Jonathan Majors’ accuser surrenders for arrest, but won’t be prosecuted

The Manhattan D.A.'s office has already declined to prosecute Jonathan Majors' accuser on charges of misdemeanor assault and criminal mischief

Aux News Jonathan Majors
Jonathan Majors’ accuser surrenders for arrest, but won’t be prosecuted
Jonathan Majors Photo: Frazer Harrison

Grace Jabbari, the former girlfriend of Jonathan Majors who accused the actor of domestic violence, was arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of misdemeanor assault and misdemeanor criminal mischief, according to The New York Times. Jabbari was not booked in jail but issued a desk appearance ticket, which is an order to appear in court. However, the Manhattan district attorney’s office “officially declined to prosecute the case against Grace Jabbari because it lacks prosecutorial merit,” spokesperson Alvin Bragg said Thursday morning, per Deadline.

Following the altercation between Majors and Jabbari in March, Majors’ team denied any wrongdoing on behalf of the Marvel star. In April, his lawyer Priya Chaudhry asserted to a judge that Jabbari was the aggressor in the incident. Majors filed a cross-complaint against Jabbari in June, according to The Hollywood Reporter, at which time an investigatory card, or “I-card,” was issued for Jabbari. An I-card indicates that there is “probable cause” for an arrest.

What evidence against Jabbari remains unclear. A recent filing from prosecutors has cast doubt on assertions made by Majors’ team, including a 911 call that turned out to be completely unrelated to the case and video of Jabbari following the incident that, rather than depicting her “completely unharmed,” actually “shows Ms. Jabbari visibly upset, crying, and seeking help from strangers to get an Uber cab home.” Further, a witness for the defense who supposedly gave a statement saying that he saw Jabbari assault Majors “said that he had not written or approved it, that he had not previously known it existed and that the statements attributed to him were false,” per the NYT.

According to that court filing, the prosecution’s decision not to press charges against Jabbari stems in part from Majors’ belated decision to file a cross complaint and is “part of the routine process of evaluating cross complaints in domestic violence cases,” per THR. On Wednesday, a New York judge also denied a motion from the defense to dismiss the case against Majors. The trial will commence next month.

This story has been updated to include a new statement from the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.


  • runsnakedwithscissors-av says:

    Cute that over on the dying carcass that is The Root, they’re seemingly gloating about Jabarri’s arrest. Somehow between Will’s dumbass slap and the seemingly pro-Majors coverage, I get the horrible feeling the editorial values lean towards supporting abusers? This isn’t Depp v. Heard levels of side-taking, but maybe just report facts and not writing with a sneer towards potential victims? 

    • mrt1000001-av says:

      Why would a community that has seen countless men die over the lies of white women be happy that a white women might finally be held accountable for their bullshit. I wonder why…

      Also, this convo could have been held on the Root if the whites in charge were more concerned with dealing with trolls rather than silencing black people (ala Deadspin)  

      • argylepantsbottomiv-av says:

        Funny enough – but comments on that article on the Root are entirely utterly turned off.  Wonder why…

      • runsnakedwithscissors-av says:

        At this point the DA is not prosecuting her and going all in on Majors. Being arrested is not the same as being charged and there is no evidence that has been provided that raises this to the felony level Majors is facing.Society should be looking at the totality of crimes, committed by all races and be concerned. No site in this collective has written a word about last night’s mass shooting and that pisses me off. I have family who live in that area, family who attended Bates College and it is personal to me. They know people who died and it could have easily been them. But these sites don’t deal with truth but rather outrage for profit.The Samhains and others racist POS trolls could have been dealt with, but both the authors and editors couldn’t be bothered policing their writings because it drove engagement. I actually learned a few things about myself by the interactions with people who I both agreed with and completely got shutdown by.It’s a shame the quality of interactions has gone down, but we are like abused people coming back hoping the situation will be different this time!

        • killa-k-av says:

          I have a lot of negative opinions about today’s G/O Media writers, but in fairness to them, I don’t think that it should be their responsibility to police their own comment sections. To be clear, SOMEBODY should be moderating them, but I have a feeling that wasn’t part of their job description when they get hired.

          • runsnakedwithscissors-av says:

            Yet over on Jalopnik they do have staff interacting within the comment section. It’s a choice on their part but it keeps the conversation civil and you don’t see the stupid racist stuff.Maybe they’d get a better response on The Root if Candice got off her moral high ground and added context to some comments. (Don’t care for her writing) We know Jez had what’s her name with the aborted daughter who was really a burner account of staff. The interaction there was crazy but now we’re all laughing about it.

          • killa-k-av says:

            I would love it if the staff interacted with their own comment sections! At the very least, I would love it if they read Volunteer Proofreader’s posts and fixed up their little mistakes (they should fix their glaring mistakes too, obvs). But I have to wonder if Jalopnik’s lack of stupid racist stuff has to do more with staff interacting with commenters, or the fact that they’re a car blog. The Root could publish Pulitzer-worthy content every day and they’d still be a lightning rod for racists and trolls. I dunno’; we’re both in favor of moderation either way. G/O Media just doesn’t sound like a pleasant place to write for.How do people find out about shit like the Jez writer posing as so-and-so with the aborted daughter? I remember people speculating way back in the Splinter days that Tomatoface was actually HamNo. How do people piece these things together? Am I missing out that much by not being on the social platform formally known as Twitter?

          • runsnakedwithscissors-av says:

            On Jez one of the writers left the site and the postings from “Woman with unaborted fetus” (I’ve already forgotten the throwaway account’s real name) ended at the same time. That account was infuriating but always drove traffic with people adding context to her postings. It was wholly smart on the original writer’s part…Jalopnik probably doesn’t get the racist stuff for your exact reason, where do you go with car topics and racism? Aside from police interactions, not sure where HP or new model intro would get you rantings.

          • bgunderson-av says:

            To be clear, SOMEBODY should be moderating them…Why?You can always elect to not read the comments. You can, in short, moderate your own interactions with the comment section.Freedom of speech includes both the freedom to present your thoughts as well as the freedom to hear the thoughts of others (that they wish to make public). It is the freedom to both produce content and to consume content. So why should someone else be empowered to limit the content that you can consume?

        • bgunderson-av says:

          Being arrested is not the same as being charged and there is no evidence that has been provided that raises this to the felony level Majors is facing.It does not have to rise to the same level as the charges facing Majors. Does this incident affect the credibility of Jabbari’s accusations? Hell, providing evidence that you got a speeding ticket in Maine at the same time that you are accused of having assaulted a woman in Colorado would tend to indicate that the woman accusing you of assault is not being entirely truthful despite a speeding ticket not rising to the same felony level as assault.

      • simplepoopshoe-av says:

        dude go get help. You’re head is broke.

      • simplepoopshoe-av says:

        What a piece of shit you are

      • razzle-bazzle-av says:

        TIL Grace Jabarri is white.

      • thatsmyaccountgdi-av says:

        Nah man. The Root has been fucking embarrassing for years now. Candace McDuffie might be the worst writer alive.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      I see this accusation a lot, and every time I go to check to see what The Root has written, it’s never got the bias people accuse it of. If anything, the articles tend to go out of their way to avoid any sort of bias, instead of having the distinct anti-Majors bias that the other GMO sites weighing in on the subject have. I’ve seen plenty of Root articles in the past take hard lines against Black Celebs who do bad things, including several against Smith last year. When this story initially broke, it was the same thing. They’ll occasionally have some point/counterpoint going on, but for the most part, I think the editorial line has often been afraid to seem so Pro-Black that they come out in favor of violence, so they often try to leave the bias out entirely. But the first few articles were definitely not Pro-Majors.
      The article you’re talking about has a terrible clickbait headline worthy of TMZ, but the post itself clearly takes no side. It is not gloating, but it is the exact tack of reporting facts that you claim you want. Perhaps what you actually want is for the site to openly support his accusers. That’s fine. I’m unequivocally for Disney firing Majors, myself, and read these articles with that perspective. But to not take that stance is definitely not somehow automatically victim blaming or supporting abusers.

      • runsnakedwithscissors-av says:

        With Majors, the dialog on The Root has fallen primarily on “White Devil Woman” tropes. Single sentence mentions of the DA opting to not prosecute while going paragraphs into Majors lawyers defense in itself a side-taking. They both may very well be POS, but tell it that way…My issue with The Root has become the stories they don’t tell. In Baltimore, a Black female police officer was sitting in her car just decompressing from the day before going in to see her kids. Two Black men shot her through the window and walk away. That kind of story can be told from multiple perspectives and have the ability to inform an audience. It can’t always be about crimes committed against Black Folks by Karens or Whyte Morons. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to tell those as well. But excusing behavior due to an affinity bias is not moving the dialog about how to address systemic violence and the racism within various systems.Maybe I’m just disappointed there is more informative articles and we’re seeing too many slideshows about “Books Blacks Need to Read” or Beyonce’s latest wardrobe. Tell me a story that makes me react, don’t write about how I need to react. It’s presumptive and arrogant to assume there is a sole way to respond.

        • mrt1000001-av says:

          All those words to say you don’t like black people thinking and writing how they want to write. The arrogance in your statement is oozing off the screen.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          “With Majors, the dialog on The Root has fallen primarily on ‘White Devil Woman’ tropes.” I would love to see some evidence of this because I just scanned through 12 recent Jonathan Majors articles on the Root before I got bored and saw not a bit of this. So I’m having a lot of trouble with the claim that this is the “primary” coverage since it doesn’t seem to even be in the coverage at all.

          • mrt1000001-av says:

            It is a BS claim on their part, always was and always will be. Look at their post history, you can see they have an issue with black people.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            I assume their post history is sufficiently depressing that I don’t want to see it. lol  But not a surprise.  He’s probably part of the reason comments on the Root had to be turned off.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      It’s hard to understand this contingent of AVClub commenters who spend so much time on The Root and Jezebel even though they hate them just to come back here and talk about how stupid those blacks and those wimmin are. And taking such glee in it. Like…if you hate them so much and think their editorial standards are so low, just stop reading their articles? It is so easy.Also, is this the article that you are calling “gloating”?
      I ask because it is almost word for word exactly what was reported here at AVClub.

  • evanfowler-av says:

    Yikes. I know Marvel likes twists, but this whole ‘the-worst-Kang-variant-is-the-actor-who-plays-him’ concept is going a little too far.

  • mrt1000001-av says:

    It is wild that yt media was willing to take Grace Jabbari accounts at face value and try to crucify this man, but when Major’s team provides video and picture evidence of her abuse and lies it is handwaved by both the public and the DA.

  • princees92-av says:

    Is the Jonathan Majors tide turning in his (and Disney’s) favor?

    Let the record show that I’ve always been a vocal supporter of my lifelong friend Jonathan Majors (unless the tide turns against him again, in which case I never supported him and don’t even actually know him. And I was also well aware from the very beginning that it’s in Disney’s best interest to suppress the real story (unless Disney didn’t suppress anything, in which case I’ve always been a vocal supporter of my lifelong friend Disney)).

  • daveassist-av says:

    Like I commented (in the greys, yes) before, the C-suite discussions at Marvel have to be quite interesting at this point.

  • haodraws-av says:

    So based on this and the report a few days ago, it seems like Majors’ lawyers pushed for the cops to arrest the alleged victim to make this exact headline, trying to sway public opinion to their client’s favor?

  • vtrbswarmachine-av says:

    There are tons of Prosecution buried video of Jabbari not having a broken finger and lacerated ear in you tube within the time frame stated on police reports. Do your research. Majors may be a dick to people on set or maybe a blow hard/hard to work with. It doesn’t seem like he’s an abuser. Fucking GMG Sick ‘Em squad at it again.

  • bgunderson-av says:

    …rather than depicting her “completely unharmed,” actually “shows Ms. Jabbari visibly upset, crying, and seeking help from strangers to get an Uber cab home.”Being emotionally upset is not the same as being physically harmed. Does the video show any evidence that she was physically harmed? Is she disheveled? Any torn clothing? Any signs of bruising or blood? If the video shows no evidence of Jabbari having been physically injured, then her crying or being upset is irrelevant.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    This makes me… not want to watch MCU films anymore. Pretty gross Disney!

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