Jonathan Majors accuser recounts relationship in testimony: “I felt scared of him but quite dependent on him”

Jonathan Majors' ex, Grace Jabbari, described incidents of the actor flying into a "rage" and throwing things during their relationship

Aux News Jonathan Majors
Jonathan Majors accuser recounts relationship in testimony: “I felt scared of him but quite dependent on him”
Jonathan Majors Photo: Leon Bennett

The trial of Jonathan Majors, facing charges of assault and aggravated harassment in an alleged domestic violence incident, continued on Tuesday with testimony from his accuser, ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari. An emotional Jabbari presented a timeline of their relationship up to the point of the March 25 incident, elaborating on the emotional abuse and manipulation referenced in the prosecution’s opening arguments. The pair met on the set of Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania in August 2021, while Jabbari was working as a movement coach and Majors starred as the villain Kang the Conqueror.

After their first date, they rarely spent time apart, Jabbari said (via Variety): “He was really kind and loving. He told me he loved me very early on, which was overwhelming, but I loved it. And I loved him. He wrote me poetry. I felt very loved and cared for and seen.”

However, as early as 2021 he had verbally berated her for bringing up an ex-boyfriend. She shared of an incident in July 2022 when the actor, preparing for his role as a bodybuilder in Magazine Dreams, flew into a “rage,” shouting and throwing glass. She took a picture of the broken glass at the time (which was shown to the jury, according to Rolling Stone), because “the shift in his temper was something I was aware of. I know I kept forgiving him, and I wanted to make a memory of [the incident].”

Jabbari further described Majors’ aggression when she went to the Glastonbury Festival with friends and lost service, and when she brought a friend home after drinking at a pub. In both instances, Jabbari says she was made to feel like she was at fault (he “rarely said sorry” for these episodes, she claimed) and felt she had to manage his moods. In the latter instance, Jabbari recorded some of his ranting, in which he demanded she be more like Michelle Obama or Coretta Scott King. The audio, referenced in the prosecution’s opening arguments, was played for the jury (per Variety and Vulture). “I’m a great man. A great man. I do great things for my culture and for the world. … The woman that supports me needs to be a great woman,” he can be heard saying, insisting that Jabbari’s behavior “took away from the plan, and the plan is evident.”

“I felt like I had to keep a lot of secrets from everyone. I felt very isolated. It was confusing. I felt scared of him but quite dependent on him,” Jabbari testified, saying she had promised Majors she wouldn’t tell anyone about his rageful episodes and stayed in the relationship because she loved him. “He said that he was a monster and wanted to kill himself and had actions in place to do so,” Jabbari revealed, corroborated by text messages shown to the jury (according to Rolling Stone). “I pleaded with him [so that] he wouldn’t do that. He would say, ‘It’s in place. It’s in motion.’ I’d say, ‘You can’t do that. What about your mother? What about your daughter?’” she said (via Variety). “I would intend to make him feel safe and loved and secure. And he would receive that.”

“I felt I was existing in his world,” Jabbari admitted. “Emotionally and physically, all these ways. I didn’t feel my autonomy. I had low self-esteem, I lost weight, I felt unconfident. I felt really dependent on him. He was the only one who knew what went on. I found it hard to [see my family and friends]. I felt I was lying to them.”


  • realtimothydalton-av says:

    so sick of this guy doing weird stuff with his mouth and eyes in red carpet photos. just look normal!

  • presidentzod-av says:

    Would you say he conquered you?

  • chandlerbinge-av says:

    Textbook narcissist. What a manipulative piece of shit.

  • milligna000-av says:

    That face he does when he knows cameras are pointed at him always cracks me up. That aside, ugh. UGH.

  • terranigma-av says:

    What happened to “Believe the women”?

  • stegrelo-av says:

    In the latter instance, Jabbari recorded some of his ranting, in which he demanded she be more like Michelle Obama or Coretta Scott King. The audio, referenced in the prosecution’s opening arguments, was played for the jury (per Variety and Vulture). “I’m a great man. A great man. I do great things for my culture and for the world. … The woman that supports me needs to be a great woman,” he can be heard saying, insisting that Jabbari’s behavior “took away from the plan, and the plan is evident.”This is megalomania. My dude, Creed 3 isn’t changing the world.

  • universalamander-av says:

    Deadspin gettin’ sued for libel against a child. we kow which G/O site’s next on the chopping block.

    • ghostiet-av says:

      Serves him right for propping up that dead side and serves G/O right for parading its dead corpse. Funny too, because Philips killed all his socials.

    • Shampyon-av says:

      You reqally want to use the Daily Fail to prove you got the ethical high ground? May as well prove your sexual purity by fucking a dead goat.

      • drewtopia22-av says:

        the deadspin piece speaks for itself. no correction to say it wasn’t blackface but added an update that the kid’s tribe doesn’t approve of wearing ceremonial clothing to football games

    • mrt1000001-av says:

      Imagine being sued because you told the truth. The kid wore black and red face, and a head piece that isn’t related to his tribe…the same tribe that renounced what the kid did.

      If I live in a world where white people get to tell black people they can’t say the n-word, I sure as fuck going to tell (and call out) people wearing indigenous peoples regalia outside of appropriate occasion to cut it out.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    A bunch of people are saying “Let’s remember he deserves presumption of innocence.” To which I keep replaying “Did you give it to Harvey Weinstein? Because if not, who are you to lecture anyone else about it?”

    • jodyjm13-av says:

      There ought to be a presumption of innocence in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, anything goes.

      • djclawson-av says:

        The law makes it particularly difficult to press these kinds of charges, in part because of the lack of physical evidence left by psychological crimes, and in part because our society is trained not to believe women when they accuse men of anything.

      • tscarp2-av says:

        Public opinion’s track record isn’t great.

    • ol-whatsername-av says:

      Is the trial taking place in the UK? Because presumption of innocence is not a thing in UK courts. I think. 

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Whether he did it or not, this guy is a covert narcissist (possibly a malignant one) and all women need to avoid him from now on – unless she’s a narc too, in which case: Two people go in, one comes out. Any vulnerable people too, imo.

  • laurad711-av says:

    As a certified domestic violence counselor, and former DV prosecutor I’ve made this request many, many times (and it goes for sexual assault as well): please stop referring to alleged victims as “the accuser.”  It sounds as if the (usually) woman initiated something against the (usually) man, and implies by association the term”false accusation.”  Attitudes like that are one of the reasons these crimes continue and are so rarely punished.

    • sicod-av says:

      Honest question, what is your preferred term for these individuals? Alleged victim? That is the term you used. Just clarifying.

    • dinoironbody7-av says:

      She did initiate something against him, that something being an accusation. I don’t see how it implies anything about that accusation being false.

      • laurad711-av says:

        Actually, the police and prosecutor initiated the charges. Victims, along with other witnesses, simply report crimes and recount what happened. You wouldn’t call a victim of an auto theft an accuser.

        • dinoironbody7-av says:

          I said she initiated an accusation, not the charges. If someone accused someone of auto theft I would indeed call them an accuser.

      • laurad711-av says:

        Dino, you would be one of the first to call a crime victim an accuser, but suit yourself.  In fact, often victims of DV and SA simply seek medical attention for their injuries, and the doctor (a mandated reporter) calls the police.  Is the doctor an accuser, or simply reporting information as is required by law?  Further, victims don’t “press charges.”  That’s why cases are called, eg, People v. OJ Simpson, and not Nicole Brown v. OJ.

        • dinoironbody7-av says:

          You said you’ve requested many times that people not say “accuser”, so how am I one of the first?I think you could accurately call the doctor the accuser in that case.I specifically said I wasn’t saying she pressed charges.My main point is that I don’t see how “accuser” has a negative connotation. Accusations can be true or false.

        • justin-queso-av says:

          Dino, you would be one of the first to call a crime victim an accuserHe’s both disingenuous and a bit stupid, so this tracks.

    • jodyjm13-av says:

      Good point; I would like to ask, given your experience, what would be the best term to use in place of “accuser” for articles such as this?

    • doho1234-av says:

      What would be the appropriate terms, instead of “accuser” and “accused” or “defendant”?

      • laurad711-av says:

        Thanks to everyone who takes this seriously.  In a criminal case, she’d be the victim.  Due to fear of defamation, publishers wouldn’t use that term, but saying “alleged victim” protects them, while also respecting that victims don’t make accusations; they report crimes.  Just like burglary victims and other victims of crime.

      • laurad711-av says:

        Alleged victim.  The defendant here is Majors.  The plaintiff is the People of New York, not the victim.

  • zendez-av says:

    Yawn. Who cares. Total non-story should be completely ignored and his career ought not be affected in any way. But that’s not the world we live in. Normal relationships are that are weaponised and made public by ideologically driven individuals who want to destroy others with childish grievances. It’s sickening.

  • muttons-av says:

    I’ll admit I was sceptical.  Years and years of training to believe men over women.  But the guy is recorded saying what a great man he is and berating his partner for not being on his level and messing up “the plan”?  OK, Kanye 2…

    • SweetJamesJones-av says:

      She never said he hit her on any other occasion, did she? She basically said he would get mad and yell, which is perfectly okay to do. Being a self centered jerk is not a reason to go to jail for a year.She could have simply left. She is ruining his life over an argument in their relationship.She was also arrested but not charged which means she did likely hit him first in the incident in question. If this is all it is, then she ruined his life over nothing.  She better have some real abuse stories instead of twisting up his words in verbal fights.

      • mrt1000001-av says:

        White fragility is a hell of a drug

      • nimbh-av says:

        Goddamn I feel sorry for anyone in a relationship with you. 

        • SweetJamesJones-av says:

          I feel sorry for whoever is in a relationship with you.If your expectation is that a man never gets mad enough to raise his voice and that you can physically assault him, then your are the narcissict.Men and Women are equal in every way. Women are not fragile, innocent China plates. They can be just as terrible as men, but you are giving a pass on the girlfriend.

  • nowaitcomeback-av says:

    Fuckin’ yikes.

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