Aye, Jerry Bruckheimer wants Johnny Depp to return to Pirates Of The Caribbean

While trying to resuscitate Depp's career, Bruckheimer also said that those other Pirates movies are still alive

Aux News Johnny Depp
Aye, Jerry Bruckheimer wants Johnny Depp to return to Pirates Of The Caribbean
Johnny Depp Photo: Jesse Grant (Getty Images for Disney)

Pirates Of The Caribbean producer Jerry Bruckheimer is less a filmmaker and more of a travel agent. As he so often says, “We’re in the transportation business. We transport you from one place to another. My job is to take you for a couple of hours and make you forget about everything that’s going on at home, going on in the world.” And nothing that helps us escape our problems like the words “Johnny Depp.”

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Bruckheimer, who defined blockbusters from the 1980s through the 2000s, seems ready to dive back into the Depp end. When asked about Depp returning to the franchise and if Disney would allow it, Bruckheimer said: “You’d have to ask them. I can’t answer that question. I really don’t know. I would love to have him in the movie. He’s a friend, a terrific actor, and it’s unfortunate that personal lives creep into everything we do.” It is unfortunate that he sued his ex-wife for writing an op-ed about her experiences in abusive relationships. Nevertheless, in addition to winning a cool million bucks from her, Bruckheimer thinks he should also get his old job back. That’s cancel culture for you.

Bruckheimer doesn’t have many suitable options for the franchise. Reviving the Pirates movies without Depp has been a chore. “We tried to kill [Jack Sparrow],” Bruckheimer said. “It didn’t work.” For the better part of two years, Margot Robbie was said to be taking over Disney’s most lucrative theme-park-based film series. That was until a few months ago when Robbie said the project wasn’t happening. “We had an idea, and we were developing it for a while, ages ago, to have more of a female-led—not totally female-led, but just a different kind of story—which we thought would’ve been really cool, but I guess they don’t want to do it,” she told Vanity Fair.

Like Depp’s cancelation, the project’s demise has been greatly exaggerated. “It’s alive for me,” he said. “It’s alive for Disney. I’m sure she was disappointed it didn’t go first — or maybe not because she’s very busy, so it might be a blessing to push this a bit. We believe we’ll get it made. It’s a very strong story.”

Bruckheimer also clarified that there are two Pirates movies in development. The Robbie one and the one with a “younger cast” (Pirates Babies?). However, they all take a lot of time to come together. “They’re all hard. I think we’re getting very close on that one, too. We have a very good script. We developed two of them — the one with Margot Robbie and one with a younger cast. The Margot Robbie one needs a little more work. The younger cast one is close. Hopefully we’ll get both of them.”

We don’t know if any of these Pirates adventures could feature a Jeff Beck concert, but if Bruckheimer can figure that out, he can probably get Depp pretty cheap.


  • pocrow-av says:

    Bruckheimer should look at how poorly the last two Pirates films did.

    PotC 4 focused almost exclusively on Depp, and PotC 5 wasn’t far behind.

    Maybe the box office cancelled Depp, not anyone else.

    • clayjayandrays-av says:

      Well, at least the fifth one. The fourth one made a billion dollars, somehow.

      • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

        About 7/10 of that is overseas box office, which has a much lower rate of return than domestic. With a budget of around $300 million (not including marketing), $1 billion in pre-pandemic worldwide ticket sales starts to look a little less impressive.

        • radarskiy-av says:

          On the other hand, that means that the overseas distributors will will be willing to pay more for another one.

    • ohnoray-av says:

      yah dudes career was already in the stinker, but also I had no idea Bruckheimer is 80 until now? the red hair kit really did fool me.

    • darthpumpkin-av says:

      The Lone Ranger was a huge flop for Disney as well. Combined with Depp’s personal issues and lack of professionalism while filming, I’d be surprised (and disappointed) if they brought him back.

      • pocrow-av says:

        Even the Disney Pirates book that Disney commissioned and sells at the actual Pirates of the Caribbean shop in Disneyland talks about how unreliable Depp was during PotC 5 and how much money that cost the company.

        If they’re saying that in their puff pieces, I can’t imagine they’re more fond of him in private.

  • clayjayandrays-av says:

    Boy I just can’t wait to see Depp stumbling around, murmuring about rum and bodices again. 

  • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

    Why would they make more movies in a series that already has too many bad movies? 

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Depp aside, remember how the first Pirates movie came out, and everyone agreed it was a small miracle that something pretty good came out of the thinnest excuse for an IP, a neglected theme park ride? Then they were like, “It’s going to be a trilogy”, and everyone agreed that was probably not going to work as well as the first one, but sure why not squeeze all the blood from that stone?But then Disney, bereft of any other income sources, decided that they would just keep making these movies as though they made some sort of illicit bargain with an underwater demon bent on spreading pain and misery. And now we’re all doomed to aimlessly wander this earth for centuries to come, tremulously asking people we meet in the street if they’re excited about seeing Pirates of the Caribbean 27, now viewable in five mandatory dimensions.

  • rareinthehistory-av says:

    Disney would be foolish not to beg for forgiveness from Depp and cast him if he’d be willing. The public saw the trial and saw Amber’s abusiveness, so anything he’s in will be rewarded with a huge audience. Look at the sold out shows with Jeff Beck and the buzz surrounding the upcoming Jeanne du Barry film and Modigliani film with Al Pacino. Pirates still has a loyal fan base, and Depp returning would be a gift to them.

  • meinstroopwafel-av says:

    I mean, if you can make another decent Pirates film, sure. But that seems… unlikely.

  • milligna000-av says:

    As he so often says, “We’re in the transportation business. We transport
    you from one place to another. My job is to take you for a couple of hours and make you forget about everything that’s going on at home, going on in the world.”

    Surprising he gets to often say that. Nobody ever mentioned he sounds like an absolute ass saying such condescending drivel?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      “I’m in the time dilation business. I make movies so bad they can make two hours feel like four-and-a-half.”

  • iambrett-av says:

    Meh. Depp’s Jack Sparrow is never going to be as good as he was in the first Pirates movie, because that was the only Pirates movie that wasn’t written with his goofy Jack Sparrow affect in mind. 

  • hulk6785-av says:

    Good God, this is awful! They wanna make MORE Pirates Of The Caribbean movies!?

  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    I propose they reboot the franchise as Creepy Drunk Uncles of the Carribean, as that is the vibe that Depp puts out now. They can base each entry on a different Jimmy Buffett song.

  • nx-1700-av says:

    Time to move on from ThePirates

  • kim-porter-av says:

    Really hope this happens, if only because the most annoying people in the world would have aneurysms.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    I would champion a Margot Robbie-led Pirates but I don’t really want any more of those movies to get made.  

  • cgo2370-av says:

    So this is the Bad Place after all…

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    What will diminish when next this franchise returns?

  • waystarroyco-av says:

    Judging by his wardrobe and general looks like he smells demeanor….Depp’s been sitting by that phone waiting for the call for awhile

  • mid-boss-av says:

    Even without the mountain of baggage that comes with Depp, who actually wants this? Kinda seems like everyone was already over his schtick after The Lone Ranger and the last Pirates movie. If you have to make more of these movies just reboot it without him.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:


    *I have not seen Mortdecai, any good?

  • Spoooon-av says:

    I’d hate to see Johnny come back to the series. Not because of “Oh, he’s damaged goods” or whatever. I just don’t want to see another episode “The Completely Wacky Adventures of Captain Jack (and some other pirates)“.

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    Hasn’t it already been proven that it just doesn’t work without all 3 coming back? Bloom and Knightly need to come back if they really want to do this. 

  • docprof-av says:

    You mean to tell me that Jerry Bruckheimer is still alive? There’s just now way that’s true. He for sure died like seven years ago.

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