Jerrod Carmichael on Dave Chappelle: “Do you know what comes up when you Google your name, bro?”

The Rothaniel stand-up addressed "cancel culture" and Chappelle as part of a larger GQ profile

Aux News Dave Chappelle
Jerrod Carmichael on Dave Chappelle: “Do you know what comes up when you Google your name, bro?”
Jerrod Carmichael Photo: Jonathan Leibson/Getty Images for UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation

Jerrod Carmichael has had a hell of a 2022; his most recent stand-up special, Rothaniel, has drawn strong reviews, both for Carmichael’s willingness to talk about his life—including coming out as gay—and for the deft way he talks about how those reveals have affected his relationship with his family in the process. Among other things, the special secured for Carmichael something that three years of running and starring in a sitcom for NBC apparently couldn’t: A guest-host spot on the most recent season of SNL.

And now a GQ profile, in which Carmichael touches on many aspects of his life in 2022, his friendship with Rothaniel director Bo Burnham, and that cantankerous old elephant in the comedy room, “cancel culture”—and, more specifically, self-described “canceled” performer Dave Chappelle.

“Everybody’s got to create a boogeyman to sell tickets,” Carmichael begins in the Chappelle-focused bit of the wide-ranging conversation. “But it’s not true.” He then moves from the vague to the specific: “I’m tired of hearing it. Chappelle, do you know what comes up when you Google your name, bro? That’s the legacy? Your legacy is a bunch of opinions on trans shit? It’s an odd hill to die on…It’s just kind of played.”


Who’s getting canceled for what they’ve said? What does that mean, that people are mad on Twitter? Everybody’s fine. These grown men are fine. I think, a lot of times, people who offer nothing truthful or meaningful about themselves then complain about society at large and create this boogeyman. It’s like, listen, that’s the most urgent thing in your life? God bless you.

In addition to his Chappelle thoughts, Carmichael also talks about a whole lot of other stuff as part of the profile—including one of the wildest Hollywood parties we’ve ever heard of, in which he hung out with Quentin Tarantino and Leonardo DiCaprio…and apparently played Werewolf. Can you even imagine? We’d lose our damn minds.


  • dehumanized-av says:

    > he hung out with Quentin Tarantino and Leonardo DiCaprio…and apparently played Werewolf.
    Good to know that fancy Hollywood parties are also really lame

    • nesquikening-av says:

      Sounds like someone never got to be werewolf.

      • pete-worst-av says:

        “…good to know that fancy Hollywood parties are also really lame,” he said to his cat and his mother.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      This seems like such an immature viewpoint. If you’re with the right people, whatever you are doing is likely fun. And if someone wants to play a particular game or do a certain event, it’s not good form to dismiss it as lame or dumb or whatever. No one likes the person who does that.

    • nilus-av says:

      “Good to know that fancy Hollywood parties are also really AWESOME!”Fixed that for youSeriously though, Hollywood is all full of theater kids and shit, of course they are playing Werewolf. Its also why I am not surprised by how many actors play D&D.  Also Werewolf is fun and can be a lot of fun at the right kinda party

      • impliedkappa-av says:

        Geek shit is great. Nobody else really has to understand it or think it’s cool, but you get in a room with 3-8 people who have the same interests and want to geek out and life is good. I’m glad these sort of hobbies have gone from the moral/religious panic over D&D in the 70s to, like, you can get Werewolf or Terraforming Mars at fucking Target and actors are casually dropping that they’re excited to play Warhammer 40K during interviews now. I smile every time I see niche interests being normalized.

      • turbotastic-av says:

        Hollywood is all nerds, some are just sexy nerds.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Hanging out with those two guys; he just lost some credibility.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    Pretty sure Chappelle’s legacy isn’t defined by his trans material. But nice try, bro.

  • ohnoray-av says:

    It is just such a need to be right by Chapelle at this point that if this means bigger profits for him from fans he wouldn’t normally align himself with a decade ago, then it also gives him more of a platform to prove he’s right. I don’t think comedians have to self-censor, but audiences are also entitled to expressing themselves. You don’t just get to walk up on stage and be untouchable off stage for things you said because “comedians push boundaries”. And the trans jokes are so poorly crafted compared to the rest of his routine that it does just feel like a mean spirited jab.

    • kim-porter-av says:

      I don’t think comedians have to self-censor, but audiences are also entitled to expressing themselves.I agree, assuming you’re saying you think they’re entitled not to like someone’s comedy or patronize their work. But what I think people take issue with is when those criticizing Chappelle et. al. are trying to get their comedy removed to the point that people who want to see it can’t. You don’t want to watch it? Completely reasonable, but other people might.

      • tigernightmare-av says:

        The problem is that Nutflex gets their customers’ money regardless of whether or not they choose to watch transphobic content, which has started making a home for itself on the platform. Dave Chappelle is cashing checks from their fees. Sending a message that transphobia is unacceptable and will always be met with protest and boycotts has been a pretty bad PR disaster that has gotten a lot of people to cancel their subscriptions.Attacking the most marginalized and maligned demographic is defended as a free speech issue, when it’s really a moral issue. It’s hate, it’s bigotry. Chappelle, as far as I know, doesn’t have routines that are antisemitic, misogynist, or anything racist or phobic about any other specific group of people, but if he did, would that also be acceptable that people just let others who want it have, or should there be no place in society for that ignorance? The answer should be clear. It is to me. And yes, I do equate Nazis to transphobia. Equally repugnant.

        • kim-porter-av says:

          For one thing, I’d bet if you dug deep enough into his comedy, you’d certainly find jokes that some people (maybe not you) would claim to be misogynist, or antisemitic or any of the others. Some people, in fact, took issue with Chappelle’s “space Jews” jokes in this special, but it got almost no attention in part because antisemitism just isn’t a high priority in progressive circles.Second, if people are so personally offended by Netflix platforming Chappelle, than voting with their wallets makes perfect sense. But this is a minority (not an identity minority) trying to make enough noise out of proportion to their actual numbers to get Netflix to take something away from other people. That’s different.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            I mean, if it helps, there’s no fucking way that any of Chappelle’s material is “mothballed” or whatever. Not in any way that counts.

        • mpas-av says:

          Nazis killed  millions.

        • puddlerainbow-av says:

          most marginalized and maligned demographicExcuse me?  I work at a Fortune 50 company that has the trans flag over the company flag and just below Old Glory. Didn’t see the BLM flag in February.

        • listlessvoid-av says:

          God you’re so brave. Lets all take a moment to clap for this brave brave man. 

        • bluphoenicks-av says:

          Just because someone views transgender people as genderphobic and removing your genitals as self mutilation, doesn’t mean you can’t respect that person as a human being or view them as equals – I don’t agree with the bigotry and misogyny that some religions impose on their people, but I’m not going to treat them any less human – you can disagree with people without hating them – the problem is the hate you get back just for having a different philosophy – these people are fascists and anyone with any common sense can see it 

        • madwriter-av says:

          Literal Nazi, dude?

        • ahildy9815-av says:

          Have you not seen the reparations skit on The Chappelle Show? Or the Racial Draft?Dave makes fun of Black stereotypes constantly (so does Jerrod). I don’t really care about comedy, but at this rate all we’re going to be left with is a bunch of shitty Adam Sandler movies.

        • tigernightmare-av says:

          Yes, trans people are never targeted and murdered. Stay in the grays forever, dipshit.

        • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

          This word salad epitomizes why all of the —phobic accusations have ceased to have any real meaning whatsoever, in that they’ve been weaponized as childish, kneejerk thought terminating cliche towards the faintest whiff of criticism towards the culture in question by excitable morons like you. Chappelle has become almost supernaturally unfunny in his career twilight, but none of his content has been “transphobic”.

        • lrgdna-av says:

          Have you watched Chappelle early standing stand-up or watched the Chappelle show.  He has made a whole career out of making fun of every race, religion and gender. And people have loved him for it. The reason he has leaned on trans groups a little more lately is because of how some in that community reacted. Acting like their group is somehow off limits is counter to everything Chappelle has done with his comedy. No one is off limits as it should be. 

        • dc882211-av says:

          I mean, time and place… but early Dave had quite a lot of misogynistic stuff.

        • dizzybees-av says:

          “protest and boycotts has been a pretty bad PR disaster that has gotten a lot of people to cancel their subscriptions.”  Source?

        • fuckkinjatheysuck-av says:

          The problem is that Nutflex gets their customers’ money regardless of whether or not they choose to watch transphobic content, which has started making a home for itself on the platform.I think that is a personal choice, but I don’t agree. I don’t want to give my money to transphobic people, but I know from working several service jobs that they’re going to get my money whether I like it or not because, well, transphobes have to have jobs, too. I think the key thing is being loud and outspoken when transphobic content gains popularity amongst the mainstream.

        • MadnessIncarnate-av says:

          I can’t remember which special it was, either The Closer or the one prior, but he does take a pretty *uncomfortable* jab at Jews (though the jibe is technically directed at Israel, I don’t think he makes a distinction).

      • whaaatt-av says:

        Nah, some things should be removed. No one’s asking for government intervention. Netflix is a company. They can set standards and it’s reasonable as consumers to ask them to. Hate speech is not something that should be dealt with by ignoring it or screaming free speech because if you replace trans people with any other marginalized group that we pretend to care about like women or Asians, suddenly it’s not so ridiculous to say it shouldn’t be given a major streaming platform.

        • roygbiv-av says:

          Mocking/teasing is not hate speech, though.When Chappelle says “I hate trans folks” or ”It’s time to round these people up…” then we’ll have the talk about hate speech.

        • kim-porter-av says:

          I’ve said this elsewhere, but a point of contention seems to be whether Chappelle’s special—which are meant to be jokes, even if you personally don’t find them funny—should be considered “hate speech” or “harmful” in and of itself. If he’s calling for violence, or threatening specific people, that’s one thing, but if we removed every piece of content on Netflix that someone might unilaterally claim is offensive towards a specific group, a lot more content than just Chappelle or Ricky Gervais would be removed, to the point where we very quickly would be wondering what this is in service of.

          • whaaatt-av says:

            This seems to be an issue of not whether or not it’s hate speech, but rather, “do I consider the targets opinion more than my own.” Trans people have said it’s hate speech. They’re the targets. They get to decide if something is offensive, not outsiders using it as a thinking experiment or political agenda. There’s lots of smart, edgy comedy that I don’t find funny, but I acknowledge its comedic value and that I’m simply not the target audience. But that’s not what Chapelle is doing. He’s ranting and punching down. Proudly and openly when he’s supposed to be telling jokes. Where’s the joke in this: “Gender is a fact. Every human being in this room, every human being on earth, had to pass through the legs of a woman to be on earth. This is a fact.”Because the joke seems to be “trans people, with their high suicide, homicide and discrimination rates, exist. Isn’t that ridiculous?”If the joke is trans people themselves, it’s not a joke, it’s transphobic hate speech.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            *your interpretation.* A lot of people, I promise, thought the special was funny enough to watch. Personally, I didn’t really love it, but I always thought his Netflix stuff was pretty inconsistent.

          • whaaatt-av says:

            No, its not *my interpretation*. Explain where the joke is in the section I quoted from one of his specials.Again, I don’t care about the opinions of the groups who weren’t targeted. I don’t care about the opinions of cis people. I don’t know a single trans person in real life or in print/online who thought the special was anything other than hate speech given a massive platform.If your opinion isn’t being formed by empathy for the targeted group, just say that. 

          • kim-porter-av says:

            It’s formed by knowing the difference between “I didn’t like that thing” to “I’ve decided that it’s harmful, and therefore it needs to be wished into the cornfield, even if other people like it.”

          • whaaatt-av says:

            Other people also like jokes that say black people should be forcibly removed from the US or lynched, Jewish people aren’t human and women should be raped and killed. Are you good with those “jokes” airing on massive platforms? Would you act superior to people that don’t want those “comedy specials” widely avaliable? Do you have a line that you draw around hate speech or do you just specifically hate trans people, who are facing legalized discrimination, widespread harassment and abuse related to the very things Chappelle “joked” about. His “jokes” are just him shouting the same beliefs supported by politicians in every new anti-trans bill that passes. It’s telling that you won’t explain what the joke or humor is in that quote from his comedy special.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            I don’t equate Chappelle’s jokes to hate speech. That’s what it boils down to. You seem to, but I promise that most normal people are on my side. Don’t really know what else to say.

          • whaaatt-av says:

            Finally, there it is. You think transphobia is the natural, normal response. Have fun with your Chappelle specials. I think JK Rowling will have some new books out soon too if you wanna double down.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            I can’t even imagine what the art diet would be for people who rule out anyone who might in any way be considered problematic. This kind of show, I guess:

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            ‘most normal people are on my side’ is so fucking funny.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            Thanks, man. Leave a 5-star review if you liked what you read.

          • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

            Show me where those hypothetical jokes are freely airing on a massive platform with little to no pushback, or better yet at all, you disingenuous twit. We both know you can’t because it isn’t a thing

          • Rev2-av says:

            Interesting that you forget that normal people commit suicide, too. I’m a male that has suffered from depression. You saying if I put on a dress, I get to be entitled to control what other people have to say? An asshole in a dress with all the power in the world. Great stuff, eh? People have every fucking right to fight for women’s rights. Comedians have every right to talk about deviant fucked up shit in the world.It’s a sad legacy your community has when you’ve got a bunch of oversensitive, angry people confused about who they are, mutilating themselves, suicidal and trying to force their views on other people. As somebody who suffers from depression, I’d be suicidal, too!

          • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

            You say this as if “trans people” is this gelatinous, homogenous entity oozing through the town square with a singular viewpoint on every issue, which is fucking insane. *Some* members of the trans community have taken umbrage with recent Chappelle material

          • treewitch46-av says:

            I agree, there’s no joke in that statement. And it also isn’t a fact. Some people were born by Caesarian section.

          • tonywatchestv-av says:

            I’m asking to know, but wasn’t Dave Chappelle’s last set on this topic about a trans friend of his who defended him online, was then bullied, and then killed herself? I’m not saying there might not have been other harmful material (it’s been awhile since I’ve seen it), but that seemed to be the heart of it from what I saw. I do agree that he seems fixated.

        • listlessvoid-av says:

          Right but no reasonable person thinks this is hate speech. 

        • bladeandrews1-av says:

          Wrong. You’re simply wrong about your take and frankly your whole world view on this. It’s not hate speech, bro, just because you saying so makes you feel righteous. And no, things should not be removed simply because one particular minority segment of the population becomes extremely vociferous and hostile towards it. The entire history of comedy would be redacted to only about 10% of it’s actual content if you removed shit-talking from the medium as you’d suggest. And insinuating trans folks are a group of people the world doesn’t “pretend to care about,” in this current climate, shows either an incomprehensible lack of cultural awareness of what’s going on around you, or very pointed gaslighting. Either way… wrong. 

        • Rev2-av says:

          I agree! Considering how misogynistic and racist the trans community can be, how they’re trying to LITERALLY ERASE WHAT A WOMAN IS. Women being the most marginalized being in history; maybe Netflix can finally remove all of that deviant crap from their service.What say you, groomer? Unless you’re just pretending to care about women…50% of the worlds’ population. Probably worth fighting for, eh?

        • cosmicghostrider-av says:

          You pretend to care about women and Asians? I actually care about women and Asians…

      • ohnoray-av says:

        fundamentally I know it’s wrong to “cancel” someone for their views. But I feel that applies more to when people simply make missteps or ask the wrong question or didn’t have the education to say something educated.With Chapelle it’s deliberate and intentional, and I think between him and whats going on with legislation, that we really shouldn’t be condoning anti-trans rhetoric. In that case, I think people are just asking for ethical guidelines from Netflix when it’s something like hate speech, and that doesn’t equate to “cancelling”.

        • TheProfessah-av says:

          “With Chapelle it’s deliberate and intentional”Just so you know, this is simply your opinion and not a fact.

          • abortionsurvivorerictrump-av says:

            Um. So your belief is the things he rehearses, performs repeatedly, and publishes through various media are accidental and spontaneous and just leak out of his brain by magic?He writes his bits down. He rehearses them. And another word for that is he “deliberates” on them. And forms them with intent.

          • TheProfessah-av says:

            lol the only magic here is how your response made me magically roll my eyes out of my head. Obviously, no. He deliberately released his material. Now that you’re up to speed, you mention things like hate speech and anti-trans rhetoric. I don’t agree that he engages in either but what you said seemed like you think he is deliberately and intentionally engaging in hate speech and anti-trans rhetoric. That’s the part that is your personal opinion. That’s the part that comes down to your interpretation of his material and what you think his intentions are behind what he’s saying…so basically we’re in make believe land at that point.

          • iamamarvan-av says:

            You don’t care about the safety of trans people. Just say it. 

          • TheProfessah-av says:

            You’re embarrassingly unobservant. You should practice communicating with people.

          • Rev2-av says:

            Well, he did say something to the effect that we come out of a woman’s vagina and that’s scary stuff! He also said as a black man, he’d find it weird if a white person “identified” as a black person. Something they never can or will experience, which would be just as weird as an out-of-the-closet “look at me, I’m wearing my sister’s panties” perv-boy saying he’s a woman.As a “they/them” who was raised to be completely unprepared to deal with gender, reality, differing opinions and now focuses on being entitled, wearing women’s clothes and finding things to be offended about – I think I should be the arbiter of what comedians can and can’t say.I’m a deviant snowflake. But I’m unique, therefore “marginalized” – therefore I’m at the top of the oppression totem pole.

        • kim-porter-av says:

          At this point, “cancelling” has become such a nebulous term that everyone seems to mean something different with it. Matter of opinion, ultimately, but getting something pulled that a lot of people clearly want to consume because people have decided on their own that it’s “harmful” or “dangerous” seems to me to be an obviously terrible precedent. If people cancel their subscriptions in response, or simply don’t watch to deprive it of better viewership statistics, that’s their right. But that’s different than trying to get it removed, and personally I’m glad Ted Sarandos stood up for this principle.

          • ohnoray-av says:

            but it also would be in Sarandos right to pull it, they’re a company, they aren’t the moderators on free speech. They obviously have guidelines around what content is allowed on their platform. And I also understand it’s their right not to pull it too. Lots of people had no issue with facebook and YouTube eventually moderating anti-vaccine information. this is anti-trans rhetoric and I think maybe its more indicative of the seriousness people fail to attach to the ripple effect that the more trans people are heard, the more society/legislation is pushing back.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            I don’t think that’s a fair equivalence. Anti-vaccine information is a) based on factually incorrect information in many cases, and b) expressly created to stop people from doing something. Chappelle is not creating this comedy to hurt transgender people.Not to sound like a broken record, but I think it’s a reach to connect “these are jokes that I personally find offensive” to “this is actively harmful, and will get people hurt.” I just don’t think you can draw that causal line here, no matter how hard some people try.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            Chappelle is not creating this comedy to hurt transgender people.

            At this point, yes he is.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            I mean, that’s what this always boils down to, ultimately. “No it isn’t.” “Yes, it is.” As always, I say: don’t watch if you don’t want to.

          • ohnoray-av says:

            his “comedy” is there to hurt at this point. The link actually is causal. After watching Disclosure which then got me into listening to a lot of the trans educators in the film, the “jokes” in media actually are some of the most causal links to trans hate. And I think essentially it’s non-trans people stepping in and saying, “no this isn’t hurtful, no the jokes are not the reason legislators are getting more bold in their hate” because it doesn’t hurt them. I guess all I’m left wondering is why people are so hard set in not believing people when they say something has caused them pain, and what they are really protecting.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            Once you get into, “this thing has caused people pain, therefore it should cease to exist,” you’ll never get out. Friends was the most popular show on Netflix; it also had a bunch of clips of actors in fat suits, and I’m sure you could find fat people who would say they found that painful to watch (you could, of course, also find fat people who wouldn’t care, as you would with trans people and Chappelle’s work). So what would you do with Friends? Or any sitcom that hasn’t “aged well” in some way? And don’t say “just take out the offending episodes” because why would you still agree to support people whose work caused people pain? Are you fatphobic? What’s wrong with you?

          • ohnoray-av says:

            I think that’s really grasping. You can ask people to do better now, and companies can ask their performers to do better. Like any company. Legit that simple.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            Of course it’s grasping. That’s the point. Almost anything could be said to cause harm, or potentially be “dangerous.” So where’s the line?

          • ohnoray-av says:

            If I owned a company and someone started making jokes at the expense of trans people there’d be repercussions, even if other people in the break room were laughing. Netflix can set its own standard of conduct, just like any other place. That doesn’t equate to a loss of free speech. And to pretend like Netflix hasn’t drawn lines already is kind of bogus. It’s just the lines have already been embraced by popular culture that we don’t question them. Trans people are being listened to for the first time in the last few years and people are already telling them that the lines don’t apply to them.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            I never said it equated to a loss of free speech. I said that caving to someone who demands that its content be pulled because they consider someone’s comedy to be hate speech is a terrible precedent.I promise you right now, there are literally millions of jokes on Netflix-hosted content that someone could believably say has “caused them pain.” Should we remove every one? Or does it need to be a certain amount of people? Because despite the attention payed to this particular controversy, I guarantee that this is a vocal minority of the people who watched Chappelle’s special. Even most of the people who didn’t like it probably don’t think it should be pulled.

          • ohnoray-av says:

            “ I guarantee that this is a vocal minority of the people who watched Chappelle’s special.”arguing because the majority of people enjoy something isn’t really a great argument. I think this “precedent” you’re speaking of is just progress. And it scares people that they can’t be as hateful as they used to be.

          • Rev2-av says:

            What about all the kids mutilating themselves because they’re still confused about who they’re becoming when hitting puberty? Probably not the best time for adults to be worried about putting dresses on boys, eh? What about the violent male sexual offenders “identifying as women” so they can serve in women’s prisons? What about the fucking erasure of WOMEN? The people who carried us for 9 months and raised us? What the fuck are you “protecting”, creepy perv?You don’t care. Not one fucking bit.

          • Rev2-av says:

            Such pearl clutching from a group that inspires younger kids to be so confused about something as simple as sex/gender that they’re mutilating themselves, becoming suicidal and treating gender like cosplay. Last time I checked, women were a fairly marginalized group, still fighting for equal treatment! Am I right, ladies (or birthing people)? Now I can apparently appropriate womanhood just by choosing my “preferred pronouns” and wearing a dress. Deviancy is like magic except magicians just focus on entertaining kids, not grooming them.This whole thing is a misogynist’s and racist’s dream. Gods help every one of you oversensitive cosplayers that can’t accept comedians are going to talk about this stuff.

          • iamamarvan-av says:

            Why has he been consistently telling dehumanizing trans jokes for this long? To NOT be harmful? Fuck all the way off with that shit

          • kim-porter-av says:

            Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep

          • cosmicghostrider-av says:

            Fuck you it IS harmful and dangerous towards TRANS people. Your statement makes me question whether you see them as people. You realize they are people right? And you don’t think bullying a marginalized group of people is harmful or wrong? Go fuck yourself.

          • cosmicghostrider-av says:

            Seeing it as harmful and dangerous isn’t subjective, you fucking idiot.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        “But what I think people take issue with is when those criticizing Chappelle et. al. are trying to get their comedy removed to the point that people who want to see it can’t.”Then the people who want to see it can make their own protest in favor of it. Your argument is like saying it was wrong to protest lunch counter segregation to the point where people who want to eat without Black people present can’t do that. lol If you don’t agree with segregated lunch counters, just don’t eat at them! LOLThe point of a protest is to stop a practice that you believe is harmful, and if you think something is harmful, you don’t want other people seeing that harmful content and perpetuating that harm. If anyone wants to see that harmful content, they can be as vocal about that as the other side, and then let the public forum decide. That’s what freedom of expression is about. It’s about the weighing of ideas in public and letting society decide which one prevails.

        • kim-porter-av says:

          Please let me be there when you look *Dave Chappelle* in the face and explain to him why his *jokes* are akin to the practice of segregating lunch counters. I’ll even pay for my own travel.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Who exactly do you think I am? What gave you the impression that I’d ever be in a position to look Dave Chappelle in the face and talk to him for any reason whatsoever, let alone to explain a comment I made on AVClub? But if I did ever meet him and he had for some reason read this article, and read my comment, and mentioned it, I would be more than happy to explain, though I doubt I’d need to, as my meaning was obvious.

      • dummytextdummytext-av says:

        This. When I first became active in left activism growing up, far-right fundamentalists were trying to decide for everyone else what free-thinking adults were allowed to consume, based on their own personal beliefs about it, and calling that ‘moral’.

        I hated censorship from the right and I don’t like it any better from my own side. You can try to repurpose oppressive Fascist tools like censorship over content as ‘left’ and ‘progressive’ all you want, but it doesn’t make it so. The left should never be about censorship and moral purity standards. I find it sickening and a betrayal of actual left ideals. Have a problem with it? Fine. But you cannot call trying to get it removed from my ability to choose it ‘progressive’. It’s anti-art and it’s conservative fascism, period.

        And to then turn around and say ‘Psssh, no one’s getting cancelled! It’s FINE!’ is a deliberate blind eye to the consequences of using mob pressure over artistic content to control peoples’ access to that art. Yes, censorship by mob proxy is censorship. Salem village purity politics are not leftism. And those who call themselves leftists while pushing for us to return to the repression and paranoia and groupthink of the 1950s are monsters.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        The idea is that’s its not healthy for society for the people who want to see it to see it. That’s like saying “let racists be racist” the mentality that they’re ‘not hurting’ anyone with their views is false. Do you realize what spreading hate is?

    • ty2020-av says:

      Noooope, they aren’t mean.  It’s simply his views.  He is one of the greatest.  I can promise he hasn’t said anything to make even more money.   Goodness,  you guys are just….ugh.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Says the raging transphobe.If you projected any harder, Quentin Tarantino would hire you to show his next movie.

      • thenuclearhamster-av says:


      • thenuclearhamster-av says:


      • andyo-av says:

        Noooope, they aren’t mean. It’s simply his views. Solid argument right there buddy. I guess no one can be mean when they’re “simply” expressing their views.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Noooope, they aren’t mean. It’s simply his views. This is a nothing statement.You’re aware that once you say something, people reacting to what you just said is kind of what happens next, right? 

      • sethsez-av says:

        Noooope, they aren’t mean. It’s simply his views.

        A white supremacist saying that black people are inferior is just stating his views, yet most people are still going to think he’s an asshole. If your views are rancid enough, just stating them can be enough to count as mean.

      • themanfrompluto-av says:

        “It’s simply his views” — You realize that’s worse right? It makes his callow bullying into outright bigotry and propaganda.

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          Nah, see, to dipshits like that, you say your opinion and get a medal, or something.

      • KingKangNYC-av says:

        I spot someone who has never been, or felt, repressed. What an easy life you live.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Are you under the impression that a person’s “views” can’t be mean?  Everything is someone’s view.  

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        It’s simply his views.

        No one’s denying that. We’re saying he’s a dick for constantly expressing said views.

      • callmeshoebox-av says:

        You don’t get to decide what other people consider mean. And the only way you can promise is if you’re Chapelle himself. Just bc you like his comedy doesn’t mean you know him dude.

      • abortionsurvivorerictrump-av says:

        If Jeff Foxworth hypothetically (he has not done this) went on stage and declared black people inferior mongrels… “Noooope, they aren’t mean. It’s simply his views?”What a stupid statement. His “views” are precisely the issue. And nobody’s “views” are immune from criticism or consequences.That’s sort of how the whole free speech thing works.

      • beatkeeper-av says:

        He WAS one of the greatest. But he’s destroyed his own legacy. And I don’t mean just because of his transphobic stuff. It’s because he’s gotten so triggered by trans community backlash that he’s totally given up on trying to be funny. His last standup was literally not funny at all. Even my 13yo son didn’t laugh once and said it was just too cringy. It’s like he wrote a 30-part Twitter rant and then instead of publishing it, decided to turn it into a standup special. His performances have transformed from comedy sets into the Dave Chappelle Apologetics Hour. I was behind him. I thought the community was overreacting. But now that it’s not comedy, not even an attempt at comedy, but just candid hate speech, he’s ruined his brand for me. Dude just looks like a clown now.

      • turbotastic-av says:

        “They aren’t mean, it’s simply his views.”It is his views, and his views are mean. Also hateful, childish, boring, and unfunny. Chapelle is so desperate to recapture that brief moment 20 years ago when he still knew how to craft a joke, and since he can’t do that now he’ll settle for just getting attention from transphobic assholes.

        • Rev2-av says:

          So… Thinking a man is a man and a woman is a woman is “transphobic”? You cosplayers sound like evangelicals screaming SINNER!!! over and over again because people don’t believe in your gods. Trust me, nobody has a “phobia” about people who treat gender as cosplay. 99% of the world lives in reality. Wear a fucking helmet if you can’t deal with it, asshole.

      • tsalmothyendi-av says:

        “They aren’t mean, it’s simply his views” suggests you might not understand some of the relatively common words you just used. And as for promising he hasn’t said anything to make more money, that shows a complete lack of understanding of being a professional comedian.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        Dave Chapelle stans are even weirder than Elon Musk stans. Get a life.

      • drewcifer667-av says:

        you guys huh

      • TigerStylez-av says:

        You don’t have to post every bullshit thing that enters your head

    • noreallybutwait-av says:

      While I think it’s definitely a weird and wrong hill for Chappelle to die on, and is definitely going to tarnish his legacy, I don’t think he’s doing it for the money. This is a guy who walked away from a hit show and multi-million dollar deal, so I don’t think money is as much a factor as…he just doesn’t like when people call him out, and it makes him double down. Everyone’s so afraid to say “I was wrong” so they go down in flames.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      at this point I wonder if he’s saying this shit less to make a point about trans people and more just to antagonize and elicit a reaction, i.e. to troll.  This refrain of “people are just so woke and hypersensitive these days!!” is pretty prevalent among older established comedians and the really good ones are trained to court controversy, not ignore it, so I can’t help thinking he’s going to keep this shit up until people stop talking about it.

    • Rev2-av says:

      Considering most of the planet doesn’t think being a woman or man is cosplay, and back in the good old days, fighting for women’s rights was, well… kind of something people would strive for. Give it up to Dave for fighting the good fight. I read a Substack article from a gender cosplayer who was clearly upset by Dave’s act. An example give was the apparently offensive joke about the fact we’re all came from a woman’s vagina. Apparently the ubiquitous idea of talking about birth is upsetting.Keep screaming HOMOPHOBE! and SMURF! Just because people believe in gender at birth doesn’t mean they’re scared of crossdressers and people with gender dysphoria. Cultists screaming SINNER! isn’t going to make me or any other agnostic/atheist a believer either.A lot of gender cosplayers are pushing dangerous ideas onto kids who wind up confused about the most basic part of their life; being a boy or girl. Leading them to mutilate their bodies, becoming suicidal, and turning gender into the exact stereotypes we’ve been fighting for ages. Look at what’s happening at prisons in Washington. I personally love the idea of being able to choose my gender if I ever go to jail, and if I ever compete in sports, competing as a man against a woman seems easier. Plus, if I win – I get to watch the misogynist trans community blindly bash every woman who dares complain to shreds (“sounds like you’re just not a good athlete!”, “work harder sweetie!” “awww, you don’t like second place?”). Sadly, so do sexual predators!But you don’t care about the erasure of women. Fucking 50 percent of the planet. The creators of every one of us. The most abused an unappreciated beings in the universe. Women are NOT just “she/her” pronouns, makeup and a tucked cock. Sorry, groomers.Every one of you vile misogynist chicks with dicks is the worst of the worst of the worst, and the rest of you that don’t speak out should be ashamed of yourselves.

    • puffpuffpasss-av says:

      I don’t think he to worried about the money tbh. Do you realize he got paid $24.1million for his last netflix special? There’s a reason, people love him. Sure about 1.3 million dont like him (number of trans people in the US) but im sure he will be alright. 

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      the great thing about comedy is that there’s a never-ending amount of new people to get excited about.dave’s first special back (which coincidentally did get me to re-sign up for netflix) was fun, but there was one joke that stood out to me as sooo hacky, and it’s kind of set the precedent. it’s the ‘same hero new boots’ joke, where he says he’s talking about a studio executive who’s gay, so he pitches a story about a gay superhero, and noone recognizes him because he’s always wearing new, obviously, that’s just hacky shit that wouldn’t fly at an open mic. the premise is dumb, the execution is dumb, and the punchline is dumb. what elevated beyond normal hacky into advanced hacky is simple: here’s a guy wearing 10,000 dollars worth of rick owens trying to act like ‘gay people only care about clothes’. i’m not one of these people who thinks comedy has to be about punching up, sometimes there’s nothing funnier than a fat guy falling down a hill, but the inability for him to include himself in the joke, to laugh at himself, is really proving to be his downfall.i also saw him recently in the phat tuesdays documentary (which is excellent) and he talks about how, even when he was young and broke and coming up, he would refuse to help out the club, to bark, to try to engage with the public to get them in, because in his mind he was above all that. now, look, he manifested destiny and is obviously incredibly talented and successful, but i guess he’s just always had a massive ego and chip on his assured eventually lung cancer will destroy his voice and he’ll be unable to tell jokes, and that’s that!

    • czarmkiii-av says:

      Via the “Chapelle Show” he essentially made white dudes comfortable to unironically use the N-word. He’s doubling down on appealing to the white demographic that is typically unconcerned with the wellbeing of Black people.  He’s tokenizing himself for an audience that will use him as a “i like Dave Chapelle so i can’t be racist” argument.  

  • rafterman00-av says:

    I agree with him about Chappelle. Its one thing to make one off jokes on stuff like that, comedy can get boring if its too safe. Edgy is good. But Chappelle seems fixated on the topic now. Move on, dude.

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      He quit doing his show because he thought people were laughing at him, not with him. So now he spends his time laughing at a marginalized and very small group of people who’ve done him no harm. He’s gone from being funny-ha ha to funny-peculiar.

      • ty2020-av says:

        Soooo, he can make fun of random celebrities, Asians, black people… just not trans people? Okay, there’s no justification for such a stance at all.  

        • missws1-av says:

          Yes. At what point did it become off limits to say anything about Trans people? All this really shows is that they have no ability to laugh at themselves,which is tragic.

        • gronkinthefullnessofthewoo-av says:

          He can make fun of trans people. But it has to be funny. His last few specials were okay to good and the trans jokes were the weakest part. It’s the same trans jokes that mediocre comedians and dipshit twitter accounts make. If that’s who he wants to be as a comedian that’s fine, but at one time he was an all-time great.

        • youcancallmeluke-av says:

          Notice how everyone is just ignoring your shit takes? Move on, guy. Hurry back to r/conservative before it’s too late.

        • brobinso54-av says:

          Its not what the joke is about. Its how its about it.

        • bonerstaboner76-av says:

          This is such a lazy take. It completely ignores the CONTENT of the “jokes” while simply acknowledging the subject. His anti-trans bigotry is clear in that his jokes simply attack their identity. He attacks one of the most marginalized groups in the world based simply on that. “Random celebrities” are individuals. I wouldn’t presume to tell a black man what jokes he should or shouldn’t make regarding other black people, but to speak to your other example, no, he shouldn’t be making jokes about “Asians” if those jokes attack their identity. This is basic stuff. He can be a bigot or not. That’s what it comes down to. You are clearly on team bigot so you want to make sure such sentiments are considered appropriate. Smarten up. 

        • fartcity1982-av says:

          I don’t think people are amped about him making fun of asian people either.

        • madwriter-av says:

          You forgot us whites.

        • turbotastic-av says:

          He can make fun of random celebrities because there is a difference between making fun of an individual human being (especially one with much more money, power, and influence than any of us, which is what a celebrity is) versus making fun of an entire group of people numbering in the millions.

      • zwing-av says:

        I would say that’s the apocryphal story that’s built up around it as a righteous move. It seemed pretty clear at the time that he was a young dude who between getting really rich and really famous really fast and who had the responsibility of being CEO of a flagship show just had a mental break. He’s clearly a weird sensitive dude. 

      • hiemoth-av says:

        If I recall correctly, the reasoning for him leaving the show were a bit more complicated than that as it wasn’t that he thought people were laughing at him, but rather that he thought that in creating those sketches mocking racial stereotypes, what people were still laughing at were those actual stereotypes. So in a sense he was making it safe to be racist.That’s not to defend Chapelle here or, to be honest, even back then. What made his handling of it so weird for me was that Dave was actually co-creator and runner of the show, the other one being Neal Brennan. Now Chapelle did his dramatic quitting of the show just when they had a made a huge continuation deal for it and while he always brought up how he gave up on millions, that decision made that others in the show also lost a lot of money, especially Brennan. And Chapelle was explicit in his explanations that he did not discuss the subject with any of them.
        Now that isn’t to claim that made Chapelle standing for his principles wrong, but once he started giving out public interviews again, he was critical about Brennan for not checking in with him and implied it him a bad friend. It was such a bizarre way to look at things.

        • sarcastro7-av says:

          “but rather that he thought that in creating those sketches mocking racial stereotypes, what people were still laughing at were those actual stereotypes. So in a sense he was making it safe to be racist.”

          A lesson he has now thoroughly forgotten.

        • dpdrkns-av says:

          The way I had heard it (from someone who worked at Comedy Central at the time), he didn’t actually want to do S3 so he asked for a big giant check he thought CC would never agree to, but they did. But then he still didn’t actually want to do the show and once they started writing the season it became clear that they had run out of ideas and it was going to be a letdown after S2 so he bailed. 

      • Rev2-av says:

        “He quit doing his show because he thought people were laughing at him” you have any quotes from Dave regarding this?I always LOVE when children who haven’t accomplished anything in their lives get so upset, they say untrue things about very, very successful artists who will never, ever know you exist. The whole scenario you created, you typed it as if you believe it. Most likely in a basement somewhere.Meanwhile Dave Chappelle continues to plan out his career while he sips on champagne. LOL!

      • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

        I didn’t realize “Have they wronged your personally?” was a criteria for permissible comedic material. Comedy has to be vindictive and vengeful toward perceived personal slights, good to know. What an absolute fucking imbecile lmao

      • milligna000-av says:

        He lied about that for PR and damage control. Anybody who worked on the show at the time can tell you what the real problem was

    • ty2020-av says:

      Tell that to those walking out on their jobs and writing op-eds about it.  They should also really move on.

      • bonerstaboner76-av says:

        Spoken like a George Wallace voter.

      • panchosanza2000-av says:

        If Dave didn’t insist on dying on this hill and making outrageous pronouncement after outrageous pronouncement (“I’m team TERF” is not a joke, and nobody laughed) then the opinion pieces would dry up on their own. Dave had sex with a trans-person (he admitted this in one of his specials) and now he feels the need to distance himself from it and to attack trans-people. Not fucking funny.

    • ginnyweasley-av says:

      And where does he go? Or Gervais for that matter? They’re both has-beens and their jokes about white people or religious people are boring and old now. These people have no where to go but whatever edgy bigotry is big now and today its trans girls. Tomorrow it’ll be someone else. This is how many comedians make their living. Its punching down all the way down.

      • kped45-av says:

        Ricky Gervais has been performing the same set, releasing the same special, for going on 20 years now it feels like. I guess he’s added more trans stuff the past 5 years, but other than that, he’s very consistent…consistent in that he tells the same damn jokes and expects everyone to think he’s still funny. 

        • scottsummers76-av says:

          Fuck off. He IS still funny.

        • bewareofbob-av says:


          • kped45-av says:

            “gotta update my material…I got it…I changed the bible’s wikipedia entry to read fiction! That’s it, hilarious!”

          • bewareofbob-av says:

            “I can be funny without Stephen Merchant, I swear! I swear!!!”

          • kped45-av says:

            I never tried his first Netflix series, the one where the picture made it look like something out of “Tropic Thunder”…Gentle Jack I think it was called. Just Ricky twisting his face to look mentally challenged or something. “Nope, don’t need to see whatever that schlock is”.

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        Bullshit. Theyre both as good and successful as they ever were. A bunch of whiny internet sjw’s wanting something to be true doesnt make it true.

      • mpas-av says:

        Dave isn’t a has been. You may hate him but he still is wildly popular

      • lorcancb-av says:

        He can go the Seinfeld route and simply perform for rich charity balls. There is a career there. But, part of the reason that younger folks identify with Carlin is he basically leaned into being old and acted like he was letting everyone else on the secrets that were kept from younger generations. There are ways to connect.

      • 5leafclover-av says:

        I dont think you understand what punching down means. Making jokes about trans people in the 90s would have been punching down. In today’s world they are a protected class in Hollywood and the media, the industry in which comics work. There is push back, backlash, critics hate it and tell people not to watch his special. Making fun of an accepted target is punching down. Doing Trump jokes is punching down because hes an accepted target within the industry. Doing trans jokes is risky because the industry doesnt like it. That’s the opposite of punching down.

    • scottsummers76-av says:

      Well people keep pushing on him about it, so of course he’s going to respond. 

    • nilus-av says:

      Why would he? He stays in the new cycle and people continue to watch his specials because he is being controversial.  Debates about what he is saying and why aside, the fact is that if he keeps saying it, people keep listening to him.  

      • rogersachingticker-av says:

        People were watching his specials before he was this controversial. While staying in the news may be gratifying for an aging comedian, you have to wonder how much of a coincidence there is to Netflix’s future looking a lot grimmer in the quarters after The Closer made all that news than it was before.

    • westchi-av says:

      Dave didn’t create a boogeyman to sell tickets. He sells tickets because hes the funniest comedian of his era. No one goes to his shows to laugh a trans ppl. Trans ppl need to ask themselves how full of yourselves are you that you think ppl care that much about you. Take the joke and move on LIKE EVERY OTHER COMMUNITY that gets joked about.

    • reignmanpro-av says:

      He’s targeting it, because people keep talking about it. Everything he’s done has been purely reflective, to the responses to him from that particular group. What’s funny is that you guys seem to think any of this hurts Dave Chappelle just because you don’t like him or the course of his current jokes, but trust me Dave is far better off than a nobody like Jerrod Carmichael who seems to be the new Hannah Gatsby for the lgbtq Defense Force🤷🏿‍♂️👑

    • joshuanite-av says:

      I still think it’s funny that trans jokes are considered ‘edgy.’ “I, an edgy comedian, am going to make this audience feel super comfortable by saying things they already believe!” Edgy is pushing the audience’s boundaries. He’s reinforcing them.

  • trentgein84-av says:

    Google search results don’t consist a legacy. Fuck off with that mess. 

    • pete-worst-av says:

      Thanks for chiming in, Mr. Cosby.

      • PennypackerIII-av says:

        Go back to your room in your parents basement, troll.

      • satalac-av says:

        So you equate someone who doesn’t believe that Google search results becoming that person’s legacy to being a convicted rapist? You think not believing that quote is the same as raping someone? That’s insane.

        • pete-worst-av says:

          No, I’m not equating the two separate acts of sheer stupidity. They’re clearly not the same. What I am doing is making a joke that these two men who are choosing to shit all over their own legacies by being this much of an asshole at this point in their lives are pretty damn similar.

          • satalac-av says:

            No, you clearly called the OP “Mr. Cosby”. 

          • pete-worst-av says:

            You should do more analysis of this clearly complex issue that you’re having such a difficult time understanding and get back to me. Lots of spreadsheets and footnotes, please.

        • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

          He was crafting a zinger to “body” you at the expense of intellectual honesty like every twitter addled shithead alive. Surely you’re familar with this game by now

    • gargsy-av says:

      Yes they do. Obviously they do. Do you have any…absolutely ANY comprehension of what legacy is?

      Get less stupid, please.

  • jmyoung123-av says:

    WTF is Werewolf?

    • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

      There TF Werewolf. There TF Castle.

    • pizzapartymadness-av says:

      You might know it as Mafia. Originally a schoolroom / sleepover game. Group of people with a game master, one or more is selected as the bad guy who “kills” one of the others when everyone closes their eyes and then when everyone opens their eyes they decide on a person they think is the bad guy to “kill.”

      • noreallybutwait-av says:

        Oh god, thank you. It was in italics in the article so I just assumed it was some album or video game I had never heard of.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      Assume it is One Night Ultimate Werewolf – a game where people randomly get assigned a role. 1-2 people are werewolves and trying to take out other players while the rest are townspeople with various abilities (sometimes none) to try to figure out who the werewolves are. Fun game to play with a bigger group of friends.

    • officermilkcarton-av says:

      Among Us in meatspace.

    • qwedswa-av says:

      Good party game. Pizzapartymadness describes it pretty well. Each game is pretty quick, so you usually play a few in a row. You don’t need to purchase the game, but there are some versions that have fancier rules and an app that serves as the moderator so everyone gets to play. It would probably be pretty amazing to play with a bunch of actors and comedians. Here’s a 3 minute video if you want a visual with the rules.

    • killa-k-av says:

      Some lame shit

      • nilus-av says:

        You are just mad because no one invites you to the “cool kids” parties. And by “cool kids” I mean the theater kids, band kids and table top nerds :).Seriously my friend group plays Werewolf at least once a year at my friends Halloween party. We played when we in high school through college and adulthood. We are now all married with kids so the traditional Halloween party is a family event but we still all play. Its a good time

        • killa-k-av says:

          I know what it is. I was at a convention one year waiting for my friend to finish playing Werewolf. They played literally for hours. I fell asleep and finally ended up leaving before he was done. Turns out he basically spent the entire 4-day weekend playing Werewolf.

    • nilus-av says:

      Werewolf is a party game. Sometimes its called Mafia or Spy. All you need is a group of people, some paper and one person to “run” it. At the start you randomly determine in secret who the “Werewolf”(or informant or spy) is and that person secretly chooses one part member to eat(or assassinate). That person is now out of the game(for that round). The rest of the guests now have to try to figure out which one of them is the Werewolf and put them to death(vote them out of the game). If they pick the werewolf they win, if they pick another villager, the game goes to another night time(where the werewolf feeds) with two less players. The game ends when the villagers successful kill the Werewolf or the Werewolf eats everyone.Variations include having more then one werewolf. Having some villagers have other special roles, like a doctor(who may prevent a death), a seer(who can check each round another player to see if they are a villager or werewolf) or other roles that mix up the game. The point is its a bunch of people hanging out, usually drinking, accusing each other of being a killer.  Its what games like Among Us are based on.  There are a lot of different companies that make pen and paper version of the games with all the rules and cards and such but, like I said,  you do not need any of that

  • catsliketomeow-av says:

    Chappelle’s last special was so weird. The dude devoted more than half of his hour-long comedy special to making half-baked jabs at transgender people and decided to hide behind “I had a trans friend and she said it was okay!”

    • pete-worst-av says:

      I got a lot of downvotes on Reddit for stating that Chappelle’s argument was the equivalent of white people saying shitty things about black people and then letting themselves off the hook because they have a ‘black friend’. I’m guessing that’s mainly because 99.9% of the people on Reddit are stupid children. Or bigots. Stupid children and bigots.Dave’s last few specials sucked because they weren’t funny, just cheap and overly defensive. Is it so much to ask these days for comedians to just be funny?

      • recognitions-av says:

        I got downvoted on Reddit for saying that it was creepy for a grown man in his 30s to date an 18-year-old girl

      • ty2020-av says:

        Is it a lot to ask for you to have a actual sense of humor?

        • schmowtown-av says:

          his last special sucked. Terrible shit that isn’t even jokes

        • catsliketomeow-av says:

          Tell me one “joke” he said in The Closer about transgender people that was funny. Just one.

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          You know that you don’t have to keep defending Chappelle like he’s your momma, right?

        • pete-worst-av says:

          I have a great sense of humor, which is how I could tell Dave’s last few specials weren’t fucking funny.

        • youcancallmeluke-av says:

          We do. His jokes were shit. I saw him live decades ago and he was hilarious. Now he isn’t. This too hard for you to understand? I mean, don’t strain yourself bud.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Yep, this. Dude used to be funny. He ain’t funny to me any longer. ::shrug::

          • madwriter-av says:

            But you all keep showing up in the comments for what? If he’s not funny and just looking for attention, why give it to him?

          • catsliketomeow-av says:

            This has to be the stupidest mindset someone can have. The “if you don’t like it, then shut up about it” mentality is astounding in how closed-minded it is.

          • madwriter-av says:

            You’re right. Keep giving him attention. He’ll go away.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            But you all keep showing up in the comments for what? Me? To idly jaw about pop culture with other randos. If he’s not funny and just looking for attention, why give it to him? I’m idly jawing with other randos on a B-list entertainment site. I doubt any of my “attention” is reaching Chappelle’s ears/eyes.

        • pete-worst-av says:

          Is it a lot for you to come back and respond to a single one of the comments from people calling you out on your bullshit? All you’ve done in here in multiple threads is comment once and then run away. You don’t have shit to say, and you know it.

        • callmeshoebox-av says:

          Comedy is subjective. If we all had the same sense of humor things would get boring, like all of your comments.

      • justtrife-av says:

        I don’t actually see the issue at hand with his jokes and have talked to a few trans people that I know to get their feedback and a lot of them seem to take the stance, at least to me, that they don’t mind being included, for instance, when he lambasted black culture, white culture, native American culture, it was let to slide but the moment he included trans it seemed like a subset of that group just didn’t like being made fun of, if you can laugh at “sprinkle some crack on him and let’s get out of here” I’m sure you can find humor in yourselves, at least that’s how it was told to me 🤷🏾‍♂️ but what do I know, I’m just a straight blk male… 

      • grim26-av says:

        Personally I enjoyed it and laughed quite a bit. People are just too uptight these days.

      • kped45-av says:

        I haven’t watched any of his recent specials where he goes off on trans people. Honestly, he lost me at his first netflix special, which was just not funny in the most boring way. And he kept rubbing his stomach during the whole set. They released 2 specials at once, i didn’t even bother with the second.Dave Chappelle’s first two comedy specials in the early 00’s were amazing. Chapelle show was fantastic. But everything since he’s come back has been boring, and now he’s just attacking marginalized groups to attract a new douchebag audience.

        • pete-worst-av says:

          I’m not of the mind that there are things that you just can’t make jokes about. Hell, Gilbert Gottfried was making jokes about 9/11 weeks after it happened, and it was hilarious. But that’s the key – if you want to make jokes about something, make them funny. That’s what a joke is. Dave’s tapdancing about all the trans stuff just wasn’t funny at all. With the amazing career he’s had, that’s what he wants to be remembered by?

          • kped45-av says:

            Yeah, that’s exactly it. I’m sure a trans person could take a joke that was well made, but Chappelle, or Gervais aren’t telling those jokes. They are stopping the comedy to whine about trans people not appreciating them or some such nonsense. Where’s the actual joke? I’ve seen so many comedians recently say some variation of “that’s our job, to say things that are uncomfortable”. Like…no it isn’t. Your job is in the title people give you – comedian. It’s to do comedy. Which is make people laugh. This idea that no, it’s actually to be edgy for edgy sake is so backwards. You can be edgy. But how about making it funny while you are at it?

          • scottsummers76-av says:

            Chapelle and Gervais do both.

          • pete-worst-av says:

            Hot button issues more often than not certainly do need the piss taken out of them, but it’s like people forget to be funny when they do it. As long as it gets attention, that’s enough. Just another reason that social media and online culture have poisoned the earth.I’ve been watching old Carlin specials recently, and he shits on EVERYTHING. But it was funny, so I laughed. Funny how that works.

          • ajvia123-av says:

            how are you the arbiter of what is funny or not? You didn’t laugh at something so they’re no longer funny, just attempting to be edgy?

          • madwriter-av says:

            Comedy is subjective, like art, just because you doesn’t find something funny, everyone else does too. 

          • kped45-av says:

            Does anyone find “OK, let me stop for 10 minutes to whine about Trans people saying I shouldn’t attack them and why that’s cancel culture” funny?

          • madwriter-av says:

            Apparently, yes.

          • ajvia123-av says:

            Joking about 9/11 and the death of 3k people in a nationally traumatizing terror attack, 13 days after it happened: COMEDY GOLDjokes about men who believe they are women or women who believe they are men, and the concept that we all have to believe it and support it and affirm it because of all the groups in the world, teenage and adolescent children are the ones that we should most clearly believe, listen to, affirm and not ever question their “Beliefs” on: IGNORANT  PHOBIA AND YOU DESERVE TO GO TO HELL AND DIE AND BE FIRED AND SHAMEDyeah, that’s clearly sensible. Thank you for telling us what counts as comedy and what is unacceptable. (For the record I find both of these comedy lines funny and acceptable. I’m just making a point.)

          • nurser-av says:

            There you go, the most important point. If people genuinely laugh even if it is a bit of a cring-y laugh, or perhaps out of their usual comfort zone it is generally accepted. In past bits and specials Chapelle and others have made some jokes which were well crafted and solid—maybe not for everyone but regarded as honestly funny. However don’t drone/whine/spew on and on, while eliciting nary a half-smile and call it: Comedy. I listen to the Conan O’Brien podcast and end up laughing loudly and often every damn week, and he is just riffing. Same with Fly On The Wall and Smartless. Like mini comedy specials every week. Chapelle prepared probably for months and it ended up being a very un-special special. Do better.

          • pete-worst-av says:

            Truly a high point in overthinking the shit out of something that really just needed to be moved on from.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            Yeah, a great comedian tells jokes about things that might seem out of bounds but make the audience laugh despite themselves (Gottfried and 9/11 a great example).

          • pete-worst-av says:

            Eliciting more laughter is always more important than just covering one’s ass to save face. Which is exactly what Chappelle did.

        • i-miss-splinter-av says:

          Honestly, he lost me at his first netflix special

          Same here. I watched both that were released together several years ago. One was just ok, the other wasn’t funny at all, Chapelle just came off as angry in it. Haven’t watched any of his material since, and I’m glad I haven’t.

          • kped45-av says:

            to me he didn’t seem angry, he just seemed unfocussed, and with nothing to say. The guy who made me laugh hysterically with the “grape drink…it’s purple” 15 years before that didn’t leave me with more than a smirk in the first special. He seemed bored. And i was even more bored then him.

        • marceline8-av says:

          Honestly, he lost me at his first netflix special, which was just not funny in the most boring way.For me this is the real issue. Chappelle has gotten boring for me. I hope he can find a way to pivot and get away from his bitter edgelord shit.

          • kped45-av says:

            And that was before the trans stuff! He was boring and less of a joke teller already, the trans stuff just made it worse.I also stopped watching Louis CK specials ages ago, long before his scandal. I went to a live show of his after the “bag of dicks” special which made me a fan. The show i went to was him testing out his upcoming special and it was aggressively “OK”. and after that, it seemed to be less and less “great” and I felt no need to seek it out. It was getting repetitive and boring.

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        He still is funny. The specials are funny. your take on it just sucks, thats all.

      • Keego94-av says:

        I got a lot of downvotes on Reddit…HAHA!

      • PennypackerIII-av says:

        If you don’t think its funny then don’t watch it and go watch the funniest comic out there today, Hannah Gadsby.

      • mpas-av says:

        Jarrod isn’t funny to me.

      • dizzybees-av says:

        Complains about bigotry then makes bigoted generalization. Well done, Pete.

      • pete-worst-av says:

        You should call yourself ‘Very Stupid Mastodon’. Don’t worry, maybe you’ll wise up once you get out of your teens. 

    • ty2020-av says:

      You clearly were not listening to his last special.   Goodness. 

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Or maybe YOU aren’t.

      • catsliketomeow-av says:

        I mean, I clearly was. Why do Chappelle supporters cling so desperately to the whole “you didn’t understand what he was saying” argument when it comes to The Closer. What exactly was he saying that’s so obscure?

        • scottsummers76-av says:

          youd know if you actually paid attention and understood what he was saying. I can tell almost all of his critics dont.

      • KillaBeez36-av says:

        Everyone loves to blow past his whole bit in one of his first Netflix comeback shows when he’s talking about the standards and practices person on Chappelle’s Show and the reason he can say make black jokes and but not gay jokes (you can’t use gay slurs because you’re not gay but you CAN use the N word because you’re a…) That’s literally what all of this is about. The more people get angry at him for this, the harder that point about hypocrisy gets driven home.

        • dc882211-av says:

          I mean it’s not really hypocrisy though, only to the people who get upset that they can’t say the slurs too. There’s been a long history of marginalized groups reclaiming slurs against them and using it inside that sub-culture. A gay guy could call another one a f-word, but if I as a straight person did that, that’s gonna hit different because I’m a part of the group that has systematically oppressed his group for thousands of years.

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        You clearly were not listening to his last special. Goodness. No, we were. Chappelle’s been shit since he signed with Netflix.

        • kped45-av says:

          He’s been shit longer than that, but it wasn’t broadcast. I remember the shows  when he started doing standup again and people online saying he was rambling and meandering and not funny, and he’d walk off stage early if the crowd wasn’t to his liking. 

      • theunnumberedone-av says:

        Bro, you are all over these comments defending this man. Go do something good for someone.

      • brianm858-av says:

        I watched the whole special and he’s not wrong. Chappelle played oppression Olympics with the LGBT community, gave a one sided cis gendered opinion of trans folks and then tried to hide behind the “I have a trans friend” excuse at the end.Multiple people took issue because he had an axe to grind against a group that doesn’t pay his bills and at worst says “mean” things about him.Sometimes people watch Chappelle because he says profound things AND is funny. This special was neither.

    • scottsummers76-av says:

      That totally makes sense to me. It seems that a lot of internet complaining isnt from the actual oppressed group, it’s from the whiny white liberals taking it upon themselves to defend them.

  • SweetJamesJones-av says:

    Chappelle left his show because he realized he was just playing up racial stereotypes for money.In the same vein, he’s soon going to realize that his stance on trans is no different than white comics in the 50s who made jokes justifying racism.  He’s going to be one of those guys future generations look down on and try to say it was okay at the time.  I hope the money’s worth it.

    • recognitions-av says:

      I doubt he’s going to realize anything

    • mpas-av says:

      He doesn’t need money so it’s not that.

      • callmeshoebox-av says:

        Rich people always need more money.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          F*ck yes. At this point, the Walton family seems proud that they have brought feudalism back as a successful business model. And forcing everyone else to subsidize their employee’s healthcare, food stamps, etc. – at $6.2 billion annually in mostly federal taxpayer subsidies – is the cream in their vile coffee. This is the kind of ‘success’ Trump bellows about. For people struggling with the question “Are there really Evil people out there?” Yes, there are and they’re proud.

      • SweetJamesJones-av says:

        Really? He needed content for his comedy special, and bashing trans people was the content he came up with. It was likely the most publicity generating thing he could find, and he needed to generate buzz to get his $20M paycheck. He’s a shock comedian.  

  • mpbourja-av says:

    The AV Club is so dedicated to combating the scourge that is Dave Chappelle that they’re now running articles made entirely of excerpts of people criticizing Dave Chappelle.

  • racj1982-av says:

    I shouldn’t type anything im about to type because I’m just going to get angry snark in return. But, I keep seeing these same factoids over and over in these comments and to me its just as tiresome as people are with Chappelle himself.Yes, he quit his show because he felt people were taking some of the wrong lessons from his bits. That has nothing to do with right now. Mostly because I don’t think the Dave that exists now would care as much. You can’t control what people take from your entertainment.I know people around here don’t agree with this but I really don’t think Dave is punching down. He comes from the school of anyone can get it.I relate the most to people who just didn’t find some of his recent specials funny. I don’t agree with that but at the end of the day, that is all I care about. I don’t really get offended by words so I work a little differently that way. But, I’m for anyone making art to do as they like as long as they aren’t breaking laws. But, I can take it or leave it. If I leave it, that precisely what I do. No wasted energy on things I don’t enjoy.I’ve learned a long time ago that it is pointless to worry about agreeing with everything someone says. I never will. I just have to find my line of where i might need to cut things off.Istill love Dave. I still find him funny. Not all of his jokes hit. I can’t think of any comic I could say that for. I don’t agree with every one of his views. But, he still cracks me the hell up. I just hope as time goes on, he stops wasting energy on a fight he will never win. There are certain parties that will never agree with his brand comedy or views. Worry about being funny and not about combating or antagonizing them. Let them be. I’m not even saying never make another joke about someone who is Trans again. Make it funny. Use the sharp eye he had. I’m not saying make fun of this group or that group. I just think there are better observations and commentary to be had. I do believe there can be comedy mined from nearly anything. But, shock value and button pushing does nothing for anyone. If you are a comic , I think you must come better than that.

    • winstonsmith2022-av says:

      You wouldn’t guess it from the chatter on clickbait websites, but the majority of people totally agree with you.

      • racj1982-av says:

        Maybe the people who disagree are much more vocal I guess.

        • PennypackerIII-av says:

          The vocal fringe groups get all the attention since they generate clicks and views.  Media thrives on this for $ and are happy to divide people and convince the simpletons that this is how most people think.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “but the majority of people totally agree with you.”


      • davidwizard-av says:

        I love it when someone just lies out of their ass and pretends they know what a “majority of people” believe. Unless you have decent polling data on it, you have literally no fucking idea what “most” people think – you only know what a few people personally known to you think.Try being brave and owning your opinions instead of lying to pretend others agree with you. You look like a fifth-grader.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      Yes, he quit his show because he felt people were taking some of the
      wrong lessons from his bits. That has nothing to do with right now.

      Yes, it does. Why do you think it doesn’t?
      You can’t control what people take from your entertainment.

      You can control what entertainment you put out, knowing how people take it.
      I really don’t think Dave is punching down.

      Bully for you. Most people do think he’s punching down, including the people he’s joking about.

      • racj1982-av says:

        Some people. The reality is I don’t think most people care about any of shit whether it’s targeted towards them or not. But, you hit all the bullet points I was expecting people to hit. Congrats.

        • davidwizard-av says:

          You’re not arguing in good faith, so of course you’re going to pre-dismiss anyone else trying to engage on the issue. You’re proud not to have empathy for other people: great work, you deserve a medal.

  • fancykevin-av says:

    Condescending on what hill people choose “to die on” is the weakest shit and means obviously you know they’re right and wish they weren’t so cavalier about it.Carmichael is done.

    • scottsummers76-av says:

      Nah, i doubt he is. Noone is gonna lose any points for shitting on dave chapelle. (Although i think its stupid.)

    • recognitions-av says:

      “Jerrod Carmichael has had a hell of a 2022; his most recent stand-up special, Rothaniel,
      has drawn strong reviews, both for Carmichael’s willingness to talk
      about his life—including coming out as gay—and for the deft way he talks
      about how those reveals have affected his relationship with his family in the process. Among other things, the special secured for Carmichael something that three years of running and starring in a sitcom for NBC apparently couldn’t: A guest-host spot on the most recent season of .”Are you sure about that? Because he doesn’t sound done.

      • Keego94-av says:

        And even with all those “creds” most of us are like “who?”.

      • mpas-av says:

        His special was boring. Not funny. It was not comedy, it was confessional. They should make a new subset for this because it isn’t stand up comedy.

        • recognitions-av says:
        • drewcifer667-av says:

          who are you talking about, Chappelle??

          I haven’t seen Carmichael’s latest, but Chapelle’s last special was basically joke free, just him plainly stating issues with trans people

        • davidwizard-av says:

          Nothing like pointless gatekeeping to prove to everyone that you couldn’t produce an incisive analysis of comedy to save your life. The words “stand-up comedy” are marketing tools, and that’s it. Stop letting marketing hijack your brain and think about the world more broadly. Why does it matter what people selling the performance classify it as? Why does that matter even a little bit?

      • fancykevin-av says:

        Yes. He’s running on the fumes of this spectacle. He’s aligned himself with a societal fad in its last throes of relevancy. It’s a shame as he was a charming, talented guy.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      and means obviously you know they’re right and wish they weren’t so cavalier about it Nah, that’s dumb.

    • sethsez-av says:

      Condescending on what hill people choose “to die on” is the weakest shit
      and means obviously you know they’re right and wish they weren’t so
      cavalier about it.

      “They laughed at Einstein” has always been a dumb argument and this minor variation on it remains a dumb argument.

    • drewcifer667-av says:

      lmfao i love these rubes who cry about “cancelling chappelle” but then try to cancel Carmichael for his options lol

  • norwoodeye-av says:

    As far as Carmichael’s 2022 goes, you forgot to mention his film, On The Count Of Three, was released a month or so back. It’s a great film with two strong lead performances (that will likely be overlooked due to its quiet release…but is absolutely worth the watch).

  • cjob3-av says:

    Not sure it’s really fair to blame Chappelle for what parts of his act an infinite amount of clickbait articles choose to focus on.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Why – was he not the one who wrote and said those parts of his set?

      • cjob3-av says:

        He said a lot of things. But online articles only want to focus on what gets the most clicks and engagement. Like this one, which is essentially ‘Hey, look what somebody else said about what Dave Chapelle said!’

    • gargsy-av says:

      Why not? Is it not his material? Did he not release it to the public? Did some FORCE him to do the special???

      We need to get to the bottom of this!!!

    • captainbubb-av says:

      I disagree, it seems like he’s courting that kind of attention at this point by continuing to stir the pot with mild variations on the same theme.

      • cjob3-av says:

        I’m no expert on Chapelle or his career, but from what I know he’s mentioned the trans community twice — once in the his last two specials. The second time was him mentioning the backlash from the first time.

        • davidwizard-av says:

          So you admit you have no idea what you’re talking about, yet still want to weigh in? Classic.

    • drewcifer667-av says:

      over the last five specials this “part of his act” has completely taken over his sets, and his persona in general. last time he wasn’t even telling jokes about it, and ended with “i won’t talk about this again,” and then immediately broke that and is toruing on the same shit

  • marceline8-av says:

    This is who Chappelle is now. All whining and grievance. He’s Dennis Miller now.

    • blikketty-av says:

      Boy did that dude lose his effing mind after 9/11? Went from making fun of Bush srs idiocy to cheering on his son for trying to avenge pappy.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    I think successful comedians, who are used to getting loads of money and attention for having unique insights into contemporary society, are just particularly susceptible to Grandpa Simpson Syndrome as they age.

  • westchi-av says:

    If the trans community could learn that they arent as special as they think they are and learned to laugh at themselves they may actually turn a corner. If you tell a comedian this group is too fragile to joke about what do you think they are going to do. 3000 ppl died on 9/11. Comedians can tell 9/11 jokes but Trans jokes are too far???? Your fragility is a giant bullseye

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      They don’t think they’re more special than anyone else, they’d just like it if a comedian with a huge platform would just shut the fuck up about them. Ffs they’re just trying to live.

      • houlihan-mulcahy-av says:

        And they are still living.  Comedians don’t have to shut up about anything.

      • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

        “Shut the fuck up about” = don’t dare express the smallest iota criticism of any aspect of our culture”. Also worth pointing out that the “fragility” here is feigned and performative and that what’s really at play here is of course an infantile, aggressive, dirty diapered aversion to the above, nothing more.

      • westchi-av says:

        Yea no. That joke he told about trans womens pussy being beyond pussy or impossible pussy was classic. And it was funny because we as an audience are suppose to pretend its all the same, we know its not but we aren’t suppose to admit it. 

        • callmeshoebox-av says:

          You have a frighteningly low bar for a classic joke. 

          • westchi-av says:

            Again, Pete Davidson’s father was murdered on 9/11. He stands on stage and jokes about 9/11, his colleagues joke about 9/11 but trans ppl can’t take and impossible pussy joke without trying to boycott something and you are trying to convince masses that is a normal response or that that should be the normal response to something not funny to you????? Its seems every group understands how to cope with pain and trauma except a community that loves to wallow in pain and trauma. 

          • callmeshoebox-av says:

            Oh settle down. Pete can joke about his trauma. Trans people can joke about theirs. When someone who is not trans makes jokes about trans people they have a right to tell him to fuck off. Just like I’m telling you to fuck off when you say they can’t cope with their trauma. You don’t give a rat fuck about their trauma. Fuck you and leave me alone. 

          • westchi-av says:

            Ok i think I get it, you think only Trans ppl can make Trans jokes. Only black ppl can make black jokes and etc. Thank you for the discussion.

    • jek-av says:

      “And black people need to stop whining when white people make slavery jokes.”That’s what you sound like, Proud Boy.

      • westchi-av says:

        Show me the the huge contingent of black ppl complaining about slavery jokes….Show me a few thousand that even give a shit…Fuck it a few hundred

        • jek-av says:

          Go into a Black neighborhood and shout some out.Let me know how that goes.

          • westchi-av says:

            As opposed to a setting where jokes are actually supposed to be told?

          • jek-av says:

            Do you even know where your goalposts are anymore?

          • westchi-av says:

            Uh my goalpost are where America is about to turn into the fucking hunger games and one side is riddled with a thin skinned children who can even take jokes so when the bullets start flying what the fuck then. Thats where my goalpost are. Point being your fighting against Dave chappelle and thats not even a real battle.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Fragility is only a giant bullseye for bullies, groomers, gaslighters and other opportunistic swine looking for easy marks. Why try to form meaningful human connections when you can just mow everyone down on your way to getting what you want?

    • craigtstaley-av says:

      Trans people are fine with laughing at themselves when someone actually makes a funny joke.  But don’t expect them to laugh at a mean-spirited rant about their existence. 

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    I like this dude.  It’s good to see a comedian who is not just blanket protecting another comedian.  Marsha Warfield is like this too.  She understands about not punching down, and also about how jokes should be funny.

    • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

      You say this as if at least 50% comics on twitter haven’t spent the last two years eviscerating Chappelle and as if there isn’t a a highly conspicuous civil war between socially conscious woke comics and “tell it like it is” comics that’s been raging for the last decade or something

  • Keego94-av says:

    Who tf is this guy? Never heard of him. 

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      It’s almost like the article lays that all out for you, numbnuts.

      • Keego94-av says:

        Welcome to the internet, dipshit. Where sarcasm is used to denigrate any and all. Like saying “Who the fuck is this guy” when an article is about said fucking guy. Do us all a favor, don’t breed.

    • razzle-bazzle-av says:

      I’d say that’s a major difference between the two. One needn’t google Chappelle to know who he is.

  • orange2018-av says:

    Joke’s on Carmichael. Chappelle is right.  It doesn’t take a genius to know that people that are part of the problem will say it doesn’t exist. It takes a lot of sand to bury your head to the point where you think the problem doesn’t exist. The midterm elections will bear this out…

  • rocnation-av says:

    It’s pretty obvious that cancel culture refers to the idea of trying to cancel something just because you don’t agree with it. How successful the people trying to do the cancelling are is irrelevant. Think about every AV Club article whenever someone mentions Chapelle (including this one). And the Netflix employee walkouts. And everyone that asks unrelated questions to get a sound bite against Chapelle. It always falls back on “he’s not suffering!!” rather than the fact that you’re TRYING your hardest to make him suffer, you’re just failing at it.

    • houlihan-mulcahy-av says:

      Yep. It always comes with a clear side of “of course we wish we could tank his entire career, but…”

    • optiboy-av says:

      Best way to make him suffer? Ignore him. That’s what egotistical idiots like Dave and “The Donald” fear more than anything else.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Chappelle knows what comes up when you google his name. The fact that being anti-trans has become part of his identity is part of what fuels his feud with the LGBTQ+ community. The more they tell him how bigoted he sounds, the more resentful he becomes, and the more bigoted he sounds. Vanity Fair put out an article talking about the difference between him and Ricky Gervais. Gervais is just saying this shit in an attempt to sound edgy. For Chappelle, this shit is personal.

  • bromona-quimby-av says:

    What I’ve learned from kinja is that comedy is sacrosanct if it’s Dave Chappelle shitting on trans people but if it’s Chris Rock making a benign crack about Jada Pinkett Smith’s hair then violence is the answer. 

    • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

      That isn’t what you learned and you know perfectly well there isn’t some vocal faction of people who hold those two contradictory positions simultaneously, but nice try. Obviously the people “defending comedy as sacrosanct” (acknowledging no one has a right to deprive others of consumption of material they themselves have deemed harmful) are the same people condemning physical assault as an acceptable response to taking offense to material, and likewise the crowd calling for Dave’s head on a stick are the same ones singing Smith’s praises for that infantile display, and again you know this, but seriously, a great attempt

      • bromona-quimby-av says:

        u mad, sis?

        • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

          You the dumbest person to ever access the internet, sis?

          • bromona-quimby-av says:

            I’m definitely smart enough to not think I’m the authority on the motivations of other people who post, mamita.

          • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

            …Yet paradoxially dumb enough to just make up nonsense re: your “observations” on reactions to those two respective pop culture developments and think that no one else will see through it. I would hardly claim to be a perpetual authority on the motivations of others’ kinja diarrhea, but sometimes as in your case it’s aggressively obvious to the point of being embarrassing. (You complete fucking loser)

          • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

            …But ok, sure, just for shits n’ gigs, feel free to link to examples (twitter, here, reddit, et al) of the *same* person or persons who both 1)staunchly defended Chappelle’s right to be a big ol’ transphobe on his elevated platform and then 2)later turned around and cheered on Will Smith’s buffoonish display as the right call. We both know you can’t and won’t because there’s no ideological or even just logical consistency there and that person is a fucking unicorn. As I said, making shit up.

  • jayemoles-av says:

    Some people listen to respond, others listen to attack, yet others listen to hear…and some others listen to understand.

    Then, you have those folks, who only hear and understand by second or third hand…or listen with trend-colored glasses…

  • steelsquirrel-av says:

    Yet here is Jerrod using Chappelle as his boogeyman to get views and hits on his standup. Whatever.

  • hellayes-av says:

    We get it – don’t make jokes about trans people. Everyone else is fair game. No trans jokes though! Trans jokes are objectively not funny, and anyone who makes a joke that challenges or disagrees with any commonly held view from the trans community automatically hates trans people and wants their rights taken away. It’s so true. It’s so obvious. Thank you for saving comedy from the evil trans jokes!

  • blikketty-av says:

    As most of my friends of color told me the first time he got famous, dudes schtick was mostly racism, occasionally draped in the guise of making fun of racism.So yeah, who exactly is shocked he went after another marginalized group?  Go to a concert of his, and count the number of non-white ppl under 40.  He’s playing to the audience he has.This is the end game for edgy comedy for the sake of edgy. I can’t claim to be any great trans ally other than generally thinking people should not have to fear for their safety for who they are, and comedy that contributes that that probably sucks, but ffs, his obsession with them is something else. But on a personal level, I’m more offended that dude just ain’t that funny.

  • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

    “Who’s getting canceled for what they’ve said? What does that mean, that people are mad on Twitter? Everybody’s fine.”^ Bingo

    • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

      This is nowhere in the fucking vicinity of a bingo. Anyone with more than three brain cells and an iota of intellectual honesty (i.e. EVERYONE in this thread) understands the terminology denotes the *attempt* at a cancellation and toxic proclivities of a witch hunt culture that seeks to dogpile a new “main character” every day, NOT the actual staying power or permanence of a given cancellation. Everything else is just dumb evasive semantic games by willful participants in this nonsense inconvenienced by an arresting accurate label for one of their favorite shitty pastimes. 

      • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

        I guess you must be way smarter than me, because I can not make any fucking sense out of the words you’ve typed. 

        • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

          It isn’t that I’m necessarily smarter than you – although yes, probably -it’s just that you’re just being a willfully obtuse infant agreeing with Carmichael’s tired variation of “nurrr cancel culture isn’t real because who actually gets/stays cancelled?” and I’m just pointing out that everyone here, you included, knows that’s bunk and what the term denotes (the cancel behavior as recurring phenomenon and not the permanence/effectiveness of a given cancellation). The whole stance is predicated on a bad faith interpretation of the term and it’s boring as shit.

        • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

          Gonna go out on a limb and assume “I have no idea what you just said” is a frequently deployed weapon in your keyboard warfare arsenal

          • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

            I mean it sincerely. I’m never been on Twitter and don’t really follow the “cancellation” discourse.It seems like this comedian was rude to a group of people that already face discrimination and violence. That group of people called him out. The Comedian is still rich, famous, selling out shows. The group is still mocked, discriminated, and legislated against. The cruel world spins on. Nothing in your word-salads about “semantic games” and “predicated stances” seems to have much point. 

          • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

            If you mean it on earnest I’ll reply in kind. I do believe at this point the overwhelming majority of people understand that the cancel in “cancel culture” is intended to denote the recurring behavior/phenomenon of ostensibly deserving targets getting scolded and dogpiled en masse in the online town square. Hence I believe most people who make the “CC isn’t real” argument are acutely aware of what it denotes, know that it absolutely exists in this sense and generally full of shit. The exact motovation may vary but this line of argument generally follows two paths:A) Strawman based on semantic fuckery whereby someone willfully misinterprets the meaning of cancel in this context, implying that it means “made to go away forever”. They then proceed to effortlessly debunk the idea of CC’s very existence by (correctly) pointing out that, since virtually nobody ends up in the cornfield forever, and in many cases escape with barely a timeout, that CC clearly “isn’t real”. B)Replacing cancel with “consequence”, thereby acknowledging CC’s existence as a constant recurring phenomenon, but advocating for it by emphasizing that it comes from an entirely justified and legitimate place. This is shaky for obvious reasons in that the transgressions that fuel these cancellations run a clear gamut of legitimacy and that even in cases of the most heinous offense, plenty of the people joining any given dogpile are inevitably doing it for the wrong reasons (e.g. as a sanctioned excuse to unleash boundless cruelty on a socially acceptable, “deserving” target under a thin pretense of righteousness). As someone who has spent plenty of time lurking twitter while almost never joining the fray, I have observed this constantly.Of the two I guess I find the latter slightly less insufferable if only because it doesn’t attempt to deny the existence of the very phenomenon with dime store subterfuge, but it’s problematic in its own way.I earnestly believe Carmichael to be guilty of the former here and believe he knows better, and presumed the same of you for seemingly endorsing what I see as another instance of the above strawman. Based on the rest of your response you seem to agree with him in full, so yeah that’s where I’m coming from/essay

          • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

            Trans people face disproportionate danger and denigrating them on a public platform exacerbates that danger. This is not an “opinion” to “agree with”, this is an observable and data-backed fact.I don’t care about Dave Chapelle or what has happened/will happen to him. I have never watched his shows and have no particular attachment either way. As Carmicheal says, Chapelle is “fine”. Arguing about whether or not he is cancelled is, in your words, a straw man.My “bingo” refers to the distraction of this entire argument among the never-touched-grass Twiterrati. Politically, Chapelle is yelling “bomb!” on an airplane. I don’t particularly care about the nuances of what seat he’s in and where he’s stowed his carry-on. 

          • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

            “My “bingo” refers to the distraction of this entire argument among the never-touched-grass Twiterrati. Politically, Chapelle is yelling “bomb!” on an airplane. I don’t particularly care about the nuances of what seat he’s in and where he’s stowed his carry-on”I actually agree with this (and the majority of this last response) and apologize for misinterpreting your bingo here. This definitely isn’t to be taken as a wholesale defense of Chappelle, who never really did it for me even in his heyday pre-this and whose recent material I’ve found to be even less funny

          • davidwizard-av says:

            The fallacy of “cancel culture” is that it’s this scary new phenomenon. It’s not! It’s just that all these dumb motherfuckers getting “cancelled” signed up for an Internet platform that invites everyone to contact them every day all day long and share their thoughts. There isn’t a single year in the advent of modern communications technology when a large number of people were NOT loudly critiquing the content spread via that technology. From the radio to film to TV to the Internet, large swathes of society have ALWAYS been howling for content and content creators to be banned. It bothers people now because, for utterly inexplicable reasons, they invited all those people into their pockets to scream at them directly all day long.People tried to get Chapelle Show cancelled when it first aired. People tried to get Carlin cancelled, Lenny Bruce got arrested. There’s no such thing as “cancel culture” – it just feels that way because you signed up for Twitter. Get off Twitter.

          • thouartgarfunkel-av says:

            So, real quick, I agree this is a very established behavior with a new buzzword label merely affixed and largely self wrought, and should have better clarified my own brush with twitter is past tense and I am in fact thankfully off of there now.

  • venivik-av says:

    Eh. This site, super liberals, lgbtq, they’re all in the minority. Theyre just loud. Putting out mass amounts of sensationalized articles is a smokescreen. Chapelle will be eternal as a comedy legend and will always sell mass tickets and will always get paid to make specials. He can say whatever he wants, he’s a great dude with a great heart and deserves MORE than what he already has. Where were all your boycotts to comedy central when we found out how much they jipped him on his show? He’s supposed to support you though? Pure entitlement

    • davidwizard-av says:

      Yeah, that poor multi-millionaire, they really screwed him. You definitely found the injured party here – good work.

  • gogmagoggog-av says:

    I really wish they had asked him about Chapelle ripping off his Michael Jackson bit for his last Netflix special. It’s not even just similar ideas, it is almost the same bit.

  • reignmanpro-av says:

    I’ve always known Dave Chappelle to make jokes about everybody regardless of their race or culture, only seems to be a problem as soon as she started making jokes about trans people because you can’t make jokes about trans people🤷🏿‍♂️👑

  • madwriter-av says:

    Dave Chappelle doesn’t give a fuck about Google because Google isn’t a real place.

    • tjsproblemsolvers-av says:

      He doesn’t give a fuck about Google because he’s rich. Nothing like money to make someone reveal what an asshole they are.

  • aap666-av says:

    Does Jerod seriously think 1) Dave thinks about what his Google search results are and 2) that Dave cares for what Jerod has to say about him?

  • smithrox2-av says:

    Trans opinions aren’t his legacy. His comedy is much deeper than just that. Also, he’s a better comedian than most including Carmichael

  • javierher-av says:

    Wells that’s a comedian you will never hear about again lolDave Chappelle on the other hand, still a legend. The left is horrendous wh n it comes to comedy. Funny bone dead in all of them lol

  • chatoyance-av says:

    Chapelle is making money by punching down on a minority group that can’t help existing and being what they are. Trans folk are an easy target. They are in the same position black folks were in the 30’s and 50’s. They are a class of people, born that way, who can be hated in a semi-socially acceptable way. Just like black folks were. A bigoted Nazi comic – very popular with the Republican crowd of 2022 – can’t get a venue (good!), but Chapelle and his trans-hating ways can. And the whole deal is ‘cancel culture is bad’? No, no it isn’t. That is what stops the white supremacist comics from having a place to spew their hate openly on mass media. They are cancelled – as they damn well should be. But that is somehow okay. That is right. Why is that right?Because hating black folks is wrong now, and must be cancelled whenever possible. I think anyone decent would agree with that.But trans people? Well, being trans is the new black, it seems. The new second class not-quite-human to pick on. And a black man – one of the formerly okay-to-harm groups – leads the attack against them.The irony and hypocrisy is obvious, but what is not obvious is how any decent person can choose the position in the first place: that we have to cancel race bigots, but we can’t cancel trans bigots. Hate is hate, and it always excuses itself, but I will never understand how a human being can get to such a place they can grab onto those hypocritical excuses and say “Yes, don’t hate these people, but you can hate those people over there, all you want”.

  • Logical-av says:

    Dave keeps being a topic of convo on the trans issue because he HASN’T been canceled to the satisfaction of the LGBTQ community and it STINGS them. That’s why they keep going after him. His shows keep selling out.

    The fact is that the LGBTQ wants to keep making noise along with left wing media outlets to make their view the prevailing opinion of Dave when it actually isn’t.

    This is a prime example of left wing media often being fake news. If the prevailing opinion of Dave was bad, he’s be canceled already. I don’t mean fake canceled where venues stop hosting him but real canceled where people stop buying tickets.

    Jerrod isn’t selling like Dave so he’s trying to get some shine, especially after coming as being part of “the club”. That’s gets shine nowadays all on it’s own.

  • chrispeterson72-av says:

    Its not surprising that he’s bashing Dave Chappelle.  He’s already pandering to blacks and gays, might as well go for the trannys too.

  • dougr898-av says:

    Two glaring problems that reveal Carmichael’s lack of intellect. First is his statement of, “an odd hill to die on.” Chappelle isn’t dying. Second, those Google results are a “hill” built by the complainer-class. They’re the ones scurrying about and fighting on that hill; Chappelle is just doing his job, living his life, and dominating.

  • terranigma-av says:

    Ummm…. who?

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