John Krasinski’s livestreamed prom featured the Jonas Brothers, Billie Eilish, dancing dogs

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John Krasinski’s livestreamed prom featured the Jonas Brothers, Billie Eilish, dancing dogs
Screenshot: Prom 2020: Some Good News

John Krasinski utilized his new quarantine YouTube talk-show, Some Good News, to give high school seniors around the country their own senior prom last Friday, something they would have had around this time of year if the world weren’t so fundamentally screwed up right now. Of course, given the current restrictions of social distancing, this was a virtual prom, meaning attendees would dress up in their finest, join friends in Zoom chatrooms, and watch the livestream from the safety of their own living rooms. It may not have the same tactile experience as a real dance, but, then again, real high school dances don’t usually feature appearances by Billie Eilish, Chance the Rapper, and the Jonas Brothers.

Jump to 9:30 in the below episode for the prom content.

These musicians weren’t just stopping by to goof around either. They were essentially the virtual prom’s virtual house band. The Jonas Brothers performed “Sucker” in a pre-taped segment filmed in a white void, while Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas performed “Bad Guy” from the comfort of their couch. Judging by the reaction of families around the country, the music selection was on point.

While dancing with your dog or parents in front of a laptop isn’t anyone’s ideal prom night, we’re sure these teens enjoyed the brief break from the monotony and anxiety of quarantine life. Plus, they got to see a grizzled Rainn Wilson dress down John Krasinski for being a bad DJ. That’s bound to put a smile on anyone’s face.

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  • perfectengine-av says:

    Oh, and also the astronauts on the ISS were on the first part of the show. But whatevers on that.

    • waynewestiv-av says:

      Just because AVC wanted to do a story about the Prom doesn’t discount the appearance by the astronauts. But it seems like you’re making a thing about it, so … yay? 

      • perfectengine-av says:

        Not ‘making a thing’ about anything. Just stating that if you wanted to see the ISS astronauts of all people show up on a DIY YouTube show, you could definitely do that. But feel free to keep making a thing about my not really making a thing about anything because internet. Yay.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      If I was in highschool celebrating the virtual prom, that would have been my favorite part. #foreveranerd.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      And there was no porn. Learn how to spell, John Kransinky. 

  • jeddank-av says:

    I hope he continues this after all this shit is over. It just makes my week.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    This is awesome but I have to ask, is prom in April for most of the US? I remember it being around my birthday in mid-May in SoCal.

    • spidyredneckjedi-av says:

      It varies, depending on Easter in the Midwest. If Easter is earlier in the year, it tends towards mid April. If Easter is later, it tends towards early May. It’s mostly just trying to avoid conflicts with graduation ceremonies as it can. 

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        Hmm, the school year might end sooner there. Our prom was around mid May and our graduation was June 16th.

        • spidyredneckjedi-av says:

          It’s rare for our school year to last into June. We had to have a lot of snow days for that to happen. Most schools graduated by Memorial Day weekend, or shortly after. Start date was usually middle to late August. 

  • browza-av says:

    I know he’s had a revival with his directing and Jack Ryan, I’m just a little surprised that Krasinski holds so much appeal with this age group. I’m glad, though, and this looks like it was really sweet for a lot of kids.

    • akanefive-av says:

      If the young girl from the second episode of Some Good News is any indication, they know him from The Office. (Not the show, the memes from the show.)

  • hankwilhemscreamjr-av says:

    Again, read that as livestream porn.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Another bonus: this prom led to only half as many teen pregnancies as the in-person variety.

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