John Krasinski revives Some Good News with Dwayne "Dwanta Claus" Johnson

Aux Features Some Good News
John Krasinski revives Some Good News with Dwayne "Dwanta Claus" Johnson
Screenshot: SomeGoodNews

It’s been seven months since John Krasinski abandoned us. In May, he signed off from his homemade web series, Some Good News, and exploited our warm fuzzies for some fat stacks from ViacomCBS. Now, having likely upgraded to a new mansion, he’s returned for a holiday special with some more clips of people not being absolute monsters.

The highlight of the episode, however, comes in a cameo from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, here adopting the gimmick of Dwanta Claus. Johnson joins a video call with Krasinski and Jay Abel, a widowed father of two who, because this is America, is being forced to sell a bunch of his comics memorabilia to buy his kids Christmas presents. Abel had previously tweeted at Johnson, asking for an RT of his eBay page, and Johnson, the big-hearted lug, tells him he can keep his collectibles—he’ll buy Abel’s kids everything they want. He’ll also host them on the set of Black Adam when the air isn’t poisoned.

Watch it in full below:

Who else would like to see Dwanta Claus climb in the ring with Xanta Claus?

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  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    One of the few silver linings of covid is I am able to work from home where no one can see me crying at my desk 

  • nobodyhere123-av says:

    Just to show how cynical I am at this point, especially after John selling to ViacomCBS: All I can think is that he brought it back to keep the brand recognition going to keep the value up since it’s been so long since we last cared about it. I hate thinking that. I hate this year.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    “Hey everyone, sorry I exploited the epidemic to cash in. You guys still love me right? Don’t forget, a Quiet Place 2 is coming soon. I directed it, and it stars Emily Blunt. She’s my wife!  Aren’t you happy for me?”

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      Not to mention both A Quiet Place and Some Good News is just weirdly, coincidentally, very similar to other stuff other people did. Sort of like Krasinski made a killing on stealing other people’s ideas…

      • dinoironbodya-av says:

        What did A Quiet Place steal from?

        • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

          I don’t know that it’s explicitly a ripoff, but it’s at the very least a very unoriginal premise, considering the novel The Silence was released 3 years prior to release of A Quiet Place.

          • dinoironbodya-av says:

            The Silence novel was released a year after the novel Bird Box and a year before the movie Hush, so I think horror stories based on sensory deprivation was just a big thing at the time.

          • mrdalliard123-av says:

            It’s like a Soundless Horror Cinematic Universe. With classics like “Pipe Down” (about a killer plumber), “Shut Up Shuttin’ Up” (The box-office bomb turned cult hit featuring Bugs Bunny being haunted by the ghosts of Rocky and Mugsy), “Hold Your Tongue” (The poorly-recieved American adaptation of the Japanese horror flick “Tonkurekuta”) and “Inaudible” (a movie about a bunch of teenagers who are trapped inside a demonic audio book from Hell, and must escape before the story ends).

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            Like I said, at best Krasinski is unoriginal, and possibly just a derivative hack. He is a competent writer/director, but deserves little to no praise creatively.

    • fired-arent-i-av says:

      I feel like SGN is the Internet Show for people who send you that meme you saw 6 months ago

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      He also said about the CIA that Americans should “be saying thank you every single day” for them. Obvious problem is obvious.

      • cinecraf-av says:

        Turns out, the kinda-asshole character he played on “The Office” was based on real life.

        • worfwworfington-av says:

          What the fuck is this weird circle jerk session about hating Krasinksi. I mean, yes, he’s richer than you. Yes, his wife is hotter than yours. Yes, he is better looking than you.

          But he’s all that to me too and I don’t hate him.

    • worfwworfington-av says:

      I’m sorry, did you gather the cast of Hamilton to sing for a girl who couldn’t attend? You didn’t? Then go fuck yourself.

    • mumbleturtle-av says:

      Stop me if you’ve heard this before:You must be fun at parties.

  • hippocrip-av says:

    I don’t always enjoy his movies, but it’s hard not to like Dwayne Johnson.

  • mdiller64-av says:

    He did something on a whim, decided that he didn’t want to do it forever, and now we’re supposed to hate him because he did not make a decision that most of us also would not have made if we had the chance. Got it.I’m sorry, I’ve lost track – who in the entertainment industry are we supposed to not hate at the moment? Nobody?

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