John Krasinski wants Marvel to let him play Mr. Fantastic, which isn't much of a… stretch

Aux Features Film
John Krasinski wants Marvel to let him play Mr. Fantastic, which isn't much of a… stretch
Photo: Jon Kopaloff

John Krasinski missed out on playing Captain America, possibly because he couldn’t shrink his body down like Chris Evans did for that first movie (truly one of the most impressive feats any actor has done, all without the benefit of any moderately convincing computer graphics!), but he still has his eye on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Speaking with Total Film, Krasinski revealed that he’s very interested in playing Mr. Fantastic if Marvel ever decides to get a new Fantastic Four movie off the ground. The studio controls those characters again now that it took over Fox’s film division, so Marvel will theoretically make Fantastic Four movie at some point, and Krasinski wants everyone to know that he “would love it” if he got that job

On the one hand, good for him. He’d probably do just fine playing the stretchy dude/moderately inattentive husband and father, and celebrities have made things happen in the past by publicly talking about which superhero they want to play. On the other hand, his wife is cooler and does more movies than he does, and she hasn’t even played a superhero yet. She’s even already in the Disney system after Mary Poppins Returns. What makes Jim from The Office think he should get an MCU gig before Emily Blunt? Unless she ends up playing Sue Storm or something and… Oh damn, someone tell Disney to call us ASAP. We just had a great idea and we don’t want anyone to steal it. (It’s that Rainn Wilson should play Ben Grimm.)

On a third hand, Krasinski wants to play Mr. Fantastic? Of all superheroes? This feels a little bit like Channing Tatum desperately trying to make a Gambit movie, even though there are so many superheroes who are not Gambit, but hopefully this works out a little better than that did.


  • sarcastro7-av says:

    This is almost certainly because of the fan art that’s been going around for a while that shows him as Reed and Blunt as Sue, and looks picture-perfect for it.  Rather than a Ryan Reynolds-style lifelong dream of playing Ol’ Stretch.

  • capnjack2-av says:

    I like Krasinski and he looks the part, but I feel like his Persona is too warm to be Reed. My personal vote would be Adrien Brody with David Tennant as close runner-up.FF is one of my very favorite franchises and I hope third time is the charm. While I’m in the area…

    Ben Grimm = David Harbour (I know he’s already in the MCU but he’d be mostly CGI anyway).

    Emily Blunt as Mrs. Fantastic (not just because she’s Krasinski’s wife, she’s actually more fitting than him.Christopher Eccleston as Victor Von Doom.No ideas for Johnny Storm.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Well, if it’s anything like the last three movies, the guy playing Johnny Storm’s going to be the best part and end up playing a much more interesting character in another MCU movie.

    • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

      Considering how much of a narrow-minded asshat Jim was in super-early Office, and how idiotic Jack Ryan can be in the Amazon show, I think there’s a potentially interesting Krasinski-acted Reed Richards.

      • bbbbbbbz-av says:

        Plus he’s an asshat in real life.

        • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

          I’m gonna say there’s absolutely no rational proof to this being true, beyond shitty gossip rags and jilted internet complainers.

          • bbbbbbbz-av says:

            I work in the entertainment industry (pretty low on the totem pole, granted), and although most accounts are light on specifics, any time I have heard his name mentioned, it has always elicited groans and sounds of contempt from other people in the room/on the phone. I have not heard a single positive thing said about him from anybody since I entered the business (Emily Blunt, by all accounts, is perfectly fine).

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            No offense meant to you of course, but everybody and their dog, since the day there was a famous person, has had hot goss about how rude and mean celebrities are. From what you’re saying, your impression is built off (at the very least) second-hand gossip, and if I’m to trust a person I’ve never met, that’s some real diluted gossip, of which doesn’t even have bearing on the capabilities of John Krasinski to play Reed Richards.I also just don’t see how saying other people not liking Krasinski means that he’s just an asshat. Bad interactions don’t inform people of a person’s overall character, that’s just not generous to the person in question.

          • bbbbbbbz-av says:

            No offense taken. True, this is only second hand, but this isn’t the same as random people on reddit or off the street having a bad experience with a celebrity out of context. The companies/people I’ve worked with and where this second hand information is coming from deal with A-listers every day of the week; they are desensitized to the silver screen effect. The fact that his name NEVER fails to draw groans regardless of what company the people speaking about him work for is pretty telling to me, because this is an industry that is pretty forgiving of obnoxious behavior by actors/actresses. I’m not saying he’s the worst of the worst in Hollywood (the fact that I haven’t heard many specific stories and it’s usually people just saying things like “ugh” would suggest he’s just a garden variety douche), but I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head that’s drawn such unanimous derision. Not expecting other people to be convinced by now third-hand accounts of Krasinski, just offering my two cents.Also, you are perfectly right that it has no bearing on his ability to be Mr. Fantastic (although personally I think based on his past work, he’s a tad too charismatic for the role; he wouldn’t be terrible but there are certainly people better suited for it).

          • ifsometimesmaybe-av says:

            That’s fair. I think it’s worth noting too that any person in a trade or otherwise-affiliated-with-production doesn’t deserve to be treated like shit, and hopefully, when any person gets called out for antics your coworkers have experienced, that it’s a sobering moment for said person-behaving-shittily.

        • meandragon-av says:

          Source? I see him on twitter and he seems ok. Not Chris Evans level good but who is?

          • bbbbbbbz-av says:

            No smoking gun. But I work in the entertainment industry and literally ever time I’ve heard his name come up in conversation it has been followed by groans and derision. Just generally considered a massive douche.

    • cheeseagaindammithowmanytimes-av says:

      I want Mads Mikkelsen as Doctor Doom, and I don’t care that he was already an MCU villain. Then they should age everybody else up to appropriately match Mads Mikkelsen, and make Johnny Sue’s son from a previous marriage instead of her brother, because nobody wants to see a guy in his 50s playing pranks on Ben Grimm.

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        If Gemma Chan can be a Kree and an Eternal in the MCU, I can’t see why Mads Mikkelsen couldn’t also play another MCU villain.I think he’s also earned the right just for this.

      • JimKakalios-av says:

        Doom is also a sorcerer, so Mads, escaping from the Dark Dimension, with a disfigured face, would be perfect. And in Dr. Strange, his character was already speaking with a Latverian accent! 😉

      • fishwithlegs-av says:

        I mean, it doesn’t matter if Mads is old, since you never see doom’s face. He’s got the voice though…

    • castigere-av says:

      Let’s, y’know, find another goddamn villain for the 4 to fight. What say?  Also, what makes you think Blunt could play a better, slightly-absent-and-in-their-own-thoughts scientist than her husband, who played and plays a similar role for a career? 

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        The problem with that is that Doom is a top-tier villain who could prove quite useful in the long term to both the MCU and the FF. They’re going to keep him around for a while.

        • castigere-av says:

          The problem with THAT is that the top tier villain has been vanquished 3 times already. There are plenty of villains who can be a lightning rod for lesser villains. The Leader has already been set up, for instance.

        • opusthepenguin-av says:

          Noah Hawley (“Fargo” TV series, “Legion”) wrote a “Doctor Doom” movie script that I would LOVE to read. And it would amazing if it barely has the FF in it.

      • peon21-av says:

        Mole Man, or I’m walking out.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I’d go Adam Driver for Mr Fantastic. I think he can pull off intelligent, obsessive, somewhat vacant, and a little dickish. Does Saoirse Ronan want to do superhero movies? Cause I can see her for Invisible Woman. We can extend Disney’s ownership over the Hemsworth family and get Liam to play the Human Torch. And though it’s a shame to cover his handsome mug with CGI, I’d pick Oscar Isaac to play the Thing, because I think he could sell the guy’s warmth and humour.Now for Doom, hear me out: Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I feel like the dude could really pull off the charming sociopath thing, and could rock a green hood like few others.

    • squirtloaf-av says:

      Reed needs to be NOT funny and light hearted. At the end of the day, he’s a serious scientist that everybody listens to because he’s a great leader. I think with Krasinski there would always be an implied nudge-nudge, kind of like there is with his Jack Ryan.

      Not sure who could be a good Reed. He has to come across like the adult in the room. Absolutely dry, but somehow charismatic and you just find yourself looking up to and liking him. I don’t see that in Krasinski.

      Sue and Johnny could be anybody. Hollywood is full of good looking blonde people. Be nice if they went with a bit of gravitas with Sue as well so they could pull off the more recent scientist Sue.

      I don’t know who I would pick as Ben, but the most Ben-ish character lately has been Amos on the expanse. That guy, Wes Chatham, would be good as human Ben (blue eyes, even) but I don’t know if I hear that voice from CGI rocky Ben…Dominic Purcell from Legends of Tomorrow could be good for that. 

      • Robdarudedude-av says:

        Reed needs to be NOT funny and light hearted.He can be straight sober AND funny. Harrison Ford is hardly a comedian, but he can pull funny off pretty well:

        • fever-dog-av says:

          I would have said the same thing for Tony Stark (shouldn’t be funny) but that worked out more or less ok. I didn’t like it much but others obviously do. But, ultimately, I do think that poor social skills are essential to the character more than they might have been for Stark.

        • doktamoox-av says:

          Ha! You said Ford was sober. Good one!

        • squirtloaf-av says:

          I never saw Reed being funny in the comics. He’s the straight man.

          Johnny and Ben are comic relief!

          • Robdarudedude-av says:

            Neither was Tony Stark or Thor, but it works in the movies.

          • squirtloaf-av says:

            The movie characterizations were based on the Ultimates, and the movie Thor and Tony are pretty much exactly as they were in that.

          • Robdarudedude-av says:

            No one in the general movie going audience will care about the difference. Thor wasn’t that popular until he became funny in Ragnarok. Nobody but diehard FF fans will care whether Reed is an accurate comic portrayal, only if it’s an interesting and compelling character.

          • squirtloaf-av says:

            Thank you for neatly encapsulating the mindset that exists when movies go wrong.

      • capnjack2-av says:

        I like the Wes Chatham idea a lot!

      • triohead-av says:

        Sue and Johnny could be anybody. Hollywood is full of good looking—“gonna cut you off right there, I’ve got Jessica Alba on line 2!”
        -Nancy Klopper

    • ghostiet-av says:

      I want Patrick Warburton as Ben Grimm. Brock Samson is tailor-made to say “it’s clobberin’ time”.

      • oopec-av says:

        Just make James Urbaniak Reed Richards!

      • misternoone-av says:

        But *I* want Patrick Warburton as Gorilla-Man from the Agents of Atlas!

      • oopec-av says:

        Ben could you stop at the pharmacy? I’m all out of condom.

        • ghostiet-av says:

          LISTEN UP! I know that… I’ve beat up on most of you in the past… We have to put all that aside and focus on getting Ms. Richards back, now God knows a child could take you guys one on one, but as a swarm even you guys can be dangerous! WELCOME TO BIG BOY TOWN! As of this moment, you are no longer Doombots! Today, YOU ARE MURDERBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      Christopher Eccleston as Victor Von Doom.Yes please

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Hey Chris Evans is free these days..

      • wondersocks-av says:

        Someone in the background “Hey, aren’t you Captai—”J. Storm “I get that all the time, but I assure you, I’m not.”

    • seinnhai-av says:

      I like Emily Blunt for Sue Storm but didn’t she already pass on, like, three MCU roles? Is it possible she’s just not that interested in getting swallowed up by the machine at this point? Saorise Ronan in this road would be a waste of talent. If they went with a relative unknown actress or switched up her ethnicity it wouldn’t summon my surprised face.John Cena for Ben Grimm, but only if its one of those situations where we have to watch yet another origin story. If we get to skip the origin story (oh please oh please, oh please), the only real answer I’ll accept is Ron Perlman. I’ll die on that hill.There are literally 100s of Johnny Storms, so naming one above any other would be a waste of time. It’d be easier to point out who we don’t want, and that is Scott Eastwood. Fuck him.Then comes the interesting part. I say no on Krasinksi. Timothy Omundson. He not only as the look but he can actually pull of the level of flat affect necessary to properly do Reed Richards justice. With him you’re never going to be expecting some sort of sly smile or befuddled goofball look. He could teach classes on deadpan stares. Plus he’s already got gray hair so I don’t have to wonder why they bothered to make the streaks on his hair when they’re so obviously fake (looking at you, Ioan Gruffeddulddldldude or however you spell that bullshit).  They wasted the perfect Doctor Doom on Heimdall so I don’t care who they plop behind the green hood.  /shrug  Norm from Cheers?  Is he still alive?  Fuck it, put him in the suit.  It’ll be better than whatever that last nonsense was.

      • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

        Can we combine Omundson with Mads Mikkelsen as Doom and the aging everyone up plan? Do that and you can have all my money.

      • Robdarudedude-av says:

        I like Emily Blunt for Sue Storm but didn’t she already pass on, like, three MCU roles? More like scheduling problems for Iron Man 2 (Black Widow), then contractual obligations from Fox to do the Jack Black flop Gulliver’s Travels (Peggy Carter). Not sure why she passed up Captain Marvel, it was the ideal star vehicle for her. Hopefully fourth time’s a charm if she gets Sue Storm. Oh and I think KJ Apa, who plays Archie on Riverdale, would be the perfect Johnny Storm:

        • seinnhai-av says:

          Like I said, there are 100s of Johnny Storms right now. You want Archie? I’m down for that, specifically because he’s not Scott Eastwood.Because fuck Scott Eastwood.

    • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

      Eccleston IS a great call for a villain like Von Doom.

    • porthos69-av says:

      i feel like everything J K has done since the office has been an inorganic attempt at forcing himself to be accepted as an action star.

    • fanamir23-av says:

      Sarah Snook as Sue Storm!

    • greghyatt-av says:

      I really want to see Nick Frost as Ben Grimm.

    • mykinjaa-av says:

      As long as the suits have moulded nipples every thing will be OK.

    • magpie3250-av says:

      Blunt as Sue Storm. Absolutely!!! Think about her work in “Edge of Tomorrow”.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      “mostly CGI anyway”SUIT! SUIT! SUIT! (tries to get a chant going, realizes nobody’s joining in)I’m the only one, eh? Well I still say Chiklis’ suit beats Fant4stic’s “bastard child of the rock monster from Galaxy Quest and the interminably collapsing bridge from that Hobbit movie” CGI version, whatever the other (many) flaws of those attempts.

    • omegaruin-av says:

      Zack Efron as Johnny Storm?

    • spr0kets-av says:

      Eccleston said he’s never going to do another Marvel movie again.And certainly not in the role of a full-on (or mostly) CGI villain.I think it’s based on the apparently terrible experience he had playing the Dark Elf Malakeith (sp?) in Thor 2 :The Dark World.And in the realm of Marvel villains he’s obviously not alone since we all know how Hugo Weaving feels about playing Marvel villains (Red Skull in his case, obvs.) and acting in the MCU in general.

    • berty2001-av says:

      Ecclestone is also already in MCU – but again in prosthetic.

    • opusthepenguin-av says:

      How about Joe Keery (Steve Harrington on “Stranger Things”) for Johnny? He can play a good overly-confident but lovable, not always super bright guy.

    • triohead-av says:

      Marc Evan Jackson for Reed.

    • boymeetsinternet-av says:

      I’ve been saying this for monthsJohn Krasinski as Mr FantasticEmily Blunt as Invisible WomanZac Efron as Human TorchJohn Cena as The Thing

    • jimzipcode2-av says:

      Good point on Krasinski’s warmth.  

    • homerbert1-av says:

      Eccleston is a great actor, but after GO Joe and Thor 2, I don’t think he does his best work as a face obscured super villain. And Krasinsko can do cold. Did you see Quiet Place? He’s got that dark, cold Reed obsessiveness, but the underlying humanity plays through. I think it’s important that it’s clear that Reed loves the shit out of the rest of the group, even when he doesn’t say or show it. 

    • jbffr-av says:

      I have a crazy idea, so give me a second to explain.I am fine with Krasinski and Blunt. My crazy idea is for Ben Grimm. My pick would be Bruce Campbell. You explain the 20 year difference between
      Krasinski and Campbell by saying that Campbell was a friend of Reed’s dad.
      Grimm couldn’t convince Franklin Richards to not try to visit
      the newly discovered Negative Zone. He
      refuses to go and when Franklin disappears he feels guilty and devotes his life
      to help Reed and trying to protect him. So when Reed insists on repeating his father’s trip because he believes
      he has solved the mistakes his father made, Grimm is determined to go this time
      so he can protect Reed. So when Reed spends
      his time trying to reverse the Thing’s condition, he is also motivated by the
      guilt that he is responsible for hurting his father figure.
      The Thing has a wise guy/wise ass inappropriate sense of humor
      but is also very protective of his friends. Anyone who has seen Campbell in Burn Notice and Ash vs the Evil Dead
      knows that Campbell can do this in his sleep. Plus the CGI Thing means his age is irrelevant, he can do it for tend
      years into his 70s no problem.

  • light-emitting-diode-av says:

    Well I mean, who wouldn’t say no to a starring role in movie and a (likely) multi-picture movie contract?(Yes yes, I know lots of people do, but saying your game for it is kinda duh)

  • opusthepenguin-av says:

    I’d prefer David Tennant. He can do the light comedy the film(s) will likely have, but also make the sci-fi mumbo jumbo sound real enough and play a little arrogant, too. (I guess you’d have to overlook the fact that he played Killgrave of course, but that seems okay.)

    • nilus-av says:

      And Tennants American accent is way better then other English actors(looking at you Cumberbatch).   Although there is no reason Reed couldn’t be from the UK, although if Tennant used his real accent Reed would sound like Scrooge McDuck

      • ruefulcountenance-av says:

        My inner pedant compels me to post  that Tennant is Scottish, not English. In fairness though, his English accent is absolutely flawless.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Reveal that Kilgrave somehow met Reed years ago and liked how handsome he was, so he used his powers to subconsciously convince everyone that’s what he looked like.

    • harpo87-av says:

      What would you think of Matt Smith instead? (If we’re going with Doctors, I think he would make a great Mr. Fantastic.)

    • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

      I think they are going to act like the Netflix TV shows never existed, so that shouldn’t matter.

    • dacostabr-av says:

      Mahershala Ali played Cottonmouth in Luke Cage and he’s going to be Blade now, so I don’t think this would be an issue.

    • fishwithlegs-av says:

      or Martin Sheen

  • alliterator85-av says:

    I mean, you guys are kind of late with this — fans of the MCU have been campaigning for years for John Krasinski and Emily Blunt to play Reed and Sue Richards.Personally. I want Jason Segel to play Ben Grimm and [insert name here] to play Johnny Storm.

    • nilus-av says:

      I am fine with the pairing as long as whatever hair they go with for Emily Blunt looks natural.  I know Blunt has been blonde in the past and that is cool but not mandatory. Just keep her out of the wigs they put the last two Sue Storms in.  

    • masshysteria-av says:

      [Jason Alexander]

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Okay, if we’re going with Jason Segel as Ben Grimm, I want Josh Radnor to be Johnny Storm.

  • wangphat-av says:

    I think I have a good casting for Mr Fantastic.  Think about it for a minute.  Joel McHale.  If he gets way less buff of course.

    • nilus-av says:

      The problem with McHale as Reed and McHale is just a really naturally charismatic guy.  That would work for great for so many other super heroes but for Reed you need someone who can play way more introverted.  Not sure Krasinski can do that but I am willing to bet its impossible for McHale. 

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    Why must we keep going back to the Fantastic Four well yet again?  I mean … as a series I think it’s one of Marvel’s weaker comics. 

    • nilus-av says:

      Because its a classic, its the first family of Marvel and if its done well(which almost all the MCU movies are) it will be great. Its also not nearly Marvels weaker comics. There are so many amazing runs of the F4 out there. Far more then anything involving Black Widow, The Externals or Shang Chi

      • mark-t-man-av says:

        The ExternalsThat’s actually the Eternals who are getting the movie, the Externals are a totally different group of oddly named immortal superbeings from Marvel.
        And you’re right, the Lee/Kirby, John Byrne and Waid/Wieringo runs of FF are amazingly good. I think the fans want an MCU FF movie partly because they’re have been 4 attempts already and the closest they’ve come to capturing the comic was the Roger Corman version, where they weren’t even trying to make a good movie.

        • nilus-av says:

          Lol. Had X-Men on the mind and they fought the Externals. Neither are well loved groups of characters 

          • edkedfromavc-av says:

            You mean that’s not the Eternals porn parody?

          • dayraven1-av says:

            I think the best and most influential thing to come out of the Eternals comics was the Celestials rather than the Eternals themselves. (Sersi’s quite fun, though.)

        • JimKakalios-av says:

          The Corman FF had the BEST Doom! A Victor von Doom that would rather plummet to his apparent demise than accept Richards assistance. THAT is Dr. Doom!

    • brickhardmeat-av says:

      I actually agree with you, but I think we’re in the minority. F4 is absolutely beloved, first family of Marvel, etc. As Nilus already mentioned, MCU content has already been launched off far lesser-known titles. That said, assuming they find the right director and writing team, I think an F4 film has great potential. The broader themes of family and forgiveness can be really powerful.

  • radek15-av says:

    Krasinski would be fine. I just don’t think FF lends itself to the confines of a two-hour movie.* It feels like family dynamics and the story of the characters would be better served on a TV series. I’d totally watch a retro-sitcom-y Fantastic Four on Disney+*The only exception is if they brought in Brad Bird in to essentially do Incredibles 3.

    • jhelterskelter-av says:

      Just make it a space adventure movie. Or better yet, get them in the Quantum Realm, it’d simultaneously explain their powers and make Janet’s weird powers in Ant-Man & the Wasp make a tiny bit of sense. Just a bunch of explorers trying to get home.

      • squirtloaf-av says:

        My dream FF movie would be a period piece that starts in 1961 with Howard Stark sending them on a TOP SECRET mission to investigate a tear in space of the sort Loki brought the Chitauri through, (“Reed, you’re the most brilliant mind I know. Take a pilot, biologist and mechanic. The rift closes in 2 weeks. We have an experimental ship that can make it in that time.”)

        Reed is super straight, but brilliant. People call him “Mr. Fantastic” as a sort of sincere joke behind his back. Sue is gorgeous and brilliant, but can’t get ahead because IT IS 1961 and shit is 100% MadMen. Nobody gets Reed, but she does. Nobody understands how a nerdy professor like him can get a girl like her.

        Ben is his college friend who played football and became a test pilot. Johnny is Sue’s annoying younger brother. Great with engines and machines in general, but a drop-out. The original mechanic slated to go has to pull out, so they grab Johnny. No time for anything else. No time for proper shielding or fact-finding, either.

        Show them getting powers due to unseen radiations like in the comic, but then having years of adventures in the far reaches of space. This gives them knowledge of Kree, Skrulls, etc. They have heard rumors of the young Thanos and legends of Galactus.

        Finally, they find a way home, (maybe by going at sub-light speed while in stasis, or maybe their ship’s time-relativity-compensation is damaged) and ending up crash-landing in the present day as a fully developed team. Some avengers are dispatched to check out this alien crash site. Hatch opens, and it looks like a fight is going to break out, before *somebody* goes:”Wait. Dr. Richards????” (before this year, it was Tony Stark in my head, familiar with the FF’s mission as his father’s heir, but it could be Fury.)  Have “The Fantastic Four” be a sort of nickname that came about after they disappeared in 1961, only used by the government need-to-know types. Have them essentially forgotten. (Agent Caulsen would have been a big fan.)

        This could place them in the MCU history and canon, but also explain why they weren’t around, and also gives us an origin, but more importantly makes them a fully fledged and experienced team by the time they interact with other MCU types.

        Have Von Doom as one of Reed’s students in ‘61, then show him in a stinger after the credits roll. Maybe just bloody eyes watching a news report in a dark room, then a voice says the word:”Richards…”

        • tvcr3-av says:

          I’ve heard this 60’s space rift idea before, and thought it was hokey. but they way you just described it is a very good take.

          • squirtloaf-av says:

            I think they could do a lot with it…especially with Sue being essentially not taken seriously in 1961 and being all fuckthisworld, then in the sequels really have her coming into her own but still having to crush the occasional misogynist bullshit. Maybe Reed is a little taken aback by the hippity hop millennials and such, but just a bit, after all, he’s SEEN some shit in space. Post Malone ain’t shit after you’ve seen green bitches.

      • fever-dog-av says:

        They could do the What If #42 — What if Sue Storm Died issue. That was intense for 12 year old me. Reed Richards goes apeshit. Annihilus’ animalistic desperation to survive.

  • nilus-av says:

    AVClub snarky again?! Really guysReed Richards is not fucking Gambit.  He is the patriarch of Marvel first family. He is kinda a big deal even if his power is kinda lame.  

    • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

      They’re being snarky in a reblog of a post that is two weeks old and is itself making reference to a magazine interview that is a month old. Watered-down snark is all these wannabe O’Neals have left.

    • mykinjaa-av says:

      Reed Richards can stretch a single pore on his skin thinner than an atom and slice your brain in half with a single thought.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      He is but let’s be real, everyone knows that the FF are hardly Marvel’s most popular characters, and that Reed is probably the least popular of those four. Not that the Four aren’t important or interesting, but campaigning for Reed is akin to campaigning for a more obscure character like Gambit. But let’s be real, after all the Phase 1 actors/characters phase out of the roles, if they’re not gonna recast, then more and more obscure/less popular characters are all the MCU has left.

      • nilus-av says:

        True. But the next slate of movies has a Shang Chi and The Eternals.  You can’t honestly say the F4 are less popular then those two properties

      • squirtloaf-av says:

        FF isn’t about popularity, it’s about potential. The first 100 or so issues are rightly called the world’s greatest comic magazine. They are just bursting with amazing ideas. Handled right, an FF franchise would dwarf anything else (except maybe a done-right X-Men).

        • edkedfromavc-av says:

          They need something really innovative visually, something that brings Kirby (and even subsequent early artists) to life, with technology that looks like nothing in the real world, NOT PC keyboards hooked up to generic modern tech cabinets. And a way to bring Kirby dot crackling energy to moving, visual realization.

      • fishwithlegs-av says:

        Theres still some big names they’ve left on the table. And a little franchise called THE X-MEN, which are better than all the others anyway…

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Anyone would be an improvement over Miles “I woke up this punchable” Teller. He made me actively want the Fantastic Four to lose.

    • kencerveny-av says:

      Now, now, Kate Mara’s one facial expression, vacant eyed, deadpan delivery didn’t make for a particularly compelling Sue Storm either.

  • mfdixon-av says:

    I’m sold. Do it Marvel!

  • andrewbare29-av says:

    Wasn’t Emily Blunt originally supposed to play Black Widow?

  • systemmastert-av says:

    If I were in charge of Marvel casting, it’d be this:
    Mr. Fantastic – Domnhall Gleeson
    Sue Storm – Saiorse Ronan
    Johnny Storm – Timothy Chalamet
    Ben Grimm – Logan Lerman
    Dr Doom (saved for the sequel please) Karl Urban
    Mole Man – Richard Armitage (this is trick casting, I want people spending a year thinking he’s Doom)

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      Yes to the no Doom until the second movie, especially if it means of disposing of the whole giving the heroes and villain a unified origin thing. Really sick of that.

    • tldmalingo-av says:

      I’m sorry to tell you this but you have gone quite insane.
      The best thing to do would be to book yourself into a hospital ASAP before you do something dangerous to yourself or others.

    • lotion-chowder-av says:

      This sounds like if Greta Gerwig was directing. I’m not entirely against that, that’d be interesting.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    But who will play Our Benevolant Overlord Victor Von Doom?

  • chris-finch-av says:


  • valuesubtracted-av says:

    I like John Krasinksi, but this job goes to Enver Gjokaj.

  • oopec-av says:

    Fuck no. I can’t imagine this dude saying Everything Dies/Everything Lives and it bearing any weight whatsoever.

    • tvcr3-av says:

      In the Fantastic 4 episode of Venture Bros. there’s a scene where Mr. Fantastic (I know that’s not his name) is driving Dr. venture around in the Fantasticar, and Rusty can’t hear him because it’s moving too fast and there’s too much wind. That was the moment the show clicked for me.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    “On the other hand, his wife is cooler and does more movies than he does, and she hasn’t even played a superhero yet.”Are you sure about that? Rita Vrateski is a superhero and Mary Poppins clearly has superpowers.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Chris Hemsworth by his mere presence may have knocked out John Kransinki from the running for the part of Captain America just in passing.

  • jhelterskelter-av says:

    I think he’d be good at it. But I think Bill Hader would be great at it.Also, I’ve been saying this for years and I’ve actually seen folks like Bob Chipman mention it after Uncut Gems, but I can’t think of a better angry Jewish dude with a heart of gold to play the Thing than Adam Sandler, so take my opinions with a grain of salt.(Also also, in an eventual X-Men movie, I need so much for Professor X and Magneto to be Andre Braugher and Denzel Washington, respectively. Andre because I want Xavier to be American this time and nobody pulls off bald authority better, and Denzel not only because of the Malcolm X factor but because Magneto has to be a survivor of genocide and the Holocaust is long enough ago that it should be updated to one of the many other genocides we keep letting happen. Dude should be Cambodian or Bosniak or, in Denzel’s case, Tutsi.)

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Ooh, could we have Professor X meet a pre-adamantium Wolverine?
      Jean: Professor, he has claws made of bone.Xavier: BOOOOOOOOOOOONE?!

      • jhelterskelter-av says:

        The ideal would be X as a Dumbledore-style side character and Wolerine not even appearing, but for the sake of the joke, yes.

    • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

      See, you mention Sandler in this light and now just remembering how he was Tarantino’s first pick for Donnie ‘The Bear Jew’ Donowitz in Inglourious Basterds.
      Which would have been interesting, if a very different take from what Eli Roth did with it.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      Now you’re making me hear “It’s Clobberin’ Time!” in Sandler’s “sudden loss of temper” voice.

    • grogthepissed-av says:

      Braugher as Professor X is so brilliant…I don’t think I can ever picture anything else now. 

  • evenbaggiertrousers7-av says:

    Oscar Issac – Mr FantasticJon Bernthal – Ben GrimmJoe Keery (Stranger Things) – Johnny Storm(?) – Sue Storm

  • imodok-av says:

    I’m much more excited for Emily Blunt as Sue Storm than for Krasinki as Mr. Fantastic, though I think he is a solid pick for Reed. She’s just a more interesting and versatile actor with the physical confidence and convincing athleticism of an action hero. If she comes with Krasinki, I can live with that.Before Josh Trank ruined the idea of a diverse FF, I thought Dev Patel would make a great Reed Richards. He can play brilliant, emotionally distant and deeply in love, and also has the lean, handsome look that works for the role. Though Wrinkle in Time was awful, Chris Pine and Gugu Mbatha Raw had strong Reed and Sue qualities, as did Chewitel Eijifor and Thandie Newton  in the movie 2012. And it was always weird that Vin Diesel was never seriously considered for Ben Grimm (I’ve actually liked both live action Johnny’s). My sense is that Marvel is going to be conservative with this pick.

    • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

      Dev as Reed is pretty sweet. Maybe Ana de Arma as Sue?

      • imodok-av says:

        Patel/ de Armas would be a strikingly attractive, emotionally combustible Reed and Sue. Much as I love Blunt, this is an exciting duo.

    • knappsterbot-av says:

      I pitched Dev for Storm, but him as Reed would be excellent too! I think he could handle either easily, he’s a fantastic actor.

      • imodok-av says:

        I think Patel can nail Johnny Storm’s lovably bratty, unserious persona, and he still looks young enough for the role.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    this is as probable as it is boring.

  • DogRidingRodeoMonkey-av says:

    John Krasinski is the living embodiment of the opposite of fantastic.

  • seraphxiii-av says:

    I’ve always pictured Timothy Olyphant, though I’m pretty much saying this as someone who doesn’t read comics and only follows the peripheral stuff…

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Oh good, as someone who did read comics growing up, less so now. I think Timothy Olyphant would be great, plus physically he’s a bit more like the stature I imagine. Him or David Tennant as people mention here. 

      • seraphxiii-av says:

        The only catch is that Olyphant is 51, abouto 6 years older than even Ioan Gruffudd currently is and about 3 years younger than Robert Downey, Jr. currently. He can certainly currently play him NOW, but I’m sure Marvel would want to get a few movies out of the characters over the long haul, and would they want to start a potentially crucial character like that with an actor that age? It’s like how everyone wants Idris Elba as Bond in the next film. Dude’s 47. How long do you want his Bond around?

    • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

      That’s a brilliant idea. I can easily see Santa Clarita Diet with him as Reed Richards; Olyphant just earnestly trying yet fumbling to be there for his wife.

    • tldmalingo-av says:

      I’ve always pictured Timothy Olyphant

      The sentence can end there and me too.

  • antsnmyeyes-av says:

    Emily Blunt was originally supposed to be Black Widowbut had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts with that shitty Gulliver’s Travels TV movie.More recently she’s said she has no interest in playing a superhero.

  • squirtloaf-av says:

    Sarah Gadon as Sue OR WE RIOT.

  • lydiahosek-av says:

    *insert gif of Creed asking Jim how far he can stretch his arms*

  • crabbieappleton-av says:

    I’m actually less concerned with Reed than with Ben Grimm. Why none of the films have ever tried to capture Ben’s ‘Jimmy Durante’ voice pattern is baffling. It’s part of what makes his dialogue so much fun in the comics. 

  • bowie-walnuts-av says:

    Krasinski is a Republican on the down low. Like Finn Tutola from Law & Order:SVU would say, “We don’t play that where I come from.”

  • ralphm-av says:

    I don’t recall Mr Fantastic breaking the third wall at any point. 

  • chelseaoftranquility-av says:

    John Krasinski and Emily Blunt are perfect for Reed and Sue Richards; for Johnny Storm, my pick would be Billy Magnussen, and why not Ricky Whittle for Ben Grimm? As for Victor Von Doom, how about Nikolaj Coster-Waldau?

  • tldmalingo-av says:

    You spelled Jim Caviezel wrong.

  • fishwithlegs-av says:

    Not meaning to be cruel, but I would have a hard time believing he was the smartest man in the world. 

  • cardstock99-av says:

    So basically you’re proposing a Title 9 approach to casting movies. For every role a man is cast for, a woman must also be cast for a role in the same cinematic universe.

  • atnightmostly-av says:

    After hearing him as Professor Impossible on the Venture Bros I would love Colbert as Reed

  • ssegrist-av says:

    I know some people have commented about how Krasinski is too warm of an actor to play the part, but I think that is the true tension inherent to the character of Reed Richards. Yes, he is more often than not brainy, brilliant, distant, and cold, but there have been so many wonderful moments throughout the years in the comic books where that warmth, likability, humor surprises and delights the reader and his family. What Krasinski would bring to the role would be truly marvelous because you’d had millions of audience members who know and love him as Jim and want the kind of warmth and attention that Sue wants from him. This could create a great identification with Sue’s desire for Reed, which would ultimately be paid-off in some dramatic emotional twist. I’m all for him getting the part.

    I wish they could have just made a film adaptation that dispensed with the team’s origin story and the cosmic rays and just started in media res in the Baxter Building. It’s a normal day at FF HQ and every member’s got some personal problem to resolve whilst some cosmic threat is affecting NYC/the world/the Universe. Pixar understood this more than 15 years ago and hey, it worked for The Incredibles.

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