Jason Sudeikis is still insisting Ted Lasso‘s “story is done”

Jason Sudeikis is ready to say goodbye to Ted Lasso, even if Apple TV+ isn't

Aux News Jason Sudeikis
Jason Sudeikis is still insisting Ted Lasso‘s “story is done”
L-R: Jason Sudeikis, Hannah Waddingham and Brendan Hunt Photo: Gareth Cattermole

A “will they, won’t they” scenario in sitcoms usually refers to a favorite couple getting together, not whether the creators will decide to keep making the show or not. Yet the somewhat coy response from Jason Sudeikis and Apple TV+ about the Ted Lasso finale made the question relevant in a new context. Of course, fans are used to their favorite shows getting canceled after two or three seasons, but usually, those shows aren’t cultural juggernauts.

That’s how we ended up in this confusing scenario where no one, not even the actors, know if they still have a job. But the Saturday Night Live alum always indicated he wanted to end it with the third season, and in a new interview with Dana Carvey and David Spade on the Fly On The Wall podcast, he reiterated as much. “This story is done,” Sudeikis said. “It sounds like such a political answer, but it’s the truth. We only conceived these three [seasons], then this thing became this big old thing.”

In complete fairness to Sudeikis, this is what he’s been saying all along. It’s not exactly a definitive “Ted Lasso is over” answer, but (spoiler alert!) the finale makes pretty clear that Ted Lasso is done with Ted Lasso. Yet Apple TV+ hasn’t officially made any statement about the show concluding. One might posit that Sudeikis was a little more ready to say goodbye to the series than the streamer that reaped the benefits of its success, which is perhaps why he has to give a political rather than definitive answer.

That said, he did acknowledge that the Ted Lasso cinematic universe could live on in some form. “Whether it’s [a book], whether it’s doing podcasts about the episodes to offer those audio commentaries… just to talk through things and the themes,” he mused. “And also it would explain the show in a much more cerebral way than I ever would have been able to explain it to anybody. Yeah, there’s opportunities, I think, for spin-offs.”

Does this vague list of suggestions put us back at square one as to whether Ted Lasso is continuing? In the words of Hannah Waddingham, “You tell me, my friend!” The actor is pretty much in the dark as to whether she just filmed a series or season finale: “I don’t know. None of us know. I don’t even know if Jason (Sudeikis) knows. If he does, he is a sly dog,” she said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

“Well, Jason has been quite clear, as has Brendan (Hunt), that this is the end of the story that they had planned,” she told the outlet, reiterating Sudeikis’ position. “So, I think it’s better to just take it as that, otherwise those scenes that we have done, particularly in the season finale, wouldn’t have been honored. You have to honor it as though it was the end, otherwise you’re not getting yourself in to the right place emotionally.”

Even so: “Would I be open to a conversation about it? Always,” she said of returning. “You know, once a Greyhound, always a Greyhound.”


  • gargsy-av says:

    “It’s not exactly a definitive “Ted Lasso is over” answer”

    YEs, it absolutely fucking is. What part of “This story is done” is not definitive.

    TED. LASSO. WILL. NOT. BE. RETURNING.They may have spinoffs, the show may continue under a different title, but Ted Lasso is over.

    Jesus fucking Christ, what more do you need from the co-creator AND STAR, who is saying he’s done?

  • jomonta2-av says:

    My money is on getting a female team spinoff with the existing Richmond ownership and Keeley, but I have no idea what it would be about now that the ‘fish out of water’ angle with Ted is done with. In any case, it should just be the end. 

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      I think they certainly teed that one up, and if they do, I can’t wait for the internet to get into an uproar about how “Ted Lasso went woke!” with a female-led cast. Which would be hilarious, since Lasso is arguably one of the most “woke” shows on TV and has been since the pilot.

    • ragsb-av says:

      I would love this, personally

    • jeffoh-av says:

      Roy Kent trying to run the women’s team would be a worthy show.

    • chronophasia-av says:

      As long as that spin-off includes Rebecca and Keeley, it will be a winner. They became the true strength of the show after the first season. I missed them through a lot of season 3.

    • rockhard69-av says:

      Next season everyone gets their cocks chopped off and joins the women’s team

  • saltier-av says:

    Trent Crimm renaming his book left the door open for new season sans Lasso. Possible titles:- The Richmond Way – Greyhounds!- Gradarius Firmus Victoria

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    I would look forward to any number of spinoffs.  It’s a great ensemble show and there are several characters you could potentially build something around.  Why not?  Spinoffs can be awesome.  

  • spiraleye-av says:

    Rebecca is the star of the show anyway. I smell spinoff.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      Hannah Worthington and Juno Temple to me were the stars of the show. But Roy Kent was the best character 

      • drpumernickelesq-av says:

        I think you could say Hannah, Juno, Brett Goldstein, Toheeb Jimoh, and Phil Dunster have all kinda surpassed Ted in terms of importance to the story. Probably Nick Mohammad as well, honestly. There were times in episodes where I genuinely forgot that Ted was even in it this season.

        • whattherockiscooking-av says:

          Like Ted told Trent Crimm: “It’s not about me, it never was.”

        • chronophasia-av says:

          Especially in the finale. That conversation between Ted and Rebecca in the stands wasn’t even a conversation. I wanted him to say SOMETHING, but he didn’t. If that was the design, fine. But I think that scene fell flat.

      • gargsy-av says:

        Yeah, you must think really highly of Hannah Waddingham. You almost got her name right.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    It would be really weird if they just continued the show Ted Lasso without the character Ted Lasso. Unless in the first fourth-season episode an existing cast member steps forward and declares they are now Ted Lasso and everyone calls them that.

  • Allisinner76-av says:

    I think the stars like Waddingham also knew it was done. I think anyone who said “I don’t know” was just trying to be coy and not give spoilers, even vaguely. They knew that if they stated it was the final season going into it, that  the majority of the audience would have correctly predicted the season would build up to Ted going back to America before the season ever started.

  • murrychang-av says:

    He’s right, the story is done.

  • ragsb-av says:

    Feels like they’re positioning the show for a Scrubs season 9 style extension. Although admittedly it would work a lot better here then it did there.

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Ted’s arc is fini. But you go right ahead. Make The Ropers.

  • GameDevBurnout-av says:

    I’m not sure I like Juno Temple enough to follow a AFC Women’s spin off, but it would be the most admirable take on the idea of doing more.And is it just be or is it poor form when being taken in as a guest under the auspices of regional emergencies to engage in loud, BDSM, activities?

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Sudekis clearly wants to be done with the character and wants to be done living in London, given his custody/family concerns. Anything he does now will be Ted video conferencing in to announce he’s gone back to coaching American football at some high school and then fucking off for the rest of the new series.

    There will be a spinoff. My guess is the female team.

    This doesn’t seem all that difficult. In fact, it probably would have been announced already, except for the WGA strike and possible SAG strike.

  • devinoch-av says:

    Honestly, a three-season arc about Keely starting a team would work, but also I’d be fine watching another three seasons of Roy learning to channel his inner Ted Lasso, and renaming the show “The Richmond Way.” But, either way, the answer’s right there in the finale. “It’s not about me. It never was.”

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Season 4, episode 1, scene 1: A Funeral
    “Helluva a way to find out Ted was into auto-erotic asphyxiation.”

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Is Ted Lasso the show with the the two t-rexes fucking or the one with Zach Cherry? Either way good stuff.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Jason Sudeikis is still insisting Ted Lasso’s “story is done””

    Wait, still?  You mean, despite never, ever wavering on the three-season show, he’s still insisting it’s only going to be three seasons?!?!??!

  • erikveland-av says:

    My pat answer, that is also 100% true: We don’t know. We need a break and will take one presently. Nothing has been ruled out, everything is possible; but that includes the possibility that we’re done. We won’t know until we’ve sat with it for a while, decompressed, etc.– Brendan Hunt AMA

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