Joe Biden says millennials have "taken a gigantic hit" in new Desus & Mero interview

Aux Features Joe Biden
Joe Biden says millennials have "taken a gigantic hit" in new Desus & Mero interview
Screenshot: Showtime

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who’s been mostly absent from the discourse surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, has emerged for an interview with the Bodega Boys on Showtime’s Desus & Mero. Across roughly seven minutes, the country’s presumptive Democrat nominee for president touched on his recent endorsement from Barack Obama, as well as his plan to win over by young voters by acknowledging they’ve “never gotten out of the hole” after enduring the fallout of 9/11, an economic depression, and, now, a global pandemic that’s dismantling the economy. “What this virus has laid bare,” he said to the hosts, “is that your generation and those younger than you have taken a gigantic hit over these last 15 years.”

He also claims that he told Obama not to endorse him “out of the gate,” as he believed it would make him look like “the guy who thought I was entitled to the nomination.” He added, “I had to earn it myself.”

Biden also described Donald Trump as the “least attentive and most divisive” president America’s ever had, which is one way of putting it. He did, however, slam Trump’s “slow” coronavirus response and, sort of out of nowhere, the president’s remark about there being “very fine people on both sides” at the white nationalist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017.

Watch the full interview below.


  • charliedesertly-av says:

    How does he think he “earned it himself”? In the day all the other centrists dropped out of contention, was that how he earned it?

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      “was that how he earned it?”Probably by getting more votes than the other candidates. Just one theory of course. 

      • hopeinthepark-av says:

        Next you’re going to tell me that Biden “won” just because he “did better than everybody else on practically every metric” and NOT because the DNC was literally driving from home to home murdering entire families of Bernie supporters while they slept. Typical establishment propaganda.

        • charliedesertly-av says:

          You’ll probably come back with a different take on electoral machinations after Biden loses 30-35 states in the electoral college.

      • charliedesertly-av says:

        By which way of thinking, one may as well not even speak of ‘earning it,’ as the winner is automatically assumed to have done so.

        • perfectengine-av says:

          This comment needs to embroidered on a pillow and placed on a couch in some Bernie Bro hall of fame somewhere. Unbelievable.

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            Yeah, for all zero times it said anything about Sanders.

          • perfectengine-av says:

            With all the public fellating of Bernie Sanders and bashing of Joe Biden you’ve done in your previous comments, it didn’t even need to.Maybe you should stick to telling everyone how much you love Louis CK.

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            Yeah, I like comedy, and good comedians.  That’s nice that you think that’s relevant.  Go make your pretty pillow.

          • perfectengine-av says:

            How about the weird fact that you follow yourself? Is that relevant? Don’t worry, I won’t ask about those weird posts you leave in the grays on The Root, like the one that mentions Bernie and dick sucking. I already know they’re relevant. Congratulations on your fairly successful trolling. Seems to be all you’re really good at.

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            It is a relevant post, in that you, bringing it up, are one of the people with the attitude I was describing in the post.

          • perfectengine-av says:

            No, it’s you with the shit attitude in here, bud. No one else. Well, maybe Randall, too, but that’s nothing new. Just keep beating that dead magical horse until it somehow wins a primary. Good luck with that.

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            You don’t even have something I posted in 1997 to back that up?  You’re slippin’.

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            I assume you’re still too busy feverishly digging through my Kinja history to respond.

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            As you lack the self-awareness to realize it, I’ll go ahead and point out how hilariously ironic it is that you drag that up in defense of Joe Biden.

      • lordbyronbuxton-av says:

        Yes, and he got those votes because people doing better than him in the primaries dropped out to endorse him, which is a totally common occurrence and anyone reading anything into that is obviously some sort of crazed SJW.

        • thefartfuldodger-av says:

          People dropping out of the primaries is a common occurrence, which you would know if you paid any attention to politics before your cult leader decided to run

          • lordbyronbuxton-av says:

            This is the problem with you Biden Bros, you exhibit all the same misogyny and racism as your dear leader. I wish I could vote for him, but with such toxic supporters, I just can’t.

          • thefartfuldodger-av says:

            I don’t give a shit who you vote for, we’ll win without you easily. And you can spend years trying to push “Biden Bros” as a narrative but it will never catch on because it isn’t based on anything. No one is falling for it, your cult is dead and it will be decades before your ideology is ever relevant again

        • pleasedtomeetme-av says:

          Except that’s not true. He had more delegates than every candidate except Bernie after South Carolina, and none of the other moderates (Pete, Amy, Bloomberg) had a viable path forward without support from minorities.

        • dinoironbodya-av says:

          Which of the people who dropped out were doing better than him?

        • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

          Who was doing better than him in the primaries when they dropped out?

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            Virtually the entire field cleared out at once to make space for him when he was running 4th.  You know this.

        • vp83-av says:

          I’m happy Bernie went from a complete unknown to a major player in 4 years, and that his popularity is shifting the party left. But his movement is still young, and he’s still not popular enough to win a primary, and he probably won’t be by the time he retires.
          Bernie’s done amazing things, but a complete takeover of the Democratic party was never on the table, because the tens of millions of traditional democratic voters that elected Clinton and Obama are still around. And having all-or-nothing expectations for a total leftward shift of the Democratic party will leave us with worse than nothing, it will leave us with Donald Trump.Biden will be a worse president than Sanders, but he won’t ignore pandemics, ban religions, appoint the absolute worst federal judges and department heads at every opportunity, be actively hostile towards environmental science and anti-corruption law, sell our foreign policy for personal gain, blatantly use official platforms to enrich himself, openly lie 25-50 times per day to the point of pushing Alex Jones’s conspiracy theories from the goddamned oval office, and the literal thousands of other major problems caused by Donald Trump’s malicious and incompetent running of the country over the last 4 years.Bernie’s campaign hasn’t been a loss. He’s helped the country start to move past our irrational hang-ups with anything labeled socialism, which is fucking extraordinary. But it’s going to be a multi-generational work in progress, not a 4-year seismic shift. Don’t ignore the real gains that his campaign has won because a miracle didn’t happen.

    • redprime-av says:

      More votes. More delegates. Running a campaign that was able to get the votes of Black people, instead of young hipsters who talk big game on Twitter but can’t be troubled to show up to vote.

      • charliedesertly-av says:

        Sure, flee-from-the-base centrism wins Democratic primaries. The problem is that, just as surely, it goes on to lose general elections.

        • thefartfuldodger-av says:

          Those dems have actually won general elections before, unlike your lot which can’t even show up to vote for, well, anything really

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            Because we all remember President Hillary, President Gore, President Kerry, President Dukakis…  great Presidents all.

          • thefartfuldodger-av says:

            Are you memory holing Clinton and Obama as lefties? Interesting strategy. Hey who won the popular vote in 6 of the past 7 elections?

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            Obama was pretty clearly the opposite of what I’m describing. He won by exciting a wide range of people and genuinely seeming to represent a change. Clinton, eh.I’m aware of the popular vote / electoral vote issue. I think the electoral college should be done away with. And yet, it is done not away with. And until it is, it’s as relevant as ever. And it is of course not the only way our elections are compromised. And those ways (e.g. all manner of disenfranchisement) pretty uniformly favor Republicans. I’m aware of this. Democrats in the general are like a boxer fighting in the opponents’ hometown: They’re up against the referee and the judges as well as the opponent.But none of that is going away just by our acknowledging it. End result, it’s going to be really fucking hard for Joe Biden to win this election.

          • thefartfuldodger-av says:

            I don’t see how it’s any easier for Bernie who can’t even get his own supporters to show up. And for the last 4 years I’ve been hearing that Hillary blew an easy election against the worst candidate ever, so if we’re working off that narrative it should be easy for him to win.

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            That narrative was always very partial, but I take your point. He *is* a lot better than Trump. My beef is just that (1) that’s the lowest bar possible, and yet one of the only ones low enough to have made Biden look like a good candidate; (2) as a better-than-Trump candidate, I think he represents part of a duty dance through which the two parties have consistently driven the country further and further right wing for decades, and (3) he basically just represents a return to the conditions that made a president trump possible in the first place, like a proposal to escape the post-9/11 world by just setting a time machine for Sept. 10 and thinking it won’t just happen again in the morning. (Maybe #3 is effectively the same as #2.)

          • dinoironbodya-av says:

            Seeing you list past losing Democratic nominees for president, I wonder: besides Bernie in 2016 are there any progressive alternatives you can name who would’ve had a better chance of winning?

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            None of those years had a Sanders-like figure to my knowledge, no.

        • dinoironbodya-av says:

          How is it the “base” if it can’t win the primaries?

        • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

          I’m not going to say that Biden is any great shakes because he’s not. He’s not. I didn’t vote for him in the primaries. But you can’t win general elections if you can’t get to the big dance and it is obvious that the base of the Democratic party is not the Bernie ride-and-die crowd. 

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            Republican candidates boldly, even recklessly, plant their flags further and further right all the time. What this means nowadays is a message all but indistinguishable from open white nationalism. It also means they are guaranteed the votes of people who despise Democrats.Democrat candidates (the ones that win DNC primaries) cautiously, fretfully hedge bets left and right, thinking against evidence that a big “middle of the road” will save them in the general election. This does not ensure that they are guaranteed the votes of people who despise Republicans, because a lot of those people also despise Democrats. The biggest bloc in the country for a good long time now has been the people who see both major candidates in every presidential election as big money toolbags who don’t know or care a whit about ordinary people. A candidate who just genuinely supported old-fashioned humanistic people-over-profits policies might scoop up that huge demographic in the general.  At any rate, it’s being proven over and over and over that milquetoast I’m-not-as-awful-as-the-Republican candidates fail to do so.

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            “The biggest bloc in the country for a good long time now has been the people who see both major candidates in every presidential election as big money toolbags who don’t know or care a whit about ordinary people. “Tis is a different argument than “centrism = flee-from-the-base.”

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            Your post reminds me of the stink a lot of people raise about Sanders “not being a Democrat.” If a candidate really seems to be supporting ordinary people — as Sanders does — then that candidate could whip up a lot of support, whether we want to call the people being whipped up “the base” or something else. Would that America, like other democracies, had a genuine labor party and not just two corporate wealth parties, we wouldn’t have this tendency to think of the actual population as anything but the base of the party.

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            Again, you’re arguing that centrism is not the base of the Democratic party. That is proven to be false. What you’re arguing is that we need more than 2 parties. Which I agree with. 

          • charliedesertly-av says:

            Without reference to bases, I’m trying to suggest that a big portion of the population could be reached through passionate populism. Right-wing demagogues do reach some of this population, but very few major Democrat candidates even seem comfortable trying to.

    • perfectengine-av says:

      By getting people to vote for him. That’s really all you need to do. It doesn’t need to be some magical ceremony. If Bernie Sanders had done the exact same thing, you’d be endlessly lauding him as the true people’s champion from every rooftop.

    • thefartfuldodger-av says:

      Calling us all centrists isn’t gonna make your shitty candidate do any better

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    I never noticed before, but Joe Biden is, like, all head. That’s a Poe-level melon he’s got there.

    • hiemoth-av says:

      Age does things to the body and the muscles.

    • samwaterson-av says:

      I am on the internet a lot these days and finally paid for a subscription to The Atlantic because I have been reading so much. But this comment is the most incisive thing I have read since I started sheltering in place.

  • hackalertofficial-av says:

    lmao they edited the shit out of this interview to make sure you don’t see him trailing off and stumbling over his words. You can see the awkward cuts. Shills!

  • mwfuller-av says:

    Hey everybody, an old man is talking!

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      With it being Biden that’s actually newsworthy. Sometimes he’s also yelling at others.

  • dsilverjazz-av says:

    Well, this should get some NeverBiden clicks.As someone who is much more aligned with Sanders on a politically philosophical level, the NeverBiden thought process is almost completely alien to me. What it suggests is that people forget how we actually elect our Presidents. A remedial understanding of Civics reveals that the Electoral College gives massively disproportionate weight to States that absolutely don’t deserve it. This, in turn, means portions of the American Electoral Demographic will matter far more than others. Case in point: this election cycle will rely heavily on Rust Belt voters and suburban white women. Not remotely reasonable, but them’s the rules. In other words: Twitter isn’t necessarily reflective of real life.At any rate, the NeverBiden movement also seems to criminally devalue the importance of the Judiciary. I’m not talking about the Supreme Court, but rather the entire Federal Judiciary. Like it or not, but the Federal Judiciary is quasi-legislative due to intense partisanship and will be that way for the foreseeable future. Does anyone honestly think that there would be much, if any, daylight between Sanders and Biden judicial nominations? Those people are the bulwark against further encroachments on women’s right to choose, voting right, regulations, etc.,Am I fired up about Biden? Nope. Do I deserve to feel fired up about any nomination? Nope. I am a participant in a representative democracy which necessarily implies that I’m not going to get everything that I want like some petulant child.Politics would be great except for all that, uhm….politics.If you say you’d rather Trump win another 4 years and erode the things you claim you value even further just so the DNC can learn a lesson which you feel you are doling out…..well, then you are actively worse than a person who is voting for Trump because they feel he will usher in the Second Coming. At least when that person’s head hits the pillow at night they believe they are being intellectually honest.

  • mullets4ever-av says:

    When asked what policy he was going to follow to help them he affirmed he would appoint a series of Goldman sachs alums to his cabinet and make sure that the big banks were given as much money as they wanted.

    • thefartfuldodger-av says:

      Keep crying

      • mullets4ever-av says:

        I will, because joe biden has been very open and clear he opposes any measures to help mellenials. So for him to go out and say ‘you guys sure have been boned’ when his policy proposals are ‘but also fuck you, figure it out yourself, I’ll be over here propping up the 401ks of current retirees’ is pretty worth a good cry

        • thefartfuldodger-av says:

          What the fuck would you know about what his policies are? You fucking illiterates don’t know what you’re talking about, literally all of your predictions are dead wrong, and you have no clue about how bills get passed into law. The only measures you’re getting are whatever actual centrists like Joe Manchin agree to, your fantasy of Bernie passing all this shit is just cultist delusion

          • mullets4ever-av says:

            ‘Things are hard so never try and let republicans do whatever they want.’ Is a fantastic campaign slogan for the boomer generation in general, so thanks for confirming that

          • thefartfuldodger-av says:

            You don’t have any clue what a republican is, you just repeat the same braindead talking points you get from other cultists and think thats a substitute for reading and critical thinking. Biden has actually accomplished progressive legislation, thats more than you or any of your fellow cultists can say

          • mullets4ever-av says:

            Ah, the 1994 crime bill. So progressive. Clarence Thomas has also been a breath of progressive air on the court. Good thing biden went out of his way to torpedo anita hill and doesnt think he needs to apologize about it. because women and minorities arent really people the same way you and is are, right?

          • thefartfuldodger-av says:

            Not what I was referring to at all you little weasel. Clarence Thomas got confirmed by 98 senators but yeah thats totally all Joe Biden’s fault. You definitely aren’t just repeating cultist talking points your barely understsand

          • mullets4ever-av says:

            ok, name a progressive bill joe biden made happen

  • joeyjigglewiggle-av says:

    HOW DID WE GET IN THIS SITUATION!? After the worst election and worst president in history, this….this fucking guy is all we could come up with? What a demoralizing condemnation of the state of the democratic party. I mean, come on. 

  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    This is the least Bernie Bro post I’ve seen from this columnist. Progressive! Now somebody tell the Onion.“Very fine people on both sides” never needs an excuse to be brought up, but it is particularly relevant in an interview likely to be seen by a lot of internet people who have been hearing that Biden and Trump are somehow the same person (gee, I wonder which country might be interested in pushing that idea?). You are going to be hearing a lot more of that from Bernie Bros who can’t let it go and Russian bots, saying that either it doesn’t matter because they’re the same or that you should directly let Trump be elected because electing Biden is electing the system that elected Trump and that’s the same thing (quite the head scratcher)…so, yes, it’s the people who voted against Trump in 2016 who are to blame for Trump being elected not the people who didn’t vote; because by trying to stop Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, everything else, anti-Trump voters were participating in the system instead of tearing it down, which was a vote for Trump despite being a vote directly against Trump and despite that Trump is trying to tear the system down. Hmm.  You know whose logic that sounds a lot like?

    • hiemoth-av says:

      I seriously don’t like taking Biden’s side in these things, as I would prefer a more progressive candidate, but then I read stuff like this article and just sigh.That ‘Very fine people on both sides’ doesn’t even come out of nowhere. Biden says that he decided to run because he thinks Trump is one of the most divisive president’s ever and doesn’t represent the America Biden believes in. He sues that incident as an example of something no American president would ever have said in a situation like that, which technically not true, and how it doesn’t reflect the true America. Was it a press spiel? Probably. Could he have chosen another incident? There sure as hell are a number of them to pick. But I don’t why present it as Biden just randomly jumping around as he is pretty focused on the interview.

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        the writer has to shade that he thinks Biden has senile dementia or he’ll lose his cred on the Occupy Democrats comment threads.I’d have preferred a more progressive candidate also, but the parts of Biden’s platform that have been announced are far left of Obama’s or the Clintons’ platforms, some people just want to keep fucking whining.

        • eomorperrin-av says:

          Is it possible to criticize Biden’s positions on issues without being accused of supporting Trump or being a bot? Just because I voted for Bernie and have a lot of reservations with Biden doesn’t mean I want a single second more of Trump. I’m going to vote for Biden, but it’s clear he really doesn’t understand what drew young people to Bernie. 9/11 and the recession were not the start of problems for Americans. Decades of privileging businesses over people and regressive economic policies, combined with systemic racism and sexism put millions of people on the edge of an economic cliff. Biden seems to think we just need to throw a couple of ropes down for a few survivors to climb up. But I guess he’s not driving a bulldozer pushing people off the cliff, so I should just shut up and be grateful.

          • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

            Yes.  Thanks!

          • thefartfuldodger-av says:

            Young people weren’t drawn to Bernie, or he wouldve won. You’re experiencing cognitive dissonance, you can’t handle your cult narratives being shattered by reality

        • elloasty-av says:

          Frankly, if this year (which is officially, by far, the worst year of my life) has taught me anything it’s that the party apparatus around the president is actually more important that who is president. This election really just comes down to that. Biden represents a minimum level of competence and that is head and shoulders above what we currently have.

          • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

            Look, I’m sorry this year has been bad, and I’m sorry that Joe Biden isn’t fucking santa claus, but he is much better than a minimum level of competence. He actually passes bills. He authored and passed the Violence Against Women Act, which is the least reported upon legislative accomplishment in history somehow. Not only does he actually listen to his opposition, as Warren pointed out, his opposition listens to him. Calling Biden a victim of senile dementia, those people really do not understand how powerful he is and how much respect he has among the people who shape your lives, even the ones you don’t like. To anybody who understands Washington at all, it makes them sound like easily disregarded idiots. You don’t negate power by disregarding it. Biden is extremely powerful because of democratic party politics, which, as the only thing that is going to save any of us, we should take seriously. If you want to get rid of somebody replace Schumer with Warren or Klobuchar, he’s been the real disappointment.  You aren’t going to change those by saying rah rah A O-C, especially when she is allied with two anti-semites and the youth don’t vote.

    • precognitions-av says:

      “(gee, I wonder which country might be interested in pushing that idea?)“America, where the republicans live

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        …c’mon, tovarisch, where do you think the republicanskaya are getting their dezinformatsiya from?  Would you like a ruble in these trying times?

        • precognitions-av says:

          i feel a weird kind of schadenfreude when people who i agree with politically pull this embarrassing russian shill accusing bit

          • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

            I feel like gargling bleach when something that has been proven time and time again, that Russia makes up arguments and Bernie Bros repeat them, needs to be said again and again. Here’s an article about it for the right wing:

          • precognitions-av says:

            i don’t think it takes a global agitprop campaign to make the assertion that two old white men both friendly to banks and special interests and legitimately accused of rape are similar enough to some people that the choice seems moot. i’m pretty sure people know when they use that phrase that the two men differ on policies.

          • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

            Are you funning me or are you an idiot? No, they tune out that their policies are different because there are different disinformation campaigns for the policies, such as your statement that they are “both friendly to banks and special interests” would imply that there aren’t books that could be written on the different ways in which each of them thinks those entities should be treated and why. The goal is to get voters to stay home and say they can’t tell the difference, politics are corrupt, government is corrupt so we should turn the world over to Trump’s friends instead of elected representatives of the people.But you don’t seem capable or seem unwilling to make distinctions, for example saying that both Biden and Trump are “legitimately accused of rape” ignores both that in Ms. Reade’s account, if taken as true and there are legitimate reasons not to (among them, one you might find quaint, Biden there is zero record of Biden ever having committed adultery), Biden did not digitally penetrate her in the face of an expressed lack of consent. In her account, he tried to have sex with her digitally penetrated her, she eventually pulled away, he stopped, there is not a legal requirement that sexual acts have verbal consent to this day. From her account taken as true, which in the face of her inconsistencies and contrary accounts I do not believe, she did not tell him to stop or say no, it doesn’t even state that she was not kissing him back. Her account that Biden said “I thought you liked me” would prove that he did not intend a nonconsensual act. No court in the country would convict or I think even indict based on her description.  Apart from finding it a little suspicious that Biden is newly accused of “grabbing” a woman “by the pu**y” in the exact same manner Trump has admitted to at the exact moment Biden became the presumptive nominee by the author of a post titled “Why a Liberal Democrat Supports Vladimir Putin,” the Nation puts it in a way you will likely not accept from me: investigating allegations and finding them wanting is not the same thing as not believing women, whatever the Wall Street Journal op-ed board may have told you.

          • precognitions-av says:

            cool man, that’s a spicy take on if a presidential candidate finger raped someone, thanks for that, but i stand by my original contention that it doesn’t take russian disinfo campaigns for me to vocalize any complaints about the person i’ll still obviously begrudgingly vote for you dense moron

          • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

            Actually, “rape” is a term that means something and by saying it happened to somebody when it didn’t you’re demeaning women who have been raped. Same thing with any level of sexual abuse. I took a quick gander at D.C. laws, his conduct as described doesn’t even meet misdemeanor sexual abuse if it happened today: “who should have knowledge or reason to know that the act was committed without that other person’s permission”—from her account, which I don’t think happened, Biden desisted at the first sign that she was not consenting. You’re acting like I am the one who has the obligation to prove it isn’t rape…you are the goofus who is accusing somebody of rape, should you know if it is before you accuse somebody of it?The alleged retaliation would be more troubling if I believed it happened.I don’t give a fuck who you vote for, vote for Trump and burn in hell, I’ll ask for a day-pass to torture you, you are just another example of the halfwits who think they are doing the world a favor when they don’t know what the shit they are talking about. Yes, you seem to be bragging that you don’t need Russia’s help to be a tool, well done.

          • precognitions-av says:

            ok you got me. i’m a russian mission was to get a democratic voter to invent an excuse for flagrant sexual assault.

          • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

            I really wish you were. Because then you’d have an excuse for being so fucking stupid. :DI just explained to you why it isn’t sexual assault…and you call it “flagrant” sexual assault.  Does your asshole run your brain?  Were you born with feces in your blood-brain barrier?  Why are you stupid?  Who hurt your ability to reason?  

          • precognitions-av says:

            i hope they stop making excuses for whoever put their finger in your butt too

          • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

            your mom hits the prostate just right

  • highlikeaneagle-av says:

    He’s the presumptive Democratic nominee, not the “Democrat” nominee.

  • perfectengine-av says:

    Former Vice President Joe Biden, who’s been mostly absent from the discourse surrounding the coronavirus pandemicNo he hasn’t. You’re just not paying any attention to it because you can’t stop crying yourself to sleep every night over Bernie Sanders. Biden is hosting virtual town halls on the topic on his social media fairly regularly, his team has a podcast that address and discuss it, and he’s got a lot of plans and responses to it on his website already.You have a public voice here, Randall. Use it responsibly.

    • thefartfuldodger-av says:

      The media is all populated by spoiled brats who wants us to pay their student loans from going to second-run ivies. They have no interest in fact-checking

    • the-hole-in-things-av says:

      Posting stuff on your website that most people don’t read isn’t exactly the same thing as doing media appearances.

      • perfectengine-av says:

        Media appearances are a bit limited at the moment, if you haven’t noticed. Was he supposed to address a crisis before it happened? That’s the President’s job, and he failed spectacularly at it. And it’s not Joe’s fault that people don’t read what he offers them. Besides, you have no idea what people do or don’t read.

        • the-hole-in-things-av says:

          Media appearances are a bit limited at the moment, if you haven’t noticed.I mean, not really? There’s nothing stopping him from doing more TV interviews from his house. Trump does a live press conference for an hour everyday, the Democratic nominee needs to compete with that.
          And it’s not Joe’s fault that people don’t read what he offers them. Besides, you have no idea what people do or don’t read.Obviously I haven’t done a survey but I’m skeptical that average voters really spend that much time on candidates websites. And if the Biden campaign can’t find a way to get their message through to them, then yeah, that kind of is their fault.

          • perfectengine-av says:

            Are you keeping up with his social media? I’m guessing not. There’s plenty of that there and more. Personally I’d rather him keep his messaging there than drag himself down in the mud with the tumor in the news every day. Which is what he’s doing. Biden is doing podcasts featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning authors. The tumor is bringing Dr. Phil out of mothballs to tell people to come outside again so the economy doesn’t crash, because that’s all it gives a shit about.You being ‘skeptical’ doesn’t mean much of anything. You realize that, right? Again, you have no idea what people do or don’t read. And clearly Biden’s message is getting through, as he got the most votes in the primaries and is the presumptive nominee. His time as the VP probably had a lot to do with that, as well, but for you to just assume that people don’t read and are basing their votes solely on that is wrongheaded. I hate to keep banging the same drum here (no, I don’t, really), but if Sanders’ message had gotten through to the same degree, he’d be the nominee. But it didn’t, so he’s not. Bernie Sanders cut himself off at the knees a long time ago, and he’s suffering the consequences for it now. And no, I have no interest in expanding on that. I’ve done it countless times before, and hopefully for the last time.All this is pretty beside the point, though. We could go back and forth all day. The time for ifs, ands or buts is over. The point here is that Biden is going to be the nominee, and the question you need to be asking yourself is not ‘how did he get here’, it’s ‘how am I going to help him get elected so we can get the criminal tumor out of office and into prison where it belongs’. Democrats hemmed and hawed their way into a nightmare in 2016, and we absolutely cannot let that happen again. No one’s feelings matter anymore. No one’s memes matter anymore. No one’s temper tantrums matter anymore. No one’s reasons or excuses why they think this shouldn’t be the path we’re taking matter anymore. What matters is getting ourselves out of this ridiculous hole we’re in. And that’s it.

          • Dovanator-av says:

            “Are you keeping up with his social media?”

            Why would they? Is it fun? Is it interesting? Does he say things that make national headlines everyday?
            Or is it literally just another extension of his campaign website that nobody visits?
            I get that a lot of people have it in their minds that all Joey Two-Shoes needs to do is survive to beat Trump, but Trump’s people are enraged, active, and energized to vote.

            The same cannot be said of Democrats. Biden’s base is divided, malaised, and defeated.
            And that’s ENTIRELY Uncle Grabby’s fault, since it’s his job to energize his base to vote FOR him, and not just stay home like they did the last election cycle.

          • the-hole-in-things-av says:

            Are you keeping up with his social media? I’m guessing not.
            I have, actually. I’ve found it somewhat lackluster.
            Personally I’d rather him keep his messaging there than drag
            himself down in the mud with the tumor in the news every day.Well that’s not how elections are won. Trump is dominating the airwaves and Biden needs to counter that.
            being ‘skeptical’ doesn’t mean much of anything. You realize that,
            right? Again, you have no idea what people do or don’t read. And clearly
            Biden’s message is getting through, as he got the most votes in the
            primaries and is the presumptive nominee. His time as the VP probably
            had a lot to do with that, as well, but for you to just assume that
            people don’t read and are basing their votes solely on that is
            wrongheaded.That wasn’t really my argument.
            A primary isn’t the same thing as a general election. In 2016, more than a million and a half people cast a ballot without bothering to vote for President. Those are the people Biden needs to reach if he wants to win and I don’t think they’re going out of their way to read his website.

  • merve2-av says:

    Why are we interviewing rapists?

    • thefartfuldodger-av says:

      Keep pushing that line, no one is buying it

      • lambert2-av says:

        I’m not gonna ask you if you’re Joe Biden, but I am going to ask if you’re Joe Biden’s Officially Appointed Disqus Defender. You’re on every remotely critical comment about this, which is fascinating because I’ve never met anyone passionate about Biden.

      • recognitions-av says:

        “I remember it was kind of an unusually warm day. And I remember he just
        had me up against the wall and the wall was cold. It happened all at
        once. The gym bag, I don’t know where it went. I handed it to him. It
        was gone and then his hands were on me and underneath my clothes. And
        then he went down my skirt, but then up inside it and he penetrated me
        with his fingers. And he was kissing me at the same time and he was
        saying something to me. He said several things, I can’t remember
        everything he said. I remember a couple of things. I remember him saying
        first before, like as he was doing it, “do you want to go somewhere
        else?” And then him saying to me when I pulled away, when he got
        finished doing what he was doing and I pulled back and he said, “come on
        man, I heard you liked me.” 

  • lordbyronbuxton-av says:

    “The younger generation now tells me how tough things are—give me a break,” said Biden, while speaking to Patt Morrison of the Los Angeles Times to promote his new book. “No, no, I have no empathy for it, give me a break.”Weird how that guy is having trouble getting people under 60 to vote for him!

    • thefartfuldodger-av says:

      He isn’t having trouble getting people to vote for him at all. You must be thinking of Bernie

    • the-hole-in-things-av says:

      Huh, it’s almost like he’s just saying nice things to millenials now because he needs something from them . . .

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    Forget the interview — can we talk about D’s sneakers closet?!  He’s got some serious sneaker game. Take that, Dre Johnson!

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    Well, they’re definitely taking a gigantic “hit” in order to cope with Biden, if you know what I mean.

  • the-hole-in-things-av says:

    Joe Biden says millenials have “taken a gigantic hit”Hmm, I wonder whose fault that was . . .

  • charliedesertly-av says:

    The level of relief on offer through the election is so incommensurate with the trouble we’re in, it’s just laughable. “I’m so fed up, I can’t wait to try to survive the next hundred and ninety-nine days of Trump’s reign, go vote against him, and then after seventy-eight more days of him getting away with whatever he wants, if we’re lucky, then finally, hallelujah what a glorious day, old vision-less creepy non-leader Joe Biden can finally take over the Presidency. I mean, unless he loses, which obviously I will just accept as the will of the people, and then continue to just sort of witness the death of American democracy for four more years and hope I get another chance to ratify one of two big-money candidates again in 2024.”

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