Jurassic Park was the original Fyre Festival

Aux Features Film

Stop us if you’ve heard this one: A wealthy huckster lures a bunch of people to an island, promising them a life-changing experience that they’ll never forget. When they get there, it turns out that corners have been cut, emergency services are inadequate, and greed and self-interest have doomed the whole thing from the start. Now, are we talking about Billy McFarland’s infamous Fyre Festival? Or John Hammond’s Jurassic Park?

That’s the thrust of the above Nerdist video, which does a deft job of merging together footage from two disparate island boondoggles, including lots of bits from Netflix’s Fyre. (Yes, the part where organizer Andy King offers to take one for the team makes it in, albeit in the context of, we guess, fellatio-assisted dinosaur importation.) If nothing else, the mash-up makes it clear how damn charismatic Richard Attenborough was in Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster spectacular; at the very least, he’s charming enough that, unlike, say, McFarland, we can watch extensive footage of him acting like an arrogant bigshot without wanting to deck him in the face.


  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    Also, Attenborough’s Hammond, although he had been a bit of a con-man in the past (making “flea circuses” that were powered by motors), was really trying to create something real in JP. Even if Fyre had “succeeded” (in at least being a music festival of some sort even one with tents rather than villas) it still would have been yet another of McFarland’s frauds.

    • triohead-av says:

      Yeah, this totally misreads JP. It’s even in the video clip, Hammond “spared no expense” and both on paper and in real life put together everything that needed to be done. The whole point of the story is about how even seemingly stable systems can be transformed quickly by smalll perturbations when they are at certain inflections (catastrophe points in chaos theory).
      Fyre was the opposite, it wasn’t actually cast into chaos, it was always at stable state, it’s just that its stable point was shitty.

      • ryanlohner-av says:

        Though oddly enough, the last movie retconned “spared no expense” to not include making sure there wasn’t an active volcano on the island.

      • connoisseurofspirits-av says:

        The whole point of the story is about how even seemingly stable systems can be transformed quickly by smalll perturbations when they are at certain inflections (catastrophe points in chaos theory).Wow, I thought the entire point was to leverage modern CGI rendering to create a realistic dinosaur thriller. Thanks!

  • kirinosux-av says:

    Yeah but whose dick would Andy King suck to get a T-Rex pass through customs?

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    “That’s the thrust of the above Nerdist video, which does a deft job of merging together footage from two disparate island boondoggles”That’s three boondoggles. The video cuts Jurassic Park and Jurassic World as if they’re the same movie.

    • dinoironbodya-av says:

      I seem to have found a fourth boondoggle.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      There’s also a clip from Raiders of the Lost Ark, but I wouldn’t call that a boondoggle. Also, it wasn’t on an island. Except for the end, when the Nazis opened the ark on that secret German sub base in the Med.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    “That’s the thrust of the above Nerdist video, which does a deft job of merging together footage from two disparate island boondoggles”That’s three boondoggles. The video cuts Jurassic Park and Jurassic World as if they’re the same movie.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Okay, I’m not usually a big fan of mashup videos, but that made me chuckle. Also reminded me how good Goldblum is at making you take the pretty goofy premise seriously.

  • zekeh-av says:

    This is a bad comparison. I have to defend Jurassic Park here. A wealthy huckster-While wealthy, I wouldn’t call John Hammond a huckster, as his interests seemed very genuine. lures a bunch of people to an island-Is four people (plus his grandkids) really a bunch? But yes it was an island. it turns out that corners have been cut-They went through pretty good lengths to show that corners reassuringly hadn’t been cut. -On top of that he invited what he considered experts to give the blessing and ensure the park was safe. -Some things could have been designed better, but I wouldn’t call that cutting corners. emergency services are inadequate-Probably true but then the park wasn’t officially opened so a lot of these emergency services probably weren’t needed until later. greed and self-interest have doomed the whole thing from the start -Not John Hammond’s though. It was Ned’s greed and self interest that led him to kill all security and emergency services to the park. The big storm arguably didn’t help, but if security systems hadn’t been shut off the park likely would have been just fine. promising them a life-changing experience that they’ll never forgetEveryone who visited the park got exactly what Hammond promised, until Ned went and fucked it all up.

  • breb-av says:

    I’d like to point out that Jurassic Park delivered on everything it promised, except a safe trip home.

  • jrb4ua-av says:

    Wasn’t Jurassic World a successful theme park for 10 years? 

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