Jenna Ortega reportedly “circling” starring role in Beetlejuice 2

We'll be honest: We'll believe the Wednesday star is joining the long-in-the-works sequel to Tim Burton's 1988 hit when we see it

Aux News Jenna Ortega
Jenna Ortega reportedly “circling” starring role in Beetlejuice 2
Jenna Ortega Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris

Jenna Ortega—fresh off working with Tim Burton on Netflix series Wednesday—is reportedly looking to stay in the director’s spooky wheelhouse. This is per a piece from The Hollywood Reporter tonight, which suggests that Ortega is “circling” a role in Beetlejuice 2, the sequel to the 1988 Michael Keaton horror-comedy that cemented Burton’s role as an unconventional Hollywood hit maker.

You’ll forgive us for being a little skeptical here, though: Not only have reps for Warner Bros. and Ortega both declined to comment, but we’re also naturally pre-disposed to assume Beetlejuice 2 will never, ever happen, no matter how many glowing press releases the supposed movie gets. Entire generations have come into existence in the time that Burton and Keaton (who’s apparently never not been game to get back in that filthy striped suit) have tried to get the long-since-shelved Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian, or any other prospective sequel projects, made, all with absolutely zero luck. We don’t even entirely know why, beyond the fact that the first movie is perfectly standalone: Winona Ryder, Burton, and Keaton are all still interested, the original film holds up shockingly well, and only a small percentage of its original cast are now registered sex offenders or currently on trial for involuntary manslaughter. What’s not to love?

Anyway: It also just feels kind of on the nose for Ortega to sign on to the project, where she’d supposedly play the daughter of Ryder’s Lydia Deetz. (It’s also not clear yet if her pal Burton, who she spoke highly of in the aftermath of Wednesday, is formally attached to the movie, which is supposed to start shooting in a couple of months; the number of question marks surrounding a movie apparently filming in May is another point of skepticism for us.) It’s not like Ortega necessarily needs the work, either: In addition to Wednesday, her Scream VI opens in theaters this weekend, and she’s hosting Saturday Night Live as well.


  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Gotta hit your 10 articles about Jenna Ortega a day quota

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      15 minutes of fame goes fast, gotta get them in while they can!

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        She has a lot of range. Wednesday despite being popular is her worst showcase. She could definitely be looking at more than 15 minutes of fame here. How old are you? My being closer to her age might defeat your shitty grandpa take here dude.

        This is me realizing that older dudes don’t like her cuz she’s young and this is hilarious to me. She’s comparable to Angelina Jolie in terms of how beautiful her face is. You’re just being an idiot who is afraid of being accused of being a pedophile. Jenna Ortega has a lot of appeal and she’s killing it with like her entire age group right now.

        How old are you? Do you enjoy being old and out of touch?

        • LaughingMan008-av says:


          Getting SUPER angry and defensive when somebody makes a comment about Jenna Ortega being a tad over exposed.

          Bringing up pedophilia.

          Talking about her “beautiful face”

          Do you have anything you need to discuss with a professional?
          I hate to break it to you man, but she’s never going to have sex with you. If that helps you save any money on the therapy appointment you obviously need.

        • tvcr-av says:

          I’m confused, though. Do you like her or not?

        • wexlysmiffins-av says:

          Just… chill. People said the same thing when it was Avatar 2 articles every five minutes. They’re irritated at the obvious paid PR garbage, nobody (sane) is mad at Ortega…

        • kotzebueshotfirst-av says:

          Are you Jenna’s mom? 

        • deb03449a1-av says:

          Mine was not a comment on the actress, but on this website cranking out 10 articles a day about every word she breathes.

        • adohatos-av says:

          So, has whatever malfunction keeps you from conversing with others like a normal person been formally diagnosed? If not perhaps you’d like to hazard a few guesses as to what the issue is. This armchair psychiatrist is going to put his imaginary money on rapid cycling bipolar, unmedicated of course. Close?

    • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

      She’s this week’s Pugh!

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Just because you’re older than her doesn’t mean she’s not insanely popular right now. I have a female friend age 24 who is “gay for her” her and I see her like about 50 million posts about her a day.

      So shut up?

      (remembers the fact that a 20 year old is hosting SNL this weekend).

      She is actually talented too eh? Watch Scream 5 or X dude.

      oh whoops I forgot your opinion was the universal opinion, my fucking bad.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        I really don’t get you. Sometimes, you post interesting well thought out comments, but other times we get these inflammatory, emotional, and impulsive rage filled comments that are so far off base, it’s like you’re not even the same person. Don’t even get me started on the wild assumptions or strawman fallacies you always toss in.

        Making a comment about how many posts AV Club has done on Ortega isn’t an insult or discrediting her. It’s a diss against AV Club, for you know, doing what they always do.

      • deb03449a1-av says:

        Mine was not a comment on the actress, but on this website cranking out 10 articles a day about every word she breathes.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Is she trying to be the next Johnny Depp or something? Because I’ve heard that doesn’t always end well.

    • m0rtsleam-av says:

      I think more Tim Burton is trying to make her the new Helena Bonham Carter / Eva Green / Future Ex-Mrs. Burton.

  • the-allusionist-av says:

    At long last, the franchise is going tropical.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    I think Jenna Ortega would make a great Beetlejuice, but why not just have Keaton reprise the role?

  • sjmort-av says:

    I think WB will be waiting for The Flash to hit big with Keaton before annoucing.  

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    She’d risk being type casted if she accepts Beetlejuice. She has a lot of range look at her crying on the phone or crawling threw the mud in Scream V. I went to theatre school with a bunch of girls her age in Vancouver back in the day. This girl would have been friggin queen of that school.

    I imagine a lot of the girls I went to school with are insanely jealous of her / hate her.

  • mfolwell-av says:

    Given Ortega just came out to reveal that she thought the creative process on Wednesday was a total shitshow and she had to fight tooth and nail for her character make any sort of sense, does anyone really think we’ll see her working with Tim Burton again if she’s not already contractually obligated to?

  • otm-shank-av says:

    If this was also a Mermaids reunion with Christina Ricci joining, I would be more interested.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    I’m a boomer, look at me. I’m mad that Jenna Ortega is a hot youngster that is a lot younger than me. Wah wah wah. Why isn’t all of Hollywood wired to me and my boner I yell!

    glances over at preteen nephew who finally has a decent celebrity crush outside of Ariana Grande….

  • dfc1116-av says:

    Guess she’s trying to keep pace with Paul Mescal. That dude’s all over the place…

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