The comeback nobody asked for continues: Johnny Depp joins Rihanna’s next Savage X Fenty show

Depp will make some kind of "cool and chic" cameo during the fashion show, which will stream on Prime Video

Aux News Johnny Depp
The comeback nobody asked for continues: Johnny Depp joins Rihanna’s next Savage X Fenty show
Johnny Depp Photo: Kevin Dietsch

A few months ago, Johnny Depp made an appearance at the MTV Video Music Awards, popping up as the face of the Moon Person trophy before commercial breaks. It was the kind of thing that would’ve made perfect sense 10 or 20 years ago, but made absolutely zero sense in 2022. Setting aside any other things that Johnny Depp has done or been accusing of doing, he’s not really a musician (we made a Billy Bob Thornton joke while covering the VMAs already), he has no important connection to the VMAs or Moon People, and he hasn’t really done anything culturally relevant in a very long time. It would’ve made more sense to bring out Orlando Bloom if they absolutely need a Pirates Of The Caribbean actor. Hell, it would’ve made more sense to bring out the Orlando Magic basketball team. But, really, it would’ve made more sense to just not do it at all.

So we’re a bit stumped by the news that Rihanna is going to do the same thing—or at least a similar thing—for her next Savage X Fenty fashion show, which will be streaming on Prime Video on November 9. TMZ broke the news (via IndieWire), with a source saying that Depp’s “cool and chic” cameo (blegh) will be pre-taped and that it will make Depp the first celebrity man to model Savage X Fenty’s men’s line as part of one of the show’s regular “star” moments (TMZ notes that previously moments have featured Cindy Crawford and Erykah Badu). TMZ also says that “Rihanna and her team invited Johnny to be a part of it” and that “both sides were super excited to make it happen.” So, again, we must say: Blegh. And also: Why?

Was Orlando Bloom busy? Were the Orlando Magic busy? Is the collective society of famous people so desperate to get Johnny Depp back out there that they’re just throwing him inexplicable opportunities like this? Hollywood is going out of its way to redeem Mel Gibson, will he do the next Savage X Fenty show? He’s about as cool and chic as Johnny Depp is! If this is what we’re doing, then let’s fucking do it!


  • moses050787-av says:

    The Author seems to think Depp is guilty of some crime? Why should he be blacklisted?  People still really like him, he has plenty of fans, and thats why he’s getting work.

    • killa-k-av says:

      What article did you read? What I read suggests that the author finds Depp gross (hence: blegh) and questions what the connection is between Depp and these events. I might not care for Depp, but I don’t bat an eyelash if he gets cast in a movie to act. Appearing at the VMAs and the Savage X Fenty show is just random.

    • mshep-av says:

      Nothing brings incel CHUDs and tumblr weirdos together like pretending Johnny Depp isn’t a violent drunk.

    • returnofthew00master-av says:

      Sure people like him, but others – like myself – see him as an overrated and tired actor.

    • jljph0enix-av says:

      Right?! I agree, he was accused of a horrible crime, but in that relationship they were both A-Holes. And he’s been playing a guitar and in a band for a LONG TIME article author….

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    As far as Fentys go, this one sure is SAVAGE alright!

  • sharculese-av says:

    current-era johnny depp looks like he owns three franchises in a regional competitor to the hard rock cafe. that’s both very cool and very chic.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    He’s super excited. Look at him, it’s his super excited face!

  • Nobodey-av says:

    Not a musician? He’s coming to my town in 9 days with Jeff Beck.. According to you he’s gonna, what? Do dramatic reenactments of Edward Scissorhands?
    You go after him for not doing anything culturally significant (his trial was absolutely culturally significant, maybe you meant artistically significant?) and you don’t acknowledge that HE’S BEEN BUSY. And since his trial he’s been on tour.. a MUSICAL tour.
    He’s still been in the public eye, he’s still got a huge amount of followers, he still is a bigger draw than Orlando Bloom (who is also awesome). Any other complaints you can bring to the table are personal opinions. We get it, you don’t like him. A LOT of people do. Sorry if that offends you. As for your title? LL Cool J put it pretty succinctly.. “Don’t call it a comeback, (he’s) been here for years”.

  • gregdinny-av says:

    My main issue is: If this writer/site hates unnecessary Johnny Depp cameos, then why create your own by using his name for this meaningless piece of clickbait? Just let it quietly slip into the ether with no recognition.

  • bythebeardofdemisroussos-av says:

    Yeah sure bring on Chris Brown 2.0, why not?

  • liberaltears6969-av says:

    Sam Barsanti is the kind of guy who cries after sex. 

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    “he’s not really a musician”He’s literally performed as a musician on a bunch of albums including a couple with his own band.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    It’s not true that he hasn’t done anything culturally relevant lately. He has behaved like a monster but it’s relevant.Riri is a Jay-Z-approved product, marketed fairly brilliantly. She’s no musician, imo, and I’m not remotely surprised at this. Judging by the cock-up that occurred during her last show, she doesn’t seem too concerned about image.

    • dirtside-av says:

      I can’t help but look at all this from the outside and see it as really obviously manufactured corporate product. (I’m sure the stuff I liked when I was young was the same, too.)

    • lisalionhearts-av says:

      She also has a bad pattern with abusers. I know these relationships are complicated but she has defended Chris Brown and collaborated with him post being brutally attacked by him.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        True enough. A person can certainly become ‘bonded’ with an abuser, but that’s more common with abusive parents. I just don’t think she’s very bright, and she doesn’t have to be. She’s a brand; she shows up for the cameras.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Does she claim to be a musician? I think she’s just supposed to be a singer. Also yeah she shouldn’t be working with Depp.

  • matrim-cauthon-av says:

    Sam Barsanti is Johnny Depp’s condom, or else he wouldnt be riding his dick this aggressively. Show me on the doll where Johnny hurt you, Sam.

  • returnofthew00master-av says:

    Johnny Depp – the overrated and tired actor who hasn’t done a decent film since Donnie Brasco

  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    Maybe Rihanna specifically needed a Creepy Grandpa type for her show. Maybe Creepy Grandpas are the great untapped fashion market.

  • rockinray-av says:

    Whatever, Sam. He’s allowed to work in the public eye whether you like it or not. And Rihanna is allowed to use him as part of her show. It’s not like he hasn’t done some fashion stuff given his past (and currently with Dior). It could be as simple as Rihanna likes him and wanted to do him a solid.Stop clutching your pearls.

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    would’ve —> there’s absolutely no reason for thisbeen accusing of doing —> been accused of doingBut, really —> But reallyto redeem Mel Gibson, will he do the next —> to redeem Mel Gibson; will he do the next

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    This is….surprising. I said after the trial that it appeared Depp and Heard both appeared to be abusive towards one another, and that neither appeared to be more “wrong” than the other, and that both were “wrong,” but that said, it’s strange that Rihanna, a victim of domestic abuse, would invite him to be a part of the show. We all know he hit his wife, right? Like, whatever you believe about whether she hit him also, you know he at least hit her, so why are we inviting him to be in lingerie shows? Nah, I don’t like it.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    You gotta admit though, the dude just oozes “Cool and Chic”.He’s almost as sexy as Sam Kinison.

  • nevander-av says:

    Click BAIT!! Get over it guy, his trail was BY FAR the biggest cultural event of 2022, even over shadowed Ukraine invasion for a couple months. How dare a 4 decade Hollywood star branch out into other fields, no one has ever done that before. Keep swimming against the stream fella, the current will only make you look weak and desperate. This 5 month effort POST court WIN for Depp is TIRED…to somehow convince the many MILLIONS around the world that watched the whole trial, all the evidence, witnesses etc, it was obvious to most that he was a victim of abuse and manipulation. Quit whining because you didn’t get your verdict. Losers like you shouldn’t have a public position of information if all it consists of is whiny minority nonsense…..wait our politics is awash with that….NVM lol 🙂

  • planeboi-av says:

    I don’t like how hard this site is pushing for disliking/cancelling people. Telling us to pick sides, or rather the right side to pick. This is something that started happening more and more in the last 5 years or so. Tell us what is going in pop culture and chill the frog out. I don’t need you to convince me what Johnny Depp or any performers social standing ought be. Thank you.

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