Jonathan Majors trial reveals alarming texts: “I’m a monster, a horrible man, not capable of love”

Text messages from Jonathan Majors read to the jury on Friday seem to indicate prior assault, include threats of self harm

Aux News Jonathan Majors
Jonathan Majors trial reveals alarming texts: “I’m a monster, a horrible man, not capable of love”
Jonathan Majors Photo: John Phillips

Jonathan Majors’ ex, Grace Jabbari, tearfully read aloud texts from the actor in court on Friday, according to a new report from People. The messages concern an incident that occurred in September 2022, several months before the alleged assault on March 25, 2023 that is currently being litigated.

Seeming to indicate a prior physical assault, Majors texted Jabbari at the time to discourage her from seeking medical attention for a head injury. “I fear you have no perspective of what could happen if you go to the hospital,” he wrote. “They will ask you questions, and as I don’t think you actually protect us, it could lead to investigation even if you do lie, and they suspect something.”

Assistant District Attorney Kelli Galaway reportedly had to step in to continue reading the texts to the jury, as Jabbari couldn’t speak through her tears. “I will tell the doctor I bumped my head if I go. I’m going to give it one more day, but I can’t sleep and I need some stronger pain killers. That’s all: why would I tell them what really happened when it’s clear I want to be with you,” she replied.

Majors wrote back insinuating that the only reason she stayed in the relationship was “to not embarrass yourself to everything you said to your friends and family” (per The Cut). “Last night I considered killing myself versus coming home. Last night you said you needed love and I tried to put my feelings aside. But I need love too. Or maybe I’m such a monster and horrible man, I don’t deserve it. And I should just kill myself. This way of existence is miserable, I want to die.”

“I will not go to the doctor if you don’t feel safe with me doing so, or don’t trust me to,” she responded. “I promise you I would never mention you but understand your fear.”

Majors then reportedly then indicated Jabbari should have hugged him after the altercation, writing, “I will probably kill myself, it’s not really contemplating anymore. … I’m a monster, a horrible man, not capable of love. I’m killing myself soon.”

“Jonathan you can’t say this. I’m going to have to call someone. I’m sorry for not hugging you this morning,” Jabbari replied, adding later, “I love you. So much.”

When the defense cross-examined Jabbari on Wednesday, Jabbari was asked about why she hesitated to tell law enforcement that her injuries came from Majors after the March 25 incident. (On Thursday, Jabbari reportedly cried when body cam footage of police finding her on the floor of their bathroom the next day was show to the jury.) Per The Cut, the judge ruled that text messages from the September 2022 incident helped explain why Jabbari was not immediately forthcoming about the alleged abuse.

After the text messages were read in court, the prosecution asked Jabbari why she initially said she didn’t know how she got her injuries. “I was scared of the consequences of it,” she told the court. “Still wanted to protect him I guess.”


  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    34 is far, far too old to be playing ‘well i guess i’ll just KILL MYSELF THEN’ in an argument. not that it’s ever excusable, but that’s the way you act when you’re 15.

    • djclawson-av says:

      It’s not if you want your girlfriend to stay in an abusive relationship and not go to the police.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I mean, it worked, though.  The immaturity of it is far from the worst problem with the behavior.  He did it because it would work and it did.

      • vismber-av says:

        She should have said, “It’s your choice, Jonathan. You do you.”

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          She should have, and that’s what I like to think I’d have said, but as I understand how abuse happens, the abuser really breaks you down psychologically until you become completely emotionally dependent on them, so then you’re so desperate to keep them around you’ll do anything.  And they start small with little stuff, so they weed out the women who push back or don’t tolerate it.

      • simplepoopshoe-av says:

        What’s your point here…? This behavior shouldn’t be celebrated. Why are you proud that you think along the same lines as this scumbag?

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          You somehow interpreted “The immaturity of it is far from the worst problem with the behavior” as meaning the behavior should be celebrated?  I’d like to understand how you managed that.

    • vismber-av says:

      Well, I think he IS immature

    • simplepoopshoe-av says:

      Hey 32-year-old here… Jonathon Majors does not represent us. Extremely childish behavior.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Isn’t this like, textbook emotional abuse? The instant your partner seems to have a credible complaint about your behavior that someone might sympathise with, pivot immediately to suddenly crashing self-esteem and threats to kill yourself?

  • pkellen2313-av says:

    “Also, I can’t seem to stop doing this weird thing with my mouth. Every picture, it’s the same pursed lips. Why can’t I stop? WHY?!”

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    I’m still waiting to see a pic of him where he doesn’t look like the smuggliest smugster of all time.

  • mshep-av says:

    What a piece of shit, jesus. 

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I tell you what, even if he didn’t abuse her (obviously “if” in enormous airquotes), even if you interpret all the facts in the most generous possible light, he’s still a giant scumbag.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Yeah setting aside the act he’s actually in court over, this is a guy women need to steer widely clear of.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          His career is pretty much over, I think, regardless of the outcome of this trial. Maybe in many years after he does some extensive counseling and does a public confession he could get back on the map. But right now it looks like he’ll be consigned to the same oblivion Armie Hammer is lost to. I hope he saved some money and has a good financial planner.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            I agree. Plus his professional reputation was already getting knocked around for behavior towards others on set so it’s not like he’s going to have a bunch of people going to bat for him.

    • jthane-av says:

      Oh let’s not even get started on Jesus.

  • monsterdook-av says:

    I forget, the past tense of to Kang is “Kanged” or “Kung”?

  • usernameorwhatever-av says:


  • treetopper-av says:

    Looking like his IRL villain arc is going to be a lot better than his MCU one…

  • boonessmcchicken-av says:

    Poor Majors! He has the tortured soul of a Byron or Shelley. Such an artist cannot live by our standards. Madame Jabbari was fortunate to have experienced his passions.

  • hiemoth-av says:

    The “us” in that “I don’t think you actually protect us” is doing a ton of work. Majority of what it shouldn’t in normal discussion.

  • ohdearlittleman-av says:

    Wow, these texts are *really* bad. He’s done, right? At least ‘Mel Gibson’ done, as far as that goes.

    • hendenburg3-av says:

      You mean the Mel Gibson who has since gotten six Oscar nominations?

    • kbroxmysox2-av says:

      So not done? And will had Jodie Foster and Robert Downey Jr. saying “Come on guys, give him a chance!”…

    • djclawson-av says:

      I could see Majors do some well-publicized counseling programs, do independent movies for a decade, then worm his way back into well-paying roles.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      Yeah, really damning. One thing the article doesn’t explain is why we’re piecing together what happened in the previous incident based on text messages, when Jabbari is on the stand. The texts would normally be used to corroborate direct testimony from Jabbari about what happened.My guess is that direct testimony about the previous assault was excluded as too prejudicial — Majors isn’t charged in connection with that incident, and the jury isn’t usually permitted to conclude that a person did one bad thing because the person did a previous bad thing. So I guess this evidence is only coming in because of the way it bolsters Jabbari’s credibility for why she behaved certain ways the night of the assault. Still, it’s awkwardly artificial to introduce evidence that clearly alludes to a prior assault incident without directly discussing that incident.

      • monochromatickaleidoscope-av says:

        If I’m understanding it, the texts were originally ruled to be too prejudicial, and so were inadmissible, but when the defense was doing their cross-examination, they opened the door, probably by creating a false and misleading impression. Like, if the texts aren’t admissible because they aren’t directly related to the incident and make him look really bad, then fine, they can’t be brought up, but if the defense tries to zero in on her not going to the police/hospital as an issue, like “isn’t it awfully suspicious that you were scared of going to the hospital, no legitimate reason for that, unless of course you’re worried they’ll catch you lying,” then things like text messages where they discuss her going to the police/hospital after injuries can be ruled admissible, to rebut and address that.

    • sgt-makak-av says:

      Well, he’s Black and is nowhere near the star level Mel Gibson was, so there’s a good chance Majors will disappear forever.We can hope.

    • roboj-av says:

      Mel Gibson didn’t get canceled though. He got nominated for several Oscars and Golden Globes and just starred in the John Wick TV show.

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      Probably more done than Mel. Mel’s obviously a shitbag but he’s actually a good actor and director and has made a lot of stuff that people like. I don’t condone it but people are more likely to forgive him. Or at least compartmentalise his shitbaggery.

      Majors is a ham from what I’ve seen.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    And keep in mind, every bit of this is the stuff his lawyers DIDN’T think was so bad that no one should hear it.

    • eejjnn920541-av says:

      His lawyers fought for the entire London situation to be inadmissible. They actually succeeded. Then his lawyers fumbled the bag and questioned her on why she lied to the responding officers for the charged situation. His legal team didn’t want these introduced whatsoever. 

  • bonerland-av says:

    You gotta think Disney is happy about this. Because what should’ve been an easy decision is now forced on them. We had to replace Majors, because he is in jail. No MRAs or asshole governor to harass them about it now.

    • kbroxmysox2-av says:

      Even if he doesn’t go to Jail(which in these cases isn’t always very likely), these text messages should be enough. And the fact that Kang isn’t really working as a villain anyway. 

    • jalapenogeorge-av says:

      I’m not even sure how upset those people would be if they fired Majors anyway. Just seems like he, and Kang, are that far off the public radar that nobody really gives a shit. Which, tbh, would be a good reason to fire him in and of itself, even without all the abuse.

  • jodyjm13-av says:

    I cannot wait for the celeb apologists and MRAs to spin and justify this behavior./s

    • simplepoopshoe-av says:

      My money is on Disney condemning him today and distancing themselves to protect their image. There’s no way the public is on Majors side anymore.

      • iggypoops-av says:

        They need something pretty substantial (legally speaking) in order to get out of the contract that they signed with him… That said, the benefits of cutting-and-running now would far outweigh the financial cost of killing the contract (and it’s not like Disney couldn’t afford it).

    • bcfred2-av says:

      I don’t think this guy has anything close to that kind of following. There’s also not much for even MRA types to hang on her. Those texts are BAD and pretty well torpedo any ‘lyin’ bitch be crazy’ bullshit.

      • jodyjm13-av says:

        There’s also not much for even MRA types to hang on her. Those texts are BAD and pretty well torpedo any ‘lyin’ bitch be crazy’ bullshit.That sort of thing hasn’t stopped them before.I don’t think this guy has anything close to that kind of following.That might, though.

  • heathmaiden-av says:

    After the text messages were read in court, the prosecution asked Jabbari why she initially said she didn’t know how she got her injuries. “I was scared of the consequences of it,” she told the court. “Still wanted to protect him I guess.”I dated a guy who thankfully never physically abused me but who did pull some of the emotional abuse tactics described here. Wanting to protect him is absolutely an instinct that a partner who loves the abuser will have. I rarely spoke to even my closest friends about my boyfriend’s more problematic emotional issues and outbursts while we were dating because I was afraid he might hurt himself if it got back to him. I was also afraid he’d break up with me over it. I was lying to myself enough about our relationship enough that I couldn’t see how maybe that would be the best thing.Even when I tried to bring some stuff up with him directly, it would always play out one of two ways:I’m clearly the one who’s wrong, and here are all the ways why. No one wants to have to listen to themselves being belittled just for trying to help.He’d go into a shame spiral and become distraught and incapable of having a reasonable conversation about it all. (The only solution to this scenario was to get him to go to sleep. It almost always happened at night before bed.)Either way, it was impossible to make headway. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had to deal with a lot of similar stuff and that she had a lot of similar reactions like I did.

    • jodyjm13-av says:

      Thank you for sharing your experiences; hopefully, the more we can talk about this behavior openly, the easier it will be for others to spot it in their own relationships and convince themselves to get the hell away.

      • milligna000-av says:

        Sounds easy in theory. Shame the reality is so horrible for many people. It’s not like people like this aren’t capable of ridiculous charm and generosity.Until they aren’t. Makes it so confusing and disorienting.

        • heathmaiden-av says:

          I will also admit that one of the reasons I believe I didn’t share that aspect of our relationship with friends was subconscious shame at realizing how unhealthy things really were and not wanting to have to confront that myself. If I told someone, they might say, “Hey, um, that’s kind of fucked up and not OK,” which would then force me to have have to deal with it for myself.When you’ve never been in a relationship like that, it’s very easy to say, “Oh, how did they ever stay with that person? They should have left.” I was one of those people. And then I dated that guy. Now, I will note, his emotional abuse was in much more subtle ways, like gaslighting me and forcing me to deal with his tendencies towards self-harm and self-loathing, not like berating or insulting me constantly. (E.g. when I mentioned that I thought he may have bi-polar disorder, he got unreasonably upset with me for saying it. Later when I realized I had probably been wrong about the particulars and that he shows more signs of borderline personality disorder, I didn’t say a damn thing because I didn’t want him to treat me the way he had when I had brought it up the first time. I remain convinced that BPD is likely something he suffered.) What happened to me was definitely abusive, but it’s the kind of abuse that is a lot less obvious when you’re living it. And so it took us breaking up for the rose colored glasses to come off and for me to finally start to understand how fucked up our relationship really had been. I also started telling friends about some of the fucked up things he’d done, and they would often respond by acknowledging how unhealthy all of it was.

    • aprilmist-av says:

      Yeah, I also almost fell into a relationship like that when I was still a teen and briefly dated a 30-something guy, which is already a big red flag. But I was young and had this starry-eyed “oh someone is finally interested in me!” infatuation. Obviously, we weren’t a good match at all and as I started to embrace my goth phase I was thoroughly unimpressed by that grown man literally on his knees, crying and begging me to take him back after he broke up with me over some trivial nonsense yet again (usually because I didn’t text him back immediately as if I had nothing else to do than wait for him to contact me jfc). We were in my childhood bedroom and he threatened to kill himself. Absolutely surreal. I let him cry it out and then he left without incident. But over the years I couldn’t help but wonder how much of that was him being just a massive loser and how much was me just not falling for an abuser due to sheer dumb luck. In hindsight a lot of the shit he pulled was very textbook grooming/emotional manipulation but thankfully nothing really bad ever happened. So I really wonder.

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    Tim Allen is looking pretty good right now, ISN’T HE?

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I guess we’re all a bit surprised to discover that a famous person who can get our attention and hold it is a narcissist. And, as with so many things, there are degrees (a spectrum, apparently). There aren’t many celebrities I would let my babysit my child, if I had one. He isn’t behaving any differently that Trump. poor old Kanye, etc. We keep giving this behavior a pass, though, just as we do with the people running our states and cities. My state is considered the second most corrupt – so many governors off to jail and a former Speaker of the House who should be there now.
    But they’ll never be called to account because the world is run by evil assholes.

    • runsnakedwithscissors-av says:

      There’s a certain amount of narcissism we accept from people who openly state “I’m here to fix your problems. I’m the ONLY one who can!” Like most fanbases, Cults of Personality reign and people willingly accept all kinds of irrational behavior because they don’t want to admit to themselves or others they chose poorly. It’s what keeps Trump in the running, people incapable of accepting there are better ways to accomplish some group goal.This round of college Presidents speaking before Congress showed how difficult is it for someone to simply go “I didn’t speak up soon enough and we could have handled things differently.” (It confounds me how people with prepared statements that went through a committee couldn’t get it right. But I also know how college campuses are no longer working to educate and have become echo chambers of biases.) 

  • braziliagybw-av says:

    Since averybody already tackled the issue of pointing out how fucked up Majors’ behaviour was, I will talk about this…When the defense cross-examined Jabbari on Wednesday, Jabbari was asked about why she hesitated to tell law enforcement that her injuries came from Majors after the March 25 incident.
    Where the fuck Majors got these lawyers? Because that is cross examination 101: you don’t ask this question, unless you have absolute bulletproof evidence against the victim – and they clearly didn’t, quite the contrary, per the texts. That is the first question the accusation prepares and primes the victim to answer in the exact manner it happened here, making your client looks even more guilty. Disclaimer: I’m in no way defending Majors, just pointing out that for a guy who already seems guilty and in desperate need of top lawyers, the ones he got are fumbling pretty badly.

    • iggypoops-av says:

      They are going for the whole “Well, if it was caused by him why didn’t you say so at the time?” has the unsaid assumption that “Presumably you waited until later because you wanted money or fame, right?” All they have is the ability to put a little bit of suspicion in the heads of jury members — and MANY people victim-blame with abuse “If it was so bad, why didn’t you leave?” So, in fairness to his shitbag team of lawyers, this was probably a reasonable (and common) move that likely has a track record of working. 

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Not only do you not ask the question unless you know the answer, you sure as hell don’t reference something that you’ve wanted to keep out of the record (i.e. his text messages). The prosecutors’ chins must have hit the floor when handed that gift.

  • terranigma-av says:

    All those racist comments here… Just because he is black, coming from the extreme left. If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    I wish he would kill himself.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    So wait these were the texts they didn’t want revealed and claimed they weren’t relevent? lmao

  • iggypoops-av says:

    The sentence, “I will not go to the doctor if you don’t feel safe with me doing so” tells you everything that you need to know — the (apparent) victim of violence is more worried about whether or not the (apparent) perpetrator of said violence would “feel safe” than making sure that she is, in fact, ok (and you don’t fuck around with head injuries!). I know that this isn’t the entirety of the evidence and no verdict has been handed down, but fuck this guy and all the other physical and emotional abusers out there.

  • iggypoops-av says:

    Many years ago, I worked in a gas station / convenience store and had a co-worker who was a 17-year old girl with a shitbag abusive boyfriend. One night she broke up with him at the store. He threatened to kill himself and then went and drove his car into the dumpster (at a decent speed, but definitely not enough to kill himself). Sure enough, she went back with him because “he clearly loved” her… Had to stop one of my friends who used to hang out there from going out and beating the shit out of him with a baseball bat.

    • apewhohathnoname-av says:

      When I broke up with my first boyfriend he threatened to kill himself. He used my email account* to send me an email (from “myself”) to spin some fantastical story about how he almost did it. At the time I just wanted him out of my life so I didn’t push it, but our relationship was very emotionally abusive. Emotional abuse is hard to prove, and especially hard to articulate, when you’re a naive 19 year-old. *This was in the early days of the Internet when people didn’t think about security hygiene. Why wouldn’t I share my passwords with the person I thought was the love of my life? Of course, he never shared his passwords with me. Anyway, anyone with kids needs to talk to them about how to spot signs of an abuser. 

  • harpo87-av says:

    So is finally going to either recast Kang or switch to a new villain now, right?


  • phonypope-av says:

    Call me a romantic, but I think they’re going to find a way to make it work.

  • anders221-av says:

    Yeap, he’s done for.This is why it’s never a good idea to put all your eggs into one basket. It was inevitable that at least one actor Marvel bet everything on would’ve turned out this way. It’s Hollywood, human pieces of shit go with the territory.

  • koreros-av says:

    This is what Amber Heard stans wish Johnny Depp did

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    How has Disney not made a statement about this yet?

  • mobi-wan-kenobi-av says:

    So… we’re done with this guy, right? He has been nothing but a bore in the MCU and everyone who has spoken up since his arrest has called him an absolute asshole and pain to work with. I hope the MCU find some other big bad for its next phase and leaves Kang and his insufferable variants in the past. And I just don’t like Majors. His acting is over the top in a stupid way and he just radiates arrogance and entitlement. 

  • ibell-av says:


  • taco-emoji-av says:

    Can someone help me understand why we’re getting, like, daily updates on this trial? At this point I think AV Club has covered Majors’ legal challenges more than Weinstein’s.

  • nahburn-av says:

    I could’ve sworn there was a song that uses Majors text: “I’m a monster, a horrible man, not capable of love.” as its lyrics but I can’t seem to find it. 

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