John Cena’s agents tried to stop him from doing Barbie cameo because it was “beneath him”

Cena quickly ignored that advice, of course, creating one of Barbie's most hilarious moments

Aux News John Cena
John Cena’s agents tried to stop him from doing Barbie cameo because it was “beneath him”
John Cena, pictured here apparently running away from terrible advice Photo: Ernesto S. Ruscio/Getty Images for Universal Pictures

Among the many very funny moments in Greta Gerwig’s very funny Barbie movie, few are more out-there hilarious than the bit with John Cena. If you’ve seen the film, you don’t need us to describe it, because it’s already burnt into your mind; it’s not like it’s easy to forget the image of Cena in a luxurious blonde wig and mermaid tial, frolicking in the waves of Barbieland with Dua Lipa. Despite how quickly the moment flashes by, it’s a hilarious send-up of Cena’s (ever flexible) tough guy image—but it wouldn’t have happened, if his agents had had their druthers.

This is per a recent interview Cena gave to Howard Stern, talking about how he was advised against the cameo in the Oscar-nominated film, which came about because he ran into his old The Suicide Squad pal Margot Robbie while she was making the movie. His agents, though, advised him against doing it, on the grounds that it might make him less marketable as a tough-as-nails action star—because said agents apparently haven’t noticed what both we, and John Cena, have realized over the last few years, i.e., that he’s quickly become one of Hollywood’s most enjoyable comedy performers.

Here’s Cena, describing the response from his reps: “What they know is, ‘This entity, this commodity gravitates toward these things, we should stay in this lane.’ But,” he pointed out, “I’m not a commodity. I’m a human being, and I operate under the construct of every opportunity is an opportunity.” He also noted that they suggested the quick cameo might somehow be “beneath me,” potentially costing him future parts.

Cena’s genuine gift for comedy is a big part of why, for instance, his Peacemaker TV series works; it’s also one of several reasons we’re so irritated at Warner Bros. for killing Coyote Vs. Acme, where Cena would have played the villain, his cartoonish mug going up against those of Wile E. Coyote and Will Forte. (It’s also the only thing that could possibly get us to see a movie like his upcoming Zac Efron comedy Ricky Stanicky.) In the interview, Cena makes it clear that he doesn’t blame his agents for that slightly reductive view of his career—noting that, To the agency’s credit, immediately they acquiesced, and I was like, ‘No we’re going to do it’… All they can do is offer their guidance.” Which, happily, he clearly knows when to ignore.

[via Variety]


  • cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest-av says:

    Hollywood agent is a slightly more successful version of real estate agent.

    • helpiamacabbage-av says:

      Right, like it feels like the job for a Hollywood Agent is “negotiate contracts for you” because they know about contracts and negotiation. Their job is not “pick opportunities” since their expertise is not art, or comedy, or things other than “negotiations and contracts.”Like Patrick Mahomes is not picking an agent based on that agent’s ability to read a defense or throw the ball on intermediate timing routes.

      • ryanlohner-av says:

        James Woods’ agent famously turned down the role of Mr. Orange in Reservoir Dogs, which Tarantino had specifically written for him, without telling him anything about it. Once Woods found out, he was quickly out of a job.

      • gildie-av says:

        For A-list talent, sure, but if you’re not at Cena’s level of fame you need an agent to find opportunities because even if you have some success you won’t have productions coming to you. They may set up deals as well, but you need a lawyer for the contracts. 

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    I don’t buy his agents’ reasoning considering most all his (successful) movies he’s in comedic roles. So its clear that’s the type of avenue they are comfortable going down. The “tough as nails” thing is just an excuse they were using because they personally had some other reason for not wanting to do the Barbie movie. Smart on John for ignoring them

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    So somebody thinks something was beneath him?

  • bossk1-av says:

    Well if his agents also advised him not to say how much he loves a rapist (Vince McMahon) he shouldn’t have ignored them on that one.

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Things not to ask John Cena about:
    Taiwan as a countryVince McMahonJean shortsThe MarineCameo in Barbie

  • John--W-av says:

    Good call. /s

  • peterbread-av says:

    Perhaps his agent just couldn’t see him in that kind of movie?

  • hornacek37-av says:

    Are these are the same agents that told Cena it was ok to be the co-host of Wipeout?Don’t take that the wrong way – I think Cena is great on Wipeout.  His banter with Nicole Byer is the best part of that show.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    that same team: ‘listen to us, we got you a cheapo movie with alison brie that basically doesn’t exist, a looney tunes movie deleted for tax purposes, and argylle’

  • shronkey-av says:

    What a cute anecdote about a horrible fucking person. John Cena is dead to me because it seems very very very likely that since he was The Top Guy in WWE for over a decade that he was not only aware of Vince McMahon’s many crimes he may very well have participated in them much like Brock Lesnar. Even if he had no involvement whatsoever his defense of Vince McMahon is absolutely disgusting.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    He’s a wrestler. Nothing is beneath him, and I say that with affection. The man did a segment where Edge slapped his real life dad.

  • Axetwin-av says:

    Now if only his Agents told him not to do that Howard Stern interview.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:
  • liffie420-av says:

    “that he’s quickly become one of Hollywood’s most enjoyable comedy performers”I am 100% behind that. Was never a wrestling fan, and never saw any of his “Marine” movies, but he is GREAT as a straight man delivering utterly bonkers lines.  He my biddies were just talking about that last night while watching the Peacemaker reveal for the new MK game.

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