Jennifer Lawrence gives her hot takes on method acting while she sobs over hot wings

Jennifer Lawrence takes on Hot Ones, talks method acting and on-set mishaps on Don't Look Up, Mother! and more

Aux News Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence gives her hot takes on method acting while she sobs over hot wings
Jennifer Lawrence on Hot Ones Photo: First We Feast/YouTube

Jennifer Lawrence is back, baby! The Oscar winner’s quirked-up pizza-loving persona fell out of fashion for a while there, but now we find ourselves in a cultural moment where the premium stop on any press tour is eating spicy chicken wings. It feels so right for J-Law to participate in Hot Ones at a time when she’s championing that near-extinct mid-budget R-rated comedy (No Hard Feelings); the combination evinces a charming nostalgia for the recent past. Plus, Lawrence approached the interview with her typical candor, sharing her thoughts on everything from Method acting to the best field trip in her hometown in Kentucky.

As to the former, “I would be scared to work with someone who is Method, because I would have no idea how to talk to them,” Lawrence says, obviously not a subscriber to the Method herself. “’Cause like, do I have to be in character? That would just like, make me nervous.”

She was, however, inspired by one particular star’s approach to preparation. “I had always been very on/off on/off until I did American Hustle and worked with Christian Bale, who I noticed when the camera started rolling and the crew started preparing and it would be about 10 seconds to action, he would start getting ready,” she explained. “I saw that and was like, ‘That seems like a really good idea.’ So then I started to do that.”

Elsewhere in the episode, the Hunger Games alum talked about some of her various onset mishaps, which include ruining multiple costumes with her Cheeto fingers and swallowing her nose ring on Don’t Look Up. Worse, she said, was losing a tooth on the set of that 2021 satire: “I have veneers, so it was a whole section missing and it was the height of Covid so I couldn’t go to the dentist. So I had to do all of Don’t Look Up with just a gaping hole in my mouth. Meryl Streep, Jonah Hill, Leonardo DiCaprio—just everybody.”

While that sounds typically comical for Lawrence—once again in keeping with the comedic persona employed in No Hard Feelings—let us not forget that she’s also a serious actor who commits hard. Working on Mother!, “I tore my diaphragm and cracked something in my chest—or my top rib,” she confirms. “It still clicks to this day.” See Lawrence commit to Hot Ones above.

Jennifer Lawrence Sobs in Pain While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones


  • cigarettecigarette-av says:

    Wonderful, someone who knows nothing about Method training talking about things that other people who have also never done Method training do.

    • daddddd-av says:

      We don’t have to know about method training to know it’s annoying to be around

      • milligna000-av says:

        Eh. I haven’t had any trouble with it on shows. Of course, I’ve never worked with a scumbag like Jared Leto.
        Have you actually ever worked with anyone doing method shit?

        • daddddd-av says:

          I’m sure it’s a case of the 5% giving the 95% a bad name, but yeah, there’s always an exhausting new actor who needs others to accommodate their newfound love of an annoying acting technique lol

      • cigarettecigarette-av says:

        Except that living in character is not part of the Method, no on teaches it like that. Leto never trained in the Method, never trained under anyone who trained in the Method, and doesn’t do anything that any of the Method teachers teach. So maybe ya do, son.

        • daddddd-av says:

          lol we can talk about Strasberg’s tricks all we want, but it doesn’t change the way annoying actors utilize those tricks when they show up on set

    • unfromcool-av says:

      Training to go method is so method that it eventually loops back into just normal “acting”.

    • zirconblue-av says:

      This is going to turn into a No True Scotsman Method Actor bit, isn’t it?

      • cigarettecigarette-av says:

        Well, no, since most of the obnoxious people never actually have done Method training. It’s not like “They’re not Method actors because they’re annoying.” They’re not Scots because they’re not from Scotland, their family isn’t from Scotland, and they’ve never been to Scotland. They’re just  doing a bad Connery impression. 

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    “Don’t Look Up, Mother!” is my favorite installment in the Stallone/Getty “mom” franchise. 

    • coolgameguy-av says:

      It makes for a good name of a 1940s-era educational short film that MST3K would riff on. “What did mother do wrong, here? Yes, that’s right… she looked up!”

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        I’ve been going down the rabbit hole of mid-20th century corporate advertising newsreels, and fuck me they’re gold. The hammy acting and super-serious voiceovers.Caveman stares at cave entrance in obvious fear“BEFORE MAN INVENTED THE DOOR, HE WAS NEVER TRULY INSIDE…HE WAS ALWAYS…OUT OF DOORS! OR AT LEAST HE WOULD BE, HAD THE DOOR EXISTED.”Title card pops up:THE DOOR: THE DRAWBRIDGE TO YOUR CASTLEA PRESENTATION BY THE DOOR & WINDOW MANUFACTURING SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICAMCMLVI

  • medacris-av says:

    Only tangentially related, but has anyone ever passed on being on “Hot Ones” because they had IBS/Crohn’s/Colitis/acid reflux/etc.?

    • jallured1-av says:

      They all end up on my show, Mild Side, where I ask celebrities insightful questions while chowing down on white rice, bananas and digestive crackers.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        “OK, you’ve aced the white rice, bananas, and crackers…now onto the final challenge: Immodium!”

  • josephl-tries-again-av says:

    Worse, she said, was losing a tooth on the set of that 2021 satireFixed.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    How many more chickens have to die for my entertainment?

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