Jimmy Kimmel drags Aaron Rodgers within an inch of his life over Epstein comments

The Jets quarterback and Ivermectin advocate previously falsely insinuated that Kimmel was on Epstein's flight log

Aux News Kimmel
Jimmy Kimmel drags Aaron Rodgers within an inch of his life over Epstein comments
Jimmy Kimmel; Aaron Rodgers Screenshot: Jimmy Kimmel Live

It’s been a while since we’ve seen some good old-fashioned, all hate no love nemeses in the news. For all the lovers of haters out there, have we got a new duo for you.

Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel and football star who thinks he’s a legitimate source of medical info Aaron Rodgers have been sparring for a while, but their feud came to a head last week, when Rodgers made a bizarre insinuation that Kimmel had taken a ride on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express. But while Kimmel immediately shut down Rodgers’ suggestion, made on The Pat McAfee Show, that he was “really hoping [the flight log] doesn’t come out,” the host wasn’t done (rightfully) smearing the quarterback with just one Tweet. Not even close.

On Kimmel’s first show of the year last night, the comedian launched into a nearly 10-minute monologue during which he took shots at everything from Rodger’s outsized ego to his undersized intelligence to his time as State Farm’s spokesperson. “Either he actually believes my name was gonna be on Epstein’s list, which is insane, or the more likely scenario is he doesn’t actually believe that, he just said it because he’s mad at me for making fun of his topknot and his lies about being vaccinated,” Kimmel opened.

Elsewhere in the monologue, the host suggests that Rodgers gained his “Thanksgiving day parade sized ego” because “he genuinely thinks that because god gave him the ability to throw a ball, he’s smarter than everyone else.” Most importantly though, especially as one bad faith special after another rolls in, Kimmel took it upon himself to provide a little lesson on comedy. “We say a lot of things on this show—we don’t make up lies. In fact, we have a team of people who work very hard to sift through the facts and reputable sources before I make a joke, and that’s an important distinction,” he said. “A joke about someone—even when that someone is Donald Trump, even a person who lies from the minute he wakes up until the minute he’s smearing orange makeup on his MyPillow at night—even he deserves that consideration, and we give it to him. Because the truth still matters.”

Will Rodgers apologize? Probably not, according to Kimmel, but he will accept it if it does eventually come. You can watch the full clip below:

Jimmy Kimmel Reacts to Aaron Rodgers Comments & Donald Trump Wants a Giant Dome to Protect the U.S.


  • universalamander-av says:

    The Jets quarterback and Ivermectin advocate previously falsely insinuated that Kimmel was on Epstein’s flight logWas this actually proven false? Did I miss something?

  • nothumbedguy-av says:

    Rodgers (idiot) will be addressing this on McAfee’s (douche) show today.

  • tsume76-av says:

    It’s so wild and busted that we even give airtime to the opinions of the terminally concussed.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Literally. I don’t know whether “the media” is to blame or us, the audience. Who is responsible for people like Rodgers getting airtime? Is it their fault for putting it in the news, or is it our* fault for the demand? It’s the chicken and egg. *General “our,” here. I’m not demanding this shit.

      • mahfouz-av says:

        Former journalist here. It’s the fault of the corporations that own the media. When I was still a journalist — in the early 2000s, I saw the writing on the wall early on and sold out years ago — the prevalent mentality among journalists themselves was that journalism was a service, a public good. There’s always been tension between that mentality and the owner class going back to Hearst and yellow journalism and all that. But because of technology, consolidation, culture, politics, and a host of other reasons, the axis of power is now firmly on the side of “news is content for an entertainment business”. By extension, you could say it is “our” fault for watching shit because the bean counters really don’t care what “content” they’re shoveling our way, only that it is in demand and can be produced cheaply. Good journalism is more expensive than bad journalism, takes longer, and apparently is less popular. “So slap on a bib and slurp it up you fucking mooks.”  

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Thanks for this perspective. The whole “content” thing is really going to be our downfall. I’ve had trouble with that word for years now. The whole idea of “content creators…” That should not be a job! No one should be creating “content” just for the sake of having more “content.” Comedian is a job. Actor is a job. Writer is a job. Performer of whatever talent is a job. Creating content is not a job. I can point a camera at a blank wall and post that and I’ve created “content,” but I haven’t added anything of value to the world. I’ve just given you something else to keep your eyes glued to your screens. And yet we watch it. And so do I! I’m not saying I’m above it, but I have been trying to be more conscious of how much I consume, and trying to read more or even just stare out the window and daydream more. It’s going to be our ruin—we’ll end up like the people in Wall-E. That said, there are lots of “content creators” who are doing really good, educating work. But they need to call themselves something else.I’ve digressed a bit but I think your answer is the right one but not the one I wanted to hear. lol

          • flyingstitch-av says:

            I was thinking about this just today. The thing is, a lot of today’s “content” is not just mindless filler; it’s calculated to manipulate our emotions. Not in some grand conspiracy kind of way, but just in pursuit of clicks.I’d like to say I’ve been clever enough to spot it, but I think it’s more of a subconscious instinct that’s led me to avoid a lot of it. I simply don’t click on every “compelling” video clip or “touching” story (unsourced, unattributed) that comes across my feed.With AI now entering the picture, people who have immersed themselves in this content culture are sitting ducks. I see very smart people falling for obvious AI images. They are more, not less susceptible, because they’ve flung the doors wide to the emotional manipulation. Scary times as we head into this election cycle.

        • amessagetorudy-av says:

          Former journalist too. It’s also about getting as many eyes/ears on your outlet, so you work hard at trying not to “offend” anyone, even the ones saying the dumbest shit possible. So “dumb shit” is not “dumb shit” any longer, it’s “an alternative view.” Seriously, I remember when stuff like shooting bleach up your butt to eliminate a virus was something they saved until the end of the newscast for the “human interest” section where they would laugh and close out the show.Now… “Our top story…”

        • engineerthefuture-av says:

          Entertainment being called news is a real pillar of our current social ills, IMO. I don’t know the solution, but I’d love to see a giant amplified message that details the fact that the most watched “news” channels/personalities are entertainers who are legally allowed to lie to the audience. 

        • drippy666-av says:

          Sir, this the AV Club. 

        • pistonslapyomama-av says:

          I somewhat regret my news journalism degree though the unintended side effect is clearly understanding the rot and grift in a way that most of my peers can’t.

          Funny how the right bags on CNN and MSNBC for being “liberal” when they’re really just corporate friendly mouthpieces – and “liberal” only in the sense that they don’t put an overt right wing spin on their reporting.

        • bigbudd45-av says:

          Your premise assumes that the owners of corporations arent trying to push an agenda.  Which i dont buy.  The CEO class for the media corps are all billionaires.  Ill guarantee that the head of Disney and the head of Comcast vote GOP.  Rich people overwhelmingly vote GOP.  You can hear their world view anytime they are allowed to talk enough about things other than company operations….

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        Who is responsible for people like Rodgers getting airtime?

        ESPN, for one. They host & fund McAfee’s show, and Rodgers is paid to come on the show.
        Is it their fault for putting it in the news, or is it our* fault for the demand? It’s the chicken and egg.It’s both. ESPN puts McAfee’s shit on the air because people tune in to watch that shit. Same reason Jim Cramer still has a job.A company that puts out a shitty products deserves to be called out for it, but so do the rubes that buy those shitty products.

        • monsterdook-av says:

          It’s even more both. Disney owns both ESPN and ABC. I guess we find out if they appreciate the ratings or steps in before it becomes a legal problem.

        • bigbudd45-av says:

          Because boomers still watch tv.  Probably most of Gen X too.  Millenials and down it starts dropping pretty dramatically.  Sports is one of the areas that is not dropping as fast as others.  I know plenty of older millenials who dont ever watch tv, unless it is for sports.  

      • barada-nikto-byotch-av says:

        Had the same thought as a sports talk show was just musing over the same question, suggesting he does it for the drama attention, of which they tend to give. I’d think it was a bit of both…though as the audience, it seems there’s little choice other than to sort of white noise it to tune it out when they do and chances are they will. I know that’s what I do, so it’s just background noise until they’re on a subject of interest for me to mentally tune back in.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      I’m still baffled that people find literally any value in sports talk radio, so I’m as confused as you are.

      • ant1accurate-av says:

        It’s the same value reading AV Club articles offer.

      • macthegeek-av says:

        I’m still baffled that people find literally any value in sports talk radio, so I’m as confused as you are.FTFY

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          i mean the value is having a parasocial relationship with someone while you sit alone in traffic.not saying that’s cool or good but that’s what it is. same with podcasts.

          • bigbudd45-av says:

            I liked talk radio 20 years ago when i first had a daily commute.  late 2000s when I had an ipod and discovered podcasts i never looked back.  Podcasting is essentially just talk radio that is pre recorded.

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        Really? The guy who spends time every day on a pop culture website can’t see the appeal of listening to people discuss pop culture (of a different kind) on the radio?Weird ass take.

    • nowaitcomeback-av says:

      Sports radio lets him talk because he’s a sports man. Right wing media lets him talk because they’re desperate for any non politician celebrity who has right wing views, even if it’s someone as brain-rotted as Rodgers.

  • abradolphlincler81-av says:

    “A joke about someone—even when that someone is Donald Trump, even a person who lies from the minute he wakes up until the minute he’s smearing orange makeup on his MyPillow at night—even he deserves that consideration, and we give it to him. Because the truth still matters.”Bravo, Jimmy. *chef’s kiss*

    • blpppt-av says:

      Except that I guarantee that even Dump thinks MyPillows are trash.Gold plated “pillows”!

      • phonypope-av says:

        It’s about 1001 on the list of things to criticize Trump for, but it’s always amusing how fucking tacky and tasteless he is.Even if I only had %1 of the money that Trump does, I would still be able to find someone to tailor a suit that didn’t make me look like a used car salesman.

  • dryerthanyou-av says:

    He literally owns a business with Epstein’s former private chef, Adam Perry Lang. The significance of this most recent “list” is being blown out of the water by Q types but the lengths you all will go to distance a “nice celeb” from legitimate scrutiny is disgusting.

    • jek-av says:

      He literally owns a business with Epstein’s former private chef, Adam Perry Lang.Wow! That’s…wait. That doesn’t mean jack shit. Nice try, nutjob.

    • markagrudzinski-av says:

      He owns a business with an ex-Epstein chef so he has to be a pedo? That’s beyond a stretch.

      • bigbudd45-av says:

        I mean Bill Barr’s dad gave Epstein one of his first jobs teaching at an elite prep school in NYC.  Epstein suicided while in a cell controlled by the DoJ when Bill Barr was AG.  While the President was a known friend of Epstein.  And then I heard plenty of rightwingers try and say the Clintons had Epstein suicided.  You know, with police officers, corrections officers, and such being known democractic sympathizers.  Its not like Comey said he had to commit to an unprecedented release of information about HRC in 2016 because he was worried that FBI Agents would do it on their own.  I mean if we are going to look at connections, im all for it.  Anyone who was on an Epstein jet….they should be under scrutiny.  I doubt all of them did something wrong.  Guy was a “billionaire” connected financier (as far as most of them knew).  Betting a lot of people nodded and smiled and went about their business.   But I am all for digging as much as possible.  I dont care who they are.  Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew, Dershowitz, Bill Gates…..all of them should have been in Court answering questions under oath.

    • monsterdook-av says:

      The connection to Kimmel is far too tangential and separated by decades (not to mention Rodgers’ claim is false) to justify calling it “legitimate scrutiny”.

    • ekimyllek-av says:

      Aaron, quit posting here.

    • drewtopia22-av says:

      If that’s your criteria i don’t even want to get into all of the “crimes by association” trump would be guilty of

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      “but the lengths you all will go to distance a “nice celeb” from legitimate scrutiny is disgusting”There’s one person in this thread simping for a celeb… It’s not the people attacking Rodgers.

    • dresstokilt-av says:
    • cgo2370-av says:

      This is your brain on Qanon, folks.

    • daddyroundround-av says:

      What was the legitimate scrutiny?

  • daveassist-av says:

    https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/no-evidence-epstein-document-mentions-jimmy-kimmel-2024-01-05/Fact check on the Kimmel claim.  I wonder if Kimmel can sue for slander or libel?

    • itsnotaboutthepasta-av says:

      He’d be stupid not to. I think he has a valid case.

      • daveassist-av says:

        Not that Kimmel is in need of the money. And he may simply want to forget about it, as it’d be a burn of time that he’s probably chronically short of.But at the same time, allowing bullies to get away with junk like this, does seem to encourage more of the same behavior and worse.
        We’ve seen this with the “just ignore them” tactic against the idiocy of Faux News bullying entire communities by directing hate toward them. It kept getting worse and worse.

        • callsoutbullshit-av says:

          I guarantee that Kimmel was immediately doxxed and he and his family started receiving death threats as soon as that comment was made. If his reputation was all that was on the line, I would say that he should just continue using his platform to verbally destroy Rogers with verifiable facts and legally protected speech…Right wing anti-vax people are scary and more and more, they’re taking internet propaganda into the real world. The “Save the Children” people are real psychos. Kimmel should obliterate Rogers.What’s with Packers quarterbacks being total trash people? Rogers AND Favre have turned out to be garbage.

          • Abby62-av says:

            There are comments on every Kimmel TicTok about him being a “pedo.” I’m sure 90% of them are from pimple-faced incels but it’s out there now in the ether and 10 years from now it will resurface as a “unproven but credible rumor.” 20 years ago you could count on saner heads prevailing but not now.

        • dremiliolizardo-av says:

          I think usually when rich people sue for libel or slander it is mostly about sending a message to everybody else that they better not jump on the bandwagon unless they enjoy being deposed and it is usually more effective than sending someone like Rodgers a C&D letter. If he just lets Rodgers spout off then he’ll keep doing it and other fucktwats will start doing it too.

        • dudebra-av says:

          Bullies have to be punched in the face. It’s the only thing they understand. After they are defeated they can try fixing themselves.
          Part of any settlement, in addition to millions of dollars, should be Rodgers groveling for forgiveness on Kimmel’s show. I would watch that.

        • sensored-ship-av says:

          Jimmy Kimmell wouldn’t need to do much. His lawyers would sue, Rodger’s lawyers would offer a settlement (because he’d lose), and Jimmy’s lawyers would advise him to take the settlement because they’d get paid.

    • amessagetorudy-av says:

      I’d hope he’d do it just to tie Rodgers up in court for a bit on some stupid shit he said. Let that be as much a part of his legacy as Brett Favre stealing welfare money.

    • tk42one-av says:

      Kimmel is a public figure, he’d have to prove malice. 

    • xpdnc-av says:

      I wonder if Kimmel can sue for slander or libel?Since it was Rodgers speaking, I believe that makes it slander, not libel. But the question is why would Kimmel sue? He has to show damages, and it’s hard to see that he’s been materially damaged by Rodgers. And anytime someone sues like that, they open themselves up to discovery by the defendant. I don’t think that there is much payback that Kimmel could get that he couldn’t get better via his monologue.

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        But the question is why would Kimmel sue?

        Defamation. Rodgers is implying that Kimmel is a pedophile.

        • xpdnc-av says:

          Yes, it’s defaming. I’m wondering what he could get out a lawsuit? He would have to show actual damages, and I doubt that Rodgers running his mouth moves the needle. And a lawsuit opens Kimmel up to discovery by Rodgers lawyers, which could lead to embarrassment when details inevitably get leaked. Better to just keep ripping Rodgers in his monologue, the modern version of “never argue with someone who buys ink by the barrel”.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            I’m wondering what he could get out a lawsuit?

            It would be on the public record that he’s not a pedophile, for one.
            He would have to show actual damages

            Being accused of pedophilia is pretty damaging.

      • hennyomega-av says:

        Yeach, it’s not like having a bunch if right wing dipshits sending you and your family death threats is damaging or anything. Brilliant point.

        • xpdnc-av says:

          You don’t think that those right-wing dipshits aren’t already sending Kimmel death threats over his regular dunking on their cult leader Trump?

      • ekimyllek-av says:

        Slander is spoken, libel is written. Otherwise same concept. Publishing a known falsehood with the intent of causing reputational damage.

      • bigbudd45-av says:

        Damage to his reputation.  That could be enough.  

    • hennyomega-av says:

      Seeing as libel applies to written statements…

    • monsterdook-av says:

      I wonder if Kimmel can sue for slander or libel?

    • scott-jeffers-av says:

      If he did, he wouldn’t be able to talk about the case (ie bust on Rodgers). And which do you think this sweaty bag of bad ideas is more worried about: losing money or losing face?

    • baggervancesbaggierpants-av says:

      Might as well sue McAfee while he’s at it

    • tshepard62-av says:

      If this were the UK, yes, but in the US it’s really hard to get a libel or slander civil suit to stick.

    • bigbudd45-av says:

      Problem is he would also need to sue ESPN, or they would get third parties in, and Kimmel works for the same corporation.  Suing your employer never works out well in the long run.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      He should go after Rodgers and ESPN.Though the latter is unlikely as it’s his employer.

    • chockfullabees-av says:

      Didn’t Rodgers say something along the lines of Kimmel is worried about it coming out? Not that his name would be on it. Rodgers is obviously a wad and full of shit but I think that’s probably enough cover to make it hard to sue.

  • frycookonvenus-av says:

    I don’t know if it’s the concussions or just some good, old fashioned, right wing indoctrination, but Aaron Rodgers used to present as pretty normal and even thoughtful. Now, besides his remarkable ignorance, there’s an oily, smarmy layer of arrogance which makes him think he’s the only rational thinker on the planet.It’s beginning to make more sense that his family won’t speak to him. 

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      Aaron Rodgers used to present as pretty normal and even thoughtful.

      Because before the pandemic, people only ever asked him about his last football game.

      • frycookonvenus-av says:

        No, that’s my point. I remember an extended interview with him from 5-7 years ago that touched on a ton of subjects. It might have been Pete Holmes’ podcast?Anyway, it last well over an hour and he was normal. 

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      yeah, he’s gonna be famous for another 30+ years it sucks.

      • kingkongaintgotshitonme3-av says:

        yeah, but we should be fortunate he only has one ring to show for his football glory. he will be dan marino – a world class asshole and dickhead – with one ring instead of zero. time will erode the myth of rodgers and eli manning will be talked about more often than he a-aron will. 

      • bigbudd45-av says:

        eh, he will be forgotten after he retires.  Guy has made himself a potential liability so he wont get a shot talking about football, he could get the company sued and they wont want the controversy.  If he doesnt start winning at best he will get shitty commercials for the right wing audience.  Since the right wing base makes less money than the liberal base (because the wealthy dont care about celeb spokesmen) he will be doing commercials for local car dealerships and such.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      The most recent iteration of the “culture war” certainly seems dumber than past iterations.I know it really *isn’t*, but the dipshittery is so thick and ubiquitous that it has a fucking odor.

      • tsume76-av says:

        I don’t know if it’s really any stupider, but the capacity of these people to get on your feed, in your home, at any time multiple times a day has caused a sickly level of smug attention-seeking to be grafted onto it. They’re not just stupid, they’re also doing a little song and dance at all times. 

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          Yep. A whole bunch of them (the non-celebs) have made a hobby of flitting from space to space, saying stupid shit, just generally being trollfucks, “planting seeds.”

      • radarskiy-av says:

        More like the nekulturny war

      • anotherevilmonkey-av says:

        No I think it’s gotten worse. They basically figured out you can literally say anything and their followers will believe it, no questions asked. I see it everywhere now. Just spewing bullshit everywhere and it has the desired effect because it’s not really questioned by the people they’re targeting it to, and that’s not an insignificant portion of the population.

      • thaninja-av says:

        The Internet gave all of those people an echo chamber to validate their stupidest ideas and feelings.Humanity has always had “village idiots” but it used to just be that person that nobody talks to and shuns that lives in the bad part of town.Now they are organizing and meeting up and banding together under banners of hatred and racism and all of the worst things that humans can be.

    • hotmagma-av says:

      I like to think I do a good job acknowledging that professional athletes in any sport are, at their core, hyper competitive individuals obsessed with being the best. You have to really, truly believe that to make it at that level. And for the most part, that’s totally fine if we’re on the topic of the thing that they have spent their lives being the best at. But when you stray from that target, it becomes pretty clear pretty quickly who’s a giant fucking moron and has no self awareness. 

      • bigbudd45-av says:

        Richard Sherman graduated from Stanford, and was like halfway to a masters degree and got called a Thug.  Rogers never graduated and we get to hear his opinions all fucking day.  

        • hotmagma-av says:

          I assume, like myself and everyone I know, most people knew Rodgers was a moron and completely wrote him off the second the vaccine shit came out of his mouth. And by most, I mean 1/2. But the other half really fucking loves to listen to Aaron or Kid Rock some other celebrity tell them they are right and their beliefs are right while saying “who the fuck cares what Leo says about global warming” and “those football players should shut up and play football and they better fucking stand during the anthem”

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        It’s not just athletes and actors, anyone who thinks expertise in their field means they’re smart at everything is an ass, who is not worth listening to.I work with engineers and lawyers. Many (MANY!!) of them suffer the same sort of delusion. But, no dude, your law degree doesn’t mean you’re the smartest person about every single topic known to mankind.

        • hotmagma-av says:

          There are arrogant and overly confident people in all walks of life. As they say, it takes a smart person to know they aren’t that smart. It’s a convenient tool for quickly weeding out people you don’t want to talk to or be friends with, but unfortunately sometimes it’s at work and it’s hard to get away from them. And sometimes they are a clown that used to be a good QB and now they are on TV. 

    • amessagetorudy-av says:

      The crack was opened when everyone looked at Trump and said, “Hey, if that uninformed buffoon can spew BS and no one challenges him on it. there’s room for me.”I think people like Rogers were always there, of course, it’s just that no one paid them any attention on subjects of importance because he was a dope. Now, we have dopes interviewing dopes and going, “Wow, man, that’s dope!”

    • monsterdook-av says:

      As a Packers fan, it’s been bizarre to watch Rodgers go down the tinfoil hat rabbit hole over the past few years. He was always measured in what he said, which I always took as him trying to sound smarter than he actually was. But now I wonder what crazy he was careful not to say, because he has no problem saying it lately. And just yesterday he calls out his teammates for bringing “bullshit” into the locker room in the same breath as promoting his next McAfee appearance where he will discuss Epstein and Kimmel further. He has no self awareness and he’s going to talk himself right out of a studio career when this is all over. A lot of those former players in the studio are right-wingers but they’re savvy enough to keep it to themselves for the sake of their careers.
      A lot of athletes lead insular lives by the nature of their private homes and communities, and a lot of people were alone during the pandemic dove head-first into conspiracy theories. Most of those conspiracy theorists think they are the only ones who research and think, that everyone else has their head in the sand just because they accept the most logical and likely answers and go on with their busy lives. It’s all or nothing.
      But after years of calling out the Packers organization for giving him more “weapons”, his replacement had a banner year throwing to mostly rookies and practice squad replacements. Meanwhile, the Jets were a complete mess. If Rodgers were playing and they won some games, the spotlight he attracts might have been worth it. I don’t envy Coach Saleh and the offseason they are in for.

      • joshreese1-av says:

        “He has no self awareness and he’s going to talk himself right out of a studio career when this is all over.”

        The problem is…does he really give a flying fuck about it?
        His pockets are by now stuffed with more money then he will ever be able to spend and h will still have his lunatic nutjob fans and media outlets (*cough* McAfee) to throw money at him for the next exclusive interview with some great viewpoints of Mr “I am showing my CTE live in a show”

        You just have to look at these comments sections of McAfee and how many are loving him. Often with the same bullshit reasons they love Trump “because he says how it is” or “he talks for us all” or “he doesn’t care about being cancelled by the woke mob”.
        And all that while never been able to shut the fuck up for just a friggin month. He is selling this “oh we are getting cancelled” while he is talking to millions and at the same time earning millions…oh this poor poor guy.

        • monsterdook-av says:

          He probably doesn’t care, he probably prides himself on it. He probably thinks he’s above calling football games, he’d probably rather be the next Joe Rogan. And besides, he doesn’t have half the charisma of Tony Romo so why even try?

        • phonypope-av says:

          The problem is…does he really give a flying fuck about it?Oh, someone like Rodgers definitely has a pathological need for attention. But he might not care about a mainstream studio job. He could probably be very successful doing a Rogan-esque podcast.

    • zythides-av says:

      The funny part of that whole “family won’t speak to him” thing is that both parties are supposed to be good Christian people. This is the point most people note that Rodgers is not married and has only had celebrity girlfriends that could very well be beards. He has had the whiff of brimstone around him for quite a while, which just adds to the perception that he is a total fake.

      • monsterdook-av says:

        The information that’s out there is that his family is very religious, and Aaron is not (at least, not Christian) and it was Aaron who cut off communication with his parents and brothers. It’s all bizarre, but so is what you seem to be focusing on.

    • gildie-av says:

      He got praise when he guest hosted Jeopardy. Not “he should be permanent host” praise but it seemed like most of the reviews were complimentary.

      • phonypope-av says:

        Yeah, I thought he did a pretty good job, definitely better than average for the guest hosts.  As long as you can forget about him being a nutjob asshole for 30 minutes.

      • amessagetorudy-av says:

        That’s been sticking with me. Dude was on Jeopardy, a show that’s entirely based on facts and he’s the furthest thing from a fact-based person.

    • spr0kets-av says:

      It’s also beginning to make sense why Shailene Woodley broke up with him.Although, I will eternally remain beffudled as to what she saw in him to decide to go out with him in the first place.

      • frycookonvenus-av says:

        A lot of people are convinced that Rodgers is gay and Woodley and the others have been beards, looking to boost their profiles. So, that’s one possible explanation.But, he’s a handsome, extremely wealthy world champion. Not hard to see how women or men would be attracted to that.

  • nooyawkah-av says:

    Aaron Rogers shouldn’t be wasting his time on being a fool and focus of the dark man in the hat that’s pursing him.

  • jthane-av says:

    Okay, “Karen” Rodgers is pretty good.

  • roomiewithaview-av says:

    To think this guy was given serious consideration to be the host of Jeopardy. Yikes.

    • blpppt-av says:

      “I’ll take ‘DEEP STATE HOAXES’ for 500, Aaron.”

    • phonypope-av says:

      He was 1 of about 20 guest hosts they went through. There was never any indication from either side that he was in the running for permanent host, especially since he was and is still an active NFL player.If your comment was just a tossed-off joke, feel free to ignore my response.

  • surreall-av says:

    I personally don’t give 2 shits about either of these people, but it does seem like a classic “you can dish it out but can’t take it” situation. Plus when exactly did Kimmy Jimmel suddenly become this paragon of self-righteousness? This is much ado about nothing. Maybe both of them could stfu? But then what would these lousy hacks write about!?! Something important or newsworthy? Doubtful. Deadspin and it’s cohorts clearly NEVER miss an opportunity to cry about AA-ron even if it’s because of a mediocre comedian (who was never really all that funny to begin with and thinks somehow “Giullermo” (sp) is just hilarious!) is suddenly “offended”. 

  • iliilliillililliilli-av says:

    Jimmy is quite the unfunny tone deaf dunce. But accusing someone of something that evil is just sad when it has no weight.

  • blpppt-av says:

    I can’t even imagine Rodgers, who has 20+ years experience with the media, thought in the moment that it was a good idea to throw out such a slanderous accusation with nothing to back it up.Must have been sacked too many times and landed on his head.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Most of his dealing with the media was with sportswriters who didn’t want to piss him off for fear of losing access and were usually asking about the one thing he is good at.  That’s not an environment that is going to teach him restraint.

      • daddyroundround-av says:

        Bingo. Access “journalism” helped create this monster. Also helping: the fact that he is clearly a tremendous asshole.

      • phonypope-av says:

        Especially in Green Bay, which has a small (and probably insular) sports media.Obviously he had to deal with the national media as well, but I doubt any of the local reporters who interacted with him day in and day out were inclined to ask him any tough questions**See also: Mark Chmura, Darren Sharper, Brett Favre

    • razzle-bazzle-av says:

      Apparently Rodgers had mentioned the list before and Kimmel said that Rodgers should be checked for CTE. That’s why Rodgers said Kimmel wouldn’t be happy if the list came out. (Because it would prove Rodgers correct) He didn’t actually accuse Kimmel of anything. Most people aren’t going to know that backstory though so they’re going to jump to a different conclusion. I did the same thing.

      • blpppt-av says:

        “Because it would prove Rodgers correct”As in, he was right that there WAS a list?I think pretty much everybody knew already that there was a list. Whether we ever got to see it or its contents is another story.So I’m not sure why Rodgers would be looking to be vindicated that there was a list.

        • razzle-bazzle-av says:

          Yeah. I had remembered it incorrectly. Thank you for the correction.

        • unspeakableaxe-av says:

          At the risk of seeming like I’m defending Rodgers (who I think is a total nutbar): I have come to believe, after chewing on this for a bit, that he didn’t mean to imply Kimmel himself was on Epstein’s plane. I think it’s probably just this red-pilled culture war crap manifesting in another way. People like Rodgers are convinced to their marrow that a lot of famous liberals are sex criminals, that conservatives (especially their favorite anti-establishment, MAGA conservatives) are mostly not, that a deep state liberal conspiracy had Epstein assassinated in prison to cover up their crimes, that all other news is intended to distract from The Real News because the Mainstream Media is bent the same political direction, and on and on. Kimmel is manifestly very liberal and has been for a long while. I think Rodgers was basically (probably) saying, “Jimmy Kimmel, another one of these liberal media hacks who makes fun of my conspiracy theories, is going to be really unhappy when this list comes out and it’s all a bunch of his favorite politicians.” (The Trump-Epstein connection is always carefully disregarded by these people, and we all know why.)If I am right, he simply didn’t articulate this very well. Because he’s an idiot.

          • blpppt-av says:

            Regardless of whether his intent was just to be “proven right that a list exists and has a lot of powerful people on it”, it was stupid to lash out without clarification like that at a specific person who is not tied to the horrid actions of some on that list, and he knows it.And furthermore, I could see if something came out that proved the vaccines were deadly and his “au naturel” way of preventing COVID was the right way, but most people DID think there was a list of Epstein clients, so I’m still not sure what vindication he would be seeking?BTW—-today the dude went on McAfee, and refused to apologize for apparently causing harm to Kimmel’s family with his gum flapping.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            No real reply to any of that except that mostly I agree. Again, not here to defend him really, just to clarify what I think he was trying to say initially. He’s a moron, in any event. Just maybe not as malicious of a moron as he’s been made out to be in this specific instance.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            I have come to believe, after chewing on this for a bit, that he didn’t mean to imply Kimmel himself was on Epstein’s plane. Then why say it at all?
            I think Rodgers was basically (probably) saying, “Jimmy Kimmel, another one of these liberal media hacks who makes fun of my conspiracy theories, is going to be really unhappy when this list comes out and it’s all a bunch of his favorite politicians.” Yeah, no.
            If I am right You’re not. Rodgers has doubled-down.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            Yeah, well—I googled this after I posted the comment you replied to, and no he didn’t. He specifically said that his remark about Kimmel was misinterpreted (though he also declined to apologize for any of it). That’s not doubling down, though it’s also not smartening up, which he could still stand to do.
            https://people.com/aaron-rodgers-does-not-apologize-jimmy-kimmel-jeffrey-epstein-claims-8424231 …Rodgers went on a five-minute rant about COVID-19 vaccines and claimed Kimmel, 56, actually misunderstood his comments about him last week. Rodgers called it “incorrect” to insinuate he was accusing Kimmel of being a pedophile with what he said last week.“I don’t think he’s the P-word,” Rodgers said, adding, “I wish him the best. Again, I don’t give a s—- what he says about me. As long as he understands what I actually said, and that I’m not accusing him of being on the list.”Kimmel had called on Rodgers to apologize Monday night on the Jimmy Kimmel Live! show after the quarterback had suggested Kimmel’s name might appear on a list containing names of high-profile people rumored to be associated with Jeffrey Epstein.Kimmel’s name did not appear on the court documents uncovered last week.“I totally understand how serious an allegation of pedophilia would be, so for him to be upset about that, I get it,” Rodgers said.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            Good to see Kinja still scrambles up quoted text at will. This janky piece of junk, I swear.

          • killa-k-av says:

            You have to go through and remove the hyperlinks from pasted text to avoid the jumbling. Of course, after you’ve pasted it the underscores disappear so you have to hover over or tap every word to catch it all. Kinja’s a POS.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            He specifically said that his remark about Kimmel was misinterpreted

            Of course he would say that. That’s what ever right-wing shitbird claims.
            (though he also declined to apologize for any of it)

            And that’s how we know what Rodgers originally meant.
            Again, I don’t give a s—- what he says about me.

            Clearly Rodgers does give a shit, or he wouldn’t have mentioned Kimmel in the first place.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            Okay. Personally I feel like Rodgers says and stands behind plenty of dumb crap that we can crucify him for. I don’t need to accuse him of saying things where it’s even slightly unclear if he meant that thing or not.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            Rodgers intentions were very clear. You’re just buying into his backpedalling.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            How am I buying into his backpedaling when I wasn’t aware he backpedaled until googling it just now? And I don’t believe his intentions were clear. I didn’t at the time I first read about it. Anyway, you think what you want. I’m not interested in defending the guy anyway. I think he’s the worst. But even the worst people deserve to be torn down for what they actually say and do, not anything we can attribute to them. 

          • killa-k-av says:

            I thought he was doubling down?

          • killa-k-av says:

            Because he’s an idiot.

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        Kimmel shows a clip of his first mention of Rodgers, CTE, and Epstein during the monologue featured above. Apparently Rodgers was claiming some other story in the news (something about UFOs?) was planted as distraction from Epstein’s list of alleged clients. Kimmel made the CTE crack to point out that Rodgers’ statement was ludicrously conspiratorial.It’s around the three minute mark.

        • razzle-bazzle-av says:

          Thank you. I hadn’t watched the clip yet when I commented. I was referring to the comment Rodgers made before. I don’t think casual observers were aware of that context. They just heard Rodgers say Kimmel would be happy if the list didn’t come out, which seems like a completely out-of-the-blue pedo accusation.

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    Every screenshot of Aaron Rodgers on Zoom looks like he just got kicked out of the methadone clinic for smoking ivermectin.

    • raycearcher-av says:

      Bro has fiending cokehead face. Same look as the Trump kids or Hunter Biden whenever they’re in the public eye too long to hit the mirror. This kind of slack-jawed distracted expression where only they eyes betray their desperation for another sweet bump of Peruvian marching powder.

  • marty--funkhouser-av says:

    Why isn’t the graphic spelled Kaaron Rodgers?

  • donfrogs-av says:

    Rogers is obviously yet another celebrity high on his own psychedelic fumes but he did a really nice job pushing Kimmel into his little tantrum. Old school bullying just works.

  • nx1700-av says:

    The woke pope has become an insufferable POS .Dishes it out but can’t take it ,like a true fucktard.Uncle Frank would kick his ass for becoming such a fucking douche bag

    • hennyomega-av says:

      You seem smart.Juse kidding, you seem.amazingly fucking stupid.By all means, you absolutely dumbf**k, point out some instances where Kimmel has “dished out” completely unfounded and unsabstantiated accusations of someone being a pedophile.Bonus points for just how amazingly f**king stupid the “can’t take it” comment is. This isn’t just some random insult, you moronic POS. Not when idiots like you and your peers are sending death threats to his family as a direct result of Rodgers’ comment. You think he should “take” being accused of being a pedophile and having dipshits like you sending him death threats?

      • nx1700-av says:

        You seem like an inbred moron.The comment the woke pope is screeching about is non specific aka “He doesn’t want it to come out”It is Not accusing him specifically of anything .His comments on Kavanaugh called for him to be castrated for baseless accusations Death threats ? Like the ones he generates for everyone he nightly accuses of unfounded Bullshit , anyone he sees as on the political opposite of him ? Fuck the crybaby and Fuck you.cunt

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:


        For fuck’s sake, either swear or don’t. If you’re going to self-censor, just say something different.

    • blpppt-av says:

      Given that there isn’t anything remotely connecting Kimmel to the Epstein Island disaster, you can’t see why it is wrong for him to randomly throw out accusations, even if they weren’t *actually* intended to be accusations (jury’s still out on that one)?Even IF it was still ok to do that to Kimmel, what about his friggin family? The death threats?No, Rodgers is an absolutely belligerent idiot.

      • nx1700-av says:

        Exactly Random accusations if they accusations were are wrong . But it seems to appear that Kimmel has been taking shots for a while .Death threats areof course wrong, maybe Kimmel could stop his nasty attacks once in a while ?Seems like both are .

        • blpppt-av says:

          If you are referring to his attacks on Trump, that is not even remotely the same situation. There was proof of everything he attacked him on.If you are referring to Aaron’s nutcase stance on vaccines, there is far, far more proof that they work than what he thinks.There is absolutely nothing that links Kimmel to Epstein’s island. NOTHING.

          • nx1700-av says:

            I never said there was  anything linking him 

          • blpppt-av says:

            Then I fail to see the parallel you were trying to draw.

          • nx1700-av says:

            Kimmel has been talking smack about this Rogers guy for over a year .He also said Cavanaugh needed to be castrated and usually takes vicious slaps at the right .As for Trump he constantly goes after him and some times its vicious in regards to his family.He apparently never learned to stop beating a dead horse.And becomes a screaming Karen with a non specific jab is thrown back ?

          • blpppt-av says:

            “As for Trump he constantly goes after him and some times its vicious in regards to his family.”Every single one of his attacks is based in FACT. Trump’s immediate family, sans Barron, are a bunch of grifting a-holes who literally spend their days trying to make peoples’ lives miserable for a buck.Not to mention every single one of them is active every day spreading lies and insulting people themselves.Don’t even try to compare the situations.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            Why are you even bothering? They’re an obvious troll.

          • blpppt-av says:

            Because I’m naturally an easily enraged asshole.

          • nx1700-av says:

            Take those TDS meds 

          • blpppt-av says:

            Ahhh, the Trumper reveals himself. Couldn’t resist dropping an acronym that was used up 6 years ago, could you?By the way TDS can also stand for “Trumper Delusion Sufferer”

          • nx1700-av says:

            Ahh sorry bucko ,not a fan never have been not even back when he was a dim darling .It’s just amusing to watch you worshipers {like Kimmel} that spend 24/7 on him. It’s like you guys can’t stop with him like you are a ex girlfriend and all are you are fixated on a Swamp monster. It is like a cult worshiping   him ,you can’t speak on anything with out referencing him always .me “Hey its a sunny day”you “Never sunny when Trupie is around !IHATE HIM ! HATE HIM Did I tell you ? I hate him ”

    • Shampyon-av says:

      This is a man who sswitched to velcro because shoelaces were too intellectually taxing.

    • cgo2370-av says:

      Abort yourself. You have nothing of value to say.

    • nimbh-av says:

      You can’t even use commas right bitch. 

  • twesterms3rd-av says:

    Unless you also have a team of writers working for you, never pick a fight with someone who has a team of writers.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    The woke pope has become an insufferable POS .Dishes it out but can’t take it ,like a true fucktard.~A “Culture Warrior” Obsessed With Buzzwords

  • shronkey-av says:

    End of the day it’s just a feud between a washed up quarterback that takes medical advice from Joe Rogan and the RC Cola of late night talk show hosts. 

  • voiceofcmb-av says:

    I don’t like Kimmel but I will watch this smackdown. Rodgers is just terrible.

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    Rogers never should have got that second League MVP, and I’ll be salty about this forever. That same season, Old Man Brady took the lowly Buccaneers to the playoffs (and eventually the first-ever home Super Bowl) his first year there!

    • monsterdook-av says:

      That was actually Rodgers’ 3rd MVP (2011, 2014, 2020, 2021), and Brady wasn’t great during that regular season. I’m sure Brady prefers having the SB victory over the MVP.

      • mykinjaa-av says:

        The same “minds” that believe (they never think, only believe) talking about any issue make you complicit with that issue and that correlation is always implies causation. Racism? You’re racist for even mentioning civil right abuses. Feminism? You’re sexist for talking about work inequality. War? You’re anti-Semitic for wanting a war to stop – between two Semitic peoples.

      • warpedcore-av says:

        WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!!! We are getting all golden era Deadspin up in here! This MUST be stopped.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      Old Man Brady

      You spelled “cheater” wrong.

    • phonypope-av says:

      That same season, Old Man Brady took the lowly Buccaneers to the playoffs (and eventually the first-ever home Super Bowl) his first year there!The same season that Brady forgot what down it was and lost to the lowly Bears? Not exactly MVP work in my book. And despite being 2nd in TDs and 3rd in yardage, his other stats weren’t particularly impressive.

    • vegtam1297-av says:

      The MVP is only for the regular season. They vote on it before the playoffs start. So, it doesn’t matter what Brady did during the playoffs.

  • luckysharp7-av says:

    An inch of his life? Where do you psychopaths come up with this bullshit? Jesus

  • wampa111-av says:

    Damn Kimmel. He already had Rodgers lying facedown on the mat and then he pulled out the “the only two A’s on his report card were in the word Aaron” line.

  • jayk8899767733-av says:

    I saw Rodgers give his comments. At no point did he insinuate “that Kimmel had taken a ride on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express.” It continues to astonish me how much the media LIE.

    • timetravellingfartdetective-av says:

      The bottomless stupidity of assholes like you is what surprises me personally.By the way, you nazi shitbeard, a crappy pop culture site is not in any way part of the dreaded “Fake News Media”.

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      Oooh…lie in all caps. We’re super serious nowRodgers knew what he was doing, and he was definitely insinuating that. And looking at the response online from the Trump cultists And anti vaxx nutjobs, it looks like he got the desired effect.

    • killa-k-av says:

      The thing about insinuations is that they’re inherently subjective. I’m pretty sure you’re insinuating that at no point Rodgers CLAIMED or STATED “that Kimmel had taken a ride on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express.”

  • morkencinosthickpelt-av says:

    It’s a very minor point but I thought mentioning the fact that Rodgers went to community college as a way to demonstrate that Rodgers isn’t smart was lame. Lots of people who go to community college are smart. He also noted that Rodgers went to Cal for one year and didn’t graduate. Kimmel also dropped out of college without graduating and the reason Rodgers dropped out was because he was going to be a first round pick in the NFL draft. I don’t know why Kimmel dropped out.Rodgers is a tool and I’m broadly and emphatically on Kimmel’s side of this feud, but to be honest, I didn’t think his monologue last was epically funny.

    • razzle-bazzle-av says:

      Yeah. I didn’t think it was funny either. And it was pretty tepid as far as a takedown goes, definitely not dragging Rodgers within an inch of his life.

      • adohatos-av says:

        For real. A dragging needs to be laced with profanity and include then kind of insults that can’t be unsaid. Not that Kimmel is the type of comedian who I’d expect that from. Doesn’t seem like he has a deep well of anger to draw on. No idea why the author would describe his tweets that way.

    • gildie-av says:

      Who wants to bet his Harvard-educated writing staff wrote this line?

    • phonypope-av says:

      Ah – I saw Rodger’s response about Kimmel going to ASU and thought that was a cheap insult, without knowing the context.Like you, I’m %100 with Kimmel on this one, but taking a shot at someone for going to community college is lame.

    • hadriansdad2-av says:

      I don’t see that as the case. Kimmel wasn’t putting down community college by saying Rodgers went there. He was putting down Rodgers while contextualizing the defense that Rodgers defenders give that “Aaron is smart, because he went to Cal (UC Berkeley)!” Only, he couldn’t get a FOOTBALL (non-academic) scholarship as a freshman because he didn’t even meet the MINIMUM requirements to go to a University of California school. He had to go to a community college to get a minimum number of credits with a minimum GPA to get the football scholarship from Cal. Then he left early for the draft. You can say that Rodgers was an idiot who had to use community college as a stepping stone without saying that community college is for idiots.

      • radioout-av says:

        Yes, I remember when my future mother-in-law was aghast that her daughter had to transfer to a community college for a semester (or two?) thirty years ago.When she told me what her mother said; I said with tongue in cheek, “Well, you know, community colleges are the downfall of western civilization.”Community colleges are awesome. Truly affordable and accessible higher education.

    • dummytextdummytext-av says:

      My community college experience was absolutely wonderful, and it burns me that community colleges are perpetually dragged for pretty much no reason other than smirking assumptions.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      He didn’t do that though. He uses Rodgers educational history to point out that Rodgers isn’t qualified to speak as an expert on science and medicine. The exact quote is given below: A guy who went to community college, then got into Cal on a football scholarship and didn’t graduate, someone who never spent a minute studying the human body, is an expert in the field of immunology. He’s not making fun of large groups of people, he’s very focused on Aaron Rodgers and Aaron Rodgers alone.He also said at the end that his monologues and jokes are written and checked by his staff and he isn’t anti-vax to begin with. So it’s not like he’s up there claiming to be smarter than Rodgers or more qualified than him to speak on science or medicine.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      It’s a very minor point but I thought mentioning the fact that Rodgers went to community college as a way to demonstrate that Rodgers isn’t smart was lame. Correct.

  • nothumbedguy-av says:

    I watched Rodgers fumble his way through addressing this on McAffey’s show earlier today. Apparently, a while ago, also on McAffey’s show, Rodgers brought up the “list”, and Kimmel laughed it off as conspiracy theorist b.s. So, Rodgers said he indicated Kimmel would be disappointed upon the list’s arrival meaning Kimmel would be disappointed to be proven wrong about the list not existing. Not defending Rodgers in the slightest, as I think he’s an imbecile, but he never actually said anything about Kimmel being on the plane or the island.The flames are being fanned from all directions here. People are defending and attacking both Kimmel and Rodgers based on their interpretation of what was said. However, Rodgers is the one that started it and Kimmel is 100% justified in being angry about it.

    • hadriansdad2-av says:

      Except that’s NOT what happened. Kimmel didn’t say the list was a conspiracy. He said Rodgers saying the news about ALIENS was  being planted to DISTRACT from the list was a CTE-induced conspiracy. Which it is. Rodgers was butt-hurt and decided the alpha male way to deal with it was to make pedophile insinuations with just enough vagueness that he could backtrack. This is all addressed in the video above around the three-minute mark.

  • brianjwright-av says:

    I see that we have come all the way back around to “fucking magnets, how do they work”

  • pocrow-av says:

    “Aaron got two As. Both of them were in his name.”OK, that was pretty good.

  • mooseman0777-av says:

    Rodgers isn’t the only one who thinks Kimmel is up to something. A lot of people do. Go hop on Reddit and see.

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