John Krasinski cashes out, sells Some Good News to ViacomCBS

Aux Features TV
John Krasinski cashes out, sells Some Good News to ViacomCBS

One of the bright spots of this awful pandemic has been John Krasinski’s Some Good News, an internet TV show that has managed to put together multiple The Office reunions, a Hamilton performance, and a start-studded virtual prom all in the name of giving people something positive and uplifting in the midst of so much misery and darkness. But alas, this is the entertainment industry we’re talking about, and something purely positive and uplifting can only survive for so long before being consumed by the ravenous maw of… corporate interests. So yeah, it was a good run, but Some Good News has been taken over by ViacomCBS in what The Hollywood Reporter says was a “rich” licensing deal—meaning John Krasinski got some good money to sell off this nice thing he made.

This is the part where ViacomCBS would normally offer a reassuring statement to fans about how “nothing will change” about the show they love, but it actually sounds like pretty much everything is going to change. For starters, Krasinski will be replaced as the host (though he will stay on as an executive producer and will have some kind of “on-air presence), and CBS All Access will exclusively have the “first window” for new episodes of the show before it moves on to other platforms in the ViacomCBS family—i.e. not YouTube. Also, the show is being renamed Some Viacom News With John Viacom: A ViacomCBS Production. (That’s a joke, but the rest of this is true.)

The Hollywood Reporter story says that Krasinski was initially hesitant to sell Some Good News, even as offers rolled in immediately after the first episode, since he wanted to keep it free and make sure it could reach as wide an audience as possible. It’s unclear what changed, but considering there’s also talk of a “massive bidding war” for SGN, we’re going to guess that it rhymes with “shmump truck full of shmoney.” THR doesn’t say when Some Viacom News will start, but it sounds like it might be tied to an overall CBS All Access rebranding that’s going to happen later this summer.


  • igotsuped-av says:

    *smirks at camera while holding large bag with dollar sign on it*

  • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

    Sounds like a CBS winner to me:  It’ll last 15 seasons, break viewership records every year, end up on TBS in reruns, and no one will ever admit they watched it.  

    • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

      So…CSI or NCIS? With multiple spinoffs? Because wtf not?I am aware that NCIS is, what, NBC, but the rules of Dick Wolf apply across all networks:  Market That Shit. Spin it off in so many different ways there will be a L&O show every night of the week (or at least seem like it).

  • mrbleary-av says:

    Now that it’s owned by a heartless corporation, rather than being the product of some guy in his office, I feel comfortable saying this:Some Good News is clearly just a reboot of Jim’ll Fix It.

  • spicespicegravy-av says:

    How apropos:

  • browza-av says:

    I started feeling cynical about it when he began holding up crayon drawings of corporate sponsor logos.I’ll try to see it as he did a really nice thing and this windfall is good karma coming back to him. But I think I’m kidding myself.

    • entersomethingwittyhere-av says:

      Making a show doesn’t pay for itself(Especially when they views are being donated).

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Moved me, bigger house, quiet part loud, etc.

    • trlrgrl2-av says:

      Oh ffs. Those corporations gave a bunch of money to various people and charities that he wanted to help. What should he have done? Turn them down? Honestly. It’s ok. 

      • browza-av says:

        Of course not. But it signaled the beginning of it becoming something other than something he was doing to pass the time.My problem is that it was presented as purely an act of kindness. Turns out it was a covert job bid.

  • perfectengine-av says:

    I guess everyone forgot the fact that YouTube and Google are corporations, too. But yeah, smash the system or something.

    • jbud-av says:

      Utilizing a platform is not the same as that platform owning your show.

      • theobserver21-av says:

        1-That platform makes money off your shit.+2-Utilizing that platform means that said platform hosts your shit.=That platform can do whatever the fuck, whenever the fuck, it wants with your shit – because you agreed to it the moment you made an account and uploaded your shit.. Which certainly sounds quite a bit like owning your shit.

      • holypeteiii-av says:

        Did not own, but were still profiting from it, and for whom Krasinski earned money, if indirectly.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        I was going to start doing Meals on Wheels, but then I realised cars are made by corporations, so I’d just be a cog in capitalism’s machine, man.

      • radarskiy-av says:

        When your place on that platform depends entirely on corporate good will with no ability to negotiate any part of that relationship that platform owns your show, owns you, and owns your little dog too.

    • loveinthetimeofdysentery-av says:

      Great analogy, no differences here whatsoever, clear apples to apples comparison

    • igotsuped-av says:

      Are you Sara Rue? Because this engine is less than perfect.

    • perfectengine-av says:

      I guess you assholes missed all those shots of the corporate logos that his kids supposedly drew. I guess corporate logos are alright if they’re done in crayon.

    • fiftyten-av says:

      :bitches about corporations::posts on kinja:

  • detectivefork-av says:

    That is NOT GOOD NEWS!!!

  • creamadojawbar-av says:

    Finally John gets some good news. Things have really but rough on him the last few years. 

  • cinecraf-av says:

    “During these uncertain times, we’re all in this together…at least, until I can monetize it. Then you all are on your own.” 

    • sthree7-av says:

      I’m sure he’ll give like 5% of the proceeds to United Way or something.

    • bthomp01-av says:

      Eh, he doesn’t owe us shit. Just not sure why it’s at all a valuable asset.

      • Johnnyma45-av says:

        Tons of views = ad revenue. Tale as old as time Youtube.

        • bthomp01-av says:

          Sure, I guess I’m just surprised it’s as popular as it is.  It seems cute, but not in a “this can be a long term thing” kinda cute.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “In a sense, didn’t we all close a lucrative TV deal?”

    • glo106-av says:

      Seems he was “mind-tricked” again into selling out for money. 

    • radarskiy-av says:

      If you are so certain that he “monetized” it, can you tell us how much goes into his pocket?

      • cinecraf-av says:

        In general, goods and services are exchanged for some kind of token representation of value.  This has ranged from rare spices, to precious metals, to fiat currencies.  

        • radarskiy-av says:

          -1, true but useless
          Your original claim was about a specific case. You seem unwilling to relate the facts that support that claim.

    • kate-monday-av says:

      I don’t really get why everyone seems so upset – I mean, yes, it was nicer when this was a thing that he was just doing for free/fun, but I really can’t blame the guy. He *did* create this thing, put the effort into producing it and making it a success, and it’s his right to decide to sell. We’re entering a major economic downturn – it’s the smart move.

  • cdog9231-av says:


  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    “How can it be the same Youtube show about good news if they’ve changed my character from a tightly wound convenience store clerk to a jittery eskimo firefighter? Uh huh, mmhm, well, actually thats a pretty good explanation.”

  • thejewosh-av says:

    *Sigh* This is why we can’t have nice things.

  • backwardass-av says:

    I’m going to start Some Jealous News, where I just rant about how jealous I am of Krasinski’s seemingly charmed life. I mean, modestly successful sitcom role turning into a runaway netflix binge watch success that has kept it a relevant pop culture fixture a decade later, and that sitcom turning into a random meeting with Office fan then marriage to Emily Blunt! And then the career success that follows career success (action star, writer director, probably next big Marvel superstar). And NOW even his side projects of him basically just goofing off turn into bidding wars of incredibly financially lucrative deals (before this deal Lip Sync Battle came about from what was basically a gag he did on the late show). And to top it off he’s just a tall all-American full head of hair charming and good looking guy.

    • mdiller64-av says:

      Yeah, I really struggle with the Emily Blunt thing. She was supposed to stay single so that I could continue fantasizing that one day we’d end up together. Damn you, John Krasinski!

    • Velops-av says:

      I see him as a wannabe Paul Rudd that panders to conservatives.

      • bowie-walnuts-av says:

        I posted about this in another discussion thread, but I concur.  He is a closet Republican. 

        • larrydoby-av says:

          Closet republican? He had a lead role in the Benghazi movie.

          • bowie-walnuts-av says:

            That kind of reinforces my point.

          • larrydoby-av says:

            I think it take away the closet part.

          • bowie-walnuts-av says:

            Yea right, because Benghazi was totally a liberal-rallying point, not a conservative one. *rolls eyes*

          • spoothead656-av says:

            I think his point is that he’s not in the closet about being a Republican.

          • bowie-walnuts-av says:

            My bad, I misread your reply. Yea I guess with Benghazi and Jack Ryan and A Quiet Place (“know your role woman and shut up!”), you could argue that it not so muuch in the closet.  However, I read somewhere he donates to Elizabeth Warren, so I think he tries to somewhat cover it up.

          • 50drunksinabar-av says:

            But why cover it up? Chris Pratt isn’t hurting for work. If you know its wrong and try and hide it, you clearly don’t believe in what you ‘believe in’.

        • larrydoby-av says:

          Closet republican? He had a lead role in the Benghazi movie.

          • themanbehindthecurtain-av says:

            The timing of the Bengazi movie makes it fairly obvious to me he agreed to star in that only to get funding for and permission to direct The Quiet Place (produced by Bay).  

          • larrydoby-av says:

            Oh yeah, A Quiet Place was also right wing crap.

          • themanbehindthecurtain-av says:

            That… is certainly a reading. But I think it gives far more credit to Krasinski’s film making capabilities then he deserves. He made a fun but unsubstantive and ultimately overrated horror movie. To suggest it contained ANY ideology I find hard to believe. Only a couple of his recent role choices fit the narrative that he is a republican and even then as recently as 2012 he hosted a fundraiser for Elizabeth Warren.

          • larrydoby-av says:

            The movie was pro-life propaganda jazzed up as a horror movie. They were so dead set on keeping the baby they were going to keep it in a box?

          • moggett-av says:

            As opposed to what? Once she’s pregnant, is there a safe way to make her not-pregnant?I assumed it was more a commentary on humanity’s desperation to survive even when it’s not sensible. 

          • jaecp-av says:

            There’s plenty of safe ways to do that, but uh, hardly for that reason 😛

          • moggett-av says:

            There are safe methods of abortion with no access to modern medicine?  What are they?

          • themanbehindthecurtain-av says:

            I mean… I’m not saying you are wrong but… christ that is a stretch. They wanted to keep a perfectly healthy baby and felt paternal towards it even before it was born! PROPAGANDA! You actually sound like one of those uncaring, sociopathic caricatures that right-wingers accuse all liberals of being. I’d hazard a guess the only people who took a pro-life theme from the film were those weird christians who find christian themes in EVERY film or those people who were predisposed to hating Krasinski for taking a role in the Bengazi movie.   And why would someone who wrote and directed pro-life propaganda host a fundraiser for Elizabeth Warren?

          • jaecp-av says:

            Warren is remarkably focused on anti-corruption and doesn’t care about abortion as far as political focuses go?

          • themanbehindthecurtain-av says:

            So now we are just going to rewrite history in order to drag Krasinski some more? “Doesn’t care about abortion”!? Her main focus might lie elsewhere but Warren consistently ranks highly among pro-choice groups and had aggressive pro-choice stances in all of her campaigns. 
            She would remain a highly odd choice for a a pro-life republican “propagandist” to support.

          • doobie1-av says:

            It’s actually liberal propaganda because the fight for disability benefits even in a tough time eventually saves the day.

            Or not. You generally need more than a single character beat to build a compelling reading of a text.

          • larrydoby-av says:

            Upon careful reflection it could be that I just really hated the movie.

          • frankpeterson-av says:

            I mean…giving birth and raising a baby when you have to be quiet or face death made for a more interesting plot point. It’s also a somewhat obvious one. Absolutely essential to remain quiet. What is very hard to keep quiet and will help increase the suspense of the movie. Hmmm, a squeaky gate? Blender? Loud ceiling fan?  The choices were basically a barking dog or a crying baby. 

          • galdarn-av says:

            “To suggest it contained ANY ideology I find hard to believe.”

            Well, if you were too thick to get it, nobody else could. 

          • themanbehindthecurtain-av says:

            Since I’m sure someone with your brilliance wouldn’t waist that brain power by wading into a month old conversation simply to call someone thick, do you care to enlighten us all on your examination of the film’s thesis?

        • velocity6-av says:

          Quick question: why is that relevant to his success or anything else in this article/comment thread?

        • groene-inkt-av says:

          I have him filed under self-loathing liberal who feels a need to please an imagined audience of heartland simpletons.

        • stevensimmons01-av says:

          OH NO>!@>!@!@>#!#@
          you guys crack me up but not for the good reasons.

      • glo106-av says:

        I’ve never been sold on him and I can’t really put my finger on it. The pandering to conservatives is off-putting, especially that comment he made once about how we should cherish the CIA. Whether he’s secretly republican or not, I think mainly he doesn’t want to alienate people (aka box office money) for the Quiet Place.

        • thatguywiththestuff-av says:

          A certain current president has constantly been at odds with the CIA, essentially accusing it, and the FBI, of being products of the liberal deep state conspiracy all the while doing EVERYTHING he can to ignore and suppress…you know, intelligence. It seems praising anything with the word Intelligence in its name (or any government group) in recent years is the most left wing thing one can do. I don’t understand this belief that him appearing in Jack Ryan makes him an evil Republican that people currently hold onto. I’m not saying he’s not a Republican as I don’t pay enough attention to him to have an opinion on this, I just can’t connect the dots between “played Jack Ryan” (which tons of actors would cut their nose off to do) and “supports the CIA’s mission” making him a Republican. I don’t recall Obama trying to shut down the CIA so CIA = evil is not a platform of the Democratic party.  Unless…wait…is Obama a secret Republican as well???

    • 213moderate-av says:

      “probably next big Marvel superstar”I think he would have been a better Dr. Strange.

    • mytvsays-av says:

      You forgot that his brother in law is Stanley Tucci. That truly is the thing to envy the most.

    • fooldog01-av says:

      Thank God this turned political so quickly. I am always worried that something wont turn political in the comments.

    • genejenkinson-av says:

      Modestly successful seems like a bit of revisionist history re: The Office’s televised run.It never hit the #’s of your Big Bangs or legacy media like Seinfeld or Friends, but The Office was a bona fide hit for NBC. 

      • backwardass-av says:

        I mean, I feel like what you’re describing is the definition of modest success? Modest success isn’t a slight, just illustrating that the show’s broadcast run doesn’t come close to reflecting the audience the show now has due to re-runs and netflix. At the time, the show didn’t win its time slot, only had one season where it ranked in the top 50 shows (peaking at #41, but usually found itself in the 60-80 rankings), and only had two seasons where it ranked in the top 20 for 18-49 (peaking at #11, but usually in the 30-50 rankings). It definitely was a bonafide hit for NBC, I agree, but that owes more to NBC being a flailing network at the time than any ratings success. And again, to stress, none of that is a slight to the show (of which I’m an unabashed fan), just to point out that I don’t think describing the success of its broadcast run as modest is unfair. Success is the important word of choice, which The Office absolutely was.

        • galdarn-av says:

          “I don’t think describing the success of its broadcast run as modest is unfair.”

          Well, you’re wrong.

          Modestly successful shows don’t last nine years. Period.

    • richbailey-av says:

      The one thing the American Hipster Communist hates more than anything is someone making a lot of money.

    • glo106-av says:

      Let’s be real here, the only reason he’s gotten where he is today is by being Mr. Emily Blunt and marrying into all the clout she has in Hollywood. If he never met and married her, his peak would have been The Office. 

    • musictheoryjoey-av says:

      That’s what you get when you are a simp for and tool of the CIA

  • robexists1-av says:

    Devil’s advocate: after the first episode, it started to feel like each video must’ve been a headache in terms of workload, with cameos to coordinate, videos to find and edit, surprises to plan, etc. Became an actual production, as lo-fi as it still was.Plus he seemed to intend it as a one-off or occasional thing, then got genuinely surprised it hit as big as it did, and suddenly he’s doing this weekly thing a lot of people relied on as a bright spot during a dreary time. But now that that time is stretching out indefinitely (and people are expected to resume their lives even as the bad news doesn’t stop), I assume his choice was either sell it to keep it going, cancel it and disappoint a lot of people, or grind out episodes even as him and his family started to resume their usual livelihoods. (Plus, he was clearly running out of ideas on how to make each week different.)

    • thesillyman-av says:

      Absolutely. Without a whole crew that seems like a huge pain in the ass to do. He probably already had some people helping him but now it can become an official crew. Plus its some good news. it was all fluff anyways I dont expect CBS to really get in the way. Not like it was doing anything controversial that might hurt their interests.

    • harpo87-av says:

      I went to school with the guy who was doing the production. (Krasinski contracted most of it out to his small operation.) He seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it.

    • mdiller64-av says:

      That feels like a reasonable supposition – a guy does something as a lark when he has an unexpected surplus of free time during quarantine, then it gets a bunch of attention and picks up a momentum that he maybe didn’t really feel like sustaining. Besides, after he got the Hamilton cast together to serenade a six year old girl, and then got Oprah, Steven Spielberg, Jon Stewart, and Malala to talk one-on-one with college graduates, he was locked in a game of one-upsmanship with himself that would have ended badly sooner or later. This way he gets out from under the weekly grind and can hope that a professional cast of television producers might be able to keep his amateur effort going for a little while longer.

    • unregisteredhal-av says:

      Yeah, honestly the thing that impressed me the most about SGN is that it just seemed like a shit-ton of actual work. This was not a bunch of people singing Imagine into their iPhones. It was scripted, had an impressive roster of guest stars, actual production values. God bless him for doing it, but given that he’s also a successful screenwriter, director, and actor, I can’t imagine becoming a full-time vlogger was ever in the cards.

    • perfectengine-av says:

      I guess a whole lotta people just missed all those shots of John holding up pictures of corporate logos that his kids supposedly drew. I don’t see what’s so terrible about creating something pretty cool and then passing it off to someone else so it can be done bigger, better, and with some regularity, and I don’t think everything homemade necessarily needs to stay that way, either. Do we really expect Krasinski to do this for the rest of his career? Would he even want to? Probably not. He created ‘Lip Sync Battle’ with Stephen Merchant, too, but I don’t see Barsanti shitting on him for selling that off. Not yet, anyway. Maybe I should scan the archives.What you’re saying is only ‘devil’s advocate’ because a shitty angle was taken to write this article to begin with. Oh no, someone created something cool and then sold it! What an asshole! Clearly they should’ve spent every waking moment of the rest of their lives doing it themselves in their extra bedroom so they don’t offend my hipster shitbag sensibilities! What a shit take.

    • bigjoec99-av says:

      Or simply stop doing it. Maybe roll it out again in a few months for fun. Then, who knows, Thanksgiving?That would’ve been fine, too.

    • unincorporatedclarkcty-av says:

      Yeah, I truly cannot come up with a way to hate on this. Every indication is that he created something for fun that was legitimately positive and inspirational. Someone else wanted to cash in on it, and he said “okay”. Paintings get sold for millions of dollars all the time, after all, even if the artist isn’t looking for money from it. I can’t begrudge him taking a payout for something that really does seem to be created out of love and positivity, and which absolutely had a great impact on lots of people.

    • trlrgrl2-av says:

      You’re not playing devil’s advocate, you are reasonably assessing the situation and not turning it into something it’s not…..unlike this article. 

    • richbailey-av says:

      Devil’s Advocate? Sounds like you’re just using logic and reason.

    • reverand-cletus-av says:

      Additionally, the intent was to stop at 8 episodes.  As he’s hit that benchmark, would rather a mutated CBS iteration than nothing at all, i suppose.

    • whynotwhy-av says:

      I don’t think anyone who fell in love with the first episode needed that.

      I mean, we don’t need celebrity guests, virtual proms, commencement speeches or for each episode to have some unique aspect. I legit just want a new show that inverts the normal news show by showing 90% good news and 10% stuff you’re tired of hearing about from the 24hr news cycle.

      Totally understand that it probably isn’t feasible for him to continue with it as things get back to a semblance of normalcy, but why not hand it off? Why sell? Why sell to the highest bidder? Just comes across as a cynical symbol of things going back to the way they were before.

    • lambert2-av says:

      I mean… I do pretty much exactly what you described every weekday trying to teach 2nd graders on Zoom, in this case with added language barrier and a new distraction every 2 minutes. And I have to entertain AND educate. I wonder if anyone will pay me millions of dollars to share my tricks…

  • poetjunkie-av says:

    And, just like that, Some Good News becomes cynical. Thus, negating its entire purpose.

  • altair2112-av says:

    I mean what else can we expect from a dude who was literally pushing CIA propaganda via Jack Ryan?

    • dacostabr-av says:

      Thank you! Someone had to say it.

    • glo106-av says:

      Mentioned this above, but him saying we need to cherish the CIA and thank them everyday was gag-inducing (no offense to the CIA but come on!). 

    • burnbabyburn2223-av says:

      IT’s funny because right wing accuses that show of being socialist propaganda because of the way it supported the fake venezuelan politics. I believe there were conservative intifada to buy the blu rays and burn him in effigy or something.

    • longdramaticsigh-av says:

      Ever since he did that stupid fucking Benghazi film, I haven’t been able to look at him the same way. Then add the Jack Ryan shit onto it and yeeeeesh

  • af23-av says:

    Yeah, how DARE he sell the thing he made that people like, right?
    We should IMMEDIATELY put a stop to that, or better still, let him sell it but tax him into oblivion as punishment.

  • billgains-av says:

    I generally can’t stand optimism for the sake of optimism, but is this worth the watch?

    I’ve always liked “Some More News”, but this sounds like the opposite. 

  • harpo87-av says:

    The fact this article wasn’t titled “Some Bad News” is a travesty.

  • binder88-av says:

    I don’t like this fucking guy.

  • AdmiralAkbar-av says:

    CBS All Access will exclusively have the “first window” for new episodes of the show before it moves on to other platforms in the ViacomCBS family—i.e. not YouTube.It’s a shame that no one will see the new show.

  • locolib-av says:

    Well that’s not good news.  

  • argiebargie-av says:


  • thedestroyeroffun-av says:

    I think I would have been good if it had just ended after this latest episode. Sure, people would have been disappointed, but he showed tons of local versions going strong around the world. He could have opened it up for people to use it freely in the spirit of the show (I know people would find a way to mess it up, but still). It’s a product of a certain time, and being limited time wouldn’t be an awful thing.I hope he donates everything to charities for people affected by this lock-down.

  • mgoldfarb-av says:

    so what, exactly, did you think would happen?show is on until Krasinski goes back to his real job, then is gone.
    or is hosted by someone else…still at Krasinski’s expense?
    he doesn’t go back to acting and does this full time for free (or YouTube Dollars – so next to nothing)?
    or he sells it to a company that (pearls clutched) makes money from it.say hi to your friends at G/O Media while fighting the good fight!

  • michaeljordanshitlermustache-av says:

    They’ll probably hire that guy who used to host HQ Trivia, since they look alike and a lot of people won’t know the difference.

  • zer0space-av says:

    It’s unclear what changed,He’s a sellout that loves money?

  • ospoesandbohs-av says:

    Why can’t we have nice things?

  • froot-loop-av says:

    I tuned in once, figuring JK seems like a funny guy so maybe it won’t be sickly sweet and corny. I lasted about 5 minutes.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    Well, since there are 8 new streaming services each week desperate for content and nobody can film anything new, I’m pretty sure I can land 7 figures for “Dr Emilio Lizardo sits on the couch with his dog drinking whiskey and watching TV.”And before you doubt my plan:

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I’m interested, but I’ll need to know what kind of whiskey we’re talking here.

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        Since you are getting in on the ground floor, I’ll give you this episode for free:Tonight it was Glendronach Parliament, 21 years old. Yesterday it was the very last of the Elijah Craig Barrel Proof, batch A119. I have the B519, C919, and A120. On the lookout for B520 which was just released.

        • mjensenwv-av says:

          I’d be careful about giving away your ideas, you’ll face copycats soon.Speaking of cats: tune in to my youtube channel tonight to watch me shotgun isopropyl while talking to my cat.

    • dead-elvis-av says:

      I feel misled, in that the dog does not appear to be drinking whiskey.Still – 7/10 stars, would probably watch.

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        Wilson DOES NOT like alcohol at all. Runs away if a glass gets too close to him even though he has never even tried it from us. We got him at about a year old, so who knows what happened before.Barney the Irish Setter, on the other hand, loved beer and would sample anything if you didn’t watch your glass. I always told him he was perpetuating a stereotype, but he didn’t seem to care.

        • dead-elvis-av says:

          I’ve known a few dogs who would drink beer if you put down a red Solo cup, but only 1 that actively sought out liquor – a lapdog cocker spaniel that would inhale any cocktail she could get her muzzle in.And yes, she was referred to as a booze hound. The ex whose parents owned the dog were not original folks.

          • 213moderate-av says:

            Had one who would “accidentally” knock over a beer on the coffee table with his tail, then promptly turn around to clean it up.

          • hamologist-av says:

            I’ve never seen a dog drink anything except beer, but I used to have a cat who’d always lap at my White Russians whenever I set them down.Apparently she had the tolerance of Jackie Gleason, because there was zero change in her behavior after having stolen my booze.

          • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

            Your cat is apparently The Dude. That’s fucking interesting. 

          • hamologist-av says:

            Was, unfortunately. But at least she died as a result of doing what she loved — from a neurodegenerative disease cats contract by fighting other cats.And because of that illness, she peed on my fucking rug.

          • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

            May your cat RIP (Rest in Power). Glory to her…AND HER HOUSE. 

    • treymarksthespot-av says:

      “Dr Emilio Lizardo sits on the couch with his dog drinking whiskey and watching TV” has been bought by the A.Viacom Club Replies Network. Dr. Lizardo will be replaced with a Russian bot.

  • wsvon1-av says:

    CBS bought it?  Now it’ll be NCIS:SGN

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    This sucks. C’mon, Krasinski!  How could you?!  

  • ceg385-av says:

    This makes sense to me, as much as I don’t like it. My guess is Krasinski is getting ready to join the Marvel cinematic universe in a major capacity -possibly acting, directing, and writing or co-writing. They’re all huge time commitments. I love some good news, but I can’t see that there’s a way he could continue it beyond the quarantine without the episode quality suffering – he’s just too big of a star right now. I really do think it was between handing the baton to someone else and stepping back as an executive producer, ending it completely, or make a major career sacrifice to keep a YouTube show that would’ve fatigued it’s audience by July. I wouldn’t call him a sellout until we see how the show goes – I suspect it will still be some good news. 

  • 2-laneblacktop-av says:

    Hey, John!

  • faithful-dushness-av says:

    So it’s Some Bad News now

  • ibell-av says:

    Well, good for Krasinski, I guess. I didn’t ever see the show in its entirely, but I’m sure that ViacomCBS will make sure that everything people like about the show will be nice and gone before it shows up on AllAccess……I mean with Krasinski gone, the heavy lifting was pretty much done for them. Now to sacrifice whatever good will the show had invested in it will be spent on bullshit advertising and marketing.  

  • rural_juror-av says:

    Whoa! Another Hollywood sell-out? Whodathunk?

  • nekkedsnake-av says:

    I would hope that this shmoney that Krasinski made would be going to some Covid-19 relief fun.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Perhaps that delightful Jimmy Fallon could host?

  • mr-ducksauce-av says:

    Krazinski: “Some good news, I am a sellout because my original intention of telling good stories and news is not bigger than the green stuff, this is when some good news goes bad”

  • bobbymcd-av says:

    I dunno, I find his wife kind of icky. So I’m glad he has something good going on in his life. 

  • stevensimmons01-av says:

    It’s unclear what changed,
    I am sure Krasinski, or his wife, are not able to actually work and continue doing that at the level they would need. Now we get to see what good news Viacom has…Thankfully the fucknuts Kinja commenters are out in full force to remind us that he’s a “closet Republican” or “CIA shill”! Yass queen yourselves into a coma, please.

  • peterjj4-av says:

    Unless Krasinski is hosting I’m not sure what the appeal is. Do they just like the name? It was his own appeal, and nostalgia for Office fans, that mostly got interest in this. 

  • peterjj4-av says:

    Unless Krasinski is hosting I’m not sure what the appeal is. Do they just like the name? It was his own appeal, and nostalgia for Office fans, that mostly got interest in this. 

  • mwake1-av says:

    eh, pretty sure if he didn’t retain control of it by selling it and staying on it would have just been copied and stolen and retched upon the world anyways

  • firedragon400-av says:

    I wonder if one of those platforms will be Pluto TV. 

  • itsmeted-av says:

    I watched the first episode and enjoyed it, but then decided I like watching some bad news more and never went back.

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    What is a Jim? 

  • aawells07-av says:

    Is this today’s thing to whine and cry about?

  • drgnrbrn316-av says:

    Oh good, CBS took something that was bringing people a little glimmer of happiness and dropped it behind a paywall. Now, as the reins are passed from someone who put the thing together as a bit of a passion project to someone whose job it is to do it, I’m sure all the joy will be sucked out of it and we’ll end up with just another talk show when they’re done with it.

  • simondachef-av says:

    As we don’t know the ins-and-outs of this I’m not sure I like the tone of “cashes out”. It wasn’t created to sell it – it was more of an evolution of boredom into an idea. And we don’t know where the money has gone, the deal might be 100% goes to charity, and all future profits must go to charities of Krasinski’s choice(s).

  • kylebrand79-av says:

    This is a total rip off of “Some More News” by Cracked alum Cody Johnston and Katy Stoll. Nothing against Johnny K (my new nickname for him, hoping it will take off soon), but they’ve been doing this for a while now, and it just sucks that it seems like celebrities, who already have more than enough money, are now getting more money from this, while others still struggle.I’m just shouting into the void, I know, and maybe I’m not explaining myself well, but I just see this as a slap in the face.

  • genejenkinson-av says:

    One of the bright spots of this awful pandemic has been John Krasinski’s Some Good NewsFTFY

  • worfwworfington-av says:

    I’m sorry, did you organize the Hamilton cast to sing for a little girl? No, then fuck you?

  • Pacotron-av says:

    So great he was rewarded for his originality! Let the Hollywood circlejerk continue!

  • longdramaticsigh-av says:

    I made it about five minutes into the first episode and had to turn it off. I just couldn’t handle how hammy and cloying it was.

  • fiftyten-av says:

    All of the cynical whining about corporations is exhausting.Go make something.

  • slakjaw-av says:

    If there were any justice in the world, Cody Johnston would get some royalties from this.

  • jackshaftoe-av says:

    “Man Out of Work Accepts Windfall For Personal Project”

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