact that she insists on using the words “pledged and donated” interchangeably is insane.

    • doraemonpocket-av says:

      I believe the situation doesn’t look great on either side, but we live in an era where women can’t do no wrong, even if they did wrong.

      • drewcifer667-av says:

        lol gtfo dude, we do not live in that era, are you missing the non-stop vitriol towards her and the 4million signatures?? you can’t say “ooo woman can do no wrong” anymore

      • killa-k-av says:

        No we don’t. Twitter isn’t real life.

      • callmeshoebox-av says:

        I would love to live in that fantasyland you’ve created. 

      • youeboyleroy-av says:

        Let’s balance that against the 299,994 odd years men could do no wrong, even if they did. Those scales are not balanced by a long shot.

    • jollyupgrade-av says:

      I agree in that this situation in particular as even media stating we need to believe “imperfect” victims like her. Don’t set progress for domestic abuse back by decades just by glorifying this horrible human being. 

    • mattk23-av says:

      You do realize that none of that has anything to do with what this trial is about.  It’s not a tort case, it’s defamation.  The only thing about Heard that matters is whether she knowingly lied that she was abused and that Depp never hit her.  Proving that she lied is near impossible since proving what a person is actually thinking or feeling is always nearly impossible.

      • harpo87-av says:

        …defamation is a tort. Also, no, the standard is not proving that she lied or intended to lie. The requirement is usually negligence, i.e., that she should have known that her statements were false. And even though the bar is somewhat higher here as a public figure (“actual malice”), it still doesn’t require knowledge; reckless disregard is also sufficient.

        • jasonstroh-av says:

          This is sort of nonsensical. The standard you are talking about is if typically for if someone relays information from a second source. If a reporter uses an insane, known pathological liar as a source for example, they should have known that the information was not reliable. If an editor publishes a story by a reporter with a history of loose standards and fails to do even minimal fact checking, that could be negligence on their part.In this instance, Heard obviously knows what her perception is. Realistically speaking, there’s no “should have” involved. Depp is there to prove that she is lying, not that she “should have known” she is lying, as that obviously doesn’t make sense.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          This is a torte:

      • lexw-av says:

        I am genuinely aghast at how many supposedly normal/non-brain-dead people fundamentally don’t understand the trial.It’s not even complicated. It’s not a contest of who is the worse, it’s defamation – i.e. did she defame Depp by her statements, which frankly, no she did not, not under UK law and certainly not under US law (where as you mentioned earlier the bar is a lot higher).For the jury to come back in Depp’s favour they’d basically have to ignore the actual law, which does happen, but would be pretty demented (and might have some interesting consequences re: choice of venue for future defamation/libel cases – maybe if you’re a celeb you’re better off in the US than the UK despite the higher bar, SLAPPs and so on – the UK is developing SLAPP legislation but knowing the Tories it’ll be gutted before it becomes law when at the last moment the Tories realize its them and their donors who mostly try to silence people).

      • jasonstroh-av says:

        That and the fact that he did physically abuse her and she has the receipts.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        That’s not the only thing about Heard that matters when the question is whether she should be starring in a major Hollywood blockbuster. When people say she shouldn’t be given those jobs anymore, their problem isn’t whether she lied, it’s whether she was abusive.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      “Anyone supporting her is utter trash.”How I feel about Depp supporters.

    • scottsummers76-av says:

      point 1 can be debated, if she had cause. point 2 is totally irrelevant. 

    • ohnoray-av says:

      lol you’re trash for not understanding anything about abuse, and looking at the timeline of events.

    • redneckrampage-av says:

      Cool story…And any of the cuck stan Derpp supporters is OK with abusers, who rape people with liquor bottles, drug abusing addict trash who probably smells like pee…Im sorry but there is no universe where someone doesn’t eventually lose it when it comes to drug addict trash who not only rapes you, but rapes you with liquor bottles, is constantly drunk and drugged out of their mind…Nor is there anything that Heard could do to him that would OK anything he did…..Derpp is trash and his cuck cult stans are trash who both hilariously and pathetically constantly try to make the crap he did to her OK or claim “she deserved it” 

    • darrylarchideld-av says:

      Maybe she’s an abusive manipulator and maybe she isn’t. There’s not really a productive conversation for us, a comment section full of strangers who don’t know her, to have about that.But why come for Jason Momoa or James Wan? From their perspective, a co-worker they collaborated with on multiple projects wound up in a shitstorm wherein she alleged abuse, and the studio contemplated cutting her role to avoid controversy. They don’t have magical knowledge of the situation. They’re not “utter trash” for giving someone they worked with for years the benefit of the doubt, or for defending her mere presence in a project they made together.

    • evanwaters-av says:

      The thing is, it is possible for two parties in a relationship to abuse each other and that does not absolve either party. 

    • buckohfive-av says:

      I don’t know. I think anyone supporting someone who suggests they’d like to burn, drown, and then f*ck their partner’s corpse is also probably trash.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Welcome to AVC. Where the majority of the community are now bigots, fake allies, and defenders of abusers. Now watch as they all ignore the mountainous amount of evidence that showed Heard was the abuser and still stick their heads in the sand because they don’t think men can be abused.

  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    This is amusing since Depp’s fanbase was crowing about how Wan and Momoa unfollowed Heard on social media a few days ago. And Twitter has been circulating a video of Momoa avoiding a hug from Heard during the press tour for Aquaman.
    I’ve only been following this from the outside of the outside, but I did find the testimony that Amber Heard had as much star power as Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Zendaya, and Momoa to be amusing, since I’m pretty sure most of the country knows her more for this trial now than even Aquaman.

    • dlrpl8z-av says:

      now they do. which is exactly why Johnny is doing this. he wants to destroy her. and if he can’t do that, he’ll tank her career (having already tanked his own).

      I am firmly Team No One. but using the court as a bludgeon is gross.

      • karlyn58-av says:

        You are not team no one. You cant openly proclaim that you support a disguised abuser. What JD is doing is get some justice for himself. He was destroyed and taken to cleaners. If getting justice is wrong, so be it.

      • pontiacssv-av says:

        It is why he wanted it televised.  To shame her.  It is just another notch in his abuse pole.  Like you I am team no-one, but it is pretty apparent that he is using this to make her look horrible and shame her.

    • tmicks-av says:

      She was my favorite part of the first Aquaman movie, I was really hoping they would make a standalone Mera movie with her. Doesn’t seem likely now.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        It might be hoping for too much to make a movie about a peripheral character from the peripheral superhero nobody really cares that much about to begin with. Kind of a sub-sub-genre?

        • rsqcom-av says:

          Why are you bringing up Morbius right now? 

        • scottsummers76-av says:

          well people love Jason Momoa, so Aquaman is a big thing, now.

        • tmicks-av says:

          I don’t know, we live in a world where they’re releasing a Super Pets movie about Krypto and his pals, and they at least had been planning a Wonder Twins movie. Hell, Peacemaker and Alfred got their own shows, a Mera movie or TV show seems at least as plausible as any of those.

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Obviously I’m underestimating the demand.

          • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

            – Krypto is a talking animal. Talking animal movies always do well.- The Wonder Twins have a highly visually interesting power set, moreso than Mera does, especially in the DCEU.
            – Peacemaker is played by John Cena, who’s a much bigger draw than Amber Heard ever was. Plus, James Gunn is a major draw too.- Alfred is a Batman character, and Batman characters always get priority. Plus, Gotham was a pretty decent success for DC.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:


    • peterplatinum-av says:

      I think there’s a difference between “we’re going to support her publicly” and “we’re going to prevent significant changes to our already-filmed movie that could hurt its quality and success”

    • montgomerycburnout-av says:

      One of the negative side effects of this trial, is people having to pretend she was good as Mera, when she really wasn’t.  I thought she was wooden, that her lines were stilted and that she just wasn’t that great.  I think that is the real reason for her being sidelined, not this Johnny Depp sideshow. 

    • sharpimus-av says:

      It’s probably woth noting this story is just what one lady said she heard unless Mamoa and Wan confirm it. Mamoa and Wan could hate her guts and never feel the need to say it. It’s just as likely true as what is said here. She could have been allowed in the sequel by the legal department for some reason. They (heard and depp) are both trash humans, and I hope they both burn in hell.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Ugh, I feel like I need a shower whenever I hear about anything connected to this whole business. It’s pavlovian at this point.

  • j4x-av says:

    Can… uh…we stop pretending that women hitting men is as bad as men hitting women?Cause…it isn’t. And if you were raised any kind of correctly, you wouldn’t feel the need to debate that.And I really don’t care how underreported male abuse is. It still isn’t as bad as the abuse women get.I’ll worry about the poor male abusers getting hit back sometime after the next ice age, thanks.

    • shdwrptrr-av says:

      How are you out of the grays?

      • cananyonereadthis-av says:

        I think anyone being abusive is bad. But they have a point, at least in terms of scale, and the death toll. How many women are killed by their partners each year, versus how many men? 

        • nventure-av says:

          How about we not pretend that we, socially and legally, should only have the capacity to deal with one side or the other. Accepting that men also get abused, or assaulted, or raped, and doing anything about it doesn’t detract from also continuing to recognize and care about what happens to women. This isn’t an issue where any sane or empathetic person should be picking sides or weighing severity, it’s helping all victims instead of shutting some out.OP’s take is idiotic because they’re framing all men who get hit as abusers who probably hit first, and women who hit men as only ever fighting back. Just not the reality of the world, sex or gender don’t determine an inherent desire or ability to inflict harm or set a limit on what harm can be inflicted.

          • cananyonereadthis-av says:

            Did you read what I said? I said all abuse is bad. And yes, the OP’s take is partially idiotic, I just said they have a point in terms of scale. Because it’s true, and the data supports it, that in terms of scale at least, women suffer more at the hands of men than vice versa. And that’s true globally. And even in cases where women do kill their male partners, you’ll probably find that in most cases, it was after being subjected to years of horrific abuse that literally endangered their lives. Nuance really is dead, isn’t it? And reading comprehension too. RIP. 

          • seven-deuce-av says:

            “I’ll worry about the poor male abusers getting hit back sometime after the next ice age, thanks.”Not sure if you missed this from the OP, but that perfectly frames their fucked up argument: as if the female abuser is merely retaliating.Nuance though, eh?

          • pgoodso564-av says:

            Nuance isn’t dead. The people around here can accept that banally both-sides-ing the shitty toxic masculinity that floats around the internet around these topics isn’t nuance, and you can’t.
            You’re reading way too much into a stranger’s bad argument so you can appear benignly equanimous. I’ve done that before, too. But I needed to stop then, and you need to stop now. As least before the feelings of undeserved victimhood for your “centrist” views settles in.

          • cananyonereadthis-av says:

            LOL projecting much? 

          • pgoodso564-av says:

            Yes, precisely. I see my past self in you, and am embarrassed for you in an empathetic way. Hypocritical and unregarded projection is harmful, but not all projection is hypocritical or unregarded, even though it’s mostly used in a casually imprecise way to describe bad faith arguments/arguers. It’s a way folks perceive others’ intentions, but not a solely bad one.In any case: you’re literally arguing “well, all abuse is bad… BUT…” in defense of a stranger arguing that all male-to-female abuse is worse than all female-to-male abuse, and doing so by parsing their words so generously as to make one think you read a completely other set of words.

            …and yeah, it makes me cringe in recognition. Not for the topic, just the whole tactic of being a nearly literal devil’s advocate in order to perform intellect, pretending you, more than others, can extract worth from others’ shit arguments and haughtily tut-tutting those who either don’t think you’ve succeeded or wonder at the pointless effort. As if you finding something technically right means anything when you’ve callously read the room as poorly as the person you “mostly” disagree with.

            You can argue that I ain’t seeing what I’m seeing, I suppose. But I ain’t doing it in bad faith.

          • returning-the-screw-av says:

            Scale has fuck all to do with anything. 

        • Spderweb-av says:

          There’s no point to their statement. You can’t say one is worse than the other just because of percentage of times it happens. Hell, one major movie trope is to have the woman be abusive to the man as a form of comedy. The original commenter wasn’t referring to percentage anyway. They just don’t care if a man is abused.  They think there’s no merit to it mattering.  

        • cxm-av says:

          That’s like saying we shouldn’t worry about run of the mill murder because it’s nothing compared to mass murder and genocide….

        • Bazzd-av says:

          Just because there are more male abusers doesn’t mean male victims of abuse are irrelevant. This is just about the most anti-feminist take I can think of.

          • cananyonereadthis-av says:

            Show me where I said that. Really. Read what I wrote and tell me exactly where I said that male abuse victims are irrelevant. 

          • wastrel7-av says:

            And just to complete the other side of your point: just because there are more female victims also doesn’t mean female abusers aren’t an issue – and not just for their male victims. Above, I’ve quoted that 83 men were murdered by a partner in 2020 in the UK… but there were also 11 women murdered by female partners (around 4% of all female domestic murder victims, which is actually higher than the percentage of women WITH female partners). Defending or ignoring female abuse of men doesn’t just harm men, it also directly normalises the same behaviours, and in some cases exactly the same abusers, who also harm women.

        • wastrel7-av says:

          In the UK in 2020, 83 men were murdered by their partners – around 23% of all people murdered by their partners. In total around 27% of violent crimes occuring within a context of domestic abuse had male victims. 32% of people who experienced domestic abuse in 2020 were male. That’s around 1 in every 7 men experiencing domestic abuse (compared to around 1 in every 4 women).In the UK, total figures have been trending down in recent decades, but the ratio of male and female victims has remained fairly steady. I would imagine the proportions are probably similar in the US.Clearly, 23% is a minority. But it’s a pretty big minority. In any other context, ignoring 23% of victims would be a pretty big deal. Women, for example, make up only 13% of people murdered by someone OTHER than their partner – men are between 7 and 8 times as likely to be murdered by a non-partner, and even more disproportionately likely to be murdered by a stranger – and yet (quite rightly!) we treat non-domestic murder of women as a very serious issue. [to put those numbers in context together: 83 domestic murders of men, ~110 non-domestic murders of women]Similarly, 1 in 7 men experiencing abuse every year is a really big figure. Sure, no, it’s not as big as the percentage women women experiencing abuse, but this isn’t a competition. If 1 in 7 men were suffering from any other serious condition, it would be a major issue.And then again: 83 murder victims a year is a lot of people who have been murdered. At least, in any country outside America. In most countries, an ongoing issue that lead to the murder of 83 people every year would be deemed worthy of some attention. Even in America, I think that if you turned on the news to see that (multiplying by relative population) 413 members of any given group had been violently murdered in a park today – and you remembered the same thing happening the year before, and the year before that, and so on – you wouldn’t say “I really don’t care – I’ll care about those murder victims sometime after the next ice age, thanks”. So why is someone “right” to say that when those murders take place day by day, instead of on a single day each year?

          • cananyonereadthis-av says:

            Again, please quote where I said that we should ignore male victims or that their abuse is irrelevant? Please, I’d love to know what you’re basing your assumption on. All I said is that statistically, more women are affected and more women end up dead or injured. Here are the numbers for the US. https://ncadv.org/statistics

          • lazarusmars-av says:

            Just take the L, you’re the one trying to turn this into oppression olympics. Also male abuse is vastly underreported so official stats don’t really cut it.

          • wastrel7-av says:

            You asked how many men were killed, so I told you (for my country).And if you ask someone “how many people are even affected by this problem!?”, then people are going to think that you’re dismissing that problem. Because… that’s exactly what you’re doing. The same way that if you said “but how many people even ARE trans anyway? This issue affects such a tiny percentage of the population! There’s a lot more straight cis men being murdered!” then people will – correctly – believe that you’re minimising issues affecting trans people.They will also think that you’re minimising an issue when you jump in to say that someone who is completely nihilising the issue and attacking anyone who doesn’t is correct.
            Now, if you’re doing it in an actual conversation about practical resource allocations, saying “we should reduce spending on X problem by Y% and give that money to Z problem because that’s more pressing”, that can be a different thing (though inevitably controversial). But a point-blank dismissive “oh how many people even was it that were murdered, it’s such a tiny number” is not that conversation.

        • mrskitty20-av says:

          Ever watched snapped? Lol I’ll wait.. 

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Because you are replying.

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        Cause hes fuckin right. The only guy who can bitch about abuse from a woman is if he’s married to an MMA fighter.

      • random-commentor-av says:

        Awww, did you read something that upset you?

    • poeticinsomniac-av says:

      Abuse is abuse. The fact that you’re even debating that point indicates you’re a sexist piece of shit.

      How about woman on woman abuse? Is that “less bad”? Because heard was arrested for DV against her ex-girl friend, making it all the more likely that she’s repeated that behavior with others.

      But you’re also glossing over the fact that when women are physically abusive, especially against men, they also lay on the psychological and emotional abuse. Poking and prodding and  trying to push fucking buttons until the person they’re abusing snaps, and physically defends themselves. At which point they cry victim, and idiots like you dismiss it as being “not as bad”. Real mystery why it’s under reported.

    • lockeanddemosthenes-av says:

      Woof you should really run off a bridge holy shit what a nuclear take. Made recognitions look reasonable.

      • drkschtz-av says:

        How is it a nuclear take to point out that there’s somewhat of a power difference in the 5’4 110 pounder hitting someone twice their size?

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        His take is 100 percent right. Fuck off.

    • sethchaoss-av says:

      A yes stopping a debate by saying your view is the only correct view. You would make one excellent dictator.

    • anacostiabikecompany-av says:

      Tell that to my broken foot and marriage. #abusedguy

    • murrychang-av says:

      “I’ll worry about the poor male abusers getting hit back sometime after the next ice age, thanks.”Well hey that’s great but over here in the real world anyone hitting anyone else is bad.Hope that helps!

    • perfectlyquaffed-av says:

      Can we agree if somebody is hitting you you can hit them back no matter what gender.

    • BenLozier813-av says:

      If you think there is a certain kind of way someone should be raised, you were probably raised Protestant. You’re wrong by the way.

    • usus-av says:

      Didn’t she cut off his finger?

    • pophead911-av says:


    • kinjakungen-av says:

      Thanks, but as a survivor of having grown up in a home with a seriously abusive mother, please let me take the time to say you’re full of shit.That is all.

    • marteastwood47-av says:

      Uh it is. Stay in the greys you living under a rock man. 

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      This is a pretty fucked up take.

    • Spderweb-av says:

      Did you just justify abuse?It’s just as bad.  end of discussion.  

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      Jezebel argued the same years ago. It was a dipshit arguement back then, and it’s a dipshit now.

    • asheepwithadream-av says:

      If you were raised any kind of correctly, you wouldn’t advocate anyone getting hit, man or woman. Abuse is real and equally awful regardless of gender, , you’re just taking the awful fake feminist stance that does nothing but devalue our daily struggles as survivors of abuse. I bet you’re anti abortion too, with the same kind of rhetoric that keeps rapists out of jail and murderous twats in congress. Take your L and go home.

    • theanarchistsneedlogisticalsupport-av says:

      That’s, well, it’s pretty darn stupid. Physical abuse is wrong no matter who commits it. The idea that women can’t inflict the same sort of injury as a man is ridiculous.If the solve for every social problem required us to first ensure that members of a privileged group suffer before we consider equal treatment, then we’re hypocrites. If you want to claim that abuse isn’t wrong when a woman does it, you’re a hypocrite. 

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      If you mean that male on female abuse is far more prevalent, far more systemically entrenched, and far more likely to result in severe injury and death, then yes, women hitting men is “not as bad,” though I would never use that phrasing.If you—as, unfortunately, you seem to—mean that men are incapable of being abused, assaulted, or raped by women, then…um, you’re wrong? Both factually and morally?(ETA: This is emphatically not a post defending Johnny Depp.)

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Yep, basically this.Also, holy HELL has the discourse around this trial been deeply weird.

    • manwich-av says:

      As a guy who has never been abusive to any woman AND has had a past relationship with an abusive woman, I say that you should GO FUCK YOURSELF.Sidenote: I’m on neither Depp’s or Heard’s side.  But I do think Depp should have ended the relationship sooner instead of trying to make it work. 

    • smcat-av says:

      You could have just gone with your last sentence instead of minimizing abuse with your previous garbage. 

    • j4x-av says:

      LOtta whiners in the replies. Go be sad by yourselves children 

    • snory-av says:


    • Zilor-av says:

      You’re a piece of shit.

    • kingdalkian-av says:

      Gotcha. So woman can just full on hit and punch men but we aren’t allowed to do it back. Pretty one sided. You could just be against violence in relationships but evidently your just sexist instead. Interesting position 

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Started strong, but that latter part was…well, certainly a take.“I prefer apples.” =/= (or shouldnt =) “Fuck oranges.”

    • haywooj-av says:

      Jesus Christ, what an idiotic thing to say. You obviously don’t know how violent some women can be. Violence and abuse are not only reserved for men.

    • queenoffartz-av says:

      It’s never acceptable to become physically violent with your partner, period. Doesn’t matter how angry, frustrated or mad you get. If you lack the emotional maturity to communicate your feelings without putting your hands on someone, you shouldn’t be in a relationship with anyone. 

    • nooyawkah-av says:

      It’s very bad when she lies about it and makes herself the victim then destroys his reputation and costs his 10’s of millions of dollars in movie roles.
      And it’s extremely bad for women who are actually abused who will now be doubted even more because she lied about being abused.

    • spayme11-av says:

      Wow, what a completely moronic take. Are you trying to say that a man’s broken bones at the hands of a woman aren’t as bad? Or that if a woman attacks a man with a weapon it’s all good and not as bad as the other way around? The irony of you talking about not being raised correctly is quite hilarious.

    • xeno-queen-av says:

      ^^^ this post right here, utterly fucking stupid.  Save your brain cells folks.

    • realkgbman-av says:

      google definition of equality

    • qris-av says:

      You, your parents, and everything they’ve ever taught you are a gigantic fucking joke to the entire world.

    • womenareequaluntiltheyrenot-av says:

      Yes because women are equal to men in every way shape and form and should be treated as such (until it doesn’t benefit them to make that claim). They should receive equal treatment (unless we’re talking about child custody which favors mother’s and alimony, then they need to be treated as if they are better). And they are just as strong as men and should receive the same compensation across the board (although they can’t physically do the same physically demanding jobs that men do, but you can’t say that because that’s sexist) but they’re weaker and so a man hitting a woman is worse than a woman hitting a man. Ok. Got it. Makes sense.

    • mkarr25-av says:

      wow, such soy

    • ketsuekiryu1982-av says:

      Tell that to the cast iron skillet that was nearly raked over my head cause someone wanted to take their frustrations out on you cause something didn’t go their way. Only got lucky cause a doorway got in their way. How about same woman abusing and manipulating your children after one of them gets physically abused by her boyfriends but wants to play the victim instead. You’ve no clue how cunning women can be. Go rot somewhere and be of some use saving mother earth instead of spouting bs. 

    • twoliterturbo-av says:

      Can you answer why it is not as bad? 

    • dickhart-av says:

      It’s not the same when men shouldn’t hit back to defend themselves. I have the right to use lethal force – if necessary – to stop any assailant from attacking me, regardless of their gender. To all women that think they can get away with it because men shouldn’t hit back, try it. I’ll pump that bitch’s body with lots of lead. Make America Great Again!

    • itsmooseskins-av says:

      What do you mean by as bad. Like death nd injury? Or amount that happens? Because that changes how much you miss the mark by.

    • tbubbler-av says:

      You are right. Women hitting men isn’t as bad…it’s WORSE. Because men are immaculated and ignored when they do speak up. No sane person defends a proven woman abuser in the US, but even proven men abusers get a pass because of people like you saying men should essentially shut up and deal with it. You are the problem. You are an abuse sympathizer. 

    • ababyseal-av says:

      “I want equality, but only if it benefits me” – you

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Can… uh…we stop pretending that women hitting men is as bad as men hitting women?I’m sorry but…. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! What an asinine delusional take, JFC. And I really don’t care how underreported male abuse is. It still isn’t as bad as the abuse women get.If you agree that it’s as underreported as it truly is, then how can you make an objective claim like this? How the fuck would you know? Your feelings?Eat shit troll.

    • noirefusetomakeafckingusername-av says:

      Perfect example of why the human race should’ve died long ago

    • sharpimus-av says:

      That’s a weird take on trans sports.

    • thetruthishere-av says:

      Get cuked

    • tinydancerblm-av says:

      As a male victim of rape, I’m appalled at your entitlement to 100% of the victimhood.  I needed 2 reconstructive surgeries.  Educate yourself, please, you come off like an actual evil person.

    • tinydancerblm-av says:

      As a male victim of rape, I’m appalled at your entitlement to restrict 100% of the victimhood to women. I needed 2 reconstructive surgeries. Educate yourself, please, you come off like an actual evil person.

    • jsjxjsjdh-av says:

      is this an elaborate ‘women aren’t as strong as men’ misogynist joke on your part? or are you legitimately this disgusting of a person? what’s the reasoning, anyway? is it because men are metaphysically inferior in some way, so their pain matters less? or do you believe women have different nerve endings that make them feel pain more intensely than men (which is ironically the opposite of reality: ever heard of childbirth?)one thing is clear: violence towards you as an individual is obviously less bad than violence towards the average human. after all, who can empathise with someone who lacks empathy?

    • trickster_qc-av says:

      wakw up, it’s not 1986 anymore. Any kind of abuse is bad. Simple as that.

    • nomaskholesplz-av says:

      Ah right, you’re the same kind of jerk off who says “Blue Lives Matter”. Highlighting one form of abuse does not in any way diminish or amplify the abuse another group suffers. Its all equally bad. Trying to make one “more” important just makes you “more” of a jerk.

    • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

      no, it’s still a crime, stupid.
      Battery is battery regardless of what your sex is or the sex of the victim.

      it literally is, equally bad. literally codified in law.

    • awkwardbacon-av says:

      Why are you so zero sum about it? We can acknowledge the truth (abusers are awful, regardless of gender), while also recognizing the scale of the situation (women are abused on a scale far greater than men). Taking a moment to advocate for male abuse victims does not reduce the support available for the woman victims.Source: an emotional abuse survivor male.

    • colonel9000-av says:

      Fuck off. My ex-wife was bipolar and she beat me for YEARS, in FRONT OF OUR KIDS. She was arrested three times, received four restraining orders, was trying to choke me out when the cops dragged her away, broke my noes, gave me three black eyes. All the while I was trying to get her to manage her condition, which she refused to do. Eventually, I had to kick her out and divorce her, the love of my life turned beating machine.I think my favorite part, and again, fuck you to hell, was the time she got arrested and charged with two courts of felony assault, and as I’m explaining to the cops what happend, face swollen red and beat from all the blows I’d just suffered, one of the male cops snickered and said “She did that to you?”I’m guess that just like you, he was a giant cunt who loved to downplay the seriousness of female domestic violence.  Did I say fuck you?  FUCK. YOU. 

    • saltybitch-av says:

      This website sure is full of fucked up people. Abuse is abuse, it doesn’t matter which way it goes.

    • devices-av says:

      baby you are just wrong. It deserves as much attention as abused women because it’s not right behavior, all guys that have been accused get instant-cancel so women will get cancelled too.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      I mean yes totally… but like… at the same time… assault is assault. My brother was raped by a woman in college and other men teased him saying “oh come on, you liked it”. The bottom line IS the bottom line. Though… fuck Johnny Depp.

    • xdavis4012-av says:

      You must be an abuser…..

    • gardomp-av says:

      What would hitting you be ranked as? hitting a dog?

    • kleptrep-av says:

      Holy shit I thought I had the worst take of all of Disqus with my goddamn Netflixesque comment on Ezra Miller referring to themselves as them. But no you decide to willingly state how you don’t give a shit about abuse victims based on what they identify as. Holy smokes man.

    • madwriter-av says:

      She literally cut his finger off and can’t produce one picture with a black eye? I’m not saying he didn’t hit her, but you bust someone in the face with a handful of rings, you’re gonna leave a mark.

    • harthal-av says:

      Let me guess, a man posted this?

    • saugeen-uwo-av says:

      You couldn’t be more wrong

    • bubba96-av says:

      Thats not the point jackass you cant hit your loved ones period.

    • sixdaysinfallujahismyfavoritegame-av says:

      Are you talking about frequency or potential limit in a single relationship? because if it’s the former yeah but if it’s the later, go fuck yourself.

    • notfeminist-av says:

      But, you want equal rights and equal pay and the ability to be a slut and get abortions? Psychological, sexual (games, withholding, cheating, creating jealousy etc.), and physical abuse by women over men is not a big deal, cause that is how you were raised? Therein lies the problem. An entire generation of bad boomer parenting telling their little princesses that they are special and they can do nothing wrong and the world owes them everything in return for sex – is why you are the way you are. Disappear in the nice age, and DO NOT procreate or parent, please. Goodbye.

    • notfeminist-av says:

      But, you want equal rights and equal pay and the ability to be a sl*t and get abortions? Psychological, sexual (games, withholding, cheating, creating jealousy etc.), and physical abuse by women over men is not a big deal, cause that is how you were raised? Therein lies the problem. An entire generation of bad boomer parenting telling their little princesses that they are special and they can do nothing wrong and the world owes them everything in return for sex – is why you are the way you are. Disappear in the nice age, and DO NOT procreate or parent, please. Goodbye.

    • nominate-av says:


    • karlyn58-av says:

      ok, queen. we get it. what you feel is the truth.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Yeesh, that’s quite the morally reprehensible take.

    • granfaloon-av says:

      So you’re saying it’s okay for women to hit men, huh? Feminism in a nutshell.

    • mrskitty20-av says:

      Sit your ass down . 

    • crypticrose-av says:

      My step brother at the age of 20 he was a big dude, didnt lay a finger on his partner. She thought that it was okay to smack him around. Just before his 21st He ended up really sick with cancer and his partner thought she could still smack him around while he was going through cemo. Women can be as bad as a man when it comes to abuse. Sometimes they can be worse.

    • freshness-av says:

      I’m a safeguarding nurse. As much as I’ve been uncomfortable with the skewed internet narrative during this trial, and think in general the majority of the people are being far too partisan towards Depp… suffice to say, you are an idiot.

    • gotagu-av says:

      Oh look, another “ally” with probably a few skeletons in the closet, or just a massive virgin who “studied the sword” judging by his avatar.M’lady * titlting his fedora*

    • venivik-av says:

      Oof wrong answer. If women are allowed to hit men, men get to hit women. As you have clearly described, that’s not the way you want this to go. 

    • goblinqueen-123-av says:

      Shut up. You are a moron. Keep your mf hands TO YOURSELF. No ONE has a right to put their hands on ANY LIVING THING PERIOD. END OF. Just because you think you are some teeny tiny fragile bird doesn’t give you the right to put your hands on anyone. There are women who are quite strong and good fighters and men who are tiny and more feminine so shut the…. up with your stupid outdated ideas

  • martincrane-av says:

    I feel truly insane reading any coverage/commentary of this, it’s so wildly different depending where I am. It scares me how confident everyone is that the facts are on their side, considering a huge amount of them must be wrong.

    • mattk23-av says:

      Part of the problem with those takes is people think the case is about who abused who. It’s not. This is a defamation case and so what Depp needs to prove is that Heard knowingly lied about what she wrote and she targeted at Depp to ruin his rep. Which honestly is nearly impossible. Heard abusing Depp was little bearing on the actual case. Plus these same facts were litigated in the UK where it’s much easier to prove defamation (since they don’t have freedom of speech) and Depp still lost. So the likely outcome is Depp loses here to.

      • frenchton-av says:

        I am a middle aged college professor, and one of his twenty year old fans was in my class this semester. She had a complete meltdown and reported me to the chair for saying that parasocial relationships can cloud judgement and that she couldn’t be certain of the character of a person she had never met. The context was my rejection of her idea for a paper about Johnny Depp’s innocence. No, it didn’t fit the assignment at all. Yes, the chair backed me, but I was left bewildered.The British courts found him to be abusive, and yes, there is little chance the outcome will be different here. The scary thing for me is that he knows that and is doing this anyway. He’s blowing all the money to have her dragged into court and attacked by an army of online lunatics. I don’t care what you think or didn’t think happened or what her character is. He’s putting on a show of his fans and is amused by their vitriol. It’s truly bizarre how certain his fan contingent is of everything.
        The internet is a bad thing, that’s all I’m saying to the internet.

      • ntbbiggs-av says:

        There is freedom of speech in the UK, it’s just not as fetishised as the first amendment. The issue of defamation is more interesting than that – The defence in the UK relies upon the party to justify why they believe what they said is true. This is different to the US standard where the plaintiff needs to establish that the statements are made with malicious intent. Also, if you lose a civil suit in the UK, you pay costs, which is an interesting wrinkle in terms of SLAPP suits.

        Depp lost in the UK because the paper presented a lot of supporting testimony (and seriously, how anyone supports Depp after joking about violently copulating with Heard’s burnt corpse is a question for psychologists), so even though the judge found both Heard and Depp to be evasive and dishonest at times on the stand, there was enough evidence coming from other people to validate 12 of the 14 incidents that were looked at. Then Depp had to pay the costs for a verdict that said using the term wife-beater was justified which is near perfect schadenfreude.

        The thing is, I’m starting to think that the asking someone to validate what they said is a better standard than the actual malice one. There was a case in the UK about a guy called Christopher Jefferies and he was almost a perfect suspect – loner, slightly weird looking according to reports… the papers monstered him, but he was able to successfully sue eight of them. Compare that to Tucker Carlson being defended in court with a statement of “Well, no-one should reasonably believe him”

    • henshinagito-av says:

      It’s a coverage of toxic femininity and it shocks people who didn’t realize that it existed.

      • kinjakungen-av says:

        Oh yeah? Tell me more about this totally not-reactionary “toxic femininity” you keep harping on about in your comments.

        • nothkns-av says:

          Why would anybody feel compelled to respond to something so condescending? You’re clearly not going to listen

        • spayme11-av says:

          I take it you were there to see that it was reactionary? You seem quite confident so you must be close to them both.

      • sarcastro7-av says:


      • scottsummers76-av says:

        It’s more about a toxic fanbase who will go to any extreme to support Johnny Depp.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Watching people watch this has felt unsettlingly weird.

      • hungweilo-kinja-kinja-rap-av says:

        It’s certainly been a very interesting kaleidoscope and Rorschach test on suburbanite women of a certain age in the past 2 months or so.You know the ones I’m referring to – the ones who came of age alongside Johnny Depp’s career ascend.

        • yellowfoot-av says:

          I wouldn’t even say it’s restricted to that or any other group of people. Almost everyone I see on social media is loudly pro Depp and anti Heard. It seems women of a certain age are not the only ones who fell in love with Johnny Depp. Of course, most of it is just misogyny, but even through that you can see lots of “Captain Jack Sparrow would never do that, he’s a great guy!” sentiment.

    • gokartmozart89-av says:

      I would say the majority of the internet doesn’t understand that the law suit is for defamation, or what the elements of defamation are. That really skews the various takes. It also doesn’t help that the media benefits most by focusing on the more scandalous aspects of the case, rather than educating their audiences on the relevant law and the burden of proof on Depp as the plaintiff in a defamation case. It’s almost as toxic as their relationship. 

    • jessiewiek-av says:

      I saw some commentary on this trial point out how nature documentaries can make you root for the lion or the gazelle based on the narration and the editing, and I’ve been thinking about that a lot.

    • nilus-av says:

      I kinda decided a while ago that they are both probably terrible people and have happily ignored this case.  

      • sourdont-av says:

        I don’t particularly care about them as individuals, but I am a bit afraid of the ramifications for abused people speaking out in general.

    • teddybearfighter-av says:

      that´s why there rarely is Trump lawsuits in court, settled off it, because discovery phase would be insane…. just like it is now….

  • perfectlyquaffed-av says:

    the problem is heard portrayed herself as a victim of abuse while she was participating in abuse. She wrote article stating Johnny abused her and was a wife beater, the evidence we heard is that they got in to fights together. If both are fighting who is to say who is abused. In the tapes Ive heard Johnny is always trying to leave and she wont let him. In one of the tapes he actually says “can you please let me leave”. Also we don’t really knew who is telling the truth as it is a he said she said type of situation, we can only go on past behavior and evidence. Heard abused partners in the past and she is on tape saying she hit him and then telling him he was not hit, classic abusive behavior. His career was definitely damaged by these allegations which were false since they abused each other and she was not a victim.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      “If both are fighting who is to say who is abuse.”Both of them. This isn’t fucking hard, my dude.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Then take a Viagra . . . my dude.

      • lazerarse-av says:

        If someone defends themselves by repulsing an agressor, then you deem that to be mutual abuse,..in which case the right of self defense is ull & void.is that what you’re inferring.  Weird. 

    • bobusually-av says:

      “ she was participating in abuse”

      Like those slutty women who participate in their rapes, right? Jesus Christ, the fucking knots these MRA dipshits will tie themselves into for Johnny fucking Depp is insane. 

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        Its not just them, he has a huge female base supporting him, too

      • perfectlyquaffed-av says:

        If someone
        accuses you of rape. Then you find a tape of them saying they raped you, its kinda
        hard to believe they were a victim.

      • nothkns-av says:

        You probably don’t think women can rape men either, do you?

      • stupidkidd-av says:

        What a stupid comment. People just keep getting dumber. Sickening.

      • cyberpizza-av says:

        What an insane take. She’s pretty definitively been shown to have participated in the abuse. That doesn’t mean she deserved to be abused. Do you understand what nuance is? It seems pretty obvious to me that they were both truly awful to one another. That doesn’t mean anyone deserved what they got. How is this difficult?

    • scottsummers76-av says:

      they didnt get into fights, he beat her and she tried to defend herself.

    • lexw-av says:

      That’s not “the problem”.“The problem” is that the public are:A) Apparently psychopaths who thrive on taking sides.andB) Don’t understand what this trial is about or how the law works on a really basic level.You’re a prime example – “these allegations which were false since they abused each other and she was not a victim”Nope. That is not how defamation works. It wasn’t in the UK, and it’s even less that way in the US. It’s not a competition. Both being at fault doesn’t matter. If Depp abused Heard, and he did, it literally doesn’t matter if she also abused him, because the defence here is “I wasn’t lying when I said Depp abused me”, and both the situations “Depp abused Heard” and “Depp abused Heard and Heard abused Depp” contain that being true. The only situation that doesn’t is where Depp didn’t abuse Heard at all, but we’re already long past that. You can run a little contest in your head and decide that Depp is “way less bad” or whatever, but that’s immaterial.

      • perfectlyquaffed-av says:

        literally doesn’t matter if she also abused him

        maybe in the court (and in your mind) but not it the court of public opinion it does, her story as a victim has been proven false (thanks to this being streamed and the public hears the truth), the trial is Johnny clearing his name in the public and exposing her , either way he wins since he has shown she abused him.

        • rsqcom-av says:

          If you think there is a “winner” in this garbage fire of a trial, I suggest emotional counseling. 

          • perfectlyquaffed-av says:

            the winner is the truth instead of a one sided fairy-tale spun by an abuser and bolstered by an agenda driven media and activists.

          • rsqcom-av says:

            Lol no one here knows the “truth” not even those sitting on the stand. The human mind is very good at painting a narrative it can deal with especially in traumatic situations. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181836/The only thing that is happening here is everyone getting their entertainment from two pretty damaged people.

          • yellowfoot-av says:

            Imagine thinking that the court system in America —or anywhere really—   is the place that The Truth wins out.

        • pgoodso564-av says:

          “maybe in the court (and in your mind) but not it the court of public opinion it does,”

          And now you’ve ably proven Heard’s countersuit.

          • perfectlyquaffed-av says:

            yeah the counter-suit should be easy to beat since there are tapes of her saying she hit him. Also if she loses the counter suit interesting to see if she pursues it as she says these trials are harassment of her.

        • lexw-av says:

          If you think Depp has done anything but make himself more toxic to potential employers, you’re literally out of your mind in the way a truly demented fanboy can be.This is a lose/lose situation. Depp already lost, so now he’s trying to drag Heard down too, and he’s basically succeeded. That’s not a win, that’s basically a murder-suicide by court.The difference is, and the only level of which Depp has “won” is that he has a vastly larger fortune than Heard, and even if he never gets a well-paid job again in Hollywood, he can coast on that so long as he doesn’t go mad. Whereas Heard, who is much, much younger, and had nowhere near as much money, is in a more difficult position. Especially with legions of psychopaths (many of whom say the same things as you hmmmm funny that) threatening to murder her and so on.

          • perfectlyquaffed-av says:

            Not really sure about his future employment, maybe your right hurt his career with these suits. Maybe he doesn’t care and just wanted to the truth to come out and let people decide who the abuser was, instead of them relying on Amber and the medias shaded version of events. Imagine your abuser writing a op- ed playing the victim, what option do you have, just accept it cause like Amber said try telling the jury and judge that you as a man were abused, or stand up fight for your truth. Perhaps you are right that Johnny should not have fought and hope eventually he would be able to work again. But to me its very brave what Johnny is doing , its true he will never fully regain his reputation but at least he fought back against his abuser and stood up in the witness stand and said his truth .

          • lexw-av says:

            “its true he will never fully regain his reputation but at least he fought back against his abuser and stood up in the witness stand and said his truth”I mean, you can do that without going to court. If he just wanted to “speak his truth”, the “the media” would be happy to publish it (though less happy after he sued a newspaper – and lost, note), just like they do whenever a Hollywood type wants to air dirty laundry. The time to do that was after Heard’s pieces ran originally.His real mistake was taking Heard to court in the UK in the first place. Before that, relatively few people believed her, and it was just another sensationalist Hollywood story. Maybe they thought he was slightly more gross than before but nobody but gossip-hounds and celebrity obsessives (who are pretty small in number) and the like really cared.By taking her to court, and losing, in one of the countries where it’s easiest to win a defamation case (definitely the easiest English-language one), whilst airing a ton of dirty laundry normal people hadn’t heard about, he nuked his own career from orbit. Heard had at most done light damage to him. But that obliterated it. So this is essentially revenge for his own (and his lawyers) stupidity, because he fucked himself so badly he destroyed his career, now he’s going to destroy hers.

          • atticusthefincher-av says:

            It remains to be seen what the reputational damage of losing this case will be to Depp – assuming legally, defamation will be all but impossible to prove based on what’s come out so far. But it’s also clear that Heard’s counter claim is on even thinner grounds than Depp’s.I think the point of the suit from Depp’s point of view is probably to bring out the other side of the story – y’know the part where Heard was also crazy and hella abusive – under the full glare of the media and the Court. So the issue isn’t so much whether Depp abused Heard, I would argue it’s pretty clear at this point they abused each other. I think it was to obliterate the narrative Heard pushed that she was ONLY a victim and not an active participant and perpetrator of abuse.I think this suit doesn’t really change anyone’s opinion of Depp to the extent that they already thought he was an abuser after the failed UK suit. But it does completely destroy Heard’s narrative and exposes her as a liar. Maybe that was point…

          • lexw-av says:

            Yeah, it’s essentially petty revenge for his own stupidity, as I said. If he’d merely gone on the record to rebut Heard’s claims in the press, or just said they were a bunch of fantasy and not elaborated, and never sued, this would have remained a storm in a teacup and been largely forgotten by now. But because he and his lawyers (who presumably just wanted £££) were so dumb as to attempt to sue and lose in the UK, he caused normal people, not just celeb gossip fans to actually learn all this weird dirty laundry (it became literally 50x higher profile when he did that), and for it to become stuck to him. He made a bad choice, and now he’s destroying someone weaker than him as revenge for that dumb choice. I don’t think “the truth” coming out has anything to do with this.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        To pontificate a little: it often seems worryingly as though people really believe that if someone is a Bad Person, they can’t be a victim, and therefore the abuse was not only justified but wasn’t even abuse at all. The same thing happened with Will Smith, where the internet immediately divided between “Rock said nothing wrong, so Smith shouldn’ have hit him” and “Rock said something bad, so Smith was absolutely right to hit him (and would have been wrong not too)”. An alarmingly large number of people don’t seem to have “both people were wrong” as an option in their mental filing system.
        [fortunately, I was raised Catholic. This has many downsides, but it does at least build a habit of considering “everybody involved did something bad!” as an option…]

        • lexw-av says:

          It is genuinely bizarre that so many people, especially in the US, can’t accept both people can be bad in these personal conflicts, even when they feel a lot more attached to one than the other.With Rock/Smith, I’ve seen what hair loss does to other women, what they have to deal with, and how society both treats it as an unacceptable transgression for a woman to suffer hair loss (unlike men – I say this as a balding man), yet thinks its okay to joke about, so I totally understand where Smith was coming from, and I know for a fact he made some women who have suffered hair loss feel a bit better by doing that. But yeah, it wasn’t the right thing to do (he got kinda lucky in that it was a perfectly executed slap and Rock was able to take it without falling/tripping), nor smart, if he’d got up there and merely taken the mic away (he could probably have just asked for it) and told Rock that he was out of line, and attacking people for illnesses and disability was cowardly and shitty, then the same point might have been made and it might be Rock’s career eating dirt.

          • wastrel7-av says:

            Good point on the microphone, actually, which I hadn’t heard people bring up. It would still have been a little controversial (do we really want to start a trend where any audience member even slightly offended by an awards host gets to come up and give a speech? If nothing else, we could be there all night…), but overall if Smith had done that he’d have generally been hailed as a hero and it would be an iconic Oscars moment that people praised him for for the rest of his life, as well as kickstarting a beneficial conversation about alopoecia (which instead his slap largely muffled).

          • lexw-av says:

            Yeah and it’s not just alopecia, there are a lot of other situations (some worse than alopecia) that can cause hair loss in women. Smith gave some of those women some catharsis in seeing a lazy bullying comment (maybe honestly meant as a joke, but still nasty and punching down hard and far) finally have some well-earned consequences, but with a bit more sense it could have been a lot more.

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    Good for them–someone showing they got balls–how unusual.

  • murrychang-av says:
  • rewod01-av says:

    “…a supposed lack of chemistry with Momoa.”There was nothing “supposed” about the lack of chemistry. Its absence was palpable.

    • fenwulf-av says:

      Yeah, I think the “supposedly” falls off when the Head of DC Films appears and testifies under oath this is EXACTLY why. There were discussions as soon as the first movie ended.

  • bnd4004us-av says:

    And they must be regretting that decision as milllions call to boycott Aquaman 2 with AH in it. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Glad to say I’ve not spent four seconds on Twitter in my life.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      As if this forum is any less of a catty time sink. lulz…

    • lexw-av says:

      To be fair I follow like 150 people on Twitter and the only things I’ve heard about this case on Twitter are “Fucking stop asking me about the Depp vs Heard case you dipshits”. So it depends entirely on who you choose to follow. Follow a bunch of creeps, dipshits, and mental children and yeah, you’ll probably get tons of this. But why do that?

      • jamocheofthegrays-av says:

        I’d just like Twitter to stop putting it on the top of their “News” column. Surely something else is happening in the world.

        • lexw-av says:

          Surely we must be leaving in peaceful times indeed, free of energy crises, pandemics, and wars, given the coverage it’s getting? It’s like ‘90s celeb levels of coverage, but back then genuinely there was less newsworthy stuff going on…

          • jamocheofthegrays-av says:

            At least it’s not getting TV news coverage. I used to have a very good “hit the channel button” reflex when I saw the OJ courtroom.

  • alexhaines11-av says:

    A lot of you are more pro-abuse than I would have thought. Learn something new every day I suppose. 

  • batteredsuitcase-av says:

    Hasn’t the poor woman been through enough? Forcing her to be Aquaman 2 just seems cruel.

  • scottsummers76-av says:

    I think it was more than a non eventful blip. Didnt he lose his pirate job AND his harry potter prequel jobs because of this?

  • mwake1-av says:

    “officially because of a supposed lack of chemistry with Momoa”

    I don’t know anything about the court cases and accusations, defamations, whatever, but this is true. She was the second worse part of Aquaman, the first being Patrick Wilson as a big baddie lol

    • montgomerycburnout-av says:

      Yeah, I feel strongly that portion of the testimony is just going to be disregarded by anyone on the Jury that saw Aquaman.  Pretty much, the comparison of Amber Heard to Zendaya, Gal Gadot, etc. is just going to sound like nonsense to anyone that watched her in literally any film. 

      • turbo-turtle-av says:

        The entire testimony is going to get ignored. This expert witness knew less about anything than anyone.

  • trgoodie-av says:

    Wow what bs. Abuse of any kind is abuse. There are women out here that are so much stronger than any man. To even say something so senseless just shows how little your mentally is. Open the box and see the whole picture! 

  • themotleybeast-av says:

    No, dude.  No one, regardless of their gender, age, sexual orientation, or anything else, should suffer abuse.  All abuse is terrible.  It needs to stop.

  • bumblebug-av says:

    I see you’re a sexist, misandrist, there are many names for it.It is just as bad. Not only can it be just as bad physically, but emotionally also. It can shame a man, makes him feel like less of a man and they don’t speak out. Because of people like you. I hope you change your way someday.Oh, I thought you were a woman. My apologies. I hope it’s not that you are abused and you’re just trying to stick your chest out to not show your emotions.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    based on my rather alarming interactions with the Depp stans, I think they should have dug deeper into that response that Heard’s name triggered, because I can’t help thinking the blind ferocity of his stans probably made the overall reaction appear worse than maybe it was. I don’t care that much for either of them but I seriously worry for her safety from his fans once this is all done and dusted, because some of them would make a t***p cultist seem calm and reasonable.

    • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

      personally Heard triggered memories of my own trauma, also being abused by the female in my relationship, and heard’s words and actions mirrored the abuse kristie would level towards me.
      to this day my wife hates that I am constantly apologizing for things that aren’t my fault.
      i am a strong man and the woman who abused me is a tiny waif of a person who literally struggles lifting a gallon of milk (no exaggeration) – and she did end up physically hurting me too- she got a knife one day and slashed at me during an argument, slashed up my knee, then kept my phone from me so I couldn’t call 911 and refused to take me to the hospital.
      I have permanent nerve damage to that knee.

      women are fucking capable of abuse and heard is ripping off the bandaid for males who have been abused by other narcissitic abuser/compulsive liar females.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        I don’t doubt women are capable of such fucking awful abuse as what you described, but I was referring to the reflexive and visceral anger his fans show when you even suggest he might have done anything wrong, not necessarily because they are abuse victims (though I’m sure some are and are also triggered by her testimony) but it seems like most just worship him blindly and can’t process that he might have done anything to her, and they will NOT stand for anything that impugns him.

        • thatforeignguy-av says:

          Eh, there are and equal amount of the same people on her side. They excuse her because he’s obviously a misogynist monster and she’s not responsible for anything she said, did, or had ghost written for her by a pr firm. Awful people on both sides.

        • r31ya-av says:

          Yeah, i don’t know why there is sides that firmly believe one is totally innocents. This is a toxic relationship between two alchoholics, so yeah they will abuse each other. Why there might be argument on which one is the more frequent agressor, it doesn’t chance the fact that they both abuse each other.That being said, Amber have toured around as innocent abused victim as depp being cancelled. With the revelation of her not so innocent case, yeah, depp side is kinda out for blood.

          • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

            I definitely got the “Heard was the more frequent aggressor” vibe.

            as men sometimes when we don’t want to do something we’ll regret (out of anger/frustration) we’ll just try to leave to deescalate. johnny repeatedly does this and heard pursues relentlessly

            aggressor is aggressive

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I hope Momoa and Wan are ready to be pecked to death by a million psychotic chickens on social media for DARING to side with The Bitch Who Shall Not Be Named against The Almighty Depp LOL.

    • karlyn58-av says:

      its not fans but its normal people who have cared to look at facts and trying to get someone justice. There are 5million people who have openly signed a petition. Thats almost 50% of votes that Biden won elections by. If that seems just like a small crazy fan base, then look in the mirror at yourself.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        ah I see one of the psychotic chickens has shown up LOL. So if we’re looking at facts, what about the fact that the UK court found Depp “substantially guilty” of beating Heard in the defamation suit he brought against her?

        • turbo-turtle-av says:

          Well, first of all, the UK suit wasn’t against Heard. It was against a publication, which makes it much more complicated to prove actual malice. It should also be noted that a lot of evidence wasn’t permitted in that trial, and Heard verifiably perjured herself on the stand. Honestly, I went into this trial very skeptical of the Depp fanfare, but having watched nearly the entire thing it’s actually amazing how unreliable Heard is…

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            you’re splitting hairs here to defend Johnny. The *outcome* of that trial was that the court found it “substantially true” that he beat her, period. It wasn’t an “apples to apples” case but they were asking basically the same question and considering much the same evidence. He appealed and despite her “verifiably perjuring herself” his appeal was denied. If she’s unreliable as you say the jury will also agree and justice will finally be served in this cruel world, but if he had just taken the L and gone away for a year or two, Hollywood would have welcomed him back with open arms, instead we had to hear how he raped her with a bottle (which, again, I’ve heard about her shitting on the bed about 1000 times more than the bottle rape).

  • quixote247-av says:

    I wish people would come to terms with the fact that “believing a woman when they come forward with abuse claims” is not synonymous with “liking that woman on a personal level”. I’m not really following this whole trial on a granular level like some people. Frankly, I’ve never really cared for Amber Heard OR Johnny Depp – they’re both kind of sleazy (when my wife first heard about this going to trial, she was like, “Well THAT’S going to be a shitshow,” and she wasn’t wrong.) I’m well aware that Amber Heard had a reputation of being a “psycho bitch” going into this, and I’m not even going to try and debate that. That doesn’t change the fact that women who come forward with abuse claims are always in a position of vulnerability when doing so, they are always taking a huge risk, they recognize that their legitimate claims may be dismissed out-of-hand as hysterical or vengeful, and God forbid their accused abuser is someone with a modicum of fame and power – and if you don’t believe me, look at how Amber Heard is being treated, right now. Like I said, I haven’t been following this trial for hours every day. Can I say with 100% certainty that Heard was abused? The trial isn’t over yet, and also it isn’t my job to come to that conclusion. A judge and jury will decide this case based on its merits (although why this judge allowed the trial to be televised like trash TV in the first place doesn’t exactly speak to the quality of their judgment). But in the meantime, the whole MRAGamergate-style backlash to Heard has been horrifying because it sends a pretty clear message to any other woman who’s been the victim of abuse who might not be the perfect picture of “abuse victim”: if you aren’t sympathetic enough, don’t bother. 

    • karlyn58-av says:

      but believing a woman doesn’t mean that disregard due process. That would be travesty of justice. In this case, an abusing manipulative women took a big dump at idea of #metoo by projecting herself as abused to further her career. Everyone believed her, crucified person at other end, voted her to be ambassador of women rights etc. Blindly believing and denying a due process is mockery of justice system.

  • zwing-av says:

    I didn’t look into this case at all, thinking it was just a sideshow, till my coworkers starting talking virulently about Heard as this clownish abuser. Looking into it after that was insane: the anti-Heard Twitter bot armies (which are very clear on Twitter); the manipulation of out-of-context audio and video to use against her as clips and memes; the ad money spent by Daily Wire and other bad-faith actors to pump anti-Heard stories on social media; the influencers popping up making pro-Depp videos; the complete ignoring of the myriad evidence against Depp; and the total distortion of the case itself, which as others have said is about defamation, a case Depp already lost in the UK.I have not looked into it enough to say Depp is most certainly an abuser or that Heard is a victim. But everything surrounding the case is nuts and really unsettling.

    • GustavVonCheezburger-av says:

      I’ll save you some time. They’re both abusers, both toxic, both monstrous people. Where I have the problem most is with the portrayal of Heard as a victim – her own tone in her texts and writings and words from the trial paint a pretty clear picture of a narcissustic abuser

      Johnny certainly is an abuser too – it just happened that of the two abusers, Heard is the bigger abuser of the two and the more egregious, and also the one pretending they are not a monster.
      Depp admits to being a shitty monster.

    • ntbbiggs-av says:

      The body language expert industry is something I find really unsettling. you see lots of these yahoos on Youtube (almost always on Depp’s side) and it makes me think of a few revolting things:
      -Joanne Lees was accused of being a murderer by the Australian because she was not emotional enough in TV interviews about the death of his boyfriend when they were both attacked. It feels like there are impossible standards for women because it feels like if Amber had behaved in the way to make sure people believe her, the pile on would be about her being an actress
      -James Grigson was a psychologist who gave expert testimony in court about someone being likely to commit crimes again. He earned the name Dr Death and was still used as an expert despite being disciplined for poor practices by the American psychological oversight body (not sure of their exact name right now). Be very careful of people who present themselves as 100% confident of their abilities, especially in fields with poor reproducibility like psychology
      -If body language experts were a real thing, why aren’t they employed to advise juries? Or routinely used in criminal investigations? They are being presented like they are better than polygraphs but they’re no better and everyone knows a polygraph isn’t admissible for a good reason. Why are broadcasters validating this quackology? Just to fill in a few more minutes of air time?

    • turbo-turtle-av says:

      I’ll play devil’s advocate for a bit here (with the disclosure that I don’t like either of these parties but am fascinated by the trial): What’s the myriad of evidence against Depp that you’re referring to exactly? The photographs that do not match up with the horrendous beatings Heard talks about? Remember there’s only one person who has testified to seeing Depp hit Heard, and that’s her sister Whitney. Who’s testimony of the event doesn’t match Amber’s in a crucial part: Amber testified to pro-actively hitting Depp because he was about to push her sister down the stairs, while Whitney claimed Depp came up behind her on the stairs and shoved her out of the way to get to Amber. Even ignoring the testimony of Ms Howell, a (former) Heard family friend who claims that Whitney – who was living with her at the time – confided in her that she lied to protect her sister, this is not great for team Amber.Ultimately; I think Johnny has not disclosed the full truth on the stand. Something seems to be missing there. Having said that, he hasn’t been caught in a single lie yet, and I think that at the very least they’ve done a great job at suggesting that he never initiated any violence. Amber (and her witnesses) have continously made contradictory statements, and Amber has been caught in at least two major lies so far: the settlement donations and the TMZ leaks. The settlement donation played a major role in establishing her credibility in the UK trial, by the way, and was mentioned as a reason for denying Depp’s appeal.The fact that she’s a liar doesn’t mean she hasn’t been abused (bad people have to ability to be wronged), but it really doesn’t help her case, certainly not in the public eye. She’s incredibly lucky that the court has rightfully ruled out some potentially prejudicial evidence, such as her previous DV arrest and perjury investigation ongoing in Australia.TLDR – I think Johnny has a strong case on the sexual assault headline, but the other two claims are just too hard to prove when the relationship was clearly so toxic. Having said that: she ain’t winning her counterclaim. Not dropping that before the trial started is probably her biggest mistake, as it allowed for her to be evaluated by the Depp-team’s psychologist, and made her team waste time on a claim she was never going to get a verdict for.

  • pleasefactcheckyourstuff-av says:

    How about updating your article now that Hamada has given his testimony and totally obliterated everything you’re stating in this?

  • trickster_qc-av says:

    WB CEO: we’re thinking about kicking Heard out of Aquaman 2Wan & Momoa: no no, don’t do that. we need her for the story and suchWB CEO: yeah, I dunno. This whole ordeal sounds like a lot of potential fan backlashWan & Momoa: no, we promised it will all be good. She won’t shit the bed!

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Well, she doesn’t have any chemistry with Momoa, but that’s not entirely her fault. It’s not like he was very good at faking it either. Anyway, this is a shitshow, and I really don’t understand how Depp thinks this is gonna improve his career.

  • kcampbelljr-av says:

    Wasn’t Johnny Depp fired from now two franchises?

    • turbo-turtle-av says:

      He was let go from one – Pirates. He resigned from the Fantastic Beasts franchise, allegedly due to Warner Bros pressure (WB also produces Aquaman). He still got paid for the 3rd FB movie though, but didn’t appear in the final cut.

      • kcampbelljr-av says:

        He was asked to resign by WB: “Despite a lengthy defense of the actor from Wizarding World creator Rowling (herself no stranger to fan controversy), Depp was ultimately asked to resign from Fantastic Beasts 3 after filming just one scene..”

  • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

    I would like to banish Heard and Depp to a desert island and never hear about either of them ever again please.

  • drips-av says:

    Christ these comments are a dumpster fire. Depp Stans, stick to twitter please.

  • ismailisnin-av says:

    Firstly – to “pretend” about anything equals LYING. Howcome ??? Whatever is said or done is not the truth ! . . . . it is . . . pretend!Basically , acting !So , lets not do that – either way , alright ??Now , there is SOME truth in what you said , for example , a woman’s punch to a man’s face or body , would surely results in a lesser injury or swelling seeing what a WEAK creature they are compare to us !However , it is the INTENTION & ACT-( the way )- itself that shud be judged , cos’ even a weakling of a woman that’s wielding a WEAPON , ie , a gun , wud definitely change the scales on her ability to wreak havok & damage upon her male couterpart !And in this case , her weapon is her tongue/ mouth !! Just as sharp & damaging as a gun , IF ! , not more so !As for YOUR tit-for-tat approach , you’ve actually shoot yourselve in the foot ! , for I can’t see that outlook on us the opposite sex would actually bring about any good to your stance any time soon .Adieu !!

  • Optix747-av says:

    These are two awful people that should never have even hung out, let alone marry. That said, Depp is by far the bigger asshole for forcing this circus on the world. He knows he’s nuking what remains of her career while he can pick up odd parts based on his legacy and circle of friends even if he’s locked out of AAA productions. Honestly, can anyone say the UK court judgement made a real blip before Depp instigated this bullshit?

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Amber Heard is the poster child of misogynist rage. When will these Jack Sparrow cultists grow up??

    • nilus-av says:

      I often wonder what percentage of the Sparrow cult defending his every action spent thousands of dollars on a Captain Jack costume in the early 2000s and are just mad that people won’t like the costume anymore.   

    • karlyn58-av says:

      Nah, all this has done is shown mirror to society. Abusers come in all genders, and all shape, forms and age. Stop rushing to a decision cause of gender. and please if you want to make someone ambassador for fighting against DV etc., do some diligence. 

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    Like seriously tho… I don’t understand all the men gloming to Johnny Depp here. He doesn’t need your help. He’s a self declared alcoholic.

    • karlyn58-av says:

      people are flocking to protect someone who got abused and destroyed. Society still believes in justice. is that something difficult to fathom?

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      It’s because they think this case will prove for one and for all that it’s the WOMEN who are the abusive ones, always mouthing off to men, and making men hit them, and pull guns on them,,,and then they take away your guns! Can you believe that? They take away your guns, violating your rights, that are in the CONSTITUTION, just because some woman—the REAL abuser, here, mind you, with all her smart talk—tells some judge that you pulled out a gun and put the barrel in her mouth! As if a man isn’t allowed to handle HIS own gun in HIS own house! And they BELIE—Uh, was I saying something? Kinda blacked out there for a moment.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “He doesn’t need your help. He’s a self declared alcoholic.”

      He DOESN’T need help because he’s admitted he’s an alcoholic?That…doesn’t track at all.

    • cosmicghostrider01-av says:

      And I don’t understand why all you women or should I say so called feminist Karens are gloming over amber heard , so what , just because she’s a women she can’t be the abuser instead of being the victim , are you forgetting that heard abused her ex wife and her ex filed a restraining order against her. Even heards own parents sides with Johnny because they know what a phyco she really is. So amber heard doesn’t need your feminist so called help because she is an abuser and she should own it with confidence , like she doesn’t already does !

  • devices-av says:

    She gives empowered blowjobs that’s why she keeps her job.

  • kleptrep-av says:

    Ok like they’re both abusing assholes who are terrible people grand. But again it’s not about deciding which of these assholes are assholes, it’s about defamation right? It’s about lying right? So why does it matter if one abusive asshole abuses an abusive asshole and then the abused abusive asshole abuses the abusive abusive asshole?We really shouldn’t be choosing innocence based on who has the biggest memes or whatever the heck is going on here? Just have it come to an end or something.
    Because people are too interested in the random ass subplots over bed shitting and hearsay then the crux of the matter. Me included because apart from defamation I am not entirely sure what the point of this is. From what I can tell Domestic Abuser Johnny Depp doesn’t like being called a Domestic Abuser so he’s suing for lying.

  • willywonkacf-av says:

    The were both garbage during their relationship for different reasons. Him for drugs and alcohol, and her for massive personality issues. They were both abusive in different ways. She is the only one trying to hide it currently and not doing a great job. The end result is neither should be solely a hero or victim. I simply hope they can both move forward and get the help they need for their respective issues.

  • egadmypickle-av says:

    I don’t know how anyone following this thing hasn’t realized that they’re both abusive dumpster fires of people that really should be spending the money on this trial, on an intense amount of therapy?

    I truly hope they both get the help that they need.

  • krinj-av says:

    They blocked attempts to cancel her because she hasn’t pooped in their beds… yet.

  • rartl-av says:

    Can you kill yourself, you ignorant fuck?

  • facts81-av says:

    Both are equally Bad!!! Nobody should put their hands on anybody. The point is not who is stronger the point is no person should touch any person, no matter the sex. Your statement is irrelevant. Your statement is absolutely annoying because it is like you saying women hitting men is a joke.

  • steve-o-reborn-av says:

    They’re right … she and Momoa had about as much chemistry as a Medieval doctor. 

  • senovak1-av says:

    Why isn’t anyone talking about how bad of an actor she it.  Personal life aside as a performer she absolutely sucks.  She shouldn’t be in any movies.

  • venivik-av says:

    Damn, that sucks. Looks like I’ll have to wait even longer to watch Aquaman 2 on Pirate Bay. Equal rights = equal consequences 

  • goblinqueen-123-av says:

    what…. is this author delusional. I don’t like ANYONE in Hollywood but wth are you calling a ‘cult’ when you ppl and the metoo movement BLINDLY follow any one who accuses any man even when it’s not true, there is no evidence, and in fact it is a lie. To say in the light of metoo that her accusation would be a ‘blip’ against him is delusional. He had way more to lose than her and branding a man a wife beater and r*pist she guaranteed he would never work again and THAT IS defamation. HERS was a ‘blip’ since she is a sh*t actress anyway and not that famous. 

  • coatituesday-av says:

    I saw Aquaman, eventually. It was okay. Momoa was good, as expected. I am not sure I’d ever seen Amber Heard before but she was literally the only other person in that movie that I thought did a good job.  Keeping her out of a sequel (which I will probably eventually see) is a dumb idea.

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