John Stamos volunteers to play Chachi in Ron Howard's Happy Days reunion, enraging Scott Baio

Aux Features John Stamos
John Stamos volunteers to play Chachi in Ron Howard's Happy Days reunion, enraging Scott Baio
Screenshot: ABC

The politically turbulent Wisconsin of today is a far cry from the idealized version of the Badger State seen on Happy Days. So at first glance, a cast reunion feels like a welcome dose of nostalgia, even if it’s for an unrealistically wholesome time that never really existed in the first place. As announced on Act Blue, Ron Howard, Anson Williams, Marion Ross, Don Moss, and of course, Henry “The Fonz” Winkler will join forces on October 25 to raise money for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

“Not so fast,” says Scott Baio, still looking swole in one of his muscle shirts from Charles In Charge. As most everyone in Hollywood knows, Baio is better known these days for feverishly supporting Donald Trump than originating the role of Fonzie’s younger cousin, Charles “Chachi” Arcola. So the man is naturally pissed that the reunion is benefitting a bunch of damn dirty Dems.

John Stamos, prankster that he is (you thought Uncle Joey was the only comedian on Full House?), couldn’t resist poking fun at the irony of the situation. “Can I play Chachi?” he asked on Twitter alongside a retweet of the event from Howard.

Baio wasn’t amused, immediately dropping into the comments section with a quip of his own:


But the War of the Lucious Hunks didn’t stop there. On Tuesday, Baio appeared on Fox Business Network’s Mornings With Maria to further air his grievances.

“Here’s what I don’t get,” he said. “To take a show like Happy Days that represented traditional American values, good morals, a slice of Americana and to use that show and those ideals to promote two people in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that condone, encourage, and foment rioting and looting is a little bizarre to me.” He then went on to accuse Stamos of being “part of the Hollywood elite Marxist crowd.”

That last part’s a bit curious, seeing as Stamos often plays in noted Trumper Mike Love’s bastardized version of The Beach Boys. In fact, the band (sans Brian Wilson and Al Jardine) just played a fundraiser for the president on October 18. While it’s unclear if Stamos was onstage with them pounding the skins and the bongos as a “special guest,” calling him a “Marxist” feels like a bit of a stretch.

Anyway, Scott Baio is 60…and enraged, and will definitely not be gracing his fellow Happy Days cast with his appearance. Nab tickets here to see if they make good on Stamos’ request to fill Chachi’s shoes.

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  • billyfever-av says:

    Hmm. Lucious Hunks may have at one time been appropriate descriptors for both of them but nowadays John Stamos has aged like a fine wine, while Scott Baio has aged like a guy who has been underemployed and extremely Mad on the Internet for past 20 years.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      I wouldn’t use the word luscious for someone who is a tad older. Distinguished and handsome perhaps.I would not use any of these descriptions for Scott Baio currently. 

    • bc222-av says:

      Stamos aged like a fine wine, Chachi like this bottle, gross, and a historical curiosity that no one wants a taste of.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      Chachi always sucked though. I briefly stopped to check out a Happy Days ep on the MeTV oldies channel the other day, just to re-live a bit of childhood memory for a minute, but when I noticed it was an episode where everyone in the credits had stopped bothering with ‘50s haircuts, I went “if Chachi’s in this one, I’m out,” and sure enough there he was, so I switched away. A worse character even than Ted McGinley’s.

      • shipman7-av says:

        At least Ted McGinley got to play Jefferson.

      • westsidegrrl-av says:

        Chachi was always just kind of “there” but with no appeal. His dumbass “wah wah wah”—I was the target audience and couldn’t stand him. No energy performance, I am not sure why SB was ever a “thing.” He is manifestly untalented. Joanie, you could’ve done much better.

        • edkedfromavc-av says:

          Argh, that stupid goddamn “wah wah wah.” Who was the genius in the Happy Days writer’s room who came up with that one? Also, he had the worst 70s feathered ‘do out of all the lapsed-into-70s-feathered-dos seen on the cast in the declining years of the show.

        • bcfred-av says:

          I’d say his casting as Bob Loblaw played nicely on that screen presence.

      • mytvneverlies-av says:

        Yeah. Did anybody like the Chachi era Happy Days?

    • callmeshoebox-av says:

      Plus Scott Baio would happily be a Hollywood Marxist if anyone in Hollywood still gave half a shit about him. 

  • galdarn-av says:

    “That last part’s a bit curious, seeing as Stamos often plays in noted Trumper Mike Love’s bastardized version of The Beach Boys. In fact, the band (sans Brian Wilson and Al Jardine) just played a fundraiser for the president on October 18. While it’s unclear if Stamos was onstage with them pounding the skins and the bongos as a “special guest,” calling him a “Marxist” feels like a bit of a stretch.”

    So, he plays drums in a band sometimes and there’s no indication that he played in a fundraiser for Trump, but he’s probably right wing?

    Fuck off with your stupid bullshit. Be better. 

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Let’s not forget Baio also said Joanie’s actress deserved to die the way she did. Good luck ever seeing that romance the same way.

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    Gotta love the Trump humpers. Nothing like doubling down on outright lies. The Biden camp condones rioting? Um, no. Everyone to the left of Trump is a socialist and Marxist? Also no. For crying out loud, Biden is a corporate centrist and probably would’ve been a Republican during the Eisenhower era. These clowns keep accusing the democrats of being the radical left when it’s their party that’s become regressive right wing reactionaries. 

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      It is absolutely hilarious to me that Joe fucking Biden is being set up as a socialist, because nothing means anything anymore.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        when reality doesn’t suit you, distort or destroy it:  Trump 2020

      • ooklathemok1994-av says:

        I just assumed they thought Bernie was going to be the nominee and just didn’t want to do any extra work.

      • blpppt-av says:

        Bernie might have actually been physically harmed by the RWNJs out there if they’re working themselves into a rage about “Marxist Joe Biden”.Heck, we just saw today some red-hatter lunatic taken down for plotting to kill Joe. Middle of the road “Milquetoast Joe” works these idiots into a frenzy. Bernie might have been kidnapped and beheaded by now.

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      We’ve picked this orange mushy hill to die on.

    • StrudelNinja-av says:

      Biden once said that he thinks that disruption protests such as sit-ins of administration offices are not a good way to bring change about, that change from politics must come from within. Pretty sure this was when he was trying to get in to politics even, so really all you can say about the guy is that he knows how to frame his job as essential.

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      Repubs are just a bunch of angry little dick white men trying their damndest to hold on to power (and the women that love them)

    • yourmomandmymom-av says:

      “Gotta love the Trump humpers.”Nah, gonna keep on hatin’.

    • adohatos-av says:

      “You guys are just like Stalin and the Communists! And we’re just like those guys who were against them, what were they called again?”

    • stegrelo-av says:

      That’s the game. They call everything and everyone who isn’t insane a socialist or a communist or whatever, to distract you from how fucking nuts they are. It worked for way longer than it should have but I think most people now see it for it is. 

      • scarlettmer5-av says:

        Plenty of Trumpists are calling Democrats “the new fascists”. They cannot even agree, they just know they heard these words used somewhere and they are apparently bad words, so they must mean Democrats.

    • Harold_Ballz-av says:

      Every time I see the term “Marxist” being hilariously misused these days—and it was “liberal” 10 years ago, “progressive” two years ago, “socialist” a year ago, etc.—I can’t help but think of McBain fighting the Commie Nazis.Also: Scott Baio? Go away-o.

    • ryan-buck-av says:

      And what’s wrong with being radical in the first place? In my day, all everyone wanted was to be the most radical!

    • radarskiy-av says:

      While we’re at it, the top marginal tax rate during the Happy Days era was 90%.

    • kimothy-av says:

      When you are miles and miles right of center, center feels like extreme left.

  • anthonystrand-av says:

    I would say Baio seems more annoyed than enraged.To be clear, I don’t agree with him politically at all. I’m not defending Scott Baio, a terrible person. But “Here’s what I don’t get” and “This seems a little bizarre” don’t strike me as angry so much as baffled and/or amused.

    • brickhardmeat-av says:

      The dude is perpetually set to “Enraged Asshole” the last couple times I’ve heard from him these last few years. Honestly him only sounding annoyed would be a surprise.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Here let me paste his dumb quote for you that’s in the article -“To take a show like Happy Days that represented traditional American values, good morals, a slice of Americana and to use that show and those ideals to promote two people in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that condone, encourage, and foment rioting and looting is a little bizarre to me.” Hope that clears it up. 

      • bassplayerconvention-av says:

        Which is more headache-inducing— Baio genuinely believing that idiocy, or him knowing it’s horseshit and not caring and belching it out anyway?

      • tombirkenstock-av says:

        This quote got me thinking about the trajectory of the Republican party over the last thirty or forty years. At one point, back in the 90s at least, Republicans were trying to claim the mantle of Eisenhower’s America, but does anyone associate the current Republican party with 1950s America anymore?

        It seems like the veil has dropped, and it turns out underneath it’s all rage and resentment. Once you’ve anointed Donald Trump as your savior, you kind of lose all claims to “good morals” and “Americana.”

      • anthonystrand-av says:

        Ha, fair enough!

    • hammerbutt-av says:

      It’s not a story if he’s not angry

  • schmilco-av says:

    Do D-list has-beens (including Trump in this category, of course) become conservative assholes because it’s the only way they can get some attention, or is there something about being on the fringe of American celebrity that makes one lean toward right-wing politics?

    • brickhardmeat-av says:

      They have a nice chunk of wealth, aren’t very bright, see their earning potential has dropped off a cliff or will in the near future, and fucking hate paying taxes. I think this is why you see a surprising number of athletes (even black athletes) lean Republican.

  • lowcalcalzonezone-av says:

    Wow. Remember when hot guys were called “hunks?” It’s been a minute since I’ve read that term. 

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Swear to fucking God, Marx should be required reading if only so people will actually know what the fuck they’re talking about when they truck it out.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      Only then will they figure out that Kimmy Gibbler is more of a Trotskyite.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      While they’re at it, the goobers could also bone up on Smith’s Wealth Of Nations, especially the part where he advocates for a strong regulatory state.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        I’d also like a Zinn-like course on the construction of the Bible. Hell, give the final exam on the first day and work backward.

        • ooklathemok1994-av says:

          I tapped out on reading the Bible when Abraham banged both his daughters in a cave. That book is fucked up. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Oh, it absolutely is! But the historical construction of it is fascinating. You can see the agendae the “founders” want to push and the form they want the narrative to take. And the apocrypha? WHOO boy.

            To say nothing of the fact that many Christians base their concept of Satan on what amounts to Christian fanfiction on the part of Christopher Marlowe and John Milton.

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Your point? Zeus fathered a daughter, Persephone, with his sister Demeter.

        • wakemein2024-av says:

          How about the history of mankind, which clearly demonstrates that moves to the right are always disastrous and short-lived, and that moves to the left are not only far more beneficial but also pretty much inevitable?

    • dontdowhatdonnydontdoes-av says:

      Ill just skip to the movie version, Duck Soup.

    • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

      Reading is asking too much. Education is asking too much. Knowing your history, let alone others, is asking too much.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        FFS, it’s even an audiobook!

      • colonelhotdog-av says:

        I have the perfect solution for those people that don’t want to invest the time to actually read about what Marx proposed:Since they think that people learn history from statues, we erect monuments to Karl Marx in the center of their suburban developments, so they can learn about Marxism by… osmosis, I guess?  I don’t know how statues teach people history, but since they’re so adamant about not removing statues honoring confederate traitors, they must be able to learn from them, so – there you go!

    • froot-loop-av says:

      After they finish 1984.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      YES—anyone who uses the term “fascism” or “Marxist” or “socialism” or “communism” in any type of public statement must, by way of license, be forced to define it with a dictionary-level definition, not some phrase that was rammed down their throat on Fox News.  

    • whobuysacoupe-av says:
    • fionaanne-av says:

      “Required reading” pre-supposes that these eejits would crack a book.

  • igotsuped-av says:

    All these Hollywood celebrities endorsing Joe Biden are so out of touch with real America. That hard-working, get-your-hands-dirty America that so many generations fought for. The America exemplified by our best and brightest, like*checks notes*50 Cent? And *squints at notes*Fabio? That can’t be right. Well what about*moves closer to and squints harder at notes*Jon Voight? Blech. Nevermind, I guess they aren’t sending us their best and brightest.

  • nilus-av says:

    I know its an urban legend that the Korean word for dick is Chachi(Thus why Joanie loves Chachi was the most watched show in Korea or some shit) but its a stupid name and the fake meaning really fits modern Baio.  

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I didn’t know Chachi was Fonzie’s cousin. You should learn something everyday.

    • mwfuller-av says:

      I don’t even think Fonzie knew it, to be perfectly frank.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      It’s okay, TIL Henry Winkler was ‘the Fonz’. The show was before my time.

      • geralyn-av says:

        Wait till you find out where “jumping the shark” originated.

        • heybigsbender-av says:

          “Oh, and for the record? There was an episode of Happy Days where a guy *literally* jumped over a shark. And it was the *best* one.” This quote brought to you by my Community re-watch.

        • mytvneverlies-av says:

          This time let Chachi jump the shark.Lots of sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads!

      • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Mine too, but not by as much, I bet.

        • yesidrivea240-av says:

          The show ended 8 years before I was born, according to Google.

          • asynonymous3-av says:

            Did you not watch it with your parents growing up? It ended a year before I was born, but it was still a staple in my house as a kid.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            No, not really. My mom is, well, a terrible person. One of her arbitrary rules while I was growing up was a 2-hour limit on how much TV I could watch each day. That’s assuming she would even let me watch the show, or TV in general. My mom is fairly conservative, she wouldn’t even let me watch PG13 movies until I was much closer to that age. If she didn’t like it, I wasn’t allowed to watch it. The show I did watch from that era was Dukes of Hazzard. I knew what time the reruns were shown on TNT and watched it nearly every day.

          • asynonymous3-av says:

            Ah…well, honestly? That’s probably not a terrible rule, for younger kids, anyway. If you could watch Dukes of Hazzard, Happy Days definitely would have passed the smell test…although, I’d have taken the Duke boys over Ritchie Cunningham anyday at that age. lol

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            She had the 2 hour limit rule until I was 13. Don’t worry, there’s other reasons why I called her ‘terrible’. I’m surprised she let me watch the Dukes though, maybe she did when she was younger? I don’t know, she’s from the Midwest which is kind of Hazzardish.

          • officermilkcarton-av says:

            Happy Days was as old-school conservative as it got – wholesome 1950s nuclear family who were adored by the neighbourhood cool guy so much that occasionally he’d let them teach him valuable life lessons. Definitely wouldn’t be worth eating into your 2 hours per day tho.

          • fever-dog-av says:

            Cool guy who had bizarre magical powers. 

          • bcfred-av says:

            As a conservative she probably allowed you to watch Dukes to ensure your heterosexuality.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Katherine Bach was definitely one of the reasons why I liked it!

      • freshfromrikers-av says:

        There was at one time at one point when Henry Winkler was the biggest sex symbol in the world.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    “…traditional American values, good morals, a slice of Americana…”Bob Loblaw.  

  • zorrocat310-av says:

    This article reads like the AV Club version of “Who Would You Rather?”

  • chriska-av says:

    Johnny Loves Chachi!

  • martianlaw-av says:

    Is Chuck Cunningham going to make an appearance only to be never seen or mentioned again?

  • adohatos-av says:

    How is “Your coworker is a criminal” any type of burn? I can see how Scot Baio could forget what it is an actor does, maybe that’s what happened.

    • brickhardmeat-av says:

      Also- Loughlin’s husband is (was?) a vocal Trump supporter and has given $$$ exclusively to Republican causes and politicians. Wouldn’t be surprising if Baio had a lot more in common with “Aunt Becky” than he realized.

    • tombirkenstock-av says:

      Scot Baio’s Twitter comeback doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it could have been seen as a gentle ribbing among celebrities, and everyone would have moved on. What’s kind of hilarious is that Baio kind of ruins the whole thing by blowing up much later because clearly Stamos got under his skin.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Yeah, it’s no kind of burn at all.  Last I checked, Stamos and Lori Loughlin were different people and haven’t actually worked together in decades.

  • thebillmcneal-av says:

    This is why I get all my legal advice from Wayne Jarvis. The man’s a true professional.

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    Is it the real John Stamos or the homeless man that Bojack just thought was Stamos?

  • brickstarter-av says:

    I hope this reunion features the cast in extremely-old age makeup, playing 90-110 year old versions of their characters in 2020.

    • mrfurious72-av says:

      The wild thing is that if we assume time has passed at the same rate in the Happy Days universe (HDCU?) as it has in the real world, the reunion would be set in 2000.

  • the-colonel-av says:

    Let’s not forget Chachi is a rapist, and preyed on Nicole Eggert, among others, when they were underage. Interesting note: I once tweeted about Chach being a rapist, and six months later, I shit you not, he responded to my tweet attaching a letter from the LA attorney general that said he had been exonerated for the charges against Eggert. But if you read the letter, it literally said “the statute of limitations has run on these crimes.”Chachi is a seriously fucked up idiot, like most Trump fans.

  • mwfuller-av says:

    Scott Baio is 59 or 60, and pregnant.

  • penguin23-av says:

    No Tom Bosley? No sale. 

  • Chastain86-av says:

    I will literally give the next journalist that has the temerity to ask one of these empty-headed D-list celebrity chucklefucks, “Can you define what you mean by ‘Marxism?’ Can you give us a breakdown of the principles with which you disagree?” a hearty high-five and a free coupon for a Jack-In-The-Box milkshake, which are delicious.

  • xy0001-av says:

    Good for Scott baio on still being aliveI thought he died 2 years ago 

  • billm86-av says:

    How is Stamos going to square this with his other boss Mike Love? Is he kicked out of the Officially Licensed Touring The State Fair Near You Beach Boys?

  • priest-of-maiden-av says:

    “Here’s what I don’t get,” he said. “To take a show like Happy Days
    that represented traditional American values, good morals, a slice of
    Americana and to use that show and those ideals to promote two people in
    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that condone, encourage, and foment rioting
    and looting is a little bizarre to me.” He then went on to accuse
    Stamos of being “part of the Hollywood elite Marxist crowd.”

  • Harold_Ballz-av says:

    u mad, bai-bro?

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    Ah yes, the “good morals” shown by not being able to find the parents of 545 kids your guy forcefully separated apart. The “good morals” of continuing to attack a governor who had an attempt on her life made on her. The “good morals” of denying people the right to vote, or attacking a father for loving his flawed son.  Get bent, you immoral clown.

  • wallyq-av says:

    Well I can see why everything comedy related Baio has ever been associated with has been a flop, Arrested Development included, with that flat zinger.

  • bc222-av says:

    “Well, we’re not here to talk nonsense to Bob Loblaw…”man, was there ever a more aptly named character in retrospect?

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    If anything, Biden and Harris represent the “law and order” wing of the Democratic Party.

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    Ah yes: Enraging Scott Baio, Spike Jonze’s mind-bending sequel.

  • mrwaldojeffers-av says:

    Why does anyone care about Scott anyway? Jimmy was always the most talented Baio.

  • lmh325-av says:

    We all knew Scott Baio was bad news when he showed up and tried to get Uncle Jesse to jump that ledge on his motorcycle…

  • thekingorderedit2000-av says:

    Sit on it, Chachi!

  • automotive-acne-av says:

    Always thought Spike Fonzarelli, Fonzie’s fourteen-year-old cousin (played by Danny Butch), was way cooler than Scott Baio’s Chachi character.

  • mavar-av says:

    Beastie Boys – Hey Ladies – Solid Gold Hits – YouTube
    Hey ladies in the place, I’m callin’ out to ya
    There never was a city kid truer and bluer
    There’s more to me than you’ll ever know
    And I’ve got more hits than Sadaharu Oh
    Tom Thumb, Tom Cushman or Tom Foolery
    I date women on T.V. with the help of Chuck Woolery
    Words are flowing out just like the Grand Canyon
    And I’m always out looking for a female companion
    I threw the lasso around the tallest one and dragged her to the crib
    I took off her moccasins and put on my bib
    Wheelin’ and dealin’ I make a little bit of stealing
    I’ll bring her back to the place and your dress I’m peeling
    Your body’s on time and your mind is appealing
    Staring at the cracks up there up on the ceiling
    Such and such’ll be the bass that I’m throwing
    I’m talking to the girl telling her I’m all-knowing
    She’s talking to the kid (who?) to the kid, to the kid
    I’m telling her every lie that you know that I never did
    Hey ladies, get funkyAll the ladies in the house
    The ladies, the ladiesWell, me in the corner with a good looking daughter
    I dropped my drawers, said welcome back Kotter
    We was cutting up the rug, she started cutting up the carpet
    In my apartment, I begged her, please stop it
    The gift of gab is the gift that I have
    And that girl ain’t nothing but a crab
    Educated no, stupid yep
    And when I say stupid, I mean stupid fresh
    I’m not James at fifteen or Chachi in charge
    I’m Adam and I’m adamant about living large
    With the white sassoons and the looks that kill
    Makin’ love in the back of my Coupe De Ville
    I met a little cutie she was all hopped up on zootie
    I liked the little cutie but I kicked her in the bootie
    ‘Cause I don’t kinda go for that messin’ around
    You be listening to my records’ a number one sound
    Just step to the rhythm, step, step to the ride
    I’ve got an open mind so why don’t you all get inside?
    Tune in, turn on to my tune that’s live
    Ladies flock like bees to a hive
    Hey ladies, get funkyHey, hey, hey, hey ladies (girls, girls)
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, ladies
    One more time, ain’t it funky now?
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey ladies
    (Ain’t it funky now?) well, you know thatShe got a gold tooth you know she’s hardcore
    She’ll show you a good time then she’ll show you the door
    Break up with your girl it ended in tears
    Vincent Van Gogh go and mail that ear
    Call her in the middle of the night when I’m drinking
    The phone booth on the corner is damp and it’s stinking
    Said come on over it was me that she missed
    I threw that trash can through her window ‘cause you know I got dissed
    Your old lady left you and you went insane
    You blew yourself up in the back of the six train
    Take my advice at any price a gorilla like your mother is mighty weak
    Sucking down pints until I didn’t know
    Woke up in the morning with a one-ton ho
    ‘Cause I announce I like girls that bounce
    With the weight that pays about a pound per ounce
    Girls with curls and big long locks
    And beatnik chicks just wearing their smocks
    Walking high and mighty like she’s number one
    (She thinks she’s the passionate one)Hey ladies, get funky
    Good god
    Baby, baby, baby, baby
    Ain’t it funky brother?
    Hey, hey, hey, hey ladies
    Hey ladies

  • godotnyc-av says:

    Beyond the basic facts that Baio is a grotesque tool whose political acumen wouldn’t fill one of the bandannas that he spent the 70s wrapping around his thigh (and that he was at least somewhat credibly accused by a former costar of sexual harassment and abuse), what I find so very on brand for him and Republicans in general is how ungrateful and unthoughtful he is. Ron Howard is literally one of the only people that has given him work in recent years out of nothing but loyalty, and Baio is attacking him for being a Democrat—which Howard certainly was even when he was throwing Baio a pity job. I’m sure Baio will have something to whine about when it doesn’t ever happen again and he will talk about how he lost work because of Howard’s liberal bias, and not because Baio is, you know, an ungrateful douchebag.

  • russell0barth-av says:

    Piss on scott baio
    he burned Arnold’s down

  • paulfields77-av says:

    Just get Tony Danza to do it.  Sorted.

  • thatguyinphilly-av says:

    Looks like Bob Loblaw lobbed a bomb on the Bob Loblaw blog. He’s a mouthful. 

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