Jon Stewart allows Gaza to eclipse the eclipse on The Daily Show

The Daily Show does a total eclipse of the war in Gaza

Aux News Eclipse
Jon Stewart allows Gaza to eclipse the eclipse on The Daily Show
The Daily Show
Photo: Comedy Central

We’re living in weird times. Earthquakes in New Jersey, rain in Los Angeles, and a total eclipse that managed to tear Americans away from their precious advertisements for an hour. It would have been a beautiful day if not for the four minutes of total blackout and members of the news media and politicians weaponizing the eclipse to discuss immigration and the will of God. Like we said, weird times.

Tonight on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart couldn’t ignore the moon’s alpha move, orbiting in front of the sun like it weren’t the source of all life on Earth. But pretty quickly, in his rundown of the eclipse news, he realized that there are two types of eclipse responses: 1) Excitement and 2) resentment. While correspondent Grace Kuhlenschmidt enjoyed a Krispy Kream special edition solar eclipse donut, which, as of press time, was “really good,” her colleague Ronny Chieng poo-pooed the eclipse, calling it a distraction from the war in Gaza. He might have a point.

Jon Stewart Interrogates America’s Support of Israel & 2024 Solar Eclipse Mania | The Daily Show

Stewart allowed Israel’s war in Gaza to orbit in front of the eclipse, focusing on the two types of responses the United States offers countries being attacked by their neighbors. Comparing the action taken in Ukraine to the lack of action in Gaza, Stewart draws a line between the two wars. As The Daily Show’s handy montage lays out, the American government has spent years decrying the horrors in Ukraine, offering aid and support, but can only muster a sheepish “we’ll look into that” for Gaza. The Washington Post reports more than 13,000 children have been killed in Gaza since the start of the war, and more than 33,000 people have been killed. The U.S., it seems, has two responses to tens of thousands of deaths, too. To quote Stewart quoting our government officials, this is “concerning.”

It wasn’t the funniest Daily Show, but coupled with a frustrating interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, who blames the lack of movement in Gaza on “everybody canceling all the time,” it was a necessary one.


  • kim-porter-av says:

    Stewart really should know better with this ridiculous false equivalence, or maybe he just got tired of getting yelled at by low-information leftists that he’s throwing them a bone.And apropos of nothing, for anyone who read on tiktok that Israel was the sole impediment to a ceasefire:

    • saddogs-av says:

      Lol genocide supporter

      • bobbybadfingers-av says:

        “genocide supporter” is pretty funny coming from the “from the river to the sea” dorks, who literally chant a phrase that means “let’s commit genocide”

        • saddogs-av says:

          This tired-ass lie

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          That’s not genocide. For starters, if that ever looks like happening, the Israelis will just fuck off back to whatever countries they came from in the first place. ‘Course, it’ll be awkward for the Mizrahis, but come on: it’s not like the Ashkenazim ever gave a shit about them. 

        • yttruim-av says:

          Or maybe you could take 2 seconds to use what brain you have to understand what the term means instead of parroting Israeli talking points. Which they like everything about the country has appropriated and now use themselves.

        • theunnumberedone-av says:

          “Literally” is doing a lot of legwork here.

        • mr-rubino-av says:

          Ah, animals who somehow learned to talk. “Um why u call this genocide? Saying to free the Palestine is genocide dog-whistle making genocide with words! Ergo, theretofore, quid pro quo, the REAL genocide is U, genocide-worder!” 

      • Scott1971-av says:

        If you support Hamas, then you are the true genocide supporter.

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        orange julius is a known troll. Click the three dots next to their comment & click dismiss to blow it away completely.

    • theunnumberedone-av says: you tell me how identifying thousands of adult men and tracking them to their homes before striking them and their families with a protocol called “Where’s Daddy,” often using dummy bombs whose level of devastation ranged from moderate to severe depending on what IDF operatives deemed an acceptable loss of civilian life, all using an UNRELIABLE ASS AI, doesn’t amount to genocide??

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Man, imagine how envious Heinrich Himmler would be of that system. All he had to use was IBM punch cards. I suppose, though, it’s not the like humans behind the their military decisions are any better. The World Central Kitchen murders were systematic and human-controlled. It’s been widely reported, of course, that it was just a – singular – strike that was an accident, and you’re meant to fill in the blanks that it was one operator saying hitting the button and then going “Oops” and then stopping. What actually happened was that the three vehicles were systematically hit several kilometres apart: the IDF deliberately and willfully picked them off. 

        • Scott1971-av says:

          Wow, you all love Hamas, don’t you? the World Kitchen incident was a tragedy brought about by Hamas starting this war, and implanting itself among civilians, not surrendering, or giving up the hostages.

      • mahfouz-av says:

        They’re not going to answer that question, certainly not in good faith. If “low-information leftists” didn’t give it away, check out Prognosis Negative’s comment history. It’s all ranting about Arabs and pronouns.

      • kim-porter-av says:

        Seeing as how this was the one relatively coherent response, I’ll engage. While I would never personally trust 972 as the final word on anything related to Israel, there have been plenty of reports related to significant damage. Whether that damage is indiscriminate, I think it’s silly to pretend to know for sure, particularly based largely on social media posts, and progressives often act like Israel has a “kill as terrorist while sparing all civilians” button that it’s simply refusing to push. Also, the United Nations has a long, extremely shaky history when it comes to Israel, so I think that should be taken into account as well.I certainly don’t want innocent people to suffer unnecessarily, but I think Israel is justified in taking extreme measures to root out Hamas to the extent that it can after the October 7th attacks. In a perfect world, that would be done with minimal civilian casualties, but a) the topography of Gaza makes that essentially impossible, and b) that’s not even factoring in that Hamas actively wants its civilians to die. That’s something worth thinking about when the moral high ground gets invoked.

        • theunnumberedone-av says:

          People aren’t acting like Israel has a “kill all terrorists” button. That’s you forcing other people’s morality into your own framework. The calculus which divides us, as literalized by Lavender, is a simple one: If you had the chance to bomb a residential neighborhood on the suspicion that it harbors terrorists, would you consider it worth the civilian toll? Those of us who stand against Israel – and the concept of collective punishment – would say no. Those of decaying moral character would say yes. To rephrase your own words: In your mind, there are situations in which innocent people should necessarily suffer. Can’t you see how easily that’s twisted to fit an agenda of ethnic cleansing? And further – is a father going home to his children an act of condemning them to death? Is that really where the blame lies?Let’s do a thought exercise. You’re a Palestinian Muslim. When you were five years old, Israeli settlers attempted to drive you and your parents from your home in the West Bank. When they resisted, they were killed – then, a flag bearing the Star of David was raised over your erstwhile home. You fled to Gaza, where Hamas provided you with an education and a means to avenge your fallen family. You meet a girl; you fall in love; you have two children who you’d do anything to protect, the way your parents were unable to protect you. You keep a rifle in the closet in case they come for you again – a rifle provided by Hamas, in which many of your friends are also enlisted. Perhaps you were out with them one night keeping watch as bombs lit up the Northern border; perhaps you were picking some supplies from the local Hamas reserves to bring home to your family. Either way, Lavender sees you. It waits until you make your way home to your family. Then, just when you think you’re safe, it blows it all apart. Your wife; your children; your neighbors and their wives and their children. If you’re lucky, maybe one of your little ones survives. Maybe that child picks up a rifle, and maybe the cycle starts again.Now do the same thought experiment, except you never joined Hamas. You never picked up a rifle. You worshipped peace and wished it on the whole world. Lavender didn’t care. Your wife still died; your children still burned; and anyone who survived had the same impossible choice to make between peace and revenge.You’re OK with this?

          • kim-porter-av says:

            The specific hypothetical is a fruitless exercise—I can think of countless hypothetical (and real-life) scenarios in which Israelis who would be similarly afflicted with those decisions. Civilian deaths are a terrible thing, and when people who actually know what they’re talking about have a solution as to what Israel should do that will lessen civilian casualties, I’d be the first to listen—but as always, it’s a vague “do more to protect civilians” from people who want to sound like they’re saying the right thing but have no idea, or when they’re more explicit about it, they just want Israel to stop their counteroffensive, and whatever happens to the hostages happens. Hamas started this; they took civilians as hostages and are refusing to release them while putting their own citizens in danger. As I once heard someone say, when you’re choosing what side to take in this conflict, maybe try the one that actually cares when its citizens die. 

          • theunnumberedone-av says:

            Amazing. It’s like you can’t internalize anything I’m saying to you.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            I responded to you, you didn’t to me. That’s fine, but it’s clear you want me to say “I take it back, you’re right about everything.” But I disagree.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Hey, now: it could also mean that the trigger-happy IDF has shot/bombed the hostages already!Remember when the IDF shot Israeli hostages? Remember that? Such a moral and upstanding army!

      • mahfouz-av says:

        Shot them while they were waving white flags. If that isn’t evidence of war crimes being committed on the regular, I don’t know what is. We’re going to need a new series of Nuremberg Trials after this. We won’t actually get them… but we’ll need them. 

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          Exactly. Either they were told the kill anything – literally anything – that moves once they entered Gaza, or they’re the product of a society and culture that’s honed them to kill Palestinians on sight. Or, more likely: both. I don’t disagree with the wording of Proggy-woggy’s linked tweet: Hamas has said they “don’t have the ability”. Hasbara dictates you let the readers’ minds fill in the blanks – based on what those readers have been fed via decades of Israel-controlled information about Palestine. I’d say the reason the Hamas doesn’t have the ability is because there’s simply no way for them to get the hostages out…thanks to Israel’s violent occupation. What happens? They let the hostages out under a white flag, and some 19-year-old bitch with a Noo York accent who goes by the name Stacy Hoffman back in her native Manhattan but Sarah Ben-Hadad when she’s out filming tiktoks mocking the Palestinian underwear drawer she’s rifling through puts some some American-sponsored rounds into them? Or perhaps they simply can’t, because a JDAM’s already levelled the building they were kept in. Or they’ve died from medical complications, because some 20-year-old dude with a French accent and an IDF uniform pulled open a truck with medicine on the border and decided that all the stuff in it was actually gonna be used by Hamas, so no pass. Bibi’s on the ropes. He was one ropes before the war, after his little attempts to consolidate power and keep his arse out of jail, and now he’s sliding fast towards the canvas – because, yes, even the most dipshit Israeli can see that he doesn’t really give a shit if they come back or not.In fact, the best thing that can happen to the hostages, in Bibi’s mind, is a few more die. That’d grand for him. It’d justify further military action, even in the face of war with Iran (rumour has it the reason the IDF drew down troops in the past few days was because Iran, through Oman, told the Americans they were going to strike Israeli targets if they troops weren’t drawn down), a chance to live out the dream he’s had since he was born to to liquidate the Palestinians once and for all, something that’s being denied to him as the world – even America, Israel’s faithful lapdog and colonial sponsor – starts to turn against Israel.I’d love to see a new Nuremberg for these arseholes. I want to see Bibi in a jumpsuit ranting that he does not recognise the authority of the court as Kenneth Roth cross-examines him. Thing that’s gonna suck is all the low-level scumbags who will suddenly dust off their American, British, EU, Australian, et al passports and flee back to where they came from in the first place. Christ, it was bad enough living through all the Yarpies who fled to Aus in the 1990s – they at least didn’t have the divine arrogance of thinking they’re God’s chosen main characters. At least the Yarpies had boerewors and biltong. We’ve already got Israeli food, because all “Israeli” food is just culturally-appropriated Arab food, anyway. 

        • yttruim-av says:

          That is the second tragedy in all of this. The need for new trials but knowing they will never happen. Put every politician from any country who has ever voted in support, financial, economic, or political for Israel, along with anyone who has served in the IDF and governing party of Israeli government on trail. It won’t happen but it should. 

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          If that isn’t evidence of war crimes being committed on the regular, I don’t know what is. Nah, see, these are okay war crimes tho. Cuz reasons, apparently.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      Maybe killing more humanitarians would help the situation? Or maybe the IDF already killed the hostages? I know what you’re going to say though, I must like Hamas.  But I don’t.  I just think Israel could handle shit a lot better, if they were interested in it.

    • garland137-av says:

      Sure buddy, if only Hamas released a few more hostages, Israel will dial back the genocide it has spent decades building up to.

    • wangfat-av says:

      Genocide supporter. No one takes your arguments seriously 

    • mr-rubino-av says:

      Sure is great whatever the equivalent of Becky from Duluth over there is has her pulse on what the lamestream media is too afraid to print or whatever you’re on about or we wouldn’t have heard about this beaking news at all. Funny that.
      Remember folks. These people talk like Q-list super villains with grievous head trauma because that’s what they are, in their glorious fantasies at least.

    • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

      You’re more upset about 40 hostages than you are 13,000 children being slaughtered? Eeesh.

      • kim-porter-av says:

        The hostages, and the thousand-plus civilians Hamas killed, were targeted. The children were not, no matter what you read on X (formerly Twitter).

      • kim-porter-av says:

        I’m sure this will get likes, but it’s a pretty meaningless question. What exactly would you have Israel do? Go, “well, the number of casualties is higher than the number of our people still under hostage, guess we’ll pack up and go home?” They’re prioritizing their citizens and the future of their country, as literally anyone would do.To those who make the case that their campaign is counterproductive for the hostages, then that’s a worthwhile discussion—I’ve heard some people say that, but not with a lot of conviction. Acting like Israel is simply supposed to leave its citizens to die at the hands of Hamas because of the casualty count is not realistic.

  • bobbybadfingers-av says:

    Yeah! Everyone should stop being excited about the eclipse, so they can do more performative tweeting about Gaza to social circle that already agrees with them. Because it’s been so successful in making a huge difference up to this point.

    • Sloopydrew-av says:

      As they always say, “if at first you don’t succeed, give up and watch the eclipse.”

      • bobbybadfingers-av says:

        Yeah man, just keep tweeting into the void about how Israel is evil. Surely, just a few million more tweets and they’ll see the error of their ways and surrender. It worked with Russia and Ukraine, right?

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      It’s funny. You completely missed the point so that YOU could make a performative post.LOL

  • indicatedpanic-av says:

    I’m pretty surprised, honestly, that Stewart would draw a parallel beaten these two wars. I know he’s smart enough to know the difference between the historic global antagonist of the US invading a neighbor and committing genocide vs a historic ally of the US invading a neighbor and committing genocide. If nothing else, the parallel of these two wars is that Israel is the Russia, not the Ukraine. That alone overly complicates the US response, not to mention the insane nuances of Middle East politics vs eastern Europe politics. I’m not saying I’m overly pleased with the US’ response to either war, just that these are two wildly different genocidal situations and drawing an equivalence is stupid at best and actively harmful at worst. 

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      “If nothing else, the parallel of these two wars is that Israel is the Russia, not the Ukraine.”That’s literally the exact point he was making.

      • indicatedpanic-av says:

        That’s not what the article seemed to imply. Thank you for the clarification

      • Scott1971-av says:

        Israel is the Russia in this situation? How so? Russia attacked Ukraine, just as Hamas attacked Israel on 10/7.

  • mobi-wan-kenobi-av says:

    I’m missing the part where Ukraine invaded Russia, killed a bunch of people, took children and elderly as hostages and still refuses to release them, and basically f*cked around and found out. Oh wait, only Hamas, the ruling body in Palestine, did all that. And all of these people who are suffering from their own refusal to either GTFO or rebel against their evil terrorist government are complaining about… what?

    • saddogs-av says:

      Children being systematically starved and slaughtered. HTH.

    • lolwit-av says:

      “And all of these people who are suffering from their own refusal to either GTFO or rebel against their evil terrorist government are complaining about… what?” Right on the money honey, Israeli people should stop complaining about… basically everything all the G*ddam time!

    • dresstokilt-av says:

      It’s so weird that a terrorist organization that claims to be fighting for the people against an apartheid nation who has kept them locked in an imposed third-world state for decades enjoys widespread support.

      Israel could very easily defeat Hamas by building hospitals instead of bombing them, but then the “we’re fighting for our very survival!” trope wouldn’t play as easily.

      • Scott1971-av says:

        Build hospitals? Are you kidding? You actually think Hamas would have let Israelis into Gaza to build hospitals? They literally yanked out the greenhouses left by the Israelis that were forced out in 2005. Locked in an imposed 3rd world state? The blockade only happened AFTER Hamas took power and started attacking Israel. Oh, and Egypt also blockaded it.

      • dresstokilt-av says:

        Also to the grey who thinks that Hamas is an inevitable force: Israel purposefully props up the Palestinian Authority and its corrupt leadership in the West Bank and keeps pushing settlement there. Provide aid, stop claiming land, and stop keeping inept and corrupt leadership in place, and suddenly Hamas is going to look like a much worse option. The only reason Hamas is entrenched like a tick in Gaza is because they look better than the alternative.

      • softsack-av says:

        Historically, Israel making concessions in the face of terrorist violence hasn’t gone well for them. Camp David led onto the Second Intifada and Arafat’s rejection; the withdrawal from Lebanon led to Hezbollah becoming as big as it is now; and the withdrawal from Gaza led to Hamas taking power, 15+ years of rocket attacks, and October 7th. Hell, Israel built an unprecedented, multi-billion dollar, state-of-the-art missile defense system just so they could avoid going back into the Gaza Strip, but apparently Hamas saw that as a challenge.
        Your response might be to suggest that these concessions don’t mean anything, that if Israel grants real justice to Palestinians then the violence will dry up. The problem is that a large swathe of Palestinians – and certainly Hamas – think that the only ‘real justice’ is the destruction of Israel, and quite possibly the genocide/ethnic cleansing of the Jews.Hamas needs to go, and Palestinians need to stop fighting. This is literally the only way this will end. It’s not doing themselves any good; they’ve got no chance of winning; and even if they did it would lead to more atrocity. ‘National Security’ is the fig leaf, if not the primary motivator, for all Israel hostility towards Palestine (including the settlements). If Hamas and Palestine as a whole could stop threatening Israel, you would eliminate Israel’s desire to keep settling/warring, or at the very least make it untenable for them to do so.(Btw, I’m talking strictly jus ad bellum here. If you want to talk about Israel’s conduct during this war, that would be a whole other conversation. Apologies if I’ve misread your comment, but there are a whole lot of people who think that Israel going into Gaza at all is morally wrong, and that’s what my contention is.)

        • dresstokilt-av says:

          I’m not talking about making concessions to terrorists – quite the opposite actually. I’m talking about making the terrorists seem much worse in comparison. Israel’s policies have left a vacuum that has allowed Hamas to sweep in an provide while pretending to be doing the hard work of “fighting for the people.”“You got what you wanted, Cohaagen! Give these people aaaaayyyyyuuuuuuhhhhhhh!”

          • softsack-av says:

            Ah, gotcha. Yeah fair enough. I don’t entirely agree with what you’re saying, and ordinarily I might like to drill into that disagreement. But I think as far as this conflict goes half-agreement is pretty good, so I’ll probably just leave it there. Good day to you!

          • dresstokilt-av says:

            Sir, this is the Internet. I demand that you escalate our partial disagreement into ad hominem attacks!

          • softsack-av says:

            Oh God! Sorry… You, uh, anti-semitic bastard! (Quick, now call me a Zionist shill.)

          • dresstokilt-av says:

            Thanks, you Zionist shill! There, now the balance is restored!

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      If you Israeli stans are so butthurt about Hamas being in power in Gaza then maybe you shouldn’t have put them in power.

      • budsmom-av says:

        Maybe if the UN, with pressure from the US, proclaimed Palestine a sovereign state with the authority to rule itself, and enforced the laws that make it illegal to take land from Palestine, and if the US told Bibi, the shit stops today. The aid package is gone, the money is gone, we are not giving you a dime.We have given Israel almost $93 billion since 1951. This isn’t military aid, this is economic aid to help their economy grow. It’s being phased out but they still get money from the US. This on top of the billions in military weapon systems, planes, etc. Maybe it’s time for Israel to pay it’s on way, and see how that works out. Instead of expecting the US to pay for them to kill Palestinians and steal their land. 

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      “Oh wait, only Hamas, the ruling body in Palestine.”Flagged. Misinformation.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      their own refusal to either GTFO or rebel against their evil terrorist government 1. There are reasons why they cannot “just leave,” if you care to find them. EXAMPLE: It’s hard to leave through a designated civilian corridor when, say, that corridor is attacked by the IDF *while civilians are in it*.2. That’s happening:

      • Scott1971-av says:

        Israel tried to get them to leave as refugees soon after 10/7 so they could avoid being in a war zone, and the Israelis were accused of trying to do ethnic cleansing. Israel is apparently always in the wrong.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Israel is apparently always in the wrong. When they indiscriminately kill civilians during wartime, including aid workers? Indeed! FWIW, hey, I feel the same way about any group that indiscriminately kills civilians.

    • yttruim-av says:

      Are you missing the part where Israel abducted ~20,000 Palestinians and is holding them without due process, or the near a Palestinian a day they executed indiscriminately prior to the 7th? How about the long and documented history of torture, rape, mutilation by Israeli forces on Palestinians? Hamas is not the ruling body in Palestine. It is not even the ruling body in the Gaza strip, the only place that it operates. Israel controls everything that goes into and out of the Gaza strip and has for decades; power, water, food, buildings etc.etc. Israel is an occupying force in Gaza, East Jerusalem, and The West Bank. The UN has said as much. By international law, people living under occupation have a fundamental right to resist the occupation. By the same awknolegment under internal law, and occupying force has no right to defend itself. Hell even the former head of the Israeli “CIA” has said that if he were Palestinian, knowing everything Israel has done and is doing to Palestinians, he would fight Israel with everything he has. The only evil terrorist government is that of Israel and the IDF. Zionism is Fascism and at one point the world said “never again” yet now the countries of the world are openly supporting fascists. 

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Hamas could end this tomorrow by surrendering. They miscalculated and finally just pushed Israel past its breaking point, and so here we are with no real means to contain the response.

      • mshep-av says:

        Conversely, Israel could end this tomorrow by . . . ending it tomorrow.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          I’m no Zionist and don’t know any Israelis. But I’ve watched this movie long enough to know as soon as a cease-fire is enacted Hamas will begin reloading to get back up to its tricks. Billions of aid has poured into Gaza over the last decade-plus and clearly a major portion of that goes to building arms stockpiles and tunnels rather than taking care of its people. And there is no denying that they hide among civilian population. In October they finally pushed beyond the point where Israel was deterred by that. You’ll also notice no other Arab nation has the least interest in granting passage and citizenship to Palestinians because they are so poisonous to their own populations. You think Lebanon is going to risk another attempt to overthrow its government?

      • jimbabwe-av says:

        And if they surrender, what is to stop Israel from finishing the job? Their word ain’t worth shit. We all know they intend to wipe Gaza off the map. The only reason they haven’t yet is because Hamas and the other militant groups have put up a much better fight than the IDF expected. Turns out it’s lot harder to fight against trained soldiers than it is to murder unarmed Palestinian children.

      • brewcity35-av says:

        You know who else could end this tomorrow? Israel. But Zionists enjoy genocide too much.There is another party that could end this tomorrow. Joe Biden. Simply make a phone call tell Netanyahu that all monetary aid, and arms are cut off until a cease fire is enacted. However, again, Zionists, and their Democratic enablers, enjoy genocide too much. But, boy do they hate being called on their bullshit.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          I’m not sure that’s true about Biden’s / American influence at this point.  Oct 7 set Israel off in a way I don’t think anyone can restrain.  

          • brewcity35-av says:

            Biden is far to the right of Reagan on Israel. Democrats are absolutely okay with that. So long as noone makes them feel bad for supporting genocide.

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        “Why do you make me hit you, baby”

    • wangfat-av says:

      Nobody is buying it. Go support genocide somewhere else Adolf 

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      You’re right that you’re missing stuff.

    • byeyoujerkhead-av says:

      So you’re pro-child massacre. Cool.

    • nimbh-av says:

      Where the fuck are they supposed to go? How the fuck are they supposed to fight Hamas when they’re literally fighting just to survive? Choke on a fucking dick. 

  • planehugger1-av says:

    I’m not sure criticizing people who being distracted by and excited about the eclipse is very productive. The reality is that very few of us have spent every moment of the last few months thinking about Gaza. We’ve all watched sitcom reruns, or cheered for Caitlin Clark, or laughed at the new Deadpool 3 trailer, or wondered if Prince William was having an affair, or whatever. And so when people chide others for focusing on dumb nonsense instead of Gaza, it’s usually because those people aren’t interested in the particular dumb nonsense people are talking about at that minute, not because they aren’t doing the exact same thing much of the time.
    It’s also not clear what focusing on Gaza 24/7 would accomplish, even if it was possible, other than making one miserable.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Ah, we’re at the “well, whattaya gonna do?” stage of trying to justify the genocide. 

      • planehugger1-av says:

        That is not what I said. I think there are things we can do, and we should do them. But focusing on Gaza 24 hours a day without doing anything is neither realistic nor productive.  And it’s especially silly to chastise others for also trying to reconcile dealing from a distance with an international tragedy AND living a reasonably productive, happy life.But you apparently disagree with me. So I take it then that the only thing you’ve done today is worry about Gaza? And yesterday too?

      • tomatofacial-av says:

        Says the guy fighting genocide by, checks notes, commenting on Kinja…

      • Scott1971-av says:

        Yeah, the “genocide” that isn’t happening.

      • phonypope-av says:

        Oh please, fuck off.  That’s not what he said and you know it.

    • vorpal-socks-av says:

      Criticizing people distracted by the eclipse wasn’t really the point.  That whole bit was primarily a light sketch meant to transition from the topic of the eclipse over to the real meat of what Stewart wanted to discuss: criticizing the US response to Israel.

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        People like the OP will do literally ANYTHING to distract from the topic of Israel’s violent policy.The OP will accuse me of being disingenuous because I watched part of baseball game yesterday… But we’re literally talking Gaza/Israel right now, and we’re being distracted from that with some meta-commentary sophistry about criticism.It’s such an obvious and dumb strawman to say that we’re being asked to care deeply 24/7. Literally no one is saying that. But maybe you could stay on topic for 1-2 minutes while we are talking about it… or shut up while other people do.The OP’s tactic is so transparent it’s laughable. We get it, you love the status quo. And comments like the OP’s reinforce that status quo, and serve no other purpose.

      • weedlord420-av says:

        I think it was half-transition, and half kind of chastising the media at large about getting hung up on light news/basically puff pieces about a weather phenomenon (that isn’t even potentially destructive like the weak-ass Jersey quake) instead of focusing on the very real shit going down in Gaza.

        • vorpal-socks-av says:

          That’s fair, though if you really want to parse the particulars of the piece I think it was kind of calling out both ends of the performative media spectrum in terms of the “there are More Important Things to discuss than this spectacle” and the “this is the greatest spectacle in the world and also have we mentioned our sponsors?” camps.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      I interpreted the bit as the opposite of that – making a bit of fun of people who chastise others for not thinking about their cause all the time.  Which was weird in this particular case since that cause is such a serious one that a lot of people are thinking about on a regular basis.  

    • abradolphlincler81-av says:

      Besides, a total solar eclipse in a particular place is an exceedingly rare event. I’ve been hearing and thinking about Israelis and Palestinians killing each other nearly every day for at least the last 35 years.

    • knappsterbot-av says:

      Human rights violations? What a bummer dude. I’ve got content to consume!

      • planehugger1-av says:

        So I gather you have not consumed any content in the last six months, but rather have focused singularly on the situation in Gaza?That seems at odds with the fact that you were commenting yesterday about the show Top Gear.  

        • knappsterbot-av says:

          Your comment was just dumb and crass. Of course we have the luxury to not have to think about Gaza 24/7 and we’re powerless to do much of anything about it, but no one asked you to do that, and the show just took the opportunity to make a segue back into more important topics, not to vilify you personally for checking out the eclipse. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            but no one asked you to do that Yep. Legitimately no one is demanding 24/7 focus on Gaza.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    He was rude as hell to Amanpour, someone who I actually wanted to hear from on the Gaza subject.  He’d ask her a question and after about 10 seconds interrupt with his take on what he’d just asked, and then move on to the next question.  I don’t think she finished a response.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      This is the new “civility” complaint of cons.Just admit you disagree with people who are saying reasonable things. Stop being cowards.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Pretty sure Stewart and Amanpour would agree on a lot of subjects so I’m not sure what you’re getting at. He had one of the most recognized foreign correspondents in media at his table and barely let her talk.

    • xirathi-av says:

      Daily show interviews have always been 100% trash. 

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